THE NEFILIM WARS 2 DISCERNING DEMONS 24 October 2010 - 16 Cheshvan 5771 WARNING! Unless you are a Proven Knower of the Great Testimony of The Most High, DO NOT attempt to invoke or use any part of this Invocation of Truth. Any and all Catholic, Christian, Muslim and Kak Jew (as opposed to Hebrew) involvements will result in severe consequences due to their Demonic origins, "praise Jesus" being second only to "hail Mary" … In this Invocation of Truth you will learn how to discern a Demon; and how to make a Body of Discernment. It is critical that you have this information, that you have it accurately, and that you use it properly. Since the audience of the New Moon, The Nefilim Presentation Of Apology – 24 September 2010 – 16 Tishri 5771 – we have had one major increase in our personal and team firepower applications, the Essence and Use of Virtue taught by Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher and the following applications in practice by Brigadier Kathryn Anne Malone during our nightly BLAST sessions. While we are still targeting Socialists regardless of their disguise (Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Progressive, et cetera), primarily Democrats and not exempting Republicans, with respect to this November's General Election. We must prepare ourselves for the Global Hell still on the horizon. Personal Virtue practices, whenever we can do them, will be time well spent, as we're going to need all the firepower we can muster when we begin to tangle with the Nefilim directly. Nefilim are not amateurs – at anything. They have very extended lives, where ours is a rule-of-the-thumb 70 years, their's is about 1,500,000 – a million and a half, except those born on Earth who are considerably lesser but still into the thousands of earth years. That is a lot of time to learn regardless of where you live in creation. That said, there are chinks in their armor – True Spiritual Chinks – and that's about the only place we can hit them with any effective result. Remember, that chink in their armor is NOT a flaw in combat materials, workmanship nor technology. It's True Spiritual, pure and simple. During the Audience I had the advantage of a direct spirit-body link – as is sometimes the case with Planes of Heaven and Earth episodes. The Priests of Nibiru who represented the Nefilim could very well have been used to execute members of the Royal Nefilim household, Officers and Executives in presence. That Audience is over, and that particular advantage ended with it. Akurians, surviving here in the Nations DO not and will NOT have that advantage at all. You will need to practice as much as possible. Not only this discernment, but everything we've taught you … protecting yourself, how to read minds, discerning Spirits and knowing Demons when you encounter them, how to dissolve a cloud, create a storm, making Sun Links, handling Black Fire, reading energies wherever they are, reading a City/Area in its truth and entirety, knowing and using your own Personal Virtue, binding and loosening in the Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell, executing and burning those deserving directly into Hell, learning to depend on your own Consciousness and your own Spirit – nobody else can do these things for you. A reminder: the Nefilim are "those who came down" as documented in the Ancient Scripts, mostly found in what is now Iraq and Iran and better known as Persia or Babylon, the major city at the time. Our immediate purposes set the stage for what the Akurians must do between now and Shiloh, with another huge shift in tactics due the first week of November, 2010. And, the Nefilim are NOT any kind of friend to any Anusazi. Remember that, and remember the same thing applies to any and all other Extraterrestrials, Grays, Greens, Pleiadians or Plejaren if you prefer. NONE as in NONE, are to be trusted at any time for any reason about any thing – unless you want your own destruction at your own hand and upon your own head. This series of Instructionals is to ensure Akurians can discern the difference between Nefilim, Demons, Extraterrestrials and anyone else living or dead is our next exercise. There is a HUGE difference between living and dead – and there is an even greater difference between a POSSESSED. It's those DIFFERENCES that are most important even if the discernment/detection of those differences is very subtle, delicate and require a lot of practice. Each and every practice and Invocation of Testimony should be by Virtue. Virtue is not only your own awareness of yourself, but of the energies you are currently experiencing. The more you are aware of your own present state, the more powerful you are and the more beneficial you are to yourself and whatever other endeavor you have to be about. Does anybody