NEFILIM AND OTHER BASTARDS 25 December 2011 - 29 Kislev 5772 This account begins on 18 December 2011 - 22 Kislev 5772 when I was in the beginning stages of a severe case of Shingles, contracted from and as a result of a Veteran's Administration Hospital 'tetanus' injection, thus the delay in getting this copy produced, spell-corrected, edited and delivered. Even so, the Akurians are at WAR! At WAR with the planet's cracked pot socialists who infest and infect every breath of life and especially those too stupid to think for themselves; and at WAR with the planet's financial and political 'systems' (YES! I intend all the contempt imaginable in that 'systems') who are hell bent on enslaving the world's populations via enforced poverty and/or all-power-to-the-politicians in disguise of 'government' toward 'their agenda' of "all power FROM the people, to the self-appointed FEW of the people, unto total destruction of anybody and everybody else who might have an original thought" - and for those who can't comprehend what I'm talking about: take no more than one divided second to THINK about the content of any, as in 'each and every' political comment whether excerpted or a commercial announcement! For instance, NDAA (H.R. 1540 & 1867 (via is a prime example: "A provision of S. 1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act bill, written by Senators John Sidney McCain III (R) AZ and Carl Milton Levin (D) MI, declares American soil a battlefield and allows the President and all future Chief Executives to order the military to arrest and detain American citizens, innocent or not, without charge or trial. In other words, if this bill passes and the President signs it (and he will), any American could end up arrested and incarcerated indefinitely by the military without the guaranteed right to due process to face accusers or a speedy trial." Guess "WHERE" the communist bastards are going to START when the necessity of silencing the Akurians crosses their feeble minds? Any Akurian want to venture a guess ??? McCain and Levin, American patriots? heroes? Read their sworn Oath of Office and DAMNED TREASONOUS LIARS becomes far more appropriate! As Akurians, we are well aware of all the MISinformatin crammed at us minute by minute via every source imaginable, newspapers, radio, television, ad campaigns, talk-everywhere nonsense and of course politicians, priests, preachers and other liars. This is nothing new, the Nefilim were about MISinformation from day-one, even with their genetic mistakes in the process of creating the Adama (Man), and they didn't even attempt to correct the abomination after Adama earned a soul and became the Anusazi. With or without a soul, the Adama had to be disposed of – on his own head if possible – and still in force as you read these words. And that dictate includes all the offspring, male and female, the Nefilim produced with Adama and all their generations after them whether with or without a soul. Nice beings, those Nefilim bastards! Reminds one of politicians and preachers, doesn't it? Because Akurians know these things and the new-comers are about the business of finding out, we are Prime Targets of anything and everything the Nefilim and their programmed human-robots can throw at us. And, they are not limiting anything, politicians, priests, preachers and other liars spewing programmed ignorance across the spectrum are the first line of attack to be sure, but accidents and diseases are equal-use weapons in their arsenal. Nefilim are very technologically advanced, to the point they control their largest spaceships by thought alone, and without a conflict between crews. They use a 'simple' helmet device (simple to them and with more electronics than all the world's telecommunications grids and units [computers, cell phones, et cetera] combined) that 'reads' the various system and status of the ship from outer surfaces, proximity objects, inner-system valves, access ways, switches, ventilation, supplies and personnel condition and location. If anything is even close (including moving space dust within 200,000,000 miles) it's detected and acknowledged in the ship's system and KEPT under constant surveillance. And now a guess for those who are wondering WHAT the rest of the crew are about … RIGHT! They're not all fly-the-ship, repair-and-supply technicians, cooks, barbers, medics, janitors, clerks and administrators; most of them have specific high-tech and vital duties. And those duties include a constant monitoring and assessing all Adama! Right down to our intellectual and technological levels and capabilities. Among which are the Adama's SPIRITUAL abilities and standing with The Most High. Akurian numbers aren't tremendous, and our standing is but a spark of what we should be, but any True Righteousness Akurian exceeds that of virtually all the Nefilim combined. Exempt Lord Horseman Horus and Company, and the remaining Nefilim of True Righteousness are damned near nonexistent! If there are any, even a few, they are among the rank and file citizenry who haven't a comma to say about their local or planetary governmental affairs. Does THAT sound a bit familiar? If it doesn't, you're too far behind the mental and moral requirements to be worth any attempt at explanation, education, de-programing or efforts of rescue. Read the first paragraphs of this Instructional and get a clue! MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND: The Akurians are NOT limited to religion or to global politics! We are NOT Ordained to convert the world! Part the First of my Commission was to save a remnant of Israel (not human beings across the board) and that was accomplished when Ak-1 went Refuge in 1976! They're dug in, provisioned, equipped and trained, meeting all the Holy Requirements. And, YES! Ak-1 can withstand the Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement; and the sure and certain Earth Axis Shift that will bring down all governments and their establishments at a horrendous lost of life. For the record: I invested every penny of my own and the PATHFINDERS to initiate and establish Ak-1 and I would do it again. I went through the entire muster (just over 300,000 at the time) to select, train and equip those few (1680, not including those who died of Element II). My selection process was simple: military discipline until "REFUGE" and as much Spiritual Recognition as was available. Then as now, there were failures due to abject 'self-importance' stupidity, soap opera infighting for no other reason than "big-me, little-you" combined with "Superiority over The General" (as if The Most High would endorse such a Damnation). REPEAT: The Akurians are NOT limited to religion or to global politics! We are NOT Ordained to convert the world! The Akurians are Commissioned to be A TESTIMONY OF the world and all within it! Whether in