Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Part 1 -- Deprogramming the Delusions I've seen many, many comments from folks who recognize that we as the human race are engaged in a spiritual war, and indeed we are -- it's not just for the Souls of Mankind -- it is for the very existence and survival of a full one-fourth of all Creation! Much, much bigger than most people think. Yes, these are the times as prophesied in the book of Revelation. Mankind is nowhere near ready, and but for a very few souls -- I'm talking about numbers in the handful range -- we would have already been destroyed. "The Great Awakening" is actually a phrase taken from Ancient Egyptian Schools of Magic used to describe the state of full cognizance and comprehension of a spiritual existence -- nowadays that is usually only applicable to someone who has physically died. The wake-up call when that happens is typically a total surprise, followed by anguish that one has squandered an entire incarnation, then followed by righteous anger when the veils of deceit are lifted to reveal the perpetrators who caused it, most of them knowingly and intentionally, and the penalties as a result of falling for it. There are a few things to know before we get into explaining the battlegrounds, identifying the enemies, the allies, the rules of engagement, teaching the skills of our available weaponry, tactics, and so on. The first and foremost thing to know -- not believe, KNOW -- is that there is a MOST HIGH LORD GOD OF ALL CREATION, and His Name is NOT Yahweh! Or any other version of that, Jove, Jehovah, any bastardization or twist of that name. Yahweh is the Anunnaki Fleet Commander of the Earth Detachment, and he is in BIG trouble with The Most High lately for failing Mankind. Badly. Fatally. Same with Anu, first wife An, second wife Antu, and the three royal spoiled brats, Enki, Enlil and Nanherzag. As I write this, they are getting their asses handed them aboard what we're calling the Royal Barge -- a MASSIVE ship that's now parked behind Jupiter, which although it is several million of our Earth years old, is plush! It carries several species' royals and high-level muckety-mucks that waayyyy outrank Nibiru's overlords, and they're none too happy that they have had to get involved to try and unscrew Yahweh's mess, which is Nibiru's mess. Obliterating this entire planet is one way of dealing with it -- They can, and they will! But that puts them on the bad side of The Most High too, so they're looking at other options first. And then there's what we're calling the Battle Wagon -- parked on the other side of the Sun. It's been there since that day when they closed all the Sun Observatories (7 in all) worldwide within thirty minutes of each other. I guess governments didn't want anyone observing their arrival. What the governments may or may not know is that there is just slightly further out a fleet of about a thousand more of those Battle Wagons. . . So that's another thing to KNOW: Governments or anyone else can't hide ANYTHING from someone who can operate in the spirit realms. And that makes anyone who can, a threat. And yet, I will continue. . . Next thing to know -- ALL, as in every single one -- of the organized religions are demonic deceits! No exceptions! This will probably make me none too popular with most devotees, but the true seekers of Truth will find comfort knowing that, because anyone who puts any of the religions to the test has inevitably encountered failure. The Most High calls all Moslems and all Islam the "Vipers of Perditon" -- Perditon is the lowest level of the Depths, the one from which there is no return. Eternal burning, and the pain is so intense that there cannot be even any thought of repentance. All of the Eastern religions are known as the do-nothings. Buddhism, Hinduism -- failures for lack of deeds. They do develop spirit and abilities, but to do what? Nothing. They are easily overrun and therefore easily enslaved for lack of fighting back. Fail. Judaism has at least managed to keep a copy of the Torah, or Holy Law, but they have contaminated it with the Talmud, which is nothing more than an 8000+ page book of how to be a good Jew. The Levites have mixed into Judah in an attempt to hide from The Most High ever since they desecrated and lost the Priesthood -- including the Sons of Aaron, for they have failed all righteousness, failed all Israel, and have almost the same amount of iniquity to answer for as the Anunnaki. Almost. Not quite, but close, and they are high up on the chain of blame. And best for last -- Christianity is known as The Great Deceit. The problems with it are so numerous, it's hard to even know where to start. The Most High calls the Catholic Church "That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople," and the Protestants are "Her Fallout Harlot Daughters." (The Babylonian Harlot is Simirimis, mother of Nimrod, a product of incest by her uncle Cush.) Then it is to know -- the Bible is a guide, not a GOD! People have been programmed out of all innate spiritual ability to even question the contradictions, omissions, additions, changes, etc., even outright lies contained therein, as though the Bible is God. It is not! The Most High Himself will testify to the veracity of only 9 Books of the Bible -- the first 5 (the Pentateuch), which contain all Holy Law and the history of the Bloodlines; the Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel; and the only one in the New Testament, the Revelation. All of the rest of them have been changed or altered in enough manner that He won't give them His approval. For instance, the Book of John is a total forgery -- very little of it exists in the original scripts. Then there is the never-did-exist Saul/Paul, who contradicts much of what Immanuel taught. That which is true of Saul/Paul is the thievery of the story of Peter, who was the Anointed after Immanuel, and Peter was illiterate. I only bother to mention all this because anytime anyone invokes anything in Jesus' name, they just blew everything they were trying to accomplish. The name "Jesus" cannot even be uttered in the Planes of Heaven. It won't come out. So if you learn to get consciously out of body (up in the spirit) and you can say that as a name, then you are not in the Planes, you're in the Depths. That "Jesus is God" and "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" nonsense is just so much unadulterated, condensed owlshit. It violates the first two Commandments going in the door. Immanuel never heard the name Jesus in his entire life. "Jesus Christ" was not his name! It means "I Am Conscious," and it was the doctrine that he taught! It's the same thing that every Anointed has taught since the first one, Ish (known better as Adam), through the last one of the 175 promised Anointeds, El Aku Aliha Asur High, He That Is Called By The Name Of The Most High, who is still alive today. He is the incarnation of the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse, who took peace from the Earth on February 25, 2009. That's where we are. Next delusion to get rid of -- the Cross. THE CROSS IS AN EMBLEM OF DEATH! Every time you cross yourself, you are condemning yourself to spiritual death! When you wear one, admire one, more DEATH! Maybe this will bring it home: the Swastika is Revolving Death! No more crosses unless you are using it as a weapon against an enemy. As a symbol of religion, it is considered idolatry! (Also note that very seldom if ever does the Pope cross himself! He's crossing everything in front of him, but rarely on himself.) As an idol, you might as well be praying to a golden calf! or goose! Same thing with the image of the bearded Jesus. That too is idolatry! Not to mention just plain foolish. So don't be fooled. Any of the above injected into the processes for power and skill that I will be teaching is a guarantee for abject failure at the least -- at the worst it will backfire and you will be the one who gets hurt. You've been warned. Part 2 will cover the love versus the wrath of The Most High, the delusion and pitfalls of "grace," the importance of obedience to all Holy Law and why, and then we can get into the Planes and Depths, the Demons, the Command structure of the Heavenly Host, start getting a broad picture of exactly what's at stake in this war. I AM: 4TH DIVISION COMMANDER UNDER ARCHANGEL URIEL, Ruler of the Fourth Quarter of Earth, and Master of the North Wind Boreas, whose Servant is the Wind Kaikias! I AM: ARCHANGEL REPRESENTATIVE INCARNATE. In Angelic, the language of the Planes: YESHAMA DELIAH! (On My Authority!) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (All Energies Hear Me!) VOAN! (I have spoken before The Lord and He has heard!) KESLATA! (That which The Lord hears must also be Truth and Righteous!) PZNIONA! (All is of The Lord as is inscribed!) BHSAT! (Completed in the Forever!) 7 Comments Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 1Ascending 2 points·1 year ago Thank You for sharing! I totally agree with the Spiritual Warfare being bigger and the need for Deprogramming the delusions! Would you recommend any particular books?! May the Lord God Bless You!!! level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·1 year ago It's my pleasure and my duty to share -- thank you for reading! I would recommend a book by the Akurians called "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!" It's free to read online at, or can be purchased on Amazon, I think, and I have no idea what it's going for these days. I have to warn you though, it can be brutally offensive to a lot of people, but the Truth that people have been asking for is all in there, and sometimes it's not pretty. It's long and difficult in a lot of places, but there are instructions in it for how to communicate directly with The Most High Himself and actually get an answer back. (Chapter 42, How to Test The Proof of the Anointing -- this is also the only means to obtain a Holy Seal of God in the Forehead, btw) I'll also be posting here as I can get time, since I was sent here to Q and the Anons by the top of the Chain of Command topside (what we the incarnates call the spirit realms). Funny, when I saw the WWG1WGA, I had to laugh, because when The Most High gives a command, he always ends with ""Go Where I Send You."" It's usually alone and into the lion's den... You might also like to know that whenever someone blesses an Akurian, that blessing is immediately returned upon him/her, sometimes multifold! level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago Wow reading those passages again after reading your response is pretty cool. It is much easier to discern. Quick side question, was there a significance to the number of troop Abram took with him to battle? 318? level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·7 months ago Honestly, none that I know of, other than that's the number of men he had available. (It was every man in his household, so he wasn't a poor man) At least not like the significance of Gideon's numbers ... But I'm not closed to the possibility that there could be great significance there. Maybe SB2 could find something that rings true -- I'm trained to think in terms of energies more than symbols, and from an energy standpoint, it was enough manpower to flank the enemy, get his brother back, free the other captives and haul off all their loot. Did you try the Gematria chart of meanings, see if there's something that makes sense with 318, or at least looks interesting? level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago In Genesis 15 there is two covenants, is one with The Most High and one with The Anunnaki? If so 1st covenant is with Most High and second Anunnaki or other way? level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago Hmmm. Pretty sure it's the same covenant. Now, here's the back and forth between Yahweh and The Most High in that chapter. And notice in Ch.14 just above that Melchizedek recognized Abram's Authority as the Anointed. Melchizedek was an Anunnaki serving as a Priest (before the Levites were a Tribe, before Levi was born even, so Mankind didn't have its own Priesthood yet), and it's to whom Abram paid tithes. Back to Abram. The Most High came to Abram to tell him of the Covenant He would make with Abram to bless and multiply his seed. It's The Most High through verse 4. Then it's Yahweh from verse 5 thru 11 -- taking Abram to a high place (it is said it was a mountain -- it was a ship for the aerial view) to count the stars & try to number his heirs. Abram took his word for it, then Yahweh showed him the sacrificial ritual to have a child, which the Anunnaki could impregnate or un-impregnate anybody they wanted to anytime they felt like it. And they can redirect those life force energies that are released from the three-year-old goat, heifer and ram+2 birds too. It takes the life force energies to make their tech succeed into a living, thriving being. Then verse 12, it's back to The Most High, giving Abram the "nightmare" of Israel's bondage in Egypt, a prophecy, as the answer to his, How will I know of my seed? Verse 18 is Yahweh giving him all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, taking it from the tribes of Canaan, who would be soon wiped out for their iniquities. (Sodom was homosexuality, Gomorrah was cannibalism, one of the other three cities of the plains was bestiality, the other two were a mix of all of it, and S&G were headed that way. Immanuel was in the strike team with the Anunnaki who took them out.) Chapter 16 is The Most High's fulfillment of His part of the Covenant, and now that Abraham has a child, comes the terms in Chapter 17 for Abraham and his Seed's part of that Covenant. The circumcision of all the males, and keeping the ways of Abraham with and before The Most High. Okay. Same Covenant, several sessions to set it straight and establish the terms. Clear as mud, pretty much like Yahweh intended. Hope that helps! Stay with it, it'll get clearer as it goes on, and when you come back and read it again, better yet! Thanks for asking! Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- Deprogramming the Delusions, Part 2 "God is Love." "God loves all sinners." "I don't want to worship an angry, vengeful God." "The God of the Old Testament is not the same God of the New Testament." And so on, ad Nauseam! BullFS, all of it! The arrogance and ignorance of "believers" sometimes is just appalling. And offensive, if it wasn't just so goddamned pathetic. Did I get enough contempt in that? No? Okay, try this one: AN ATHEIST HAS A BETTER CHANCE OF GETTING INTO HEAVEN THAN ANY CHRISTIAN! It's time to wake up and start thinking for yourself, instead of 'what the preacher said.' The preacher doesn't KNOW, and Holy Law requires that one KNOWS that God exists -- belief is not good enough, by any means. Belief can be shattered, shot to Hell, if you will -- True Knowledge can only be perfected. So the Truth is that The Most High Lord God of All Creation is Perfect and therefore does not change. The LOVE of The Most High is conditional, based ONLY on OBEDIENCE TO ALL HOLY LAW! The Blessings of The Most High, likewise are contingent upon obedience to all Holy Law. Love, in any amount, has nothing to do with it because love, an emotion, cannot be measured the same from one person to the next. Obedience to an equally applicable set of laws can be measured equally upon everyone -- so there's no favoritism from The Most High -- those who obey Holy Law to the same degree get the same love, blessings and favoritism across the board. Those who are disobedient get the same scorn, contempt, punishment, ignored -- EVERY SINGLE THING FROM THE MOST HIGH IS BY EARNED RIGHT! Based entirely upon obedience! Good or Bad! There should never be any surprises about any of this, because it's all laid out in Holy Law, and it is a Law that every person write his/her own scroll (copy) of Holy Law. That's a handwritten copy of the Pentateuch, from Genesis 1:1 through Deuteronomy 34:12. The reason for this is simple -- Holy Law is the same for every race, every planet, everywhere, everyone throughout all Creation. IT IS THE STANDARD BY WHICH ALL CREATION IS JUDGED! It's the same for the Anunnaki, the Sirians, the Reptilians -- the inhabitants of any planet, any place, any universe, any peoples -- HOLY LAW IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE! This is why Immanuel taught that it would be easier for all of Heaven and Earth to fall away than for one jot or tittle of the Law to be changed, which brings us to the delusions and arguments about "Grace," the so-called "New Covenant." Grace is merely a period of time granted to give everyone a chance to pull their heads out of their asses and get back to obedience of the Law. This was necessary because of the failure of the Levites (the priesthood on this planet) when they desecrated and profaned their duties and privileges as the designated priests unto all Israel. (A full third of Holy Law governs the Priesthood, so they have no excuse!) By their violations and cover-ups of those violations, the Levites created an imbalance here on Earth that left it so that only a few of the Levites had access to the Planes of the Heavens, and they denied that access to all others -- nobody else could get "up in the spirit," be able to see for themselves. So Immanuel volunteered himself as a sacrifice to rectify that imbalance, and The Most High considered it to be a worthy sacrifice, as Immanuel was His Firstborn Son. Not His only Son, as the delusions go, but His FIRSTBORN handed through the Great Veil. The fact that that sacrifice has been contorted to signify the "salvation" of all "believers" is just another Luciferian deceit, designed to trap anyone who won't dig for the Truth. Immanuel fixed it so that we can all get up in the spirit (aka astral projection, which is not accurate, because only two of the six Planes of Heaven are astral) and see for ourselves, not so that any sin is forgiven, no matter what, as long as you're a good little believer that gives up your money and devotion to a corrupt and vile priesthood without question. That's casting your pearls before swine, and The Most High frowns upon that, greatly. Next thing -- The Holy Sabbath is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It used to be a death penalty offense to violate the Sabbath Laws (still is, but unenforceable because of the failures and damnations of the Levites). All work stops for the rest, the feast, the party. Sabbath is meant to be a day for recreation and enjoyment. It is the duty of the priesthood to perform all necessary work on the Sabbath so that the congregation may relax for that day. "Necessary" duties are such as feeding the livestock, milking the herd, ministering healing to the sick and infirm, and so on. Common sense tells us what necessary is, in up-to-date terms. The travel restrictions on the Sabbath are because travel is wearisome. Either get where you're going before Friday sundown, or wait until after Saturday sundown. It's simple. Since the Levites forsook their duties to maintain Sabbaths, even gone into causing others of ignorance to violate Sabbath Laws by having not-Jews work on Sabbath so they can still reap that penny on the backs of someone else's labor in violation while they don their yamulkas and show up to Temple in their own self-righteous compliance, that penalty for causing someone else to sin is going to be fitting . . . and eternal! Woe, woe, woe unto the whole of the House of Levi . . . Wouldn't wanna beeyah. The whole of the House of Judah is in just as much trouble. . . Sunday is the Luciferian sabbath. Lucifer translates from Angelic to English as "Son of the Sun." Also called "Star of the Morning." Sunday is the first day of the week, as every calendar tells us every day. So Sunday worship is just deliberately stupid. Period. It's obvious to any third grader, even. And every christian, if he/she is honest at all, has questioned that one, and either a preacher or a parent has answered with the same unsatisfactory nonsense: "That's just the way it's done." Something done wrong for a thousand years or more is still wrong! Think!!! Next on the list to deprogram is the filthy, disgusting, revolting abomination that the Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all the fallout Harlot Daughters have made of the Sacrament. Think about it. Eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ? That is pure, plain and simple CANNIBALISM! Symbolic or otherwise! It's vile and damnable! Wretched to the core! And it is not in any fashion what Immanuel taught! So I'm going to teach that process the exact way that Immanuel taught it, the way that every Anointed has taught it. It is not a once-a-month deal, once a quarter, however it is done in the churches of vile. It is a process to be done as needed for one's own spiritual awakening. And it is a three-week endeavor to become aware of one's own I AM CONSCIOUSNESS; in other words, realizing and reconnecting with one's own innate consciousness. Here's how it's supposed to go: Choose a 3-week block of time when you can devote a few minutes each morning upon awakening to your own enlightenment. You will need a loaf of good crusty bread (or several) that won't mold on you; you'll need some oil (such as olive, or grapeseed -- something you like the taste of), some bitter herbs, like salt, onion, garlic, black pepper, oregano, rosemary -- dried or dehydrated is okay, and there's no specific formula or amount for the bitter herbs -- that's up to you. Then you will need a bottle of red wine. Pour a little oil into a plate and add your herbs -- this is known as your sop. Now break off a piece of the bread, dip it in the sop, and eat it slowly as you repeat to yourself, "IN REMEMBRANCE OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS." Where the body comes in: between the bread and the sop, this is all your own body needs to maintain itself. Contemplate the health of your own body as you remember that you are a spirit with a body, not the other way around. Then you take a drink of the wine, repeating the same thing: "IN REMEMBRANCE OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS." The wine has everything you need for healthy blood. Continue your contemplation of the difference between your body, mind and spirit, and really begin to be able to separate the three. Do this every day for a week -- all 7 days. Then on the second week, the process is the same except what you repeat to yourself is, "IN RECOGNITION OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS." Dipping the chunk of bread in the sop, feeding your own body, again with the swallow of wine, feeding your blood, "IN RECOGNITION OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS." By now you should be able to easily distinguish between the three -- body, mind and spirit. As you contemplate the differences and the feelings that indicate them, you are setting the energies for the day. Do this one every day for a week also. For the third week, again, the process is the same, except now the phrase is, "I AM CONSCIOUS." Bread and sop, you will have begun to notice that the mind and spirit are more and more prominent in your sense of self, and if you're already psychic sensitive, you will find yourself much more aware of the spirit in other things and people as well. Have the swallow of wine, pondering "I AM CONSCIOUS." You will notice not only your own consciousness elevating, but you will also develop an awareness of the levels of those around you -- that's a beginning of consciousness. Those who have latent skills that they have programmed themselves out of but have legitimately earned in this or in previous incarnations may find those skills surfacing without too much effort -- telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, empathy, prescience, telekinesis, psychometry, and so on. So for every halfwit who thinks he/she knows what The Most High is, in His Own Words: THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: ""I AM All Great Mysteries; I AM All Infinite Knowledge, and I AM All Infallible Power!"" Next post, I have two more delusions to deprogram -- tithes and offerings, and empty, futile prayers. Then we can get to learning the Planes and Depths, where we can go, where to avoid -- in essence, what Creation looks like . . . Since these posts are a Testimony and duly reported back to The Most High, the formality must be in order: YESHAMA DELIAH! (On My Authority!) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (All Energies Hear Me!) VOAN! (I Have Spoken Before The Lord and He Has Heard!) KESLATA! (That Which The Lord Hears Must Be Truth and Righteous!) PZNIONA! (All Is Of The Lord As Is Inscribed!) BHSAT! (Completed In The Forever!) SALUMNIAH! (It is finished!) Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago Is it The Most High who requires animal sacrifice or The Anunnaki? If it is the most High why did He require and enjoy the smell of burning flesh? level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago It is The Most High who requires animal sacrifices, and requiring them prepared to His Kosher specifications. Those animal sacrifices were set up as requirements to feed the Levites, because if they are taking care of the temple and the congregation as also required, it's a full-time job, and they have no other way to feed themselves and their families, since their ministering was not otherwise paid for. So the Levites were maintained by the requirements of tithes and offerings. That's the only reason The Most High required animal sacrifices, was to feed the Levites. Now, let me ask you, Do you like the smell of a cooking steak? Especially when it is prepared to your specifications? (This is a rhetorical question -- vegans will say no, but it is my humble opinion that if The Most High intended us to be vegan, then He would never have set up the sacrifices of all the various meats as food for the Levites.) So it's not that they were burning flesh to a cinder for the most part -- they were cooking food. And it smelled good. level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago Wow just wow. I am holding back tears as I am at work reading this. Thank you. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·7 months ago Thank you so much for the feedback -- I really appreciate it. level 3 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago Do you want me to continue asking you questions here or DM you? level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago QB, if you think it's something that everyone or anyone else would like to know, then here's as good a place as any, but if it's a personal matter, or something you'd be more comfortable with a little less audience, then DM is good. FYI, I'm a low-tech dummy, and I've never DM'd or received one that I know of, so if that's the route, I'll try my best to navigate that. Does it show up any differently? I might need a test run -- sounds stupid, but I'm that behind. I stop watches within 30 minutes of putting one on, I've blown computers just getting too frustrated with them, so I kind of stay away from too much tech. Don't own a cell phone, the whole bit. But I'm willing to stretch to what works for you . . . level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago That's what I assumed thank you for verification. ?? Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- Deprogramming the Delusions, Part the Third and Final "Heavenly Father, Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies," "Dear Lord, Heal me and everyone else who's sick and dying," "Lord, we pray that you'll grant us peace and prosperity," End our suffering, help me out of this mess, please let me get that job, make everything go my way, protect us from all evil, help everybody be kind, let them all see your infinite love, forgive all the sinners no matter what they did, "please don't let the rice stick . . ." Oh, yeah -- In Jesus' name, we thank you." Just a seemingly endless stream of requests, desires, pleas, grants, favors, and so on. So what are you offering? What amount of value are you willing to give to have all those requests, desires, favors, etc., actually granted? Or do you think that because you exist and you're a good enough believer that God just bestows endless blessings and mercy upon you and all other good Christians simply for the asking? Or maybe you're rationalizing that when those prayers are not answered, that it just wasn't God's Will. Or maybe you just didn't believe enough. . . Let's face it, if any of that were true we wouldn't be in the world mess that we're in, would we. If prayers like that worked, we would have fixed the mess that humanity has become long ago. So why doesn't it work that way? That's what we're all taught from the time we're in kinder Bible school! Ask and ye shall receive. Ask anything in my name . . . No, sorry, both of those statements are missing some important parts to make them work, deliberately deleted from Biblical texts to make certain that they would NEVER actually work. Think about it from The Most High's point of view -- all this asking, begging, bargaining, praying for -- without some kind of offering, all it's doing is making The Most High into a servant! THE MOST HIGH LORD GOD OF ALL CREATION AND THE FIRST I AM IS NEVER A SERVANT! Furthermore, that offering must be accepted as SUFFICIENT in value in order for the desire to be granted! In that manner, neither does The Most High make anyone else into a servant. Service unto The Most High is always voluntary, and the way to be an effective servant and volunteer is all laid out in Holy Law, which is fully contained in the Pentateuch. There are sin offerings, burnt offerings, free will offerings, trespass offerings, meat offerings, wave offerings, peace offerings, atonements -- many, many types of offerings for specific results. Most of these types of offerings require that the priesthood partake in some manner of sanctifying procedures, taking the offering before a holy altar in the tabernacle, a bloodletting, a fire prepared to holy specs, etc., and the Levites are the only acceptable priesthood to The Most High -- a Jewish rabbi is blasphemous. A Catholic priest is an abomination. Same for a protestant minister. Even the mere mention of some Imam or Ayatollah incites the wrath of The Most High. Since the Levites lost the Ark of the Covenant, profaned all righteousness and abandoned all Israel, plus the fact that we no longer deal in goats, bullocks, doves and pigeons, how does someone make a proper offering that The Most High would find an acceptable or sufficient substitute these days? Any offering must be something of value -- and sentimental value to you does not mean value to The Most High. It could be money, real property, precious metals, the title to a paid-for working vehicle, something that can be measured in value that is the same value to everyone. And because the Levites, including the Sons of Aaron, are a desecration in the sight of The Most High, that duty to sanctify any offerings has fallen back upon the Anointed of this generation, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, the Warrior, the incarnation of the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse. He is alive at this writing -- he is 82 years old, and his contact info is in the back of "The Anointed, The Elect, and the Damned!" by The Akurians. I assure you, he'd rather eat nails and shit barbed wire than have to deal with such things, but The Most High has commanded that he do so, so he will if anyone reaches out to him. It is also within his authority to receive tithes in order for them to be counted as righteous, as it is within his authority to forgive anyone's tithes who cannot afford them. It then becomes a testimony against those who created that hardship for one who would otherwise be in compliance with those laws. All such matters fall within the purview of one's own Sacred Ground, so unless a question comes up, I will leave it at that. Now, think about this: It is NOT a blessing that no one was home when the thieves broke in and stole everything you own, but no one got hurt; IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL! It is NOT a blessing that the house burned down but everyone got out in time; IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL! It is NOT a blessing that someone in the family had a car wreck, got seriously hurt but didn't die; IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL! It is NOT a blessing that yourself or a loved one came back from the brink of death by disease; IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL! It is NOT a blessing that we squeaked by against all the fraud and corruption of a vile, evil and oppressive runaway government; IT IS A WAKE-UP CALL! SO HOW BAD DOES IT HAVE TO GET BEFORE WE DECIDE TO WAKE UP? I'd offer Leviticus Chapter 26, the whole thing, to see how bad things can get -- we know that the demonic Satan worshipers are cannibals -- they eat fetuses and newborns roasted alive. We know that. What you might not know is that there are about 35,000 among their number who have partaken in such rituals. In just the USA. That should tell us where in Lev. 26 we are. The next thing as a punishment is destroying the cities and high places, followed by making desolate the land, then we become faint of heart, cast out to foreign lands, while our enemies overrun us -- it just gets more brutal from here. Now, also consider that much of Holy Law cannot be adhered to because of the generations of setups for violations to become automatic -- they have. Laws of adultery, homosexuality as a result of great harm to the soul for which The Most High has made provision and supplied Protocols, and as a result of sins of the fathers (it is intended to discontinue the bloodline which has become degenerate), sabbath laws, idolatry, too many to list here. But the laws about tithes and offerings are still an individual determination -- one who still has control over his/her own money/valuables can of his/her own free will still decide to render unto The Most High His Holy Due, so that choice alone brings many blessings upon the giver. And I'm not talking about turning your pearls over to the swine in any organized church. There are no exceptions. Neither charities in their names. Your own innate consciousness will tell you right from wrong if you'll listen to it . . . And if you know Holy Law, you will never be at a loss for what to do. That's pretty much about anything. Okay, then. Next post we'll get to the fun stuff. I'll lay out the battlegrounds. This Planet Earth is Ground Zero, and that was by Lucifer's choice. We also need to know the Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell to understand it all. After that I'll lay out the Command Structure and the array of the Heavenly Host. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SAALUMMMNIAHHHHHHH! Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- THE BATTLEGROUNDS -- Planes and Depths, An Overview When Lucifer made his infamous boast that he could turn all Mankind to him, and he only needed two thousand, five hundred and twenty (2,520) years to do it, that was the point at which Planet Earth, aka Freedom's Holy Star (so named by The Most High), became Ground Zero for the ensuing war. Why he chose this planet is a mystery -- it's a small, insignificant, fairly new solar system in the outreaches of one edge of Creation -- not a very big deal by comparison with anywhere he could have selected. It was also part of the deal that he be allowed that time to tempt Mankind unabated. Agreed. That time was up in 2005. He failed. What he failed to take into account were the 175 promised Anointeds of the generations of the Adama (Name for Mankind). That's when things really began to escalate, or accelerate, if you will. That's when the Anointed of this, the Final Generation of Fire, took away from the Lodges and the Illuminati the one metaphysical secret and ability they had managed to maintain throughout time -- the one they stole from the Druids and then killed the Druids to keep it only to themselves -- and that is the ability of controlled reincarnation. That's where family members, before they die, are able to set themselves up by ritual to reincarnate back into the same family, bypassing First Judgment in the process and thereby keeping all the money and secrets and power in the same hands perpetually. Ted Kennedy, for example, was totally shocked to find himself in front of Righteous Abel and up for judgment. He murdered 23 children in the process of trying to save himself and choose his next immediate incarnation, so imagine his fear and surprise when he ended up in front of Abel anyway . . . Daddy Bush, who died yesterday (Friday, November 30, 2018) (more like euthanized as a last service to the Bastards), also tried the controlled reincarnation ritual -- I'll be posting those sordid details as they come out in his judgment, probably in a day or so -- Abel is gathering witnesses now from among all those who died as a result of his treacherous policies and failures, including those two pilots that he abandoned to die when he ejected from the plane. He'll soon be rejoining his precious Bar (nickname for his wife who served as a messenger/courier for the Cabal), also a traitor, somewhere in the bottom of the depths of Perditon. Probably not too far from the no name Stain, who started calling for Baphomet when he wasn't greeted by his 72 virgins he was promised . . . So this would be a good place to start with the Depths of Creation first, since we're discussing burning in Hell . . . Now, understand that every Plane and Depth all exist everywhere -- they are separated by frequency ranges; there is no change in altitude or longitude, so one could be existing in every Plane and Depth from the same place just by raising or lowering one's frequency. The Planes and Depths are fairly well-separated with the exceptions of the Etheric Plane (first Heaven), Earth Plane and Deeros. Earth Plane being the anomaly is overlapped completely by both the Etheric and Deeros, with a 10% pure Etheric frequency range at the top, and a 10% pure Deeros frequency range at the bottom, or into the Depths -- everything in between accesses both the lowest Heaven and the highest Depth. So starting with the Earth Plane Manifest -- that's the one we're on in our physical bodies -- we're overlapped by the first Depth which is named DEEROS. The energies of DEEROS are slower, darker than EARTH Plane, and one begins to feel a sensation of tired. Images are more defined in black and gray, not so much white. This is where the consciousness descends at death from drug overdose or soap opera suicide. Certainly not all, but most of the Ouija Board spirit communications originate from here, as well as those spirit manifestations seen and reported in clinical near-death experiences. The next Depth down is named DANAKA. This is where the consciousness is when one is experiencing hallucinations from delirium tremens, opiate withdrawal, drug-induced sleep deprivation -- the classic example of the drunk seeing pink elephants. Since the energy forms instantly to thought, it is also from DANAKA that the ectoplasm spirits seen and communicated with during seances and "religious experiences" are formed, such as the bearded Jesus, Mary, and so on. From here it is easy for Lucifer to perform such manifestations and send them up to the Earth Plane without any traces other than in the Akashic Records. In other words, for people not familiar with these frequencies, it is easy to be fooled from here, especially those looking for answers and relief from suffering. Descending further, the third Depth is called HADESSE and is where the actual earned karma is clarified in the minds of those souls that shall suffer only for a short season. It's this Depth where a consciousness is held when embound in a dead body, even if the body has been cremated. What causes that soul to be trapped or embound in that corpse is being prayed over in the name of Jesus, or being sprinkled with "holy water" or "holy oil" prepared by any other means than Mosaic Law. This is where all those who have been crossed by the Babylonian Harlot (even if they did it to themselves) will spend a very long time agonizing in a burning or rotting corpse, hoping for resurrection, which won't come until they are brought up to stand for Final Judgment, provided that cross business is the worst of their transgressions. . . All of these processes are vile and demonic in origin and therefore cannot produce anything but a demonic result. Fourth Depth is named GEHENNAH, and this is where those who permit the above-mentioned sufferings to be inflicted upon those undeserving go to pay that penalty. GEHENNAH was also the name of the garbage dump that burned outside the city walls of Jerusalem for 600 years. That garbage dump smelled sweet compared to the burning rot and horrors that are a signature of this Depth. The next lower Depth is named HELEEAH, and is mainly the first torture level where victims are induced to appear on the Earth Plane to seduce relatives and friends into thinking they have "entered the Kingdom of Heaven with the Lord." HELEEAH is the level where the Black Flames of Hell really take hold, and once they do, their job is to pull someone down further and further, similar to what could be described as drowning in a lake of fire, and that's in addition to whatever other torture that one's life deeds have warranted. The agony is severe. The sixth Depth is called HAPURDOM, where we get our word "Purgatory." This is the place where the legend of sulfur and brimstone comes from -- one look and one smell is all it takes to know that it's not just a legend -- it's a fact, and the unbearably horrific temperature is the most pleasant aspect about this Depth. The bottom Depth, the one from which there is no return -- in other words, eternal burning -- is named PERDITON. This is the Depth of horrible burning and indescribable suffering. The consciousness is at such a low frequency that it experiences one cycle every three or four years. The agony is so bad that there cannot even be any thought of repentance -- just pure suffering. This is the Depth where even the Angels of the Presence do not venture brazenly. It takes special knowledge and immense power to be able to get out of this Depth, so NEVER GO THERE, ESPECIALLY IN JOKING, JEST, A DARE -- anything so stupid -- even curiosity. This is one of those things that is easier to avoid than it is to undo. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Stay the Hell out of Perditon! There are FOUR ELEMENTS of Hell. They are: The WINDS of Hell -- there are hundreds of WINDS of Hell, too many to remember their names. Besides, if one is summoned, they all come, and what the WINDS of Hell do is create chaos. That's their function. CHAOS. They are unruly and very difficult to control. Try anything without proper knowhow and they will turn against the one who tries them. Next ELEMENT: BLACK FLAMES of Hell. The function of the BLACK FLAMES is to pull one's consciousness down and hold it there. Obviously, without the proper protection, NEVER summon the BLACK FLAMES of Hell unless you are prepared to be pulled under and trapped at least as far down as HELEEAH -- it is never a joke!. The next ELEMENT of Hell is the DEATH of Hell, And the last one is the AGONY of Hell. For anyone within the Human Condition, these two ELEMENTS need no explanation. We are all too familiar with them just in our very existence. I'll go into more depth about these ELEMENTS OF HELL when we get into available weapons and tactics of Spiritual Warfare -- all it takes to see that they are constantly being used against us as Humans is to take a good look around. Returning the favor upon our enemies brings not only some relief, but sometimes even a measure of satisfaction that comes with the knowledge that there is indeed eventual justice for all. Next post -- up the Planes of Heaven. