Table of Contents Introduction Chapter: Page Old Style Conservative or Restorer? Section 1- Rise of the Restorers 6 Section 2- American Pain-More Than a Bad Economy 7 Section 3- Restorers- Our New American Founders 8 Section 4- Old Style Conservatism-Failed Logic 11 Section 5- The GOP-Experts at Second Place 14 Section 6- Restorers-Antidote to Destruction 17 The Reckoning Section 1- The Reckoning 21 Section 2- If The Damage Does Not End..... 22 Section 3- Corruption: The Root of Our Evil 24 Section 4- America: Done it Before-- We'll Do It Again 26 Section 5- The Great Bounce of WW11 28 Section 6- A World of Fake Money and Real Debt 30 Section 7- Point of No Return 33 Section 8- Prevention 39 Addendum - Violent Revolution? Better Think Twice 41 Where Are The Leaders We Need Today? Section 1- Where Are The Leaders We need Today? 45 Section 2- Talking Heads: What Are They Waiting For? 46 Section 3- The Contradictions 50 Section 4- Local Radio Hosts: Restorers Who Lead 52 Section 5- Political Parties 54 Section 6- Congress to the Rescue! 56 Section 7- Military Leaders-Past and Present 60 Section 8- Citizen Leaders 61 Section 9- 50 States: 50 Examples of Failure 63 2 Addendum - The Generation of Shame 65 The American Restorer Party Section 1- It's Party Time In America! 69 Section 2- Where Do We Start? 75 Section 3- The Discussion Begins.... 76 Section 4- The Next Step-Input 82 A message from the author..... 83 Young Americans Section 1- A Future Denied 84 Section 2- The World of Work vs Government 89 Section 3- The World You Must Live In 90 Section 4- The Reckoning-Bullseye Is On You 94 Section 5- Shake Things Up-Be Heard 95 Restorers in Action Section 1- Here We Go! 99 Section 2- About the Attacks We Know Will Come 100 Section 3- Spread the Word 102 Section 4- Here Is What We Are Working On 105 Our American Spirit 108 Points to Ponder: 20 Turns- 3 Years Later Intro- 110 Section 1- Crisis in Congress 113 Section 2- The Passing of the Parties 116 Section 3- Lobbyists 119 Section 4- Stop the Programs 121 Section 5- One Person One Vote 122 Copyright 2012 F. Lynn Vogel USA American Restorers All Rights Reserved. 3 Introduction You are an American. Therefore, if you aren't happy with government, the people who run it or their political parties, you can kick them to the curb. You'd never know it the way things are going, but then we have elected leaders protected by parties who have more than 150 years of experience collecting huge stacks of cash for serving themselves. They will promise us everything we want to hear as long as it buys them more votes, more time, more money and more power. Our Constitution was structured to begin with a Bill of Rights which means it starts with protecting us, every day Americans, then it follows up with establishing strict rules for how the government shall serve us. Things have changed because they certainly do not serve us. Things have changed because most people in government don't know or care what is in the Constitution. Things have changed because the 2 parties that have a stranglehold on our political system are more concerned with their own power and finances than restoring our nation. We have said we want our Constitution back. Now we will see to it ourselves. We have said the corruption that has undermined our Constitution and crippled our great nation must be stopped. Now we will stop it. We have said the old major parties no longer serve us. We will not serve them. After many decades of slipping into socialism some people are still trying to figure out why our nation is showing signs of decline and decay. Now our economy is in seriously poor condition and many people are watching politics for the first time in their lives. Others are still doing just fine so they look the other way and chug along with business as usual content to wait for the cyclical ebb and flow of politics to make it all better again. Many of us are wide awake and refuse to be fooled. We understand our political system is now corrupted by self-serving politicians and renegade political parties who put on a show of a representative government while serving the best interests of themselves and the big money powers that keep them in power and manage from behind the scenes. We have been sold out. Period. 4 Citizens who understand history, our Constitution and the political games of our two party government have been crying foul for a long time. We knew the economy was destined to turn sour and we said as much all along. We knew we were losing trade to other nations and our jobs were being killed off. We knew burdensome taxes, excessive regulations, federal meddling and rampant overspending could only produce bad results. We knew that corrupt career politicians who serve themselves and those in their funding streams were engaged in a style of crony-ism which left the best interests of the nation unattended. The fate of our nation was a foregone conclusion as the cancer of corruption became more widespread and those of us who complained were ignored by leaders. People now ask what went wrong with the economy, our spending, our food and fuel prices, our immigration policies and all the good paying jobs that have suddenly vanished. These problems, as well as a multitude of others, are the symptoms of our national cancer. Unavoidable consequences of corruption and the poor leadership exercised by those who become wealthy while driving America over a cliff. Citizens are upset, worried for themselves or the future of their nation, children and grandchildren. College graduates are completing their studies buried in loans and not finding the opportunities they need to repay the loans, launch their dreams and build their futures. Those who have not paid close attention now want the economy fixed. They demand that the jobs be brought back. They complain about the symptoms that affect them personally but there will be no cures for any of us until the cancer of corruption which keeps churning out symptoms is removed. There are those among us who saw this coming. We always knew the corruption which was eroding our Constitution could only bring decline. We knew as all level of government drifted farther beyond constitutional constraints the power they stole could only bring us harm. We did not become anti-government, we are anti-corruption. It is now far past the wise time to halt our decline. Waiting is not acceptable because the corruption grows, feeding on itself and the damage is spreading at an increasingly rapid rate. We will no longer be pacified with minor repairs for some damage done, we want our nation back. We want our Constitution back. All of it. We want the restoration of our nation as a land of Rights and freedoms guided by the legal and just constitutional principles we have every Right to demand. We are the Restorers 5 “A problem clearly stated is a problem halfway solved”..... Benjamin Franklin Section 1 Rise of the The Restorers Before we can restore this nation we must have a firm grasp of the true situation today. Before we can start on a plan we must first know who will actually help us and what must be done. We must focus on eliminating the cause of our problems. The cancer that is eating away at the United States is corruption and we must begin by removing it, then we can get around to treating the symptoms. Everything we knew just a short time ago has changed. The future will be owned and commanded by those who figure this out now and act at the right time with the right plan. Two questions help to locate the problem and the solution. 1. Would we be in such a sorry condition if we had elected leaders who did their jobs preventing disaster instead of bowing to the lures of donated dollars and serving their own self interests? 2. Is there anything patriotic about allowing corrupt or dangerous politicians to remain in office while damaging our nation either by deliberate intent or incompetence? Search your heart for the answers to both of those questions. If you answered “No” to both questions, you are probably a Restorer. Two types of people want to repair our nation and restore Constitutional principles while removing corruption. Some mean well but will accomplish nothing. They still think like the old style, business as usual conservatives who are willing to grumble but also willing to wait on decades of crooked elections to fix things. These people still think like Patriots of 30 years ago. They believe slowly educating the public and electing a few more good people will save us. That is the strategy they went to work with. They sounded right way back then but today is 30 years of failures later. They must now admit that relying on honest elections in a corrupt system has failed. Educating the masses when so many resist it or are blinded by apathy will never happen. Old style conservative tactics failed to halt the progress of socialism and the damage is now everywhere. To expect these same tactics to defeat what they could not even prevent is absurd. 6 Now we have the Restorers. These are the people who realize our troubles go much deeper than a lack of jobs or poor economy. They understand our troubles are symptoms of what is happening within the process of government. Restorers understand we face a multitude of damaging attacks on all aspects of traditional life, values and principles in America. Section 2 American Pain-More Than a Bad Economy Our nation is being undermined and destroyed from within and it will not change by electing a President or a few Congressmen who know how to run an economy. The destruction of America is managed at every level of our society. From school superintendents and education “experts” who ignore our history and fill our kids heads with feel good nonsense and socialist ideologies to the U.S Dept. of Education that feeds this lunacy from the top down. From the city halls and county commissioners who hit us with stacks of regulations, burdensome permits, fees and inspections which strangle our businesses as they waste the tax monies they keep demanding more of. The court systems at every level too often rule to further social agendas instead of focusing on constitutional justice which preserves fairness, reason and traditional American values. We see free expression of our Christian religions suppressed at every turn while other religions, incompatible with our way of life, are protected and supported. State governments have begun to mimic the federal government as they seek to grow and increase their powers. They have finagled their way into every aspect of our business and personal lives. They believe it is our duty to replace the money they freely waste and when citizens try to rein in overspending, governments lash out in reply by taking away emergency workers or teachers instead of cutting fluff and waste. They always protect the fat and cut away the meat. They try to hurt us so we give up and allow them to keep overcharging us so they can keep on overspending. The courts and justice system is in a class of disarray all it's own. Many courts are corrupt socialist bastions and no one in Congress either knows or cares it is their duty to keep these courts in line. Justice is for those who can afford it and if you are very wealthy, famous, a member of Congress or the political elite, justice is whatever you say it is. The courts obviously favor those groups while turning the thumbscrews of power loose without mercy upon those everyday citizens and businesses who are unfortunate enough to be drawn into their web. 7 What can we say about our federal government? An absolute rats nest of corruption from the career congressmen to presidential appointees, mysterious czars, lifelong bureaucrats buried in the bowels of the beast and department officials who love nothing more than testing and expanding the limits of their power over us. All serve us with life changing laws, rules and regulations with inadequate representation or a fair chance to weigh citizen input against the interests of the big money sources government caters to. Corruption within our federal government is so widespread and well known it is frequently the target of jokes from comedians, media stars and even late night entertainers. It is accepted as a part of our current culture. This must change. A bad economy is a result of corruption, not the cancer but a symptom. We must treat the cancer of corruption or the economy and other symptoms will never be cured. Section 3 Restorers- Our New American Founders The Restorers. These are people of all ages and backgrounds who love this nation as much as the old style conservatives but are genuinely wide awake now and realize crooked elections and a process that allows corrupt officials to serve out lengthy terms won't ever save us. Restorers want the bad leaders gone before they can complete our ruin. When you hear these people say they are awake now, you can believe them. Desperate times require desperate measures, so be it. Old leaders are slow to change but many among us see the need for changes and know that new strategies are needed. It is time to meet new challenges with an equally updated attitude and effective leaders who are prepared to do what must be done. Adapt to the challenges you face or lose. Restorers look at 30 years of losses and say it is time for some real wins. Restorers don't accept that we must keep corrupt officials until they are voted out. We want them gone. Now. We believe the people who swore an oath to serve this nation under constitutional law must be held immediately accountable when they violate that oath. Let's be honest, an oath that is never enforced is just words. An oath is intended to establish a sacred trust, a promise. We have every right to punish those who violate the trust they swear to us. We do so with our children and our fellow man, why not the leaders who run our nation? If we truly have a government of the People, by the People, for the People, and elected officials who serve at consent of the governed, why do we have a Congress with an 8% approval rating? Why do so many violate their oaths yet remain when most of us want them gone? 8 Restorers seek to change this and other situations that old style conservatism has failed to address or correct. Restorers are the only people pursuing a realistic strategy toward saving this nation for future generations and restoring constitutional law in our bloated and corrupted government. Who else is demanding we have a corruption free DC right now? Our great conservative, Ronald Reagan, was the right man for the time he served. That was a long time ago. His leadership was tailored to address the issues before him and he was unquestionably a man of his time. Today, 30 years later, would he still be a 1980's style conservative or would he be a Restorer? The inexorable march of time has delivered a new set of circumstances, new opponents and a different world than the fat, sleepy days of the 1980's. Today requires a new set of solutions. Restorers see this and understand it. Old style conservatives keep applying the same old 1980's tactics to today's issues and wonder why they are losing our country. Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. For the past several decades anyone who wants a smaller government, more freedoms and sensible stewardship of our tax dollars were all lumped together as conservatives. Their opposition began as just basic liberal Democrats. At one time there were even many conservative Democrats running loose and free to speak their minds among other Democrats. That has become a thing of the past. They are not welcome within the Democrat Party of today. It is very hard to find a conservative Democrat anymore and the rest are obviously divided between the old style liberals and the newer version, the out-of-the- closet raging socialist Democrats who now enjoy an absolute stranglehold of mysteriously financed power in the front ranks of that party. I was raised by Republicans but was taught that Democrats were not bad people, they just had a different way of looking at things. People from both camps could often get together and discuss their differences yet walk away with no rude comment or anger. They all intended to support the best interests of our nation and were civil about differences of opinion. All of my southern relatives were Democrats but nothing like those of today. Many of them were military veterans raising kids who also joined the service. They hunted, they fished, they shot guns for fun, they rode dirt bikes in the woods and they attended church regularly. That lifestyle would get you kicked out of a Democrat potluck dinner today. 9 As the socialists began to creep into the mix everything changed. I know a lot of lifelong Democrats whom are absolutely jaded against politics after watching the changes in their party. Liberalism they could relate to, tax a bit more and spread it around some. That was the bait but what came from it was more than some voters bargained for. Patriotic Democrats never signed up to watch the nation be destroyed and they want the corruption ended as much as anyone else does. There are true Restorers among some Democrats who do not believe the destruction of our nation is a good thing. Restorers are not party hacks and they are not content with what they see from either major party. At this moment, they have no party. Yet. The conservative Republicans have developed a similar division due to all that has come about. The rise and successes of the raging socialists has been matched by an updated version of conservatives that naturally comprehend the only way to defeat this new opposition is to grab the bull by the horns, dig in and refuse to accept the daily destruction of America. This updated group wants to exercise our Right to do what is needed to re-establish a Constitutional Republic free of the rampant corruption and greed that has become the norm in many levels of government, especially in Washington D.C. These people are appearing in greater numbers and their attitude is contagious. They are the Restorers. The next generation of patriotism. The People of “No Current Party.” If you love this nation and have no confidence that our elected leaders, career politicians and party hacks will save us on their own, you are one of us. Some are old style Democrats, some are old style Republicans, many have called themselves Independents for a long time now. All are Patriots who are far beyond being sick and incensed over the nonsense that rules this nation today. The Restorers are the people you hear today saying that since we know the corruption is there today we demand the most corrupt go NOW and others right behind them. Restorers do not fall for any excuses that allow officials causing deliberate and often illegal damage to complete long and damaging careers. Congressmen are not even tossed out for committing flagrant crimes we would be imprisoned for. If this is truly the People's government then why is it overrun with corrupt leaders we want out? There is no valid excuse for allowing the corrupt or incompetent to remain in power at our expense. 10 Section 4 Old Style Conservatism-Failed Logic Restorers want the nation and government restored to the original intent and rule of law at once so we can actually begin repairing all the damage that has been done. Restorers used to be routine conservatives in both parties but when they said, “Don't Tread On Me,” they meant it. Now they are ready to back up their talk. There are many ways to do so without grabbing muskets. More old style conservatives need to be aware of the difference and join with those who actually have ideas that are up to date, patriotic and realistic. They should become Restorers so we can finally stop worrying and wondering if we can ever make a difference and finally do something that will bring changes. Old style conservatives (OSC's) need to break the habit of tolerating corruption and counting on fraudulent elections to dig us out of this hole. OSC's need to realize there is a difference between being good citizens and tolerating corruption. No real American tolerates corruption. Until they wake up and realize we are running out of time and need a new strategy, Restorers will have to be the saviors of the future without the OSC's. Watch our Restorers. They are finding like minded people and they are looking for more. Restorers are active. Some leaders are deliberately harming our nation and must be forced out without any more waiting, Restorers are ready to do it. We all wake up every day with a sense of foreboding wondering what the bad news of the day will be. As the Restorers move ahead you will find yourself waking up with a new brand of optimism as you watch the new strength of patriotic change gain ground. Just imagine the morale boost the people and businesses of this country would get after seeing the first few of the worst, most corrupt leaders removed. It would be like a national breath of fresh air. The first and most obvious difference between old style conservatives and Restorers is shown in the attention to distractions and how this keeps traditional conservatives reeling from damage and in permanent reaction mode. As the OSC's are led from topic to topic, issue to issue by headlines and the daily news cycles, Restorers look at the daily news cycles and say, “Ok, I heard it, now why are we waiting to run the crooks out of government? Why wait at all?” Yet, wait we do and it's not because people are not aware, it is because they focus more on the daily news of destruction than getting around to doing something about it. OSC's have been misled into living with corruption as a part of daily life and now that fact is killing our nation. 11 Old style conservatism was developed before the age of the internet and 24/7 instant news cycles. The failed strategy of tolerating illegal acts in hopes of replacing the offenders in the next election was never well thought out and today it is a proven failure. Now that we have the internet and so many types of media news available. old style conservatives have become bogged down in discussion and discovery of corruption and they do not delegate time for figuring out new ways of defeating it. Restorers are those who can follow the daily news and still focus on the need to remove bad leaders before they destroy us. I was raised by Conservatives, original conservatives whose thoughts addressed the issues of their day and the future realistically. Unfortunately, in those days it was very common to be told it was impolite to discuss religion or politics at social gatherings. Where did that logic come from? It was a conservative philosophy but the origin of it is a mystery to me. To this day it is quite obvious that most conservatives still adhere to this tenet. They go quietly about their daily lives doing everything good productive, responsible citizens do but they do not speak out enough. Their entire act of political activism is to dutifully vote when the polls open. Once or twice, a few times a year some of them will attend a rally or various meetings somewhere among like minded people but the list of accomplishments is small compared to the progress of those they struggle against. Many of those who are becoming increasingly active have yet to learn that we cannot save America through the process of occasional elections. They are still buying into the old style conservatism. There are still far too many citizens who are upset but do not make their elected officials hear about it. It is reported that fewer than 4% of all people ever contact a Congressmen by any method. Among the Restorers you will find that more than 70 % have done so, or at least tried. That is a dramatic difference which clearly shows a separation of thoughts on activism. The Restorers walk the talk, and they stay at it. They do not go home waiting for the next organized event or election, they are on the job contacting the media, Congressmen and rallying others to the cause every single day. Up until now I doubt that many Restorers have thought about not being the same as all others who label themselves as conservative. They are not. This is evidenced by the fact that there are liberal Restorers who are equally determined to clean up our system. I know they are all experiencing a high level of frustration and they get it from seeing crooks get away with their deeds while the people lose their lifestyles. Liberals that 12 sympathize with Restorers tend to blame big banks and businesses for our woes but that limits our solutions to the financial sector and the damage is much deeper than that. They need to consider that the problems we do have with some banks and businesses should have been handled by the Congress and other leaders we pay to run our nation in our best interests. Restorers cannot be pigeonholed into the old convenient and familiar established groups, they are a product of our times, our new reality. They are honest voters from all parties and all walks of life that refuse to tolerate the widespread and painfully obvious cronyism, shenanigans, corruption and gamesmanship. This is not merely about picking a party or candidate, we are not about merely settling the election issues. We are singularly focused on acting like real Americans and dumping horrible leaders and the funding networks they cater to. We must start that discussion and we must recruit Restorers from among those in the old conservative ranks who are tired of suffering defeat after defeat. We must recruit from the old liberals that agree socialism and corruption are not American principles. The ship of patriotism has been bailing water out of the bottom for too long now. The Restorer movement is made up of those who refuse to stop sailing just to focus on the latest damage. Day after day after day-- ad infinitum. The Restorers are the ones who will sink those that keep putting holes in our Glorious Ship of State. You cannot win by repairing the damage until you put an end to new damage. Occasional damage repair in occasional elections is not victory and never will be. Restorers can see that the world has changed, the nation has changed, more changes are coming and we cannot slowly win the nation back. Thirty years of watching the nation slide into liberalism then blast into socialism was a lesson that sank into Restorers. They are objective enough to step back and see how much has been lost and wise enough to understand you cannot keep repeating the same tactics expecting different results. Old style conservatives tend to just lament the losses, object to the changes then start talking about winning the next election, that is why they have failed. Old style conservatism, as a useful position for the preservation of the United States in a new world has failed and should be relegated to the dustbin of history. Old style liberalism is already neutralized by the socialists who infiltrated them and took over from the inside. Old style conservatism has been neutralized by the corruption of lifelong career politicians and the party powers. 13 Section 5 The GOP-Experts at Second Place Conservatism was a good enough match in the decades long battle against liberalism but since liberalism has been overtaken by the socialists within that movement, so opposition to them must also shift to confront the new struggle. The only response that can succeed is a united effort for Restoration. This is a new day with new foes in a new battle, we must adapt or lose, as we are losing now. We have lost enough of America due to greed, corruption and leaders who circumvent the Constitution. I wish our tensions today were the traditional conservative vs. liberal battles we were watching in the past. How things have changed! JFK was more conservative than many Republican officials today. The typical liberal voters of the 60's did not approve of hippies who identified with communism. They did not blame America for every problem other nations create for themselves. There was a saying in those days, “I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it.” Liberals usually agreed with this. Now the socialists who replaced them are stifling free speech by any crooked method they can conjure up. Liberals of past decades were not the sort of people who would approve of criminal Congressmen keeping their jobs and they would not have approved of shady lobbyists with mysterious connections sneaking huge sums into campaigns so that money sources carried more weight than the will of voters. They were liberals but good people at heart. They weren't aggressive and lawless socialists like we battle today. The conservative voters can not be blamed for what has transpired. For the past 30 years conservative voters have been asking for the right things and backing candidates that promised the right things. The problems developed because leadership (especially in the GOP) failed to follow through from the very beginning. Promises were made but when the elections were over and won the promises were either forgotten or bargained away in the interest of that senseless ideal of “bi-partisanship.” They were never able to understand there is no virtue in making deals with those who are dismantling our nation. In days gone by it was safe to assume the Republican Party was basically conservative. Strong leaders who would fight for their beliefs just never materialized in sufficient numbers to win the tough rounds. The lack of courage among elected Republican officials is now well documented. Now it is painfully apparent that the Republicans cannot be considered a conservative party and yet, most old style conservatives still 14 support them. Where else are they to go? They are forced to vote for mediocrity or abstain. I don't blame disgruntled Democrats for refusing to switch to the Republican Party. Why leave one disappointing party just to join another one? Republican leaders, by exhibiting cowardice and a lack of resolve, left the door wide open for socialists to emerge in the highest positions of power. The socialists were clever enough to capitalize on the weaknesses in Republican opposition once the liberals exposed those weaknesses. Every time the old guard conservative Republican leadership won control and had a chance to actually flex some political muscle to reverse our course they abandoned their base. They shrank from the attacks of liberal opposition and the labels the media always trotted out to hammer them with. This same scare tactic worked against most Republican conservative leaders every time it was used. Voters watched in amazed frustration and even as they offered their steadfast support in the pending battles the deals were made and leaders caved. This is still happening today. The Republican Party is top heavy with old GOP party hacks and deal makers who have no real vision for immediately halting our demise. They have no one that is standing and saying our governmental process is so full of greed and corruption on both sides of the aisle that it is completely dysfunctional and must be cleaned up and rebooted to end this destruction. That is what our Founders would say but no OSC will say it because too many old Republicans must go too. Every Restorer is saying it on a daily basis. Evidence of the impotence of the OSC/Republican strategy is clear in the case of many recent elections, most obvious is the historic Congressional elections of 2010. Conservative candidates swept the elections unseating about 1/6th of the Congress. Republican leaders in Congress failed to capitalize on that great win. The voters were able to defeat the liberals of the Democrat Party but they were beaten back by the old guard career GOP hacks that effectively blocked the newly elected Congressmen at every move. Voters did their job, they found new candidates and they brought them victories. Entrenched GOP power brokers played a substantial role in suppressing the effectiveness of the newly elected and therefore the will of the voters. That election was driven by the voters desire to battle corruption, overturn Obamacare, clean up the fiascoes in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop the borrowing and deficit spending, recognize states rights, eliminate the czar positions, effectively address illegal immigration and restore Constitutional principles in the federal government. The first year passed without a single success on any of those issues. The voters spoke but are not represented. When you confront old style conservatives with this truth they make excuses and fall back on 15 the 30 year old line of, “Just wait until the next election!” The old guard GOP hacks just laugh among themselves and say. “That's right, please keep saying this just like we tell you to.” Always waiting for a magical election that never comes while failing to admit a near miracle election accomplished not one of our hard fought goals does not save us. Why did this happen? How can voters send such a strong message and have it ignored? Voter fraud did a lot of it. The Democrat socialists knew the House election was lost. They also knew that the Senate elections were very close and that if they won them they could use Senate leadership to block everything the new members of the House were hired by us to do. It worked too. Voter fraud was committed by socialist union and Democrat operatives to circumvent the will of We the People in 2010 and little has been done about it. We can expect more in elections to come. It works because old style conservative leaders are numb to corruption and not up to the challenges they face from this new team of united and inspired socialists. The weak and numbed GOP leadership should have cried foul on the Senate election and fought tooth and nail for all the changes the voters were demanding. They did not. I was watching these proceedings in awe of the brazen arrogance displayed through the aftermath of the fraud. Conservatives were mostly silent though a few were grumbling and starting to comment, “Wait till next time.” The Restorers were absolutely livid at this flagrant abuse of power and crime against our system. Many cried foul, contacted Congressional offices and media outlets only to be ignored. I was not surprised, conservatives leaders never show spine and fight back, they are so accustomed to being outmaneuvered and undermined they take it like just another day at the office. Republicans party hacks are great at being in second place. They know how to shrug off defeat and explain it away without having to muster up for a stand off. They are afraid of the names they will be called in the media. They fear the political ramifications of the media outrage if they stand on principle. Restorers do not accept being defeated by criminal acts with such a cavalier attitude. That is why their numbers are growing. People have had enough. Restorers are people who reject the process of becoming conditioned to accepting or explaining away fraudulent losses, corruption and cowardly leaders. We don't care what the media calls us, we expect crooked leaders to use dirty tactics and name calling to dissuade us. Bring it. We are here to do a job and we will do it. 16 Section 6 Restorers-Antidote to Destruction Our government is so irresponsible and out of control there is no way to stop the madness, let alone fix it through periodic elections. We need to fire people, force them out and reboot the system. They loot, we reboot. They spend our tax dollars like they are found treasure. They allow the Federal Reserve to run amok operating secretly in the shadows with money we are forced to cover. Our dollars are spread around and manipulated with no Congressional oversight, we have no representation. The Fed loans this money to central banks and everyone makes interest on the loans while we lose jobs, homes and our lifestyles. The rich get richer, we get skinned alive. Their corrupt schemes are our shattered dreams. They give huge sums to support companies and financial institutions that created their own mess and we get the bill for that too because those businesses are “too big to fail.” Any business that is too big to fail is just too big! Obviously they cannot manage themselves well. We have several shady but extremely large companies that should be broken up and reined in. Don't expect the crooks in Congress who take their campaign donations to do it. Restorers can win the future because they are moving ahead of the failures of the past and the people who failed to prevent those losses. Many baby boomers love the old way, it is comfortable, much easier than actually acting to win the future. We cannot maintain that comfort zone of accepting corruption and doing nothing to halt it immediately. We cannot live a lie that elections will someday just fix it all. We cannot remain comfortable while the young who depend upon us lose their futures. We cannot live with wealth or security earned in times gone by or borrowed from the future protecting us from the mess that evolved on our watch. That is why increasing numbers of Restorers are emerging from among our politically astute younger people. They cannot live in the past they've not experienced. They grew up and developed the political awareness that much had already been lost. They missed the gold and grew up watching the looting frenzy. As more Patriots come to see the challenges to old style conservative thinking that fuels the Restorers choices will have to be made. Stay in the past and lose or become a Restorer and actually give the nation a fighting chance at restoration of American principles and true Constitutional government. 