Refuge, destitute, on the street, or in a slave camp, that Holy Commission will NOT change to abide anybody's other preferences. We'd all like to be snuggled warm and cozy in some impregnable and infinitely provisioned domicile, but the reality is: that doesn't exist even for the One World Government or Shadow Government manipulators or their puppets! Our every living breath is A TESTIMONY OF the world around us, when we're about that business instead of nit-picking like an Old Lady's (witch's) Convention of every real or imagined short-coming of our Fellows. Those who dismiss themselves from our Sessions, whether Training, Invocation or other, unless on specific Orders of Assignment by me or the assembled Grand Council of Gnostics, are in violation of The Most High's establishments! The fact … make that "excuse" … they may have 'issues' with other participants, does not satisfy The Most High by any stretch of the imagination. Nobody, including yours truly, stands in infinite perfection Before The Most High, so STOP the damnables and be about the Business Akurians even exist for! We are the famed and exceedingly dangerous-to-offend Akurians, True and Righteous Servants of The Most High Lord God of All Creation; and it's damned high time we started conducting ourselves accordingly. We are NOT - REPEAT, NOT - the every-other-whim-old biddy-gossip-and-nit-pick-society-of-holier-than-thou-hypocrites! We are The Akurians! To whom The Most High, Himself, has Testified! All the Popes from the earliest days of Babylon would sacrifice the entire of humanity to have The Akurian Testimony of The Most High! Even once! All the Arabs from top to bottom since the rejection of Ishmael as the recipient of the Birthright and all the Muslims since Muhammud would cheerfully burn their mothers and children on a diseased dung heap to have The Great Testimony! The same is true of the whole of all the other tribes, peoples and nations - including the Cursed Tribes of Canaan and Cush - and all the Extraterrestials. WARNING! Either this petty 'self-more-important-than-everyond-else' nonsense is going to STOP or I am going to formally request The Most High remove His Divine Commission from the offenders and let them die the same Death - Physically and Spiritually, Holy Seal and All - as ordained for the vile and degenerate of all other callings! At best, my days are numbered and too few to waste even one second more on this issue. I have "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" to deliver to all humanity in hopes of preempting and preventing Holocaust and TOTAL Global Enslavement. Either you are a present and part of that endeavor or you are an absent and part of the sure and certain destruction. That choice is YOUR Holy Ground and I will not interfere nor intervene. *********************** 18 December 2011 - 22 Kislev 577 The entire Host of Akurian Horsemen had just completed a Universal excursion and returned to our emcampment at Untabah. We had halted and still in formation, awaited Stand Down and Dismount when The Voice of The Most High shook the very foundations: ""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, what is this that has come before me? A troop and a trouble of great treason in the Highest Offices of Ephraim and Manesseh? ""Have you not yet removed the soulless Canaanite from the High Station? nor his fellow demon-possessed abominations from all Offices of Power?"" "Sir! I am here! Akurians, Stand!" ""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, have you not admonished and instructed My Holy Order concerning all these things and the abominations thereof?"" "Sir! Yes. In exacting obedience." ""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, why then the insignificance of their results? Great and Ancient Walls of thousands of ages should not stand against even the least of your Earthly Akurians; where then are their minds concerning these abominables?"" "Sir! I have instructed them, and I have instructed them all who would present themselves to hear; and delivery has been absolute in their obedience as they will all testify. "We have been under constant attack and interference of and by the Nefilim Anunaki and some Akurians have fallen into the pit of pettiness and self-damnation. I, myself, am fully capable with respect to the Anunaki; but some Akurians, including Proven Knowers of Your Great Testimony, are more fragile and I do not have the strength nor the endurance to complete all my other assignments and protecct each Akurian from themselves at the same time. "I am the Commander. I, and I alone, am responsible. Any fault beyond Sacred Ground is mine and mine alone." ""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, I will not hold guiltless those who fail My Holy Assignment due either neglect or their disobedience, of which your Orders to rehearse and refine are counted. Nor will I hold guiltless any who abandon for any cause or reason; for where then shall they preserve and percivere ibeing bereft of Truth, Righteousness and Spirit?! ""Therefore, say into all their ears concerning all I require of you; for in the instant you depart unto Me in death, I shall require all the due of them; and I shall not remove or reduce one jot or tittle of My Holy Requirements. ""Yea! Son of Fire, Son of Fire, though I be of great patience and long suffering, The Hour of Great Unholiness is near to strike upon the whole world. I will not have mercy, neither will Mine Eye spare, and the multitude of Nations shall be the vision! Woe to whomsoever is not an Akurian in good standing in That Day; and woe all the moreso upon the Children of Abraham who have fallen from My Great and Unalterable Promises! Woe to the whole of the Tribe of Levi and the Sons of Aaron for their abominations and desecrations of My Holy Law; and woe upon woe to the whole of the Tribe of Judah for their profanities against My Holy Septre, even My Holy Septre I removed from them and established forever in your hand. Yea! Woe unimaginable upon all who scantify anything of That Great Babylonian Harlot of Rome and Constantinople; and woe even moreso upon all the Children of Ishmael for their acceptance of and adherence to the Abominations of Muhammad and the dictates of Mecca and Medina. ""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, all I have delivered into your hand, save Akuria Refuge One, deliver now unto all who present themselves to hear. Concern not an iota for those who will neither present themselves or who will close their ears and obey not. I know them and I will destroy them in My Own Pleasure, for they of themselves have chosen to be unworthy of me and My Holy Law."" "Sir!" The silence became defening. I dismissed the Command and returned to a night of troubled insomnia. *********************** El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH.