--17-- "Here begin praises and recitations, going in and out of the God's Domain, having benefit in the beautiful West, being in the suite of Osiris, resting at the food-table of Wennefer, going out into the day, taking any shape in which he desires to be, playing at Senet, sitting in a booth, and going forth as a living soul by the Osiris Ani after he has died. It is beneficial to him who does it on earth." "Now come into being all the words of the Lord of All: I was Atum when I was alone in the Primordial Waters; I was Re in his glorious appearings when he began to rule what he had made." "What does it mean"? It means Re when he began to rule what he had made, when he began to appear as king, before the Supporter of Shu had come into being, when he was upon the hill which is in Hermopolis, when he destroyed the Children of Impotence on the hill which is in Hermopolis." "I am the Great God, the self-created." "Who is it? The Great God, the self-created, is water, he is Nun, father of the gods. Otherwise said: He is Re." "He who created his names, Lord of the Ennead." "Who is he?" "It is Re who created his names and his members, it means the coming into existence of those gods who are in his suite." "I am he who is not opposed among the gods." "Who is he?" "He is Atum who is in his sun-disk." "Otherwise said: He is Re when he rises in the eastern horizon of the sky." "To me belongs yesterday, I know tomorrow." "What does it mean"? "As for yesterday, that is Osiris." "As for tomorrow, that is Re on that day in which the foes of the Lord of All were destroyed and his son Horus was made to rule." "Otherwise said: That is the day of the 'We-remain' festival, when the burial of Osiris was ordered by his father Re." "The battle-ground of the gods was made in accordance with my command." 'What does it mean"? "It is the West." "It was made for the souls of the gods in accordance with the command of Osiris, Lord of the Western Desert." "Otherwise said: It means that this is the West, to which Re made every god descend, and he fought the Two for it." "I know that Great God who is in it." "Who is he"? "He is Osiris." "Otherwise said: His name is Re, his name is Praise-of-Re, he is the soul of Re, with whom he himself copulated." "I am that great Benu-Bird which is in Heliopolis, the supervisor of what exists." "Who is he"? "He is Osiris." As for what exists, that means his injury." "Otherwise said: That means his corpse." "Otherwise said: It means eternity and everlasting." "As for eternity, it means daytime; as for everlasting, it means night." "I am Min in his going forth, I have set the plumes on my head." "What does it mean"? "As for Min, he is Horus who protected his father." "As for his going forth, it means his birth." "As for the plumes on his head, it means that Isis and Nephthys went and put themselves on his head when they were the Two Kites, and they were firm on his head." "Otherwise said: They are the two great and mighty ureai which are on the brow of his father Atum." [Plate Seven of the "Book Of Going Forth By Day."] Plate Eight; continuation of [the] praises and recitations for going in and out of the God's Domain: "Otherwise said: The plumes on his head are his eyes." "When I was in my land, I came into my city." "What is it"? "It is the horizon of my father Atum." "I destroy what was done wrongly against me, I dispel what was done evilly against me." "What does it mean"? "It means that the naval-string of Ani will be cut." "All the ill which was on me has been removed." "What does it mean?" "It means that I was cleansed on the day of my birth in the two great and noble marshes which are in Heliopolis on the day of the oblation by the common folk to the Great God who is in them." "What are they"? " 'Chaos-god' is the name of one; 'Sea' is the name of the other." "They are the Lake of Natron and the Lake of Maet." "Otherwise said: 'The Chaos-god governs' is the name of one; 'Sea' is the name of the other." "Otherwise said: 'Seed of the Chaos-god' is the name of one; 'Sea' is the name of the other." "As for that Great God who is in them, he is Re himself." *[administrator's note: all these repetitions occur in the original text.] "I go on the road which I know in front of the Island of the Just." "What is it"? "It is Rosetjau." "The southern gate is in Naref, the northern gate is in the Mound of Osiris; as for the Island of the Just, it is Abydos." "Otherwise said: It is the road on which my father Atum went when he pro- ceeded to the Field of Reeds." "I arrive at the Island of the Horizon-dwellers, I go out from the holy gate." "What is it"? "It is the Field of Reeds, which produced the provisions for the gods who are round about the shrine." "As for that holy gate, it is the gate of the Supp -orts of Shu." "Otherwise said: It is the gate of the Duat." "Otherwise said: It is the door through which my father Atum pass -ed when he proceeded to the eastern horizon of the sky." "O you who are in my presence, give me your hands, for indeed I am he who grew up among you." "What does it mean"? "It means the blood which fell from the phallus of Re when he took to cutting himself." "Then there came into being the gods who are in the presence of Re, who are Authority and Intelligence, while I followed after my father Atum daily." "I restored the Sacred Eye after it had been injured on that day when the rivals fought." "What does it mean"? "It means the day when Horus fought with Seth when he inflicted injury on Horus's face and when Horus took away Seth's testicles." "It was Thoth who did this with his fingers." "I lifted up the hair from the Sacred Eye at its time of wrath." "What does it mean"? "It means the right Eye of Re when it raged against him after he had sent it out." "It was Thoth who lifted up the hair from it when he fetch- -ed it in good condition without it having suffered any harm." "Otherwise said: It means that his Eye was sick..." [END OF PLATE EIGHT; "The Book Of Going Forth By Day."] Plate Nine of the "Book Of Going Forth By