17 When you hear people identify themselves as a conservative your warning bells better start ringing. Are they an old style conservative or a Restorer? Right there you can see you may be dealing with someone who is still on board with failed tactics and has no intention of acting like the Founders would by shutting this mess down if necessary until the clean up actually begins. Ask them if they are a conservative Restorer or just grumbling old style conservatives that will watch the nation be lost. They mean well but are now conditioned to settle for no results. They still believe we are battling liberals or Democrats. They should pay more attention to the huge percentage of Republicans that are also useless or corrupt. While always eager to chest thump over moral victories or crumbs from the table of change, they watch as their nation is lost and they never change their tactics. They were once the force behind Republican Party and most still vote that way but that party has abandoned those who truly desire to see the hard choices made to restore the nation. The Restorers have emerged from the brand of patriotism demonstrated by our Founders and our numbers are growing. While old style conservatives sincerely respect and adore the Founders for their willingness to risk life, wealth and position to stand when needed, you will find most of them unwilling to do the same. How many will risk so much as a late car payment to help this nation? Restorers rise above that, they are not willing to accept corruption just because today isn't election day. That is the primary difference between Restorers and old style conservatives. Conservatives wallow in analysis paralysis and bemoan the daily losses. Restorers demand an end to daily losses. The Tea Party movement is made up of both, that is why they have experienced limited results; the OSC's among them inhibit the momentum of the Restorers in their ranks. Too many of them are willing to accept corruption in between elections. They see voting as the only real power the citizens have. America has already changed and must experience more changes. It is time to act to make sure that when the change is complete, a free America as a Constitutional Republic is what remains. Free of corruption and oppression. A Corruption Free DC. Yes, we can save this nation but first we have to overcome the daily distractions and focus on getting resignations from the crooks in DC. That is a tall order but must be done. Our mess is no accident and is caused only by bad leadership, corruption and greed. Leaders with those flaws do not fix themselves. That is our job. Restorers believe that we allowed this mess to occur, it is our duty to correct it now, in 18 our time instead of being irresponsible stewards of our nations future and kicking our problems down the road to those who will follow us. Any Patriot who fails to consider how their action, or lack of action, will affect those who must follow them is no Patriot! Restorers believe citizens have a right to do what is necessary to force the resignations of corrupt officials by any peaceful means the circumstances demand. We are supposed to own and control this nation, not a pack of elected officials with self-serving interests. When it is established that leaders are so wrong they damage us, that is the time to remove them. Waiting can only bring us more damage. Some old style conservatives just have not considered updating tactics to fit the times. I believe many others are actually afraid of doing anything different after 30 years of the same old idea. Old style conservatism cannot be justified as a useful approach to today's problems by any rational argument, it simply hangs on by habit. It was tried, it failed. It is troubling to see how some are so determined to cling to it they try to hide behind the Constitution. The ones who are too cowardly to act eagerly insist that the Constitution does not give voters the power to demand resignations. They fail to realize it does not bar us from demanding resignations either. No law does. Dictatorships rise when people do nothing. Freedom must always be won and no statues have ever been erected to those who hide behind excuses. Several people have told me a sitting official can only be removed by impeachment proceedings. Wrong again, that is the only avenue for removal available through Congress. We are not asking Congress to remove them, Congress is too corrupt to police it's own. We are Americans! The citizens are free to use any peaceful means necessary and if the Founders believed otherwise they would have included definite restrictions on the ability of citizens to act. They did not do that and it is obvious why they didn't. Never fall for the falsehood that demanding resignations is unconstitutional, it is not even mentioned. Nothing is more unpatriotic than using the Constitution as an excuse for accepting tyranny and corruption. Our Constitution is not a suicide pact to be wielded to enable our destruction. It is absolutely absurd to argue that our Founding Fathers would rather see us become subjects of a socialist government filled with corruption than act like Patriots and demand they resign. Benjamin Franklin once said they had given us a Republic, if we could keep it. He knew attempts would be made to supplant what they devised for us and he knew we might fail 19 to overcome those attempts. If we keep it, if the Constitution is restored and corruption removed from Washington DC before they destroy us, it will be because the Restorers have succeeded. No one else is trying. Optimism-waiting for your ship to come in, when you never sent one out... Author unknown 20 The Reckoning Section 1 All that we see and know is wrong, all the corruption and political games are taking us somewhere. That is inevitable. All of the events playing out in our neighborhoods, our nation and the world are products of a world coming to grasp with a new age. It must become a new age for us because the waste and irresponsible self absorption of the past 60 years was a playtime that needed to end. History has proven that when nations enjoy phenomenal success they blow it by becoming decadent free spenders who are incapable of reproducing the national treasures they deplete. This goes beyond immorality and includes lifestyles of luxury, leisure and self-indulgence. This myopic social condition is always accompanied by apathy and the corruption of power simply because not enough citizens realize the risks or care. As long as they are fat and happy, let the problems of the nation be handled by others. Our nation is not the first to go through this and the European nations that are dealing with the same have all been there before. It seems like people never catch on in time. Will we? All that is happening has us in a bad place with only tough solutions. Tough solutions are nothing compared to the possibilities if we fail to find solutions. If allowed to play out unhindered, the events of today will culminate in a global series of meltdowns and disasters that will make all the troubles in history look like practice games. In this experimental age of globalization no nation can maintain their current level of lifestyle without reliable international trade. That trade relies on a precarious and vulnerable network of shipping, finance and infrastructure systems that will all be jeopardized if the dominoes of stability continue to fall. What then? This is more than trinkets and cheap toys we're talking about. Our food, fuels and ingredients of many medicines are imported. Our society lives on uninterrupted trade, literally. Life in our United States could become very difficult if we are not able to maintain our current levels of international trade or produce more of what we need on our own. Some say we face financial catastrophe, riots in the streets, food shortages, expanding world wars or some combination of all. We would be better off if it were so simple. Those scenarios would still leave some people untouched. What we are witnessing is decades of mistakes all coming to a boiling point at once. Corruption and horribly poor leadership, combined with comfort driven apathy of the citizens has produced unavoidable consequences. Like a thousand subterranean flows of magma streaming 21 together we are now seeing the pressure build, waiting and wondering. When will it blow? When does this volcano of mankind's mistakes thunder forth as a raging force enveloping every corner of the globe? Section 2 If The Damage Does Not End..... We face a Reckoning. A forcible accounting to confront us with the results for all we have done and all we have failed to do. There is a price to be paid for every mistake a society makes and ours are all coming due at once. We are not in a position to determine the terms of a settlement, we will just be along for the ride. Should this volcano be allowed to blow it will not burn out with a series of events one can be isolated from. A Reckoning would be followed with a period of retribution. Retribution in the form of simultaneous events feeding off each other and growing in scope until all we take for granted is gone and our way of living is reduced to acquiring basic needs. A Reckoning is more than a disaster or events you can isolate yourself from. You will not escape it. A Reckoning would be a worldwide period of tragedies resetting the world for a future beyond the current mistakes of mankind. The only way to escape a Reckoning is to prevent it. The United States cannot save or police the world and we should stop trying until we prove we can save ourselves. By doing so we could provide an example for the rest of the world to follow as we have done so many times in the past. This would be an incredible feat to accomplish but it was not long ago we assumed America was capable of incredible accomplishments. We still have the American Spirit and the people we need, we just lack both in government. We can avoid a Reckoning if we will swallow some bitter pills now to avoid the cyanide tablet continued waiting will bring. Those are the choices. We can avoid a Reckoning when the Restorers among us begin working together on every level to defeat those who are destroying us on every level. Optimism is an honorable companion to Patriotism but it must be rooted in something. It is not enough to base our optimism on what other Americans have done in the past. It is good to be proud of Americans in our past who rose to the occasion and overcame the challenges of their day. It is not good if we become reverent experts on what they did 22 while failing to rise to our challenges in our day. We have to look at our own challenges and assess those we rely upon to guide us. I'm not seeing anything there that inspires optimism. We need to fire an awful lot of people and we'd better do it very soon. The tough love, butt kicking solutions required for avoiding larger problems are far beyond the courage and political will of the elected career officials we are now paying. The persistent citizen attitude of “Oh well, they won the election, I guess we just have to sit here while they destroy us” is completely un-American. We don't accept destruction, we fire the destroyers. Why is this not on the to-do list of everyone that knows what the American Spirit is? Optimism. Yes, I am optimistic in the sense that I know if we can force enough dangerous leaders out very soon we have a very good chance of restoring this nation. That is the only way. The Restorers and the true American Spirit that lives within them offer the only hope of avoiding the cliff our leaders seem determined to herd us over. We've already let things go too far, that is why no solution will be pretty. The bitter pills mentioned earlier will not go down easy and every attempt to correct this mess now will meet fierce opposition. Consider the petroleum issue, any attempt to begin extensive increases in production will bring the eco-terrorists out acting up and creating real problems. Any serious attempt to dramatically reduce the size of our bloated city, state and federal governments will bring the labor thugs out marching around and getting belligerent. No attempt to harness the Federal Reserve and huge banks will ever wend it's way through the corrupt Congress that has grown fat while enabling those bankers. Try to reduce benefits for the generational social dependents and large areas of our cities will very likely burn. Try to get serious about border security and you will find the illegals can produce their own mobs. Several Cabinet level federal departments need to be completely eliminated and hundreds of smaller ones should be consolidated or shut down. Do that and all of the spoiled employees and those who share the loot with them will definitely respond in a most unfriendly fashion. This list could stretch on to become its own chapter but the point is made. We've already let things go too far and no real combination of solutions will be easy to implement. The waste, fraud and corruption is benefiting large numbers of bad characters. They have a good thing going and will not just sit and behave while corrections are made. Yet, make them we must. We must make the corrections and do the right things, let the chips fall where they may. We will be forced to deal with something, let that something be a chance at a new beginning for our nation as the Constitutional Republic which is our birthright. 23 Who will stand boldly and say we will avoid the Reckoning by being strong and smart now? Someone has got to be the grownup in the room. That job is the sole dominion of the Restorers. We do the tough things now that are ugly but manageable or we wait for a chaotic Reckoning no one can manage. The socialists drive our demise while the liberals live in denial. Old style conservatives admit they will keep waiting on elections and do nothing until it is too late so the Restorers are the only hope this nation has for a future as a Constitutional Republic. Section 3 Corruption: The Root of Our Evil Our federal government is now so corrupt, so entangled with the forces of the banking powers, multi-national business interests, labor unions and special interests groups it has become completely dysfunctional. They can barely pass a bad bill and good ones seldom make it past committee squabbles. A lot of our state and city governments are as bad on a smaller scale. Locally, people will have to decide if changes are possible or if the best solution is to move, taking their families and tax dollars to a place that makes more sense. Such places are not easy to find but we still have them. There are so many negative groups and forces attacking us from within, relying our current group of leaders to stop it is like swatting clouds of mosquitoes with a coat hanger. You can fight until you drop and you still wind up being bled dry. Waiting for more elections is like grabbing a second coat hanger. Only the People, acting as determined Restorers can save us from where our leaders have led. Only the People can fix the big picture but the entrenched career politicians and their corrupt network of cronies must be forced out first. They must be removed and their dirty network of funding for favors must be dismantled. The widespread corruption causing our current decline must be attacked immediately, it must be purged before we can even begin making repairs. You do not cure the symptoms without first destroying the cancer. The United States flourished as a Constitutional Republic but as we strayed the decline began to metastasize. Every critical danger we now face is due to one of two things, incompetence or corruption of too many elected officials. Incompetence is at least traceable to a natural lack of ability but the corruption enables the inept to remain on the job. Corruption in the money trails and the dirty shenanigans of the political party machines keep people in government when they would be fired for stupidity by any other employer. 24 We cannot avoid a Reckoning unless we immediately demand, and then force, the resignations of our most corrupt officials. We must start with the most egregious violators and work our way down using each success to send shockwaves through the system. We must serve notice to those who are convinced Restorers will not organize or will never act. The army of corruption that old style conservatism was not able to prevent needs to know there is a new force to be dealt with. That force is the Restorers and they are not rising from the ranks of a single party but from all parties and all levels of society. We are simply citizens who refuse to sit by while our nation is destroyed and we realize the current parties will never help us in time. We know a Reckoning is near and we seek to avoid it. We are uniting and we are going to fight to clean up the rat nests with focused determination. We don't treat the symptoms, we want to surgically remove the cancer of corruption. We have the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on our side. They have nothing but crooked money, the parties and a tactic of using the old style conservatives faith in crooked elections keeping them there. The business as usual conservatives, Democrat and Republican alike, will do nothing as rule breakers steal their nation. They will stumble on to the next election like lemmings headed to their fate. This has to change before the lemmings reach the cliff. The American Spirit was born and nursed by those who refuse to sit by and accept a bad fate. Restorers, us people of today, of the time that will define us, still hold alive the beautiful intrinsic spark that created this national spirit and we have a duty. We must behave as true Americans and cast off tyranny before the full measure of consequences is upon us. It means nothing to honor those who have done this in their day if we fail to act as we should when it is our turn. 25 Section 4 America: Done it Before--We'll Do It Again A Reckoning cannot be taken lightly. I tire of hearing that we have survived past depressions, we can survive another. That comment shows an ignorance of history. It is better to stand strong and prevent such a thing. I tire of hearing we won 2 World Wars and can win another. Again, prevention is the only sensible action. I tire of hearing that we are America and somehow, someway everything will be fine, it always is. All of these assertions have been correct in the past but today is not 1917, the 30's or 40's. Our nation and the world that surrounds us are nothing like they were in the days of our great successes and rise to wealth and status as the great superpower. It is true that as a nation we survived to prosper following the Great Depression and the many smaller ones that preceded it. It is also true that many families and individuals did not. During those terrible years many lost everything and never did recover. Middle aged and elderly citizens who saw their life's work destroyed and not recovered were everywhere. They died in poverty after a life of struggle through no fault of their own. The global financial meltdown of a Reckoning will bring a similar fate to many, are you willing to risk you or your family being among them? Yes, we won our World Wars, but how? We were at the cutting edge of all technologies and we had access to all of our natural resources like food, ores and fuel. We had leaders who were capable of making tough decisions when the chips were down. We had leaders who wanted our armies strong and well armed. Today there is a real risk of a new World War and our leaders are demoralizing our troops and their families while systematically reducing our arsenals, mothballing hundreds of Air Force fighter jets and trimming the size and power of our navy. A different attitude prevailed prior to wars of our past. Yes, we won those wars and survived to prosper but millions of dead, wounded or crippled soldiers did not. Millions of family members carried the pain of tragic losses to their graves. Winning does not mean the absence of losses and winning a war is never painless. One of my own great uncles hung himself in the family's barn a year after WW1 because the horrors of trench warfare could not be forced from his mind, awake or asleep. The people that fight the huge wars all carry the scars, even in victory. Are you ready for that or is it better to reboot with leaders who may be capable of avoiding it? Winning past wars with conventional weapons on battlefields against a detectable enemy 26 presence should not cause us to assume we can do so well today. The next great war will have new weapons and new tricks. Warfare will include cyber attacks on every system that is connected to the internet and some that are not. There are bombs (EMP) designed to destroy all electronics so our power grid and much else will be vulnerable targets. Contaminated water supplies and guerrilla tactics against civilians in public places are what wars bring today. We may have won some wars but where were we fighting? Not on our streets. It was the great cities and countryside of Europe exploding and burning. It was northern Africa, Asia and island strongholds that smelled of death and soaked up the tears of millions, not New York, Chicago or your hometown. It was not our bridges, factories, homes and cities left in ashes. This was an enormous advantage, especially when the fighting was finished. We can still defeat any opposing force on a battlefield but our enemies know this so the fighting will not be on battlefields. This is a new world with new weapons and new power players and alliances.. Expect changes. Albert Einstein once said, “I know not what weapons WW3 will be fought with but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.” Myself, I'd rather prevent it. Wise and competent leaders acting with the best interests of our nation at heart may be able to prevent the next one. Does any of that define the crew we have running our government today? No. We have squandered every advantage as other nations have begun to finally catch up. The great period of growth, wealth and prosperity following WW2 was a victory bounce and we will create another bounce or lose our position in the world. 27 Section 5 The Great Bounce of WW11 Our fighters came home from WW2 and went to work producing and the world was our market. Soldiers of the war torn nations had to go home and rebuild while ours came home and went right to work. We had one heck of a head start and we made the most of it. We were producing most of the worlds fuel and we were feeding, clothing and supplying the world at a very nice profit. Our economy had stabilized and we were not a nation buried in debt we could not pay. Our crops and manufactured products were needed by the world and our our advanced infrastructure and technologies helped us fill those needs as we grew fat on the profits. Our businesses were able to operate free of burdensome regulations and government stumbling blocks. Those were great years for the nation that had a head start and all of the components for success at just the right time. That was the Great Bounce of WW2. Every bounce has 2 parts, up and down. As we were bouncing up nothing much was happening in South America. India and China were backwards nations where a man who owned his own bicycle was considered fortunate. The Middle East was just a strange group of people and nations squabbling amongst themselves but hardly more than an amusing distraction on the world stage. The United States was the big dog on the block as the trade and finance powerhouse and everyone knew it. The Soviet thorn in our side was a security threat but no problem as competition in our world markets. We had it all. Jump ahead 60 years and all of that has changed. The Middle East is now awash in our oil dollars while our leaders have destroyed our own fuel production, so valuable to our efforts in WW2. India, China and many other nations are now profiting greatly from products they export at prices we cannot begin to compete with. This trend cannot be reversed, their people can live on much less than we can and their governments do not deliberately hinder their businesses. They have positioned themselves to succeed today while our leaders have failed to do the same so we are showing inevitable signs of decline. How many of our jobs can anyone bring back? Our manufacturing sector can never provide the number of high paying jobs it once did. During the first phase of our Great Bounce millions of workers were required to perform manual work in our factories and 28 offices. They have been replaced by technological advances in automation and equipment that is faster, cheaper and more reliable. This will not change, those jobs are gone. Yes our industries have seen other shifts from progress and technology but those changes also produced more jobs here, not overseas for products then sold here. I refuse the argument that people said the same when the age of mechanization replaced the blacksmiths, harness-makers and others who supported themselves by working with or caring for horses. Mechanics and production workers were needed for new industries. Yes, times change but times of good changes produce more industry, these times do not. Not here. The very technology that once aided us in development and growth became a double edged sword cutting costs one way and jobs the other. Our leaders taxed and regulated businesses who were forced to go elsewhere or lose their ability to compete. There are good economic times happening right now but not in the nations that are already advanced. The nations that did not get a WW2 bounce are getting one now because they still have decades to go before they wind up where we are. It will come to them eventually but that will not help us. Such is the way of the world. Grow or die. Either we have leaders who can help us position for growth or this nation is finished. This can be done but we must first force the departure of hundreds, if not thousands, of very bad leaders. We can prepare for growth only by first overcoming the stranglehold of corruption in all levels of government. If we cannot do that, nothing else matters, it will be a Reckoning. Right now, as a nation we can still produce food and products but automation has left us with more workers than we can employ. There is no real discussion in government that answers the question, what do we do with these workers now? It was bad enough when we had millions who did not try and willingly remained a burden, now we have sincere good people with no opportunity for advancing their lot in life. Other great nations of past prosperity are experiencing identical challenges. Unfortunately they spent the fat years making the same mistakes we did. They are in deeper trouble than we are because we have the birthright of the American Spirit to guide us, they do not. This truth is the single characteristic that has always led to American exceptionalism. It still can if we can gather to prove it. Restorers can do this, no one else is even pretending to propose a plan on a scale we are absolutely capable of achieving. The American Spirit naturally rejects the concept of waiting to receive a fate beyond our control. I refuse to accept a fate beyond our control. What kind of nonsense is that? We are AMERICANS and by the grace of God in heaven I will stand with those who stand with me and defend our 29 right to fire bad leaders. This is not complicated. Our leaders are preventing us from adapting to prosper in the future so they must go. They have no plans at all for freeing up our great minds, our skills and ingenuity or our great resources for building a stable position of strength for our next generation. It is not logical to expect intelligent plans for our future to come from the leaders we now have. We cannot even persuade them to stop looting wealth we no longer have, is it rational to expect them to find solutions to the problem that is them? These people are not wise leaders with experience in trade, industry or economics. They are mostly career politicians whose only skills are in plundering our economy for their own gain and lying well enough to keep their tracks covered and their jobs safe. Section 6 A World of Fake Money and Real Debt A Reckoning. Chaos to be mastered by the victors after all involved are done losing along the way. How did we even let it reach the point of this discussion? Nations and individuals began to behave like a fat spoiled child on a couch blowing an inheritance earned by others with no regard for the future. We've all seen these foolish children wind up broke and in debt. Well, guess what? Most of the western world is now in that same place, the bounce is over and the ball is rolling toward another field. America must create another bounce or the ball will become the property of others who are already in play. Our extreme national debt can never be paid, no amount of growth and success will overtake it. As we continue to loot our future with waste, fraud, borrowing and printing of fake dollars our global competitors are growing and expanding their markets. We owe trillions of dollars and as our markets share becomes smaller we borrow trillions more. Most people still believe we are borrowing our own dollars back from China but this is drying up. While that was a completely stupid fact of our recent past the Chinese have watched us long enough to know we are in too far. They have sharply reduced their investments in our system and are selling off some of what they have. To cover this loss of funding we are now borrowing from ourselves. Think of it as opening a second checking account to write checks for covering overdrafts in your first account. That is how our country is financed today. 