CREATION AND DESTRUCTION OF ENERGY AND MATTER 19 June 2011 - 17 Sivan 5771 What you are going to learn in this Instructional is impossible. Except to the True and Righteous Akurians and those Seekers of Truth under our Righteous Power and Holy Authority. In due time each of you will be tested and tried concerning all these things, specifically Holy Law, our adherence to it and our Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities in accordance with it. Your test and trial won't be by me, but at the hands of OWG Manipulators and their vested legal authorities as a testimony against them, and possibly to your own immediate extermination unless you have this Fire Power to the point that only the fools would dare come against you. You are being taught Fire Power to be able to use it, both wisely and effectively: and both learning and application take practice. That all Akurians present, and all others who will experience this Instructional in the future should KNOW and understand: Healing the sick and afflicted, raising the proven dead, feeding multitudes of people with very little original food, casting out demons and all the other miracles were Immanuel's Proof of Anointing, The Most High's Testimony of Him. The Proof of the Anointing with me is The Great Testimony; and my track record speaks for itself when those who follow my instruction learn and do these things relevant to THIS age and Generation of Fire. If anyone wants to be a healer like Immanuel, that door is NOT closed, but the ability isn't a hand-it-to-me: It's EARNED by learning and practice, like everything else in Creation. A greater part of that training is advanced in this Instructional. As always, there are no trappings, equipment or regalia whatsoever required; and especially no 'belief' of any kind. You are learning Knowledge, YOU with a clear mind are all that's necessary. You'll need BOTH hands free to fully participate in this Instructional, and Spiritual Arms and Hands will perform as well as bodily flesh and bone. And, you're going to have to be able to call the Great Elements and INSTALL them with one word: the name of the Great Element. One spoken/invoked word accomplishes both the calling forth identification and its installation into the void or spirit manifestation you will have made for it. In short, you are going to CALL and INSERT using only one word: The NAME of the Great Element. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Contrary to the 'findings' of the Scientific Community that reputedly deals only in hard facts; both Energy and Matter can be created and destroyed. The book says "no," but the authors were neither Spiritually nor Metaphysically adept; and as often as not, were bound to Oaths of Secrecy preventing any public disclosure of the Truth over many ages and generations. Now comes the Akurians. Akurians are KNOWERS, not 'believers' and we are not bound by any other than the Holy Oath which does not contain any secrecy provisions whatsoever. For those still faint of heart, remember we took a Category 5 Hurricane in the Atlantic, Hurricane Earl, that had been raging for weeks and turned it into a pusswilly summer squall in about 48 hours. Again, the book says "no," but nobody asked the Akurians before they wrote the 'book' nor did they 'believe enough' according to their respective 'religions' to be able to effect even a steering wind to move, redirect or delay ANY storm, let alone a Cat 5. That neither energy nor mass can be created or destroyed is totally bogus, especially to the True and Righteous Akurians. We throw energy with total disregard except for our intent and the target. We know absolute control over light photons and neutrinos; time and space, the Great Elements of Creation, the Planes of Heaven, Depths of Hell, OverFlying like we did Tel Aviv, and our own thinking and thought processes. Akurians are responsible for ourselves and everything we do or refuse. And True and Righteous Akurians are endowed and vested with both Righteous Power and Holy Authority to KNOW and to Judge accurately and honestly on the basis of that Knowledge. We are True Spiritualists, doing the impossible that no other 'religion' or 'doctrine' can accomplish – and doing it as a matter of routine. Therefore, with this instructional you are going to increase your Powers and Abilities again; this time to making brand new energy and then changing it into hard, physical matter; without either a fusion or fission reaction. The Most High did the same thing (there was no "Big Bang") once He started making Creation, and taught me how to do it within the limitations of myself. I am going to teach you how to do it, and like with me, your success and capability will be within your own limitations; and there are no other limitations to the True and Righteous. IGNORANCE is the biggest limitation of all; and STUPIDITY is an absolute door-slammer. Before you do anything else, make sure you understand this absolutely irreversible fact: You don't make ENERGY or MATTER and THEN direct it; you DIRECT the ENERGY or MATTER and then MAKE IT! All stupid-grinners and know-so-muches who will encounter this Instructional will learn THAT fact the hard way: Initially by thinking the process doesn't work when they fail; and next, when it backs up in their ass in all its fury and they don't recognize the source of their own self-destruction. First, we're going to keep the amount of energy and matter to the smallest quantities and second, we're going to maintain absolute control over the entire process to prevent any escape or misdirection of any factor thereof. Either we're in control, or we are not. In this case, we'd damned well better be "IN CONTROL" with capital letters. I'll background as we go, keeping those parts we need and adding cautions, of which the first is always: DO NOT JACKASS! Think it out, get what you intend down cold, ask all the questions necessary. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who don't ask questions … and always to their own detriment. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? To begin, let's take a look at the atom. An atom is the smallest particle of any Element that cannot be broken down into anything more; of which there are 118 confirmed in the latest Periodic Table. Water, the drinking and beer-making kind, is not an Element. It's made up of TWO Elements, Hydrogen and Oxygen; so water can be broken down into its base Elements, but Hydrogen and Oxygen cannot. For the sake of convenience, let's take a look at Hydrogen, as it's the smallest atom, having the least amount of internal particles: one proton with a positive charge in the inner core and one electron with a negative charge in the outer shell. Fine, that makes up a piece of matter – except there's a fly in the ointment. Even though a hydrogen atom has been photographed, all that can be seen is the radiation of ENERGY! There isn't any solid – quote-unquote – matter in the damned thing! It's all energy! ENERGY! Now there's a word that warms the cockles of every Akurian's deviousness. ENERGY! Akurians handle ENERGY like a baby handles a rattle, only with a hell of a lot more precision. ENERGY! Different frequencies, different amounts, but ENERGY is still ENERGY. And there's nothing an Akurian can't do with ENERGY! Before we delve into the internals of the particles of an atom, we need to know there are basically THREE known particles, the outer shell electrons, the inner core protons and a third inner core particle known as a neutron. CAUTION! A neutron is NOT a neutrino, it just doesn’t have any electrical or known magnetic charge, either positive or negative. Many scientists are still asking, "What the hell is it doing there?" even in the face of evidence that the presence of neutrons CHANGE the makeup of the atom. It doesn't have any charge, nor can it be charged – in theory – and thus doesn't contribute anything but weight … gravity … GRAVITY? Didn't we have a session about GRAVITY and its effect on TIME and vise versa? E=mc² ?! As the speed of mass/matter approaches infinity, the speed of light – TIME passage – approaches ZERO … Gravity, time, and the ENERGY-MATTER effects? At the speed of light, TIME does not exist in forward or backward motion, but stands absolutely still regardless of the presence or absence of MASS/MATTER or GRAVITY. Exceed the speed of light, and TIME runs backwards – as is the case of those beautiful little neutrinos: and from the FUTURE into the NOW and on into the PAST! Remember something about those neutrinos? They are neither positive nor negative too; and can be CHARGED with whatever ENERGY (there's that lovely word again) an Akurian determines and at any place in TIME to be manifest when and where we want! The same is true of those neutrons; they can be CHARGED with given FREQUENCIES – they can be BOUND or LOOSENED – they can be manipulated, just don't expect any voltage of either polarity. Later, when you get to making your own ENERGY and formulating your own ATOMS, for whatever purpose, remember to CHARGE the neutrons with what you want those ATOMS to accomplish; and behold: once they have done that job, the entire ATOM will dissolve itself back into the ENERGY you made, leaving no trace it ever existed except in the Akashic Records and its addition to the already existing ENERGY. NEW ENERGY doesn't necessarily need to be made into a particle or atom; it can be used directly when created properly. And, regardless of the structure and make-up of atoms listed in the Periodic Table, you can custom-design your own; put as many or as few protons, neutrons and electrons as you wish. The only limitation is the inner core is limited to protons and neutrons and the outer shell is limited to electrons. They simply will NOT go together any other way. Electrons will not fit nor operate in the inner core, and protons and neutrons will not fit nor operate in the outer shell. But BOTH the inner core and outer shell CAN be loaded with QUARKS to an almost infinite degree – acting by themselves as directed. ENERGY levels of all FOUR can be virtually anything you want, as long as you make them properly. Now, if there's any Akurian present (or who will read this in the future) that doesn't see the value of the just-given information and WHAT they can do with it once adept, turn in your salt your wasting your own time even being in existence! There's more applicable Fire Power in that above paragraph than everything else I've taught you to date in preparation for it. We already know that most, but not all, energy and matter stay PRESENT in the TIME portal we recognize as the NOW. Complicated? Not really. We've lived with it since The Most High made the Earth Plane existence, we just never thought of it in any other TIME-base configuration. NOW is the NOW and that is it; even though our personal experience is as much about the PAST as it is with the PRESENT and we're constantly contemplating the FUTURE. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? From this point forward, I want everybody to LISTEN and LEARN – and I do NOT want anybody jackassing with the processes UNTIL you have heard the whole scenario! LISTEN and LEARN, do NOT act until so directed. The fact all Trained Akurians are cognizant, knowledgeable and comfortable with TIME and ENERGY is now to our advantage. With respect to both MATTER and ENERGY, there is plenty of both already in existence. And between them which includes Dark Matter and Dark Energy, they literally fill all Creation to the point there isn't any more room. WHAT'S THAT? No more room? Correct. Unless we dastardly and sneaky Akurians MAKE MORE ROOM with our command of AKASHA! Remember the Great Rule, BEFORE you make anything, make ROOM for it to exist?! We're going to do that AFTER we determine a few other absolutes! In the First Phase, once we make ROOM TO EXIST for the NEW ENERGY we're going to create: We're going to make a few QUARKS made out of that NEW ENERGY; and turn those QUARKS into light photons; then turn those light photons into an ELECTRON and; in the second round, do the same thing again only we're going to turn the NEW ENERGY into different QUARKS and turn those QUARKS into a proton. When we combine the two – the electron and the proton – binding them together with even more NEW ENERGY, we'll have made an atom of Hydrogen! First the making of NEW ENERGY! In the planning stages BEFORE you make anything, determine HOW MANY of WHAT you're going to need. Let's plan for a Hydrogen Atom. It has only ONE proton in the inner core and ONE electron in the outer shell. A bit of instruction BEFORE the practice, we're going to be using the ENERGY that already exists. LISTEN and LEARN: DO NOT ACT! This is what we are going to do AFTER the rehearsal. 1. Palms out, facing each other, extended far enough out to avoid your own Spirit Energy; 2. Invoke AKASHA to make ROOM TO EXIST; 3. CHARGE the area between your hands with AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH; 4. CHARGE the Great Element ENERGIES between your hands: ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! This is what you intend to make in the final manifestation. Set that point absolutely – no deviations, additions or subtractions whatsoever. ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN is the target to the exclusion of everything else. 5. Invoke: "SPIRIT QUARKS!" Simply speak the words and for now that is all there is to it. You haven't assigned anything other than the intended manifestation of ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN. We'll expand on this BEFORE we begin to CREATE NEW ENERGY and make it into NEW MATTER. You shouldn't be DOING anything but learning the process at this stage in the instructional. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROCEDURE? 6. Remember, when you studied the NATURE of the Great Elements, the greater part of the sensories were the Spirit Quarks, that though similar, were actually different with each Great Element. With your command, "SPIRIT QUARKS," you should have INSTANTLY CREATED about an equal number of all TWENTY SEVEN sets, of which you should be absolutely familiar with the Great FOUR; as true BALANCE is the nature of … Nature. 7. The fact you should have both hands full of all TWENTY SEVEN Spirit Quarks at this stage in the instructional will take a bit of getting used to WHEN WE ACTUALLY perform this part of the process. Nothing to worry about, and expect some of those UNfamiliar Spirit Quarks to spill out of your hands, go drifting off somewhere, or generally be a nuisance. When they do, MAKE THEM STOP by commanding them to "BE STILL" and they will instantly obey. 8. That you have QUARKS you don't want and don't need: Charge those SPIRIT QUARKS, "ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN" and suddenly most of that TWENTY SEVEN will disappear. Those that remain will either be for making ONE electron or ONE proton or BINDING them together. That is THREE qualities of ENERGY … and we are going to make NEW ENERGY for each of them when we get to that point. 9. In their respective turn, we are going to make manifest ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN as a practice run – and prove its existence by playing with it a bit. AFTER we make the ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN, it will be between your hands. You can direct it to bounce from one hand to the other by mental command alone, and with enough IMPACT to feel it, and without blowing a micro-hole in your hand! BEFORE WE CONTINUE: ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROCEDURE? This time I want everybody to DO exactly as I tell you – WHEN I tell you, not BEFORE nor waiting around until LATER – but right then. No exceptions, and do not interrupt for questions or comments. Reminder: Hear me, means I'm going to tell you WHAT to do; On my command means to do it! Hear me: 1. Palms out, facing each other, extended far enough out to avoid your own Spirit Energy; On my Command: Akurians, Paws up! On my command: 2. AKASHA! Hear me: 3. Akurians, CHARGE the AKASHA between your hands: On my command: AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH; Hear Me: 4. Akurians, CHARGE all FOUR of the Great Element ENERGIES at the same time and with the same command: On my Command: ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! Hear me: You are still charging the same manifestation; hold it steady: On my Command: 5. Akurians, "SPIRIT