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! POOR GEORGE! "Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here!" From Dante's Inferno, that really is inscribed on the Gates of Hell. And now George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States knows it all too well. His 1st Judgment was a massive letdown, not the least bit unlike his pathetic life. He was a true coward, all the way to the end. Right after he died and was collected by Righteous Abel's troops, he arrived Topside expecting an Emperor's welcome. LOL! He found out very quickly that it doesn't work the same way there as it does here on Earth. Up there he wasn't such a big deal, and like all the others of his ilk, he immediately began his squirm. As Abel gathered all the witnesses (his victims who suffered and died as a result of his treachery and/or depravity) that were to stand against him, Ol' George HW realized what he had coming -- there were about 250,000 gathered to testify against him, and none in his behalf. Abel couldn't find a single soul who was for him because his entire life was in violation of Holy Law -- the one soul who might have tried to speak for him was his wife, and she was already burning in Perditon (my guess would be blaming him for her misery). Now here's a laugh, and a BIG one: The day before his turn in front of Abel, he begged for -- and was granted, surprisingly -- an envoy to be sent to El Aku (Second Horseman, Appellate Judge and living Anointed for the last 56 years) to ask El Aku what he could do for George, since they were fellow Republicans and all . . . I'm NOT kidding! El Aku had a beer with the envoy then sent back the message: "The Republican Party threw me out when I started calling all you Marxist Bastards into account!" The double-edged sword in that desperate request is that it proves that HW knew full well who the Anointed is while he was alive, while he was contaminating the Offices of government and of the Presidency, and yet El Aku received not a single acknowledgement as such, not any accommodation, not a single dime in tithes, not one offering of any kind for anything -- in fact, just the opposite -- he was ignored at the least, more often mocked, blocked, ridiculed, denied, delayed, put off because George's crowd were all such BIG DEALS who knneeewwwwsomuchhh. (Note my contempt in that.) After all, they had their Sweet Jesus to save them . . . Now he's wishing more than anything that he could tell everybody how that's working out . . . So Sunday night 3AM EST arrived; that was George's time for his Judgment before Abel. Here's the biggest disappointment: As he was called for his turn, he started immediately screaming, "LET ME GO BACK AND TELL THE OTHERS!!! PLEASE! PPLLLLEEEEAAASSSSEEEE! LET ME GO BACK AND TELL THE OTHERS! THEY'LL LISTEN TO ME! LET ME GO BACK!! I'LL TELL THEM EVERYTHING! PLLLEEEAAASSSSE!!!! LET ME GO BACK!!!! Now, normally the defendant holds off on this frightful refrain at least until some of the witnesses have testified and the Akashic Records have been called up and replayed back with all the details in full 3D video view to back up that testimony. Not George -- he came up kicking and screaming. Abel took that as a guilty plea, so Abel did something that's probably only happened a half-a-dozen times or so before -- he waved at George's victims, pointed at George, and then got out of the way. Those victims rushed him, grabbed him, and hoisted him into the Pit, right over the edge of the abyss. Poof! He was gone, it was over. I'm thinking BOO!! I wanted to see how many children he killed (and ate), how bad was his drug habit, who was really running his show, his involvement in the Kennedy assassination, all the backroom deals through his tour at the UN, all his Skull and Bones duggery, his Bohemian Grove atrocities, his military cowardice and how many of his comrades in arms died because of it, how much of his fortune came on the downlow and exactly how -- but it was not to be revealed, at least not then and there. He pled guilty before anything got started good! Pure coward. Well, I think what I really wanted was to have a better report for all his victims who are still around, who didn't die but continue to suffer for all his misdeeds. I would have liked to have had a more detailed account to report, but it was not to be this time. I probably could go back along the Akashic Records into the past, his past and get those details, but since he's already burning, it seems not worth it now, considering all the future we've got to be prepared for -- So I've got better things to do than go diggin' up Bones . . . And that's the Truth of what happened at George Herbert Walker Bush's First Judgment. YESHAMA DELIAH! (ON MY AUTHORITY!) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (ALL ENERGIES HEAR ME!) VOAN! (I HAVE SPOKEN BEFORE THE LORD AND HE HAS HEARD!) KESLATA! (THAT WHICH THE LORD HEARS MUST ALSO BE TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUS!) PZNIONA! (ALL IS OF THE LORD AS IS INSCRIBED!) BHSAT! (COMPLETED IN THE FOREVER!) SALUMNIAH! (IT IS FINISHED!) Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 NSlone12 2 points·6 months ago He and most past presidents, did the apotheosis ritual they do in order to become a god. How stupid these people are! As far as I know, Trump didn't. level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Yeah. He found out right quick how well that one worked. There's a different ritual that they try to control their next reincarnation. That didn't work either. level 3 NSlone12 2 points·6 months ago LOL. It's funny how some people try anything to get out of paying for their evil deeds. As if they're gods. They aren't and never will be! level 3 ldracc 2 points·6 months ago controlled reincarnation to bypass 1st Judgement - taken away by El Aku? level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Yes. In 2005 when Lucifer's time to make good on his boast was up, El Aku took that power from them to control their next immediate incarnation back into the same ruling family. We have suffered enough from the same merry-go-round bastards, robber barons, whores of Babylon, demonic ilk that has no qualms against bloody murder for their own empowerment and enrichment, knowing they'd not be paying for it, since they could bypass judgment with a set reincarnation right back into the same money and privilege. Even though by now they all know this was taken from them, they still try it every time. It's one of the most delightful surprises to watch them end up in front of Abel anyway, and all their grandiose, Big-Deal-ME suddenly gets cut off by the pucker of their own anal sphincter ... Introduction to Spiritual Warfare -- THE BATTLEGROUNDS -- Planes and Depths, An Overview, Part 2 THE PLANE ABOVE CONTROLS THE ONE BELOW. Always remember that . . . This is one reason that even the demons prefer to remain as high as they can and still be able to wreak havoc here on Earth in the Earth Plane Manifest, or Ground Zero, as it has come to be known. Most people, when traveling out of body, or "up in the spirit" as it's called in the Bible, rarely consciously exceed the Third Heaven, but the effects of the higher Planes do occasionally manifest in "extraordinary" events in our everyday lives. So up the Planes we go, shall we? The first Heaven is the Etheric Plane, named HATHOR, and it completely overlaps the Earth Plane, plus about a 10% reach above the Earth Plane that is pure Etheric, or HATHOR (pronounced with a long A, equal accent on both syllables). This Plane is "Earth body double" but in spirit energies. From here one can see everything that exists on the Earth, and all the spirit entities that are the souls and spirits of every living thing, from the smallest microbe to the largest living plants or animals. The etheric images of buildings, objects, and places also tell more than the eye can detect on the Earth Plane, such as defects, whether naturally occurring, accidentally inflicted or by deliberate design. Here one in the spirit can walk through walls, attend meetings without being detected, move across the globe (or Creation, for that matter) in split seconds, at the speed of thought. This is where the elemental spirits known as the "Wee Folk" exist -- Elves, Satyrs, Setyrs, Leprechauns, Sprites and others -- their intelligence varies, but most of them do try their best to assist those who have the Holy Seal in their foreheads. The second Heaven is the Lower Astral, named HASTERAH (short A, accent on the first syllable). It is distinguished by a black background when its spirit energies and materials are undisturbed. It is from here that the scenes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot cards are taken. It is also from here that we get our first look at florescent colors. The spirit material here immediately conforms to thought, so as you think it, so you will see it, whatever "it" is. It does take some practice to be able to see things as they are and not how you are visualizing in the moment. The third Heaven is the Higher Astral, named HESTERAH (short E, accent on the first syllable). This Plane is distinguished by a white background, white like the color of lightning, when its spirit energies and materials are undisturbed. Just as in the Lower Astral, we can see florescent colors in the spirit materials that instantly conform to thoughts. This is as high as many of the lower consciousnesses are able to achieve, perhaps with the exception of an occasional encounter with or inside the Akashic Records, which are open to everyone if one knows where to find and how to access and make sense of them. We'll cover more of that just below. The fourth Heaven is the Mental Plane, named IDEAH (short I, accent on the first syllable, as in the word "Id" meaning "mind" -- then long E, then -ah). This Plane is easily identified as the background looks like a spectacular, florescent camouflage pattern where one can watch the mental processes at work as flowing colors of light energy. Here is where to learn what the colors are that are absolute representations of the true situation and condition. Every thought, every action, thing, object, life form, motive, intent, etc., has a specific and unique color that describes and/or defines it in infinite detail. A psychic who reads human auras is getting those colors from this Plane -- whether s/he is able to accurately interpret them is another matter. This is where all ideas originate, and easily explains why two or more people can have the same idea at close to the same time, even though they are thousands of miles apart and have never heard of one another, such as inventors simultaneously developing the same project with no knowledge of each other. They got it here first, folks! The fifth Heaven is the Causal Plane, named HAKARMAH (schwa A, accent on the second syllable). This is the Plane of Cause and Effect that is responsible for every situation on Earth. (You reap what you sow.) It is identified by an extremely white background, brighter than lightning. An interesting study of the energies of this Plane of Cause is to set a direction and then watch to see how long it takes to become manifest in the Earth Plane. The Highest Plane of the Heavens is named HASSANAH (all schwa A's, accent on the second syllable, -SAN-). In order to reach the Abstracts of this Plane, one must have either special knowledge or an invitation. When ascending up the Planes, one can feel a barrier, like a ceiling for lack of a better explanation, at the heights of HAKARMAH. When one breaks through that ceiling, the sensation is as though the heights are infinite, or limitless. On this Plane is the Great White Throne behind the Great Veil of The Most High, in front of which are the Angels of The Presence. In this Plane one can communicate with High Beings -- this is where Daniel saw the visions and talked with the Archangels. It is also where St. John the Divine experienced his Revelation. I will give greater detail of the Great Veil, the Landing in front of the Great Veil, and the Angels of the Holy Presence when we get to the descriptions of The Heavenly Host in the Array. Next post, I will describe the Akashic Records, known as the "Book of Life" in the Bible, also known as the Reflecting Ether by those who go there, because that's what it is. I will also describe some of the other notable realms and places in the Heavens, maybe even reveal some great mysteries in the process. I will also provide a few cursory instructions for how to access these Planes and places that you may see and experience them for yourself. After all, it's what Immanuel was sacrificed for, that everyone should have equal access to the mysteries and knowledge of Creation. It's what he meant by "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." The process is simple, but it takes practice, and it takes correct practice as well as getting yourself in Righteous Order, which is mostly a matter of your own discipline. After that last familiarization with the BATTLEGROUNDS, I'll get into the descriptions of the Heavenly Host, otherwise known as God's Army, or OUR SIDE. Then we'll go with KNOWING THE ENEMY, then we can get to weapons and tactics. VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Jumping the Gun -- An Offer of COMFORT to All Who Sacrifice (Nate Cain, John Kelly, Mike Flynn, et al) There is no peace. Forget that -- the Second Horseman took peace from the Earth on 25 February, 2009 (Rev. 6). There is only comfort. TRUTH is comfort. It is Holy, Righteous TRUTH that all warriors who die in combat are immediately lifted up to HASSANAH! Those veterans of combat who survive it are indelibly scarred, and The Most High knows this and therefore is generously if not infinitely merciful upon those souls who do their best to maintain Honor. It is also true that there are no atheists in foxholes. . . For all the pain and despair that you carry, for all the fear and trauma that haunts you, for all the uncertainty, the doubts that persist that no one else but another comrade in arms comprehends, and even in the face of your stoic bravery, The Most High Lord God knows your suffering and He hears your pleas! And He has made provision unto you to become His Seven Swords. The Seven Swords of The Most High are energies -- specific energies that enter into people that allow them the courage, the intelligence, and/or the means to be able to do things that they would not normally be able to do. By invocation (summoning and commanding energies) I have endowed you with those energies of the Seven Swords that you will KNOW that The Most High Lord God and The Heavenly Host is with you, especially in those dark times when your scars ache again as though they were newly inflicted, and you question your purpose and existence, even privately grieving your sacrifice and loss as you grieve for the losses of all those fallen with you, before you and after you. I have purposely omitted a part of the procedure -- how to make the initial spirit manifestation -- because that is getting too far ahead for some, but I have also bound all vision and help energies of those who read this into the force of my own spirit manifestation for this invocation. In like kind, I have also set energies to backfire tenfold upon all mockers who would dare even try and profane this offering of comfort. FOOLS HAVE BEEN WARNED! Now why don't you try me . . . I must also explain that the use of the word "slay" does not necessarily mean to kill -- it can mean remove from power, interrupt their mission, influence public opinion, letters, speech -- any number of ways to fulfill that one. And who better to know that than someone who is infinitely familiar with the violence of warfare? Rule No. 1 in spiritual warfare: DO IT ON THEIR ENERGY. In other words, whenever possible, set the enemy up to take himself out. And it's always possible. So -- to all Anons who would be willing volunteers, warriors in their own right, and wish to comfort those who sacrifice so much: SET YOUR MIND; CLEAN YOUR SOUL. ANONS, TAKE YOUR BATTLE STATIONS IN THE CIRCLE OF FIRE! YESHAMA DELIAH! (ON MY/OUR AUTHORITY!) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (ALL ENERGIES HEAR ME/US!) By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Own I AM CONSCIOUS, I, Angel Anon (your name and title), Incarnate of the Heavenly Host (your rank and station), And by Order of Embodied War, the Second Horseman El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That Is Called By The Name Of The Most High: I Command you, AKASHA! Make room for all I shall command! Manifestation of the Seven Swords, I command you! You are now a Manifestation of Righteousness; a Manifestation of Justice; a Manifestation of Truth; a Manifestation of Honor; a Manifestation of Strength; a Manifestation of Vengeance; a Manifestation of Great Wrath; and the means of all accomplishment of the Seven Swords of The Most High! Archangels, Great Elements, Winds and Angels, you shall deny me not! Enter now into this Spirit Manifestation of the Seven Swords of The Most High that it is fully empowered that even the Gates of Hell cannot stand against it! Respecting all Warriors, those who have borne the battle, and those who have stood the line! You are the Seven Swords of The Most High Lord God of All Creation! Swords of Righteousness of The Most High: The Demons of Socialism have penetrated the Gates of the House of Ephraim, threatening our Holy Document, the Constitution of the United States. Hear, all victims of Socialism, be now and forever Great Swords of Righteousness of The Most High and forever of great anger and fury against all Socialist Demonics; Swords of Justice of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons of Corruption in all the Courts and in all the Halls of Justice throughout the land; Swords of Truth of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons of Lying Media who extol the virtues of grand-sounding lies to deceive people into the trap of Socialist Enslavement; Swords of Honor of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons of Cowardice and proponents of Socialism who conspire under cover of darkness, manipulators hiding behind their lies and their puppets; Swords of Strength of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons of Socialist thieves, guilty of economic treason! All those who would weaken our nation through forced poverty and redistribution of wealth, thereby rewarding the nonproducers, spare them not and grant no mercy, for they most quickly advance the tentacles of Socialism, therefore slay those responsible and slay them all! Swords of Vengeance of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons responsible for Socialist treason unto enslavement of the ignorant, and all those responsible for Socialist degeneracy and acceptance and tolerance of vile. Prepare well that you alone strike with the Sword of Vengeance in defense of those who cannot defend themselves; Swords of Great Wrath of The Most High: Go forth and slay all Demons and proponents of Socialism in any and every form that they be found, and thus shall you be a great terror and a great discomfort and a great agony to all the vile and to all the polluted and to all the corrupt and to all the profane, and a Great Comfort to all who would be of Good Righteousness! Go forth and slay all Demonic Enemies of the Constitution, and slay them all! Spare not hour by hour nor day by day nor night by night. Spare them not any plague, any disease, any disaster, any deprivation, any desecration nor any destruction. Prepare that you alone strike as the Sword of The Most High. Leave no trace, reveal nothing, hold none in captivity, make no fortress, and deliver the Sword upon all Demons of Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives, enslavers, warmongers, traitors, fools, mockers and bullies. Strike out of nothing and as deadly as The Hand of The Most High Himself. Withdraw as a shadow in the night, as a wisp of smoke upon the Winds, disappear as a raindrop falling into the oceans, retreat into nothing, undetermined and undetected by anyone that none perceive other than the Authority of ALIHA ASUR HIGH, The Most High Lord God of All Creation and the First I AM. Hear, All You Seven Swords! For thus shall you serve The Most High Lord God of Creation until the end of all days! MANIFESTATION OF THE SEVEN SWORDS, Go Where I have Sent you and immediately accomplish all that I have commanded of you! VOAN! {long O, very slight pronunciation of -an} (I have spoken before The Lord and He has heard!) KESLATA! {short E, schwa A's, accent 2nd syllable} (That which The Lord hears must also be Truth and Righteous!) PZNIONA! {pzz-NOW-on-ah} (All is of The Lord as is Inscribed!) BHSAT! {BOO-SOT} (Completed in the Forever!) ANONS, STAND DOWN. As you were. ******************************************************************* Now, Anons -- I need a favor from anyone who is able and willing. I can type at almost the speed of light, but beyond that I'm woefully low-tech. I don't twitter and probably never will; I just don't have time to lurk around the chans to learn them well enough to post. I don't know how to attach other things or link to anything else -- If I did I would include sketches in some of the upcoming posts. I also don't know how to make memes or I probably would do that with some vision of the Seven Swords and maybe some portraits of the Horsemen, the Seraphim and Archangels, maybe some of the Demons -- I think while the Board Monkeys were learning their chimpspeak, I was writing my scroll, mastering the Great Elements and 8 Winds on the Earth Plane, and learning how to handle black fire without getting any on me. . . So all due respect to those masters of all things tech -- I salute you! Anyway, what I need to ask of someone is to somehow let Nate Cain know of this post, and any other veteran or service member who might benefit from it, or any Gold Star family member for that matter who could take comfort in the knowledge that their Warrior is in fact exalted into the Highest Heaven to heal, join or rejoin the Host, plan the next incarnation -- pretty much free to do as s/he pleases. Blessings of The Most High upon all those who offer this comfort to our Warriors . . . SALUMNIAH! {sah-LUMMMM-nee-AHHH} Sort of sung, as a cantor, all in the same tone, meaning: IT IS FINISHED! 4 Comments 86% Upvoted Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 ldracc 2 points·6 months ago I just sent a DM to him on Twitter with a link to this post! :) level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Thank you, ldr! Finally I might know whether he read it or not -- if he tweets you back will you let me know? Or however that works -- I don't twat, so I don't really know. Nobody who's read it has commented at all, so I don't know if it's a comfort or not to people. It certainly was to me when The Most High gave us His Seven Swords, but I don't know if that means anything to anyone else. level 3 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago It meant everything to me. I read it with power and conviction and made it my own. I am not a veteran who fought in a war, or served this country. I am a Spirit Warrior, gifted the name Cheveyo in 1997 by an American Indian from New Mexico. I have have been a warrior all of my life, fighting the evil whose purpose is to destroy the hearts, minds, spirit of children in order to indoctrinate and enslave them for the rest of their lives. Love is all there is. level 4 AnAkurian 2 points·6 months ago Thank you for your commentary! That is exactly the intent here -- the empowerment of all warriors fighting the good fight against evil in whatever form it is encountered -- Until those swords are beat into plowshares, all evil is defeated and bound to hell for good, and we study war no more. Introduction to Spiritual Warfare -- THE BATTLEGROUNDS -- The Akashic Records The Reflecting Ether, also known as the Book of Life in the Bible, and the Akashic Records by the metaphysicians exists in a realm of its own located between the Planes of Ideah and Hakarmah. When one enters that realm, the first thing to notice from a distance is the mist, or gray fog that is everywhere. Then one will see a very large, six-sided pipeline that seems to extend infinitely in both directions, although following it back through the past, one will eventually come to a beginning. One then may notice a lot of hourglass-shaped black shadows following up and down the pipeline -- these are Time Lords. It is their job to maintain the integrity of the Akashic Records. Do not try to interfere with them -- they answer to no one save and except The Most High. They can be fierce and very capable of destruction of any soul who would try to alter the pipeline in any way, but they will harm no one who is just there to have a look, past, present or future. Now, understand that the past cannot be changed -- I repeat, the PAST IS UNCHANGEABLE. It is recorded there in infinite detail looking like a three-dimensional hologram, and one can enter into the Akashic Records, study those details, even walk around and through the images, but altering those events is just not possible. The present and the future, however, which are recorded there according to the energies of current thought patterns, can be changed by altering the current thinking. That change cannot occur from inside the Akashic Records -- it must happen from beyond and outside the pipeline itself. The more distant the future, the easier it becomes to effect those desired changes; most people simply do not have the knowledge or the power to alter those forces in the present and immediate future, as in dealing with hours. Some of the alien species that are lurking around us do have time travel developed as a specialty and do know how to gather and direct enough neutrinos to force those changes in the time line, or prevent anyone else from changing things by the normal and natural thought processes -- most of them are abusive and manipulative toward humanity and do so at the risk of angering The Most High -- they think they'll live long enough to be able to repent (turn away from) and atone (make up for) in plenty of time to secure their own eternity in the realms of comfort. LOL. They won't. I could go on for an entire book's worth of explanation about the Akashic Records -- such as how to navigate the threads of possibilities of what could have been or what could become (there are thousands), how it is the second witness for or against someone at First Judgment (first witness is one's own innate), how it is the safest and most reliable means of "time traveling" to get information, how people access it in dreams (everyone dreams, and all dreams are spirit projections, whether we remember them or not -- it is the way that we recharge the spirit and the body, and it is a necessary part of incarnate existence). I'll leave any other details up for questions should any come about; these are the basics and should be adequate to recognize and navigate the Akashic Records if anyone reading this can gain conscious access. Now, on to some mysteries. We are now in the 360th Creation. Didn't know there was more than one? There is! This is the 360th, and The Most High says there will be no more until all is fulfilled in this one. So that pretty much blows the Big Bang Theory -- it's hogwash. It's a flawed theory from its inception, and if the scientific "experts" had even a hint about anything of true spirit, they'd know that. In fact, if one wants to take the time to follow the Akashic Records all the way back to the beginning, one would find that in the First Creation, there was only one color -- BLUE. Electric blue, the color of life force energies. What about dark energies and dark matter? Dark energies and dark matter are, very simply put, the energies and matter of the other spirit Planes. Our equipment and technology cannot adequately do anything more with it, really, than rudimentary detection, and without the understanding of what those energies are, what they do, there's a real possibility for blundering into catastrophic damage. Same with the Scalar Realms, which I've been instructed to teach NOTHING of the Scalar Realms because the demonic bastards would use that information to kill us all. Most people don't even know that they exist. That's probably best until we as a civilization get about knowing some Truth rather than believing whatever lies make us feel good. Just know to stay out of the Scalar Realms -- they are dangerous, and without knowing the rules and protocols there, it's easy to get lost for eternity, and the pain, agony and torture that is possible in those realms is avoidable by staying out of them. Waayyyy out of them. You have been warned. Now, there are, scattered throughout the various Planes, streams of energies that just float around called Data Streams. Data Streams are very interesting, and they are exactly as their name suggests. When one enters into a Data Stream it's a bit like being in a wind tunnel, except instead of big winds, one is being bombarded by data -- facts, figures, some in pictures, some in codes, and it's coming at light speed. It seems overwhelming at the moment inside one, but upon emerging from a Data Stream, there's a sensation of amazement and a knowing that one just got that much smarter in a matter of seconds or minutes. And once one has entered a Data Stream, the only way out is through. It's a rush, and they are one place that I can say yes, do go in! There are Data Streams about everything, even Data Streams. It's a great way to get a lot of information in a hurry. The only caution is don't let the feeling of "trapped" cause a panic -- you'll miss the data and the point, and it's always over soon. Where does someone go immediately after death? Well, if they're not going straight to burning in the Depths, or if they don't have a Holy Seal and can go anywhere they want, or if they didn't die in battle (with courage, not cowardice), then it is likely they will end up in what is called Repose. Repose is similar to a state of sleep, and it varies from what's known as a sweet repose, where one is relegated to sleep, dream and ponder the lessons of the last incarnation all the way to what's called a ruffian repose, where sometimes the lessons of the last incarnation are more like pounded in. Ruffian repose would be sort of like one foot in Hell . . . It's a little tougher, but it's certainly better than burning. Usually the stations of Repose are located near and just outside the institutions of learning that are topside, and it's a hard and fast rule that those in Repose are NEVER to be disturbed. Patrick Swayze made it to a ruffian repose, as did Aretha Franklin. The people who managed her early career, however, will not be so fortunate -- she was passed around like a rag doll, raped and abused by a long list of "producers, directors, promoters, financiers" -- the whole lot of them, and mostly Ashkenazi jews and a few polluted Levites. When she finally got control of her own path, all that stopped. Good for her -- she made it to the good side. Charles Krauthammer is lying in a sweet repose -- he was never a hypocrite, and he told the truth the best that he knew and understood, managed to avoid the demonic traps, and he never abused his position or privilege. He was thusly rewarded. One other thing to know before you go topside -- if you see the "sky" or the area or the horizon lit up in a gold color -- gold like the metal, not like mustard color -- GO THE OTHER DIRECTION AS FAST AS YOU CAN GET OUT! That metallic gold color means that there is a battle zone! It is an active battle -- you are not equipped or trained to survive it, and if you're close enough to observe, you're close enough to get killed! Your death in that case will be upon your own head at your own hand. This is a dire warning: GOLD ZONES MEAN BATTLE ZONES! GET OUT NOW! There will not be a do-over! So, how does somebody get there, have access to all the wonders of the Planes of the Heavens? It always takes practice and discipline, and there are several ways to make it happen. I've seen some methods on Youtube that could work, read a few books that were mostly unsatisfactory -- the way that Immanuel taught it, and every Anointed since Immanuel has taught it can be found in Chapter 41 of "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!" by The Akurians, free to read online at the akurians dot com. This is the best method, most complete and preparatory. But some of the requirements of established stations are not practical for everyone, so another method would be the "dream method," which is simply training yourself to come to a level of consciousness in a dream state and taking over, or taking control of that projection then directing where you go and what you see. When you are able to achieve coming to consciousness without completely waking up, then it's best to have a plan predetermined, somewhere to tell yourself to go, like, AKASHIC RECORDS, my life, in the NOW! Then when you are immediately moved there at the speed of thought, one suggestion would be to follow your own soul's incarnations all the way back to your own beginnings -- see your lifetimes, discover your origins -- when you know yourself, that's when your real power begins. I'm open for questions, here in the comments or in private message. If you don't like the nosy monitors who sit and slobber over everyone else's business, I'd be happy to be directed to somewhere else of your preference. But you have to ask. One last thing -- in the realm just above the Akashic Records are the Karneith Records. This is where every thought is recorded . . . just so you know. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post -- FINALLY! The Heavenly Host, on Station in Array before The Great Veil, then I'll break down some of the specific commands, describe some of the more notable commanders, maybe reveal what this war is really all about. 9 Comments 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 AnAkurian 1 point·11 months ago Dammit! I forgot two very important warnings, and I don't see the edit button so I'll just put them here. 1. Never project into a mirror, anytime, anywhere, of any kind! Your spirit can be trapped there inside, and that's the end of you. Just don't do it. 2. NEVER, NEVER visit a woman of childbearing age, for any reason -- love, hate, nosy, concerned -- there are demonic entities who are just waiting for that one who know how to use your life force to be able to gain an incarnation. That would mean your physical death as well as the sacrifice of your life forces unto the demonic entity. And they will not hesitate, so stay away from all women of childbearing age. There are a lot more interesting places to be and things to see than hanging around the Etheric Plane to spy on some unsuspecting female. If you're even tempted at that one, Get you some damn bidness of your own! Leave her alone! That should be enough said about that. level 2 kathleenkmg 1 point·5 months ago Good morning AnAkurian. I feel that I should properly address you as Commander. First, thank you so very much for answering my question on cremation. It was very helpful. Yesterday I reread all of your posts again (for about the fourth time), and I have several questions that I would like to ask, if you have time for them. Do we really have Guardian Angels? If so, who are they; are they chosen or volunteer? Does each of us have one or more than one? Since Lucifer's time to make good on his boast to turn all mankind to him was up in 2005, why did the second horseman still take peace from the earth in 2009? Why are there only 175 Anointed Elect Witnesses? Why not 176 or 185? Can the number be changed by The Most High? This is the 'Final Generation of Fire' - what does that mean. Are we the last generation? Would offerings be for forgiveness? And also for wishes and hopes? Thank you so much. level 3 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago·edited 5 months ago Good evening, kathleenkmg! I'd love to answer your questions. They're always such good questions, too. EDIT: My answer was too long for the 10,000 limit, so it's in the next seven pieces. I'm sorry about that -- wish it could stay together, but reddit has rules, and this the only way I know around them. So, Guardian Angels. Yes, we really do have them. We all have four guardian angels, they are assigned. They are out of the Order of Principalities, usually, and it's considered a job for the lower rungs of the Order, so they may not yet be very skilled or exceedingly knowledgeable. Their primary function is two of them help you get out of body and take you into the Planes for recharge every night, and the other two have the job of guiding you back. As soon as I became able to consciously get up in the spirit without them, I dismissed mine. We have them, but we get to the point to not need them. Then it is your choice to keep them or not. First of all, El Aku took peace from the Earth because it was commanded of him to do so (By The Most High). Now for my best explanation as to why (I never presume to know what's in The Most High's Mind, but I can guess by knowing Holy Law and reading energies), people are complacent when they are at peace. And peace is a realm of comfort, which this population does not deserve right now. Since Lucifer's time was up in 2005, his end is near. And then it gets into a very complicated discussion about INIQUITY. Iniquity is mentioned over and over, and yet nobody really has a clue what it is or what it means. So I'll try to make it as simple as I can, and if it's not perfect sense we'll navigate by your questions until it is. Okay. level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago Most people think that iniquity=sin. Well, yes, and a lot more than that. "Sin" means "broken" and is what happens when we go against or defy Holy Law. Holy Law also provides the formula for how to fix that break, or that sin, to be like it never happened. (Repent and atone.) When that sin, or that break is not fixed according to the formula, it leaves an imbalance in the energy footprint of all things involved, and that hardship or wrong energy is left to fester and grow, or be passed on or compounded by more of the same sin because that one went unrepented and not atoned, then it becomes so big of a mess that the person who caused the break originally cannot possibly make up for it (atonement is impossible - like for Hillary - she doesn't have the lives, the money, the innocence, or anything that she could do to make up for the damage she has done -- think of the generational consequences that have piled up because of her...), then it becomes iniquity. (Unequal.) So all that iniquity that she committed, plus all the iniquity that her victims and henchmen committed and down the line to that last drop of it will be held against her. Then they each have their share, plus everyone's who sinned because of them, and on and on. We as a planet and a species are swimming in enough iniquity that the ones who caused it, including the demons and the ETs, must be destroyed that the balance can be returned to Creation. So taking peace was just the first step to rectifying the imbalance of Iniquity that's been concentrated here in preparation for Lucifer's final showdown. level 5 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago A hundred and seventy-five was the Promised Number of Anointeds to the Adama (that's us, the Fifth Root Race of Man), and that's another guessing what The Most High was thinking. Above my paygrade, I'm sure. And I do know that The Most High can do anything he very well pleases, but He's told us there will not be another. And with the Proof that He has given us for this last one, which is the Direct Communication with The Most High Himself, through the envelopes as He has laid out, then why would we have need of another Anointed? The Proof for this last one is intended to hold true and work for as long as it is necessary to have an intermediary platform to talk to Him. And once that someone has taken that initial Proof with the envelopes, and has gotten an answer, then that person has the Holy Seal and can use the envelopes method to ask The Most High anything! As often as necessary! It's the first step to the fulfillment of Yahweh's "promise" that "God will walk among men again." That's The Most High's Divine Sense of Humor in its best form -- making good on Yahweh's lip service for humanity to commune with the Divine among the Living, because Yahweh will be burning in Perditon for long enough to be forgotten by everyone. Each Anointed's lifespan is known as a "Generation", and ideally they would have each lived and taught their full lives, then for as long as the disciples could maintain their respective Anointed's teachings in Truth and keep Holy Law alive, the next Anointed could have been postponed and we'd have had much longer. But like Immanuel, many of the Anointeds were killed, many more spent their entire Appointment in prison -- not pretty. This is the last Anointed, so we are the last Generation until Shiloh, no matter how many birth/death cycles it will take to finally fulfill the requirements to get there. The current Proof will hold, and we are the Generation of Fire, 1) Because El Aku is the Holy Son of Fire; 2) Because the death of the world this time (restart, if there will be one) is by Fire. Tried, Cleansed and Purified by Fire. That oughta do it. level 6 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago Offerings are for forgiveness, for remembrance, for atonement (specific offerings for specific times, specific results -- all defined in Holy Law, most of them in Leviticus, the instructions for the Priesthood), or just because. And I would call wishes and hopes by "desires" and "requests" and for those, an offering is offered, answered, and if the answer is "sufficient," then that desire will be granted in accordance with the measure of obedience to all Holy Law. Paying tithes is part of the law that many people skirt, and when they do that and then ask God for favors, He considers that them trying to make Him a Servant. That's a mistake... That's why it's also a part of the Law -- in addition to supporting the Priesthood to be able to perform their duties as priests. The priesthood should know that, and live accordingly to maintain themselves in proper purity to serve, and then put the rest back into the congregation. That's where the Levites went wrong ... Now, if you wish to properly address me as Commander, it might apply. Many of my own Division volunteered with me. How about we just consider a hypothetical for a bit here. Let's take some of the Q drops, for instance. I don't have the numbers