30 Debt is common but why should a nation, especially ours, deal in debt? Think about it; debit is the ultimate manifestation of imagination. You borrow to spend what you imagine you can repay later. Debt is spending what is currently tangible with the expectation it can be repaid later with funds you can only hope for. A person can borrow with comfort as long as they have a secure income and know it will remain so. A nation should not acquire more debt when they owe that money back to potential enemies or themselves. The same people in government who are spending the money from our future are the same ones who are crippling our businesses so we won't be able to make enough money to repay the mistakes they make by borrowing. The only way we can afford to keep paying the rapidly accumulating interest is to increase taxes. With fewer jobs here now we have fewer tax payers so more is needed from each. This is a problem that grows it's appetite faster than it's food. Right now it looks like the workers in 2030 will be taxed for well over half of their pay. That is the good news, not considering the economic chaos of global financial meltdowns and a Reckoning. More than half of your pay toward taxes—IF we get lucky. There is absolutely no way we can reverse this trend with the leaders and party powers we now have. Those who created our disaster will never fix it and our decline is developing so quickly it is naive to believe decades of election cycles may eventually turn it around. How many decades of elections can you survive by writing yourself bad checks? For those who have brought us this new reality, a price should be paid. Those who deliberately led us to spending beyond all responsible limits must be removed from office and stripped of all pensions and benefits. To reward them for their attempts to destroy us is insanity. For those who were present and failed to take a stand by making the battle against corruption their highest priority, they must also go. Economists and old style conservatives tell us we must grow our way out of debt. Do we really need them to tell us the obvious? They do not give a logical plan for that growth. How are we to produce astronomical growth when the bankers along with all levels of government have left us with a formidable minefield of requirements, restrictions and regulations on any form of business? They stifle the very growth they acknowledge we so desperately need. We cannot start new businesses and create a new future of success with a government filled with those who make it so hard to do. We do not have the freedom today that we had when we did grow and show the world what America was 31 capable of. The government that is supposed to protect our ability to live free and prosper is now the aggressive enemy of our freedoms and prosperity. All levels of government seem determined to make it hard for us to conduct business while spending their time figuring out ways to make us pay more for the damage they cause. This is a textbook example of a quandary. A perplexing situation whose solutions all create more problems. We are not in a static state we can remain in for as long as we choose to. The first stage of a Reckoning will most likely be due to our finances. A severe market crash, extreme inflation from printing too much money or any other financial catalyst can become the spark that lands in our national powder keg. Restorers know this, we realize the potential for a nightmarish financial collapse. Old style conservatives seem to think the threat is something we can live with until some mystical leaders of the future get around to fixing it. Restorers want the spending under control immediately, not a 10 or 20 year plan the old guard will accept. We fix this now or the economy alone may launch a complete Reckoning which will do it for us in a brutal fashion. Our future has no other options that a rational examination of the evidence will support. Some in positions of power resent the past successes and high standard of living in America. They are manipulating economics and policies to bring us down. This is no accident but a very deliberate strategy to break us down so we are more desperate and easier to control. Right now they face no effective resistance. Old style conservatives have been swatted away like flies as the socialists either change the rules or ignore them. The continued success of the destructive strategies will soon create rates of inflation which will change the buying habits of every American, especially the targeted middle class. Look at what has already happened to the cost of food and fuels. Imagine your life if they double or triple again. Or worse. No nation deserves a high standard of living, they earn them. Most of us are not the ones who earned ours, not as a nation. Too many focused on just getting their own and ignored what the leaders were doing as the golden goose was plucked clean. We must resolve to earn our way to financial security once again by rebooting with leaders who actually know or care how a stable economy functions. Overspending can drive amazing levels of inflation and when it happens here you may 32 have a lot of money, it just won't buy very much. All but the most wealthy people will be forced to purchase nothing but the most basic essential products then start prioritizing among them too. Businesses like theaters, novelty shops, home improvement stores and restaurants will close at alarming rates, producing more unemployed workers. More homes lost and fewer taxes paid to all levels of government so more services are cut. More debt, more borrowing, more inflation and more people needing assistance. People are then forced to cut deeper into their lifestyles and the cable TV, internet and cell phones become casualties. Vacations are not even considered and another industry is falling apart. All of these cuts result in losses for companies who then let more workers go. The disaster feeds itself. Section 7 Point of No Return At some point, even those who do not pay attention must face the reality of what has transpired. They will be looking for someone to blame for their plight. The middle class will eventually become angry, upset with their own plight and hurting from what they see friends and loved ones going through. Many Americans already have friends or relatives living with them and the prospects for more of this are great. In a Reckoning this will be common with no prospect for improvement in sight. People will be scared or angry but at this point it will be too late. The Reckoning will be upon us. It is reasonable to ask why a Reckoning would result when we went through a Great Depression with a semblance of basic social stability. The answer is complicated but rooted in the reality of our times. First of all, a Reckoning is more than a single set of problems or challenges, it is the cyclical retribution administered by fate and allowed by God for permitting a mushroom cloud of problems to escalate to proportions far beyond our control. The Great Depression happened in a different era in a far different world. We had huge potential markets available. We had untapped resources and the ability to manage our businesses for the growth solutions that saved us. The Great Depression was an economic crisis but economics are just one aspect of a much bigger mess today. I find people now who are saying they trust that God will save us by why would He? 33 When has He ever helped those who were not first helping themselves? Look at history; God saved Christians from the pits of Rome and the lions that fed upon them for entertainment but how many died first? How many first died in the wars God helped us eventually win? Nowhere does God state that He will prevent us from suffering on earth from dangerous conditions we create for ourselves and refuse to correct ourselves. He gave us brains and a Book of rules and told us to use both for our own good. Instead, we inch our way toward a Reckoning we can see coming but do very little to prevent. In the absence of intelligent and responsible leadership America is vulnerable to escalation of troubles that may very likely reach to us from beyond our shores. We cannot assume that our worst troubles can only begin here. Financial collapses in Europe, interruption of fuel supplies from the Middle East, military emergencies from Russia, the Middle East or Asia, the Sea of China region, all could launch us into critical stages of emergency which would require fast and effective responses from our leaders to keep from creating enormous problems for us. The planet is one big powder keg right now just waiting for a spark and the people we have in place to react are so incompetent, so distracted by campaigns and political one-upsmanship they can't even make minor decisions of a positive nature. God help us if something imminently dangerous occurs before we can begin forcing out the worst of them. You know whatever they would do in response to real danger would be weak, stupid or both. We just can't start removing them soon enough. Right now there is a real possibility that the Middle East could wind up in a war because crazy people want nukes. If it starts there is no way anyone can guess who would jump in or which nations would form alliances in active support of each other. Since our government spent 30 years talking about becoming energy independent instead of achieving it, a war in the Middle East would be an instant nightmare for us. Our fuel prices are bad enough but a war could result in gas prices of $12-$15 a gallon or even more. There would be rationing, no way around it. Everything we need for survival is hauled by vehicles using this fuel so all prices would have to rocket skyward to cover shipping and transport costs. Are you ready for that? How many people can pay $240 for a 16 gallon fill up, if they are allowed to purchase a full tank? Farmers that raise our food burn this fuel in the equipment that plants and harvests it. Their crops we eat and that which they feed to the livestock we consume would cost 34 much more to produce. Food prices could triple, or worse. Food and a bit of gas would be more than most can afford. What would people do to get these things and what steps would the government take to manage it? To manage us? We may still be considered the world's only superpower but enemies no longer fear us either; they've seen too many displays of weakness and indecision, too many mistakes. Our allies have always been quick to accept protection, aid and support from us but when we need support from them they often fail us. When you are alone at the top many will resent that and secretly enjoy seeing you in trouble. I believe that is the case among some of our allies. If our best interests compete with theirs in the least we will be left on our own. Yet, the problems that begin in other lands are capable of spilling over and igniting troubles right here. The world has changed and Europe is in the same floundering boat we are. The Middle East nations are in turmoil and nations that do not like us are uniting and stabilizing their own bases of power. New powers that are uniting previously insignificant nations that are growing in financial and military power. European nations are already on alert wary of rioting if their unstable economies collapse. Tragedies like that have a way of producing contagious behavior that some in our country would try to exploit for their own dumb reasons. Armed conflicts growing elsewhere, such as the Korean Peninsula, Iran, China and Taiwan, Israel and any of their neighbors could spark serious unrest here. We have people here who will take advantage of any opportunity for civil disobedience. We have never seen widespread rioting in America, the closest we ever came was in the 60's and that was bad enough. With the division and animosity that exists in our society now that socialism has a toehold there will be riots in some areas before the instigators can be contained. That is just how they work, they use violence because they cannot win on ideas alone. These people are quite comfortable using guerrilla tactics too. Anyone who has watched the socialist demonstrations and protests knows that our governments have adopted a hands-off attitude toward them. While traditional Americans who support our laws and Constitution are treated with suspicion as potential thugs and terrorists, socialist revolutionaries are coddled and allowed special privileges. Now we have foreign terrorists that may act as guerrillas and some of our own who will 35 join or mimic them. The future does not look bright for people who live in our major cities or more populous states. They will receive the major impact of bad behavior if we allow that day to come. It is said that 70% of Americans live within 50 miles of a coast. It is the coasts that bear the brunt of attacks in the first stages of war. Troubles brewing in pockets across the globe and troubles brewing right here at home, these are just troubling times. Scattered conflicts have a way of congealing into large widespread conflicts. Neither World War began around the world at once. They began as regional wars that spread out of control like a grassfire in a strong wind. There is currently nothing in the works that shows promise of calming growing hostilities so it is wise to hope for the best but prepare for something else. What is prepared? What does it mean to be prepared? It is difficult to prepare when you must guess what may come. Everyone has a unique situation and our needs vary but the most important part of preparing is mental. Prepare your mind to be able to remain content with much less. Prepare yourself to be strong when you see the suffering of others. Prepare yourself to deal with whatever comes without mourning the loss of material possessions or access to conveniences that we now take for granted. It is safe to assume any serious effort to bring the United States to it knees will involve destruction of our water systems, our electrical grid and our communications. Take the water or power from any heavily populated area and you have paralyzed that portion of America. Disrupt communications and you have struck a severe mental blow that will have profound effects. I know people right now that panic or become very distraught when their smart phone is dead or their internet isn't working. Our infrastructure is vulnerable. You know it, I know it and the world knows it. Cyber attacks have already been tested and succeeded in taking out water supply pumps and power grids. Just tests but they worked. Other tests have been conducted toward hacking into the controls of our communication satellites. The hackers got into the control software that steers these satellites and they advanced through the steps as far as they needed to in order to change the path, and therefore the function of the satellites they tested. At that point they stopped, they knew they had access capabilities. The hackers knew they could get back in, whenever they are ready to. Who are those hackers and when will they feel they are ready? What is it they are practicing for? 36 How long can a region go without electrical power before critical emergencies overwhelm our ability to respond? With no power you have no refrigeration, no furnace fan and no air conditioning. Homebound patients with medical equipment are soon in serious trouble. Stores will lose power too so that means fuel pumps will also be down. Whatever gas you have stored determines how long you can drive. Cities that rely upon subways or mass transit will come to a halt. Security will become everyones problem because of the bad actors who will take advantage of the disaster. How would one call 911 and will they be too overwhelmed to respond? There are a great many citizens who are alive and functional today because of regular treatment of a condition or prescription drugs which they cannot live without. Insulin, blood pressure medicine, oxygen tanks and much more. These would be impossible for some to access and the results are not pleasant. Finding these people after they perish would become a common occurrence. Our society is dependent upon reliable infrastructure for basic survival needs. Our infrastructure is vulnerable and only reliable when not tampered with. Another book could be written about life without electricity. The ramifications are endless. How would people in apartments or condo complexes get fresh air, temperature control or the ability to even prepare a meal? Many people in single family homes would not be able to cook, bathe or store food. Try this little experiment with yourself or your family. Go for a full week without using a microwave and toaster. I know people who have never heated soup or vegetables on an open flame like the old gas ovens used. How would they be able to feed themselves for weeks or months on end with no gas or electric? Where do you get fuel for a fire in a city and where do you burn it in an apartment complex? FYI- you can live on cold canned vegetables and Spam but you sure won't like it. Generators can get you by for awhile but they make noise and that will draw others who have none. I've seen this after a day of ice storms in a city. Generators attract attention and in this case, they would be vital to life for many. Running a generator advertises the fact you have power and fuel. Would that be wise? A generator is short term relief, they need fuel and they would need to be protected against theft. What would people with no storage space do for food when the stores are not available? They would be forced to leave their homes, where do they go? A power plant that is severely damaged takes a long time to put back together. Prepare mentally. Have a plan and do not hesitate to implement it at the slightest hint of trouble. 37 Each day without power would become increasingly dangerous for travel in the streets. Even good people can be changed when faced with desperation. How would our officials react? We know they have contingency plans, we do not know what they are. Roadblocks and restricted travel? Maybe. Probably, highly likely in the most heavily populated areas. Controlling crime would be a big job and allowing unrestricted travel would enable criminals, I would expect travel restrictions. Imagine a week in a high rise apartment without water. No drinking or cooking water, no bathroom facilities. Not good but again, very likely. Municipal water supplies use a series of electric pumps for distribution. Emergency back-ups are very short term only. The Reckoning, and it is only beginning. Once we are crippled in various regions, what will the people do? What will they accept or tolerate from leaders? When a major power is crippled the sharks tend to circle, opportunities like this are not wasted. A military problem with a foreign nation is a real possibility at this point. Missiles? Send enough of them and some will get through. Across the globe there are 11,000 missiles already aimed at us. We have already witnessed 2 launched near our shores without detecting the underwater craft that carried them. At this point, all bets are off and ingenuity will determine your best chances for keeping mind and body together. Ingenuity, preparedness, courage and a fair amount of luck. We rely heavily upon foreign trade and imports for our foods and many other basics. All international conflicts involve disruption of trade and supply traffic. This is a tactic as old as warfare and it cuts both ways. War is privation, ask someone who was around during WW2 what they lived without and those fights were not even here. There was no trouble on our streets and no loss of utilities. Many other nations depend upon us exporting wheat, corn and other grains for their own food supply systems. They would see shortages. African nations already struggling with hunger and lousy production depend upon imported foods and medicines. The human disaster they would experience is unthinkable. The scenarios suggested here are tragic and dramatic but similar stories have occurred repeatedly since the beginning of time. Now that the world is so heavily populated and so interdependent upon global trade the consequences are more than those with the wars of history. There has never been a global calamity of the kind now building to a level of genuine threat. War combined with financial collapse and food and fuel shortages while 38 our own leaders focus on gaining power by changing us to a socialist bastion of powerless subjects. That is what distinguishes the Reckoning. A worldwide reset where all we know is changed and loss of life and possessions is of a scale beyond comprehension. Section 8 Prevention What are our leaders doing that gives you confidence they will avoid a Reckoning? Our financial system is being manipulated to a meltdown. International relations are a confused disaster of incoherent policies and senseless actions. Our infrastructure is not protected and our food and fuel supplies are dependent upon imports to sustain our current needs. Our borders are still easily crossed and our electrical, water and communication systems are proven to be vulnerable with no reliable back-up in place. What are we paying our leaders for? What are they doing with their time? They devise security over us and implement rules for scanning old ladies and baby diapers at airports. They install cameras and purchase spy drones so they can more closely observe what we do. They devise regulations that limit our ability to produce our own food and fuels as they allow production to be consolidated within mega-corporations that also cannot function without a reliable economy or infrastructure. They spend great amounts of their time meeting with high paid professional lobbyists who write the details of the laws they force upon us in exchange for campaign donations from special interests. Our leaders are absolutely positioning us for a true Reckoning whether by incompetence or deliberate, insidious intent. Are we the only generation of Americans who is dumb enough to allow this? Are we the weak and complacent generation our enemies have been hoping for? No, not all of us. It is time for us to begin removing the worst violators and work our way down until real solutions based upon our security, our future and common sense 39 finally start to develop. It is time to gather the Restorers to a single cause, the establishment of a corruption free DC and restoration of Constitutional principles in our government. The days of growing wealthy while presiding over the deliberate decline of our great nation are over. Now, some who do sense bad times ahead expect or favor a violent overthrow of our government today. They refer to the actions of our Founders in their day and attempt to draw comparisons which validate violent militia action here and now. This is not good. The Founders were dealing with a professional foreign army who was on the ground here enforcing arbitrary rule of a distant monarchy. We are merely having to fire some bad people in nice suits and expensive dresses. We have a great form of government, we need to re-establish it. There is no need or reason to overthrow the government, not while it can still be restored. We are not facing an armed hostile presence. Not yet anyway. 40 Addendum The following essay was first published at our original site, It has been edited for updates. Violent Revolution? Better Think Twice What a time to be alive! It seems as though the only thing we all agree on is that America as we once knew it is gone. We said America would not be lost on our watch but darn if it didn't happen anyway! Now we are seeking to define what we will become and no one knows where that answer will take us. Personally, I am with those who insist upon a return to Constitutional government. What matters most is the way we get wherever it is we are going. We all know the troubles in DC and we all have our own interpretations of who, what and how we got into such a mess. We had better step back and have a look at the pitfalls as we move ahead and decide how to straighten things back out. We are living a revolution. Right now, this is it. We have changed so dramatically that revolution is the only way to describe it. Most of us, on both sides of the battle, are not happy as things stand right now. I listen to the left, was raised on the right but see no solutions coming from either side. There are a lot of people on both sides talking and acting through the system to move things in the way they wish. I am also hearing more people from both sides who are so frustrated, so angry that they are ready to abandon the process. People have had it and are tired of being ignored. Now there is a great anger building and it seems like every move Washington makes feeds that anger. I’m angry too but that anger is tempered with concern and a heartfelt desire to do the right thing. That is why I am doing all I can think of to bring progress to a peaceful revolution to restore this nation and our Constitutional government. That is why I am a Restorer. Many are now acting as though they want violence to begin just to get it over with. I wonder how many of those people have been in truly violent situations? I have. Working through school in a large packing house in a rough area shows you things many people prefer not to think about. When I was violent it was brief acts among violent people and 41 I can tell you, it is to be avoided. Whether you know what you are doing or not. Someone gets hurt, someone else gets hurt real bad. Winners get hurt too. I believe in violence. There is no other way to control violent people so we pay cops and soldiers to be violent in our stead. Resorting to random violence to solve a political situation among your own countrymen can only bring disaster to all. No one wins that. Look at our own Civil War period for proof. Read about the “burnt district” in Missouri, the raid of Lawrence Kansas, the bushwhackers, jayhawkers, Quantrill, Bloody Bill, Morgan and the raiders of North and South. To be anxious for that type of situation is either ignorant or a sign of insanity. These things happened right here in our nation. Everyone in America who has driven on an interstate has probably driven over a path some group of raiders crossed on their way to or from plundering innocent people who were poorly suited for defense. Violence led these raiders. Violence on the side of good defeated them but no one was ever brought back to life, no families were put back together. What is a violent revolution really like? Some seem to believe they would spend their days shooting at bad guys from safe defenses then go home and eat dinner with their families. That is not what happens. In a violent revolution mobs develop and individuals do not control any aspect of that situation. You are in defense mode and may not prevail. You can shoot but they can shoot back. I don’t care what ammo you store or how straight you shoot, things happen. Good shooters miss and bad ones get lucky. The good guys do not always win. First of all, consider your supplies. Our stores restock continuously. That would be interrupted. So, maybe you are well stocked. What if you are forced by circumstances to abandon your position quickly? That happens and then all that stocked supply belongs to someone else. There is a good chance that government would enact anti-hoarding laws and sweep for stored goods. Other nations have, ours did. You think you can defend your hoarded items against such a sweep? When a government sweeps an area for food or weapons they don’t send Sgt Friday with a warrant. Trucks pull up and soldiers pour out in teams and overcome an area immediately. You’d fight back? Fine, they center on you, take you out and go on. These people are trained, have more back-up than you do and they all know what they’re doing. You have family and friends who will not be with you. What happens with them? 42 Revolutions are famous for spawning epidemics of pregnancies. You can guess how that happens and it is not consensual. If you think your wife or daughters are safe from that get in line with millions of others who have made that same mistake. They are not. You cannot protect a home or it’s people for extended periods of time. In a conflict nothing is more vulnerable, more easy to destroy than a residential home. In a violent breakdown of societies nothing is safe from destruction. Cities burn, you think you can save your home when all around is in flames? Even in rural areas there is risk. Being isolated you are also isolated in defense and at any moment too many of the wrong crowd can storm through. You may think you can stand that once, what about 4 or 5 times? If you are exposed enough to fire a shot in defense then you are exposed enough for an enemy bullet to follow the same path back to you. Records of war tell of men taking a bullet which came at them directly through their own rifle scope. Who will defend your family when your scope has a hole clear through it? I have a daughter who developed asthma in an instant. She laid down and we found her unable to breathe. It was a mad rush to get her to care but we were able to move freely and we were not pinned down. If something similar would happen during a violent revolution a parent would have to sit tight and hold that child as they died. Violent revolution prevents society from functioning and when society ceases to function common maladies like asthma, diabetes, broken bones and infections become life- threatening dangers. So many people seem to think a violent revolution is something that happens in a week or 2 then they emerge from their safety hole and view the damages. That is presuming too much and that view ignores history and too many very real possibilities. A person is wise to prepare their family. It is always prudent to have food and more stocked and it it just common sense to have a way to defend yourself, your family and your home. It is foolish to think that you have everything you need and cannot be overrun in a out of control scenario. Violent revolutions are the ultimate dice roll. They create many mob-rule situations. The mobs are always wrong but try telling them that when they surround your home and you cannot call for help. When you speak of being ready for violence you better realize what you are saying. Are you ready to risk your own death resulting in no protector left to defend your family? Are you ready to be wounded in a freak occurrence then lie helpless while your wife 43 and/or daughters are carried off? That is part of it. Are you ready to lie immobilized from a wound while you watch your own blood drain away? That is the result of violence. If you think this can't happen you'd better read the stories from our Civil War, our Revolutionary War, the recent incidents in Bosnia, Serbia, Soviet Georgia, Columbia, Greece, WW 1 & 2 or any other period where social upheavals and war occurred. Start with the Bible if you believe nothing else. The war stories have remained the same since man first learned to write the records. Yes we need a revolution but people had best allow the better angels of our nature run it. We need to do this but by increasingly active protests, removing corrupt leaders, strikes, boycotts, shutting down our businesses and other non-violent methods. Cooler heads must prevail. It is easy to sit at a computer while the furnace is running, the lights are on and the beer is cold talking about how you are ready and it is time for blood! It is not easy when you walk outside to gather your well-planned self-sufficient eggs or garden produce and someone hiding in a bush snipes a bullet into your back right outside your door. That is violent revolution. This effort must remain peaceful until someone else brings violence to you. If someone does bring violence, be prepared to win but know that you may not. If you are mad at the system then become a Restorer and struggle to change the system. If you are so wound up that you are ready to launch the battle now, turn off the news and get yourself some help. The rest of us will keep working on new ideas and uniting with political power to force change. We need to stop the socialist revolution and begin one of our own but we need one that we can look back on with pride, not tears. We need the success of the Restorers. 44 Section 1 Where Are the Leaders We Need Today? When is it time to stop whining about our losses and repeating old complaints about liberals and start acting like we are truly dedicated to the Restoration of America instead of just defining what ails us? Maybe we would not be losing our nation or worried about our future if we had a few strong leaders out front with ideas, drive and direction that inspired confidence. I'd settle for just one good one with strength and momentum right now. Throughout history, time and again one strong leader making a stand at the crucial moment has changed the world. The characteristics they all shared was a clear view of the problems and a strong message against the opposition. Where are the leaders we need today? The people posing as leaders for American causes today are not yet applying all of their potential to Restore this nation. Every one of them that comes to mind maintains their status by what they say, not what they have accomplished. We cannot follow people that merely sound good but who else is there? Where is the inspirational leader with a growing resume of hard won successes? Where is the one person with the strength and determination of our Founders who will boldly proclaim that the corrupt nature of our current political process is an affront to American principles and an insult to our fallen soldiers? Where is the outspoken leader who shows signs of actually understanding the enemies we face and the dire need to stop them right now? The talk show hosts, the newest powerhouses of the media have a decision to make. They know the parties of the past have failed us; will they decide to join with us to accomplish the goals they say they share with us? I think so. I believe most are sincere and understand our need to meld into an organized and determined unit. They have a lot at stake and must be able to look us over and believe in us before we can expect them to risk their credibility by joining us. We have work to do there, let's get to doing it. Let them know who we are and what we are doing. We need them, they need us. We are all in this together. Will one of them become a leader? Who among them will be with us when it matters? Where is the one strong leader that can stand apart from the political cesspool of our nation's capital and proclaim the truth? How can a nation of 330 million people not 45 produce just one of integrity and patriotism with loyalty to their nation instead of their party? All I see is people so immersed in party politics, so brainwashed by years of games they are all saying different versions of the same threadbare nonsense. Where are the new leaders for today who will stand and tell us the liberals are no longer the problem, they were just a warm-up act for the fanatical socialists we must now stand against? We have vocal entertainers but not leaders, they are not the same thing. The old leaders in political positions and national airwaves still rant about the liberals as the problem and the conservatives as the antidote. That is why we need new leaders, up to date leaders that can see the changes that have already taken place and promote the new strategies needed to actually accomplish something good on a large scale. When was the last time we experienced a big change that was in our best interests? When was the last time you saw a leader do something that gave you real faith that we were turning the tide? Ponder that question for awhile..... Where are the leaders America needs today? They are not on the radar. They will rise, names now unknown will become famous as they take the lead in our restoration struggles. Names we have yet to hear of will be creating more discussion and search hits than any familiar names of today. The people out front leading a successful restoration will be known far into the future as historical figures equal to our Founders. The history for tomorrow is happening today and it is devoid of substantial leaders. This nation is ripe for new direction, some new leadership and some real heroes. The nation is ready for new leaders who are Restorers. Section 2 Talking Heads: What Are They Waiting For? One obvious reason the Patriot movements in this nation are suffering daily losses is because the loudest popular voices with the best distribution are predominantly old style conservatives, not Restorers. Of course, it goes without saying that ALL but one or two of the most familiar are baby boomers conditioned to repeating the talk that made them famous. They are highly successful baby boom entertainers being mistaken for leaders by old style baby boom conservative followers who are well adjusted to being in second place. ( I too, am a boomer) Think about it, run through the list of the top names in talk today and the pattern is there. Here we have a group with powerful public forums, the 46 public ear and millions of radio listeners, TV viewers, readers and subscribers. Yet, they choose to merely inform and entertain, not lead effectively. That is their right to do so and their voices provide a valuable service for all but a problem develops when patriotic citizens mistake them for leaders. What is most troubling is that each of them will state they are entertainers or opinion reporters then follow up by playing an occasional haphazard leadership role. They tell you who to vote for, what rallies to attend, whose books to buy, which groups to support and what strategies to use. In this way they blur the lines between entertaining and leading. They draw millions to concerts, rallies, demonstrations and festivals and not once has one of them sent the attending crowd home with a plan that all know will save our nation starting immediately. Not once has any of them told the crowd both old parties are part of the corruption and offered something else. Not once have any of them done more than prove they can draw a crowd. No group of people in this nation could be of more service to restoring the nation, removing corruption and saving our future than patriotic media stars. Unfortunately, too many are the very ones hurting us by perpetuating the old style liberal vs. conservative debates and convincing many to believe we actually have 20 to 50 years available to us for fixing this nation. We have lost the luxury of time. Why are these people willing to wait while corruption runs rampant in our governments? Is it because they are wealthy and isolated from the effects of the damage? Fear of the FCC or losing advertising contracts? They tell us it may take 50 years knowing full well that they throw away 2 generations by doing so and they'll be dead and long gone before it can be proven just how wrong their advice was. Some of these may eventually become useful Restorers but they are at risk of waiting too long to get there. These media darlings of today who are underutilizing the trust of their loyal followers will not be remembered once their microphones fall silent unless they make a difference now when it counts. Why should any of them be remembered as anything more than educators or amusing entertainers? Not one is doing anything to restore our country now, today. One is very close, he may do it. We have had more than 40 presidents, how many of them are well remembered by everyday people? How many reporters and entertainers have we seen come and go? How many are remembered as significant or held in great esteem today? How many great American patriots are discussed as famous today besides those who lived 235 years ago? Reagan? Who else? Every point in time has its stars, the next point in time dismisses them for the latest greatest