QUARKS!" Hear me: 6. Akurians, you should have about an equal number of all TWENTY SEVEN Spirit Quarks. On my Command: Akurians, command all the Spirit Quarks in your AKASHA area to "BE STILL!" Hear me: 7. Akurians, charge your SPIRIT QUARKS: On my command: "ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN!" Hear me: 8. We are going to set up the BINDING ENERGIES; the remaining SPIRIT QUARKS will do THREE things, make ONE proton, ONE electron and BIND them together in ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN; so pay close attention; On my command: Akurians, SPIRIT QUARKS, you are now bound and become ENERGY to manifest as ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! Hear me: 9. Note the order in which we are going to make a physical manifestation of ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN, built from the inner core to the outside shell: On my command: SPIRIT QUARKS of the First Order, you are now become the ENERGY and MANIFESTATION of ONE proton; BE STILL! On my command: SPIRIT QUARKS of the Second Order, you are now become the ENERGY and MANIFESTATION of ONE electron; BE STILL! On my command: SPIRIT QUARKS of the Third Order: you are now become the ENERGY and MATTER of ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN and are MANIFEST in Earth between my hands! Hear me: 10. You should feel an unnatural heat between your hands as if warming your hand near a fire. THAT is the manifestation of a brand new atom of Hydrogen. Direct it to bounce from one hand to the other by mental command alone, and with enough IMPACT to feel it, first in one hand then the other. It's that easy to make a SMALL – REPEAT – SMALL amount of NEW matter using ENERGY that already exists. With practice and some experience, you can actually make untold tons of any material you want. It will require a LOT of energy out of you, and a LOT of very precision practice, but there is virtually an unlimited amount of ENERGY already in existence to work with. Now let the atom of Hydrogen go, just shake it off and it will venture into the ambient atmosphere. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? When it comes to making NEW ENERGY, the size of the area you set up between your hands can have very little effect on the actual size of the NEW ENERGY manifestation. The NEW ENERGY shell can be several times the distance between your hands, and this is NORMAL. Just keep your hands in the same position and everything will work as intended. Most don't notice that part of the manifestation, so don't give it any consideration in either case. If you didn't know about it and it caught you off guard, you could blow your intended process. Then, as a matter of safety and common sense, you have to clean up the mess before you can perform another. Other than the above CAUTION, you're going to learn that making NEW ENERGY is a virtually nothing process. As simple as Telekinesis but a little longer to learn as the application must be absolute – where TK can be a bit in the gray area and still get some result. The only problem is, when you make NEW ENERGY always have SOMETHING prepared for it to do or become; or it's going to manifest in a TOTAL BLOCK of YOU. Almost like a group-made golem when one of the creators is no longer available, that NEW ENERGY will be an out-of-control power marked for WHO-THE-HELL-EVER starting with YOU since it will have YOUR ESSENCE and INTENT all over it. Before we get started: In step 2., following, AFTER you make AKASHA, and charge the AKASHA with your intent, which will be "NEW ENERGY," you should feel a heaviness, somewhat warm, with a sense of being very unstable. Once you CHARGE this NEW ENERGY the heat may or may not remain, but instant stability will be obvious. You cannot help but sense it. Hear me: 1. Palms out, facing each other, extended far enough out to avoid your own Spirit Energy; On my Command: Akurians, Paws up! On my command: 2. AKASHA! Hear me: 3. Akurians, CHARGE the AKASHA between your hands: On my command: NEW ENERGY! Hear me: You should feel a heaviness, somewhat warm, with a sense of being very unstable. We're going to charge this NEW ENERGY after which it will stabilize: On my command: AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH; Hear Me: 4. Akurians, CHARGE this NEW ENERGY and the Great Element ENERGIES: On my Command: ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! SPIRIT QUARKS! BE STILL! ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! Hear me: 5. We are going to set up the BINDING ENERGIES; On my command: Akurians, ALL NEW ENERGIES, ALL SPIRIT QUARKS, you are now bound and become ENERGY to manifest as ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN! Hear me: 6. Note the order in which we are going to make a physical manifestation of ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN, and remember, build from the inner core to the outer shells: On my command: NEW ENERGY and SPIRIT QUARKS of the First Order, you are now become the ENERGY and MANIFESTATION of ONE proton; BE STILL! On my command: NEW ENERGY and SPIRIT QUARKS of the Second Order, you are now become the ENERGY and MANIFESTATION of ONE electron; BE STILL! On my command: NEW ENERGY and SPIRIT QUARKS of the Third Order: you are now become the ENERGY and MATTER of ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN and are MANIFEST in Earth between my hands! Hear me: 10. Again, you should feel an unnatural heat between your hands as before. THAT is