want a few minutes to rehearse calling up a living and/or dead spirit? Akurians, on my command: Akurians, make a Body of Light – ascend it into the Planes of Heaven; Hathor … Hasterah … Hesterah … Ideah … Hakarmah … Hasannah … Charge your Body of Light with the Great Elements; AKASHA … AIR … FIRE … WATER … EARTH. Akurians, now descend; Hasannah … Hakarmah … Ideah … Hesterah … Hasterah … Hathor. Akurians, now send your Body of Light as an Angel Standing in the Sun and charge it with all Sun energies, burning off any remaining negatives. Make yourself a Sun Link for your new Body of Light. Do not secure Black Fire. You will need the energy of this Sun Link. Akurians, return and attach your Body of Light with its glowing gold Sun Link to your Physical Body by tensing. Akurians, expand this Body of Light – NOT your own Spirit or Soul – but this Body of Light to about five or six feet beyond your physical body in all directions. Of yourself, your own Power, your own Virtue, command this Body of Light to be all-protective, under your command alone, where you and you alone rule without exception. You are NOT going to directly contact anybody, living, dead, demon or otherwise – and you are NOT going to permit any direct contact with yourself – body, soul, mind, spirit, et cetera – by anybody else, living, dead, demon or otherwise. But you MUST follow these instructions exactly and to the letter to ensure your own protection. Akurians, make a SECOND Body of Light – DO NOT CHARGE IT WITH ANYTHING, Higher Planes, Black Fire, et cetera, NOTHING – about the same size as your own – we are going to call the Body of Discernment, and stand it out from yourself at whatever you determine is a safe distance. One INCH is safe, but you want to be able to VIEW this Body of Discernment, so a few feet measurement is ideal. DO NOT charge this Body of Discernment with anything. It's Ethereal Ectoplasm – "made out of the free light energy of Creation" – and does not need anything else except your control over it. Its own size is also its own limitation of distance, so anything there is there only and cannot go anywhere else, it can't move beyond its own dimensions, and nothing you put into it can deceive or defraud in any manner. It is what it is and all Creation can't change or disguise it. Akurians, now that you have a Body of Discernment, which will be a fluorescent medium gray in color unless YOU have determined otherwise, and if so, return it to its nature fluorescent medium gray. We'll learn to use COLOR BODIES some time in the future IF I live long enough to teach you. Note the fluorescence … it's going to be one of your discernment indicators. Right now it should be stable, and other than being bright from the fluorescence, should look like a fog of what ever shape you made it into. If you can't see it as clearly as you would like, don't worry about it, clarity will come with more practice. Now we're going to go monsterizing. Monsterizing is a game of hide and sneak. We'll be the sneak but use the victim's hide. Make sure your Body of Discernment is still there, intact, and a stable fluorescent gray. Akurians, from within your own protective Body of Light, NOT with your hands as before, but by Command, and using your own conscious Virtue, call up the spirit of anybody you know is dead – and insert that spirit into this Body of Discernment. Note an instant flicker in the intensity and perhaps the shade of color. It's not a fireworks display nor a bulb burning out, just a shift like a momentary electrical power interruption. Some of you may 'sense' it more than see it. Now, by your own Virtue, you can command the same information you want from that spirit to fill the Body of Discernment – the whole damned thing displays all you want to know, just like you know an apple when you see one! Only instead of 'sensing' the information as before, now you have to READ it and you'll find that isn't much more difficult than 'sensing,' if any at all. Once you're finished READING this spirit's secrets, throw it out! No great ritual or other hard requirement, just command it out and it will return to wherever it came from – but probably wondering what the hell happened! While everybody else is unloading the spook, are there any questions? Is everybody through with removing the spirit of the dead from your Body of Discernment? Akurians, from within your own protective Body of Light, NOT with your hands, but by Command, using your own conscious Virtue, call up the spirit of anybody you know is alive – other than one of us – and insert that spirit into this Body of Discernment. Again, note an instant flicker in the intensity and perhaps the shade of color. Not much different than the dead spirit from before except the fluorescence and gray color will be several