and so on. All of the big names 47 of today will also be forgotten by the future if they fail to help restore America now. People are wrong to see them as leaders when they choose to be analysts who only react after the fact. Leaders break new ground, they do not encourage devoted followers to pursue failed tactics. In the past 5 years a few very notable names from the scene of political discourse have passed before their time. They are rarely mentioned now. They reported and analyzed everything, they changed nothing. The few who are so famous now will likewise vanish without a ripple if they fail to stand courageously for real change right now. Sloshers. The talking heads of America today will rise to the occasion or succumb to time as what I call “The Sloshers.” What is a slosher? Someone that stirs things up then goes away with no appreciable loss. Put your hand in a bucket of water, slosh it around and you make some waves. Pull that hand out and the ripples fade away, just like you were never there. That is how history will recall the big voices who stir things up today. Either they dump the bucket and bring life to a fertile seed or their ripples will subside right after they stop sloshing. Something must grow from their work or they are forgettable. History does not favor those who just talk but it does remember those who lead successfully. Do not misinterpret the point of this. Listen to these people as they dig up news you will hear nowhere else. Listen to their perspectives and how they analyze news and tie things together. They excel in that regard. They are often brilliant and I can be counted among the regular listeners. Do not make the mistake of thinking of them as leaders when they tell you they are not and demonstrate they are not. The difference with myself and other Restorers is that we listen but never stop thinking for ourselves or being honest about reality. Restorers do not take advice from people who reinforce the idea that Americans are stuck with corruption unless we can vote it out. Our reality is that after so many have followed instructions from these entertainers they now use those same entertainers excuses to explain away decades of losses. Old style conservatives routinely accepting defeat because their old style talking heads tell them how. These voices of the airwaves are busy people. They do an incredible amount of good research and they have to manage complicated lives while managing many aspects of a legitimate profit motivated business. I will absolutely defend their right to do so. Can you imagine their lives? They can go nowhere without serious considerations of 48 their privacy and security. They must live daily with fears of the security situation of those who are most important in their personal lives. Each of them has given up much to achieve the status and success they now have. These people live with danger beyond that of a movie star or famous athlete. They are also the only group of stars I can think of that manage the business of their own success. Considering that most produce programs of 3 hours on a daily basis while running a business that is the envy of most CEO's is a truly astounding accomplishment. This does not qualify them as leaders but it does prove they are outstanding businessmen and entertainers. Are they leaders people should follow? Are they people who plan brilliant strategies for the success of saving and restoring the worlds greatest nation? No, I think these people have enough to do already. When do they get the time required to sit alone, digest all that is, was and will be? They do not, they must not or surely they would not be so willing to just accept what is happening without demanding it be stopped immediately. Yes they are smart. Yes they are able. Yes they are capable of a kind of minor leadership role sufficient for maintaining a following and lucrative customer base. These people are sharp, but only as entertainers and news analysts. That does not qualify them as leaders for saving our nation. If so, why are we not saved after 20 years of their talk? Because they do their part and they do it well. The other part they cannot do because none of them try. Only the Restorers seem to see this. The action side of patriotism is the void that is only half filled. To succeed it must be bursting at the seams and breaking forth in all directions. Rocket scientists are brilliant but you would not ask one to operate on your heart. These stars are sharp but only in their entertainment fields. Ideas and strategies come from idea people, not entertainers who report on or analyze events. The Tea Party people proved this. They won a historical series of elections. The concept that did it was developed and nursed by the people, coast to coast. Entertainers helped them gain prominence but they did not invent that strategy, it came from new leaders. Real leaders at home and in neighborhoods getting the job done. Tea Party people did it while the talking heads followed along. Restorers are acutely aware these media stars are not leaders. Mistaking them for leaders is the seed of analysis paralysis. They report and the knowledge is usually accurate and useful. Restorers apply their own intellect to that reporting and take the next step, they demand solutions, real solutions. As OSC's these talk hosts are stuck in the rut of 49 believing elections can eventually save us. They emit a steady stream of contradictions. Not because they deceive us or choose to, merely because they have not yet transitioned from conservatism to restoration. The tactics they suggest have already been defeated and their message has not been adapted to address the disasters we now face. Twenty years ago when they first began their careers their approach was fresh, their guidance helpful. Now they are behind the times. While they were busy the times changed and the opposition changed. Now, will our entertainers change to catch up and become useful in saving our beloved nation or merely keep lamenting it's demise? Will one of them emerge as a historical leader of restoration or will they be forgotten as soon as they go silent? That depends on where their hearts take them and how they proceed. Meanwhile, we cannot afford to do nothing while waiting for one of them to step up. We must call these voices of the airwaves out. We have to challenge them to be strong. Section 3 The Contradictions The contradictions from the national stars are apparent but many rising local talents are avoiding the same mistakes. The national stars carry on about our Founders but seem to pick and choose just which words of the Founders they repeat or ignore. Restorers want the pensions and benefits removed from Congress, the Founders discussed this too and wanted no such thing. Not one national star is out there daily demanding this. The nation resents the lengthy careers of professional politicians but the national stars never go after the pensions and benefits that enable them to remain against our wishes. They routinely back the campaigns of many who have served for too long in the same office. National stars carry on about the American Spirit and the indomitable nature of Patriots; then they advise all to buy gold against an inevitable failure, store food and drugs and have a plan for when society collapses. The plan for bold Patriots is to prepare for losing our nation instead of preventing that loss by removing corruption? THAT is patriotism today? Planning how to hide out and survive instead of figuring out how to save our nation from that scenario? I thought enemies of America were the ones who had to do the hiding, not the citizens. Some voices of the air run on day after day telling us about history then tell us to prepare for hiding and hoarding until the Reckoning subsides. How can this be considered a viable plan by anyone who knows so much history? Few citizens are blessed with the 50 courage, abilities and luck survival depends upon in very dangerous times. People who lack the courage to prevent a meltdown will not be prepared to survive the chaos of a meltdown. Preparing for violent times while doing nothing to avoid them is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at our Revolutionary and Civil Wars the radio voices are always referring to. Those are the historical examples of what happens when the trouble is in our backyards. The records of both are filled with the exploits of murderous bands of raiders who combed the countryside taking hoarded goods from people who were better prepared for home defense than we are today. These bands murdered, raped, burned and robbed as they saw fit and though some were captured or killed many operated for years. Knowing this, why do the talking heads not do all they can to prevent it in our time? What have they learned from the past they keep telling us about? Personal responsibility is a topic the OSC hosts love to expound upon. Take responsibility on a personal level for what you have done, what you have failed to do, what you should start doing. How can someone tell you to accept responsibility for your actions then tell us the plan is to let our mistakes be cleaned up by the next 2 generations? Maybe by then, after we are dead and buried voting will eventually save America. This is the most glaring contradiction demonstrating why we must draw the distinction between who is just a popular mouthpiece and who is a leader with integrity and substance. Anyone who says personal responsibility matters then tells us our children and grandchildren must repair what we've allowed is no one you want advice from. Those are not the words of responsible leaders. Discussion of revolutions produce several contradictions from this crowd. I have heard more than one OSC national talkshow host describe election results as a revolution. This demonstrates their disconnect with history and the real meaning of the word. A revolution does not just change a few names and faces in a process. A revolution changes the process. Ours must produce a process for immediate removal of dangerous leaders. A revolution is dramatic and produces immediate change. Elections do not provide immediate change and never will. That process leaves a majority of sitting members in place and produces slow change that can take decades. Elections, as we conduct them, support continuity of policies and ideals. That is just fine when things are going well. When things are deteriorating to the level of large scale disaster the last thing we need is continuity of leadership. We just proved that in 2010 when newly 51 elected leaders won by huge margins and were summarily shut down dead on arrival by entrenched career party hacks who resented the proclaimed will of the voters. How can one honor the Founders for their revolutionary acts and ideals then report daily on the deliberate destruction of those ideals while telling us to tolerate more while waiting for election miracles? Our Founders were constantly frustrated by those who accepted the role of helpless subjects and willingly tolerated wrongs while hoping for a miracle to save them. Now, our people who are talking daily about the Founders are repeating the attitudes our Founders struggled so hard to overcome. The only media the Founders had available was the printed word and many of those who published are remembered as heroes too. We have this powerful media of the airwaves today but they are relegating themselves to minor roles when the chips are down and they could be making a difference. These voices of the airwaves are in position to become the Founders of a restored America but they will have to accept some of the same risks our Founders did. Will they do so? The future of our nation is at stake, we must choose our leaders wisely. Courage comes with risk, action with sacrifice. Leaders accept this. Section 4 Local Radio Hosts: Restorers Who Lead Follow the stars in local markets, that is where you find Restorers. I have found a few genuine Restorers speaking truth, patriotism and action but each is a local talent in limited markets. I hope and I pray that these people will explode to the national stage and be heard by the millions who are ready for them. Our project will do everything we can to find and promote these wonderful patriots, some of whom are destined to become true historical figures. You will hear more fresh, new and useful ideas from these local stars in one day than you will in a month or even a year of listening to the old stars whose ideas have become stagnant. Local market hosts, for what they may lack in experience, income or notoriety, are much more valuable to our future due to their drive, truth and ambition. Restorers exist in local markets so we will promote them and encourage them to work together while we encourage all Restorers to support them. No one will succeed in this alone. I first discovered the pockets of on-air local market Restorers while listening to an online broadcast of a Phoenix AM station. I had found work by the host on the net so I pulled up his Saturday afternoon program and was amazed to finally hear the unvarnished truth about where we are and what we must do about it. The host is Rudi K 52 whose program, Main Street Out Loud airs in Phoenix every Saturday afternoon on 960 KKNT. It was refreshing to hear a Patriot host speak honestly and free from blinding party loyalty. The passion of Rudi's patriotism was immediately apparent and his glovesoff approach to analyzing and defining the roots of our national ills was completely unexpected. He was just speaking the truth boldly without the bombastic showmanship too many national talents rely on. I thought he was just on a roll but it was the same, week after week, unapologetic truth without protecting any favorites. Rudi is serious about putting America on the right track today, not 30 years from now. I'd found my first Restorer in a major market. Shortly after discovering Rudi K the major AM blowtorch station in my home state hired a great host out of Florida. This man, Simon Conway also speaks just like us Restorers, that is, if things are wrong now, why not fix what we've discovered right now? The Constitution is supposed to be the ultimate law of the land and Republicans are doing no better with this than the Democrats. Ironically, Simon is a LEGAL British immigrant and is still a more determined Patriot than 90% of the people I know. Simon can be heard on weekdays, 4pm Central on 1040 AM, WHO radio out of Des Moines, find him online too and listen well, he gets it. Both of these shows can be found at our website. This piqued my curiosity so I began digging around finding other local hosts and hearing what they had to say. Other Restorers exist. I soon found a couple more and continue to find them without having to look very hard. I hope they all may grow as well as Rudi and Simon's shows are doing. That means America is behind their message. These people are not repeating the OSC spiels the national hosts are stuck on. What you hear from them is insight to what is happening now but they offer real solutions and true leadership for making a difference now. You will never hear a Restorer host tell you to get ready to hide because Americans can't do anything about where government is taking us. They talk about dumping the culprits. The American Spirit is alive and well in them and it shows. They understand the Founders of our past and whether they realize it or not, they may just be the Founders of our future. Get online, find these people, let them know you are listening and telling others about them. It's the least we can do. If I am right and one or more of the national stars is a Restorer may God bless them, we will be there for them too. Time will tell, who will walk the talk with us? Here we are, just talking because we have no leaders identified. That will change as soon as people recognize the opportunity, this field is wide open but that won't last. It never does. We have all read about or heard about revolutions but what is a revolution like for those who are there at the time? Answer that yourself because you are in one right now. The skillful manipulation of our political system which is using our trusted processes to 53 convert us to a socialist state with our assistance is a true revolution. A brilliant but evil throng of determined enemies has accomplished a revolution with the deft skill of true evil genius. To reverse what they have done and restore our nation to what God, man and law meant it to be will require another revolution and we have no reason to hide ours. They undermine our law, we only wish to recover it. We need our leaders right now. Yesterday. The only people I have found that are consistently working to lead effectively with truth and honesty in these troubled time are a few of our local radio voices. May God give them strength, they need all the support they can get. Section 5 Political Parties Political parties are a problem. We need them but they stagnate, their ideals get diluted by time and they get to a point where the party itself takes precedence over all else. As things stand right now, both major parties have severe internal problems. One is lost to the socialists and the other is locked in a struggle pitting liberal reformers of the old party hierarchy against the patriotic members who are working to restore true constitutional principles. People need to decide on an individual basis when a party has abandoned them and a new party has become the logical next step. Party hacks of the airwaves and elected offices use scare tactics to turn voters from this thinking but history demonstrates that new parties can kill off the old ones and change the nation. The trick to this is the party must develop in spite of daily news distractions and the new party must promote viable candidates, not amusing characters or completely goofy nutcases. Real candidates with a sensible message can launch strong new parties just like they have done so many times in our past. Both current major parties began as upstarts from nowhere. They pulled dissatisfied voters from elsewhere and here they are, more than 100 years later telling us we can't do what they did. Six different parties have sent Presidents to the White House and the way things look right now, number 7 is badly needed. George Washington belonged to no party but the system was new and not fully developed. The parties must care about serving the voters they extract funding from, if you aren't happy, give them nothing. Dry 54 them up until they start listening or something better springs up. I have never seen the nation so ripe for a serious new party as it is right now. If you like a candidate, donate directly to them or volunteer your work, a party that ignores you deserves nothing in return. Restorers have had no party to lead us and we do not offer blind loyalty to those who ignore us. The parties won't even acknowledge their failures, let alone appeal to us. The current party powers never will, the parties are too interested in keeping their pets in office. To them it isn't about saving the nation, it is about battling the other party. Blatant gamesmanship and mediocrity are situations they are comfortable with. Don't expect help from the people that benefit from looting your future and still enjoy the wealth, comfort and funding streams of financial security they gain while doing it. Here is where the OSC's dramatically differ from Restorers. OSC's use the terms patriot, conservative and Republican interchangeably. You will hear the same from politicians and national media stars. While most of us realize today's Republicans are a huge part of the problem how is it they can they still be called conservatives by these people who should know better? Republican leaders and pundits use the same argument every time they encounter voters who are unhappy with the direction from the top. They deny there is any type of division in their ranks and they rattle off a list of the same good things they have bragged about for years. Mention the bad things they forget to bring up and they tell you no one is perfect or the Democrats are worse. They tell you to just keep electing Republicans and trust them to do better than decades of results teach us to expect. This failure to address concerns has weakened the party and leaves it without appeal to the Independent swing voters who actually select the winners and losers. What weakens Republicans strengthens their opponents. The Socialists know this and they adapted to use our system against us. Evil they may be but dumb they are not. They waited until they had enough friendly front people placed then they launched into work behind the scenes in the shadowy corners of courts and departments where they can circumvent our elected representatives and make sweeping changes from within. They quietly went to work while Republicans focused on infighting and eating their own. This is a veritable feeding frenzy for them because the old style conservatives are completely off their game and they haven't the slightest clue 55 how to deal with it. They simply keep telling us we need a bigger win and more good election results next time. A system of elections only preserves a nation when the elections and the candidates are honest and fair. When filled with fraud and corruption the bad guys have all the advantages and the honest are left wondering what hit them. Socialists now depend upon us to do nothing more than trust to elections and they know how to render them useless. They adapt, we have responded by changing nothing. Repeating failed tactics. Again, a typically conservative act and the equivalent of beating a dead horse. For the past 30 years it is obvious that this voting habit isn't working. We persist in it because we have to isolate the new enemies as they develop before we can defend against them. Restorers are there, they have done this and they have no more faith in Republicans than they do in the Democrats. Political favor must never be granted, those who seek to lead must earn support through their deeds and consistent reliability. Section 6 Congress to the Rescue! Our Founders were wise enough to establish a government with 3 separate branches capable of enforcing a balance of power between them so no single branch could achieve undue influence and disrupt the representative power of the People. That only works when the members of those 3 branches understand their purpose and care enough to keep that power in balance. When you have people filling those seats who are corrupt, mildly educated, poor thinkers or demonstrably stupid then the balance of power never seems to come up. The Supreme Court is there to say whether or not legal activities in our nation comply with Constitutional principles. This is critical for defense of the Constitution but that Court has become a political playground of ideologies and sentiments. Expediency of Court decisions can make or break entire industries resulting in the loss or preservation of millions of jobs and countless dollars. The Court doesn't care. They just poke along 56 looking down their holy noses and letting the nation squirm and falter while bad work from the other branches devastates the nation's economy. Why do these justices serve lifetime appointments? This was never the original intent when the Supreme Court was established. Article 3, Section 1 of our Constitution states that all Federal justices should hold their terms “during good behavior.” When was the last time one was removed for failing to adhere to the Constitution? Where are the checks and balances and why are these seats now lifetime appointments? Congress has the legal ability to balance the power of the Executive and Judicial branches yet they consistently abdicate that duty for no good reason. Now that an overwhelming number of damaging regulations, laws and orders have been implemented, the very nature of Congressional action makes it impossible for Congress to ever clean up the mess. This is not a criticism of their skills, it is just the nature of how Congress functions. Congress is structured to be a methodical body that has many steps to go through for every act they address. The Capital building is bristling with committees and every bill they work on goes through them. For example, consider an effort to repeal Obamacare. They can't just say, “Let's vote to repeal,” then take a vote. The repeal must be written and sponsored. After being written as a draft it goes in for the legalese treatment and emerges as a bill that is ready for distribution to the Congressmen. Often before the first draft can be written a bill can be kicked around, reshaped and resized in various committees while everyone decides just what to include or remove. The process can be expedited but it is very rare for this step to happen quickly. That is just one bill. If you are able to get that bill passed in the House it moves to the Senate. They look it over and often request changes, which means it can be sent back to the House for those changes. Once they get a version all can settle for it gets a vote in the Senate. On and on.... some bills get kicked around, gather add-ons (earmarks) and have large parts added or removed. Sometimes they just re-write details of the language. The end result is that it takes a lot of work and a necessary amount of time for anything to pass both Houses of Congress. Get it passed and it still needs the signature of the President to become law. If the President vetoes the bill it goes right back to Congress. At this point they can either acquire enough votes to override the Presidents veto or they can start over again writing in the changes they know it will take to gain the Presidents signature. Then they have to approve those changes. This is not a system designed for speed. 57 That done, they work on another bill. This is where committees really show their strength. There is good reason for members to covet the power of committee assignments. It is the committees that develop most details for most legislation. Outside input, usually from lobbyists representing powerful interests, comes into play and committee members are favorite targets of all who have an interest in specific intent or function of a bills reach. Legislative bills stack up, it is easy to see why. Everybody wants something and there is no limit to the numbers of those who would desire an opportunity to affect each bill in the pipeline. The schedule for debate fills up and solid support is required just to get a bill into the schedule for a debate and a vote. A bill can be killed simply by not allowing it into the schedule, it happens all the time. So, here we are, problems are stacked so deep our representatives could not wade through them even if they did try. We must be reasonable with what we now expect Congress to accomplish. It is difficult to work through this complicated process and there are 535 people in there that must all come together for progress. To expect great things or dramatic results simply is not logical. Any progress that is made in the direction Constitutional Patriots desire will come only after hard fought fights and a great deal of negotiating. Elections do not replace Congress. Most members of a new Congress will still be the old members that have been there for years, they don't go away. Hundreds of the same people always return. Just what can we expect? We can expect fights, more fights and plenty of gamesmanship. Meanwhile, other bills are being drafted and tossed into the stew. Most add new expenses and very few ever reach the floor containing real cuts of any kind. Where does this leave us? It depends, what would you like Congress to accomplish? To restore the Constitution? Yes, how do they do so? They forced a rule requiring that all new bills pass Constitutional muster before debate but what about all of the existing laws and policies that are already violating our Constitution? They will remain and Congress, once again, can only address them on an individual basis. The point is, when Congress opens with a few new members we must be realistic with our expectations. To expect more than they can deliver is the first step toward blaming them for failure once almost none of our goals are achieved. Congress is Congress, nothing more. There is only so much they can do and none of it is easy or fast. How determined are they to actually fix anything? It is common for them to take lengthy vacations when we have burning issues that need immediate attention. How often have we seen them argue about senseless trivial matters while staggering problems are not addressed? They do not conduct their business in a way that inspires confidence. 58 To truly restore America we must look beyond Congress and realize that the corruption and anti-Constitutional policies are coming from every level of our governments. Focus on Congress and you will be ignoring all of the other sources of our woes. Consider the TSA mess. That is coming from bureaucrats and the Dept. of Homeland Security. Congress is an outsider and can only jump in by creating legislation to combat these security policies. How long would it take to wrangle THAT through committees and into a signed bill, signed by the President? Good luck with that. Never forget; while Democrats are famous for grabbing power and trampling our Rights, it was Republicans that created the bloated, dysfunctional and dangerous Department of Homeland Security. (With great support from Congress) Sending the right people to Congress is just a step along the way toward the goal. There are many other steps necessary and they require removing corruption and officials who trample the Constitution from all areas of government. We should begin looking at how we can remove the corrupt officials and put a halt to the dangerous nonsense they are unleashing on us. We must be fair and understand Congress cannot work miracles. Support them when they are right, hold their feet to the fire but don't expect more than is truly possible. It is now up to us to continue this fight but on all fronts and against all corrupt officials. Do not let up, do not slow down. The restoration of our Constitution is still our goal and we are just getting warmed up. We have shown some strength in a good start but we have a long way to go. 59 Section 7 Military Leaders-Past and Present We have thousands of people in this nation that have sworn oaths to protect and defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That number may be in the millions. Every person who ever swore that oath now has the opportunity to become a Restorer and fulfill that oath. Every politician who swore an oath, every military officer, all of them are looking the other way while they know our government is filled with corruption and destroying the nation one piece at a time. Private conversations have convinced me many military leaders, past and present, are not happy with the direction of our parties and political leaders but they are wise enough to hope for a peaceful process of restoration. Restorers provide that. Domestic enemies are now causing more extensive damage to our Constitutional principles, our success and our future than any foreign enemy ever could. Our military people who have sworn an oath have no leaders to assist peaceful restoration of our Constitutional Republic. Most of our politicians who swear an oath just don't care, they're in it for themselves. But what of our military leaders? We have citizens today who fear an out of control government may institute Martial Law at some point to enforce the new socialism. They also fear the military will willingly follow these orders. These fears exist because military leaders are silent on issues that threaten our Constitutional law even though they have sworn an oath to defend it. There are national groups that tell us they will honor their oaths before our nation is lost. Evidently they have a strange definition of lost. I have spoken with some of their national leaders asking them just what they wait for. They wait for a Reckoning. They have a Hollywood logic believing that once our society breaks down and chaos reigns they will step in and take charge making it all better again. Their plan is that once all bets are off, they place their bet and play their cards. They have no plan for protecting the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. They believe that after the enemies ruin us they can remove them and restore us from the ashes. It is safe to say we can forget about relying upon them to avoid the Reckoning they hope will leave them in power. The military leaders, past and present say that it is not their place to interfere. Fine, why did they bother with the oath in the first place? I'm guessing it was the only way they 60 could move to a higher pay grade. The only active duty military people I know of who I believe are sincere about restoring America by removing corruption are rank and file members who live with the damage affecting their lives right now. The top brass must set an example for them now too. When the families of their soldiers are hurting due to the corruption and transgressions of the government they swore an oath to uphold, then sworn officers are failing in their duty to defend those soldiers. Too many top officers rely upon political connections for advancement and this interferes with their dedication to their oath. This is a problem that occurs in the military after years of no large scale conflict. The top officers are appointed political artists instead of duty bound Patriots. That is why every time a big war erupts we suffer unnecessary losses until these political appointees are replaced by those who are actually qualified to lead in crunch-time. The deep seated ties between our military leadership and the 2 old parties must be challenged before top officers can fully honor their oaths. They can begin by joining us as Restorers. This is an opportunity for them which I believe many of them will welcome. I know they struggle with how to protect this nation within yet do so by peaceful means. Here is their chance. Section 8 Citizen Leaders The patriotic citizens who are willing and able to develop leadership roles are currently our best hope for restoring our nation and avoiding a Reckoning. I count the aforementioned local radio hosts among them. Some of these people are Tea Party activists, some are buried in local issues like school messes, some are involved in city or county parties and politics while others work online through a variety of websites and social media outlets. The old rule that nature abhors a vacuum is at work here. Since there are so many sharp people who cannot find 61 the leaders they know we need many are rising up on their own. This can be good for the process but that depends on the true motives of those who act. It is very troubling to discover that many who manage web based groups are doing it to build their wealth or pursuing personal quests for validating their egos. Watch for this and avoid these people, they are easy to spot. First of all they will only work with others who defer to them. They will work with those who take orders from them or pay to play. I have seen this. I have seen large groups who refuse to assist others unless they buy advertising first. I have seen groups titled with names, “United, Union, Patriots and American” who do not work with others unless they can use them to gain prestige or larger memberships. Avoid those who will not work with others. Avoid all who are combative or bellicose. Avoid those whose leaders care more about becoming famous than actually helping the nation. Learn to spot those who are sincere enough to work with all who share a common, greater goal. Those are