the manifestation of your brand new atom of Hydrogen. Discern it and you will discover that it's not only an atom of Hydrogen, it's an atom of YOUR Hydrogen! It has YOUR personality all over it. Read it, make it stand still between your hands and READ IT! It's as if you just made yourself a brand new toy and nobody else in creation has one like it! And you have! Direct it to bounce from one hand to the other by mental command alone, and with enough IMPACT to feel it, first in one hand then the other. The let it go when you're through playing. A point to consider here, when making ENERGY or MATTER: We set the process in this instance with the command: ONE ATOM OF HYDROGEN. If you are making anything more complex, Uranium U-235 for instance, the same procedure will work: AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE YOUR MIND ONCE YOU START! If you intend to make either ENERGY or MATTER for a specific purpose, you might have to make more than one NEW ENERGY process – most likely ONE NEW ENERGY batch for each of the factors in your intent. Single factors of NEW ENERGY to stick in some bastard's ass are both an easy practice and THEY CAN'T SEE IT COMING or discern it as anything other than an essence of YOU. That means the bastard cannot help but KNOW within themselves that YOU did it, there is no escape from it, no protection against it, no cure for it and there's more on the way at YOUR determination! They won't be able to discover HOW you did it, they'll just KNOW for damned sure YOU did it. It's that easy to make as much ENERGY as you want or need, and that easy to make what you want out of it. As I said before, with practice and some experience, you can actually make untold tons of any material you want. It will require a LOT of energy out of you, and a LOT of very precision practice, but there is virtually an unlimited amount of ENERGY already in existence to work with and you can make brand NEW ENERGY specifically designed to manifest anywhere in Creation, the Planes of Heaven, the Depths of Hell, Earth or to heal yourself with BRAND NEW ENERGY to heal yourself or deadly nightshade in some worthless jackass' brain. You just have to KNOW what the hell you need as a FINISHED product. Because this NEW ENERGY and NEW MATTER are just that, NEW, they are also pure and uncontaminated. They work like miracles, and indeed they are. CAUTION! Nobody really knows how many atoms there are in a human body, and since all of us are different, the atom-count would also very. AND, nobody really knows how-much-of-what a body is made of; and again, since we're all different, the materials and amounts of it would also vary. The best way to NOT jackass yourself is to DISCERN YOURSELF! However, that will open a lot of doors you have kept closed for whatever reasons. And get this point straight: You don't make ENERGY or MATTER and THEN direct it; you DIRECT the ENERGY or MATTER and then MAKE IT! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now permit a bit of musing. Now that you can MAKE energy, you can also charge it to become whatever you want, and it isn't limited to quarks, particles, atoms or anything else. You can direct NEW ENERGY to become and manifest anything and everything you can imagine, and actually more than you CAN imagine. It's DANGEROUS to blast off half-cocked with anything, and NEW ENERGY is no exception. You can make all the NEW ENERGY you want, but you have to spend the time and effort to do so. Nothing is really 'free' anywhere in Creation – everything will BALANCE including NEW ENERGY and NEW MASS/MATTER. It's going to BALANCE, so be prepared with a bit of common sense to make that BALANCING as minor an event as possible. With practice, you can actually overwhelm an army, fully equipped and on the move! You can't do it at the moment, and if you don't practice, you won't be able to do it at all. Especially when the chips are down. Now one more word of CAUTION: I don't care what, who or how many worthless bastards you put the hammer to; Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Levites, politicians, priests, preachers and other liars: BUT NEVER ATTEMPT ANYTHING AGAINST A FELLOW AKURIAN – PK OR NOT! First, because you have no business IN their Sacred Ground! Period. Second, they damned well might not want your 'knowing better for them than they know for themselves' socialist-ended poppycock! I damned sure don't. I walked away from a very glamorous and profitable career to do what I'm doing, and I do not regret one second. Everything that's happening to me, I, and I alone, am responsible for: including my ability to gut political schemes and abominations from head to toe. That my hearing is failing rapidly, as is my eyesight, and my health in general, is MY doing … and nobody else's. I neither want your sympathy nor your interference. I have things to do topside – none of which have anything to do with the idiotic idea of 'a mansion right next door to Jesus' – but have everything to do with the preparations and battle plan for the Hell that's still on the immediate Horizon. The time I have left is going to be spent in attempting to train all of you into the Knowledge and Fire Power you're damned sure going to need; that you can pass it on to your own successors as we make success and headway against all the current socialist bastards. So, leave me to hell out of any of your considerations, except to ask me any questions I can answer. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?