The Ghost Question First of all, we need to ELIMINATE all the hallelujah halfwit nonsense spewed by That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and all her fallout whore 'christian' daughters for generations.  They know NOTHING of True Spirit or they would NOT have changed any point of Holy Law!  They also can't deliver a god damned thing or they would go to the nearest hospital and EMPTY THE PLACE, stop by the local mortuary and EMPTY IT TOO!  They claim an "all powerful" GEE-SUS, and can't do a damned thing except bellow spititual abominations, sing a hymn and pass the plate. Now to the question: NOBODY MISSES JUDGMENT!  Period.  Even if the sentence/penalty is to be bound to a given place – ghosts, hauntings, et cetera – and all such come with their own share of agony, even for children caught up in those messes.  However, anyone who gets a child into such a post-life disaster will suffer the consequences in their OWN First Judgment and the Testimony of all that child’s suffering – including the post-life agonies – is fully accounted upon the head/soul of the perpetrator at fault come Final Judgment. Depending on the PURPOSE of the incarnation, there are generally THREE other kinds of Judgment.  The FIRST is a Full Exoneration and Eternal Life as the crackpot hallelujah halfwits promise and can’t deliver.  Full Exoneration is extended only to those who OBEY HOLY LAW!  Praising Jesus, Hailing Mary - other such nonsense - and ‘christianity’ in any form or fashion ARE NOT HOLY LAW, regardless of WHAT ‘the preacher said.’ The most common of the easy ones, Repose; where the soul gets to rest a while and put together everything they learned in the recent incarnation to digest it into Wisdom they have gained in previous incarnations and IN-BETWEEN lives experiences.  You didn't come into an incarnation for a given purpose?  Then this Judgment will not apply to you UNLESS you were a True Righteous Being your entire life or at least from becoming cognizant of HOLY TRUTH until death.  We are commanded to KNOW, not 'believe,' and there is one hell of a HUGE difference between 'belief' and KNOWLEDGE!  Sometimes KNOWING takes a bit of doing … Next down into the Pit, is Judgment until Shiloh, the upper dregs of Hell until That Great Final Judgment.  The term “Shiloh” is that period of time between the Call of the End of Days until Final Judgment actually starts.  Sort of like the time the doors open and the show actually begins.  Yes, it is HOT and BURNING and as explained in the AED, you’ll do anything Lord Lucifer wants for even the most finite period of relief.  This is usually the scenario of those ‘spirits’ who talk through Mediums telling those left behind that all is well, their religion – or lack of it – is all fine and dandy, and soon they’ll all be together in Paradise.  And part of that is true.  They’ll all soon be together alright, but it damned sure won’t be in Paradise unless you have a taste for Brimstone. Then of course, comes the Race Mixers, Socialists both communist and fascists, Kak-Jews, Lying Levites, Politicians, Police and Bureaucrats who carry out the governmental abuses including the Black Robed Bastards on the Judicial Benches, Child abusers, Murderers, Thieves, Priests, Preachers and other Liars.  You can name a ton of those who are already there – burning in Hell where they ought to be – all the Popes without exception, each and every member of the Supreme Court without exception either, each and every U.S. President although Harry Truman got the lightest sentence and George Washington is still there for race mixing, Martin Luther King and all other hallelujah halfwit ‘preachers,’ and those awaiting the Fire and Fury:  James Earl Carter, George H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Richard “Dick” Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Helen Gurley Brown, and the list goes on ……………… These still living in the last batch get to burn until Shiloh and then go back to burning for their atrocities, crimes and treasons with all the details added.  Those still living can escape … if they want to.  I don’t really see any of them EVER coming forth and telling the TRUTH they know of governmental abuses, murders and high treasons they were and will continue to be a part of and a party to.  It would mean having to EXPLAIN the needless deaths and sufferings of our misused military and GIVING UP THEIR POWER!  None of them have the integrity, honor or courage to do that. FYI, until I put a stop to it, there were those with CONTROLLED REINCARNATION who would build a power base and then REINCARNATE in the same family to enjoy both the money, power and luxury.  I do not regret to inform those who think they can still do that “IT’S NO LONGER POSSIBLE!”  Do as you damned well please, just be ready for the ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES.  And that applies to all psychopath fanatics who kill and injure innocent people ‘in the name of God’ ….  Guess WHO does not get either a white horse nor any virgins, let alone 72 of them?    The firepits are waiting …. did you read well ?