people you want to work with. Pet projects can be a stumbling block, watch for them too. Some people are dedicated to addressing the symptoms or isolated battles in this overall struggle. They will badger you to help eliminate or change the 14th, 16th or 17th Amendments. They will ask that you focus all energy on supporting the 10th Amendment. They tell you they want help reclaiming an old party. Not one of these pet issues, even if justifiable, will help a nation whose government still remains top to bottom corrupt. I have received 5 separate plans for new Amendments, most enforcing demands that the rest be adhered to. Why make a new rule against those who break existing rules? Is that logical? If the leaders are too corrupt to follow the old rules you fire them, not make another rule for them to break. Pet issues are not to be dismissed, this battle should be fought on every front but as a united effort and not to the exclusion of other issues. Work on your 10th Amendment efforts but don't isolate yourself. Be the Restorer that is handling that end of the struggle. Go after the repeal of the 17th if you wish but again, as the Restorer leading that fight. We are all working toward the same goal and we must have a team, a common thread running through our combined efforts that shows our unity of purpose and combines our numbers into a force of consequence. The people working on other fronts with the same goal are not your opposition, they are your partners in the bigger picture. You are all Restorers and every battle is important. Embrace and support other Restorers. Our opponents want us to be divided, we cannot help them achieve it. 62 You can easily find great people to work with who are sincere about being responsible Patriots struggling to save the nation we love. They are sickened by a government staffed by self serving lawbreakers and they want the Constitution restored. They want leaders with integrity and they support them when they find them. These are the people who will do us the most good. These are the people I know as Restorers. Some work alone, some run groups or operate within others. As they lead the way to identifying other Restorers they are laying the groundwork for saving this nation instead of just talking about it. They are our friends of today and our heroes of the future. They deserve our help. These days with everything such a mess the search for leaders is desperate. Many people have attempted to jump in and try it themselves. After turning over 1/6th of Congress we have proof that some people are very good at being local leaders. They just showed up out of nowhere and got the job done. I hope these people have enough sensible Restorers in their ranks that understand the power that can be assembled by uniting efforts. Right now this bunch is the only people I have faith in, they follow their hearts and they exemplify the concept of the determined free citizen in action. I love these people and I can identify with them. They get up and do something and they won big in 2010 while telling the old major parties to shut up and leave them alone. That is about as American as you can get. Now they need to unite and work together and win bigger battles. Section 9 50 States: 50 Examples of Failure Nothing demonstrates how people will trade power and rights away for money more clearly than an examination of our states and how they crawl on their bellies to the trough of federal dollars. Have you ever watched someone feed a flock of hens? Toss out a few morsels and those hens will follow you wherever you wander ignoring all that happens around them. Do it often enough and they get to where they don't try too hard on their own, they just wait for the hand with the bucket. That is about all we need to know about the Federal/State relationships today. States may squawk a bit now and then but they gladly forfeit their independence for a spot near the bucket. Federal corruption has produced a bit more squawking from states lately. States played 63 along fat and happy never complaining about the failures of the feds to hold up their duties as long as there was enough money to go around. State governments became so addicted to federal funds they played along relinquishing powers and independence guaranteed by the 10th Amendment. Now the states are broke and burdened by debts incurred by the failures and so, the squawking grows louder. Better late than never. Citizens of all 50 states would be wise to work locally to separate the powers of the federal government from the workings of their own. States that have decided to show strength alone have found themselves to be targets of power plays and lawsuits from the federal government who is reluctant to walk away from authority they have no legal right to wield. This will not grow less with time. The best way for states to reclaim their Constitutional powers within their own borders is for all 50 to resist decisively in unison. There is no way they could lose. No way, if they have any leaders. Find them, dig them up or become one. Lead the Restorers for your own state and kick Washington power grabs back to the Constitutional corners of DC where they belong. Which state government has the integrity and fortitude to set the example and reach out to others to follow suit? Will it be yours? Surely one out of 50 states in this nation has enough sensible Patriots to get this ball rolling. Which state will lead? Which state's citizens will heed the call and say that Restorers are needed to make their state the first to draw a firm stance on their legal 10th Amendment rights? Where are the leaders who love their states? Which state will become the first State of Restoration for America? Where are the leaders today? 64 Addendum This is another excerpt from the original booklet, 20 Turns. It has also been updated to reflect the changing political dynamics of our times. The Generation of Shame? Is that us? Are we the ones that will let our kids and our ancestors down? Will we be complacent, give up the struggle and sit idly by while our Constitution is abused and our rights suppressed for all time? Make no mistake, a right and power lost to government is almost impossible to restore. Are we the ones that left home to build our own lives and watched from the sidelines while the wealth, freedom and opportunity of this great nation are plundered? Will we find ourselves living in the squalor of government run retirement compounds thinking “Wow, we really blew it!” Do we have the courage to do our duty or do we deserve the legacy of the downfall of our own beloved homeland? Brave soldiers have fought and died for this power of the voter and the freedom to choose. Founders risked, and many lost, their lives and fortunes to create this for us. Are we the ones that will put party politics ahead of the sacrifice of those who prepared our pathway? If you think this Congress in Crisis or the next election will save us then you can stop reading here. We can act now or we will become the "Generation of Shame." I don't know a single responsible voter of any party that wants that on their conscience. I don't know a responsible voter of any party that doesn't hope for a secure income, a home of their own and an opportunity for their kids and grandkids to become successful. We all want the same things but there isn't much agreement on how to get there. One thing is certain, no matter how much the government spends, We the People are still watching our nation, our Constitution and our way of life disintegrate. We must all accept a part of the blame. We got busy with our own lives and trusted the elected officials too much. While we were working and focusing on our lives we let our guard down and wound up electing a rat's nest of incompetent and self-serving people. The parties fed us lousy candidates who've become lousy leaders. The parties do not seek out the individuals that can and will do the most good for the nation. They back the 65 most loyal party dogs with the most marketable persona. They choose to back the candidates that will do the most good for the party, not the people back home. We are left to hold our noses and vote for people we don't even want. Sure, we can write in anyone we choose, but no one wins like that. We are usually stuck with the choices the parties give us, and those people care more about the party that backed them than addressing our real life issues, and it is getting worse every day. Our government is much like a large company or any other organization. However, we always have some degree of input selecting the leaders who manage our fate. The difference is that a business manager who fails is booted out. Why do we have career politicians running the show instead of experienced business people that understand management, the economy and the value of a dollar? Unskilled professional politicians instead of experienced citizen politicians? Our founders gave us the system we need to change our managers but the parties don't give us real options. The same people keep screwing things up but they stay in so long they gain great power just because they master the game of campaign funding and re-election. They fail, and instead of correcting their mistakes they move on and foul up something else. If we had a real opportunity to select wise experienced leaders things could be much better. We need to provide an opportunity for talented individuals to go to Washington, take care of some real problems then return to the private sector to pick up where they left off. That way, intelligent people are making decisions that they too will be forced to live with. Career politicians are insulated from their blunders because they dig in and suck up the big pay checks and benefits regardless of how bad the rest of us are doing because of them. They build fantastic pensions so they can retire fat and happy after damaging our opportunities for doing the same for ourselves. In the last election I was able to cast 2 votes that I felt good about, the rest was all a matter of choosing the lesser of 2 evils. Still, I vote. Then I watch the creep of socialism, our taxes wasted and the economy falling apart. Over the years I have voted as I watched family farms destroyed, rural America slowly dying, homes lost, businesses closed, food and fuel prices skyrocketing, education failing, nation building and poorly managed wars, trade deficits going through the roof, manufacturing leaving the country and opportunities for success dwindle. I vote but taxes creep up and we all lose the pleasure of freedom and opportunity. We vote and then watch the people we elect ignore the Constitution that made this country so great. This is not what I vote for. This is not what any of us vote for. 66 When a business person has a bad employee hurting the company he must drop everything and take that employee to task. That is why the Town Hall meetings have become so popular with voters. People are taking time to address some bad employee issues. It is good that people are speaking out because if the officials do not serve us they are serving themselves and the parties. Make your voice heard and hit them with the issues that matter to you. Do not stop there, resist their efforts to tell you what you should care about. Do not allow them to set the agenda because they always have an angle that serves them more than us. We cast our votes and send them to office, we must demand that they serve us well when they take the seat. We must demand that we are served by real leaders with real intelligence, private sector experience and most of all, principles and integrity. We will certainly become the Generation of Shame if we do not start right now and force an end to the stranglehold of power held by these 2 major parties and career politicians. Some will say this cannot be done, that we will never get everyone to agree. Of, course some people will object, that is their right and their opinion deserves respect. However, we don't need everybody to agree, all we need is the support of those who understand what must be done. That is enough. We only need sufficient numbers of people who are frustrated, concerned and able to think for themselves. These people already exist. Our job now is to reach out to them, overcome the decades of brainwashing by the 2 party stalwarts and move ahead working together unencumbered by old party baggage. We have the people, the next step is to unite them. We need to focus now that a solution is available. The approval ratings of Congress hover around 8%, that tells me there are more disaffected voters than the parties lead us to believe. I firmly believe we control the numbers of an undeniable mandate. We can muster strength by helping voters to remember what it means to be an American. We are the nation that proved the power of the people can lead to freedom and success. The Americans of the past who accomplished this were no different than us. Some were scared, some were angry, some were even oblivious but the fact is, when the right people come together determined to get positive results and refusing to back down, they have always won. Entrenched leaders and the corrupted parties will face an uphill battle to prevent us from taking back our nation. I maintain that honorable leaders would not resist the will of We the People. Honorable leaders would step aside at our request. What possible justification can they offer for standing against the will of a group determined to 67 adhere to our Constitution? Any resistance they can put forth is is baseless. They brought this on themselves, with our help. We are willing to fix our mistakes and we will learn who among them will stand in our way. There are a few good leaders sprinkled around in positions of power. Those few will unite with us and continue to serve faithfully. This movement will provide an opportunity for all leaders and potential leaders to examine their priorities and follow their true hearts. It will give us the opportunity to observe their choice and know them by their action. We want our Constitution back and we want it NOW! We refuse to become the Generation of Shame that loses this nation because we failed to stand united against the corruption, crony-ism and self-serving party politics. We are at a turning point for America; we must be the ones who choose our new direction. We have but 2 paths ahead from this unfortunate place we now know we have been forced into. We can continue as we are doing, as we have done for decades, and we will become the Generation of Shame or we can stand strong as others have done in our past. We must unite as Restorers, breathing new life into our battered Constitutional Republic as we unleash the American Spirit and prepare ourselves for a new future of freedom and prosperity. Refuse to be part of the shame. 68 Choosing between the Democrat and Republican parties is much like trying to decide whether you'd like to be stabbed from the front or the back. The results are the same but would you rather see it coming or just wait for the surprise? The American Restorer Party The mission of the American Restorer Party is to ensure the integrity of our nation as a Constitutional Republic is restored, preserved and protected for future generations. Section 1 It's Party Time In America! Our Constitution contains no original language regarding political parties. No party is named, no guidelines exist. Citizens, known as, “The People,” were mentioned frequently in the Constitution. We had Rights, powers and freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution. So, why do we, who had guarantees, now have less power than political parties who were never even mentioned? Our Founders operated with the intention that literal interpretation of the Constitution was sufficient as a starting point for all political actions to come. Within this basic framework of guaranteed Rights for citizens, and well defined limited powers of government, lay the foundation for a new system where leaders served at the consent of the People they were chosen to represent. Political parties developed as a vehicle for identifying the basic ideologies among our people and providing organizations useful for uniting like minded citizens with candidates and elected representatives who share those ideologies. As our society has grown and evolved, political parties have come and gone. Old parties have lost the support of voters and been replaced by new parties demonstrated to be more attentive to the will of the voters. Parties of the past who failed to keep abreast of the ever-changing dynamics of the People's concerns have been replaced by new parties with leaders who were astute enough to perceive the will of the People and act to take us in new directions. This process is a healthy exercise in free citizens maintaining control 69 over representative government because it disrupts the ever growing power of parties and unscrupulous politicians who take advantage of the power these parties acquire. We now find ourselves in the unfortunate situation of having our process dominated by 2 extremely powerful parties managed by persons who take voters for granted as they operate for the benefit of those parties, ignoring the best interests of our nation and Constitutional integrity of our government. The only power a political party has in America is that which is provided them by the votes, volunteer efforts and financial donations from citizens. Parties, good or bad, exist because we sustain them. Our major political parties today both have clearly stated positions on a wide variety of issues. The problem is the candidates and officials who benefit from allegiance to these parties do not adhere to the stated positions. This is compounded by the fact party officials fail to effectively address these deviations unless the power of the party or their ability to obtain donations is compromised. We are now at a perilous crossroads for our Constitutional Republic and we face the very real possibility of witnessing an irreversible decline in our world position and opportunities for freely achieving and sustaining our traditionally high standard of living. We look to our political parties to provide us with potential leaders who share our concerns, ambitions and political ideologies only to find those parties self-serving and unreliable. We have found these parties accept and promote any candidate who may bring success, power and money to the party regardless of how that candidate is likely to embrace or reject the party's stated positions. Once a candidate wins a position the parties cease to encourage others to replace them even if they prove to be ineffective or poor representatives of their constituents. The parties only concern themselves with placing members to strengthen the party, not providing quality leadership. This is a monumental disservice to the voting public which depends upon the parties to promote standards for basic political philosophies of membership. There are currently dozens of registered political parties in the U.S.. Most are not noticeably active and the few that come to mind are predominantly quirky fringe groups with radical ideas. Occasionally a movement will gain enough traction to advance a 3rd party candidate but in recent memory most have been amusing distractions promoting a 70 single candidate for a single race. Not one has entered the arena of ideas with enough palatable substance to generate a serious challenge to either major party. We are at the precipice of catastrophic global upheavals and the leaders we have were unable to avoid it or were instrumental in bringing these troubles to us. The multitude of travails already upon us, and those yet to come, are not being accurately portrayed or discussed in entirety by most politicians or party officials. The stated policies of both major parties are lax in addressing the full scope of what will befall us if the leaders they support fail us. We face the eruption of a Reckoning and they still carry on with the same tried and true rants that have brought them past success at the polls. We have experienced a rapid decline in every measure of our success as a nation and they give us new versions of 30 year old speeches and promises. Among citizens there is a strong national movement for a return to our Constitutional principles and freedoms that served us so well in our years of success. That same movement has not taken root within our political parties, our leadership or the majority of new candidates. We have been forced to battle our own parties as fervently as we battle our opponents. It is time to establish a new political party in America and it is time to let the old major parties know we have lost confidence in their sincerity and ability to represent us. There is no need to concern ourselves with who may be drawn to a viable new party. We already have millions of voters who love this nation, respect our Constitution and are intelligent enough to know we have been abandoned by the parties of our past. Millions of voters have already left the Democrat and Republican parties and are tired of holding their noses and having to vote for one or the other. It is no longer the kooky fringe voters who need a party they can identify with. Well informed citizens who put the nation ahead of party politics have no place to go. Voters who would like to see a party putting principles ahead of gamesmanship have no place to go. People who would like to see a party that withdraws support from candidates who violate their oath of office or fail to effectively represent constituents have no place to go. People who are tired of asking for entire federal departments to be closed, our borders to be sealed, our tax code to be tossed out and an end to overspending have no place to go. People who demand that our Constitutional principles be restored as the precise and ultimate law of our land have no place to go. People who are tired of corruption, tired of seeing criminals in offices who are never removed or prosecuted and tired of knowing 71 mysterious individuals with stacks of money have more influence in Washington DC than voters do have no place to go. People who are tired of watching as the federal government extends its power to every corner of our lives and our state and local governments pile regulations and obstructions on our lives and businesses have no place to go. People who are tired of the stranglehold the old parties and entrenched career politicians have on our government have no place to go. Elected officials and candidates who are tired of being forcibly coerced, undermined, back-stabbed or ignored by the parties have no place else to go. The great lie of our current 2 party system is that we can throw out our officials (especially Congress) every time we have an election. Nothing could be further from the truth but I still hear this frequently. Many very popular pundits even repeat this nonsense, no wonder the country is such a mess! How are Republicans supposed to replace bad Republicans? Vote for a Democrat? Are the Democrats supposed to vote for Republicans to get the changes they want? Angry or not, few people will switch between R & D. What has either party done that would tempt thinking people to switch sides? Don't try to tell me we can elect new people anytime we choose when we all know the parties use their great power against us to protect their seated puppets. We need a party of our own so we can start voting for something good instead of the lesser of 2 evils. Hard core Republicans and Democrats will tell you it cannot be done, even though the people who started their parties were told the same thing. Old style party drones who may never wake up will tell you it cannot be done. People will try to remind you about the loony fringe candidates of the past and draw comparisons without ever waiting to learn what you are talking about. There is a “can't do” attitude perpetuated by masters of the major parties and unfortunately there are some easily corralled voters who fall for it. They can take their sheep-like attitudes and stay out of our way while we do something more than just complaining and getting ignored. You will find those who are averse to starting fresh have no practical plan for accomplishing what must be done. You will find them sticking with old parties for awhile like a kid clinging to the edge of a pool until they see everyone else swimming away from them. These party drones have no leadership skills and are destined to be permanent herd followers. Do not frustrate yourself trying to win them over until after some progress is made. Right now we need the sharp people capable of abstract thought and making intelligent decisions on their own. 72 The majority of people who consider themselves constitutional patriots have already made changes in their lives that directly reflect their concerns about where we are and where this nation is headed. How many people have stopped watching news on the networks they grew up with because those programs contribute to our socialist decline? How many people have become so disgusted with the socialist/liberal agenda in our public schools they have chosen to homeschool or pay huge sums for private schooling? How many people have backed off from relationships with friends, churches, neighbors or even family members because of strong differences of opinion over the country's issues? I know people who have done all of these things yet every one of them is still forced to vote old party for lack of a better choice. And virtually ALL of them are now disgusted with what they have learned to expect from the old parties. They will walk away from a church, friends and a school system, they are surely smart enough to know when it is time to walk away from a political party for the same reasons. Should we be surprised at the decline of our nation when we keep contributing our dollars and votes to the parties that helped get us here? Never be discouraged. Despair is the enemy of ambition and progress. There are plenty of the right people around who will be eager to finally work toward real solutions. The goal of this Restorer project is to find these people and provide a place for them to work together on a variety of fronts. We already have the need. We already have the intelligent energized people who realize something big better happen fast. Something big can start right now, you can help by starting today. Look what happened in the 2010 elections, we replaced over 80 Congressmen. Sure, the career dogs and establishment party powers shut them down on arrival but I firmly believe when we show strength, many of the 80 new Congressmen will be joining us too. We certainly will not be alone. We already have some powerful radio/media voices who agree and are committed to helping us. Real solutions, that is all we are looking for. Solutions and a chance to feel positive about where we are headed. Negativity has prevailed for years in the hearts and minds of too many voters. This is no way to live but most people have very negative opinions of our parties and politicians. Enough of that! Instead of worrying and feeling bad about what is happening, instead of wondering what we can do, let's do the obvious. Let us take back our power, our government and our nation by taking power away from the parties and people who think they can do as they please. Let us rise up against these people who believe we are already defeated. Let us use our Constitutional Rights and freedoms to reject those who are taking both from us. 73 Winning elections with American Restorer Party candidates is important but not enough. We need to respond at every level, on every front including demanding, then forcing, the resignations of those we already know are corrupt or even criminal. It is not uncommon for people to resign or retire from office. Let us unite as Restorers and start demanding it. We are NOT a nation of dupes who pay criminals to shaft us and destroy our future. Scared people, weak people and easily led sheeple will say this cannot be done. Let them. We are Americans. No one should ever underestimate what us American People are capable of doing. Some people still have to learn just being disgusted is not enough. Complaining and discovering more evidence of tyranny and corruption is not enough. We are tired of the old parties who ignore us when they're not lying to us to get our votes, Restorers are going to do more than be disgusted. We are going to throw them out. We want a Party that respects voters and the Constitution, we will build our own and it won't be hard to do. There are too many good people ready, willing and able. If we can't build a better Party than we now have we deserve to lose our country. I refuse to believe that is the case, we can surely do this. Especially since the rotten manipulators who corrupt parties from the inside already have career jobs. They won't be getting in our way. With the support and input from the type of Americans I have met across this nation I know our success is assured. You cannot defeat millions of people who are battling for their nation, their lives and the future of their families. Everything we've been saying we wish we could get from a Party we will now build into our own Party. This is going to get interesting. 74 Section 2 Where Do We Start? We must enter this discussion with the shared determination to correct the wrongs perpetuated by the parties of the past. To accomplish this we must possess the resolve to pursue our demands with unity and actions. We are not here to lament the loss of our nation and discuss our decline. We are moving ahead to reverse our direction and restore the Rights, freedoms and greatness of these United States. We will not be deterred. We will create a new birth of freedom. We already started. When millions of people feel we are not being represented, that is a start. The next thing to do is make some decisions. Are you a Restorer or not? Have you lost all confidence in the integrity of both major parties or not? Are you ready to fire corrupt and criminal leaders or not? Are you serious about restoring our Constitutional Republic and preserving America for future generations or not? Now, the next thing to consider is just what would the party platform look like? Which issues do we tackle first? Where do we begin in order to make a big difference quickly? First, we must get on record as to who we are and let the nation know there is a new force of change to be dealt with. A new sheriff in town. We have to let them know we are here, we are serious and we are fully aware of our Right to maintain citizen control of our governments. We included a later chapter about Restorer Action and much more will be available through our website. Right now, let's consider the issues and positions to start with. After a lot of deliberation we decided to resist the temptation of proposing a skeletal platform to begin with which we could flesh out as we grow. That is just not the way to go about it. Even the most basic draft of a platform should be done from grassroot level up, and decided by vote among representatives of members. County level groups and state level groups must be organized and offer their input to the national committee. Organizers, donors and people experienced working with them will be needed. You can be certain there are plenty who do not feel their past efforts have yielded the results they were after. There are Restorers among them who will be with us. 75 There are hundreds of issues that must be addressed but we cannot focus on the symptoms of corruption as we begin. We must focus on the sources of our ills and preventing more damage while demanding the restoration of the Constitution. Focusing on the causes means we will have to commit to working together for the immediate removal of some very bad leaders at every level of government. There will be many cases where local Restorer groups will need to address problems at city, county or state levels. Again, restoration requires action at all levels and each front is important to the complete success of our effort. Not only elected officials but some who sit at our court benches and run our bloated bureaucracies will have to go. We will work together to decide where our best efforts must be applied and what actions we take. We are Americans with government that is to serve at our consent, we have every Right to do this. Now, to begin we must to have something in writing as a starting point or we have nothing. Next you will find a list of basic philosophies and suggestions for the direction of the American Restorer Party. This list is in no particular order of importance and it is all open to discussion and debate, as it should be. As input is considered we must adapt to reflect the will of members but commitment to removing corruption and restoring the Constitution must remain as core principles. Section 3 The Discussion Begins.... There will be 2 categories of action and all aspects of our effort will involve one, most will require both. The first type of action will be citizen action by members of our party. The other category is legislative action which will need to be accomplished as we begin to identify or seat elected officials who are with us as Restorers. This, along with how we fire sitting officials is discussed in greater detail in our next book. First, a Party. We demand that our elected leaders conduct all affairs of government in precise accordance with the Constitution of the United States or be removed immediately. An oath of office that is not enforced is pointless. 76 We believe that we have been blessed with the worlds best system of free government but that system is now at risk from leaders who are abandoning our Constitution and developing laws, policies, rules and regulations that are not in the best interest of America. We believe the first duty of a political party in the United States is to uphold and defend Constitutional Law and principles in all aspects of government at every level. Furthermore, we believe all who wish to serve in elected office should willingly submit to basic testing to determine that they have a functional knowledge of the Constitution they swear an oath to uphold. All American Restorer Party candidates will do so before gaining support of the Party. We insist that all Rights guaranteed protection by the Bill of Rights are our birthright as American citizens and no attempt to infringe upon, suppress or limit these Rights will be acceptable to members of the American Restorer Party. We believe that the wealth, charity and prosperity of this nation are the result of free and industrious citizens working without the interference and burden of an oppressive government. We believe that our Constitution made this great nation the worlds leader of freedom and opportunity and we will preserve our Constitution and the freedoms of our nation for all future generations. We believe it is the duty of a political party to monitor the conduct of all candidates and elected officials under their banner and publicly denounce and withdraw support from those who make no attempt to maintain the basic ideology of the party. This will be a fairly administered, routine practice of the American Restorer Party. We believe an honest election process, free of fraud and corruption, is an extremely crucial aspect of a representative form of government. Voter fraud, deliberate miscounting or rejection of legitimate ballots and intimidation at the polls must be treated as serious criminal felonies prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in all cases. A system that will not protect and defend the integrity of the voting process is not acceptable to us and must be corrected. 