memorized, but everybody knows THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. DIVIDED BY RACE. DIVIDED BY RELIGION. DIVIDED BY POLITICS. AAAANdd so on, gender, alphabet, any difference to pick over... level 7 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago Now, hypothetically, "THEY" being the Enemy, would deserve that being turned and used against them, wouldn't you say? (See if this rings with you...) So, what if people clearly saw that their own bloodlines are the ones that matter, and it does matter to The Most High that we are all pure. However we were made, whatever the rank of our birth or our birthright, we stay pure to that genetic makeup. Anunnaki experimenting for the perfect slave is how we were created. We all go back to one of Noah's three sons, and from there back to Seth to Adam. That is the Created Equal part: All Souls and Consciousnesses were given the same set of instructions at the instant of their creation. None above the other in His Eyes. That way EVERYTHING can be based on the same standard for all of us -- His Holy Law. We all earn our rank and abilities by obedience, correct practice and devotion to the task. So separating and cherishing our differences, and keeping Israel to Israel, Ishmael to Ishmael, Japeth to Japeth, Canaan and Cush to Canaan and Cush, and all are Righteous before Him, that is the true unity. And if we can find that, not only are we in unity, WE ARE A DIVISION! We become a fighting force the like that this world nor half the others watching have ever seen. When we know True Spirit Capabilities -- and anyone can be taught to do any of it -- Telepathy, Telekinesis, Controlling the weather, Psychometry, Astral Projection (up in the spirit), Levitation, Teleportation, Instantaneous Combustion, Time Travel, Dimension shifting, Realm jumping, Spacial displacement, Multiplying, Water into wine or whatever, healing the sick and infirm, raising the proven dead, Binding and Loosening -- and without any hocus-pocus, candle burning, or any other trappings. It's all the things and more that the aliens can do, but without the tech that they have to have to be able to do it. Their spirit work, because of their tech replacements, has grown sick and weak, and their abuse and iniquity upon us has made their immunity as Greater Abilities over our Lesser Abilities, forfeit... And do you think that that list of powers would also include the ability to overcome all their tech? Shut down their whole advantage? Then we'd have them, because NONE of them have a Seal, nor were they offered one, and a Holy Seal outranks the highest among them, whatever race or species, in the Eye of The Most High. And that is how much He Loves His Anointeds. And us who Love and Live His Ways, like His Anointeds. So he saved the Best for Last, upon whom He Named His Own Name. (Mock the Anointed, mock The Most High...deserving of this Generation...) level 8 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago So kathleenkmg, does any of that sound like something you might have volunteered to be in on? So, what if I was raising a Division? How would I go about doing that? Do you think that I should start with the Officers Training First? Cracking the religious programming is a long, hard process for most people, even those who don't practice any religion. That includes metaphysicians who won't look for anything past another belief in love and light. Whose love? What Light? The Divine. What's His Name? Oh, not even sure it's a Him? I see... Or anything out of Alistair Crowley's nonsense. All his power came from the Temple of the Sages, a demonic outhouse that El Aku tore up just before his Anointing in June 27, 1962. That programming would have to be cracked in a hurry. Like a trauma to snap out of it. For some reason, people don't seem to understand anything until it smacks them out of that stuporbox they've been put into. Then I'd have everybody's attention. Now, I wouldn't want them to forget that programming, but to be able to subjugate it. The Fourth Division would have to be anonymous too, for its safety at first. So if anyone were told to harm or attempt against me again, I would hope that they would instead send me a mental picture of the manipulator. That would certainly cure the curiosity factor, and clean the air. The Fourth Division would learn to take care of its own. Its loyalty would be to The Most High first. And since the Fourth Division would be the Incarnates who volunteer, it would necessarily be that our Division would have Volunteers from many different topside Units and Specialties, like some of the Archangels from my own Fourth Division under Archangel Uriel, Ruler of the Fourth Quarter of Earth and Master of the North Wind Boreas, whose Servant is the Wind Kaikias (Kye KEY as), the Dominions, the Powers, the Thrones, the Disciplines, lucky if we get a Horseman!, many of us have chosen to be here for the showdown, so why shouldn't we all know who we are? And honestly, even a brand new Soul can learn Righteous Power and Holy Authority. Heaven is that fair. level 9 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago In my vision of the Fourth Division here, of course, we are all under the Akurian Battle Ensign, which is a solid scarlet field with crossed gold lightning bolts. I'd have to get permission, but I'd like to see the EYE of God become the Emblem of the Fourth Division. (I might get one of those lightning bolts upside the head if that's wrong thinking, but it never hurts to ask, and when we're thinking things through, everything is fair for consideration.) So how do you think I should train a bunch of anons to be a metaphysical fighting force? Maybe leave little clues for them to sharpen their understanding and their abilities? Like give them a paragraph in the AED that I "lit up" for them to find? And if they had found it, and conveyed it to me is such a way as to be covert and also left a diversionary paragraph that told me everything I needed to know, then I should reward them in a way, would I not? A way that also includes learning and skill sharpening, and I would make it open to all of the newly awakened, for as long as necessary. It could be something like the distribution of the talents story. A reward. I think I would place a hundred immortal (meaning won't dissipate until I dissolve them, and I probably never will) Bodies of Light in the Etheric Plane, and each one of them, if they were found and identified, upon touching that BOL with a conscious spirit or mind, that BOL would reveal the Truth of something that the Seeker wants to know. A question, a skill, a memory, a how-to, whatever is foremost in that Student's mind upon finding that BOL. Does that sound like a good reward? Would you look for at least a few of those BOLs? Then after a year, we could have a review of what became of those talents. I dunno, kathleen. I gotta come up with something, some way. Tell me what you think. Do we raise a Fourth Division? Since all the Angels sing, This would be my song for the Fourth Division. Night, kathleen. Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- THE HEAVENLY HOST, Part I It's true! There's a war going on – a spiritual war between the forces of Good (God's side) and Evil (Lucifer's side). Lucifer started it, and he's the god of this world, intentionally or by ignorance because by Holy Law, ignorance is still no excuse. But this writing is to be about the Heavenly Host, so I'll skip the philosophizing for now. Knowing that Lucifer's time to make good on his boast would be up in 2005, and knowing that the iniquity of humankind would be close to full by then, The Most High made His Plan several thousand Earth years before Lucifer made his boast. That Plan included the Promise of 175 Anointed Elect Witnesses – one in each and every generation as needed to ensure that Holy Law would be maintained and Lucifer would fail in his boast to turn all Mankind to him. We are now with the 175th and final Anointed Elect Witness. He is the incarnation of the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That Is Called By The Name Of The Most High. Yes, he is the embodiment of WAR, and he took peace from the Earth in 2009. He was promoted in 2014 to Commander of the Entire Heavenly Host, Second only to The Most High Himself. Let that sink in. . . And for a little season yet, he walks among us, an old man now, 82 years – 56 of them as the Anointed of this, the Final Generation of Fire. At that time when The Most High formulated his Plan, there were many of The Most High's warriors who volunteered to be incarnate at Ground Zero when the final showdown would be triggered. Get that fact too: WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS! Most of us volunteers have been incarnating, some of us infrequently, some of us nonstop since we volunteered. And most of those lifetimes we never knew that we were gathering skills and experiences that were leading up to this one, and we were also gathering testimony as The Most High's witnesses for Final Judgment. (VERY Important!) So here's another morsel to chew on – there are many stations, many volunteers among us who have not yet come forward, who still don't know who they are and why they're here. Are you one? How would you know? I'll answer that in subsequent posts. Now, here's where it would be handy if I had even a minimum of tech skill, which I don't. But if I did, I would attach a sketch of what the Array looks like in front of The Great Veil. And since no one who has read any of these posts has volunteered to help with that, I'll try my best to describe the picture in words. First, The GREAT VEIL OF THE MOST HIGH, in front of which gathers the Array of All of the Heavenly Host! If we were looking down at the Great Veil from above it (impossible, but try to imagine), we would see that it is an oval-shaped structure, and the Veil Itself is a curtain that would appear to be about ten feet thick all the way around. Extending out from the bottom of the Veil, with a staircase at each end of the oval structure leading to it, is a platform of HUGE diamond-looking material, for lack of a better comparison. Actually, it would make the best diamond we have look like cheap glass. This is called the Landing. If one is standing on the Landing peering down through the diamond-looking perfectly smooth surface, one cannot see a bottom to it. In order to even get to stand on that surface, one must be totally cleansed, and if anyone even tried to utter a lie while in that Presence, that same anyone would be immediately zapped, caught fire, like spontaneous combustion. NO LIE CAN STAND BEFORE THE MOST HIGH! Some are immediately ashed and vanished, some are left to burn there for a few thousand years, maybe ten, maybe more, as an example to anyone else who might think they can lie to The Most High, or in front of Him. NOW SOUNDS A DEAFENING CLAP OF THUNDER, WITH AN INDESCRIBABLE SHADE OF EMANATING, GENTLY (usually) SWIRLING RED LIGHT LIT UP IN FRONT OF THE VEIL, CALLING ALL TROOPS, INCLUDING STEEDS AND OTHER ANIMAL SUPPORT, TO ATTENTION! (Any imaginable shade of color is possible, depending upon the subject of the Assembly – Red means concerning all Warriors, support, logistics, admin – any part of war concerns, pay attention.) Front and center before the Great Veil Presents the Supreme Commander of The Heavenly Host, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Second of the Great Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In a Fingertip and Trail Formation, but in reverse, Immanuel, the First Horseman, and the Priesthood under his command to El Aku's right and slightly back; to El Aku's left and slightly back, the Third Horseman, Horus, the lawyer and judge commanding the Egyptians; to the left of Horus and slightly back again (the Trail), Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman – the Scientist (His incarnation was Merlin the Magician.). Everyone has heard of Immanuel. He's the one erroneously known as “Jesus.” But if anyone thinks that he isn't one bad sumbich in a brawl, they don't know him. That “turn the other cheek” stuff that he preached was because killing for no reason was the order of the day, and he had to teach the difference between bloody murder for the sake of bloody murder versus killing and destruction according to Holy Law. Like everything else he taught, it was twisted to suit the Babylonian Harlot after his death. Immanuel's troops are the Israelis. (Here again, a sketch could illustrate better than I can describe . . .) Immanuel's steed is pure white, and his name is Haminadab (Ha-MIN-ah-dob)! The Israelis' armor – armor is very important – it is one way that troops are distinguished, and all armor also performs different strike functions in addition to protections and communications, especially the helmets. So the Israelis' armor is all white, some of them have black trim, some of them like Immanuel himself have a blue trim. The helmets have the Star of David in the center front. They resemble the most ancient Hebrew crowns, with three tuft rings, each ring signifying in order their lineage – Abraham, Israel, and Judah for Immanuel. There are Arabic-looking bands to signify rank. Formal dress includes a cape with rank insignia on shoulder boards, collars and in trim around the edges. When they have on their priest robes, there are tassels around the bottom. Second Horseman is El Aku. His armor and his steed are a brilliant scarlet red. His steed, Pegasus, is the only one of the steeds that has two heads, operating independently. His command is the Akurians. I will make a separate post at the end of this series about the Host concerning just Aku and his command, since the incarnate all fall under the Akurian banner as volunteers. An interesting fact, though, is that looking at El Aku in full armor is a terrible and awesome sight – so much so that this is where the portrayal of the devil being red originates – Lucifer started that one himself. LOL . . . Third Horseman is Horus, the Egyptian judge who weighed the heart of a Pharaoh against the weight of a feather to see how justly he ruled. Horus is still in that same incarnation as an Annunaki from Nibiru. He doesn't stay on the planet much anymore, since Nibiru is in such a mess (think it's bad here? They are on the brink of a planet-wide civil war too! The royals have screwed things up here so badly that it's threatening to cost them their civilization there, and the innocents don't want to pay for the royals' degeneracy!). Horus has moved his entire family and all his supporters to his ship now to stay out of that fracas. Anyway, Horus' troops are the Egyptians, and Horus rides the black steed named Columbia! He also has a chariot when he wants it – that thang is a whole 'nother story unto itself – I don't have the space to describe it here. So the Egyptians' armor is all black. They wear a long-sleeved tunic under square chains making up their chain mail. If they open their capes and coats, their riding pants are visible. The pants have the flared out, puffy sides like the Indian Jodhpurs, the bottoms from knee down are covered by their wraparound boots. The boots have a distinct sole, similar to an Asian gator shoe, but the configuration of the raised treads is strategically designed to secure their footing (driving the chariots, particularly, as well as hand-to-hand combat.) The Egyptian helmets all look like hawks, which are exquisite communications devices. So in the Egyptian pictorials on the monuments and such, when one sees a man with a hawk for a head, that is a reference to Horus – not that he has a hawk's head, but that's him in his helmet. The Fourth Horseman is Ammeliet Hammerlin, son of Haph of Ur, mounted on the great steed Hadesium (Ha-DEE-see-UM)! Hadesium is an eerie, pale greenish-gray shade, very deathly-looking. Again, Hammerlin's incarnation is known as Merlin the Magician, nothing like the romantic tale of the Sage to King Authur of the Round Table. Although it's an excellent and enduring work of fiction, it is still purely fiction. The more accurate version of his historical life is the one where he was a recluse, living in the wild. He studied the sciences and medicine then, as he continues to do now in the Planes when he's not conducting drills or engaged in battle. His troops are known as the HAMMERS! That's the truth – they are the Hammers. That bunch of scientists knows more ways to kill with a simple toothpick than most of the rest of us can imagine. When they go in to destroy someplace, they leave nothing but a cloud of dust. The Hammers wear long, non-reflective, flat black robes and wrapped shoes. Their capes and robes are covered in star patterns and moon phases that light up in a silvery shimmer, as though they are reflected from mirrors until viewed from close up where it's obvious that the silvery light is produced within the forms and patterns on the robes and capes. They also wear long, pointed wizard hats with the same star patterns and moon phases shimmering on them. Hammerlin has a waist-long, old gray beard, and he looks and acts like a doddering old fool – everyone immediately underestimates him, and when they do that, they're had. It's over. HAMMERED! Each Horseman's command is made up of about a billion troops, and they are considered small, elite units . . . There is also an exclusive Logistics Unit, also on horseback, just for them. It is known as the Fifth Unit. Next post – The Seraphim of the Holy Presence, the Seraphiam, and the Cherubim. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! 21 Comments 84% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 [deleted] 1 point·6 months ago It's over. HAMMERED! Well, Hammerlin has it over Hemmer, for sure! I love a genius that looks retarded! Don't you? level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago I certainly do! Those Hammers of the Horsemen, the Scientists. are THE most Elite squad of destruction in all the Heavens, all the Earths, and all the Depths. (Except maybe the Seraphim themselves...) They pass themselves off as shuffling, absent-minded, harmless old fools, but they know more ways to kill with no more than a blink, and it's totally, absolutely, infinitely with the smoothest of all finesse. So NOBODY wants to make them even accidentally blink... Sort of like Dumbledore a hundredfold. Maybe a thousand. level 3 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago I'm loving your posts! I have known less than half of what you have written. But enough to be excited about your additions, that fill in the gaps! I will finish reading the rest tomorrow. I stopped on this post, after reading so many, one after another. Will ask questions later. level 3 [deleted] 1 point·6 months ago Went searching for a phrase that you wrote in your posts and was lead to the link to The Ankurian website that I provided in a comment to you. There are archives on that site that are in a folder called documents. One about Soros. One on how to create talismans. Wow. I'm once again going on another journey, through you! I'm so excited about it! Something I learned from talisman doc, that most people are not aware of: We've all seen the 'new' practice of touching knuckles of a closed fist rather than shaking hands. That didn't come about because of the spread of germs, as the socialist liars claim; it came about because somebody found – and leaked – an old Masonic Handbook that claimed a Mark of Death in the palm of one's hand could pass Death on to anyone they shook hands with! And if properly prepared and endowed, that is true! The process is simple: before shaking hands with the victim – and in secret – draw the greatest Emblem of Death, the Christian Cross, into the palm of your shaking hand! Transfer that Death in your mind when you shake the victim's hand and they are on the road to a very quick destruction. The catches are: It won't work against a True and Righteous anybody; It won't work against any innocent; and You have to be in hand-shaking proximity for the TALISMAN to work at all! With this TALISMAN you can pass on the Essence of Hemlock as easily as you can healing salt; anything and everything is usable and doable – within the limitations. level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Wondering which phrase you found that sent you on a deep dive... This talisman account is totally true! The "have to be in hand-shaking proximity for the TALISMAN to work at all" part is true for all Lodge members - Masons, KofC, Temple Israel because of their Oath of Brotherhood. The Akurians have no such limitation, and can effect a talisman to work from any distance in all Creation. And if I were to be passing Crosses from my hand, it would be into the forehead of the enemy, not their hand, where they could pass it on to someone else. Noooooo. If I cross them, I expect it to stick. Right between the eyes. level 5 [deleted] 1 point·6 months ago This was the phrase: Seraphim Amatraelonael Talismans are not something anyone curious should play with. They can be used for good and evil. I was appalled to learn that the St. Christopher medallion is a talisman... not used for good. It wasn't too long ago that I blurted out, "The last thing Jesus would want to see on his return is the damn cross! Think about it!" level 6 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago There you go again -- making me laugh out loud! The last thing that Jesus would want to see on his return is the damn cross -- the very instrument of his death! How much more obvious can it get? Kek! Oh, and btw, fyi -- tattoos are also talismans. And they don't go away when people die with them intact. They are considered an unnecessary desecration of the temple of the body, and the punishment for that desecration is that those tattoos come to life in the Planes. There is a long and difficult process to remove them from the spirit before death, and it must be done that the spot where the tattoo was once placed must be cleaned as though that desecration was never there. It's difficult, but it can be done. Die with it intact, and it's too late. Talismanic magic is nothing to fool with. level 7 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago There you go again -- making me laugh out loud! LOL. Glad I never got a tatoo. I have never liked them or how they look, no matter how talented the artist is. level 3 [deleted] 1 point·6 months ago The Akurians level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago You found our cache of Audiences of The Most High ... The 2012 Audience is riveting! Especially the part where the Anunnaki get thrown out from before The Most High and are disgraced when the Honor Guard turns their back on them all as they are escorted out of The Presence. 2012? The "End of the World according to the Mayan Calendar"? It wasn't the end of the world at all, it was the time given for the Anunnaki to give account of their treatment of the Anusazi (that's us, the Adama). Needless to say, it did not go well for them... And we were not permitted any clues as to how that would go. The Most High and the Time Lords darkened the Akashic Records for six months ahead of that accounting, and nobody was able to get any kind of a heads-up about any of it to come. level 5 kathleenkmg 2 points·6 months ago Have there been updated audiences, where the Most High was told of the millions in America who are trying to change the course of this country, where they voted to change leadership, and chose to oust evil? Have timelines changed because of the love that we have for Him? If there have been updated audiences, and if they are in print, where can they be found? Thank you so much AnAkurian level 6 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago There are more Audiences, usually one or two a year. The last one was January this year at the Feast and Gathering of the New Moon. That's the one where The Most High officially announces the official beginning of the Day of Visitation. So far we have not moved the timetable a single micron, but understand this -- that timetable is NOT set in stone. The Most High is conditional -- you do this, I do that. If this, then that. Conditional. Now, let me ask you some questions. Of all the people that profess to love Him, how many of those are worshiping and loving Yahweh as The Most High God? Yahweh is an Anunnaki. Not The Most High. Is that turning away from evil, seeking The Most High's Face? He certainly doesn't think so... Going to church on the Sunday Sabbath? That's Lucifer's day. The Most High clearly defines the Sabbath as Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. So Sunday School is turning away from evil? Mmmm. Did you know that the words "Jesus Christ" mean, in the ancient languages of dead Latin and Greek, "I Am Conscious"? And that every time someone praises Jesus as equal to God, or a part of the Trinity, that they are praising themselves and putting themselves equal with The Most High? When anyone prays to or through Jesus or Jesus' name, they are praying to and through themselves? Does that not sound like the Ultimate Blasphemy? (It isn't the Ultimate, but not far from it) Would you call that turning against evil? And the very thing that Immanuel volunteered to be a sacrifice for -- the right and the ability for EVERYONE to have access into and out of the Planes of Heaven without dying -- has been convoluted without even a question into just so much deceit of belief that almost no one even knows that and therefore does not seek the kingdom of Heaven, but sits around praising Yahweh waiting for that kingdom to be dropped into their laps just for being good enough believers? I ask you, kathleen, how much belief is enough? How much belief does it take to restore peace on earth? How much belief is required to be able to multiply food? We have hungry people -- that would be a real handy skill to have right now. Where are the instructions for how to multiply food, and how much belief is required? There's not one single sentence in any Bible that tells us how much belief is required to deliver any of the miracles that Immanuel taught his disciples to do, just like he did. They could all do miracles too, because he taught them how. So it must be true even today that if we had the instructions we could do that too. Maybe they'd say just how much to believe. So in reality, are we really moving any needles on the timeline by turning away from tolerance of open demonisms back to the same ol', lame ol', damnations of belief that got us into the mess we're in now because of it? But we have FAITH, you say. Doesn't that count for something? Well, no. Not the way that sneaky little word is used today. Faith is blind. It is the "sure and certain Hope" that God is with us. That's twisted too. It's not "God is with us." It has to be "We are with God." Now, either something is sure and certain, or it is a Hope. They are not the same. Now what if we replaced the word Faith with the word VISION. That takes care of the blind part, and it also empowers us to see the Truth when it's right in front of us. So do you think those swaps were accidental? Is there anyone who is a devout believer that you know of that you could make them see the Truth? People are so invested in the lies and deception that that one is a struggle. So even if we clean up the politics and social degeneracies, fixing the religions of belief still has to happen. Now look at Leviticus 26, the whole chapter. It is the perfect demonstration of The Most High's conditional format. Recognize in there where we are today? What if I told you that there are about 35,000 fetus gobbling, blood drinking cannibals in the US today? That's just the US. See the reference to mothers and fathers eating their sons and daughters. And what's next? We are overrun with strangers in our land, and then run out of our own land as we are weakened in our fortitude. What do you think the mass illegal immigration is? It's the Christian believers that are causing this problem as much as the satanist shitheads. So how do we fix that? The only way is to turn away from all belief, get obedient to all Holy Law (the Pentateuch), and that includes the Levite Priesthood. Good luck with that one. The ones who have managed to keep their bloodline pure enough to qualify as Priests have gotten so arrogant that they think they can argue with The Most High and win! That is the honest truth. Even the Sons of Aaron are vile and degenerate, and about half depraved. It does not bode well for them. President Trump is doing everything right. He wants to send back all the illegals, shut the gates and prevent this, but he's got to have active, vocal support, and demands for accountability from the socialists, communists, satanists, traitors, sellouts, puppets, saboteurs and other one-world agenda demon spawn. All we can do is present the facts. People must come to the conclusions they will have about that on their own. The Abomination of Desolation is the no turning back point. That's when the Covenant of Grace is over for all Christians, and that sets the clock. If we get that far, then Armageddon is on. About those Audiences -- AnotherAkurian has decided that today would be a good day to reorganize them and present an easier, more methodical sight to store and find them. Soon they'll have a page of their own and we'll make them available and hopefully easier to find and study. level 7 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago·edited 6 months ago Of all the people that profess to love Him, how many of those are worshiping and loving Yahweh as The Most High God? Yahweh is an Anunnaki. Not The Most High. When I pray, it starts with, "To the one who Loves me and all who Love me" I began praying this way many, many years ago, and... as usual, didnt know why, exactly... except that I wanted to make sure it was getting to the God who Loves us, not any lesser god. When we pray, it should be about thankfulness, only thankfulness. The one who Loves us already knows what we need and want. If you are praying to ask or beg, or cut a deal with promises of if you do this, I promise to do that, you are basically slapping God in the face, not believing that what was needed or wanted had already been taken care of. 3d time is not God's time. WE manifest and create everything in our lives. And that every time someone praises Jesus as equal to God, or a part of the Trinity, that they are praising themselves and putting themselves equal with The Most High? When anyone prays to or through Jesus or Jesus' name, they are praying to and through themselves? Immanuel, Jesus the Christ never wanted nor directed anyone to pray to him! He taught us that the kingdom of heaven is within us. That the ONE who loves us is within us. That the things he could do that others saw as miracles, we can also do and even more. We are God, of God, created by God. The Annunaki gods created a physical body. A creature out of DNA. They did not create the soul. Even they knew there was the ONE greater than themselves. How much belief does it take to restore peace on earth? How much belief is required to be able to multiply food? We have hungry people -- that would be a real handy skill to have right now. Where are the instructions for how to multiply food, and how much belief is required? There's not one single sentence in any Bible that tells us how much belief is required to deliver any of the miracles that Immanuel taught his disciples to do, just like he did. The FAITH of a mustard seed. Multiply that by billions of people wanting the same thing! This is why the Great Awakening Is happening NOW. That's twisted too. It's not "God is with us." It has to be "We are with God." Better still, God is in us. So even if we clean up the politics and social degeneracies, fixing the religions of belief still has to happen. Had it been the first to happen we wouldnt be worrying about the politics. Religions birthed politics. We are overrun with strangers in our land, and then run out of our own land as we are weakened in our fortitude. What do you think the mass illegal immigration is? It's the Christian believers that are causing this problem as much as the satanist shitheads. So how do we fix that? Those strangers you speak of are those who are not with the ONE. When you say "our own land", make it clear that it doesnt encompass "American citizens" who feel entitled. No land on this earth belongs to humans! We live here for a time. The people who lived in the lands of North and South America, before the European Christian's invaded and drove them into near extinction were fighting non humans, giants and evil ones. So how do we fix that? Seek the true ONE, become one, with one another in True Love. Good luck with that one. The Law Immanuel came to fulfill is the Law of Love. The ONLY place it is written is in your soul, that which is God... the ONE. The ones who have managed to keep their bloodline pure enough to qualify as Priests have gotten so arrogant that they think they can argue with The Most High and win! The only reason it is important to them is because it assured their rulership and control over the slaves that were created by them. To understand the Annunaki and their method of governance is to observe the monarchy and patriarchy of Europe. Armageddon Is a place in Israel that was always a battle field. Known as Meggido, or the Valley of Armageddon. Aloha ke akua level 8 AnAkurian 2 points·6 months ago LuvLite, this is one of the most demonstrative comments of one who listens and follows his/her own Innate Consciousness that I've seen. The expression of it though is within the confines of the deeply embedded programming that we've been subjected to for generations, so it's a perfect example to prove a breakaway from that programming, and be able to take FAITH TO VISION. (Humor me -- imagine the Vision of a mustard seed.) You've done it naturally, by Innate, but finding the expression that correctly describes how you got there, let's take it into the further realm with 'what if...' The first example from the paragraph about how you came to pray years ago, "to the One who Loves me and all who Love me"... (Innate) Knows very good and well who you are referring to, and you don't project that you have any specific image except that of a benevolent, Loving, all-knowing, Supreme Being. Very Innately correct! So, what if your innate understanding as it is, is because you are living a righteous life that is innately obedient to Holy Law, and that is the reason you experience a Loving God. For if The Most High is All Things, and He is, (The Alpha and The Omega, The Infinite and The Absolute, and The First I AM, and those are just a few of His Titles) then for someone who is out of compliance and sorely knows it, he would have a very different Innate Cognizance of The Most High.. Whether that's his God or not, He is still The Most High God. Then what about the other guy who doesn't know that Divine Love, he needs proof, because he's been emotionally manipulated and mentally trained out of his own Innate? Is there any room in your statement for them to have a legitimate question or existence or experience that is just as true and real for them? Not really, and that's not you at all. But that's the programming of 'faith' with lack of vision to not allow you to see a way for them to know what you experience and vice versa. People have been programmed out of how to pray. Pray actually means "to ask for" and The Most High has laid out in Holy Law how to get those favors granted, with offerings, specifically which for what. You don't pray for gimmes because you understand again Innately that The Most High is never a servant! You are a thousand percent right again. Here's the sneaky programming: "not believing that what was needed or wanted had already been taken care of." And then the contrast that shows how you understand the way it really goes: "WE manifest and create everything in our lives." The ultimate Truth, right there in one sentence. BOOM. People don't believe it because they don't have the vision to manifest anything but the squalor and doubt and blunders that they ARE manifesting because of their squalor, doubt and blunders. Or turmoil, or sickness, or deprivation. This is what they are visualizing, while their faith is in a separate box of I don't really know what that is, but I'm supposed to have it to get out of this mess... And there again have you nailed the ideal with absolute irony: "The FAITH of a mustard seed. Multiply that by billions of people wanting the same thing!" Hmmm. So, exactly what is it that that wanting looks like? It's not the wanting that has the power in it (If wishes were horses then beggars would ride...). So what is it that makes that "same thing" manifest? It's not FAITH. It's SHARED VISION. Voila! That's the fastest way to manifest anything, is with a clear mental picture. We were never supposed to figure that out. It's a law of energy that energy follows thought. By way of clear VISION. And if one has clear vision, one does not need the concept of FAITH as we have come to equate it with hope and belief. Faith is now knowing, and it's just a matter of time, depending on the strength and clarity of the vision, to manifestation. That's the part that you innately describe as God's Time. It's really just the time it takes for the Vision to form the energies into matter. Now, the issue of "our own land." Of course you are correct that we don't have ownership of the land, any land in the sense that we could take it with us. The United States territory was designated by The Most High as the Tribal Land of Ephraim, and Ephraim consists of those born or absorbed into this land, who also seek the Face of The Most High. In order for Mankind to survive, thrive and progress, he and the land he occupies for the time he's here must exist in symbiosis. Holy Law provides the guidelines for that balance to be maintained. The Native Americans, North and South, maintained and passed down knowledge of the ways of True Spirit, and as for the regular folks, the settlers would build a fort or a town, and the Local Natives would often build their communities just outside of it, and the communities would trade, help one another, and generally get along. Now, what if, knowing what you now know about the Catholic Church and all their minions, that they were the driving force that slaughtered the Natives, not to grab the land, but to kill and bury the ways of True Spirit that the Natives maintained, that they had worked so hard to kill and bury in Europe ... I'm all for putting the blame EXACTLY where it lies... Immanuel did not come to fulfill any Law during his tour as the Anointed. He came to rectify the Imbalance created by those Levites that about wiped out the Tribe of Benjamin, so that once again everybody has the same access to the Planes of Heaven without dying. That's the "born again" thing. Being able to get "up in the spirit." The fulfillment that you speak of is not to happen until his NEXT coming, the RETURN. Armageddon, or Megiddo. Yes to all you wrote. What I was referring to was what the Akurians call "the library behind the word," which is what we call the commonly understood all-encompassing definition with experience that signifies the greater meaning that can be summed up in the shorter word or phrase that everyone sees the same way, or pretty much the same way. Like no means no. How many ways can you stretch that to fit? Armageddon means the whole area, the whole scenario, the Prophecy, the aftermath, the whole picture. In a word. So thank you for this comment -- it's very clear that your innate is fine-tuned and right on the money, and it was perfect that way to illustrate the sneaky, sneaky way that the programming keeps people who would find their way out of the quagmire of belief to knowledge even slowed down from the true power and freedom, just by screwing with the vocabulary. (How dare you not believe the Poop?) level 9 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago Thank you, AnAkurian. Your response was excellent. Addressing faith. We have the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Maybe faith is a form of visualizing. You want something. You visualize the thing you want and you believe or have faith that what you want you can manifest. Jesus said, and I dont mind calling him Jesus because he was a true Jesus, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." And again: And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. And the woman who suffered from bleeding and touched Jesus' garment, believing she would be healed. And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. So, AnAkurian, why would the Satans need potions, talismans, spells and such if all they had to do is visualize? He is still The Most High God. Why do we call God, HE? God is the yin and yang. The masculine and the feminine. Male and female. God, the one we are referring to is pure Energy. Then what about the other guy who doesn't know that Divine Love, he needs proof, because he's been emotionally manipulated and mentally trained out of his own Innate? Those are the people who need that Divine Love. Love, in and of itself has different meaning to different people based on their own understanding and experiences. What I once thought was love, I no longer think is love. As humans, we make the mistake in thinking Love is carnal, of the body. When True Love, of the Soul... which is God, produces and is shared, the body which is made up of millions of living cells, can only react to it, and that, in and of itself is divine. We are now here to re-learn and remember True Love. Teach it by giving it. Jesus came to fulfill the law:  “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Pray actually means "to ask for" and The Most High has laid out in Holy Law how to get those favors granted, with offerings, specifically which for what. Dont ask for things. Ask for help in understanding. We are of God. We have the power and knowledge already in us to manifest anything we want. There is truth in saying be careful of what you want. Now, what if, knowing what you now know about the Catholic Church and all their minions, that they were the driving force that slaughtered the Natives, not to grab the land, but to kill and bury the ways of True Spirit that the Natives maintained, that they had worked so hard to kill and bury in Europe ... I'm all for putting the blame EXACTLY where it lies... Yep. That was their goal. In South America, they killed them for their gold. The Vatican is full of their gold, from the slaughtered Mayans and Incans. Those people had wisdom that could fill libraries and the Poop, as you and I so accurately refer to them, had it destroyed. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. level 7 kathleenkmg 2 points·6 months ago Thank you AnAkurian. You have already taught me more than you could possibly know. level 5 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago I am fascinated by this! Why isn't EVERYONE reading it? Good stuff, indeed! level 6 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Thank you, LuvLite! I wish everyone would read it, but it doesn't validate the realgood feelgood passed out in abundance at Sunday worship. The Most High tells us that those who do not have His Truth within them will be sore offended by it. Those are the people who need it the most, and yet they are those that will most quickly avert themselves. We can't force the Truth on anyone. They have to ask. We're not gonna be armgrabbers. You know, the free will thing and all... level 7 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago Thank you, LuvLite! I wish everyone would read it, but it doesn't validate the realgood feelgood passed out in abundance at Sunday worship. I have been the opposite of this for over 30 years and didnt understand why until now. Went on a quest to find the truth, discovered many truths through books, learned through archeology, hidden books of Jesus the Christ, Dead Sea scrolls, emerald tablets, sumerian texts... everything I could find, including the esoteric. And now I'm here! level 8 AnAkurian 2 points·6 months ago I'm not surprised. Sincere search for Truth always eventually leads to here. Truth is comfort. The Akurians are Truth. Welcome to The Real Great Awakening! level 9 [deleted] 2 points·6 months ago Welcome to The Real Great Awakening! I knew it was deeper than a reddit sub! lol. Love to you AnAkurian! Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- THE HEAVENLY HOST: SERAPHIM, SERAPHIAM & CHERUBIM Up front spanning the length of the Great Veil and closest to the Landing in most every case except when the Horsemen are summoned, are the great and mighty Seraphim of the Holy Presence. There are twenty-one thrones appearing as though in a curved line to parallel the front side of the Great Veil (nothing is ever in the back), and since the Fall of Lucifer and Company, only seven of them are occupied. Each Seraphim has his own Host, but their true magnificence, utterly astounding, defiant of all description sight to behold is when they are seamlessly working as a team. They are able to finish one another's sentences or paragraphs when teaching as though the lesson is coming from a single brain, but the voice changes are clearly differential. On first impression, their immense size is awe-striking. If they were standing on this Earth in their chosen forms as they exist before the Veil, this Earth could not hold the weight of even one of them, but if we could make a comparison for visual sake, standing flat-footed, they would reach somewhere in the vicinity of five hundred thousand miles in diameter. Size in the Planes is generally to be equated with knowledge and rank, and the Seraphim of the Holy Presence are out of the First Creation. They are HUMONGOUS, frightening and terrible to look upon. They choose their own form, looks and fighting skills to suit the situation, and I cannot stress this enough. The following descriptions are only typical. None of the Seraphim are limited to these descriptions, and their changes are seamless, instant, self-determined. They are Shapeshifters of the greatest magnitude. One thing to note is that they appear to Mankind to have six wings each, as a matter of rank. None of them have ever taken a corporeal incarnation, but their skills include the ability to manifest an appearance on the Earth Plane in any form of their choosing, so why would they? They are: Seraphim Amatraelonael, The Most High's Mighty Warrior and Chief of all His Generals of War. Since that name is such a mouthful, he is more simply and commonly known as “Metatron.” Now, Metatron appears to float – he looks like a huge, bloated barrel of eyeballs, and at the intersection where a pair of eyeballs meet, there is a down-dangly that resembles an elephant trunk, sort of, and each one of those down-danglies can hold a sword. The level of destruction that he is capable of leaves seasoned combat warriors who even witness his wake in utter shock, some of them irreparably damaged. Seraphim Seraphiel, the Present Chief of This Holy Order of Seraphim. Seraphiel appears like a blob of overdeveloped muscles, bulging out all over himself, and every part of him is covered in hair. All kinds of hair – some long, some curly, sometimes wavy or kinky, sometimes straight, some of it angled down and then left to hang there – it changes too, and there's no way to predict what it will look like at any given time. One thing that's typical about it, his hairs are pretty much every ugly shade of color in all Creation, and that's all the time at any time. Seraphim Jehoel, The Most High's Musician and Singer of His Eternal Praises. Seraphim Jehoel, although mostly unpredictable, could be described as looking like a tree trunk, kind of, with the bark patterns constantly changing forms. He would also look full of knotholes out of which he can fire any types of projectiles as he deems appropriate for the situation. As an energy sensor, he could also be described as a conglomeration of matchsticks, shooting what looks like fire or lightning out of the tips, but guaranteed, lightning as we know it has nothing on Jehoel's projectiles. Seraphim Kemuel, the Lawgiver of Destruction. Seraphim Kemuel is equally unpredictable as Seraphim Jehoel, but he could be described as looking like an overflowing honeypot with a very large, single roaming right eye that moves around on the surface of him. All the Seraphim can see 360 degrees at all times, so the eye is more symbolic than anything: “I'm watching you . . .” Kemuel can emit and propel a radial or circumferential blast that can evaporate anything or anyone in its range, and its range is what he says it is. It makes a nuclear explosion at ground zero here on Earth look like a baby's toy. NOBODY ever wants to piss him off . . . Seraphim Nethanael, The Most High's Keeper of the Sacred and Holy Flame. Seraphim Nethanael looks like a formation of several bird breasts, connected together to be cylindrically round, covered with what might be described as feathers but look more like ruffles, or folds as the shape of some corals. Out of the top and tilted to the right he has what looks like a giant set of fan blades, as though sitting on a nonexistent shoulder. On the other nonexistent shoulder are a bunch of what could only be described as streamers or ribbons, all different lengths, and constantly moving. They are acting as antennae, for lack of a better description. From out of the feathers, or ruffles, he can protract and retract what look like talons, huge talons. Those talons can catch or throw anything – swords, arrows, fire, lightning, boulders, rays, emanations – name it. In a word, FIERCE. In two more words: defying imagination. Seraphim Ophaniel, The Most High's Master of Great Spirals (orbits, heavenly and earthly), The Finisher of all His Works. Everyone has seen film or photos of an F5 tornado. So imagine an F500 tornado that may or may not be spinning and that can go from clear as glass to see anything it contains – nebulae, star systems, planets, animal and/or plant life, back to supernovas, civilizations – it's beyond all credibility – to as dark as the worst of any storm at midnight and equally terrifying. He can also circulate all those things mentioned earlier and more on what would appear to be the outside of himself. Ophaniel's favorite tactic is to overwhelm. And he's damn good at it. Whatever it is, with whatever it takes. Seraphim Zophiel, The Most High's Watchman, The Most High's Chief Sentry. Seraphim Zophiel looks like a tower. He looks like a lighthouse. Or the tallest turret of the largest castle. Or the highest pillar of an infinite wall, possibly of the finest and rarest stone, possibly bedazzlingly bejeweled, perhaps like a waterfall that recirculates itself somehow, perhaps as invisible and imperceptible as a still wind, perhaps as ominous as an oncoming locomotive barreling inches away – the point is one never knows what he might present himself to look like, or how many times he'll change presentations in a single meeting. It can be a bit unnerving if he wants it to be. Seraphim Zophiel can see everywhere in Creation, all at once or pinpoint any spot. He can see through time, past, present and future – individually or all at once. He looks through dimensions, warps, folds, creases, black holes, broad spectrum or microscopically to the infinite particles. He is utterly amazing. Everything to him is his weapon of choice – if he can see it (and he can), he can make use of it. There are just no words. These are the Seven Seraphim of the Holy Presence that remain after the Great Fall. Again, I reiterate – they are in no way limited to the descriptions as I have given them here. These descriptions are simply ones that could be categorized as “typical.” These entities are out of the First Creation, and their knowledge and earned powers, skills and rank reflect that. Now, the Seraphiam are essentially Seraphim by rank. If the seven that I named were Generals, then the Seraphiam could be likened unto Colonels, ranked among themselves by seniority, usually. They are also out of the first Creation. They also choose their appearance and fighting skills to fit the situation at hand. By comparison to the population, there aren't very many of them, so they would qualify as an elite class, considered as specialists and distributed among the hosts of the Seraphim. They are very often assigned specialist tasks in every part of the Array – strike teams, communications, administration, logistics, strategic planning, name it -- as part of the Chain of Command. They are by rank, skill and experience on their way to becoming Seraphim, and to most people who didn't know or weren't familiar with the workings and operations of the Higher Planes, they would appear as Seraphim both by looks and skill sets. There are no Seraphiam in any incarnations at the current time. And finally for this post, a bit about the Cherubim. First thing to know, if looking for a Cherubim, the last thing to look for is a scantily-wrapped little baby with bird wings. That image is as laughable as it is deceptive. These entities are HUGE, they also shapeshift immediately, and ugly is not a problem to them. In fact, it's pretty much only Lucifer's demons that try to deceive people with the beauty trick. The Most High's Cherubim will appear however is best suited to accomplish the mission at hand. Damned what anybody else thinks about it. The Cherubim fit into the other hosts by rank and station. They are out of every Creation, all 360 of them. They are the Messengers of The Most High, and very often “aides de campe” as communicators between commands. They constantly drill and rehearse, rehearse and drill, never stopping for anything. If there was a food break or a “beer stop,” the Cherubim would take theirs to go! They are relentlessly fierce as fighters; for example, if Lucifer had 50,000 demons somewhere to wreak havoc and five Cherubim showed up, the demons would run. Scatter. Now. They are also some of the best teachers to the other angels in the Host who are looking to improve their own fighting skills. It is also a general rule that when a Cherubim is a student in study, that Cherubim will appear as a ball of light. There are no Cherubim in any incarnations at the current time. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post – the Archangels, Great Elements, and the Eight Winds. After that, the specialty units and the adjuncts, including the Holy Order of the Daughters of Elisha (Mrs. God), an all female order of the Disciplines of the Planes. The DOE are BELOVED unto The Most High, they are incarnate now to facilitate the Restoration of Holy Law and Order. Some notable Daughters of Elisha include Deborah, Judge in Israel when all the men had failed; Rachel, wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph; and Isis, mother of Horus, wife of Osiris among the Anunnaki (still living). 2 Comments 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 ldracc 1 point·6 months ago There are no Cherubim in any incarnations at the current time. I am confused...but they are out of every creation? So there an none currently? Please clarify what is meant by an incarnation level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·6 months ago An incarnation is an opportunity for a spirit to have a carnal, or flesh & bones body. Like what we call lifetime to lifetime. It's the body that dies, not the spirit -- the spirit just moves on to the next existence, whether that's another chance with a different body and lifetime, or if that's a stint in hell for messing up the corporeal lifetime, or it could even be having a body in a different race of beings on a different planet. Transmigration of souls does not occur where the consciousness takes a lower form, though, such as coming back as an eagle, or lion, or bunny -- that does not happen. The consciousness rises, or is supposed to... That there are at this time no Cherubim that have taken a body on Earth or any other Planet is not unusual, because Cherubim have enough skill that if they want to appear on earth as a human with a body, they can do that without an incarnation. Does that help? Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- THE HEAVENLY HOST, Part 3 -- THE ARCHANGELS HARK! The glorious sounds of the Heavenly Trumpets permeating the Realms and Abstracts of the Highest Plane of Hassanah in harmonic majesty as the Archangels fall in and come to attention just behind the Hosts of the Seraphim of the Holy Presence! Those trumpets are a communications system used by the Archangels and their troops to announce assembly, order battle formations, signal strategies, strike maneuvers, pass intelligence as to enemy movements, troops numbers, calculations, terrain changes – any and all manner and needs for communications on the battlefields. Yes, indeed! They are way more than just a fanfare to indicate their presence. There may or may not be an actual horn there, either. The Archangels themselves are able to create and project a trumpet sound anywhere they need it to be heard, and without an actual trumpet, similar to ventriloquism. It's like a spot just opens up in the atmosphere and out blares the sound of brass horns with whatever communication the Archangels are passing. Lol! It can be quite unnerving if someone unsuspecting is standing in the immediate blast range when that happens . . . The Archangel Assembly in the Array is dependent upon the subject of the General Assembly, as is every other case and formation, and since the Archangels are responsible for managing the Great Elements and the Eight Winds, for the purpose of this essay we'll take them in order of the Elements. The First Element is AKASHA! Akasha is simply the “ROOM TO EXIST.” Room to exist. Nothing can exist if it does not have the room to do so. Easy to comprehend. And it's simply a matter of command: “AKASHA! MAKE ROOM FOR THIS SPIRIT MANIFESTATION TO EXIST!” And it's done. Now, the demonic, black candle-burning bastards who invoke Akasha in their dastardly rituals and sacrifices are trying to take control of the Ancient Akasha of existing forces so they can manipulate those ancient forces to their evil will – when we get to tactics, I'll teach how to stop that with way more ease than they give it, and no sacrifices. AND we'll do it on their energy! So Akasha does not fall under the purview of any Archangel – it is there for them all. The Archangels all are master shapeshifters just like the Seraphim; they also have the ability to manifest an appearance on the Earth Plane at will. When they do, it is most likely that they would appear to have four wings as an indicator of their rank. Topside and in battle mode, those wings are an energy field. They are used for shielding and deflection, enhanced targeting, acceleration of weapons launch (arrows mostly, boomerang-type swords, fireballs, electrical surges, binding and loosening forces – the gamut of the Archangel arsenal). They also usually choose to appear human-looking so as not to frighten those to whom they are appearing. In battle mode, the wings are more like bat wings, but in an appearance they can change them to look like feathered bird wings, again, to minimize the fright. Their armor consists of a solid breastplate over a tunic worn knee-length. They have a lace-up looking sandal, knee-high, that is enhanced with a flat chain that goes from the bottom of the foot, up over the toes, over the heels in the back, and two rows all the way up the front of the shin. When they kick something with those sandals, those chain enhancements pack a wallop – that target knows explicitly that it has been kicked! Sometimes irreparably damaged or even dead! They also wear a headband that helps them with vision, distance calculations, triangulations for targeting, and troop-to-troop communication. Rank insignia and identifying Elemental affiliation appears on the headband and on the front of the breastplate just below the right shoulder. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF AIR! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel RAPHAEL, Ruler of the First Quarter of AIR, Master of the East Wind APELOTES, whose Servant is the Wind EUREA! Elemental Air is life and motion. It is represented by a solid blue circle. For anything to exist in Akasha, it must first have Air. When Moses parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape the Pharoah's pursuit, it was the East Wind that he called upon to pull that off. He also called upon the East Wind to bring in the flock of quail when the Israelites tired of eating nothing but the manna that was being beamed down from Yahweh's ship – the cigar-shaped pillar of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night – when Yahweh was still being reluctantly obedient and leading the Israelites around in the desert for forty years. In both examples, Moses used Apelotes and Eurea (the Servant Winds are Steering Winds for the Cardinal Winds) because he was bringing, enhancing or preserving – and ultimately depriving – LIFE. By its nature and definition, life is in Motion. Raphael's Host manages Elemental AIR throughout all Creation. They are cross-trained with all the other Elemental management and proficient at all of them, as are all the Archangel Hosts with one another's particular assignments, and they do work seamlessly together. But for purposes of summoning the Archangels, Raphael is always first and takes the station in the East. AIR. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF FIRE! cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel MICHAEL, Ruler of the Second Quarter of FIRE, Master of the South Wind NOTAE, whose Servant is the Wind LIPAE! Elemental Fire is expansion. It is represented by a red triangle. Any wonder that the Communist Chinese flag is a red field with a yellow hammer and sickle? What if I mentioned that yellow is the complementary color of purple, the color of Earth Plane manifestation energies? And the emblem for the United Methodists is a red triple flame? Expansion. Expansion = growth. Archangel Michael is the one that people call on most often. He, like all the rest of the Seven In Charge Archangels, (those I'll be naming and identifying) rarely if ever goes any lower in the Planes than the bottom frequencies of Hasannah. So if anyone thinks at all that Archangel Michael answers every call, expecially those associated with the name of Jesus, that Anon could best be served with a healthy dose of discernment to know who really showed up. The normal response to nitnilly summons from people who don't have correct means with the Authority or a clearly righteous, knowing intent is to simply ignore it. That would be the most favorable outcome – sometimes the Archangels are prone to teach a lesson. They will turn the energy of jackass right back on said jackass, and always with an “asshole tax.” Archangel Michael nor any of his troops are any exception. He will, however, sometimes answer a worthy summons or supplication, usually by sending one of equally worthy competence to attend as representative in his stead. It is exceedingly rare for him, himself, to make any such attendance. Demons, on the other hand, would jump at the chance to deceive someone as an impersonation. In a proper invocation of summons, Archangel Michael is always second and takes the station in the South. FIRE. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF WATER! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel GABRIEL, Ruler of the Third Quarter of WATER, Master of the West Wind ZEPHYROS, whose Servant is the Wind SKIRON! Elemental Water is direction and control. It is represented by a white crescent. (Islamic flag, anyone? Control?) Elemental Water is what is used to control and/or direct the expansion of Elemental Fire. Elemental Water, in other words, is used to give form to a living, moving, expanding spirit manifestation in preparation to manifest it with Elemental Earth. Beginning to detect a sequence revealing itself here? A logical order which is the how-to secret of “As Above, So Below” and vice-versa? Yes – the Grand Elements in some combination or another make up All of Creation. It was Archangel Gabriel's hand that put the “handwriting on the wall” at Belshazar's Babylonian Pagan Feast and gathering of government where upon seeing the hand scratching words into the plaster, Belshazar defecated in the royal pantaloons, then his knees smote one against the other . . . Those words were written in Angelic, the language of the Heavens, (MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.) and they are translated correctly in Daniel 5. So what's with Gabriel's Horn? All the Archangels have trumpets and drums – it's real-time battlefield communications because sometimes that's all anyone can hear. So why Gabriel's? Because it is Gabriel's assignment to sound the Assembly. The fame of Gabriel's Horn alludes to the Call to Assembly of the Heavenly Hosts for the final showdown at Armageddon, or Megiddo. But it is Archangel Michael who will sound the Charge!. Properly summoned, Archangel Gabriel is always third and takes his station in the West. WATER. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF EARTH! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel URIEL, Ruler of the Fourth Quarter of EARTH, and Master of the North Wind, BOREAS, whose Servant is the Wind KAIKIAS! Elemental Earth is the means to make manifest spirit energies into matter. And mass. Materialize on the Earth Plane. It is represented by a purple square. Uriel and the Archangels of EARTH are the detail managers. It is this exquisite management of the infinite details that ensures that the finest laid plans do indeed go according to plan, and Archangel Uriel is the past Grand Master, from strategic planning all the way through the flawless execution of said details. On the battlefields the Archangels of Earth are just as ferocious, diligent and successful at making sure that enemy plans are NOT manifested according to their plan. LOL! Demonic bastards are treated to the exact amount of mercy that they show others – NONE! In a proper invocation of summons, Archangel Uriel is always fourth and takes his station in the North. EARTH. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF BINDING! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel REMIEL, Ruler of All the Binding in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths! Binding energies are represented by a constantly changing digital cube, sort of like the qr code squares, but 3D cubic, in millions of millions of colors or more, and the digital patterns constantly changing. It is a mesmerizing distraction just to try and glance at the Binding Archangels' rank insignia. The endless colors and changing forms that make up that little cube are a mystery to behold. Binding forces are a vitally important part of managing the Elemental forces of All Creation. In a proper summons, Archangel Remiel, always fifth, takes his station on the perimeters. BINDING. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF LOOSENING! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel RAGUEL, Ruler of All the Loosening in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths! Loosening energies are represented by a streak of light stuff. “Stuff” meaning that it's hard to tell, hard to determine what exactly makes up that streak of light because it's more than just light energies. It's not quite matter, doesn't have a consistent mass, it can change form, colors, grow streamers, produce dots, separate, come back together – it's mystifying in its own right. Loosening is a skill that must be very carefully managed – it's volatile and dangerous because once something is loosened, it's hard, hard, hard to get it back under wraps. Most of the ETS don't use this one – rarely if ever. Good thing, too. Archangel Raguel, in a proper summons, is always sixth and takes his station on the perimeters. LOOSENING. (SOUNDING OF THE COLORS OF COMMUNICATION AND PROTECTION! – cadence and fanfare) NOW PRESENT: Archangel Zerachiel, First Guardian of All Holy Anointed Elect Witnesses in Their Generations (that also includes their disciples), Communicator Between the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Altar of The Most High Lord God of All Creation! The Protections of Archangel Zerachiel are represented by the same streak of light stuff as Archangel Raguel's Loosening – the difference between them is a matter of application. Imagine what could happen if the demons were able to take control of the Ark of the Covenant . . . It is still constantly under attack, because they never stop trying, and it is Archangel Zerachiel that fends off those attacks. He also reports directly to The Most High regarding all righteousness and unrighteousness before the Ark and the Anointeds and their Disciples. In a proper summons, Archangel Zerachiel is always seventh and takes his station in the outer perimeters. COMMUNICATION AND PROTECTION. And these are the Hosts of the myriads of Archangels! Creation is a big place, and their main function is managing the Great Elements so that Creation does indeed go according to Plan. IN FAITHFUL AND ETERNAL SERVICE TO THE MOST HIGH LORD OF HOSTS: ALL ARCHANGELS PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR, SIR!!! YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post: Specialty Units, Support, Adjuncts, and the Orders Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE - THE HEAVENLY HOST - THE ORDERS OF ANGELS More than 800 Million – That's how many different levels and assignments there are within the many Hosts of The Most High. So we won't be naming and listing them all, we'll just touch on some of those levels and assignments to get a general idea with room for expansion as cognizance grows. We've already covered the Seraphim and Seraphiam, the Highest Order, Personages of the Holy Presence, Six-Winged in description; Cherubim, one degree below Seraphim, the Messengers and Special Agents; the Archangels, Four-Winged in description, the technical specialists of Creation, Elements, Winds; and the Horsemen, the elite cavalry units. That takes us to Angels, the next subordinate Order, Officers and Entities of all Ranks of the Line. The following listed Orders are NOT under one another in rank, station or assignment – they are parallel Orders with different duties and assignments. There are Seraphim, Cherubim, and Archangels also assigned throughout these parallel Orders as well. POWERS – a parallel Order, the Energy and Force Controllers and Appliers. These are the absolute sticklers for precision, controlling the stability of frequencies, making sure that applications are carried out within the Laws of Creation, since many energies are the source for seemingly infinite numbers of applications. Electricity, for instance – can be used to power any number of devices or can be converted to magnetism, heat, and on and on. All the processes for controlling and applying energies and forces of Creation are managed by the Order of Powers. The Angel Standing in The Sun, our Sun, is of the Order of Powers. His title is “Sword of Fiery Death.” He is a Witness of this solar system, as far as the light from the Sun will reach, and he is very much in this war and on the side of The Most High, skilled enough to handle an entire Sun. POWERS. AUTHORITIES – a parallel Order, the Administrators, Intelligence and Record Keepers. One of the Units of the Host coming from the Order of Authorities are the Pathfinders. Pathfinders are similar to advance scouts. Oftentimes they are dropped off into hostile territory, unfamiliar terrain, with little more than a mission, a weapon and a pocket of wits. They might have been sent to prepare targets for takedown, map the site, mark out a path for a subsequent attack, sabotage or set up communications – could be anything – always dangerous and covert. Most of the provisions for the mission must be extracted out of what's available from the surroundings, and finding one's own way out is part of the assignment. All Pathfinder Units are attached to a Team of Intelligence Gatherers and Delineators. The Intelligence Gatherers, with the Pathfinders, collect intel from a site, its surroundings, any inhabitants, flora and fauna, mineral energies, atmospheric anomalies, dimensional shifts, strongholds, available logistics – everything about a location. They then pass that information to the Delineators, who are the interpreters, squared. The Delineators then analyze and organize that intel, project scenarios, predict outcomes – in other words, interpretation also includes statistics. When the Delineators have completed their assessment, it is passed on to the Revealers for a far more intricate analysis. The Revealers take it all through time, determining if and when that ground has ever been fought on before, for what, by whom, loss of life, old structures and formations long gone but whose energies remain, emotional traumas still attached – all those energies can be used by both sides in a battle. It is vital to know. The Pathfinders' armor is appropriately equipped with exquisite deflection capability – they become indistinguishable from the surroundings from any vantage point they might be seen. But not seen... But if you could see them, their armor would look like a solid breastplate, shoulder and arm flap coverings fitted over what appears as chain mail and is actually made up of micro-circuitry. Built-in camouflage. Full head helmet, no frills to stand out; just reliable comms and a flawlessly rehearsed team of operators who know each other's jobs and can seamlessly cover for one another. Pathfinders, Intelligence Gatherers, Delineators, and Revealers; Time Lords of the Akashic Records – all out of the Order of AUTHORITIES. AUTHORITIES. THRONES – a parallel Order, Communicators, Verifiers. As with all communications, they are worthless if they are not understood, damaging if borne of deceit, and therefore must always be clear, certain to reach the target recipient, and verified authentic from the sender. To keep this process of integrity with all manner of Heavenly communications is a massive, massive feat of accomplishment, especially in the realms of spirit communications with incarnate beings (nightmares on steroids). Never allowing those communications to be hijacked is also part of a messenger's duty. The entire messengers corps are trained in stealth and deception, so the verifiers must also be, and more. The verification of battlefield communications and messaging requires a grid of communications unto itself, deliberately not accessible to the messengers, with lines to all the other Orders wherein Thrones have been stationed to handle and maintain the networks. It is intricate, and generally infallible. Messengers, Communicators, and Verifiers. THRONES. DOMINIONS – a parallel Order, Logistics and Delivery. Dominions are a vast Order with many, many types of Divisions. The Hosts run on Logistics, and so does the rest of all Creation. We'll be confined here to some of those Divisions that supply the Hosts. First, the Super-Elite – the Transporters. The Transporters are one of the most Elite Divisions of The Most High's entire Host of Armies. Transporters are trained in every job of every other station in the Hosts. Anywhere on scene they are capable of filling in for a fallen troop. If a Horseman troop goes down and a Transporter is on scene, the Transporter gets on the Horse and finishes the battle. If an Archangel troop goes down, a Transporter takes up managing the Great Elements and the Winds. If the Seraphim are about to be overwhelmed, a Transporter can jump in and even the odds, even tip them to favor. They are able to accurately assess a situation and always manage to provide, sometimes seemingly out of nothing. There are only about three million of them throughout the entire Heavenly Host. Super-Elite. Their armor is a breastplate, shoulder and arm flaps, groin and leg protection over a tunic of chain mail. Their helmets resemble the Roman style, with the longitudinal brush plume. Topside that's indicative of a command rank. Those plumes are used to diffuse and deflect electricity. The Transporter's armor at rest is a solid, rusty-reddish color, burgundy shades. When it is activated, it turns a fiery orange, throws flames, sparks, volts, bolts – it's a showstopper! Another Logistics Division out of the Dominions is called “Bridges.” Bridges join Plane-to-Plane, Realm to Realms, moving the battle to more advantage, opening up access points, or passageways, closing them behind – it's similar to the Corps of Engineers, but they're building bridges and accesses between the Planes and Realms of Creation in the heat of battle and in real time at light speeds. Energies form instantly to thought in the Planes and Depths, and the Bridges have that down to the last photon. Realm jumping and Plane hopping with an entire battle-engaged army in tow is second nature to them. Creating Demon confusion and separating their warriors from their support is the idea, and there are no better than the Bridges for that task. Restoration Logistics are another noteworthy Division of the Dominions. After a battle in the Planes, that location, that terrain has become a devastated, shockingly destitute, hazmat no-go zone. There might be dangerous tears in space-time, deadly interdimensional rifts, Scalar anomalies that affect the rest of Creation, newly-formed black holes that should not/cannot be allowed to exist. Restoration Logistics moves in to repair and restore the fabrics of Creation, to originality for some places, others to a livable mutation. Restorations, Bridges, Transporters – Logistics and Delivery. DOMINIONS. PRINCIPALITIES – a parallel Order, the Highest Level of Spiritual Watchers, Guides. The best way to understand Principalities is to look at our own systems of government. We have the federal government, which divides into territories, which divide into states, which divide into districts, which divide into counties, which divide into municipalities, which divide into townships, which divide into neighborhoods, all with their own rules of governance specific to their division, which must also fit into every increment all the way back up the chain. Deciding if something is an Archangel issue or a Logistics problem, and which Logistics Unit has dominion over that problem is a job of the Principalities. Principalities keep the Orders of Angels trains on track, so to speak. Like good supervisors. Spiritual Watchers, Guides. PRINCIPALITIES. VIRTUES – a parallel Order, who maintain all the various processes of Creation. One of the nastiest, dirtiest jobs assigned to the Order of Virtues falls to the Healing Units among them. Those Healing Units go into the battle zone after the fight is over, and it is their job to clean up all the putrid stench and pollution left behind by all the demons. Especially Lucifer's. He leaves filth, filth, filth, everywhere he's been, particularly in the battles where he's losing. Usually the Healing Units take all that energy of Luke's filth and trace it back to what and why started that battle, and once they have the whole picture, (my favorite part) they stick it right back in Luke's ass, literally! Occasionally, if the circumstances merit such, they will put all that filth back into the minions and useful idiots who don't even realize that they are pawns perpetuating and enabling the demonic misdeeds and damnations. Like the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, for instance . . . Maintaining all the various processes of Creation. VIRTUES. DISCIPLINES – a parallel Order, Oversight and Coordination. The Order of Disciplines supplies the Adjutants for the Heavenly Hosts. Their oversight is to see that all things are coordinated, from the buttons and colors on the uniforms, to the Code of Conduct, to the temporary assignments, to the Plans and Strategies. They coordinate Field of Honor showdowns and events, see to the Feasts of the New Moon, Observances of the High Days, Sabbaths – the Disciplines help keep the Holy and Righteous Energies Holy and Righteous throughout Creation. They act strictly according to all Holy Law, by example, and inspire, encourage or insist that so do others in their presence. The Holy Order of The Daughters of Elisha are out of the Disciplines. They are women/females who have excelled within the Disciplines as well as many, many other stations, Beloved unto The Most High, and personally selected or approved by Elisha Herself (that's the Name of Mrs. God). The DOE are all revered throughout the Planes. Held up as examples, they are Teachers throughout the Institutions of Learning, they are Judges sought after for their wisdom and fairness. Merciful and nurturing, the DOE are the standard for all Motherhood and Female Responsibility, the Living Proof that it – Holy Law – works. But do they fight? Oh, yes, they do fight. With a clever, cunning and vicious approach – ruthless, if necessary. As Adjutants to the Heavenly Host, once they've judged someone or something an Enemy of The Most High, Hell can't help 'em and Heaven won't! A Daughter of Elisha's judgment is fair and final! With All Holy Truth and Righteousness on their side, Competent, Worthy and Qualified (standards for Earned Right and Earned Skills), the Daughters of Elisha are incarnating to facilitate the Re-Education and Restoration of Israel (the Tribes, not the little nation-state) unto Holy Law, as pleases The Most High. The Holy Order of the Daughters of Elisha, Oversight, Coordination. DISCIPLINES. And an Honorable Mention: ANGCK KJZSHANGCK! That is the Angelic phrase for ON STATION! Being On Station usually signifies it's a Temporary Assignment. It could be Brevet Ranked in as a Temp Sr., might be a tech specialist on loan, possibly could even be filling in for someone else on special assignment – any number of infinite reasons for the designation of On Station. Within that designation though, there is no way to know rank or station – could be anything from a General to a Sentry. Since there's no way to know, it pays to stay with the polite formalities. Yes, sir. No, sir. Waiting for the formal report, sir. (Lol! The “formal report”may not show up for another hundred thousand years – they've got all eternity, so what's the rush? “Formal Report” is codespeak for “it will be handled officially sooner or later, until then, it's unofficially official.") Now for the numbers folks. All the Hosts are filled according to the 516 numerical factor Command Structure. Say for example we have a Chief who is our numerical number one (1). In the Orders of Angels, that Chief would have 516 Second-in-Command, who each have 516 immediate subordinates, who in turn also have 516 immediate subordinates each, and continuing down the ranks by one degree of knowledge per level for 516 levels. 517 if you included the Chief. It doesn't take long for that math to go quantum. Scads. Myriads of myriads. Bazillions, even. That's a BIG Army! Of Armies! YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post – THE AKURIANS! And that will finish the series on THE HEAVENLY HOST. Then a two-part KNOW THE ENEMIES reveal, then WEAPONS, then TACTICS and SKILLS. 7 Comments 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 kathleenkmg 2 points·5 months ago Hello AnAkurian. I just finished reading your post. Thank you so much for welcoming questions. I have a ton:) Here goes: That little voice that warns you or suggests, is that a Guardian Angel? What is the Order of Principalities? Can we ask our Guardian Angels to stay with us during a stressful day? Their primary function is to guide during sleep. What are their other functions? What do they look like? Do they take human form? I have never liked remembering dreams, so I used to pray that I did not have them. Now, I never remember them – which I like. Do my Guardian Angels still take me into the Planes to recharge? Are Guardian Angels sometimes dispatched to try to keep us from harm? Doesn’t ‘taking peace’ have the affect of adding to the iniquity, rather than rectifying the imbalance? Is there something in between complacency and lack of peace, since the latter seems to play into Rothchilds/Satan’s desires? Is it strategic on the part of the Most High that peace was taken? Maybe it is that Immanuel and the other Horsemen cannot do what they need to do unless peace is taken, making it a condition precedent? What is Shiloh? Is there a place that will be safe when the earth is purified by fire? Where and to whom does one make an offering? Certainly not to the priesthood. Now that I know what I know, I cannot give any more money to the Harlot of Rome & Constantinople. Is Astrology part of hocus-pocus, candle burning and other trappings? Or is it closer to Astral Projection? “…And that is how much He Loves His Anointeds. And us who Love and Live His Ways, like His Anointeds.” Two beautiful sentences. I just wanted to repeat them:) It does sound like something that I would have volunteered to be in on, had I been worthy. I have a lot of work to do. Realizing that is why I am so grateful to you. Learning and skill sharpening are always positive. Your thoughts on a metaphysical fighting force, rewards, etc., could really (really!) give J.K Rowlings a run for her money. What a phenomenal world in print you could create – but where people learn without knowing they are learning, and they get to prepare, through keeping Holy Law, at the same time. I’m serious. Do we raise a Fourth Division? Do we have time? If so, Hell Yeah!:) Thank you again AnAkurian. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago Our time is conditional. The more we seek The Face of The Most High and walk in His Holy Ways, the more time we have to prepare! And thanks for the compliment! I'd beat JKRowlings all to Hell where she belongs. Hers is fiction, whole lies based on half-truths. I'm telling the whole Truth here, and it's better than any fiction! I have thought about it, and I think if there's a future Trump Media I'd submit it to them for a go, especially if Ivanka is running it. I'd put it up to the Star Wars series any day! So we might be on to something... Now for the rest of your questions, it's gonna take me some time, but I'll get back to you soon. And thank YOU, kathleen. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago Okay. I'm probably going to have to split up this answer again into several sections to appease the reddit fiefdom. Please bear with me, and we'll get it all down somewhere. That little voice that warns you or suggests. Lots of people hear lots of voices, so it's always a good idea to make sure who you're listening to, so good question! That little, inner voice that never steers you wrong, that's always right, especially in hindsight, the one that knows a thousand percent correctly, is the voice of your own Innate Consciousness. That is the part of you that The Most High spoke to when your soul was created. It is the one that is NEVER wrong. That's your own Innate. That's the voice to get intimately familiar with, so that no other voice can fool you into something you don't or shouldn't want to do. It is not our thoughts that can get us into trouble -- we are allowed, encouraged even, to think everything through. It is the DEEDS that we do (or don't do and should have) that stack up, for or against, in the Balance at Judgment. The Most High tells us: ""For all failure, look to the Innate!" What that means is not to look at ourselves for that failure, but to look for the right answer to not fail, within our own Innate. The correct answer is always there. There is no Failure before The Most High. He won't have it. So the answer for Success is always within our own Innate. And THAT is the Gift to every Soul. The Order of Principalities -- there's a paragraph on them in the post we're communicating on. If you'll look through it again, then tell me what specifically that you'd like to know in addition, we can take it up again in a different manner. Now about the guardian angels. You do not have to ask them to stay with you; they are already with you all the time. They are assigned to be there, and they are. Communicating with them and vice versa is risky, especially if they're not that good at it, have not done a tour with the Thrones, then there's a big, big risk of you being fooled by a demon impersonator who interfered with no regard for the rules. The rule is that if you invite the demon, knowingly or unknowingly, then the angel cannot interfere with that intrusion. You might not know what an invitation would look or sound like, so until you do, it's best not to try. The demons are desperate now, and are trying any little crack on anybody they can find to give them one, so I'd learn what is a crack that they can exploit before I gave them one accidentally. First thing to do, if you want to know your guardians, is just be quiet. Be still, and wonder about them. If you're familiar with brainwave levels, go to Alpha level and just wonder about them. Who are they? Which four? How could I tell them apart by sensing? Just see what your senses can tell you. Then wonder about yourself a bit. Ask open questions out loud in your mind. I wonder if they know why I don't want to remember my dreams. Since I don't want to and therefore don't remember where I go every night, I wonder where are they taking me? Am I learning anything all night? Or is it that what I learn and go out there every night for is so sensitive that it's dangerous for anyone to know that I know? What do I know? Then just be still, quiet, and LET THE ENERGIES TELL YOU. Easily said, not so easy to do. That question, what do I know? is a loaded question, and an invitation to be fooled! It is also one that must be thought through. This is where proof is required in EVERY CELESTIAL COMMUNICATION! NO EXCEPTIONS! If you become accustomed to a "voice" who says I am your guide, listen to me, I wouldn't steer you wrong, that's when you turn around at whoever it is and spin them through the ring of their own ass, bind them into their own worst scenario, and then go to lunch. Make any of them prove themselves. Make them give you a newspaper headline from any paper of your choosing advance 24 hours. If there's so much as a comma out of place in that next day's headline versus what you were told it would be, then you've got a demon or a deliberate boob, and they should be punished for trying you. Communications is a basic and yet advanced skill. I strongly suggest stay on path, read the AED, ask questions, KNOW YOURSELF FIRST. Discern, discern, discern everything. Everyone. It's a whole new world...As beautiful and marvelous as it is, there are even more pitfalls. Honestly, they are a wonder too, until you find yourself trapped or caught up in one. If you heed my words, I will help you avoid the traps and experience the mysteries like you imagine they would be! level 3 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago Last few notes about the guardian angels. They are spirit beings, and they will appear as human form, or as near, so as not to frighten people. They are sometimes able to keep us from harm, warn us in advance or such, but we're the ones who have to raise our skills to be able to understand them, see them, or know that they are trying to help. It just takes disciplined and correct practice, and the more knowledge in your foundation, the better your communications will be. Now, about taking peace from the Earth. Very smart thinking, it's logical. So what I answer may sound like "cognitive dissonance" or what common-sense folks might call opposing thoughts that seem to be missing the connection. Taking peace itself is not an act that would add to the iniquity. Peace is not an act, it is a Condition within which we act. So peace itself does not accumulate or contribute to an actor's iniquity. What it has done, by taking peace out of the Conditions, is to accelerate the onset of reconciling the Balance. The iniquity is already near full, and for some it is full. I suspect you've heard of an energy called the "Quickening." A Quickening is a cure for something. Sometimes the only cure is to kill it. So an acceleration of the sick energies could be that which is leading to a Quickening, and that cure has a few more diagnoses and trials before the specifics are prescribed. Understand? The intermediary term or condition that you're looking to define, that state in between peace and not peace, is COMFORT. There is no peace. There is only comfort. Truth is that Comfort. The Truth of The Most High and all His Creation. To me, that Comfort is way better than peace, because with that Comfort, the knowledge of the Truth of God, once and for all, and armed with that, including His Own Holy Name, then I'm ready for come what may. Now THAT'S Faith. Faith is knowing that we will prevail, and I'm doing my part to make sure of it. And that's Comfort. Feel it? It's like being tucked in God's pocket. Comfort. Now, consider the other side of that thought. How much do you think the demons and their punks are feeling that lack of peace. They don't have any comfort, because the Truth in their face has an entirely different look, now doesn't it. They have to stare into the abyss of their own iniquity and loss, and most of them know full well what their end is. There is no comfort for them, at all now, would there be. In fact, just the opposite. They are living in Torment. The best part? It is the most elaborate design of their own creation. They chose death, and they shall have it. Eternal. Their own deaths upon their own heads, and at their own hands. For those of us who have lived and cried out as their victims, that too, knowing that the Quickening is at the Apothecary's mortar and pestle, and our tormenters are indeed facing the dawning of their own worst Torments, is the Greatest Comfort of all. What is Shiloh? Finally somebody asked this one! Very good question! Shiloh is what is known as the Staging Area, the Gathering Place where all the Souls of all the Earth, all the Extraterrestrials, all the Wee Folk, all the Demons, all the Angels -- all Entities of All Creation will be gathered and separated by Tribe, Race, Species, Rank, Generation (Last will be First, and First will be Last), to await the First Judgment. It could be compared to the waiting time from entry into a Theater, finding your seat with your friends, the lights are on, everyone gathering together waiting for the curtain to rise. That waiting time, gathering and organizing, is Shiloh. It's the Arena for First Judgment, and it's where Losifer and his losers will be bound for a Season -- it says a thousand years; that's colloquial. It's a thousand generations, so there's no specific year amount attached to that time. Shiloh. We good there? for now, anyway? Will there be a safe place on the Earth? Yes. There already is a safe place. There is a Refuge that was sealed for good in 1992, just before everybody got a satellite up there. It is called Ak-1. Akuria-1. The Kingdom of God, the one which Immanuel will eventually Rule over by Birthright, is called The Kingdom of Akuria. The Kingdom of The Light of God Become to All Dark Places. "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, on Earth As It Is In Heaven." In addition to Ak-1, there will also be those who have gotten their Holy Seal in their foreheads, and they will be taught here among other places to learn to survive in the Nations. Those who can be taught here and the other places, those who can read, understand and live by the AED, Prove it to themselves, KNOW The Most High, will be the survival of the Holy Elect Remnant. It is at this time all still conditional. I cannot stress that enough. IF THIS, THEN THAT. Those who will survive will be the ones who willingly choose to Know... level 4 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago The last thing, I think, to address in your set of questions would be the question about making an offering. There is a specific instruction for that in the contents of the chapter on The Proof of The Anointing, How to Do It, or something of that nature. I think it's Chapter 41. And it's free online. Go there for those instructions, because that's between you, God and the Anointed. If you read it and it's still not clear, we'll take it off of reddit somewhere more private. K?level 5 kathleenkmg 1 point·5 months ago This discovery is beautiful and I have much reading to do. With deep appreciation... Thank You!! Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE - The Heavenly Host - THE AKURIANS! Scarlet red skies rising, encroaching ever closer as the distant thunder crescendos into a deafening, rhythmic, inescapable soul-pounding, breath-snatching hoofbeat cadence. It's the Akurians' arrival to the Field of Honor for the unveiling of a new weapon in their arsenal: The FIRE LOG! Entities have come from all over Creation to witness this Event, as is always the case when the Akurians put on a Display. A few select among the Incarnates have been pulled up on both sides, Angels and Demons, to know and to Witness; all the hierarchy on both sides are present, including The Most High; all students of War College, the Historians and Keepers of All Holy Scripts and Records; it's a very big deal. The Feast, the Pomp and Circumstance, the Viewers Boxes all duly decked out by rank insignia and appropriate battle ensigns, the hustle to get a good station for everyone else, the anticipation building so thick it needed cutting with a torch, and no one would be disappointed. First glimpse coming fast up over the hill at the end of the Field of Honor, it's El Aku on Pegasus, step for step in perfect sync with Sargassus, his Second. Sargie and his steed Goldie are both gold. They completely disappear in a battle zone, but on Display, they represent The Battle Zone, an appropriate Second for Embodied War . . . Just behind them also in perfect sync, the ranks of Horsemen pounding the hoofbeat cadence from their Cubic Formation – ka-ba-da-boom! Ka-ba-da-Boom! Led by the Flag Corps, The Battle Ensign of the Akurians, the gold crossed lightning bolts on a scarlet background, KA-BA-DA-BOOM! KA-BA-DA-BOOM!! – the ground, the stands, The Tabernacle of The Most High, even the very air, the entire Field of Honor reverberates to the hoofbeat cadence of The Akurians. KA-BA-DA-BOOM! KA-BA-DA-BOOM!! The entire Cubic Formation is visible now, including Slimy, the Fire Dragon who flies above The Akurians and is a fully engaged part of their Presents. Slimy is self-named, self-chosen in looks and identity, and he represents The Akurians' Mockery of Lucifer, the Snake. Even Slimy is slithering to the hoofbeat cadence, obviously enjoying the Ceremonies, and still totally focused on the Maneuvers. KA-BA-DA-BOOM! KA-BA-DA-BOOM!! KA-BA-DA-BOOM!!! And then, CRAAACCKKK! An ear-splitting snap as El Aku's Firelance and Sargassus' Sword blade hit the ground in front of them, giving way to a lightning bolt that struck out of nothing and immediately spanned the Field of Honor for the exact length of the Akurian Cube. That horizontal lightning bolt grew thicker and brighter with the cadence, Ka-Ba-Da-flash! KA-BA-DA-SURGE!! then it started sparking, smoking, still growing in circumference, then it blindingly flashed, ABLAZE! Still growing, rolling in perfect timing with the charging Akurians, that Firelog was obviously capable of burning down anything or anyone in its path. The heat even in the vicinity was stifling. Being in its throes would be unsurvivable. Oh, the crowd was thrilled to a roar of applause and exuberant cheers of exclaimed approval! The terror on Lucifer's face could have told it all as the demons began to get belligerent and unruly, as usual. In fact, Luke was so burnt, he took his troops and left the Arena right then, missing the best part . . . Meanwhile, over in Metatron's Viewing Box, the other three Horsemen (Immanuel, Horus and Hammerlin), Archangel Michael and the Incarnate Invitees (Yours Truly among them – whooott!) were comfortably stationed with the second best view in the Arena. When the Firelog lit, Immanuel nudged me with his elbow and motioned nonchalantly downfield a few furlongs. Then I saw it – a rickety, old, split-rail corral where Immanuel himself had gathered and penned a few hundred of his favorite blasphemers of the day, most of them still asleep, as in dreaming. Say, in an “astral projection” or better said, up in the spirit, with no clue how they got there, where they were, or what they had coming. When that Firelog started bearing down on that corral, about the same time those blasphemers came to consciousness and looked toward the heat, El Aku and Sargassus looked down and saw them there terrified at the sight of El Aku in total red, on Pegasus with two heads, charging straight at them behind a rolling wall of fire. It was a complete surprise to both the sheep and the Akurians! El Aku and Sargie let go of the Firelog so it would fizzle and both steeds hit the brakes hard enough to tumble horse and rider head over heels through that Firelog. When that happened the whole Cubic Formation up front hit the brakes, and those perfect ranks fell into smoldering heaps all over the place. It was total mayhem! The other three Horsemen were laughing so hard none of them could gain any composure. I thought we were going to have to get Archangel Michael some AIR, he was laughing so hard! Then Aku managed to hoist himself up, his armor scorched, churls still sizzling – the smoke that was coming off of El Aku, it was hard to tell if it was from burnt or mad . . . He shook himself off, started marching right at us, bellowing, MANNY!!! I MIGHT HAVE KNOWN!!! Stomp, stomp – uh, oh – Metatron's Escort moved in, whisked all the Incarnate Invitees out in a hurry; the Horsemen were being called in front of The Veil. NOW. So they show up, Aku scorched, the others incomplete, and The Most High asked, “”Well? What have you got to say for yourselves?”” Immanuel without hesitation replied, “The Devil made me do it.” (This was a few years after Flip Wilson canned that phrase for nearly a decade.) And with that, all Protocol was demolished. The Horsemen were dismissed without so much as a wagging finger. That night is still talked about in the Planes. True story. Happened June of 1982, Feast of the New Moon. Sadly, that was about the last time that any kind of practical joking took place in the topside realms. Since then, things have taken a dramatic turn for the serious. Time, which is different in the Planes, has started speeding up. Events have happened that have triggered other events that set the Prophecies in motion, and we've ended up where we are today – teetering on the precipice of all-out global extermination of Humankind, the threatened obliteration of Planet Earth, and honestly, at least a full one-fourth of Creation with it. Lucifer is of the mind that if he can't be equal Co-Ruler with The Most High (and he can't – as of yet, The Most High is still unequaled), then he'll just destroy it all. Nobody can have it. Sound familiar? This war, on every one of its many levels, mimics itself all the way up and down throughout the levels. As above, so below. Vice versa. So Lucifer wanted war, and The Most High Lord God of All Creation answered him: “”FINE. I GIVE YOU EMBODIED WAR! Mine Own Holy Son of FIRE, Mine Own Holy Avenger, Lord King of Kings, Supreme Lord of All High Lords, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He Upon Whom I have Named My Own Name and Put in Command of All My Many Hosts! He who was sent to establish My Beloved Akurians in Earth, and it is My Own Beloved Akurians who are sent to prepare the Way for the Return of Elijah. Yea, My True And Righteous Akurians are the Pathfinders of Elijah, and for yet another little season, they are under the direction of My Last Anointed Witness, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH!”” – SO SAITH THE MOST HIGH! El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, translated from Angelic means, “He Who Brings the Light of God to Dark Places.” Topside, the Akurians are the Elite Horsemen of War. As humans, we are the Incarnation of the Heavenly Host. The True Spiritual Tribe of Abraham. Some of us volunteered several thousand years ago and have been preparing all that time. All of us were at some point in a sincere search for Truth of The Most HIGH. And that's all it takes to get His Attention for the right reasons. Some of us even are newly acquired Souls. However we showed up, still, WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS. We are very few in number, and we know that many of us are still out there, unaware. We have the Testimony of The Most High Himself, and if that's not good enough, what would be? (There is a process called The Proof of The Anointing, whereby The Most High speaks directly to one's own Soul. It is the proof that everything that I've laid out in these pages is True, and that it is of The Most High God. His Own Testimony – doesn't get any more evident than that, because He knew these times would require that kind of proof.) We have the way to get a Holy Seal and the instructions for how to keep it. Who else can deliver that one? We the Akurians are mocked, ridiculed, called crazy, cult, demons, weird, sick, ignored – that's fine – it plays very well at Immediate Judgment. We're also installed as Witnesses of This Generation, and we're unshakable. We're scattered worldwide, some of us are ensconced. To look at us, we're a ragtag bunch of the absolute least likely to be warrior-types. But we're the level of this war that fights and holds back the demons directly and head on (they had a big headstart – we were bound until 2005 when Luke's time was up); we fight the E-Ts on the spirit level (realm jumping is no escape from the Akurians), using the same techniques they use only now ours have grown bigger and more powerful while they have grown weaker, sloppier and lazier, totally dependent on their technological advantage. Their arrogance will be their demise . . . El Aku was also charged with the Gathering and Preparation of the Holy Elect Remnant – the Refuge was successfully installed and the doors locked for good in 1992. We, the Akurians, are charged with preparing as large a remnant as will adhere to Holy Law and maintain a Holy Seal to survive in the nations in the event of Armageddon and the ensuing Holocaust. But we've not hit the point of no return yet, so that's still a possibility to push that one out, if Trump/Q is successful, to as much as a hundred years or more. Maybe by then we will have reached all the Worthy and the Qualified. We have to wait for people to ask – we are never arm grabbers – we put the information out there, and we're only required to tell someone something once. Then it's up to them. We're not here to convert the world, only to save a remnant. Okay, RECAP: The last Anointed of the Promised 175, The Heavenly Host on Earth, the Pathfinders of Elijah, True Spiritual Tribe of Abraham, Witnesses of the Generation, Proven Knowers of the Great Testimony of The Most High (Gnostics), Taking on the Demons, The ExtraTerrestrials - all species, the socialists and the false religions of belief, preparing the Holy Elect Remnant – Yeah, that about sums it up. The Akurians. So to illustrate how all the levels tie together, another true story, because who doesn't love a good story? Warning! This one is R-rated! Discretion advised for younger children. Remember the Ferguson Riots? Next to the last year of Obama's time, I think it was. Cop arrested a black guy, guy escaped copcar and ran, cop shot him in the back, if I recall correctly – Crisis opportunity? Soros thought so. Big riots, BLM, Fake News Media Circus – bastard spared no expense! The plan was to film the big, violent riots, nonstop, give enough time to mobilize nationwide then erupt in other cities, Obama declare Martial Law and we never come out from under it. No more elections, curfews, searches, shortages, more riots, looting – chaos and mayhem, the whole blivit (a blivit is 25 lbs of feces in a 5-lb sack). Well, the Akurians can't let that happen . . . We were watching it play out on TV, and El Aku said, Goddamn Soros. Look at that. They need a bloodbath! I knew exactly what he meant. What that word always means – carcasses, spatter, pools of, everybody has a picture of that word. Then he said, why don't you get ahold of someone and the two of you put a hammer in this mess – one of you take the media, the other one take the protesters. Okay, so I took that as dismissed. Later on I got ahold of another Akurian, explained the orders, and we agreed: I'd take the protesters, they'd take the media. So to keep it from spreading, I took all the energy of the protest and protesters and contained it with what we call a “bubble” which let no spiritual feeding in or out of my designed containment. Then I deprived the whole incident of any and all Elemental AIR, which is life and motion. Last, I grounded the contained energy to go nowhere, using Binding forces. That energy could fizzle out right there on that street corner. The other Akurian did the opposite with the Media – scattered them to the Winds. They were not going to be able to get the story straight no matter what they did! But wait a minute – the Ol' Man said they needed a bloodbath . . . so we took all the energy of all the menstrual blood from every menstrual female on the planet and bound it to both the protesters and all media, including all networks, equipment, and personnel, and that always includes all manipulators and financiers, and we bound it good! They were totally douched! Well, that was the one move that NOBODY counted on – there was the biggest battle in a while that broke out topside over that. Lucifer and the Demons went nuts when we did that because they didn't have enough time or strength to undo it. When they broke bad, the Horsemen and the rest of the Host were right there to oblige. That battle went looonnnggg throughout the rest of the night, and the demons had 60 million killed. That's a slaughter. The Host? None! No one got killed. It was a very good night. The other Akurian and I earned a commemorative streamer on the Akurian Battle Ensign. It's a blue one. Indeed, a very good night . . . Especially when we turned on the news to watch the disaster the next morning. Remember it? They (media and protesters) weren't gathered out there for ten minutes until the protesters started blaming the media for their current lot in life, and the media in all their self-righteous indignation turned against the protesters, calling them stupid, giving them bad press – the whole circus and the plan to expand all the way to Martial Law went right back down the sewer where it came from. Crisis averted. Coincidence? Or handprint.?... Meh, just another day in the life . . . YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post: Know the Enemies, Part 1, The Demons. Part 2, The Extraterrestrials. 13 Comments 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 OutRunsCheetahs 2 points·7 months ago I have read your posts. I have questions? What is your name? I see you are an Akurian. I know you said You are only required to tell people 1 time but please help me understand. My name is Serah. You being from the Most High Lord of All Creation should know what my name means at least I think you should. ? my father was given my name by Him. There is no doubt that I found this by accident. I know that. After reading though it all, trying to wrap my finite mind around it. I desire to have the Seal of the Most High. That is most important to me. Also. I laid in bed tonight and told myself to dream away. I expected to travel. I wanted to travel after reading through half of your posts. I had a repeating dream. When I woke I could tell you every detail. Now, 3 hours later I cant remember anything but it not feeling/being productive. Those type of dreams are coming to me more and more. I am restless. I awaken irritated. I feel like I havent rested at all on those nights. I feel like I am so tired. Like all my energy for the day has already been spent. Amazingly, I have only been asleep for an hour or two. Why is that? Is it because I am doing battle? Is it because I am expending large amounts of energy? I think it might be. I look forward to your reply. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·7 months ago What's in a name? In the Spirit Planes, names are unique identifiers. Everyone protects their name in these times of war, because if one's name is known, then that one can be found, singled out, and targeted with full effect from anywhere in Creation. So in the Planes, only those entities who are knowledgeable enough to protect themselves from anything and anyone who would intend harm give their names. Instead everyone goes by a self-chosen or an earned title or bestowed rank. It's for their own protection. One's Holy name, especially that one given a Soul when it is Created by The Most High, is one's own Holy Ground. We never tread in anyone's Holy or Sacred Ground because we then become responsible for every footprint there, if you know what I mean. Easier to avoid than to undo. So if you still need my name at this point, send me a private message with your email address, and we'll take it elsewhere. The entire solar system is monitoring the Akurians' comms, so anything we don't want the whole galaxy to know, we send telepathically. You ready for that? Would you know if it was me, or could you be fooled by one of Beelzebub's minions, who think they owe me one for getting Beelzebub put to sleep for a couple of months. They'd try you in a heartbeat to impersonate me and tell you something wrong or stupid. So we've got some work to do before I reveal my name. Your name, however. since you shared it, is quite interesting in meaning. In Angelic, Sarah, spelled with an 'a' means, She Who is With God; when it is spelled with an 'e' like yours means, She Who Will Be With God. (With God = follow the ways of The Most High) Your dreams -- lots of reasons for your type of difficulties with dreams and sleep. It could be doing battle, and that does take a physical toll, especially incarnate and not knowing how to recharge; it could be that you've been descending into the depths, or being pulled there -- those energies are sapping, not strengthening; it could also be the new wave of subliminals ordered upon us by the Royal Barge -- through all electronics, especially while we sleep, the Battle Wagon has hooked in to everything and is broadcasting subliminal messages to produce exactly the results you describe. The electronic billboards too. In the black spaces between the ads, flashing in the predominant language of the traffic, IDIOT! FIGHT, STUPID! SICK. and on and on. It's through your personal electronics too, designed not so much for when you are awake using them, but when you sleep. So try first turning off all devices for a few nights. It could also be the transmitted frequencies from the disguised-like-trees poles everywhere. You might want to try some magnets nearby the bed and see if that helps, attract the frequencies to the magnets instead of the iron in your blood. So you want a Holy Seal. And I want you to have one! It's very important, you're right about that. A Holy Seal is earned, it is not just given away to anyone who wants it. It is The Most High's mark, and He has given us the means to get one. That process is written out in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!" That's the Akurian Publication, and it's free to read online, or a hard copy can be purchased online at Amazon. Then to keep it, one must know and live by all Holy Law, which is in the Pentateuch. Having the Seal of God also makes you a Witness of the Generation. That must be taught you, how to be one. It takes anywhere from about a year to an entire lifetime to be good at it, because it also requires the bearer of a Seal to become a Judge in Israel. That too, must be taught you, because it's not the same as the pompous black-robed bastards' judgments here. Noooooo. It's most likely some of them that we're required to judge ... And we haven't yet even started to talk about the firepower that comes with a Seal. Which comes with big responsibility for that firepower that must also be taught. So I'd say start with the AED at -- and don't mind the language, it's intentional. It weeds out the whiners who are just looking to waste our time, picking to find something wrong, something that doesn't fit their idea what righteous is. All piety does not look like the Puritans -- those with preconceived notions of how the heavens are conducted will be shocked. Survive that shock, now we can start to teach something. If they can't take some foul language and some ugly truth, then they would not be ready for the shock and horrors of the holocaust, if or when it comes to that. Thank you for your questions, Serah. I hope you'll check out the AED. If I'm a little slow getting back to you, I'm trying to finish the next post about the demons. I guess to get it up and running, I'm gonna just have to put everything else on hold. (That would indicate to me that they are twisting buttonholes in their shirttails, trying to run me outa time for some reason. Therefore, I'm going to make myself get that post up there.) level 3 OutRunsCheetahs 2 points·7 months ago I am checking out the AED site now. I have a quick question. The fallen archangels. How many are with Luke? Lucifer that is. And what are their names. level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago A bunch of Archangels. None of the ones In Charge. What I'll be naming in the demon post are the Fallen Seraphim -- those are the biggies and there were 13 who fell in addition to Lucifer. Two of that 13 have been killed by Aku and are slabbed just inside the Gates of Hell for all to see. level 1 katbeach 2 points·7 months ago Are you talking about a good ole fashioned prayer warrior. We stand in the gaps. I have answered the call. Thank you. level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago Well, kat, actually I was talking about the metaphysics involved in ruining a setup for a demonic blood sacrifice. When the demons agree to an offering of blood to grant some more wealth or power, or whatever they're asking for with the sacrifice, in order for them to use the life energies in that blood, the whole scene and the sacrifice must be clean and to specs. The energy requirements dictate that. When the other Akurian and I took all the energies of all the menstrual females' blood and bound it to all participants (they were planning that there would be nationwide blood spilled, and it was to look organic), it soured and contaminated the scene and the participants, and therefore the energy was unusable. Menstrual blood is unclean, cast off. It is a feminine discharge, and as such energy-wise it totally messes up something planned otherwise. It was not the long, planned-out, symbol-laden ordeal -- it was an opportunity presented by circumstances. The demons require clean blood. Doesn't have to be pure, but it does have to be clean. The menses cycle is a female's purge of uncleanliness. (Anyone who is limiting their vision of this description by thinking it was only human females could expand their thinking. Pigs, dogs, rats, apes, cats -- lots of females. I did say all...) It trashed an otherwise very big plan riding a wave of outrage... So we all have a role, kat. I'm on the front lines in the spirit frays, and I certainly thank you for filling in the gaps. Never heard it put quite that way. I like it. level 3 katbeach 2 points·7 months ago I had a dream right after 9/11 and the Devine Creator asked if someone could stand in the gap , there were wolves circling New York, and I said I would and walked up to the hedge and saw that it was a circle of humans holding hands so I grabbed the hands on either side of me and have been praying over NY ever since. That’s where I got it from and the Bible. level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·7 months ago Interesting. Prophetic dream, like Joseph in Egypt. Did you know that all dreams are an out-of-body projection into the Planes of the Heavens, known in the Bible as "up in the spirit"? See what you think when you re-read II Corinthians 12:2-3. Notice "whether in the body or out of the body" and "caught up in the third Heaven." The Third Heaven is named HESTERAH, and it is the Higher Astral Plane. level 5 katbeach 2 points·7 months ago I have traveled out of the body to other places and I have seen the galaxies. I have had many dreams and I have written many of them down. level 6 AnAkurian 2 points·7 months ago Always glad to meet a fellow traveler! (The Great Awakening!) level 1 katbeach 1 point·7 months ago I really don’t understand some of the things you are saying but I am intrigued. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·7 months ago Intrigued is always a good place to start. Intrigued leads to good questions! Good questions lead to expanded thinking. Expanded thinking leads to higher intelligence, higher intelligence leads to greater consciousness, greater consciousness leads to right recognition, right recognition leads to understanding of the Truth, and understanding of the Truth leads us to The Most High Lord God of All Creation. And what a journey it is! level 1 ldracc 2 points·6 months ago Congrats on the commemorative streamer on the Akurian Batt Introduction to SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Know the Enemy -- THE DEMONS 'If you know yourself, and you know the enemy, then you will not fear the battle.' – Sun Tzu, The Art of War. And that's one of Mankind's biggest problems. We don't know the Demons and how they operate. Even the delusional fools who claim to worship them don't know enough to fill a thimble about these demons. Some of us don't even know we're in a spiritual war! That makes us easy targets. Besides, even if we can name all the prominent demons, how do we know them when we see them? What if we saw one, would we be ready to do battle? Do you really think that's the right time to fall on your knees and start a fervent prayer and then God vanquishes that demon for you? It probably wouldn't happen like that in a million years, but thinking through all possibilities, no matter how remote, is an important part of warfare. No, it's way more likely that we never run face-to-face directly into a Seraphim Demon, so we're going to learn to recognize them by their deeds. Their signatures, if you will. SO WE CAN AVOID THEM! These demonic entities are extremely dangerous, inconceivably vile, vicious, ruthless and desperate. They would have no consideration and no hesitation to kill, torture or use anyone that they could to gain a little more life force for another ten minutes. Fighting them and winning, for humans at the current time, looks like avoiding their traps, not falling for their temptations. Well, to do that we have to know what those are. Now, before I identify Lucifer and his generals, understand that they are militarily structured just like the Heavenly Hosts topside, with the 516 Rule, as laid out in the ORDERS OF ANGELS post – one commander has 516 Seconds, who each have 516 under them, all the way down for 516 levels of command. Quantum numbers. They have Dominions, Thrones, Principalities, Powers, and so on, just like the Angels do. They have earned the rank of Seraphim, Seraphiam, Cherubim, Archangel, and on down, same as topside. One difference, instead of any Horsemen of any worth, they tend to prefer to ride Griffins. LOL! So taking them from the top: SATAN! Is not a name at all, but an insult in Angelic meaning STUPID! or DUMBASS! So really, how fitting is it for not only the head demon but all his worshipers as well. Satanic Cult, the cult of all Stupid! Or how about, HAIL, STUPID! Or the best one yet: SATAN is also a Title – it means in that case, as a title, SHITHEAD! Who knew that SHITHEAD was an actual Title? It is, and here's the Bearer of the First Issuance of that Title (Senior), LUCIFER, whose name in Angelic means “Son of the Sun” also known by “Star of the Morning.” It is said about Lucifer that his beauty is so magnificent that any man that even looks upon him will immediately orgasm at the sight. (Pffft. I've never seen it happen to a Proven Knower or a True Seeker yet!) This is the Commander of the Demonic Hosts. Lucifer's signature is DECEPTION. If he had a job on Earth, he would be a magician. Illusionist. The best of Schemers. So good at it, in fact, that in his best deceptions, he can't even be detected! And that's the biggest clue that it's Lucifer who designed and executed a particular event – it's clear that it's demonic, but there's just no detecting of any demon! No specific signature to narrow down. That's Lucifer in a nutshell. That IS his signature. It's the hardest one to master the recognition of it. DECEPTION. ILLUSION. LUCIFER. An interesting side story: Lucifer does indeed reign Supreme in the Depths of Hell, including Perditon. He has sufficient skill and firepower to easily move in and out of those depths, use those energies to capture and hold Souls, he can bring those energies to the other Planes and influence persons and events with them. When Immanuel died and was taken by Lucifer, “Lord Luke” whisked him down into Perditon where he thought he could hide him, thought he'd be safe. Well, he THOUGHT WRONG! After about 72 hours of the required waiting, the other Three Horsemen, led by El Aku, charged the Gates of Hell (that Luke also thought were strong enough to stand against anything Heaven could bring) and wrought those Gates asunder! Just tore them all to Hell, in a phrase. El Aku himself did most of the “asunder,” and once those Gates were breached, the Horsemen stormed in, grabbed Immanuel, stomped everyone who tried to stop them, and then abandoned Lucifer with the shock revelation that his Sanctuary was NOT a safe haven. Alphabetically listing the other 13, for ease of reference, first up is: ABBADONA, also named in the Bible as Abadon, whose signature is THE COWARD. Also THE COMPROMISER. Abbadona is described as too weak to ultimately lead, and too cowardly not to follow. He can be recognized by cowardly acts, brought on when he instills fear, especially the fear of standing alone against what's wrong, or for what's right. Or a fear of knowing the Truth. Anytime there's a compromise of virtue, a go along with wrong to get along, or a tolerance or acceptance of vile or degeneracy, that's Abbadona. Just take a good look at Joe Biden. Abbadona is the Seraphim Demon who possesses Joe Biden at will. Some of his lessers hold the position, then when Biden has something important, like the SOTU Addresses when he was VP, Abbadona himself takes over. When Biden's eyes go black and overly blinky, that's Abbadona. Eric Holder is another one of Abbadona's favorite hangouts. All his pathetic, little backbiting, stomping around like a one-eyed rooster then scurrying away like a cockroach in the sudden light, that's ABBADONA. THE COWARD, THE COMPROMISER. Pathetic. ASMODEUS, or ASHMODEVA, was THE RAGING FIEND, whose signature is CRUELTY. Asmodeus himself was killed in November of 1976 in a Field of Honor battle against El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse. The full account of that battle is in the AED. What's left of him is currently slung on a big slab just inside the Gates of Hell, laid out all nice, still in his battle armor, and that's where he'll remain until Final Judgment. But his troops that were all under him are still active, and very much so. Just by looking around, it's obvious that they do a fine job of it, too. Everywhere that there's cruelty, that's them. Every time there's unbridled rage ruling any situation, that's them again. John Brennan has a legion of them. ASMODEUS. THE RAGING FIEND. CRUELTY. ASTEROTH, ASTEROTHAE, also known as IBLIS. Asteroth is Lucifer's General whose signature is THE DIABOLICAL. THE FIRST OF ALL HYPOCRITES. This one sure gets around lately. The entire Democrat Party, for instance. We've taken to calling it by its clinical name, “Projection,” but it's still just good old-fashioned Hypocrisy. Imposed by none other than Asteroth. Iblis. Here's the Diabolical: All religions of belief. None of them can deliver anything of what they believe – that's Asteroth all over it. Hypocrisy doesn't need much explanation – just a good definition and some prime examples. And they're everywhere... But the DIABOLICAL – Just take a look at John Kerry. That's Asteroth's latest squeeze. IBLIS, ASTEROTH. THE DIABOLICAL. THE FIRST OF ALL HYPOCRITES. BAALBERITH, whose signature is THE SCRIBE, the Foremost Forger of Scriptures. And Fake News. And rewriting History. Fake Dossiers. Vile song lyrics. Ridiculous Legislation furthering the socialist stranglehold. Designer of the 4AM Fake News talking points. And when he's not hanging out at the Washington Post and the New York Times and all their ilk, for the important gigs, he takes up residence in Chuck Schumer. BAALBERITH. THE SCRIBE. FOREMOST FORGER OF SCRIPTS. BEELZEBUB, whose signature is THE CHAOTIC; Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't. Beelzebub has many titles – he is First Lord of Masonry, First Lord of the Catholic, God of Templars, Emperor of Prisons, Lord of the Flies, The God of All Islam and the murderer of all innocents and children. The name “Allah” is a made up name, a sound-alike of ALIHA ASUR HIGH, made up by Mohammed. It is an empty vessel. Beelzebub has been happy to become a stand-in. He likes to take his possession of the Pope, whichever one, and have his minions possess all Moslems. How else could it have been so easy to create the pact between the two religions that sets up for the Abomination of Desolation? Those that cannot be so easily possessed are still heavily influenced. Anytime there's any situation of Damned if you do, Damned if you don't, that's BEELZEBUB. THE CHAOTIC. BEHEMOTH, whose signature is THE GORGE. Oh, you thought Behemoth was just a word that means big? Well, he's big, all right. YYYUGE! He likes to represent himself as a giant hippopotamus, but he