shades brighter and the flickering will be faster due to something being alive and moving inside it. Now, by your own Virtue, you can command the same information you want from that spirit to fill the Body of Discernment – they cannot hide anything you want to know! You have to READ it instead of 'sensing' it, but it's all there for the viewing. Once you're finished READING this spirit's secrets, throw it out too, the same way you did the dead spirit! Just command it out and it will return to wherever it came from – but knowing something damned well happened and not having a clue as to exactly what! Are there any questions? Is everybody through with removing the spirit of the dead from your Body of Discernment? Now, we're really going to get sneaky. We're going to pull up a living demon inside a living entity. NO! You're not going to touch it, and if you follow these simple instructions – just as practiced a few minutes ago – it can't touch you either. However, the demons will KNOW they are being scanned, studied and revealed, but the victim may or may not, and the demons may or may not inform them. Akurians, from within your own protective Body of Light, take conscious thought of Nancy Pelosi. You are not allowed to vomit. This is a sacred gathering and process. We've already determined that Nancy Pelosi is possessed of not less than a thousand demons. And obviously all of them thinking themselves to be in good company. Now we're going to call a few of those demons to attention and direct their spirit to manifest in our Body of Discernment. Repeat after me, using your own name and Holy Order, Son/Daughter of Akuria: "I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Son of Fire = = command the whole and true spirit of Nancy Pelosi = = to come forth to me together with all the Chiefs of all the Demons of Nancy Pelosi = = and all the Minions of all the Demons of Nancy Pelosi = = and enter into the Manifestation of Discernment = = that you be safe from me and I be safe from you = = and you shall deny me not! "Come now and abide yourself = = manifest in the Manifestation of Discernment reserved for you = = that you may be examined and judged as to your truth = = and as to your righteousness." They will resist. That's where we will use their hides. With the above invocation you have already set the energies required. Command them as you did before, to come forth and insert them into the Body of Discernment. Because YOU are in control, they cannot refuse or fail to obey. You will recognize their arrival by the constant flickering of both the intensity of the fluorescence and the shades of gray. Now that you have a full house, command all but the Chief Demon to leave. Throw all the rest of them back down into Hell. No courtesies, no ceremonies, just "go straight to hell!" Obviously the passage does have a proper application. Pelosi, at least in her innate, will KNOW she has just been through something, and in this instance, that it's the Akurians who are jerking her chain … again. Once Pelosi and her masses have left the Body of Discernment, and only the Chief Demon remains, command him to fill the entire Body with his essence. Though he's been through this earlier today, he has a choice. Either he obeys or he stays there until I put all the Bodies of Discernment in one place and ship him down to hell without further adieu. Once he recognizes that inescapable, he will oblige. At this stage you should have a Body of Discernment with a very angry High Level Demon inside doing his damnedest to desecrate the place. Let me know when he has settled down. It will only take a few minutes. He is here, his minions and Nancy Pelosi are somewhere else, he's not in charge anymore and won't be until he can get free and return to that Communist Nest. While this guy makes up his mind to quit kicking, as he's been located in several places at the same time – something he can't do on his own – and still must comply with the same instructions, are there any questions? Once this Pelosi demon has settled down and filled the Body of Discernment with his essence, throw the bastard out. You can be impolite. He'll be glad to leave and get back to being a big deal with that morally bereft sleaze bag of human contamination. After he's vacated the Body of Discernment the flickering will stop and the manifestation will return to stability. And now you can approach it close enough to examine without actually touching it. It's now a piece of light-manifest dirt and you don't want contaminated, even here where you can burn it off in the Sun. You can make the Body of Discernment move to you, or move to it, as you please. In either instance be sure to maintain your own Body of Light, large size and all. When you examine it – WITHOUT TOUCHING – you will note you can