77 We believe that our government should operate with transparent representation. The appointment of Czars who report directly to the President must be permanently banned. The American Restorer Party is adamantly opposed to the establishment of any form of special administration that operates in secret and reports directly to the President or his inner circle bypassing Congressional review and oversight. This practice introduces a great risk for abuse of powers while avoiding public scrutiny. We insist that all city, county and state governments and, under their jurisdiction, all courts, departments and agencies shall protect Constitutional Rights and promote the freedoms and equal application of all laws, rules and regulations. We believe statistics measured and provided to us by the government must be accurate and honest. Unemployment numbers that do not count all workers without jobs, inflation statistics that do not include the rising cost of food and fuels are just 2 examples of numbers manipulated in order to mislead us and make officials appear more successful. A government that lies to us should be re-staffed. The American Restorer Party will only use the most complete and accurate numbers available. We believe in equal application of all laws and our government officials are subject to the same laws and penalties as they have chosen to impose upon us. A variety of crimes have been committed, or are worthy of investigation, at top levels of our federal government. We want to see some thorough investigations followed by ambitious prosecution for all criminals who have contributed to our losses. If Justice still exists in the United States, we have some federal officials who can expect to spend time in prison. We need to send a message through the back rooms of Washington D.C., your corruption will not be excused. Various government officials at all levels are waging a war of oppression against Christianity in America. The 1st Amendment very clearly states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Read this word by word, it refers to Congress making laws to prefer or establish a religion. It does instruct the government to suppress Christianity in every corner of the nation they can reach. This Amendment follows by stating, “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The courts and officials who limit the expression of our Christian faith in any way are in direct violation of this, our first guaranteed Right of our Constitutional Bill of Rights. The American Restorer 78 Party is opposed to the establishment of a theocracy but adamantly opposed to laws, rulings and regulations which violate our 1st Amendment Right to freely express our religion when, where and how we choose. Every such rule across this nation must be rescinded if we are to have a nation based on Constitutional principles. We believe the practice of providing pensions and benefits for members of Congress is wrong and must be stopped. Pensions and benefits are established to retain valued employees and enable them to remain for lifelong careers. Our Congress was intended to be staffed by citizen politicians who are elected from among us, serve then return to the private sector to live and work with the results of their actions in office. We believe that government, “by the People, for the People,” was stolen from us when Congress bestowed a system of lavish pensions and benefits upon themselves against our wishes. Citizen representatives were supplanted by professional career politicians. The corrupt system of pensions and benefits must be immediately abolished and eventually followed up with a Constitutional Amendment establishing term limits for Congress. Several complete Cabinet level departments of our bloated federal government should be shut down and their powers relegated to the states. Doing so will return powers to the states, reduce wasteful spending and help to decentralize power which the federal government never had the right to grant itself. There must be an honest, open discussion about which departments to abolish and how to effect a smooth transition for the shift of authority to the states. We have ideas but but will wait for public input before moving ahead. The IRS is the most abusive and despised agency of our government. The tax codes they enforce are a minefield of political manipulations so complicated they are not fully understood by those who write the code or oversee its application. Tax laws are intended to fund the operation of government but are too frequently manipulated to influence behavior and activities of citizens and businesses in accordance with political agendas. We must end the 25 year old discussion of replacing our tax codes by acting to establish either a Fair Tax or Flat Tax plan, whichever the majority of People support. A severe abuse of power now exists because federal officials are able to wield the power of the IRS as a political weapon rendering this department an effective “Federal Department of Revenge.” The new tax code should be administered by a new Department staffed by new administrators. A suggestion would be the establishment of 79 an agency titled “The Department of Financial Contributions.” It must always be remembered that federal money is money taken from the People. On the subject of titles and terminology, we have seen the federal government exercise altered terminology to influence public perception of issues. This is a move not unnoticed by the American Restorer Party. The term, “Islamic terror attack” was abolished from the federal lexicon and orders were issued to begin using the term, “Man caused disasters.” Now that the ability to construct and apply influential terminology has been established, we suggest the following: Abolish the use of the term, “Government financed” and replace it with, “Financed by tax payers of America.” It is fair and just that those who pay receive full credit for their contributions, lest we forget. We have witnessed many instances of our Congress and President passing and implementing huge bills of over a thousand pages when we all know, and they freely admit, not one of them has fully read or understands. This is the most egregious type of behavior a representative government can engage in. Bills of that length are written with the assistance of paid professional lobbyists and special interest groups who are serving private agendas that are not concerned with the best interests of our nation as a whole. There is no reason any bill passing through Congress should be longer than our Constitution which established an entire government (generally accepted as 28 pages.) Since we are not establishing a new government with any new legislation, no bill should exceed 25 pages. The American Restorer Party will not make the same mistakes the old parties accept as habit. We will not allow candidates, elected officials and party administrators to wear our label and use it as a platform for doing as they please when they gain some support. We will have a national network of Policy Directors who will be charged with making sure the stated ideologies of the American Restorer Party are adhered to by all party officials, candidates and elected American Restorer Party officials. If violations occur and are not corrected, we will withdraw support from them and publicly declare they are not officially endorsed by the American Restorer Party. A responsible political party must protect and maintain their own integrity. We must be very cautious in our beginning to avoid becoming bogged down addressing the symptoms as the other parties prefer to do. We cannot forget this or allow ourselves to be distracted from our goal of restoring the Constitution and removing the corruption which has brought us all of our problems. Eliminate the cause, then clean up the mess. 80 Note that we are not currently addressing the social hotbed issues of immigrant citizenship, abortion or gay marriage. All have a long histories as emotional topics used to create distractions, division and promote social agendas. Not that they are not important, all are extremely important but the battles have raged for years and action on these issues has largely been due to abuses of administrative power and corrupt extension of judicial powers. This makes these issues symptoms of corrupt action in the process. All 3 issues must be addressed but only by starting fresh with a legitimate process for debate and review. Our first concern must be saving our Constitutional Republic or all 3 will be forced upon us by the socialist victors who are prevailing now. We save America first or the rest does not matter. If we lose our Constitutional Republic and our system of laws and legal processes are watered down to become useless, a Reckoning will not be avoided and immigration, abortion and gay marriage will be the least of our problems. We must first save the ship before we take bombs on board. Continue your fights as you will, do not ignore any issue but we cannot put symptomatic issues ahead of saving the nation first. All 3 battles are now well fought and reality dictates our energies as a fledgling party must be applied where they are likely to result in the most immediate good. We cannot fall into these strategic traps the 2 old parties have constructed to attack each other with as they ignore our darkest danger, the complete destruction of America. We must choose our battles wisely and in the order that will strengthen us for battling the symptoms when we become strong enough to do so. Furthermore: Honoring the Support of Voters Elected officials of the American Restorer Party must not run for a higher office while serving their terms. Elected officials have been hired and are taking pay to serve their constituents. They cannot perform at peak level while their focus is on running a campaign for a different office. We will not work in support of candidates who put current obligations on a back burner in order to further their own career aspirations. The people who have already elected them and the office they agreed to serve in must come first. 81 Section 4 The Next Step-Input You now have an idea of our proposals for a starting point. We now request input and discussion from any Participating Restorers who have ideas, criticism and suggestions regarding our direction. In addition to everything already listed, we have a very detailed list of potential issues to tackle once we are on our way and have scored some progress with our introduction phase. This list has been withheld for now because we are waiting to hear from you first. America is a nation blessed with many brilliant minds and deep thinkers. Among them are true Patriots who will recognize the potential of a new Party of Restorers in this time of constitutional crisis. Crisis creates opportunity. You now have an opportunity to be involved, to be an important part of something we can all become very proud of. We know many great minds, still unknown, will emerge and become influential through this effort. We have an impressive team in place right now and we want to reach out to all whose patriotic concerns have been ignored or dismissed by the parties who serve themselves. American Restorers will serve our nation by including the will and work of the People, forever the source of America's greatest strengths. This is America, the United States, the land that showed the world how a great nation can rise from the determined efforts of great people. It is our time, our duty to remind the world that our American Spirit is still alive, well and indomitable. I hope and pray you will be a part of it. “....that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom---and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” ...........Abraham Lincoln -- Gettysburg Address 82 A Message From the Author..... I have been politically active for long enough to witness a wide variety of efforts fueled by every motive mankind is capable of driving oneself with. One particular motive appears all too frequently and I find it to be very disturbing and insincere. There are too many people trying to use our political instability to create positions of power for themselves. There are too many people harboring illusions of grandeur who believe affecting political change can make them wealthy, famous or powerful. There is no place for solitary heroes or selfish goals in an honest movement to do so much for our country. No one is going to do this alone and the People should not have to question the motivation behind such a sweeping set of reforms. With that in mind, I want it to be clear, right up front: As this effort grows and develops a life of it's own, all leadership and control will be handed off to competent people who can be trusted to manage it completely on their own. When we are no longer needed, we will step away. While those of us who developed the concept will always be active in support of the American Restorer Party, once we step away we will relinquish all control and never accept any official position or any form of compensation from the American Restorer Party. Any consulting or additional assistance we contribute will always be offered to the Party free of charge and without fanfare. We all know the old parties will try to stand in our way and if that fails they will try to absorb us by pretending to suddenly support our goals. That is exactly what they did with the Tea Party movement and a few others. When that fails they can be expected to attack our motives and we have now taken that possibility away from them. When they try to discredit us, let them stand and proclaim why we are wrong to demand restoration of our Constitution and why we should not battle corruption and self-serving parties of the past. Make them go on record telling us why we are wrong and should be stopped. The honest among them will join us, the rest will reveal their true selves by working against us. Know them by their actions. We told them we would hold them accountable and now we have a way to do it. We are doing this for the sole purpose of saving our beloved nation. We have 330 million people in America, there are sure to be many among us who are quite capable of guiding this project to fruition. The only way we can assure all of you our intentions are sincere and our motives are not personal is for us to demonstrate it by making this promise right now. We know we will be held to it. Let it be so. We have a nation to save. 83 It is incumbent upon each generation to provide a stable society embracing the Rights, freedoms and opportunities the following generations will require to provide their own success. Young Americans Section 1 A Future Denied This chapter is dedicated to young Americans because I know far too many good people graduating from college who are having to move back home. They are struggling to find any kind of job and getting one that will cover living expenses while paying off student loans is much harder than is used to be, harder than it should be. This is not a phase of your life, your future will be more of this. This mess is what happened when politicians abandoned the Constitutional limits of power and started sticking their noses into every part of our lives and business world. Almost all of us Restorers have kids, even grandkids, and we are worried about young Americans and the crime that is being committed against your future by politicians who are looting the nation. You are going to get the bill for it and they aren't making it easy for businesses to provide the high paying jobs you will need to live half as well as most of your parents do right now. Decisions young Americans make today about government will either sink or save their lives and our nation. Young people today are arguably the most important generation since the days of our Founding Fathers. The baby boomers are the first generation in the history of this nation preparing to hand off a nation in decline to future generations. This is a shameful distinction that must be rectified. Many older Americans have their money made, their home purchased and their retirement somewhat secure. The people who will really be shafted by the decline of America are those who are now less than 30 years old. They face a life of struggle, low pay, high prices and government oppression in every facet of their lives. The Republicans and Democrats of today are not the same as the parties of the baby boom days. The R's and D's of today should be known as the Rot and Decay parties. I know, I've been watching them as an activist since I was in college beginning in the late 70's. Trust me, these parties are not your friends. 84 When I first took my steps toward higher education I didn't know much about government or politics but I was trying. I attended events when Senators or Representatives would come home and it didn't take long to see what they were telling us was twisted poli-talk. They'd tell us what they supported then go back to D.C. And propose or vote for something else. Over the years this has become much worse. Have you noticed how many of them talk about keeping jobs in America, making it easier to do business, energy independence, affordable food and fuels, protecting the environment, controlling the cost of education or saving Social Security? Well, those are the same things they were talking about back in the 70's. Often it is still the same people saying it, many have been there that long. One of my U.S. Senators recently had his Twitter account hacked and someone sent out some goofy messages through it. He said he still embraces technology, after all, he was one of the first in Washington to use a fax machine! He is proud of that? He was there before fax machines? I don't care if he was the first to use carrier pigeons, these people stay there forever getting rich while they never solve any problems. What is damaging the future of young Americans today is decades of failure from both old political parties who are too selfish, corrupt or incompetent to run a nation. The word incompetent is too kind in some cases; some of these people are just flat stupid. One U.S. Congressmen expressed concern that expanding the military base in Guam was dangerous because the weight could cause the island to capsize. Another asked a NASA scientist if he had brought in any pictures of when we landed men on Mars. This is just the tip of the iceberg but you look around, do a search on “stupid congressmen” and you'll find plenty to amuse you. Or scare you. Yes, these are some of the people who are in charge of securing a future you can prosper in. I swear, some of them are so dumb I think if you gave them a decent brain for free they'd just take it out and play with it. All of these people go into office with great promises and then they stay forever because the parties have that much money and power. They are not qualified to run anything, most have no business experience yet they are the ones writing the rules and regulations for our businesses. They are the ones writing the rules college students today will be stifled with as they try to repay student loans. They even write rules for the loans. Student loans. How is a person supposed to graduate today and start a new life when burdened with 5 or 6 figure student loans and the jobs they can find no longer pay a 85 sustainable wage? Blame the colleges and universities for much of this. They don't know how to manage a business either so the cost of a college education has skyrocketed at a higher pace than about any other segment of our economy. Too many professors are overpaid and arrogant people who went into teaching to avoid the challenges of succeeding in the tougher world of business. While many of them are overpaid and spoiled by fantastic benefits, much of their work, even the papers they publish under their own names, are actually the work of students. Graduate students are often used just to carry professors through an easy tenured career as they float along waiting to retire with their golden parachutes. If you've been in college, you've seen this. When I was in college it was common to attend every day but only see some of the professors once or twice a week as they blew through collecting or issuing assignments. Sometimes they'd hang around and teach but not in depth. There were a few good ones but most had the work ethics of old couch dogs. Want to know how to spot a lousy professor instantly? When they show up on the first day with an air of superiority and they just drip with arrogance. Watch that type, they wander off topic frequently and carry on about things you are not paying them to discuss. They also hammer you with lousy grades if you dare to question them. If they start on social issues when that is not the class subject, beware; those types are just daring you to object. Challenge them at your own risk, be prepared to go to the mat or don't bother. No student loan is backed by the government, they are backed by taxpayers who work hard for their money. Many are tax payers who had to work hard to pay off their own student loans so paying it back is something you have to step up and do. Do so while paying for a place to live, food to eat, clothes, a vehicle with maintenance, fuel and insurance needs with a few of life's expenses and surprises sprinkled in to make it interesting. Try that today with a beginning salary and you are likely to wind up back at home with the folks, like millions of others. The political ideologies of socialism and Marxism are often promoted by professors who spend their lives insulated from the realities of the functional world outside of their realm. While they grow fat on money these schools demand from students much of what they say and teach damages the business community and nation that provides their own incomes. Business people and hard working parents from all walks of life do all they can to send their kids to these institutions only to have the professors rail against the life these parents led which enabled those students to attend the classes. 86 Many courses require credits in nonsensical courses with no viable relationship to the major. These courses exist to expand the offerings and make the school appear more complete and diverse, pointless or not. Your tuition is raised to cover the expense of these classes that are of no use in preparing any person for a life of success and stability. Many of these are almost play classes which are only used to fill credit hour requirements while adding nothing of substance to a student who is preparing for life as a contributing citizen. The courses offered and developed for use in higher education have been altered over the years to where many are now structured to promote liberal and socialist political agendas. How would the professors know they are leading kids down the wrong path when everyone they associate with is as devoid of real life experience as they are? Do you really want to spend years of your life paying to support that instead of buying things for yourself? Get what you pay for from these schools, you are a customer at their business. You are paying so you have a Right to demand they provide what you are paying for, and nothing more. Your college education is costing much more than what is fair because too many colleges and universities are part of the looting of your future. You are over-charged to pay for people who often do not serve you well and those people are probably living with perks, benefits and a lifestyle you may never be able to match. The halls of higher learning are full of people who are part of the problems which will haunt your entire working life. The socialist/liberals who have become dominant in these schools solidly support and promote the bloated and intrusive government that will be forcing you to pay for their ideals. They will be comfortably retired, safely insulated from the mess they are helping create for you. They do not have working experience as part of a functional economy, they are dreamy idealists who receive their pay through loans you will be paying. Their world functions because they set the price, you have to pay it. Meanwhile, the traditional Constitutional government which provided America with over 200 years of growing success and higher standards of living is under attack from too many of them. Constitutional principles which made America rich and prosperous should be taught in schools instead of dismantling them when we are already living the losses for doing so. The worst offenders in this regard may be those with one of the most important student bodies. I am referring to law schools, the schools people attend in order to develop a complete understanding of how our legal and judicial systems should function. Many of these law schools will let a student graduate and take the bar exam with no more than 87 one hour of study devoted to our Constitution. You cannot have a full understanding of our laws, our nation and the structure of our legal and judicial system without a thorough knowledge and complete understanding of our Constitution. Every bar exam should include a comprehensive section testing the knowledge and application of our Constitution in its entirety. Law schools should instruct each student as to why and how our Constitution has worked for 223 years to limit government while protecting Rights and freedoms of citizens. We actually have professors of law in major universities who believe our Constitution is old, outdated and a waste of class time; a document to be circumvented until it can be replaced. When your Rights and freedoms are encroached upon, when governments exceed or extend the limits of their power, citizens lose Rights and freedoms and are usually asked to pay for the loss. That means you. When you pay your taxes, when taxes are withheld from your paycheck, it is the amount politicians demand from you for what they have done. Plus interest. It is estimated that by 2030 more than half of your paycheck will be taken from you to pay your federal taxes to cover the irresponsible looting our government is doing right now, today. In addition, more will be taken from you for state taxes and Social Security etc. Is that how you want to spend the money you hope to earn? You will not be keeping very much of it, that is what happens when overspending creates national debt. The bills are shoved into the future for others to pay. That is where you come in. You will be living on your little bit that remains. If you hope for a future of success and the opportunity to spend the dollars you earn for yourself, you need to do something about it now. Who goes to college just so they can earn more just to have most of it taxed away from them? That is one big reason so many of us are Restorers, we have kids and grandkids and we are worried about their futures. We are trying to do some things now, before your income is taken from you to cover the mistakes and corruption of our 2 parties today. In a nutshell, the Restorers must succeed in preserving and restoring a functional nation for you to live and work in or you are screwed. The 2 old parties of the past are filled with those who have already spent huge amounts of money you have not even earned yet. Your money. Plus interest. That is what national debt and an expanding government is all about. These is only one reason people go to college; they hope to gain knowledge and skills so they can have a stable, successful life. You do all of that work so you can reap the rewards of your own efforts while contributing to the society that makes your success possible. That is not what your life is going to be if we cannot stop the looting and 88 destruction of America that is already under way. You will work harder for less money than any generation since WW2. When you do manage to get a great job, the money you earn will have to be taken from you to pay the debt and interest for loans you were not asked to approve. Loans as national debt wasted on stupid things that will never make your life better, spent by people of the old parties who are making your life worse. Section 2 The World of Work vs Government Take your college degree and try to start a business and you will find your pathway filled with stumbling blocks. Most graduates seek employment with established companies who can offer industry standard pay and benefits. The goal of most students is to begin there and seek advancement. Parents and professors will advise this because that strategy worked in the strong days of America right up through the baby boomer days. It is a whole different situation today. The few very best, the few most lucky will advance but opportunities for advancement are created either when the company grows or older employees leave and their position must be filled. You do not find opportunities for advancement waiting just because you are ready for one. As you move along in life and prepare to move ahead you will often discover that you will have to return to school to satisfy a requirement for a required license or permit. Most of these educational needs could be met for free as on the job training (OJT) through your employer. The permits and licenses are not there to establish that you are properly trained, if so, the documentation would be free upon completion of training. No, these requirements are portrayed as ensuring sufficient skills but in reality they are just a method of raising revenue. They are papers you pay heavy charges for to help support overbearing government agencies who have stuck their foot in the door of the targeted industry. They butt in where they don't belong and make you pay for it. By doing so, they make you pay for additional schooling which ensures more student loans and steady employment for the people at those schools. It's a racket. 89 Section 3 The World You Must Live In The worst thing you can do is support the 2 parties who are already spending money you should be able to keep for yourself throughout your life. Generations before you allowed this to build on you. Doing as parties wish and shoving it all ahead on you is so wrong it should be illegal. Who asked you if they could spend your money now? Why are you quiet about this? I recall the power and influence of college students in the Viet Nam War days, They were facing lives of opportunity and prosperity yet they knew to act. They got up and did things when they weren't happy. Why were they so active over one war when students and the young today are mostly silent about multiple wars and having their future income looted ? Look at your parents, your friends parents, your neighbors and especially your professors. See the nice homes, the new cars, the good clothes? See them going on vacation and having dollars put back for an active, comfortable retirement? That is what was possible before government blew past its limits of power and the looting became so bad. What you see around you in older generations will be a rare life of luxury for people starting lives and careers today. The changes are already occurring, a lot of people are now delaying retirement. And this is just the beginning. When I was in college minimum wage was around $2.50/hr. Gas cost around 60 cents per gallon. We could buy 4 gallons of gas with one hours pay. Most of us smoked, 3 packs equaled an hour at minimum wage. My first house was a nice little 2 bedroom with a full finished basement, a garage and fenced yard. It cost me the equivalent of one weeks pay at minimum wage, 40 hours a week. Can you do any of that today at minimum wage? No, and not because the minimum wage is too low. It is because government has driven up the price of everything to cover their looting and growth. Minimum wage must remain low enough that a small business can pay it and still survive, producing more jobs. When I was in college it still worked like that as it had for many years. When government raises minimum wage a lot of companies can't hire people and stay in business so jobs are lost. This is one big reason college kids have trouble finding work today. We had plenty of jobs for anyone who 90 wanted one and the pay was enough that we could live on our own. There was a balance. That balance is what has been taken from you. The politicians from the 2 old parties are those who took it or failed to protect it. When we were in college we didn't live fancy but we did get by. I was able to go out with friends and we chipped in together for smarter purchases like pizzas we split and pitchers of beer for all. Can you do the same with your own money now? While keeping a home and car? This is what the government has taken from you. This is what the Restorers are trying to put back together. We do not want to leave you in this mess. Are you going to be in there with us while we do it? We need you. You have one heck of a lot of power, much more than you know. Young Americans have done it in the past and I see no reason why you are not every bit as able. You have cell phones, social media groups and all sorts of technical advantages young people in the past never had available to work with. They were successful because they acted when it mattered. You have a lot more to work with and you could be even more successful if you will try. Before you can change your world you have to figure out where the problems are coming from. The worst thing you can do is to help those who are hurting you the most. If you want a future, you have to starve the beast that is devouring it, the Republicans and Democrats. You have enemies on both sides and not all hate America, some of them are just swallowing lies and repeating them without thinking. YOU MUST KNOW THIS!---Anyone who says we need a couple of generations, 25 to 50 years to take America back, is planning on throwing away your generation and that of your children. They love to say, “It took a long time to get this bad, it will take a long time to fix.” The only reason they say this is because it gives them an excuse to take it easy and not repair the damage THEY allowed. Their leaders are feeding them this lie but they should be wise enough to know better. Restorers will NEVER say this, we do not believe in kicking our can of mistakes down through the years to you. “Not my fault, we just need a lot more years.” BS! Never let them say this to you, this mindset must be defeated so be sure to straighten out anyone who spreads this kind of garbage. Tell them to clean up their own mess in their own time. That single weak idea of taking so long to win is nonsense which has never been done in the history of the world. No great nation in decline has ever once been restored by 91 tolerating damage for generations. People who say it today are not about to help you. This is an excuse perpetuated by drones of the Republican Party which is the source of the lie. Republicans use this as an excuse to cover their failures, “Don't blame us, stay with us, send us money, vote for us because we need time to stop backstabbing you, ignoring you, making stupid deals with socialists and failing so horribly!” Yeah, right. Go team, rah rah whatever....... The world you must live in-what is it? You have to answer that yourself because either you will make that world or someone else is going to make it for you. Right now your worst enemies are doing it. Is that what you will accept or are you a Restorer who will build your own world without the thieves and corruption? Choose wisely. About College.... Deciding on attending college is not guaranteed success or guaranteed failure. It greases the slide in some cases, like retail management, for example, which can be acquired as OJT but takes a lot longer without education. College provides credentials which some professions do require and if you are wanting a career in law, the sciences, technology or finance, college is the only key to the door. There are many ways to succeed but one must be ambitious and willing to learn from watching others who have already done it. Do what you are good at and resolve to do it better than anyone else, at a fair price. Be considerate and respectful to those you ask to work for you and they will help you succeed. The first 3 millionaires I met with 8 digit net worths were all self made men with no college. One was even an 8th grade dropout. He was the man behind Homemakers Furniture in the Des Moines, Iowa metro area. He built a furniture store empire on wits and sweat and after retiring sold it all to Warren Buffet & Co. They still own it today and it is one of the 10 largest furniture retailers in the U.S.. No college. If you cannot afford college, don't let it hinder your dreams. Get out and find other ways to learn and grow on your own, others have. You will make mistakes but we all do. Failure starts with making excuses. Refuse to fail and work hard. (try to avoid every tax you legally can) There, everything you need to know about success in business! 