can take any form at will. Behemoth is the husband of Leviathan; he's the FIRST SEXUAL DEVIANT and the First Defiler of Mankind and Lower Spirits. The GORGE. He sits at a table with a ton of food in front of him, eats half of it, then watches the other half rot because he's ordered another fresh ton. Grievous waste is Behemoth. Anytime there's greed, that's another signature of Behemoth. John McCain, although he worshipped Baphomet, was possessed by Behemoth. Sexual Deviance? How rampant is that these days? Bill Clinton is one of Behemoth's favorite haunts, but I hear that he's about to be evicted ...Again! BEHEMOTH. THE GORGE. FIRST SEXUAL DEVIANT. BELPHEGOR, whose signature is THE WIZARD. Belphegor is he who turns good works into evil. This is the perfecter of “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.” He does this by dampening one's ability to discern, then leads the duped down an intellectual path into unfamiliarity where even the proposterous sounds good, until its actual implementation explodes in abject disaster. All the Seraphim demons are arrogant, and Belphegor inflates it to a new level. He's also the master of “If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, then baffle 'em with bullshit!” Belphegor was the Communicator to Karl Marx. He weaves elaborate scenarios around grains of Truth, then confuses one's emotional, intellectual (logical), and innate judgments to render a mega-destruction. Mark Zuckerberg is a frequent host for Belphegor. BELPHEGOR. THE WIZARD. TURNS GOOD WORKS TO EVIL. FORCAS, whose signature is THE MATHEMATICIAN. Forcas practices Geometry for deceptions, and he is the First Teacher of All Masonry, which originally was the Catholic Masonic Knights of Mesopotamia. Statistics are also the Domain of Forcas. He is the inventor of all stock market and currency manipulations. He is the designer of all Fake Science, and the co-opter behind the abysmal Common Core Education. Another of his beauties is overburdening taxation. Forcas is also the father of Economic Bondage, otherwise known as Credit Enslavement. He's often found hanging out in Jean-Claude Juncker every chance he gets, among others, like all of Deutche Bank and the entire Federal Reserve Worldwide System. FORCAS. THE MATHEMATICIAN. HAKKARRAYMAN, whose signature was THE TWISTING ORATOR. Hakkarrayman is actually a Title in Angelic meaning, loosely, “The One With The Loving Voice,” for the Seraphim demon named Urakabarameel. (A mouthful that sounds more like vomit coming out, so we'll stick with the Title.) He acquired that Title long before the Great Fall, because there's NOTHING loving about what's left of his troops – remember, he had 516 Seconds, and so on down – and they are the masters of Persuasion. They are smoooooth, just like Hakkarrayman was. They invented Pathological Liars, and will lie when the truth would better serve them. Sound familiar, Hillary? How's it feel, being out there all alone? Since Hakkarrayman's troops have abandoned you for a larger audience, nobody's believing your lies. Not even you. All Democrats and a few of the remaining RINOs each have a token from Hakkarrayman, the First Entity to die in the Great Fall, slain by El Aku, on behalf of ALIHA ASUR HIGH, because Hakkarrayman was stupid enough to charge The Great Veil. HAKKARRAYMAN. THE TWISTING ORATOR. (LIAR!) LEVIATHAN, whose signature is THE GIANT SWALLOWER. The First of All Gluttons. Leviathan is the only female Seraphim, she is the Soul Mate of Behemoth, and she likes to present herself as a humongous crocodile. Leviathan possesses women most frequently, and she often uses a spectacular display of flowers to attract and hold women, and to cover her demonic stench. She can actually swallow an entire room at a time, and when that happens, then nothing becomes good enough. Everyone is entirely consumed with satisfying only him/herself, even everything is not enough, and when there's nothing more to consume, the room begins to consume itself. Just like Socialism. Leviathan knows Nancy Pelosi quite intimately. Leviathan and Behemoth are an exquisite, seamless team when they work together, which is all the time. And one more thing about Leviathan and her followers: They are the ones that make all the sacred appearances, such as seeing the Divine Mother Mary, an Angel of the Lord in a Christian or Catholic Church, a saint with a halo anywhere, seeing Isis over the Nile, all those visions of deceitful comfort. LEVIATHAN. THE GIANT SWALLOWER. FIRST OF ALL GLUTTONS. MAMMON, whose signature is THE PRINCE OF TEMPTERS. He That Is The Great Deluder Of Fools. Mammon has a particular talent that he can give someone a hallucination or implant a vision that's just enough off from reality to fool that someone into great error, or danger, even. Like driving in city traffic, both drivers see green – one of them is Mammon. The only chink in it is that he can't hold it for very long, so looking at something twice if it seems a little off is the way to defeat that tactic. The Great Deluder of Fools. Did you ever hear an abusive gambler convincing him/herself that luck was about to change? Or how about a no-talent beer joint baritone, with 50 years in the same beer joint, pushing 70 and a severe case of cirrhosis, still waiting to be discovered? Self-induced religious trances to be filled with The Holy Ghost on a Sunday Sabbath? That ain't The Holy Ghost. Guess who. Or killing infidels for the promise of white horses and 72 virgins? (What kind of Heaven would that be for those virgins? Really!) How about, You can trust the Government. Believe the Media. There's no such thing as aliens. He'll stop, he loves me, he didn't mean it, he was just so stressed. Again. This is a sneaky, treacherous, effective bastard of a Seraphim demon. Adam Schiff ought to know. MAMMON. THE PRINCE OF TEMPTERS. THE GREAT DELUDER OF FOOLS. SHEMHAZAI, whose signature is THE SECRET KEEPER, who proves that secrets cannot be kept, and who complicates everything. James Comey knows Shemhazai personally. Look at the complicated mess he made. Shemhazai. Leakers of classified documents, industrial espionage, betrayer of any confidence, especially a betrayal with consequences, the more catastrophic the better. Right, Jim? So many secrets … I'll tell you one – You've already got a reservation, you, Andy, and all your minions. Third firepot down on the left, right next to Hilly, Billy, Huma and her Weiner. SHEMHAZAI. THE SECRET KEEPER, PROVES SECRETS CANNOT BE KEPT, AND WHO COMPLICATES EVERYTHING. XAPHAN, whose signature is THE KEEPER OF HELL'S FIRES. Xaphan does his best to stay out of sight. He's more like the spy in the camp. He doesn't possess people very often – he'll influence the arsonists, sometimes set up conditions for a fire to explode at just the worst time and place, but he's mostly Lucifer's spy. He hangs around unseen, undetected, then reports to Luke and his other generals when there's a situation they can exploit, or the energies are right to set something or someone up for a disaster. He's very good at infinite details, discerning them and inserting them, running the energy threads for outcome projections, and he can do it in split seconds. Dangerous, dangerous, rotten bastard of a manipulator. XAPHAN. THE KEEPER OF HELL'S FIRES. AND LUCIFER'S FAVORITE TATTLETALE. BAPHOMET AND MOLOCH, both lieutenants under Beelzebub. Baphomet is the demon of entertainment, and Moloch is the demon of politics. They fit just right nicely in with Beelzebub's Damned if you do, damned if you don't signature. One thing about Moloch – He is the demon of all Firewalking. Children used to be forced to walk through fire to prove they were “approved” by Moloch. Any child that stumbled or fell was just left to burn where they fell – they didn't have Moloch's approval. So anytime there's firewalking going on, that's Moloch. BELIAL is another lesser demon of note. Belial's signature is that he turns everything worthless. Belial also works for Beelzebub. **************************************************** In summary, these Seraphim Demons are NEVER to be approached, summoned, called on, or even attempted against at a distance. Distance doesn't matter the same in spirit warfare, and if anybody even tries to tweak their noses, that anybody has just asked to be obliterated! Unless you have a Holy Seal, and even then, it's a very, very BAD IDEA to think you can fight them and come out anything but dead or irreparably damaged! THE BEST MOVE IS TO RECOGNIZE THEM AND AVOID THEIR TRAPS! PERIOD! These entities are out of the First Creation, and they have individual and collective intellects that most people cannot even conceive. And that includes the smartest among the ETs! YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! Next post: The extraterrestrials that The Most High has declared war upon, and those are who the Akurians target. The rest of them, as long as they stay out of it, keep their distance as witnesses, we won't concern ourselves with them. But let 'em make one wrong move ... 12 Comments 91% Upvoted SORT BY Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 ldracc 2 points·7 months ago I had to do some research. I though Seraphim were good/angelic. Most sites did report them as firey angelic beings associated with Isaiah's Vison of God. Web Dictionary: an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity. Are there then TWO Seraphims? Asmodeus would possess the man who threw the 5 year old off the 3rd floor balcony of Mall of America? Baalberitc involved in writing the Virginia State abortion bill removing restrictions? I see so many people today afraid to stand up for what is right. It seems most people are afraid to be the one to say something. I on the other hand refuse to stand idly by. I am not afraid to speak up to someone or for someone if needed. But does that mean those that won't are possessed by Abbadona? level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·7 months ago Seraphim is a rank -- there were 21 of them originally created (all at the same time) in the 1st Creation. I described the 7 of them that remained with The Most High after the Great Fall of Lucifer in one of the other posts, The Heavenly Host, The Seraphim, Seraphiam, and Cherubim. Fourteen of them fell, because they followed Lucifer, who rose in rank and skill above the others. Two of them have been killed by El Aku -- Asmodeus and Hakkarrayman -- they are both slabbed just right inside the Gates of Hell. That "Highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy" from traditional Christian angelology are the original Gods of the Pantheon, and they are all Anunnaki. They are not angels. That's more Christian delusion and deliberate deception put out there by the Babylonian Harlot at Rome. Asmodeus himself is one of the dead ones -- his troops however are active, but they have no Seraphim leader, they are led by the 516 Seconds-in-Command that were just under Asmodeus. I don't know if it was Asmodeus's troops possessing him or them -- it could have been someone under Beelzebub, the murderer of children and innocents. I'd have to check that for a definitive reply, and I probably won't go look -- the signature could be both or either, and do we know for sure if we have the whole story? The devil is in the details ... Yes to Baalberith on the VA legislation, and the rest of the abortion legislations going on. Beelzebub and his troops are perpetrators of the deed, Baalberith is there to make it "legal" to commit murder. Unwanted pregnancy is a demonic situation -- think about them working everything as a team. Behemoth causes the illicit sex, Beelzebub makes it damned if you do, damned if you don't -- commit murder by abortion, or bring an unwanted child into the world that you can't afford, won't raise, or take responsibility for, then comes abuse, neglect, usually unmitigated harm, then perpetuate the cycle. Picking which demon is working what angle is like taking apart the threads of a rope, but it can be done, and it doesn't take long to get good at recognizing their individual roles and how they work together in concert. Not every demonic situation is by possession. Most, in fact, are by influence. Telepathy is very easy to do -- our human brain is one of the best transmitters/receivers ever created. It's simple to send someone a thought, and our lack of training to discern the difference between our own thoughts and someone else's, which we pick up all the time, makes demonic influence easy. Our emotions can be manipulated by sending a pulse to the heart and/or solar plexus chakras with a directed thought attached for what emotion -- anger, indifference, fear, worthless, whatever -- and this is also not hard on a broad scale, like affecting the whole house, the whole building, the whole town, a whole nation -- it can be done that way to make sure anybody who would speak up has a sudden silencing fear. It can also be set up to happen on a trigger -- decide to speak out, that's the trigger to flood you with that fear. The way to overcome that one is to speak out anyway, in spite of the fear. One successful time of having your say through the fear anyway, and you've beaten that one. That help? Now, there is a line of stupid that should be warned against. If speaking out means the risk of mortal danger, then obviously, hold the tongue for the moment, find another way with like minds and build a strategy to get your side out there. And a shouting match with SHITHEADS is not productive either. But not standing your ground when your principles, morals, God Given rights and freedoms are being eroded by just so much "politically correct" BS is just cowardly. That's Abbadona. It's common sense. Choose your battles. And thank you for asking! Hope that clears up most of it. level 3 ldracc 2 points·7 months ago Yes, as we know I have recently seen the work of someone being influenced rather than possessed. I should have understood that right away. Thank you for the clarification. level 1 kathleenkmg 2 points·6 months ago Thank you so much for all of your knowledge and insight. I have so much to learn. As I understand it, The Most High is the same God who is in the Bible and who is the Father of Immanuel Yeshua; but that the Bible is lacking in true and full information due to time, scribes, and intentional misdirection. Am I correct? Yeshua taught that his Father is a forgiving God. Is he? Thank you again. level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·6 months ago Hi, kathleen -- thank you for your interest. ALIHA ASUR HIGH, The Most High Lord God of All Creation, is Immanuel's Father. That's a yes, definitely. But the Anunnaki named Yahweh named himself as Most High God when he was ordered to help Moses with the Israelites to inscribe Holy Law. When the Bible is relating the History back in Genesis, "God" could be talking about AAH, Yahweh, Enki -- Nanherzag was Anunnaki Ruler during the Age of Taurus -- that's why the golden calf, she was known as "The Sacred Cow" at the time. So knowing which "God" in the Bible is a matter of discernment, and it's not easy without knowing exactly what happened -- all of it -- in Mankind's History. That's on purpose, without a doubt. The Bible is lacking in true and full information due to intentional misdirection. The time and the scribes are not at fault. Scribes in the day were taught and practiced to be EXACT, memorizing what they had to write, taking a lifetime to do it. The NT Bible was convoluted, changed, contradicted within itself -- essentially rewritten to be obscure, twisted to demonics by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, by the Priest Flavius Josephus under the Emperor Constantine. It was told us that by public demand that Council was assembled to "translate" the Bible from its original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic into Latin, the language of the land. It took over 500 years, by which time Latin had become a dead language, and those original scripts were long disappeared into the vaults of the Vatican so they could maintain their Babylonian Paganisms, and twist those scriptures so that everybody was deceived into supporting their demonisms. That too was by design. There were 26 books completely deleted because they couldn't find a way to contort them enough to hide their truth. The Book of Enoch used to be copied as part of the Torah (Holy Law, we know it as the Pentateuch), but the Anunnaki, Levites and Jews that it called out for mongrelizing had it removed rather than change their ways to righteous. The more you know, the madder you'll get at those bastards, and that brings us to the "Forgiving God" question. Forgiveness is taught in Holy Law as a procedure. There are two parts, two conditions laid out in Holy Law that must happen to properly forgive and/or be forgiven. They are "repent" and "atone." Repent simply means "to turn away from" and atone is "to make up for." Proper atonement should make a wrong go away as though it never happened. One thing you can absolutely count on: The Most High never violates His Own Law. So if the formula for forgiveness is followed, then He is Forgiving. If it is not followed according to Holy Law, then He is not forgiving. Another thing to know: If the violation, or sin (sin means "broken" as in, against the Law) is not against The Most High, but against your neighbor, then it is not The Most High's to forgive! It is the neighbor's to forgive. And without the repentance and atonement fulfilled, the lip service of "I'm sorry" and "Oh, that's okay, I forgive you" is insufficient, and that iniquity doesn't go away. It is left there to fester. And be passed on. Or build up. Or both. The example in Holy Law to explain forgiveness is the one about if a man causes another man's loaded cart to be upturned in the road, his cargo lost, and his ox or ass (whatever beast of burden) is rendered useless, then in order to be forgiven, the man must replace the cart, the beast, and the cargo times 4. That would atone for all the loss that cart owner had to incur and his time to replace everything himself. Where The Most High would get involved in those affairs is not in the forgiveness -- that would be in Judgment at death, when all iniquity is weighed in the balance, and one is judged by whether or not s/he followed the law. Now, from the other foot, if someone has wronged another, and has met all the requirements of repentance and atonement, then the wronged MUST forgive the violator. It is then a different wrong to not forgive someone when those prescribed terms have been met. Doesn't mean you have to stay friends. It just means that there remains no debt either way, no iniquity out of balance. Does that help? Thanks for asking! level 3 kathleenkmg 2 points·6 months ago Hi AnAkurian - I am confused about ‘I Am Conscious’. Ever since I was little, I was taught that Jesus said at the Last Super, “Do this in remembrance of me.” I understand that the person I knew as Jesus, is really named Immanuel, whose Father I have always known is The Most High Lord God Of All Creation. In Intro to Spiritual Warfare-Deprogramming the Delusion, Part 2, one repeats, “IN REMEMBRANCE OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS”. Does that mean in remembrance of my own understanding through Immanuel? Also, is that a three-week fasting, with nothing but the sop and wine, or is that in addition to regular meals? Am really trying to understand and learn. Thank you. level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·6 months ago Hi, kathleen! Okay. Good question. First of all, what is a Consciousness? People talk about it all the time, call it "Awake" although "aware" would be a little more accurate. We all have a consciousness, and it is the wide awake (not sleeping) part of our Innate that connects to the brain, and that's why the brain is considered the Seat of the Consciousness. Our brain is where we process all that we take in, whether that be sensory (5 senses) or super-sensory (6th sense). Or in other words, physically or spiritually. The more we study and examine how much we are aware of something, or some type of energy (spirit), the more our Consciousness expands because we know more. For example: After you have spent the ten minutes or so with IN REMEMBRANCE OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS, thinking about tuning up your awareness all day of everything around you, noticing all your thoughts, examining your emotions and why or what triggered them, then your control over them, you are remembering to be conscious of yourself and everything and everyone around you, just by noticing and being aware of what you're noticing. Then when you get about your day, enjoy that first cup of coffee like it's the first time you ever tasted a cup of coffee. Notice the cup. Notice the coffee. Notice how you like it. Notice how it makes you feel. Then ponder why you like it. Then you might wonder where did coffee come from? I wonder if the Anunnaki like coffee...You will notice and wonder everything about that cup of coffee and then notice yourself with it, about it -- People will have levels of awareness based on their life experiences with coffee. Are you a scientist who wonders about the chemical composition of coffee? Are you a botanist who wonders about its growing conditions? Are you a roaster or a taster choosing market products? A consumer who just likes a good stiff cup to get going, taste whatever? And on and on. I AM CONSCIOUS, or Jesus Christ, is an Invocation. It is to invoke yourself to a higher, bigger, more awareness of everything around and about you, including spirit energies (Heaven and Earth). Then pretty soon, that cup of coffee is telling you everything about itself. The cup can tell you the clay bed it came out of, the kiln that fired it, the coffee can tell you where it came from, which side of the mountain (if it was a mountain) it grew on, how many times it rained on that crop, all the way back to the first time that field grew coffee. It's infinite, what energies can tell us if we are Conscious of them and take the time to listen, or look, or discern. Now, I'm going to suggest an exercise for you to try in the mirror to get you started to be able to discern spirit energies. This is one way to be able to see yourself, your own spirit in the mirror, and when you can see it, it's a lot easier to feel it and feel with it. Okay. Here's how to see your own spirit energies in the mirror, and it works the same way for everyone, every time, so you can also teach others this process. (This is 'the Kingdom of God is within' and 'the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand' with 'seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven.' -- The instructions for how to do that were left out, did you notice?) First, you'll need at least a waist-to-above-the-head-sized mirror, like the standard mirror over a vanity in the bathroom. (Bathroom's usually perfect -- you can shut the door and have privacy to boot!) You'll need a candle, any votive or pillar will do -- tea lights are too low -- because candle light is perfect to illuminate spirit energies. Then you'll need ten or fifteen minutes to yourself. With the room darkened, light the candle and adjust to the light level. Now look at your reflection in the mirror. It should be just light enough for you to make out the colors, dimly, of your clothes, skin, hair, etc. Take your time, there's no hurry. Study your reflection for a bit. Now, look at the very top of your scalp, right where your forehead meets your hairline. Keeping your eyes on that spot and for an inch or two above it in the mirror, make your eyes go out of focus a little. Not enough to be uncomfortable, but enough that the reflection is fuzzy. Keep staring at that spot, and soon you'll begin to see a faint, white halo surrounding your head. Take a deep breath in, watch it get brighter and bigger. Normal is about an inch thick, charged with breath is a little bigger, inch and a half to two. You can play with that part and see for you what is you. That white halo is your Etheric Body, and it's all around you. When you get good at it, you can hold out a hand, see it there. Foot? Also. Everywhere. Now, when you can see the Etheric Body easily, look a little closer right next to the physical head, especially around the forehead and temples, you'll be able to see a thin, thin, blue outline hugging the head, electric blue. That is your life force energies. Then if you allow your field of vision to expand to include in your peripheral intake about a foot up and out from your head, you might (still out of focus) see a color, or several. It's easiest around the head first, then you can learn to see the colors of the Aura all around. Yellow is common around the head, because it's a color of knowledge. Everybody can do this, and if not the first time, then not long after. Should work first time though at least a little for a few seconds. Then you know the way to make it happen again, better next time. More the time after that. Then you can start to see thought forms, then nobody can lie to you, because a lie has a certain look and color that once you've seen it, you will never forget it. This little, bitty exercise of seeing your own spirit in the mirror puts you now aware of your real self, the light being that you really are, the one that lives on and on, long after the body that it's in has returned to the chemical elements and compounds that make up the Earth. This is the eternal part of you, and it's what Immanuel was talking about. Now to answer your question. You're not as confused as it seems to you right now. Yes, you were told from childhood that "Do this in remembrance of me." And your parents were told, as were their parents, and so on and so on for all your generations since Nicea. 2000 years of doing it wrong still doesn't make it right. You discerned correctly that replacing the "me" with I AM CONSCIOUS lined up with how Immanuel taught us to take the Holy Sacrament, and you just cited the where it was mentioned in the Bible, the Last Supper, enough to get away with leaving out the rest of it, which is what I taught in that post. "Does that mean in remembrance of my own understanding through Immanuel?" No more than you remember your third grade English teacher every time you write something in cursive. Or as often as you remember your dad teaching you to fish (or something he taught you that you remember for your continuance...). Immanuel was the teacher, that is all in that case. He was the Anointed of his generation, and the Firstborn Son of God -- not the only Son by any means -- but the Firstborn. And by His Own Holy Law, that entitles Immanuel to the Birthright of the Firstborn. The birthright distributions are laid out in Holy Law, too. He NEVER guided people to worship him, EVER! He taught the I AM CONSCIOUS Doctrine of True Spirit, which is to find your own, not through anybody else, but straight to The Most High for your own self. None of the other Anointeds are worshipped. Why not? They had the same title and responsibility as Immanuel. How would it sound, Praise Moses! or Praise Abraham! Praise John the Baptist! Praise Attila the Hun! Praise King Cyrus! Praise Thomas Jefferson! Praise Bobby! kathleen, I know it's hard. It's hard, hard, hard to shake the generational programming of lifetime, especially when everybody you know is also entirely wrapped up and invested in the delusions. It's a constant struggle too, for a while, because that programming is sneaky. And no, it's not a fasting period unless you choose it to be. It's an invocation to remind you that you are a spirit with a body, not the other way around. And to get in touch with, to know that spirit, and in so doing, you are closer to knowing The Most High's Will for us, which is to KNOW Him, and KNOW the Kingdoms of Heaven. Then the Blessings come with Obedience because we choose it. So if you're famished after your pondering of your own I AM CONSCIOUS, and you could go for a full stack at the Pancake House, then go have some. Like it's the first time you've ever had maple syrup! Or wait till lunch, enjoy your soup and salad. With gusto! Regular meals allowed. Encouraged even, especially if there are health issues that require dietary sensibility. It's the learning to savor, to sense, to look deeper -- does that full stack have an Etheric Image to see? Yes, it does! Everything is an opportunity to practice. And learn. So thanks for asking! level 5 fish-on17 2 points·2 months ago I noticed you mentioned Bobby as annointed. Are you talking about JFK? Mark Taylor who has said God our heavenly father has talked to him and told him DJT is his annointed and anyone who touches his annointed will feel the his wrath. Month of October many of the Demons in Politics and influence peddlers are going after The Most High's Annointed. Is Donald J Trump annointed by The Most High to lead our Nation out of misery, destruction, addiction, etc and back to The Most High? I wonder about this. I will try the mirror spiritual experiment and get back to you. I had a friend who always mentioned God as The Most High (years ago). Now I know why and He told me in Montana there was a portal to the next plane. There are 7 on earth. He mentioned Ethiopia is the richest nation on Earth, because it has The Gold. They have kept it silent and the King does not talk about it. Makes one wonder about the Annunaki and their quest for Gold and the Souls of Mankind. Thanks level 6 AnAkurian 1 point·2 months ago Hi, fish -- I did mention Bobby, and I'm talking specifically about Bobby Farrell, or given name at birth, Robert Ferrell Cunningham. That is the name and identity of the last Anointed out of the 175 promised Anointeds by The Most High. He is the incarnation of the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse, the Horseman of War. Mark Taylor is a false prophet! Don't fall for it. Donald John Trump is not the Anointed! He is indeed a part of the Heavenly Host, but he is a Volunteer! He volunteered for this job several thousand years ago, as did many more of us. If you would like to prove this to yourself, then read "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!" and put yourself through the process called "The Proof of the Anointing" so that you yourself can prove each and every word to yourself -- You will hear the Voice of God within your own soul and obtain a Holy Seal in your forehead at the same time. Tell me, fish, does Mark Taylor have a means whereby he can tell anyone how to get a Holy Seal? Can he tell you The Name of The Most High God? The one that is never to be taken in vain? Mark Taylor still observes the Sunday Sabbath -- that is Lucifer's day. The True Sabbath is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. No other observance of any other time as a Sabbath is acceptable to The Most High. I could go on for another 20 pages of blowing holes in Mark Taylor's bullfeathers, but it's better if you want to know that you go to the source yourself. The AED is free to read online, and if you can stick with it and take the Proof for yourself, you'll see and then you can know all about false prophets like Mark Taylor. Ethiopia is not the richest nation on Earth. If they had all the gold, it would have been taken from them already. What they do have is the Ark of the Covenant, or what's left of it, on the little river island at Oxume. It is gold and jewel inlaid, and it is a scalar device that still kind of works. It was built as a comms device, among other things, so that the entire congregation of Israelites could hear the Voice of God Himself. Anunnaki have already robbed most of the gold on the planet. And did you know that there is more gold in seawater than most mines? We just don't bother to take it because it's a lot of trouble to process. The latest figures claim about 20 Million pounds of gold dissolved throughout all the oceans. Truth be known, it's a lot more than that. Portals to another Plane? We don't need portals to move plane to plane in the spirit, so they are probably talking about realms more than Planes, but technically changing realms could be also changing into a different Plane, and unless one knew in advance where that portal was actually going, I'd be careful. level 5 kathleenkmg 2 points·6 months ago I woke up to this Beautiful gift. Thank you AnAkurian. Have a beautiful day! level 1 QBalance 2 points·7 months ago Excellent post. Would anyone come across any of these in this plane other than when occupying an idiot? level 2 AnAkurian 4 points·7 months ago No. The likelihood of that is infinitessimal to never. Most of the reason they even occupy the named idiots and others I didn't name is because they are invested in the degeneracies of these people, and they don't trust them to be able to do the job without the demon guide. The biggies like these Seraphim have even more power in the higher Planes -- remember: The Plane Above Controls the One Below. They would rather have their minions take the possessions, then they can manipulate energies from higher up. But like all the demonic egos, they think they are the only ones who can do anything good enough. Lucifer himself would take Obama in his big moments, and he installed the Seconds of all the other Seraphim into Obama's Cabinet and his entire string of Czars just to make sure they did their jobs. That's why Zero had so many Czars, so Luke could accommodate enough demons in this Plane to gain the stronghold, and Hillary was supposed to complete it to stranglehold then deathgrip. And, just like Hillary, Obama has been abandoned because losers are never rewarded. He failed to cheat, lie, deceive, threaten, manipulate or bully Hillary's way in to finish the job. (You don't thnk Lucifer is going to take the blame for any of that failure, do you?) But honestly, who knows what they might start doing in the sting of all their recent losses. We might start seeing more of them if they decide it would serve them to appear. But then, that would also signal that the Heavenly Host would have to appear to kick their asses in front of everybody, now, wouldn't it? kek at the thought! (I love it when they are soundly beaten and embarrassed! This information getting out is a very good start.) INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- Know the Enemy: THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE Know the Enemy: THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS WELCOME, SPACE BROTHERS – NOT! And to all the Biblical Watchers – Tell us all, you Bastards, WHEN DID YOU GO FROM PASSIVELY WATCHING TO TREACHEROUSLY MANIPULATING THE AFFAIRS OF ALL HUMANKIND? Oh, I see. YOU'VE NEVER BEEN JUST PASSIVELY WATCHING? YOU'VE BEEN GUIDING AND MANIPULATING ALL MANKIND UNTO ITS OWN UTTER DESTRUCTION SINCE YOU SCREWED UP AND LET THEM GET SOULS? AND NOW YOU'RE IN IT NECK DEEP, TRAPPED IN YOUR OWN INIQUITOUS CESS! THE ANOINTED OF THIS GENERATION, EL AKU ALIHA ASUR HIGH HAS CALLED FOR YOUR EXTERMINATION IN EXACT MEASURE AS YOU DEAL WITH THE MESS YOU'VE MADE OF HUMANKIND, AND THE MOST HIGH HAS GRANTED THAT CONDITION! UNTO YOU AS YOU WOULD HAVE IT ! . . . *********** So the hard TRUTH is that we are an unwanted “mistake” created by the laziest of the privileged class of Anunnaki who, WITHOUT A PERMISSION TO CREATE DECREE FROM THE MOST HIGH, created humanity to be slaves to plunder and pillage the mineral wealth of this planet, especially gold, to try and fix a monster problem that the same lazy, morally bereft, ethically bankrupt ruling class of Nibiru caused on their own planet with their reckless Big-Deal-Us, so “here's what we're doing” going to fix it. And about now they are sorely wishing that they had chosen to abort... But since they didn't, instead of becoming righteous parents and teaching their new offspring the rules and wonders of The Most High's Creation, and walking in the ways of righteousness to be able to go to the stars and eventually become parents ourselves, they chose abuse, deception, rule by force, death to all who didn't obey like ignorant slaves, usurping the entitlements of The Most High, working triple backflips to get out of their responsibilities as parents and have their new creation destroy itself, thereby letting themselves off The Most High's hook. THEY FAILED. The Reckoning is upon them, and they know it! Now, we have already established that practically all species throughout Creation have some kind of Witness nearby, within the Milky Way Galaxy or in proximity thereto, because the Cosmic Events, of which we are the center attraction, that are upcoming will determine the destinies of all of us, and whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not -- and they do, let's make no mistake – their feet are in the Fire just as much or even more than ours. And I intend to never let them forget it! Their biggest flaw, their most exploitable weakness across the board, all the species with whom the Akurians are at War, is their unbridled, insurmountable arrogance. It will be the end of them. Of those with whom the Akurians are at War, the Nephilim/Anunnaki are the main enemy because it's their mess (we're their mess), and the galactic overlords are here because of Anu's failure. The others I'll be naming as Enemies of The Most High and therefore Enemies of the Akurians are here because pillage and plunder are the Anunnaki ways, and galactic trade does exist. Slaves are commodities. Life force energies, water, mineral wealth, foodstock, experimentals, whatever the price, the deals are on. And at the expense of Humanity for its entire existence. The Anointed of this Generation of Fire, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He Who Has The Name of The Most High Named Upon Him -- just to remind all E-Ts who already know that -- has long ago set the terms to even consider Anunnaki Repentance. Those terms are exact, and just so the entire GALACTIC OVERLORD COMMITTEE in the Royal Barge behind Jupiter and their enforcers in the Battle Wagon behind the Sun, including the fleets behind them, shall all also know, I SHALL HEREBY REITERATE THAT LIST OF TERMS: 1. Anunnaki, ship in full view parked over the domicile of the Anointed, all media invited to film, and the Officers of that ship in sackcloth and ash, face down in the driveway, nose in the dogshit, at the feet of El Aku himself. 2. Clean up all radiation on this Planet. One month's time and it could be done. Lift all contaminated and abandoned sites, take all radioactivity, energy and matter, clean the matter and throw the waste into the sun. Or wherever – recycle it for your own use, but get it out of here, including the WIPP Site, Hanford and all others like it, then you can clean and restore the Oceans, starting with the Pacific. 