Day" (please refer to previous posts for Plate number Eight). "...when it wept a second time [*administrator's note: this refers to the Eye of Re], and then Thoth spat upon it." "I have seen this sun-god who was born yesterday from the buttocks of the Celestial Cow; if he be well, then will I be well, and vice versa." "What does it mean"? "It means these waters of the sky." "Otherwise said: It is the image of the Eye of Re on the morning of it's daily birth." "As for the Celestial Cow, she is the Sacred Eye of Re." "Because I am one of those gods who are in the suite of Horus, who spoke before him all that my lord desired." "Who are they"? "They are Imsety, Hapy, Duamutef and Qebehsenuf." "Hail to you, Lords of Justice, tribunal which is behind Osiris, who put terror into the doers of wrong, who are in the suite of Her who makes content and protects." "Here am I; I have come to you that you may drive out all the evil which is on me just as you did for those seven spirits who are in the suite of the Lord of Sepa, whose places Anubis made ready on that day of 'Come thence.'" "Who are they"? "As for those gods the Lord of Justice, they are Seth and Isdes, Lord of the West." "As for the tribunal which is behind Osiris, Imsety, Hapy, Duamutef and Qebehsenuef, it is these who are behind the Great Bear in the northern sky." "As for those who put terror into the doers of wrong, who are in the suite of Her who makes content and protects, she is the Eye of Re." "Otherwise said: She is a flame which follows after Osiris, burning up his enemies." "As for all the evil which is on me, it is what I have done among the lords of eternity ever since I came down from my mother's womb." "As for these seven spirits, Imsety, Hapy, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef, He who sees the father, He who is under his moringa-tree, and Horus the Eyeless, it is they who were set by Anubis as a protection for the burial of Osiris." "Otherwise said..." [END OF PLATE NUMBER NINE-TO BE CONTINUED]. Plate Ten of the "Book Of Going Forth By Day" (please refer to previous posts for Plate Nine). "Behind the embalming place of Osiris." "Otherwise said: As for these seven spirits, they are Nedjehnedjeh, Iakedked, Bull whose flame was set for him in front of his burning, He who entered into him who is in his hour, the Red-eyed who is in the mansion of Red Linen, the Radiant One who comes out after having turned back, He who sees in the night what he shall bring by day." "As for the head of this tribunal, his name is He who subdued the Great One." "As for that day of 'Come to me', it means that Osiris said to Re, 'Come to me that I may see you'--so said he in the West." "I am his twin souls which are within the Two Fledglings." "Who is he"? "He is Osiris when he entered into Mendes." "He found the soul of Re there and they embraced each other." "Then his twin souls came into being." [Editor's note: A large section of the chapter is omitted; see Theban Recension]. "Save me from that god who steals souls, who laps up corruption, who lives on what is putrid, who is in charge of darkness, who is immersed in gloom, of whom those who are among the languid ones are afraid." "Who is he"? "He is Seth." "Otherwise said: He is the great Wild Bull, he is the soul of Geb." "O Khepri in the midst of your Sacred Bark, primeval one whose body is eternity, save me from those who are in charge of those who are to be examined, to whom the Lord of All has given power to guard against his enemies, who put knives into the slaughterhouses, who did not leave their guardianship; their knives shall not cut into me, I shall not enter into their slaughterhouses, I shall not fall victim to their slaughter-blocks, I shall not sit down in their fish-traps, no harm shall be done to me from those whom the gods detest, because I have passed on, having bathed in the Milky Way, one to whom has been given a meal of the faience which is in the Tjenenet-shrine." "What does it mean"? As for Khepri in the midst of his bark, he is Re himself." "As for those who are in charge of those who are to be examined, they are the two sun-apes, Isis and Nephthys." "As for those things which the gods detest, they are feces and falsehood." "As for him who passed on, having bathed in the Milky Way, he is Anubis who is behind the chest which contains the entrails of Osiris." "As for him to whom has been given a meal of faience which is in the Tjenenet-shrine, he is Osiris." "As for the meal of faience which is in the Tjenenet-shrine, it is sky and earth." "Otherwise said: "It means that Shu hammered out the Two Lands in Heracleopolis." "As for faience, it is the Eye of Horus." "As for the Tjenenet-shrine, it is the tomb of Osiris." "How well built is your house, O Atum! How well founded is your mansion, O Double Lion!" "Run, run to this!" "If Horus be respected, Seth will be divine, and vice versa." "I have come into this land, I have made use of my feet, for I am Atum, I am in my city." "Get back, O Lion, bright of mouth and shining of head; retreat because of my strength, take care, O you who are invisible, do not await me, for I am Isis." "You found me when I had disarranged the hair of my face and my scalp was disordered." "I have become pregnant as Isis, I have conceived as Nephthys." "Isis drives out those who would await me, Nephthys drives off those who would disturb me." "The dread of me follows after me, my dignity is before me, millions bend their arms to me, the common folk serve me, the associates of my enemies are destroyed for me, the Grey-haired ones uncover their arms for me, the well-disposed give sweet things to me, those who are in Kheraha and those who are in Heliopolis create things for me." "Every god is afraid because so great and mighty is my protection of the god from him who would vilify him." "Malachite glitters for me, I live according to my will." "As to Wadjet, Lady of the Devouring Flame, she is Re." [Editor's note: another section of the chapter is omitted; see Theban Recension]. END OF PLATE TEN.