92 Section 4 The Reckoning-Bullseye Is On You Young Americans have got to understand what it will mean to you if a Reckoning occurs. You will bear the brunt of it. A Reckoning involves a World War of proportions never seen by mankind. Watch the news and anyone can see the sides are lining up; alliances are being developed. Russia, China, Venezuela, North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, a variety of Muslim nations and Muslims who claim no nation and many others would be lined up against us and whoever will stand with us. That list represents billions of people. That is one ugly scenario and there is no way such a war could be kept away from our shores again. It will be here, maybe where you sit right now. Who fights these wars? Young Americans and I don't mean the volunteer armies we have now. A World War will result in a draft and if you are under the age of 45 when it begins, expect to eventually be drafted. Do not think you can avoid it by getting out of a draft, it will be here. I have spoken with a lot of veterans of WW2, Korea and Nam. People who avoid the draft do not go about normal daily lives if they appear to be healthy draft dodgers. Dodgers are shunned in society, treated rudely and despised by all who have loved ones who rose to the call. If you want to experience being hated on the streets in America, dodge a draft and live among those who live in daily fear for their loved ones who went. No one has ever planned a World War, they have just blown up after catalysts set the plays in motion. This time the stage is being set in advance in a way that has never happened before. The U.S. is so powerful and so heavily armed our opponents are getting their ducks in a row well ahead of go time. If not being planned for, it is certainly being prepared for. Nothing could be more serious. Please let this soak in. Yes we are powerful; we are also vulnerable on many levels that were not risks with war technologies of the past. The Democrats and Republicans have taken turns running things as every mess we now have developed and grew. Are you going to trust them to fix what they were not able to foresee and prevent? Do you have that much faith in them? Are you willing to risk a draft and war of historical proportions for either of them? I am not. No Restorer is. All of us are working to get control of the situation so our own kids and grandkids do not have to face what the old parties are leading us to. 93 A Reckoning. War is just one corner of it. Financial meltdowns which many astute economists are predicting are another consideration. How these 2 parties of the past have managed to foul up everything at once is an amazing story which would be amusing if it were not true. I have older friends and neighbors who support these parties. When I ask them about the chances for a meltdown or World War most have no sensible answers. They often respond with, “I hope I'm dead by then.” They won't be but their heads are in the sand and they don't want to think about it. That is why you must. They also reply with, “Oh, they'll fix it.” Then they change the subject. What does that even mean? Who will fix it? What is the “it” they will fix? Where is the evidence anyone is even trying to fix anything? They are still spreading soldiers across the globe in conflicts large and small like play pieces in a board game. They are still saber-rattling toward a World War and looting the economy. Your economy, spending YOUR future. Those people are going to fix it? They can't stop making it worse or halt things where they are. Those 2 old parties are never going to fix or prevent anything. They are the ones letting it all happen, making it all happen. The Restorers need to get in gear quickly and get a handle on some of this. We need to bring our troops home from pointless wars and nation building projects. We need to stop wasting money on nations that already hate us to reduce the bills young Americans will spend the rest of their lives paying. We need to show the world America is not a confused source of foreign intervention but a strong nation that will leave the world alone as long as we are not threatened. When threatened or attacked we will reply with immediate overwhelming force. This deters future attacks. This business of spending lives and boatloads of dollars trying to force our system of government on people who do not understand it and have never asked for it is insane. Why are our young Americans being killed and maimed after 10 long years of war with no reasonable objectives? I refuse to believe that undeclared war is being fought to protect our freedoms and way of living here at home. If that was the case the feds would shut our borders down to prevent the entry of enemies they claim to fight there so we don't have to fight them here. Who in the heck is keeping them out of here? No one. Republicans began this nonsense with a lousy plan and support from a lot of Democrats who now deny it. Though they deny all blame for getting involved, the Democrats have not put an end to it during their turn at bat. They keep getting us involved on the ground in new places. 94 We have got to get Restorers working together so we can exert some influence quickly. We don't have to wait to win elected seats before we have power. All we have to do is unite, show our strength and lay down our demands and never let up on them. We have to do more than complain among like minded people. Young Americans have a lot to bring to the table for your own good. Do not be silent. Refuse to be ignored. Work together, work with us and let the world know you want America restored and our problems brought under control. The parties of the past have put your lives and futures at risk on every conceivable level. We have got to shove them out of the way and we just cannot do it soon enough. Young Americans--- Join with us as we help the young Americans in our own families, as we help all of us. No one is going to do this for us. Section 5 Shake Things Up-Be Heard We all hear a lot of people talking like young Americans are irresponsible and know nothing about what is going on with government or issues of today. Don't let it bother you, the same was said about us and the same was said about young people 500 years ago. I have been impressed to discover there is a huge number of young Americans who know precisely what is happening and who is to blame. Younger people are often more willing to discuss these things than their parents are. You are often faster sensing change because you aren't mired in old habits. Talk to your parents, see how deeply they have thought all this through and what they expect for solutions or eventual results. You will find they can clearly define the problems, can they clearly define solutions too or do they just want to keep voting for the people and parties who screwed it all up? We have too many older Americans who have their heads as far up their arses as they claim young people do. The trouble with them is they are comfortable, their money is made, their jobs are secure and that is all the reality they care to ponder. They know nothing of history and don't bother thinking ahead for themselves. Find out where your parents are in their own deepest thoughts of the future, the future you will have. If they say, “Oh, these things come and go,” you are on your own. Try to help them. I know a lot of old party stalwarts who simply vote for the same old parties by habit and don't 95 want to bother weighing the details and making a decision for a switch. They tucked themselves into boxes long ago and won't budge until the box is turned upside down and shaken vigorously. This is a symptom of baby boomer fever called, “I got mine so leave me alone.” Comfortable people are reluctant people. There has never been a revolution of fat men or comfortable people. The task always falls to those who have been shafted. Today, that is young Americans. I get tired of people saying young Americans can't think anymore, (Well, who raised them?) I was tired of it when I was a kid. I get tired of people saying young Americans no longer develop good critical thinking skills. It looks to me like older generations who slept while our troubles incubated have no right to discuss the critical thinking skills of others. I spend a lot of time around young people and I'm not disappointed by them. Sure, every generation has idiots but growing up today is nothing like a few decades ago. Kids today are confronted with a dizzying array of changes and advancements which hit them at a pace the world has never seen before. That is life today and it has produced young people who are able to take change in stride and adapt almost instantly. You are technical wizards who are well adapted to life in the world as it comes to you. As for critical thinking skills, young Americans have needs we never dreamed of. You are the ones who had to add internet safety to the bag of tricks called street marts. Every day you make critical decisions about online etiquette, how to protect privacy and how to be involved in cyber world while not exposing yourself to embarrassment or danger. Young Americans can have severe social damage done in an hour today and the damage can be impossible to walk away from. Everyone around you has cameras and knows YouTube. Most of you are acutely aware of this and the smart ones act accordingly. That is a level of relentless critical thinking discipline no other generation has ever had to face. Older Americans need to consider what it must be like to be young in the world we are handing them. One brief lapse of judgment and 2 minutes later it is making the rounds in cyberspace where it can never be removed. If that reality does not demand exceptional critical thinking skills, what does? Do not think all of these new skills are wasted on social play 96 either. Kids have access to sources of info and the things that affect them make the rounds with amazing speed. Their new critical thinking skills also give them a sense of skepticism all their own. No one knows better that you have to cross-check every detail before accepting news as facts. They have grown up watching bad info thrown at them and they have learned to question all they hear. I think this is a good thing. Again, they impress me. Judge them by the world they live in, they are doing as well as can be expected, if not better. They have also grown up watching America change. They have grown up hearing adults talk about our problems and many young Americans have already had their lives touched by the troubles. They didn't grow up like we did, comfortable in the knowledge that America was rich beyond belief and so powerful we could never be challenged. They have not grown up confident that no matter which path they choose success awaits all who buckle down and work for it. That is not their world. It was our world and young Americans know it has been taken from them. I have found many who know just who is to blame and trust me, they are not falling for the crap the Republicans and Democrats have been getting away with up until now. We might as well replace those old parties now because they have no future as young Americans take the reins anyway. They blew it and our kids know it. Period. There are more groups on campuses today who focus on the Constitution and how it has been violated than any other time in our long history. Young Americans are doing this on their own. They want success, not a life of robbery by tax. Not a life of oppressive controls by governments who grab power and take away Rights. Every problem challenging their future has come from lousy officials who violate our laws. Lousy crooks who have taken away the Constitutional Rights and protections meant to avoid all of this. Anyone who does not think young Americans have a lot of Restorers among them just isn't thinking. Of course millions of them are true Patriots, who do you think is joining our volunteer armies? It's not their grandparents getting sent to wars on the whims of cavalier leaders who never see the battles, it is young Americans. We owe them and the Restorers are the only group of Americans coming together to see they get the same chances our Constitution gave the rest of us when we were building our lives. 97 As young Americans become increasingly vocal in their protests, we must be standing with those who stand for America. They will be up against the idealistic socialists and many of their college professors will be encouraging and supporting those socialists. We need to be the support for the good young people who will need us. Young Americans didn't sign up for these problems but they sure better get up now and deal with them. Yes they got shafted but it is not too late to do something about it. Much can be done and they can have their futures but not if they don't demand some changes now. Why do exorbitant increases in tuition and living costs get implemented without protests? Why do college kids accept being robbed when they are the ones who are stuck with enormous loans as they launch their careers? Much can be done about this. Why do students attend colleges known to be infested with socialist nutcases who spew anti-American nonsense instead of sticking to the curriculum? Why do students encounter corrupted curriculum and not burn it in parking lots and demand better for what they are being forced to pay? Why do students and parents make the decisions to pay crazy tuition rates to universities who undermine the Constitutional government that aided their founding and growth? Why do students to sit in class and hear socialists ranting against our traditional America and our Constitution without walking out and demanding they be fired? Why do patriotic college students see daily examples of corruption and anti-American activities on campus and not rise up to protect their own futures? Why do young Americans watch their brothers, sisters and friends join our armies and then be sent off on missions of lunacy and danger while no one back home cries out in their defense? There is much young Americans could and should be doing right now. Restorers will be there to help all along the way, just contact us. We can even help you start your own groups but your action is as important as everyone else. Maybe even more so. No one will give a bright future to the young Americans of today. If you want a life of success and freedoms, you have to demand it. The future of any people is never just bestowed upon them by a group of thieving politicians. If young Americans want a future you can be happy in, you must take back the nation from those who are robbing you. Young Americans will be Restorers or you will be the final group of surrender. If you fail yourselves now, there will be nothing left to fight for. 98 Restorers in Action Section 1 First Steps-Here We Go! We have to do all we can while getting through all elections as they are scheduled. We can influence them heavily but the priority has to be voting against the worst anti- Constitution, socialist liberal at every opportunity. This means we may have to hold our noses as we vote, just one more time, but that is no reason we cannot begin establishing a major force of power and influence at the same time. To be ignored we would have to be silent, we will not be silent. Let it be known, this is the last time we support anyone who has not joined us as a Restorer. We will not do it this time when we have a choice. We must get on record as to who we are and let the nation know there is a new force of change to be dealt with. We have to let them know we are here, we are serious and we are uniting to combat the loss and looting of our nation on every level. This will require a huge national public relations campaign that is the duty of each of us. Ideas will come from everywhere but to restore this nation requires people who think alike to ACT together. Moving ahead we will encounter organizational issues of all kinds. A lot of decisions will have to be made. We believe all important decisions should be made by consensus among groups of members established to manage specific details. These groups will be our A-Teams with defined areas of operation and logistics. This structure ensures everyone knows who is doing what and which areas of the work are covered. We need some sharp people in these groups who can work well as part of a focused unit. We ask all active members who are curious about helping to contact us. Every minute of effort puts us one step closer to changing our world. Some people can do more in an hour than others accomplish in a day, we can use all the help we can get. Look what we're up against. We need to be contacted by those who wish to be part of a national network to be involved as we define the issues and positions of our national platform. We will develop this network from our own membership. 99 The basic ideology of our Party is outlined in the chapter which announced it but 2 points must remain constant with all decisions: One, we only accept and promote candidates who are dedicated Constitutional Restorers. Two, we will always maintain that principle. Any time any candidate exhibits signs of failing the Constitution, demonstrates they serve their own interests before the best interests of the nation or engages in conduct which is an embarrassment or damaging to the Party and our restoration work, we will publicly denounce them and formally withdraw the support of our Party. We will not look the other way as the old parties do. Moving ahead, we must maintain these standards. America needs a Party that is serious about integrity. We need to establish a political presence by registering our American Restorer Party in every state. This is not complicated and we are ready and able to assist. Please see our website contact list about help getting started in your state. We all need the help, the mutual support and the strength that comes from sharing ideas and work with like-minded people. Our website will provide a list of Participating Restorers who have asked to have their contact info made available so you can network and form neighborhood, local, state or national groups of Restorers. If you are already a member of a group that will support this effort without creating conflicts, by all means, we will gladly work with others. We would be proud to include a list of groups as Restorer Partners in our website. We will include website links (Restorer Partners) so please contact us if your group can be one of them. Section 2 About the Attacks We Know Will Come We are already under attack. We have been for years so we may as well expect more and just keep right on working while brushing off their distractions. We are heading into a big battle and I have already been told it will be tough, like we didn't know that. I really just don't care, I was born American and I know what we are doing is right. I don't concern myself with what money and games the parties can throw at us. I hope they do challenge us, I dare any one of their officials to publicly debate us. 100 When they get bold they better be ready to explain why restoring the Constitution is a bad thing. They had better be ready to defend their party against the corruption and uselessness we can spend entire days discussing. Whatever they throw at us can't be worse than the recorded facts and results of their work we can throw right back at them. They have nothing to be proud of so if they'd like to discuss why they oppose Restorers, shouldn't they be allowed to do it? We believe in being straightforward and we do not make talk merely for effect. We are not Democrats or Republicans, when we say something we back it up. That said, we'd better establish just what we are prepared for and how we will respond. I want everyone who is with us to know we are ready and able to counter anything they throw at us, anything you feel needs a response. If you are a Restorer, you will never be alone. We are Americans. We stand together and part of our job as Restorers is to show the world we unite. Democrats, oh well. Going after us with the type of name calling and media games they used so effectively against the Republican would be a serious mistake. We will stand on what we believe even when the Republicans try us. Both old parties are vulnerable to so many facts they would be wise to keep a low profile. For starters, we know the Constitution so we believe all Americans are able to approach each other as equals. Respect and decency are due to all. Personally I believe the base principles of true justice can be interpreted as stated in the Golden Rule of Christianity. Do unto others as you would have done to you; that is where we start. Now, when that tenet is breached and someone launches a scurrilous attack, let them reap what they sow. I hope this can be amicable, if it is not, let them break the peace and give us even more reasons for doing this. They have nothing to stand on and we do. Period. We are not the old parties so we won't operate in the same way. After all, we have every right to run our Party any way we see fit. We are sick of games and manipulations so we won't do that. We will strive to be honest and keep our own politicians honest. Do not forget, some people who like what we are doing mean well but are as brainwashed and complacent as our opposition. We have to mind our own store being watchful for the telltale signs of weakness. Old habits are hard to break and we have to break the old habits wherever we discover them. People that cave to power or accept low standards from 101 leaders will not restore America. Some will resist acting because they are scared or lack vision, others are content sticking with a bad habit keeps life easy for them. You will encounter some who want restoration but will tell you the old parties have a stranglehold on our system that just cannot be dislodged. If you cannot educate them, move on. People who willingly accept defeat before they even try are of no use at this stage. Our Founders were surrounded by those types and we all know how that worked out. They'll come around later, be patient and kind with them. Do not alienate people who just are not strong enough to think for themselves. Expect to be confronted by those who believe there is a pattern of behavior in government that must be dealt with because it cannot be changed. We are the behavior modification team for all levels of government who have an addiction to games and corruption they can't kick or even confess to. They submit to their standards, we just don't do the same. We are not here to win a dirty game. We are here to clean it up. Section 3 Spread the Word! Here are some ways to spread the word at little or no expense: Remember, what each of us can do alone is good but never enough. As you reach out to others about what Restorers are doing, encourage them to also reach out in any way they are willing and able to do. This can be as simple as talking to people you know to as broad as establishing regional and national networks of unified groups. What you do depends upon what you have for the time, ambition, resources, confidence and ability to do. Just do what you can with what you have and know that you are not alone. You are part of a a network with some very good people who share your deepest feelings about America and our future. Our Party will be what we make of it. That requires spreading the word. Multiple resources will become available for free at our website. Please use them. Watch for our “downloads” page. We will include downloads that are letters and questionnaires you can either print and hand to candidates and officials or send to their offices by email or fax etc.. The site is new and under development, check it often for new work. 102 We need to give sitting politicians a chance to join us. We will also develop a State-by State list of all sitting politicians who refuse to respond to our questionnaires or reject the Restorer movement. Know them by their actions. Every region has talk radio programs and several national programs have hosts who are potential Restorers. We need to reach them and give them the chance to declare themselves as Restorers or show themselves to be old party tools. Contact them. Call their shows. Get their email addresses from their websites and contact the host and their producers. These people can be of great service to our country and this effort. Contact them repeatedly and encourage others to do the same. I am confident that most, if not all of them, will become priceless additions to our growing movement. They have reputations to protect and the smart ones are very careful to become fully informed before staking their credibility on anything new. Get the info to them, call and talk with them but be patient until a fair amount of time has elapsed while they weigh the pros and cons and learn what we are all about. If they are with us, we'll be happy to list them at our site as a Restorer Partner along with their program links. Talk to people you know who are informed and intelligent. Co-workers, neighbors, friends at church and in local groups, clubs and associations. Members of our military and veterans groups will be especially interested in restoring our country. Reach out to them. Call, email or visit soldiers and veteran groups such as VFW posts. Contact them and tell them what we are doing and how to contact or help us. Attend a variety of political rallies and meetings and be sure to distribute our free info cards which can be downloaded from our site. Who do you know that you would like to approach about becoming an American Restorer Party candidate for any office? We need to discover, encourage, support and promote the best among us. We will need qualified people to replace those who prefer the old party games. If you know someone you believe deserves a chance to serve, please contact us or give them our contact info. All newspapers have editors and frequently larger ones will have political editors or specialists. Contact them. Again you can find their contact info through websites. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc, and the variety of political chatrooms and groups of the internet are a valuable hotbed of great political action. Most are places where people 103 post news and discuss the loss of our nation. We can help all of them by offering the positive inspiration of a new solution through efforts of Restorers who are finally doing something about all that is wrong. Reach out through these groups and get the information to them. Start new groups and organize your own circle of Restorers or bring in members to your existing groups. Use icons and avatars that identify you as a Restorer. There are political groups numbering from a few friends to tens of thousands across the nation. Tea Party groups, business and trade groups, even veteran biker clubs and all want to see our nation saved and restored. By uniting all of them as Restorers we can use the combined strength of numbers to accomplish what no group can hope to do alone. We will maintain an Action page at our site which we will constantly update including featured profiles of Restorers who have made progress for the American Restorer Party or have worked as Restorers to combat corruption and bad officials in any level of government. America Loves Getting Together- Let's Do It! As time moves on you will have the opportunity to meet as many Restorers as you'd like. The type of people who rise to this kind of effort always seem to be the kind who enjoy getting together. They are also the type of people you always enjoy being around. Nobody in the world has more fun ways to get together for a great time than plain old everyday Americans. Most events use a holiday or some other excuse to launch something that involves food, music, Harley's, friends, family, clambakes, churches, fund raisers, flags, prayers, horses, bonfires, potboils, camping, 4-wheelers, fireworks, chili contests, beer, BBQ's, auctions or unique combinations of all of the above. We are on the verge of doing something new in the modern world; the peaceful reclamation of a nation is distress. Nobody on this planet but Americans could ever do anything close to what we are about to do. Let the rest watch and learn as we do this in style! This is big my friends, we should find ways of enjoying our chance to work together as we do something that will turn the tables on history and the socialists who are about to find out they haven't won a darned thing after all! They should have left us alone. Sure, this is a struggle but we are up to the challenges so we might as well enjoy it and 104 meet each other in friendship and unity as we share our efforts. Who is better at winning a tough struggle than Americans? Nobody. As united patriots we don't even know what to talk about after losing, We don't lose, we never have and we never will. That's just not what we do. Leave that to the fools who push us too far. Where I live hog roasts, BBQ's, potlucks, and sweetcorn feeds are popular. I'm going to round up some volunteers and we're going to do this right! If you cannot do something similar maybe you can light a fire under someone who can. Fellowship and unity is an important part of being an American, there is no better reason to do it than uniting to save and restore our beloved country. Plan an event, large or small and we can list it free of charge in the website “Calendar of Events” with your contact info, if you'd like. We'd also love to post your event pictures. Our numbers are stunning if we stop working alone in small groups and unite for our common cause. Section 4 Here Is What We Are Working On We are well into the writing of our second book. I know the old dirty politics crowd hates this one. Oh well. Just wait until they see the next one! Part of it goes much deeper into issue details, closing the border, the expensive failure of the war on drugs, activist courts, closing federal departments, street gangs and their true cost to society, developing a powerful influence and how to affect elections now through November and beyond. We discuss how to force resignations from sitting officials and how to deplete the funding of the public NPR and also commercial anti-American media outlets. We discuss fuel and energy production and what can be done. There are so many peaceful ways to help this nation it can be hard deciding which to do first. The next book takes us to another level or cleaning up old problems the government has fouled up for decades. This sneak peek is the tip of the iceberg, this book is not what a politician want to see in an election year but so be it. We have not decided how we will publish or release it, please watch our site for dates and details. 105 Our first website is a launch site. Our plans for it will require more time than we wished so watch for revisions and additions as they are completed. Additions we are working on include the following pages and links: Featured Restorers: A Fun page. We will profile Restorers in action showing what they are doing and how they are promoting our Party and fighting corruption of the old parties to restore our Constitution. Subscribed Participating Restorers will be eligible to submit pictures, videos and/or profiles for this page. Restorer Partners: Links to groups and Restorers engaged in the struggle in a variety of ways. Restorer Shopping: Official merchandise and items related to our movement. Events: Submit the time, date, location and nature of your Restorer event and we will list it on this page for you, complete with any contact info you want to include. Action and Ideas: Self explanatory. We will post ideas for people who want to be involved and are looking for effective ways of acting as a Restorer. Downloads: We are developing a Media Contact Package which can be emailed or printed and snail-mailed to radio, TV and newspapers to help spread the word about what we are doing to save our nation and clean up government. (Or you can just send them this book) Forms, info and letters which will be useful for members who want to help in a variety of ways. All documents can be printed off or sent as emails. There will be letters for elected officials and candidates which include questions regarding their dedication to our laws and Constitution. They will have a chance to prove they are honest Restorers or explain why they are not. As the replies come in we will post who is with us and who rejects or ignores the effort to Restore America. We will also have American Restorer Party info cards you can print off and distribute to anyone you hope to reach. 