determine that it’s nothing more than a very dirty piece of light energy. VERY DIRTY. Just like you can tell wet concrete from soil mud by looking at it, you can do the same thing with this piece of contamination. And THAT is the point. Examine this thing for not only HOW IT LOOKS, but HOW IT SMELLS, and HOW IT FEELS – EVEN AT A DISTANCE. You know what is there, you put it there! This is an essence that cannot be faked nor duplicated as a ruse. The sickening discomfort is a part of its makeup. One way to explain the SMELL is: an AVON Lady got into an elevator, and out of no where let the biggest farts in her lifetime. Thinking fast, she got down into her products case and pulled out a can of Pine Tree deodorizer and sprayed the entire elevator. A few floors down a drunk staggered in, sniffed the mess, and the AVON Lady remarked, "Isn't that a remarkable odor?" The drunk replied, "Yep, it smells like somebody shit a Christmas tree!" Now you know why Nancy Pelosi is so vile, morally bereft, such a liar of the first magnitude and a would-be mass murderer if she could get away with it – as she damned well intends to do once she has managed to destroy the United States and institute Global Communism. It’s no wonder she’s such a damnation in the sight of all humanity and an Abomination in the Sight of The Most High: she’s loaded with these demons! And this is only one! All demons, regardless of rank or station, present these same traits. The SMELL and FEEL are the giveaways, as they can make themselves to LOOK like anything. It’s the core essence that gives them away, but they WILL fool you if you let them. That’s why EACH AND EVERY encounter with ANY spirit – no exceptions – must be discerned without question. Discerning a living or dead Anusazi spirit is one thing, and pretty easy to do. If you have any doubts – EVEN IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND – you’ve detected something amiss you need to discern further. The process you just learned is HOW TO DETECT AND DISCERN A DEMON! They don't like the process – especially in the hands of an Anusazi – and they'll do their damnedest to deceive you if you're clod-headed enough to let them. Remember, the chink in their armor is the SMELL and the FEEL, and either one is sufficient. When you look at them as they are, which is something they cannot hide because it IS what they are, you cannot be fooled unless you want to be. When you pull up a living or dead spirit, its demons, if any, can't jump out and get you – they can't just leave one body and go into another. They MUST be invited, or in the case of you throwing them out, be given someplace to go besides returning to Hell and facing Lucifer to answer for their failure. Immanuel threw demons out of a man called "Legion" – so named because he had so many – and permitted them to enter into a herd of swine, with disastrous results. The demons caused the swine to run down into the water and drown. The farmer obviously didn't like that very much. It is good advice to NEVER give a demon anyplace else to go – then they have to report to Lucifer … and the consequences. Even so, once you have this SMELL and FEEL down correctly, it's only a matter of time until they can't fool you by LOOK either. NEVER discern any spirit without observing its ESSENCE, from now on, even the living and dead spirits we call up on normal practice. Very few of those are actually possessed, as they're just not worth the effort. The few demons who are bound into those spirits can't do much but wait for Judgment. YES! Some of the vile, evil, et cetera, you've encountered with the spirits we've pulled up are bound demons. Now you know, and you also know they're pretty harmless against anyone with a Holy Seal or under the protection of someone with a Holy Seal. Had I taught you this at the outset, some of you STILL wouldn't be able to call up a spirit on demand … Are there any questions? Next Sunday, we're going to get into discerning the hard and dirty Nefilim and Possessed-Nefilim. It's something you'd damned well better have a handle on BEFORE we get into the Royal Knock-Down because there's damned little drag-out in the War we're already neck deep in. Everybody needs to practice as much as possible – specifically before the November General Election – as the outcome of that is going to determine our priorities and strategies for months to come. Should I check out prior, remember the prime target is and always will be SOCIALISM, the home bed of all global control endeavors. It's the very essence of and loaded with Demons from top to bottom, and must be dealt with as such. Our Prime Objective, as opposed to prime target, is the restoration of Holy Law throughout the world – in spite of the Levites, Kak Jews, psychopath Muslims and hallelujah halfwits.