106 Restorer Editorials: To be a true Party of the People we have to include input from them and provide a platform for our best to share their thoughts and insight. Subscribed Participating Restorers will be eligible to submit work for this page. State Lists: As we grow, we will list the states where we have been officially registered. We will provide links and contact info. Beyond the mountain of website work, we are actively seeking and assisting organizers for registering the American restorer Party in all states and helping them any way we can. If you can help in any capacity in your state, please contact us through the site. We have done a great deal of work to get this far, it will take a lot more to make a difference but who is more able than the people who know they are Restorers? I know many and Restorers are much more astute than the socialist minions we are up against. We know what we want, we know what our nation needs, now we know how to get started. Let us do something we can all be proud of. 107 Our American Spirit No book, no speech, no Party can now launch the concept of concerned citizens thinking like Restorers. That was done long ago. The principles behind us are older than the nation. In the late 1700's, these same principles lit fires in the minds of a few who discussed dreams of an independent nation, free of a tyrannical monarchy 3,000 miles away. Our Founders, the people who had that dream, were not the majority, they were challenging the majority to think for themselves. They challenged the majority to want something better and then act to create it. It was a notion so bold many thought it to be an insane proposition. Weaker men did not join them until victory was assured. Weaker men and those with no vision could only consider the risks and the power of the opposition. Our Founders had people around them who wanted to keep repeating failed tactics. So do we. Our Founders had people around them who wanted something better but refused to help because they were more comfortable accepting known tyranny than standing against it. So do we. Our Founders had people around them with a strong sense of justice and the natural Rights of man, and an indomitable yearning for freedom which chafed under the onslaught of an increasingly oppressive government. So do we. Our Founders acted because they had become filled with what the world came to know as the American Spirit. They had never heard of it and had yet to realize it was that which united them and drove their ambitions. They acted on what they believed was a basic matter of right vs wrong. The American Spirit developed and flourished long before it was recognized and given the name. The American Spirit came to be identified as something unique to us as an awed world witnessed the selfless determination of a growing group of citizens united against an established world power. The American Spirit has lived on to this day. While all nations will harbor it's detractors, it's cowards, it's critics and it's scoundrels, America has always maintained something more, something intrinsic which binds all who possess it in a unique brotherhood of pride and understanding. That is the American Spirit and throughout our long history 108 that Spirit has never failed to rise in times of great distress, uniting all who love our nation to defend her against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. As the greatest nation in the world, the United States has also become the most tempting prize to be taken by those jealous of our wealth and and frustrated by the power of the citizens which obstructs their hopes for dominating us. Every attempt to divide, conquer or subjugate our great nation has been defeated by the American Spirit as those who hold it so dear unite to preserve all that it means to be an American. We have never failed. Failure is not an American trait. Our American Spirit has now been displaced in the soul of our government. Our Spirit lives in the hearts of Restorers but as the Founders knew, it does not reside in the hearts of all. So be it. The rich prize that is our nation is now being looted, weakened and undermined by those who resent the American Spirit and seek only the power and riches their corrupt abuse of powers can secure for themselves. It is time for the American Spirit to once again unite us in a time of great distress. It is time to reject our corrupted leaders and the political parties which have been altered to produce, empower and protect them. Our Constitution will be restored and the Rights and Freedoms it protects for us will be preserved beyond our time. Honest leaders who serve the best interests of our nation will dominate and replace those who now serve political parties and themselves. The American Spirit will persevere because it is alive and strong in the hearts and minds of millions. The American Spirit will live on because it lives in us, the Restorers. We will succeed because the American Spirit lives in Restorers and that Spirit unites us, guides us and no power on earth can overcome it. May our just and forgiving God once again Bless this great nation. 109 The following is a collection of excerpts from an earlier booklet produced for use in rallies, town hall preparation etc. prior to the 2010 mid-term elections. Times are changing quickly so these have been slightly edited and updated for use here. The title of the booklet was 20 Turns and tens of thousands of copies were distributed, downloaded and shared in it's entirety. The American Restorer Party is a development which evolved from this original effort. Intro When our founders got together and created our Constitution they planted the seeds of the greatest nation on God's green earth. If you can't agree with that then we won't share much in common. After a rough start and a series of challenges, from within and without, our America emerged as the world leader of freedom and opportunity. When America needed to be strong we developed the armies that freed many nations and millions of people from tyranny and oppression. When we became wealthy we became the most charitable nation in the known history of the world. When America became the world's beacon of freedom and opportunity we shared with the rest. We taught hungry nations to farm and shared the seeds, machines and techniques we developed. America's Constitution has enabled us to live and prosper with freedom, security and opportunity while we delivered more food, money, medicine, freedom and security to other, more needy nations, than any other nation at any time. Our great armies have provided brave soldiers to bleed and die for the defense of freedom and opportunity of millions all across the planet. Adhering to our Constitution empowered us to become the wonderful nation that I love dearly and I am immensely proud of. Therefore I must resent the actions of today's political leaders that seek to ignore the Constitution and divide our society in order to secure greater, broader, more central powers for themselves at our expense. Our own Abe Lincoln stated that it is the history of democracies to die by faction. Others use the term, “divide and conquer.” Both mean the same thing and you can see it happening at home today. By addressing us as separate groups of special interests our leaders seek to divide us. They no longer address us all as Americans but they address groups of us, 110 each group gets its own specific message. Divide and conquer. They address us not as Americans but as young Americans, black Americans, rich Americans, poor Americans, Latino Americans, the working men, American women, the haves, the have-nots, senior Americans, the religious right, the homeless and the unemployed. This list goes on, but they are seeking to pigeonhole us all into manageable groups they can make promises to, take things from, vilify, praise, reward and penalize as the situations of a changing nation best suit their quest for absolute power. Death by faction, thank-you, Mr. Lincoln, for stating it so succinctly. Our great Constitution was constructed in a very deliberate manner to prevent this sort of shenanigans from leaders. We were guaranteed protection of our God given rights and freedoms and we were warned by our Founders that we must be willing to defend these rights or we would ultimately lose them. A nation's leaders can only gain power by taking the rights and freedoms away from the people. That's us and I don't like it, do you? This is happening today and anyone with a useful mind and critical thinking skills can clearly see it. It must be stopped. Our rights and freedoms are being manipulated, altered, ignored and diluted by too many of our leaders. They resort to any and all conceivable methods to divide us and encroach upon our rights and freedoms. You've seen this. For example, we have freedom of speech. However, if you say something that a hyper-sensitive activist may choose to label as “offensive” some politicians will seize the opportunity to lash out at you in order to secure the support and voting power of the group that was told to feel offended. Freedom of speech actually exists, where in the Constitution are we guaranteed the right to never be offended? This is a prime example of the process they use against us. By dividing us into useful groups they can pick the battles to start among us. What is assailed as “offensive language” to one group may be ignored when directed at a group that offers no gain for the same politician that was so boisterous about the first example. Many of those in power have learned to craft political agendas that steer us away from the issues that are important to us in order to focus on issues that gradually increase the power they so willingly wield against us. As a result, our real problems are ignored as we watch them debate issues that serve their quest for increased control over us. We see our ever increasing taxes wasted on programs that fail and we see how our Constitution is being carefully dismantled. 111 We the People still retain the power to change our leadership but, because of their abuse of our trust, we must also demand that they develop agendas that truly serve us. We have the power to fire or retain them so we still have the power to dictate to them the issues that truly matter in our society. We've seen the agendas they develop among themselves then feed down to us. Global warming. When I was a kid we called it a hot spell. They are usually followed by a cold spell. If we are bumping against record temps set a century ago then was it global warming back then too? What reversed it then, maybe a reduction in sunspot activity? When will they all decide that the dinosaurs committed suicide because they foresaw the rise of humankind? That's probably our fault too. Yet, while this theory is still being challenged by very competent scientists our leaders push to force us to address the issue. That is their agenda, not ours. They see an opportunity to strip us of wealth by raising taxes and creating methods of allowing their cohorts to profit. When the global warming legions win a public debate with the scientists that disagree with this scam, I will be willing to listen. Till then, stay out of our pockets. Wipe that power grab off the agenda and tackle something that will help We the People. Global warming, as the debate now stands, is being used in an attempt to create a political power structure that will share the benefits and profits for the gain of the proponents and their cronies. This is just one example of an agenda developed by those who believe we serve the government instead of our Constitutional blessing of a government that serves us. There are many more examples. Some of our elected leaders have become so confident of sustaining their power they have begun to laugh at us and belittle our objections. They see us as powerless fools and they clearly demonstrate their contempt for We the People. They feel we have no choice but to live as they dictate and tolerate any manner of insult they subject us to. We protest obscene deficit spending and they call us un-American. We complained when they repeatedly passed lengthy and complicated legislation without even taking the time to read the bills. They responded to those complaints with a bold show of arrogance and insolence. They hired a speed reader to sit and mumble through the bill in the background while they went about their business. ( My sources indicate that Democrat Henry Waxman of California was behind this) They laughed as they did it. This display of contempt was an insult to all who feel elected officials should take their roles as leaders seriously. They were scoffing at voters who were expressing their opinions through the 112 Constitutional right to redress the government for a grievance. They were laughing at We the People who believe a leader should be fully informed on legislation before passing it at our expense. They were laughing at us, the people who pay them to do a job, the people that foot the bill for their actions. They were laughing because they were amused that we felt we had the right to demand they conduct themselves as responsible, concerned representatives. Which they know they are not. I was disappointed that the rest of Congress did not stop all business to demand an apology for We the People and also demand the resignations of everyone involved in treating us so shabbily. Like I said, they are too confident of their power. Shame on everyone that did this and those that failed to correct it. Many of these same clowns are in a position to choose the agenda of our Congress. It is no wonder that all we have to show for their service is higher taxes, social division, a loss of Constitutional protection of our rights, a weak dollar, a faltering economy, trade deficits, no viable energy plan, high unemployment, struggling small businesses, failure of rural communities, failure of many large cities, a poor but expensive educational system, loss of manufacturing, rampant illegal immigration, street gangs and their crimes, a huge budget deficit and national debt that has increased so dramatically that our children's children will still be getting taxed to pay it all off. Laugh at that you clowns! Every voter that has trusted Congress to run this nation well has become a victim of Congress. Congress-you have failed us. Go home! Get out of OUR Capital and make room for your replacements! We put you in power, it has now become our duty to take you back out. We Are Americans We Are the Restorers Section 1 Crisis in Congress Since our leaders have proven that they prefer us divided to be conquered, we must unite to plant a new crop of leaders. We call and write to them and things get worse. We meet with them and are often insulted or belittled and ignored. We state our concerns 113 and they give condescending replies. We must reject the division and partisan manipulations they give us and dump them all in the hope of replacing them with our best and brightest. Now THAT is some "Change” I can believe in! We are now experiencing a very serious Congressional Crisis, these people represent the greatest internal danger since the Civil War. They will complete our destruction if they cannot be stopped. We are literally under attack from our own government. This Congressional Crisis is severe. Our elected leaders are either drunk with what they believe is their power or they have become so completely overwhelmed with their duties that they are collapsing from incompetence. The wheels have fallen off the machinery of our system. The government is in complete disarray and every move they make is dragging us closer to chaos and economic failure. It is late, but not too late. Leaders, past and present, have made a mess of our nation but we have other people who are completely capable of cleaning it up and putting the pieces back together again. The leaders we now have either took part in creating our problems or were ineffective in preventing them. Therefore, we need the American Restorer Party. The principle of the Restorer effort is simple and extremely powerful. We must all agree to use our votes to remove every official who does not serve our Constitution faithfully. All of them must go because we need to break up the power structure they have assembled to use against us. You may have one good Senator, fine, encourage them to join us or explain why they are not a Restorer. The same applies to Representatives that you are happy with. For all others, make it loud and clear that you will support a Restorer to replace them at the first opportunity. I like a few people in office so I will contact them, provide them with all of our info and ask them to join us as a Restorer. This is our chance and we must be thorough. We do still have a small number of good, sincere politicians but, as the saying goes, 97% of them give the other 3% a bad name. The parties won't like this, but that is too bad. They have certainly abandoned us. Restoration of our Constitutional Republic is our only hope for saving America. The American Restorer Party is a chance for a new government staffed with no career politicians or establishment party traitors from either old party. There is absolutely no possibility that the people or parties we have in office today will fix the mess they now preside over. They have been running the show during the 114 successful attacks on our Constitution and the plundering of our national wealth and our way of life. These people craft agendas that strip us of our Constitutional guarantee of rights and freedoms but we can say “Enough is Enough!” They do not serve us so we will no longer support them. They are not in charge, We the People run this country. Let us all join together to show them what that means. Let us all come together and stop the destruction of the greatest nation on God's green earth. Let us all come together and install a new group of leaders that is loyal to our votes, our priorities and our Constitution. We must exercise and defend our rights to install a new group of leaders with no systemic connections to the dangerous parasites that now lurk in the shadows of our corrupted system. Now is the time to turn around from the cliff they have led us to and move forward as a nation on a new path to a better America. This is re-shuffling the deck so we can stop playing losing cards. We win now or we lose our country by betting on the wrong people when we should all know better. The toes they stepped on are now in the shoes that will kick them out of office. These poor leaders can't or won't fix anything so we will. America is not broken, they are. They can't turn it around but we can. We want real candidates with real abilities, not party hacks whose only skills and experience are in winning elections and shafting the voters. None of us can make a difference by ourselves but it is easy once we can unite. We are now at a very important crossroad and if we fail to act all will be lost. This is not an opinion, but an obvious fact. We are melting down and the whole world is watching. People in other nations are saying the United States is finished. They do not understand what happens to those who push us too far. We are Americans, we push back harder! Even against our own corrupt leaders. The Restorers will do the pushing. I know scores of good everyday folks that are worried, even scared, because of our ominous future. It looks dangerous and we can all see some sort of change is inevitable because the current situation is untenable. You can feel it in the air that something big is coming. Some fear a slow, agonizing death of our system, others fear a revolution or civil unrest and violence. The Restorers can give us hope and put the fear where it belongs, on the backs of those who have put us in this situation. 115 We DO need a revolution and we need it now. Restoration is that revolution and it will succeed. Restoration is We the People staging a cool-headed but very powerful revolution to take our country back from the career politicians and parties that are destroying us. People are asking “What can we do?” This is the answer. Restoration is a process that everyone can safely participate in as an opportunity to accomplish some revolutionary results. We can continue what we are already doing and become the Generation of Shame. Restoration, or we allow them to complete our destruction. This is our fault too, we've elected these people, we became complacent as a nation. We have the leaders we deserve, we need to do our duty so we may deserve better leaders and we may install better leaders. The old games in Washington must stop now. If we do not honor our duty and demand integrity from the process we do not deserve the freedom and rights we will continue to lose. Section 2 The Passing of the Parties How is it that both of our old major parties have abandoned their bases at the same time? We know it is because career politicians are serving their own interests, but the scope of this corruption is just staggering. I know very few Republicans or Democrats that are solidly behind their party of preference today. Republicans watched as the border was left open. President Bush implemented the TARP budget buster. Ditto with the prescription drug benefits. When the Republicans had Congress and the White House did they reduce regulations or start drilling for oil and building refineries? Did they anticipate and prevent the mortgage crisis? Who would have guessed that a Republican President would say that he had to abandon the free market principles to save the free markets? What??? This is the logic behind hundreds of billions of dollars in increased debt? What??? When the Republicans had all the power and the presidency did they do what we expected? I recall them getting us into 2 new perpetual wars without clear objectives. I 116 recall the, “I'm not a nation builder,” President begin nation building, replacing the roads and buildings we paid our armies to blow up. I checked, we are still in the U.N. And they are still in New York. Why? What did we gain from having Republicans in power, a slower decline with a couple of bonus wars tossed in? Was the decline really slower? Why is it that Republicans only hate spending when the Democrats are doing it? Get the Democrats out and the Republicans step up and spend like drunken lottery winners. The Republicans often lose because they deserve to lose. The trouble is the Democrats they lose to do not deserve to win. Republicans had their chance and blew it, just like they always do. By ignoring their base and backing a very weak candidate in '08 they lost it all. Obama won because Republican Party worked so hard at losing. John McCain? Seriously? They have a disturbing habit of ignoring their base and eating their own. The way Republicans sabotage each other is an amazing thing to behold, the Democrats almost never do that. Democrats present a much more united front in public and have to rely on goofball ideas to sink themselves, not sabotage from within. Now we all get to watch as the Democrats blow their turn at the wheel. Both parties fail their loyal voters and engage in a constant “us vs. them” bickering match that serves them but not us. Like teenage siblings forced to share a room they need a grown up with a level head to step in and administer some discipline. Restorers will be the grown ups. We the People must be the grown ups because the discipline is long overdue. We have to stop swinging between Democrats, then Republicans and back again, lashed to the “political pendulum of doom.” I see huge numbers of disillusioned voters in both of the old camps. The Democrats sure have plenty to be upset about. While supporting a vague message of “Hope and Change” I do not believe they intended to see the Constitution ignored and our nation swept by socialism. They wanted to keep America but with some improvements, most didn't vote to see America deliberately destroyed. Democrat voters are paying a dear price for backing what they dreamed of instead of what they could see. I have never seen a party or group of leaders back-stab their voters as quickly and as thoroughly as what is happening now. It is simply appalling to witness. I thought Democrats were against Corporate Welfare. I thought the Democrats loved the little guy and opposed government getting in bed with big business. So did the voters. These 117 Democrats immediately jumped into bed with Wall Street then pulled the sheets over their heads and got busy. They have shown their true colors. They spent more on Corporate Welfare in the first few months than all other administrations in history. Notice how they never use that term, “Corporate Welfare,” anymore? They don't want you to think about it. Back-stabbers. Democrats resisted everything Mr. Bush did but his first stimulus was in checks mailed to families not astronomical sums going to global corporations. His tax break saved thousands every year for nearly all of America's families but the Democrats want to take that money right off your kitchen table. Unbelievable. Them, of all people, tossing billions in boatloads of dollars at big companies while working families lose their jobs and homes. Republicans spent too much but the Democrats are now smashing all records. Democrats have destroyed our budget and increased debt to obscene levels with corporate welfare while families are struggling and unemployment sweeps the nation. They trampled our Constitution to do it. They eloped with big business and will be sending the bill for it to your family for decades to come. Democrat leaders have thumbed their noses at voters of every class and color. Democrat leaders think the old Democrats will stay with them no matter what but they are wrong. I think a lot of old style Democrats will become Restorers too. They can't all hate the country, I know better. I've never seen the country in such poorly managed chaos. The leaders are throwing out spending, programs and power grabs so fast no one can keep track. We don't even know where the ideas come from or what is in the details. They rush to create one thing, and before voters can react they implement something else. Trying to keep up is like painting monkeys, the harder you try the crazier it gets. They aren't doing it for us. The Democrat voters are the most used and abused victims of big government in my lifetime. They put a great effort into the last election and they are now seeing their families futures buried in debt. Get rid of all of them and start over. This is no longer about those parties, saving our nation must become the goal. Both old major parties foul everything up, spend too much money, ignore the Constitution and aggravate their bases. They put their priorities ahead of ours. While we work and care for our families they have meetings with strategists and lobbyists. They ponder the right words and phrases to use to sell us bad ideas. Look at how many names they already tried for health care. Heath Care Reform, Health 118 Insurance Reform, Obama Care, Kennedy Health Care. We have the "O" plan and now the "K" plan, is the next one the OK Health Care plan? It would be OK with me if this bunch kept their hands off it. They are not qualified to put wrenches under that hood! They plan strategies that will be most effective in manipulating public opinion when they should be focusing on fixing some of the mess they've already created. It is all just a big party game to them and we are the dupes. Would honest politicians distract us with big media smokescreens about trivial matters while they sneak under the fence with things we would object to? Would honest politicians release important details and reports on Friday evenings because they want it out of the news cycle by Monday when people are likely to start paying attention? We are being played folks, and they need to know we are done with it. Parties need to earn the support of voters, not take it for granted. We need to scour our respective states and find the type of Restorer candidates we have a right to expect. We want the best and brightest, not the most entrenched. Party leaders need to accept the duty of finding our shining stars and encourage their participation, prepping them for replacing the old guard. The Restorers can help us evolve to meet our challenges. Too many people are upset with the status quo so it is time to do something about it. Restorers will be heard, not trampled. Section 3 Lobbyists Why do we allow paid lobbyists to make careers in the halls of our Congress? Politicians love it because they develop relationships and trade favors and more. How does that serve the People? It doesn't. These lobbyists are paid huge sums to convince our leaders to back their special interests, often against the will of the people back home. Don't tell me that my vote matters if you are getting marching orders from paid lobbyists. No paid lobbyist should be allowed to address more than one issue per session. No paid lobbyist should be allowed to work in the Capital for more than two years. We need to minimize the power dollars have on Congress. If our leaders want input they can find ways to get it from the constituents. 119 I watched a defeated (fired) ex-U.S. Senator as he was asked about his work as a paid lobbyist. He was pretty smug. This guy had the gall to tell reporters that he is not a lobbyist though he is doing the same work as others whom will admit it. This man claimed he is working as a “resource,” not a lobbyist. Congressmen who become lobbyists average a pay increase of around 1400%! What are they selling? Insider tricks and more. Call it what you will. I call it influence peddling and it should be illegal. Washington politicians that are voted out should leave Washington and go home. Voters decided they wanted them out, they should bend to the will of We the People and get out! This is a very dirty, corrupt game they are playing. Lobbyists are needed and their activities are constitutional. However, the current system of paid career lobbyists is a threat to the interests of citizens and the integrity of our Congress. Other nations and the businesses from other nations often pay these people for their access and influence with our Congress. Any well funded group can hire paid lobbyists to represent them before our elected leaders. There are rules but these people know how to bend them. It is often possible to find these lobbyists representing taxpayer funded groups, like public worker unions, teachers, park boards etc. These groups all have a right to access the leaders but their work is funded by taxes then tax money pays lobbyists to represent them. Tax money invested in raising taxes. Their own administrations should be capable enough or they've got the wrong administrators. When a private citizen enters the halls of Congress to voice their opinions to a Congressmen do you believe they will be as effective as a paid career lobbyist? Lobbyists know these leaders on a personal level, they are paid to develop relationships and curry favor. They are skilled at the power of persuasion and they represent only the dollars that pay them. I am not comfortable with this. These people should be limited in the time and scope of their service to preserve integrity of the system. I want our Congress to be influenced by constituents, not paid career lobbyists and special interest dollars. The access to our leaders should not be tilted away from the voters at home. When Congress is asked to pass a bill of hundreds, even thousands of pages, do you ever wonder who is writing them? Lobbyists do a lot of it, especially the sneaky little details, the precise wording that can be avoided or manipulated after implementation. While we hear broad descriptions of these bills in the news, a professional lobbying firm may have several employees carefully constructing the language of one critical paragraph to suit those special interest groups who pay them. Is that how we should run a representative government? 120 Section 4 Stop the Programs Our Congress is so completely dysfunctional they apply the same fix to every major problem. All big issues result in big new programs. This is insane. We cannot afford the programs we already have and Congress has never implemented one that came in at cost. A new program means Congress is throwing money at another problem. Now they are creating programs to fill the voids created by their mishandling of the economy. They are spending a lot but creating nothing. These programs will run out of money and leave us right where we started. If you simply give away money for awhile, what have you fixed? Instead of repairing our economy to jumpstart small business (where the jobs really come from) they use programs to give dollars away for show. Programs are the only bullet in their arsenal. We need reconstructive surgery and they give us temporary bandages. I must admit, I really do not want this crowd to do anymore to “improve” the economy. We can't afford their ideas. I want these folks to stop implementing new programs and just wait quietly until we can replace them. I have completely lost all confidence in their ability to do anything but ravage the Constitution and create massive debt and deficits. The old programs they've given us are all a shambles. Are we to believe these same people will suddenly, miraculously accomplish something brilliant? That is not evident in their performance review. Slugs do not spin silk. How many of our people in Congress campaigned and won by promising to "fix" Social Security? That was a big deal as long as 25 years ago. Now, 25 years later it is still not fixed. This is how they operate, nothing is ever fixed and they just keep creating more programs to throw more of your tax dollars into. Before they spend any money on new programs they should earn our confidence by demonstrating they are capable of repairing or eliminating at least one old broken program. There are plenty of places to start. We cannot continue using programs to cure the symptoms of failure. Congress says too many workers do not have health insurance, so is the insurance industry the problem or is Congress at fault? Who was in charge while millions of high paying jobs with great insurance benefits were shipped overseas? Why did those jobs leave? Congress has ruined the business environment of America. We must make our voices heard, the expensive programs must stop. We cannot sit idly by while our futures are looted by incompetency. 121 We must turn our Congress over to new leaders, Restorers that respect the value of our tax dollars. Competent new leaders that are capable of developing, implementing and managing successful programs and shutting down the failures. Any idiot can spend money, how about some true leaders that earn their keep by repairing or eliminating all the fouled up programs that keep piling up behind all these old career politicians? No honest, intelligent leader will keep throwing good money after bad if they respect their voters tax contributions. Not like our Congress does. Stop the new programs now while we clean up our Washington DC personnel problems. Section 5 One Person One Vote One person, one vote has become the Great American Farce. Our leaders make a lot of noise about our ability to vote. Then they do all they can to diminish the power of it. They have engaged in widespread redistricting (gerrymandering) so that each region produces the type of political influence that will best serve the career politicians. District boundaries are drawn to change the make up of the vote count and therefore, the power of every affected citizen's vote has been altered. We have political activists that scour the gutters, the homeless shelters and mental homes dragging uninformed and unaware warm bodies to cast votes that may offset your vote. You may be responsible and track the news, watching leaders and examining issues so you can make an informed intelligent decision. A corrupt activist can drag a drooling heroin addict off a sidewalk, register them and use them to cancel your vote. These people are fed, transported, registered, coaxed and influenced while they have no real knowledge of the candidates or the issues. Voter fraud is rampant but are the career powerbroker politicians working to see that the voting process is cleaned up? No. That does not serve them, it only affects us. We have some areas of the nation that count more votes than they have registered voters. We have activists hauling busloads of the uninformed across state lines to shift the outcome in 122 key states. We have activist judges that reject or allow ballots to suit their own ideology. We have areas where non-citizens are not screened from the process and you can become a citizen one day and vote the next. Is that a responsible process? I suspect that online voting will soon become a stronger issue. Never allow this because the numbers will be too easy to manipulate and corrupt. Voter fraud is too prevalent with the current system so we cannot make our process more vulnerable. Why do our leaders not fix this? A Congress that will not respect the integrity of the system and people that elect them should be removed. Congress spends time investigating the pay of executives and they chest thump about how insurance companies need competition “to keep them honest.” Excuse me, but I refuse to be lectured about honesty from a career politician that ignores the voter fraud which influences the outcome of every election. We need to elect new people that will secure our Constitutional right to a fair and honest election process. We need a government of Restorers Never be content dreaming of a better life when you should be living a dream..... F. Lynn Vogel 123