3. We know that the unsustainable population necessarily must be addressed. That issue is NOT AT YOUR DISCRETION! Any and all “thinning the herd” will be according to the terms set out by the Anointed, and he will be in perfect accordance with All Holy Law! Just as the likes of all of you Visitors, Spectators, Vultures, Predators, Perpetrators and Overlords had better be. 4. You Bastards can start anytime! Now, as for the Elominites. You are a worthless, damnable collection of liars, infinitely despised by The Most High, and you as a race are slated for complete extermination. Elominites are the Perennial Pranksters. The Galactic Pains-in-the-Asses. Everything is fuunn-neeee. These are the race of spirit entities that spend their entire existence causing grief and fear to the ignorant and unsuspecting. Just because they can, and to them it's entertainment. Projecting ghosts in graveyards to extol the virtues of the Babylonian Harlot, they can duplicate the Hells with impunity, can become visible themselves also by projection, are skilled in all manner of deception, and they claim to be Gods, which they are not! Elohim has become a Title. It's the plural form of EL, which is a Pronoun, meaning He, referring to The Most High or one who has achieved by earned right to carry that Pronoun in association with and to The Most High. The Elominites defile the name, so much so, that El Aku won't even issue them a warning . . . They don't waste his time like they get away with on their victims. And thusly, this exposure of their depravity and lack of standing with The Most High will be my only warning to them either, on behalf of all Akurians everywhere. Same goes for the KHRAKOANI, another race of Extraterrestrials appearing to be spirits. These Bastards are on the Enemy of The Most High list, too, primarily for cruelty and NEGLECT! The Khrakoani devour by absorption of energy directly out of matter. They can exist just fine on Sun energies, but they absorb life energies from defenseless people instead, and just for the Hell of it. They could also have cleaned up the radioactivity from this entire planet and processed it by their means of devouring, and they didn't. They will be held accountable for all the unnecessary deaths that they caused just for cruelty's sake, and that's in addition to all the deaths that have accumulated due both directly and indirectly to their Behemoth-induced NEGLECT and deliberate abuse for no reason! So that brings us to the Arcturians. The Arcturi are a very advanced, very dangerous race of beings that are capable of multidimensional existence. They are humanoid, often appearing with four or six arms. (Hindu Gods, anyone?) They themselves worship a God, but it is not The Most High. It is, however, a very advanced being who does protect and advise them, known to them as “the Source.” The Arcturians are responsible for the “Twin Flame” movement – that is them trying to call back all their entities who have hijacked an incarnation into this time and place. They have a bad habit of taking over a child's body, mind and soul and inserting themselves into that body. The child invariably grows up as a brat, then a hoodlum, then a hardened criminal, so I don't know what their game was with that one. The child never remembers a thing before about age 5 or 6, about the time the Arcturian personality begins to emerge. The arrogance and unruly behavior has made whatever their intent was into an abject failure, and now they are trying to get their people back before Earth blows. This hijacking an incarnation like they can and do is only one of the reasons the Akurians are at war with the Arcturians. We don't know what happens to the soul of the child they overtake, but we do know that the Arcturi don't care, and that's way out of bounds. They are also the Influence for the Club of Rome – 300 Jesuits and now the Pope. They can run in Realms and Manipulate them – flatten the realm, for instance, making them difficult to find or follow; the Arcturians can physically change Planes, which changes the perspective of the other Planes, including Time, because when dealing in the Light Realms, Time is different. The Horsemen will kill them if they even try to come in presence. The Arcturians, when The Most High created them, that is to say, brought them into being, they were created with the innate ability of Great Intelligence, and they jackassed it. So The Most High calls them a “”Mind Mistake.”” We call them a lot worse . . . Avoid them. They truly are dangerous, in a very bad way. Then we come upon those scaly, slitherin' belly-down, vile, revolting reptiles, of which Thubi Draconis is the most deceitful. They are shapeshifters, but they cannot hide the vertical reptilian pupil from the camera. Here's the thing about the filthy lizards. There are probably close to 8000 or so species of Reptilians, and their behavior and code of conduct is similar to the snakes, lizards and alligators/crocodiles that comprise the bulk of our own reptile spectrum. Their natural, most comfortable form is belly-down, with short, little legs maybe one or two sets toward the tail end, and a larger, stronger pair, maybe even hand-like to hold their weight, in front. Most of them do have a forked tongue, which they use to grab something or someone they are about to eat. They also have a breath mechanism that if they huff in someone's face, they can render that someone paralyzed. Makes for easier eating – don't have to chase the food. Here's another thing about the scourge that is the Reptilians, and this is where it begins to get entertaining. They would just as soon eat another reptile as they would anything else. Good! My vision looks like a giant, deformed snake swallowing a fat, screaming lizard while being devoured in the jaws of a rabid crocodile, who is then transitioned into a disposable set of cheap luggage, shipped to all parts remote on the first available transport. Good riddance. Galactic Garbage. So if the Anunnaki/Nephilim are the Galactic Landfill, and they are, then the Reptilians are the sewage in the Cosmic Cesspools. They are also slated for total annihilation and extermination, across the board, like the rest of the predators who refuse to repent, and whose iniquity is full beyond any ability to atone. Weighing the Intelligence of the Reptilians against their thoughts and deeds reflects a complete and utter mockery of The Most High's Holy Law since they achieved that Intelligence. Shouldn-oughta dunn-nat. . . Next up, the GREYS. ALL of them, separated by height is how they are differentiated. The two-foot, the three-foot, the four-foot, five-foot, six-foot and seven-foot GREYS. The Akurians are at war with all of them except the Eight-foot GREYS, which are an entirely different Species unto themselves. The Eight-foot Greys are a very intelligent, very strictly Holy Law-abiding species, with little or no tolerance for the misdeeds and lawlessness of the shorter lookalikes. The Eight-foot Greys are the exception because they have Souls, and live in righteousness before The Most High. All of the other GREYS do not. The lineup of all the shorter Greys is nothing more than a height variation in a group of Soulless Insectoids. That's right – genetically akin to and created out of insects. They too were created by the Anunnaki to be slaves, and as Insectoids, they can be highly intelligent, trained in complicated skills, and put to work handling all the mundane, managing and maintaining the tech and equipment, and they do it day in, day out, never questioning their existence. That is why they will remain soulless. But that doesn't make them any less vicious. They are unemotional, and can and will kill without hesitation anyone they perceive as an immediate threat to their existence. (Sound like insect mentality? Defend their existence automatically, with excessive force, but never question why they do what they do, where did they come from, is there a God? If there is, why does He hate me? – fair question from a slave.) They will also kill at the command of whatever Anunnaki is stuck as the taskmaster today. Or else... The Greys that are Anunnaki slaves don't breed – the Anunnaki just create more when they run low, and it takes about six weeks for a new batch, then another while to train them job specific. They are physically weak and extremely intelligent. No conscience, no consideration. They will be destroyed because they are Anunnaki tools and nothing more, and never will be more. Sad and disgusting, really, and a clear illustration of just what rotten, self-absorbed, reckless, depraved, abominable parentage from which we the Adama were sprung forth. If you're not infuriated by now, then you owe yourself a closer look without the stars in your eyes . . . And finally, to address all the rest of the Visitors and Galactic Meddlers, along with the rest of you Manipulating Godplayers: If I didn't call you out by species, the Akurians are not at war with you. Keep your nose clean, stay out of it, and if you pick a side, you know already that it had better be The Most High's side, if you expect to stay just a Witness. And you Pleiadians with all your Love & Lite, and we are here to save your world, follow us crap – you can start teaching Holy Law as the means to that L&L, and starting with the correct Name of The Most High, and a full public acknowledgment of this Generation of Fire's own Holy Anointed, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That Is Called By The Name of God. Start telling the Truth – all of it! Or make your way to the Enemies of The Most High List. I'm good with it either way. And to the Royal Barge and all its occupants, including the Battle Wagon and all its occupants. There are those among you who think an expedient extermination of humanity and this planet is the best answer. Yeah. So what's stopping you? The Consensus of your Fellows? Lack of it? You know and we know that it's the consequences that will befall you, your generations, your home planets, your ships, your OWN existence that are stopping you. You can make it easy on the whole quadrant and you know that too. Judgment is here for the Anunnaki and the others. Stop the covert attacks on this Anointed and the Akurians, because at some point, sooner as the last Anointed better than later as The Most High's Avenger, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO TALK TO DADDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNTO YOU AS YOU WOULD HAVE IT, Remember? And it will be immediate. *********************************** YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post: A few words from The Most High about the other enemy – SOCIALISM. Then the next section we start skills training with BOOT CAMP. 85% Upvoted Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 cowboy3023 2 points·5 months ago Do you suggest, endorse, align reading "The Anointed, The Elect and the Damned'? Did a simple search and found the book. The book is online today and do you know for how long? The book is a tremendous read. At the conclusion of your "Introduction to Spiritual Warfare" writing, are these salutations, names or both? Although older, I am very new here and seek to learn the truths behind the perpetual lies we have been fed such as mind control, how are victims chosen, why and how to wage opposition warfare? How has religion been able to fool the masses for so long? Is there a higher power that we align ourselves in a positive way or are we at the mercy of "let the chips fall where they may"? Is there a Galactic Federation surrounding earth who is going to "recycle" all the bad guys? This sounds preposterous at this very moment. Are other Sites meant to mislead that we are living in a machine called The Matrix and only those who access the Blue Orb can escape? Also, do "dark soul contracts" keep us tethered to a recycled existence? In a dream state, my deceased mother spoke to me pointing at my laptop. 'That is something I would have liked". I think she was referring to Facebook which I don't indulge. I answered her and she was surprised that I could see and speak with her. She said, "The others can't see me." At the time, I was researching the impending (conspiracy?) threat of Nibiru crashing into earth. She told me there is no Nibiru and then said she had to leave. Only after she left, did I realize that my mother was deceased and had been sitting next to me. Apologize for length, however, my question is this: are we guided, surrounded, followed by deceased family members, friends, angels, guides or is this trickery? Looking forward to more posts and also how to access and read your older posts? Thank you! level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·5 months ago Good morning, cowboy! This is a good list of questions -- I love good questions. I do very much suggest reading the AED. We'll do our best to keep the book online as long as there's a line to be on. And if we're ever cut out or cut off, we will find a way to distribute hard copies everywhere. At the conclusion of each submission of the ItSW, those words are words in Angelic, the language of the Heavens, to mark and seal that entire post as a Testimony of Truth Before The Most High. These writings will someday become as a Holy Work, just like the disciples of Immanuel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, et al), so for the disciples of El Aku, the last Anointed. In the "Offer of Comfort" post, at the end of it I wrote the meanings of those words and how they are pronounced, if you want to jump ahead to know that. What specifically do you wonder about mind control? How victims are chosen, I really don't know for sure. Common sense might suggest that they would cast a wide net, see who gets snared, then zero in. But since we're into generational programming by now, there's probably some plan for those unfortunate enough to be products of the previous generations' programming, and thus the degeneracy and widespread effects we see today. As of the Cavanaugh hearings, and the Harm that the Democrat members of the Judicial Committee perpetrated upon him and every little boy, even unto the unborn, by their precedent-setting smear-to-slaughter attack, siege upon adolescence which made it unsafe for all males everywhere to be men -- EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS PLANET IS A HARMED ONE. No exceptions. That was a mile marker for the Generation. That was the moment the bottom fell out on them, no turning back. Since that moment in time, our socialist factions are careening out of control on the downhill slope to total self-destruction. So victims of socialism (ultimate goals of all mind control) are fighting their way back, and this time, there is no innocence or naivete among them enough to fool them again. Why wage opposition warfare? Think about it. Do you want to be a slave? Sick all your life? The secret to how to do opposition warfare starts with Knowledge of The Most High. Now, I'm not really a movie fan -- they take too long, and sitting in front of a video, I don't care what it is, is boring. The older I get, the more I have no problem ignoring them. So I'm not cued in on the details and movie references too much. There's no formal Galactic Federation, like star trek espouses. There is a committee of elders and royals of different planets and civilizations that fancy themselves doing a service flying around on a luxury barge and doling out edicts for everyone's own good... It's not a Federation, and as far as I know each planet governs its own self -- there are some planetary clusters in the far reaches on the other side of creation that do share common laws for dealing with each other. I would think that as for the Matrix and living in it, something metaphorically like that could happen to those who are addicted to internet activity, but a physical Matrix that contains a made up world, it's not anything I've seen in the spirit. Sorry, I have no idea what the Blue Orb is supposed to mean. "Dark Soul Contracts." Is that the term they are using for controlled reincarnation? And by "recycled" are you referring to sequential or back to back reincarnations? I must not be up on all the demon lingo -- sorry! Interesting dream. I need to think about it a while. She told you there is no Nibiru. I think the answer to your entire question is, in a word, yes. All of the above. I'm pretty sure if you go back to the list of posts then just click on the post you want to see next, it will come right up. The first section is called "Deprogramming the Delusions", and there are three parts to that section. That's the first post, and there might be some answers there to a few of your questions about the religions. level 3 cowboy3023 3 points·4 months ago·edited 4 months ago Good evening - 1st would like to Honor He who brings the Light of God to dark places. Reading the AED also your comments. Your comments are expansive and darn right hilarious if only circumstances were not so dire. Reading "Deprogramming the Delusions" several times. Have a few questions if you don't mind at your leisure and discernment. -Rewards. Has anyone found any or all of the 100 Truth Golems? You stated two in each state excluding DC. Practiced the Truth Sun meditation, however, what I envisioned afterwards was much larger and not the size of a soccer ball? -Took a road trip to Elberton, GA.. Do the Georgia Guidetones hold any significance other than OWG? 1st engraved line states: "Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 In Perpetual Balance With Nature." I'm guessing the monument represents a marker much like the Great Pyramid? -Bubble, binding, wrapping, mirror all outside in which everything can go out but decide what comes in. What is the purpose of the binding? Is unbinding possible with a sincere contrition and recognition of innate? This may sound crazy I know but usually can "fly" for lack of a better word in my dreams. Can feel the pressure of the ceiling, walls, glass, roof, trusses, etc but usually push through. Could not do so last night and was stopped by what looked like pink installation fiber glass in the roof so I didn't get very far. Actually had a rancid odor. First time I had the ability of smell. Could this was a type of binding? -Along the lines of smell, is the Champa Flower (Golden Champa) Incense a healthy, positive incense to burn? Also Dragon's Blood in the Essence Oil? Thank you! Mrs. H. ;) Edit: removed link level 4 AnAkurian 2 points·4 months ago Hi, Mrs. H! I'll pass along the honors. Good, stay with that book. Some of it is just downright hard to take, but The Most High knows our situations. It'll change the world if the world will heed its words. The more people looking sincerely for Truth and finding it, the longer we have and the deeper the doodoo for Anu & company. Rewards. I have not gotten any report that anyone has yet found them all. I've gotten a couple of "indications" that some have found one -- I've opened the telepathy to receive their reactions when someone finds one, and I've had about 4 profound reactions come through. One woman to tears, she was so happy because this was her first spiritual experience outside of emotional overload in church. No idea what she saw/heard/felt -- that would be considered Holy Ground, and appropriate only if one wanted to share, so I'm not in on their 'what' -- but it made her very happy. Good, that's what they're there for. And very good for you, Mrs. H! You found another truth about the Planes! It's the opposite of Perspective on the Earth Plane. In the spirit Planes, the farther away an object, the larger it will appear. Knowing that now, you will soon be able to develop an accurate cognizance of distance. You can test this with the simple "Instant Clairvoyance" test in Chapter 1. You probably have available several whiteboards (screens) that you can line up in file formation, a few feet apart, last screen being the wall. Sit where you can see them all comfortably, then have your white paper with a solid red triangle on it, about three inches a side. Stare at it until you clearly see the halo in green, then put your vision on the closest whiteboard. How big is the triangle now? Still green? Watch it fade to other colors then away. It's not your eyes not seeing it anymore -- it's that that etheric image has dissolved on its own. That's another lesson down the road some -- making an etheric image that doesn't dissolve, but for now study the dissolution. Stare again at your 3-inch, then transfer the image to the next farther screen. Same study. Bigger still? Do the colors fade away the same? Same colors, same order, same timeframe? And farther still? 3-inch to how big does it appear on the wall, the farthest screen? Now, see if you can project it into the next room and see it on that wall. Come back to your wall and practice compressing it back to 3 inches on all screens. Sounds like a lot of time, but this whole experiment can be done in 30 minutes or less. And your vision will be improved by more than a month's worth of effort of the other disciplines. You'll begin to see the halos on a lot of things, and people. Getting used to having your eyes just that right amount of out-of-focus all the time is the hardest part. When it's automatic for you, then you can turn it on and off at will, but that's what it looks like to "live in Hatthor." Since you meditate, program it in theta, operate in alpha. (Assuming that you can do alpha in an awake state???) Ah, the Georgia Guidestones. That damn mess. Let's discern them together, shall we? It's been a long time since I glanced over the list of what all they say, but I do remember the population limitation to half a billion. That would be the ideal number for the Anunnaki to be able to maintain as a healthy, completely enslaved population and not have too much mess to have to constantly clean up, because that slave population has to be able to maintain itself but never be allowed to expand, in any direction. We know that it didn't come from The Most High. And El Aku is adamant that this planet will healthily sustain a population of 3-4 Billion, if that population will abide by Holy Law and move into cosmic awareness and participation. So all the mysterious circumstances, lack of explanations -- reek of cabal? Does to me. Have you run the numbers on the name, dates, distances to other similar "landmarks" or architecture? Contemplated the GPS coordinates, ley lines, sun/moon angles and whatever, ancient lore of the area? What do the native Americans say? Checked the geophysics against the astrophysics? Against the astrological castings? It ain't from God. He'll tell you that Himself with the envelopes process. So whodunnit? (Actually doesn't matter -- they won't ever know fruition.) But for discernment's sake, doesn't it smell like a collaborative effort? With what we do know -- now, let's try a little psychometry. Recalling what they look like, think in your mind to the effect, where did you come from? who made you? how? all the wondering you have about them, bring it to the forefront and put the questions directly into the stones. Now, go as neutral as you can, and reach out a spirit hand and touch them. Let the energy tell you. When you get to a surprise that your innate tells you is true that you didn't expect about them, you know you are on target. Remember those conditions for that one, because letting the energy tell you is infinitely harder to master than it sounds. Takes lots of practice, and we never get as good as we would like to be. There's always more to discern. Continued, in my long-winded fashion... level 4 AnAkurian 2 points·4 months ago Part 2, /u/cowboy3023 The purpose of binding is to have something stay put. If you did the binding yourself, then you can take it off anytime. If you have been bound by someone else of a greater ability, and you didn't deserve it or weren't warned first with a "don't do dat" for some violation of Holy Law or the Law of Immunity, then that is an unrighteous attempt against you, and you may extricate yourself in almost the way you proposed. Sincere contrition is another matter, and falls into the realms of repent and atone. The recognition of the innate is correct. But it's a little more than that. It's hard to describe, but I'll try. Find the innate first, and recognize that it is of The Most High -- it's YOUR Piece, YOUR Spark, if you will. It is Perfect. Understand and become that Perfection. (As best you can...practice makes it easier.) Now bring cognizance that nothing can separate you from The Most High -- say The Name. Slowly and deliberately as you commune. Expand your cognizance to whatever the attempt was against you, discern it, map it, put it through your examination process until you're satisfied that you've got the picture, then do a global crown. Or two. Or however many it takes to blow the whammy off of you, with the mind of "return to sender. And none too gently." Then follow it, and bind it back on its source in the Name of The Most High, inside out if you like. Let them be stuck with their own treachery. Global crown is the pinpoint of white light in the center of the solar plexus that is expanded very rapidly in a 360, pushing everything out from around you and off the edges of Creation. If you follow the burst of the crown, you'll feel it when it goes past the edges of creation because it immediately disappears. If it comes back to you, you know that you are bubbled or bound. The pink fiberglass stuff sounds like the remains of the virtue from the summit, and that would be from all the soretailed manipulators who lost that battle. And the fact that it's stuck to the outside of your protection tells me 1) your protection is good; 2) still got an innie-outie, and it's worse attached to your protection, because it would be harder to detect. Rancid will be perfect when you give it back to them. And bind it to them. No mercy -- they didn't show you any. You let me know if that doesn't clear it up. It should. Welcome to the War, Mrs. H! And the Champa flower incense -- it's a euphoric, like ylang ylang, wisteria, lilac. Euphorics help induce conditions for astral projection and spirit cognizance. I do like the essential oil a little better than the incense -- it just smells more like I stuck my nose in the newly opened flower. Dragon's blood essential oil has an aroma to evoke the ability to see deep secrets. Like walking in a forest and sensing the entire forest, by sight, by sound, by smell, as though time is contained for the moment while you figure it out. Smell some and see if that makes sense. It might be different for you or others, but that's what it does for me. Now, those Arcturian messages. I won't recommend anything I haven't read. Guess I'll take a look at the link to see what it says. From the title, I already doubt it...How about I get back to you on that one? Remember, Mrs. H, in the pursuit of Righteous Power and Holy Authority, the Righteous and Holy always comes before the Power and Authority. Stay in that book, and contemplate the value of having written your own copy of Holy Law. It is Holy Law to write your copy of Holy Law. It took me 2 months of doing nothing but writing, a little food and sleep in between, 486 pages in 5 spirals, and I wish I had time to do it again. I know that people these days don't have that kind of time to dedicate to writing something they can read in any KJV anytime they want to, but I promise, it is not the same. something to think about... 'Night, Mrs. H -- pleasant dreams. level 5 cowboy3023 3 points·4 months ago Thank you so much for these pearls. Did a copy and paste for these and other in-depth comments i.e. bread, oil, herbs, wine. There's much to process and know. Will purchase the book and read cover to cover, then again more thoroughly. Seems we, as the human race, really have given ourselves a lot of wiggle room and permission to do whatever without thought of consequences; as long as we say we're sorry, right? Seems we also put God in a neat little box, tied up with pretty bows to take out whenever we need Him. We'll get through this together. Good night and, again, thank you! Mrs. H. level 6 AnAkurian 2 points·4 months ago 0;) level 5 cowboy3023 2 points·4 months ago The Champa flower oil has an amazing scent that seems to permeate, cleanse the air and clear the mind. Very painful process at first tho if that makes any sense? Thought I was going to die doubled over with pain. So, I did some binding up one side and down the other left to right and right to left twirled around. Threw it back with no mercy. Exhausted, fell asleep. Possibly residue from long road trip? Whew! That was a close one! So enjoy reading your comments! Priceless. ^_^ Have a good night. Mrs.H level 3 cowboy3023 2 points·5 months ago Evening, wow appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Have much to learn and feel rather like the broken, old clock that is right twice a day. Ugh. man, I gotta read the book and clean up my act. The despicable treatment towards Justice Kavanaugh and the utterly embarrassing US Women's Soccer Team pretty much helps seal men's fates. Is there no end in sight? Mind control and multi-generational--yes, you are spot on. "Deprogramming the Delusions" is a start after my own 32+ yrs in uniform. Hey, I'm offended--NOT! kek Thanks again. P.S. Movies are too boring and complicated. I still like Gun Smoke and Andy Griffin re-runs. 1 more reply level 1 ldbobay 3 points·5 months ago I was on your website, TheAnnointedTheElectAndTheDamned and was unable to ask a question from the contact sections. What is your view of Jesus whom we call Emmanuel. Is Immanuel the same? We have been taught that God loves us, but maybe he really doesn't. Maybe he's annoyed with us. I can see your view on many things. I would like a place to ask questions on this journey I've started. Thanks so much level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·4 months ago Yes, Immanuel is the same as Emmanuel -- we are talking about the same entity -- the firstborn Son of God. Not the only Son, the Firstborn, which means he gets the Birthright. Immanuel is the first Horseman of the 4, and he is the Priest. He is nothing like the church's version of him, looking or acting. His manner of teaching, however, is accurate. We have been taught that God loves us NO MATTER WHAT. Like everything else with The Most High, His love is conditional. If we follow the Holy Statutes (Holy Law, given in the Pentateuch) and seek His face, live by Holy, Righteous Truth, then He Loves us very much -- in direct proportion to our Obedience. If we live outside the law, committing sin and violation and never repent or atone, then He returns that with Wrath against us. I'm sorry the contact button doesn't work -- we're hacked just about every day all day. I'd welcome it if you wanted to ask a question or get in a comment, you can send me a private message here on reddit. And I'll see if I can get that feature fixed -- no promises, but I can put in a request. level 3 ldbobay 2 points·4 months ago Thank you so much for your response and clarification on Immanuel. Is his name not also Jesus and can we communicate with him? Where should I go from here? I have started reading The Anointed Elect and Damned. Should I pray to God? Your help is greatly appreciated. level 4 AnAkurian 3 points·4 months ago You're welcome, ldbobay. No, Immanuel's name is not also Jesus. "Jesus" is a derivative from the Latin word for "I am" and "Christ" is from the Greek word "Kristos," meaning "Conscious." So Jesus Christ really means, I AM CONSCIOUS. It was never Immanuel's name, and Immanuel is not really his name at birth. It is a Title meaning "God Among Us" and it was named upon Immanuel by The Most High Himself, so it became the name he was called by. Immanuel's full name is Immanuel Yohoshua ben Yusef ben Nazarati. Immanuel Joshua of Joseph of Nazareth. Yesu Kristos was the DOCTRINE that he taught. The Doctrine of True Spirit and Truth of The Most High. Immanuel himself never heard that name in his entire life, except when it was shouted at him as a mockery by the Roman soldiers lining the road to taunt him as he was marched up the hill, carrying the instrument of his own death strapped to his beaten back -- the cross -- an emblem and instrument of death. "Yesu Kristos! Yesu Kristos, yeah, bastard, I got your Yesu Kristos right here! We'll see just how kristos you are by this time in a week" --blam! With another rock upside the head. SMACK! Another whack from somebody with a stick. Brutal. Imagine Antifa with spears, swords and arrows. It was ugly. And no, Immanuel will not answer any communications, no matter how good they are. His Authority, his time as the Anointed is over. As long as we have a living Anointed Elect Witness, none of the others of the past will communicate to usurp his Authority. That's breaking the Chain of Command, and it's not gonna happen. Everything goes through the living Anointed or his Disciples except matters of one's own Holy Ground, and as is and has always been true of the Doctrine of Truth, those matters go directly through to The Most High Himself. Just between you and God. So if anyone is trying to communicate with Immanuel and s/he gets an answer, it ain't Immanuel. The Authority of The Most High in this Generation is El Aku, the Second Horseman. And until his death, when he'll go take his rightful place at the very Head of all The Heavenly Hosts as Supreme Commander, ready for the showdown against all what's left of the dwindling, weakened forces of Lucifer, El Aku is our generation's Anointed. That's who I'd be wanting to talk to ... To "pray" means "to ask for." I don't do it, as do neither of any of the other Akurians. Our every living breath, every deed, every word is as a living prayer unto The Most High. Now that does not mean that we don't communicate with Him -- far from it! When one lives by the Statutes of Holy Law, that line of communication is pretty much always open, and it's two-way! We live as though we know that The Most High's Eye is upon us all the time, and It is, because we live that way. Now, praying to God, if you decide to do that, is certainly between you and Him. Some people take comfort that way, so I don't discourage it at all for anyone else. If you want your prayers to be heard and answered, however, it has to be on God's terms. For now, while you keep reading the AED to find out what those terms really are, will be, and always have been, just leave Jesus out of it. See if it makes a difference. Straight to the Almighty God, just you and Him. The hard part is the self-examination, the realization of "our own nakedness before God" and the hard look at our own shortcomings and deviated ways, how did we get so off-track? That's the hard part, ldbobay. Just remember it's true: WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. All of us. So nobody's hopeless. level 5 ldbobay 2 points·4 months ago Thank you for taking time to assist me along this path. level 6 AnAkurian 2 points·4 months ago 0:D level 1 Planktin 3 points·4 months ago AnAkurian- I need some clarity between the overlap of our enemies. In one thought process the Anunnaki made humans to be slaves to mine resources and they got a soul. They are now in trouble for messing up. In another thought process Lucifer and all the demons thought they could compete with the Most High and made a 2,520 year to enslave humans. If demons and Luke are corrupting our world, then they are messing with the Anunnaki problem. The Anunnaki would have no chance to atone for our race, when there are Seraphim level demons influencing the race. In addition, if we were a "slave mistake" why would Lucifer disobey the Most High on this race to prove his competition with the Most High? Lastly, this would also mean that Lucifer as the serpent influenced Adam/Eve to eat from the tree to defy Anunnuki? Let me know your thoughts. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·4 months ago You're not that confused -- this is mostly correct, we just need to reconcile a few details, and yes, that would be in the overlap. Like the Cabal, there are Anunnaki who welcome demonic help. Enki, btw, was the "snake" in the garden of Eden who tempted Eve. Not Luke. But Enki is demon possessed. Enlil is demon-influenced, but too arrogant to give up his ego for the whole possession game. So I think the picture will clear up as soon as you have the whos and whats and whens and overlaps sorted out. It does make sense when you've got all the facts. I've got lots of thoughts, and I wish I had time to lay it all out this moment. Your clarity, a lot of it, will come through as you go through the AED -- you'll like the battle stories, and they will tell you way more than what's visible on the page... level 1 4violeta 2 points·5 months ago So we humans were created/experimented by the Anunakis who went against the Holy Laws of the Most High. Why the bible clearly says GOD created us in his Own image? What happened there? Who changed that? I know the bible has been manipulated, but I thought only the new testament was distorted to deceive the masses. I know you mentioned before in one of your comments that the monkey was the result of an experiment that went wrong! Now I'm assuming so it was the first humans like the Neanderthals. There never was an evolution (another lie to defraud us). Who brought in all the other animal and plant species that we see now? Who/why destroyed the pre historic animals (dinosaurs) and plants? My guess is to make men easier to survive and thrive. As I read your article implies that we are currently at war with these entities. I wish you could have provided examples of who they are (names). Are the royal family of England part of these ET and Princess Diana was murdered because she saw the queen being transformed into a lizard? level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago part 4, the end. About the implication that we're at War with these entities -- Yes, we are. The Most High named them in the Audience with El Aku written up called THE WAR COMMANDERS CALL. It was given in 2014, and you can access it at the Akurians' website. We've been personally at war with Yahweh and the royals since 2010, when we caught them interfering with our skills development. Oh, and btw, do you remember the big 2012 end of the world hooplah? End of the Mayan Calendar? What that was really all about was that December 2012 was the time set for the Anunnaki to give account for their treatment of Humanity. Anu, his brats -- some of them, and his priesthood, Yahweh, his military Seconds and entourage, all got summoned before The Most High and read the Riot Act. They all got thrown out of the Audience after about two weeks, less than a month for sure -- and after being ejected from the Presence (which was secluded, so we don't know the details -- not even El Aku was invited to that one, and The Most High had the Time Lords darken the Akashic Records for six months prior and during -- they're still dark over that part, at least to us they are) the whole pack of them, including Anu, were shunned and shamed when they got tossed. (That's the Honor Guard turning their backs to them as they had to slink out of there totally rejected by Aliha Asur High, The Most High Lord of Spirits. (That's the Title that for some reason scares them the most.) Hmmpf! No wonder they won't Say His Hallowed Name. Taught mankind that Yahweh was God. Doesn't that make you a little put out with them? Named their names, like the reptiles? I think you can look them up on youtube, search reptilians. I've seen videos of Obama's bodyguards with the vertical slit eyes. Might be some with Hillary, the Rothchilds. Sure would explain their penchant for cannibalism, now, wouldn't it. Their taste for infant and fetal flesh, right Nancy? (Nancy gets an overnight copy of everything I write delivered to her desk the next morning -- just thought I'd send my regards to her kuru ravaged nasty a...) Nancy's not a reptile, she just hangs out and eats with them. There, is that naming names what you meant? Lol! They wouldn't have AOC... I'm sure the British royals are also aware of them, same as our government. ETs are an open secret -- who has what dealings with which of them is a sewer I don't go into if I don't have to, so only when they go too far, get a little too violent, interfere with the Akurian agenda do the Akurians go after them in earnest. When they're subdued for a while, we get off their backs as much as they get off ours. They still get a little season to repent and atone, so we still have to give them that. The Queen is not a reptile. Not a shapeshifter. She was probably a very unhappy hostage for her entire reign until now. Her throne is the Throne of David, She's a direct descendant of David, as is the Anointed, El Aku. His is through the Hapsburg Line. What Diana was killed for was she found out about all the pedophilia, the homosexuality, the trannies, satanic worship, the whole abomination of degenerate depravity that the Order of the Purple Garter brought and strangled the Queen with. I'm pretty sure that when Trump went to England and secured our sovereignty that he probably freed her too. At least I hope so. Is she innocent? No, by no means. But she's no reptile. Not so sure about the offspring... level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago part 2, continued: What the Bible also says in Genesis is LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE. Anunnaki claimed to be Gods, and Yahweh made himself into The Most High God. Now consider: If Anunnaki claimed to be Gods, and we are made from their modified DNA, then we questioned our existence enough to earn a soul, and a Soul is that spark of The Most High, then could not both be true? The Anunnaki have a manner of thought, a way of explaining or recording something for history, that we the Akurians call the "otherwise said." It is one of their ways to confuse things totally and still be able to claim that they told us. The Egyptian Book of The Dead is one such example of their work like that. And for everyone who doesn't understand The Egyptian Book of The Dead, try this one. If you take the story of the Ferguson riots in The Akurians! post, where I and AnotherAkurian took the protesters and the media, then gave them both a "spiritual bloodbath" of menstrual energies, ruined their whole planned sacrifice, that story might be as simply related as such: "She is Red. Otherwise said, Those who reside in the Underworld will surely weaken and die." See? Makes no sense, unless you know the whole story already, and you understand the metaphysical implications. The Anunnaki are not stupid, by any means. They have an average IQ of about 600, and the smart ones are at 800 or so, There might be some of the priesthood there that has maintained its righteousness in spite of the rot in the royals and the corrupt depravity of the priesthood who serves strictly them, who might have an IQ as high as 1200. Rare, but it could happen. So that's not the problem, lack of intelligence. The problem is their arrogance that goes along with their longevity. They have a plant that gives them regenerative nutrition. It's what helps them live to 4 million - 10 million earth years long. The one that was growing in the Garden of Eden, known as the Tree of Life. They also have another tree that they eat the fruit for brain power. This is the Tree of Knowledge. That's the one that Adam and Eve got into. u/4violeta Continued... level 3 4violeta 2 points·5 months ago Do we have any Anunnaki still living among us? I know their technology is extremely well (million years) advanced, but I am wondering if they provided man with the current technology being used. This all came out right after Roswell UFO incident. However, it is claimed they captured grey people and you said, they are only like drones or disposable objects. (there was nothing to get out of them, except their equipment perhaps that could have been reverse engineered). The "let us make man in our own image" tells me, they look like us. Why, the Most High would have mercy on Adam and gave him a soul? Why not destroy what they have created knowing it went against His Law? I will publish my questions if you wish. I will have more questions...later level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago Yes, Anunnaki are still living among us. They hold us in such contempt, think we stink, they're so above us, that they don't hang out much, except cloaked and up to no good. But the tunnels inside the Earth are loaded with them, and the Greys running the equipment so the Anunnaki can party. And yes, we do look like them. If you want to see what Nanherzag looks like, there's an Argentinian actress that's a jaw-dropping doppelganger -- her name is Monica Antonopolous. I've not seen what she looks like lately, but when she played Greta in the telenovella that won the Best Novella the year that it aired -- very good story, starting to expose the cabal in SA -- but in that novella, Monica A. is a dead ringer for Nanherzag. I forgot the name of it, but she'll have it on her list of credits -- if I recall, she even won the best actress or support or something for the role. Last time I saw Enki, he had a shaggy haircut, unkempt, wouldn't look straight at me. I wouldn't look at me either if I had his demons... And Anu. Anu the King of Nibiru. Anu pin-curls his beard. Hair and facial hair styling is how they display rank. Since Anu's the king, he gets pin curls in his hair and beard. That golden statue of Zeus, Greek, very famous, looks like pin curls in the full beard? That's a portrait of Anu. And a good one, really. Oh, yes, technology is a commodity, or a bone for a good little doggie. They're here and we know it, so I'm sure to play us against each other as nations, they would dole out the advantage tech, here, then there, then over there -- whoever has the best price, including deeds of destruction against fellow man, furthering Anunnaki agenda for the promise of a seat at the table when it's over. LMAO! They'll be the first to go when that time comes. I'd also rest assured that Anunnaki tech is not our only source for advancement. We probably have some that is better than theirs, some that's no match. I don't know for a fact, but common sense plays into that with what else I DO know. And the Greys -- they can communicate in many languages. They could give us tech -- what they don't do well is make a decision if the plan or the program goes awry. They have to be programmed, taught, and if it's not in the program, they are at a loss. The Most High didn't have mercy and give Adam a soul. Adam EARNED that soul by questioning his own existence. That's all it takes for a new species to get a soul. Adam's question was (to the effect): WHY DO I HAVE TO DO ALL THE WORK WHILE THEY JUST SIT AROUND AND PARTY ALL THE TIME? Questioned his existence. Wondered about his lot in life. Why me? Why here? Why now? At that point that he earned a soul, that put the burden back on Anunnaki to have to consider that life. Now they can't just exterminate like cattle and go on about creation like nothing happened. Yes to publish the questions. Maybe you're not the only one with that question, so if it's not personal, then out there's good -- saves me time not repeating myself. level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago Yes. We humans were created by the Anunnaki. Enki and Nanherzag, mainly. I think there were 20 or 22 women (and 20 men, including Yahweh, as donors) that were impregnated to carry, at least through early gestation, the genetically manipulated zygote, using their own 3-strand DNA modified to a 2-strand, and all the early 'ancestors' of our "evolution" were indeed failed attempts. Neanderthals, Cromagnon, Australopithicus -- all the Hominids -- gorillas, chimps, baboons -- all means all. Including the Lilith. The reason this was against The Most High is because anyone (race) that wants to and is able to create another race or species must be granted a Permission to Create Decree, because The Most High still has Dominion over all Souls, and if that newly created species questions its own existence (Who am I and Why am I here?), then it has earned the right to get that Soul. Anunnaki royal brats were so sure that we wouldn't get a soul that they didn't even ask for that Permission. And they sure didn't plan for a Parenthood, which is also required when their creation gets a Soul. One of the other many reasons for the Flood was that in the throes of their quest for creating the perfect slave -- and they were still experimenting during the time of Noah -- they were also using every other kind of living thing. Crocodile bodies with lion heads and eagle wings, for example. Fish with dog legs and a sparrow beak -- if you can think of an abomination, they made it. By the droves. And then they just turned all those creatures loose to fend for themselves, left to suffer, and they did -- they were in excruciating pain, mentally incapable of any kind of reconciliation as to how to survive. How does a fish with a bird beak eat? and with tiny dog legs, how does it catch something? And so on and so on. It was cruel beyond measure, and rampant. The Minotaur, the Centaurs -- Anunnaki creations, and the mythical glamour about them is just that. They were suffering, pitiful, painful, abominable blasphemies, and they knew it, which was all the more misery. Beginning to get a glimmer of the picture? Continued... level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·5 months ago part 3, continued: Who brought in the other plants and animals? Well, Nanherzag is a medical doctor. She is responsible for many of the medicinal plants that we have. I know the Anunnaki brought in sheep. We have absolutely no prehistoric ancestor for sheep. I was looking for the name of the species that first seeded this planet with the Primordial Soup over several hundred billion years ago, but I can't find it right now. An advanced species flew through here when we were a rock with some water on it, and they gave us the first beginnings of life. We had that name written down, confirmed in the Akashic Records, and that was about 13 or 14 years ago we found it -- Without having to go back and get it again, I'll keep trying to locate that record. But after the Primordial Soup got cooking, another species (same thing, I don't remember their name either) came through and started some of the fish and wildlife, trees, forestation, grasses, grains, food for that wildlife, and Lo! We have an ecosystem going. Who brought the dinosaurs and why were they destroyed? I honestly don't know any more than the supposed history -- asteroid hit, ice age from it, they froze to death. I do know that they have found dinosaur tracks and human footprints in the same mudhole-turned-to-stone, which tells us that the official account is bull. But I honestly don't know that one. Your guess sounds as reasonable as anything else I've heard. Continued... level 1 ldbobay 2 points·5 months ago I have gone back to your beginning posts and the comments have been disabled. where should one start from here? level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·5 months ago The comments are disabled because reddit deems that over 6 months old, there won't be any more relevant comments. I guess. If you have a comment about one of the older posts, a few people have been putting their questions and comments either on the newer pages, or sending me a private message. That's okay too. INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Know the Enemy -- SOCIALISTS of Every Stripe! So what are the stripes of Socialism? Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, and Progressivism, Progressivism being the latecomer, which is described by its practitioners as “social engineering.” All of these stripes have their basic premise in the single tenet of Marxism: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” And Oh, my, what a BEAUUUUTIFUL sentiment! Share and share alike, taking care of the less fortunate, everybody is equal in a Utopian world of harmony, blah, blah, blah. Until we ask one question: WHO GETS TO DECIDE? Who in the world is going to tell me what I need? Who knows better for me than I do? Who knows better for you than you do? Who is going to assess our abilities? Is that based on now, or what we should or could become, or based on what society needs, according to the decision makers? Since I don't understand math, and we already have enough artists, does that mean I'm relegated to sweeping floors and picking up trash? Who says so? What if my art is better than his, but his daddy is chosen to decide the fate and placement of all artists? Well, that's not fair! How is that fair? All sentiment aside, that's one of the realities of socialism. If you're not of the top echelon, then you have no say regarding your own existence. THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 4108 “”Permit none to dictate anything, lest the socialist deprive you of everything.”” Whose idea was socialism, anyway? Carl Marx? No. He was just the pathetic boob that was used to write it down. No, socialism in all its forms is the brainchild of Belphegor, the Wizard, a Seraphim demon, one of Lucifer's generals. And when one studies the philosophies of the forms of socialism, then looks at the realities of their institution, it becomes easy to see that every one of them, Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Fascism, Communism, all must necessarily degrade or degenerate into Totalitarian TYRANNY in order to maintain themselves, and the only way to enforce that tyranny is by murdering anyone who doesn't agree. Every single Tyrant who comes into power did so by murdering his way to the top. The only way to stay at the top of that pile is to murder anyone who would challenge that authority. At that point, everyone within that system has effectively been enslaved by the Demons who are really the ones in charge. Commit murder or be murdered or both = trap slammed shut = eternal spiritual death. THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 5068 “”I have given eyes that all should see all things. 5069 “”Therefore, with the eyes I have given, see all things. Look not, and you shall see not. See not, and you shall be deceived, for the Demons of Socialism are Masters of Deceit and Masters of Wholesale Murder.”” Who besides the demons wants socialism, anyway? Who benefits the most when a society turns to socialism, which invariably degenerates into communism? Who has been enslaving humankind since the creation of humankind? After all, humans were created to be slaves from the beginning, created by the Anunnaki to serve the Anunnaki who were/are too damn lazy to do their own plundering and pillaging. It was Adam who messed up and gained a soul when he questioned that existence as a slave. Uh-oh. Now in order to avoid the eternal consequences of violating other souls, the enslavers must create the circumstances that force those souls to violate themselves unto damnation. Deceit in all forms becomes the necessary method of enforcement of that enslavement. If the humans are stupid enough to fall for a willing self-forfeiture of their God-given rights, willingly condemning their own souls, then by all means they deserve to be exploited. Grand-sounding socialism and Doctrines of Death religions enforced at the point of a sword will work just nicely. Now those self-determined slaves are ripe for abuse – they become commodities to the other extraterrestrials – food, entertainment, hosts for the parasites, all manner of abomination. So to answer the first question, who wants socialism anyway, it's the predatory extraterrestrials, that's who! Anunnaki, Reptilians, Elominites, Krakoani, and any others who would make Anunnaki a bargain for a shot at us. THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 2789 “”I have created you to be a Spirit of Great Freedom before Me. That you be a Spirit of Great Freedom before Me, I have given unto you My Holy Law. 2790 “”That My Holy Law be your guide, and your wisdom, and the strength of your generations after you, I have given you exemption to slay as the demons of Socialism shall require of you to bring upon their heads. 2791 “”For the Demons of Socialism are exceedingly devious, and merciless unto the death upon all who will slay them not. For My Truth is not in them, thus they spare not to prohibit My Truth from all men.”” Okay, so who in the world is stupid enough to fall for such a self-condemning deceit? Lazy, mindless, shiftless, nonproducing, programmed-stupid fools, that's who. Like Bernie Sanders, the demon-infested hypocrite who thinks he'll be at the top of the pile where the laws don't apply. Then there's the go-along cowards crowd like Elizabeth Warren. Both of them are owned outright by the demons and the Reptilians. Cabal stooges who have been promised a seat at the table, as long as they are willing to eat a roasted-alive human fetus. Oh, yeah! Pull up a chair right next to the Dragon Lady herself, Kuru Killary! She's the breeder of the Reptilian symbiotes, and that's why she has so much pull! She breeds little baby dragon worms that crawl in through the left eye then lodge themselves along the spine of the new host. Then murder and pillage and steal and abuse to the Reptilians' appetite's content! Right, Nancy? Right, AOC? Right, Ilhan Omar? Right, Rashida Tlaib? Right, Xi Jinping? And all the rest of you vile filth! You know who you are, and I'm going to make sure everyone else knows too! Every goddamned one of you is going to burn just like yo' Mama, the failed swampthang, Illary Killary Croc! THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 3504 “”Hear and know the lies and deceptions of the Demons of Socialism; for they expound much of toleration, until they are empowered of the fools, whom they tolerate not! 3505 “”Hear the lies and deceptions of toleration at your own peril, for there is never any ending of that which exudes of their toleration. Were there no toleration of violation of My Holy Law there would be no need of any other toleration. 3506 “”Slay not the Demons of Socialism at your own peril, for whosoever is possessed of the Demons of Socialism is possessed of their own self, and their destruction is upon their own head.”” Snakes are deaf, does everybody know that? Yep, deaf as a post. They “hear” by feeling vibrations. We could preach all day and night about the evils and degeneracies of socialism to a pitful of vipers, but until we stomp it into the ground in no uncertain terms, the slitherin' belly-down Reptilian crevice dwellers will continue to drag it everywhere they go, contaminating everyone and everything with whom they come in contact. Just like the soulless Canaanite King Snake Barack Obama. By the way, a King Snake is one snake who will eat another snake. Cannibal snake. No wonder Lucifer himself used to hang out in Obama. No more, though, because he's no longer in enough power, and he failed the Dragon Bitch by not getting her elected to finish the job of the destruction of Ephraim and Manasseh, the birthright of Israel. Pariahs now, they might get a low-level demon if there's one not too busy. Same for his tranny handler “wife” Michael and “advisor” Valerie Jarrett. Half of Hollywood are snake reptilians too. Debra Messing for one. Bill Maher, George Clooney, Katy Perry, the cannibal degenerate, Miley, another one, Bette Midler, Madonna, DeNiro – I'd venture a guess that all the famous anti-Trumpers are some kind of Reptilian or another. I'd make 'em prove me wrong before I'd take back a single word here. Same with all Islam – The Most High calls them all ““Vipers of Perditon.”” Woe, woe, woe unto all the fools who listen to them! Worse to those stupid enough to look up to them, idolize them, follow them in the ways of the vile. THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 3912 “”Hear the socialist at your own peril, for they are the Voice of Death and all subjugation. 3913 “”Follow the socialist at your own peril, for they walk the Paths of Damnation unto themselves and all who will abide them. 3914 “”Slay not the socialist at your own peril, for howsoever long the socialist shall live, you and your charges after you are in danger of your very existence.”” THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 1404 “”The ears of the fool are open to every word from the Demons of Socialism and their Doctrines of Death, and closed to every word of Righteous Truth for righteousness is not comfortable to the ignorant, the vile or the corrupt.”” ****************************************************************** So there we have it. The socialists are Demons, Extraterrestrial Enslavers, Vile, Corrupt, Power-hungry, Ignorant, Programmed-stupid Fools. AND THE LORD IS AGAINST THEM. Therefore, SO AM I, AS ARE ALL OF THE AKURIANS! YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 RosePedal3 4 points·2 months ago·edited 2 months ago I noticed your postings on SerialBrain2, and had to find out if you had your own page. I’ve read ALL your posting several times over and I’m so captivated with your writings and feel fortunate to have found you! I feel I have so much to learn and I’m open and excited on my journey! If the Lord is against them, then so am I! level 2 AnAkurian 4 points·2 months ago Thank you, Rose, for such a nice comment! And welcome to the wild world of weird! There's never a dull moment when we start getting through the deceptions and into the Truth. I'm a fan of SerialBrain2 -- he's apparently got an ear to the ground somewhere in DC, from the depth and knowledge of his writings. I found his page from 8chan references and POTUS comments about the "Brain" on tweets and rallies. It's as close to the whole truth as I've ever seen about the political ties to the ET interference and subversive takeover of our world. I'm hoping that my writings are seen as a kind of a go-together to get the entire picture. That you found me here from there is an indication in that direction. TY! level 1 cowboy3023 3 points·2 months ago Akurian, thank you for this well presented, articulate and much needed Post! Politically speaking, the current overt and covert Socialist/Marxist movement within our government is far underway. Some of the most public liars are many in our own government especially The Squad and, sadly the Democratic 2020 Presidential hopefuls! Ironically, the group-of-four Squad Democratic women elected to public office could never hold any political position in their own countries nor have the freedom of speech to insult, ridicule, and abuse political leaders there as they do so freely here in the USA. Why they push their chaotic beliefs down our throats is a not-so-hidden agenda to overthrow our US Constitution and our freedoms. They should be voted out and/or impeached immediately. Freedom in our USA does not mean freedom to undermine, abuse and distort those very laws for which they were elected to uphold. Rather, our Democracy loathes the very tyranny they boldly tout. Mrs.H. 20 Sept. level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·2 months ago So true, Mrs. H. In the next section, I'm going to lay out the means to individual and group firepower so that the Holy Citizens can direct the energies in exactly that direction. Always Remember: The Plane above controls the one below -- we shall send them all the way to the bottom! I'm also glad you brought this up -- "our Democracy" -- we have a Republic, or what's left of it. Did you know, Mrs. H, that in a "democracy" that every citizen has to vote on every single bill, or proposition for a new law? How onerous is that on a citizen? Can you imagine getting anything else done at all, if your citizen vote was required on every issue? If I had to go vote every single day on a long list of to-do-or-not-to-do's, then I'd get nothing else done and neither would anybody else! And if that was the case, my next question would be: WHAT THE HELL DO WE HAVE A HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR? Those nitwits are elected to represent me and my neighbors so we don't have to show up at a ballot box on a daily basis to pass or reject referendums and laws, some of which are not my neighborhood's concerns! A democracy, therefore, is a degeneration from a Constitutional Republic. And our "representatives" who hawk the idea that we are a democracy, are just another wave of degenerate liars. Don't be fooled! level 1 fish-on17 2 points·1 month ago Anything about Barry Soetoro arriving for judgement. Word on Street is he was executed by firing squad on Sept 29th. No one has seen him since. No pictures, videos etc, just his twitter account posting. He posted a 2016 pic for his anniversary. Thanks level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·1 month ago No. He's very much alive right now as of this writing. He's one that if he comes up, we'll know. But Elijah Cummings, now, that's going to be a very interesting judgment -- he's in prep for it now, and it looks to be a good story to write up afterwards. Preview -- he called for Baphomet himself to show up and help him, and Baphomet sent the lowest ranking shithead among them that he could find. . . Poor ol' Elijah is beginning to realize that he ain't such a BMOC topside. . . level 1 fish-on17 2 points·2 months ago Can you punctuate your pronouncements at the end of your posts, so we can say them accurately. I'm Saluminah is Sa-lu-min-ah. Thanks level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·2 months ago Yes. In the post called "Jumping the Gun -- An Offer of Comfort . . ." I wrote them out phonetically because that post is an example of how an invocation is properly invoked. "Salumniah" is a word in Angelic meaning, "It is finished." It is pronounced (almost sung) like a cantor would say it, all on the same tone, as: Sa - LUUUMMM - Nee - AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! level 1 cowboy3023 2 points·2 months ago AA, reading the The AED--The Anointed, The Elect and the Damned (free online); this jumped out at me and rings true! Timely Post! Mrs. H. 20 Sept. 8465 Socialists strip Parents of the ability to DISCIPLINE their children, and when the children get caught in any stupidity, committing any crime, injure themselves or others as result of their LIMITED intellectual capacity due to LACK OF DISCIPLINE, those same socialists scream from the housetops of the PARENTS’ FAILURE to discipline the children and HOLD THE PARENTS RESPONSIBLE! 8466 The stupidities and encroaching damnations of socialism in all its demonic forms are never ending. 8294 It is obviously True, The Most High does rule with an iron hand. ALIHA ASUR HIGH Salumniah! level 1 fish-on17 2 points·1 month ago Akurian. To post am image, all you do is click on pencil in the posting area, click on Image. Go to your library click on the photo and then post it in the community (yours) you want. Pretty simple. Let me know if you need anything else. level 2 AnAkurian 1 point·27 days ago How do I get a sketch out of my sketchbook to a library that I don't have? How do I get a library? Is it only online stuff already, like photos? I don't own a cell phone of any kind, and I type these posts on a laptop. That's what I've got to work with. I don't think there are any photos of the Planes of Heaven or portraits of the Horsemen that are accurate. I would somehow like to put sketches in here and there, drawings that I would make to illustrate some of the things for which there are no adequate words, like the staging of The Great Veil, Immanuel's Crown, Pegasus (El Aku's Steed), etc. I'm just technically handicapped, a total computer dolt. It never mattered before, but maybe some folks would benefit from a visual, you know? level 3 kathleenkmg 2 points·26 days ago Not to worry dear AnAkurian. Although pictures are helpful, your words create pictures, as do your descriptions (as in Nanherzag, and the South American actress who looks just like her). Q just attached a vid with music. The vid has a picture of an angel, with wings, and a sword on I had tears when I saw it and listened to the music. Is the picture accurate? level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·26 days ago I looked on, where I always check for drops and POTUS tweets, and it's not showing up on my screen. I'd love to see it, and what music did it go with? I tell you, kathleen, my computer is monitored by everyone in the galaxy that is able to monitor, and much of what I see is screened and blocked until the monitors think I should see it. Most of the time I don't care, I want them to see my stuff -- a lot of it is aimed at them! And if I want to know something they think they are keeping from me, I'll just get it in another way, whether they like it or not. But they start messing with my Q posts and POTUS tweets, I'm liable to bow up on 'em. So thanks for the heads-up that I'm not getting those in time with everyone else . . . When I see the photo or artwork of the angel, I'll let you know -- it's likely that it could be, because at archangel level and up, an angel can appear as any shape or form that it wants to. So if someone saw the one you describe, it could be. Usually in the Planes, angels will take the form most efficient for the job at hand. They may only look humanoid in order not to scare the humans. If it brought you to tears, I'd certainly like to see it! level 4 AnAkurian 1 point·26 days ago Oops, kathleen, I got that vid yesterday -- it was the drop with the put on the full Armor of God Bible verse. No, that picture is not accurate. Those wings are much too narrow to lift that body. I also see a watch on one wrist, the left one. Nobody in the Planes needs to wear a watch. Or a fitbit, or whatever that is. Kek. The more I looked at it, the more the silhouette looked like young Potus Trump. That "angel" was in a suit of some kind, maybe a military dress uniform? All the members of the Host are identified by their different armor, and none of it looks like a suit -- except maybe the Pathfinders if they were trying to blend in, in which case they would never spread wings or draw a sword in the open. So it's a beautiful rendition, but it's not accurate. INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE -- BOOT CAMP! -- Enlistment Requirements THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH!: 2797 “”Holy Citizens! There is no provision in My Holy Law for any citizen to be disarmed or defenseless; therefore, arm yourselves – legally if possible, illegally if necessary – for you violate only the laws of vile and evil men! But arm yourselves and your families that you resist the criminal in the streets, the criminal in your schools, the criminals in your government and the criminals in all your public offices! Yea! For the criminal abounds where there is no instant resistance, and the corrupt abound where there is no instant retaliation! Therefore, arm yourselves! For I will not hold you guiltless should you come before me branded with the Mark of Damnation inflicted upon you because you did not resist your own Legislated Enslavement!”” Okay, then. As American Sovereigns, we know the value of protecting and exercising our God-given right to keep and bear arms. Those of us who choose to own a firearm can still do that, and thankfully there are enough of us who do that. By the easy way or the hard way, we are going to keep that right, in spite of all the socialist poppycock (look it up – it's not caramel-coated popcorn!) that we don't need guns, we have Big Government! We hear that diaperload of whine and blue cheese, that's exactly when it's time to fortify the powder and double the shot! Right, Mr. 'Hell, yes, we're gonna take your AR15s, your AK47s, yadda,yadda,yadda? Think so? Who's 'we'? You and your worm? Or you and that sack of clown turds pulling your puppet strings? “They” won't even come out of the shadows to name themselves – they've got you doing the spazz dance to sing it for them! So I'll tell you, Hell? YES! You've got a reservation, 11th firepot down on the left side of the basement floor! That firepot is reserved for the losers, dregs, expendables and throwaways, all of which qualify you for the diseased, vile, filthy, degenerate coward's dung that you are. So dance, Puppet! Lie, Dawg! I love it when you keep piling up brimstone! Let's see just how hot you're gonna boil! Oh, and tell you one more thing – you ain't gonna skate . . . Lol. All right. So we know we must never relinquish our firearms to anyone for any reason. On Earth as it is in Heaven! But wait . . . this is a Spiritual War. What the heck good is an AR15 against a demon or a ghost? Or an Extraterrestrial who's got a bigger, faster, more deadly firearm trained on us from 25,000 miles out in space? Or 93 Million miles away, like the Battle Wagon that's parked behind the Sun? What about the tech frequency warfare from the underground tunnel structures, and right here on the surface where we live and breathe? Or all the constant toxic contaminations we've been subjected to for better than a century? And the man-made lab-created diseases thrust upon our population to sicken and weaken our bodies and minds? And of all the nerve, paid for with our own money! What about the mind control abuse, the slow spiritual death brought on by the never-did-work Doctrines of Belief? How do we fight the Demons of Socialism? Think slaying the minions is going to be enough? It won't be – they'll just get some more minions, like Betno the C-dawg – that's lower than the beta male, btw. That's the rubbery puppy in the back, with his nose stuck in beta male's ass to know which way to follow. How do we fight all that, and simultaneously, like it's being perpetrated against us? Pray about it? Really? Honestly, if that worked, we'd never be in this mess! We've been “praying about it” for over two thousand years, and we're still in the mess, compounded like never before, even. So it should be obvious to anyone who is honest about it and bothers to look that praying about it doesn't work. Never did, never will! Well, what, then? More luv&lite? That's exactly what the enemies want you to think! To quote an anon from SB2 comments, “I love you, I love you, here's some light!” (Still so funny, gsw, if you read this!) That translates in the enemies' minds as tolerance and weakness, and the permission to smile in your face while taking what freedoms you have left as you pat yourself on the back, deluded in your goodfeels that your consciousness is raising, and you're so far above the fray, because Love conquers all. Yeah, suuuurrre, it does. Take one look at who's preaching luv&lite. Right! Cabal stooges from Hollywood, ETs who want us docile and slow and sweet to eat, and the programmed-stupid poor fools who echo them without so much as a single clue what they are saying. It's another do-nothing trap is all – a shiny, well-lit 'nother road to Hell paved with just so much good intentions. Once again, stopped short of any real firepower. Still can't fight back – Imagine a worst-case scenario: You're in a crowded restaurant, in walks a psychopathic, mind-controlled gunman with an AR15 fully loaded, and two spare clips tucked in his waistband. Some fool is just stupid enough to stand up and say, “I love you, please put that down so I can give you a hug! Let's all give him a big, warm, group hug, and then he'll surely see the light!” FAIL. Miserably. That fool will be the first to go into that light, and it's a one-way trip. None of the above, all tried for centuries, has worked or ever will work to save or advance humanity! The only answer is RIGHTEOUS POWER AND HOLY AUTHORITY! That is the only way to fight so many unseen, unknown enemies on multiple fronts and win! Even when we're far outnumbered, outgunned, outstationed, deprived of any and all logistics, we still have them surrounded! So how in the world does that work? By metaphysical firepower, and anyone can be trained to do it! That includes such skills as telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, psychometry, precognition, teleportation, levitation, up to and including Cosmic Consciousness and astral projection, or more accurately known as “up in the spirit.” All these skills can be learned by anyone who pursues them with properly applied discipline and correct KNOWLEDGE of The Most High Lord God of All Creation, whose Holy Name alone carries enough power to frighten the daylights out of all who are against Him! So did you get that? ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DO IT! And it is not by any means a matter of belief or faith! It is a result of adherence to all Holy Law, True Knowledge of The Most High God and all His Holy and Righteous Ways, and the discipline of correct practice. Now, being informed of all that, who still wants to join the Heavenly Host and learn to fight the demons and their minions in the Planes and Realms where it actually does some good? Who among us just knows that s/he was born in this day and time for this very purpose? Who among us has been asking for the Truth, warts and all? The WHOLE Truth, no matter what that looks like, no matter that we've messed up so badly along the way in that search, trying everything out there just to get a ring or a rise that our own innate would recognize as THE Truth? Using the powers, forces, energies, frequencies and momentums that do actually bind, weaken, wound and even kill those demons and their minions, associates, bureaucrats, false religions, warmongers, enslavers and manipulators seen and unseen? Who wants to become a terror to the terrorists? A deadly menace to the manipulators? An Avenging Angel out of Humanity on behalf of the Human Race? Who thinks they would like to learn the rigors and disciplines to be able to fight beside the Archangels? The requirements to enlist in the Heavenly Host are as follows: 1) It's always voluntary. IN THE MOST HIGH'S HOSTS, WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS! All volunteers must come with a joyful heart, and the willingness to serve The Most High according to HIS rules and requirements, not yours. The mentality of “God is on OUR side!” will fail every time. We first must understand that we are on HIS side, not the other way around. So with that being understood, what else do we need to be considered Worthy and to become Qualified? 2) Live by Holy Law. Holy Law is the Rules and Statutes and Holy Ways of The Most High, and they are the SAME FOR EVERYONE THROUGHOUT ALL CREATION. It is the STANDARD by which all Creation is judged upon death. That means every planet, every race, every species of higher consciousness, no exceptions. In fact, it is a Law that everyone write his/her own copy of Holy Law. Writing your own copy is the best way to know and understand those laws, and to make them a way of life. It is a MUST to know when someone is in violation of those Laws in order to make a righteous strike against that someone; otherwise, it is YOU that has committed a violation of the Law of Immunity, which will be covered in detail in the next post. 3) Get the Holy Seal of God in your forehead. Yes, I mean the Holy Seal of God mentioned in The Revelation 7:3-4. That's where we are – Gathering and preparing those who will become the Holy Elect Remnant, those who would have the Holy Seal of God in their foreheads. The instructions for how to do that are in “The Anointed, The Elect and The Damned!” free to read online. Why get a Holy Seal? Besides the fact that The Most High has ordained that those who have one are not to be harmed (divine protection), it is also the spiritual mark of everlasting life upon those who belong to Him. Those who get one automatically increase their firepower by four times, even if they know nothing more than the Name of The Most High Himself, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, who answers to no other name. For many of the instructions that are to follow, the Holy Seal is required to even attempt them because those instructions will invoke that Holy Name to set those energies as Righteous, and without the Seal, the forces, energies and entities will not obey the instructions of the invocation. Then as we grow in Knowledge and clarity of Vision, our firepower is virtually limitless in our quest and understanding to become like The Most High, as He would have it. All Creation is accessible to us, including the High Realms, which without a Holy Seal those realms are not accessible without an invitation or special knowledge. That Holy Seal is the first step to attaining both a standing invitation and special knowledge to unlock the secrets of all the Great Mysteries, all the Infinite Knowledge, and all the Infallible Power that is available to those who follow the Holy Ways of The Most High. WHAT NOT TO DO: If you wish to continue worshiping Yahweh, or Jehovah, or YHWH, or any other spelling or version of that bastard's name, then you should go no further. The metaphysical skills I will be teaching in these pages will backfire on the user who tries them to further anyone less than The Most High Himself, His Anointed El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, who has the Name of The Most High named upon him, or the Akurians, Proven Knowers and/or True Seekers of Righteousness. If you insist on praising “Jesus” in concert with these skills, you have just shit the bed for yourself and ruined anything else that you might have intended, and I myself will not tolerate that rot in any part of these teachings and proceedings. These skills are not for you, so you need not go any further. In fact, Babylonian pagan blasphemy is the problem, and may just as easily as not be a target of consideration. You have been warned, and I'm only required to tell anybody once. If you even consider that Mary is the “Mother of God” and that the “Holy Virgin” sends visions, heals, or communicates with the “faithful” then you have been demonically deceived, and there is nothing nor will there ever be anything in these teachings for you. If you are of the mind that Allah is God, and that Islam is a religion of peace, then you can go wipe your nose on your prayer rug while I put a foot in your up-ended ass for all the goat-humping and bestiality that if you're not doing it, you're tolerating it from your kin. Islam, like Catholicism, is a government disguised as a religion. The Most High Himself says that they are all Vipers of Perditon, and they are most certainly a target. If you think that you can mock, denigrate, ridicule, disrespect, corrupt, disrupt, or be fuuunnneeee with any of the skills that will be taught in the following posts, you have just set yourself up to be a victim of your own stupidity, and I or any other Akurian will not bail you out of that Hell. Just don't do it. If it's not for you, then just move on. Spare yourself and your loved ones the abject misery, and maybe that will be enough to get you through, at least until the Tribulations, when you'll wish you had paid heed to these instructions. Another warning – by then it's too late. Once the Abomination of Desolation happens, the Covenant of Grace is over and there will be no turning back. You'll have the Seal and the skills to go with it, or you will be caught without, and it will all be upon your own head. It's your choice, as always. I know this sounds harsh, grave, even. That's because it is. The time is now to prepare for the days and events to come. If we are going to survive the Holocaust, survive as a species, fulfill the prophesies and become the Planet that Immanuel will rule over as King, then we have to be about the business of cleaning it up and paving the way for the return of Elijah, who always comes before Immanuel. We must forcefully assume our place in perpetuity in Creation, because our enslavers are not just going to willfully relinquish their death grip, and it's only going to get worse from here on. They must be overthrown, and as violently as they have suppressed us. Lucifer really is a formidable enemy, and to think anything less is an invitation to become a casualty forthwith. I will also insist that we are smarter than that. Therefore, it's time to declare. Joshua 24:15: “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Our metaphysical fighting force will become the INCARNATE 4TH DIVISION of the Heavenly Host of the 4th Quadrant of EARTH. Our Battle Ensign is that of the Akurians topside, crossed gold lightning bolts on a scarlet background. And because we are all going to probably be the biggest army of the most ragtag bunch of least likely soldiers who ever fought back and won, our conditions will be as harsh as the desert can get, our very existence will be threatened and endangered, but we not only will manage to survive, we will save and protect, provide cover for and ensure that our generations prevail against all the stacked odds against them, our symbol will be the Joshua Tree. We will answer only to Alasha, El Aku, and The Most High Himself. Volunteers welcome to the Joshua Tree! Make a nest, it's war from here on until we win. And it's not over until WE WIN! YESHAMA DELIAH! (ON OUR AUTHORITY!) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (ALL ENERGIES HEAR US!) VOAN! (We have testified before The Lord and He has heard!) KESLATA! (That which The Lord hears must also be Truth and Righteous!) PZNIONA! (All is of The Lord as is inscribed!) BHSAT! (Completed in the Forever!) SALUMNIAH! (It is finished!) Next post: Boot Camp – some terminology and explanation of The Law of Immunity. 19 Comments 86% Upvoted Comment asldbobay Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 kathleenkmg 3 points·1 month ago Hi AnAkurian. I am still working my way through he AED, and find it most fascinating. One of the most beautiful accounts from The Most High, is the history of his love for El Aku. It is interesting that his incarnation was allowed by The Most High to be in prison. I have known, and have known of, some wonderful people who were imprisoned because of their political beliefs or because of the political beliefs of those who imprisoned them. It is harsh to be in prison, and I wonder El Aku's incarnation (Bobby Cunningham) was imprisoned to fulfill Revelation John 2:10-11? I also have a question about Mary. She bore Immanuel, raised him, presumably loved him with her whole heart, and was there through the horrors of his death. Was she not his mother? As I recall, the AED states that Immanuel means God is with us. Therefore, was she not the mother of God who is with us? I have a lot to learn. As always, thank you. Kathleen level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·1 month ago Hi, Kathleen! Good questions. First one -- El Aku's imprisonment was not to fulfill that prophecy. He was imprisoned to find out who the enemy was/is. He had to find out first hand that the lodges control the prisons and the courts, and that the whole system is a graft machine to pay for their luxuries and satisfy their greed. And here is an opportunity to think about the word "greed." The word greed does not appear in the Bible in that form. Greedy, yes. Greed, no. Why not? What does greed mean, really? Greed does not mean what we have come to understand it to mean, that is, to covet and hoard money or wealth. It is more than that. It is to covet and hoard that money or wealth in order to control and enslave others. Those who are deprived and manipulated (the "have nots") by all those who are the "haves" are truly enslaved by the "greed" or hoarding and misuse of money or wealth. That's the true meaning of greed. El Aku had to learn that the hard way, by being subjected to its evil. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have or having a lot of money. The sin is in using it to enslave others. Greed. Next question, about Mary, Mother of God. Immanuel's mother's name was actually Mari (long I, as in Mariah, but without the ah). She was chosen to gestate and birth Immanuel because she was pure in her generations in the Tribe of Judah. She did give birth to Immanuel, the man, but she is not the Mother of God. Immanuel himself told us over and over that he was/is not God! God in fact, is his Father, a separate Being entirely. All the rest of that confused mess is deliberate blasphemy. Who the Catholic Church is referring to as Mary, Mother of God, is Simirimis, mother of Nimrod, the incestuous product of Simirimis and her Uncle Cush. Simirimis was a daughter of Canaan, and she and her bastard son Nimrod were favorite caretakers of the house of Nanherzag, the Anunnaki daughter of Anu, aka the Sacred Cow, whose turn it was to rule Earth during the Age of Taurus the Bull. (Hence the cow, all the idols of golden calves, the whole pagan worshiping of the Age was to Nanherzag.) This all was happening in Babylon, and when the Anunnaki were ordered off the planet, they just put their house slaves in charge, thus Nimrod became "God" of Babylon, and Simirimis was the "Mother of God." That priesthood that worshiped Nimrod and Simirimis, when they caught wind that King Cyrus was coming to destroy Babylon for their sins and blasphemies (same as today, blood sacrifices to demons and Anunnaki, pedophilia, pedovorism, cannibalism, homosexuality, bestiality, the whole gamut), some of that priesthood escaped to Rome before Cyrus got there, and they re-established a new government under the guise of the same pagan religion as practiced in Babylon. That government disguised as religion became the Roman Catholic Church. When Immanuel did his tour as the Anointed, his teachings were powerful enough to turn people away from the Romans, so they put forth the Council of Nicea to twist his teachings into the stealth support of the paganism and demonics that they practiced. That mess was then enforced world wide at the point of a broadsword: Convert or Die! The rest is common knowledge. level 3 ldbobay 2 points·1 month ago·edited 1 month ago Dear AA, What would be a good explanation to christians who believe that the bible could not have been changed to include paganisms, because God would not allow his holy word to be changed by man. I was arguing with a Baptist (they think they know everything) about the fact that there was no gee-sus. Of course they have the bible memorized and cannot even imagine that it could have been distorted. I was caught off guard with this reply from the poor Baptist, but after learning more from the AED and Holy Law, I think an answer would be that The Most High cannot violate his own laws. He ordained that man would have free will and if he would have stopped people from fucking up the bible he would have been controlling his creation. I know you can probably put this in better words than I. I am interested in this so that when someone comes to me with this argument the next time, I will be able to tell them the Holy Law that this would violate. Thanks for your help. Me LD level 4 AnAkurian 3 points·1 month ago Hi, ld -- this is an issue that all newcomers to the Truth will face. Arguing with a hallelujah halfwit or a programmed-stupid fool who is hell-bent on damnation is taxing. Trying to get them to see truth or follow some logic that tests or contests their ingrained beliefs is near impossible. First recognize that if they are determined that the Bible is flawless, then it's probably true that their Bible is also their God now. That's what they worship and work for, to continuously prove the Bible. That's idolatry. It's a violation of the first two Commandments: 1) THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. and 2) THOU SHALT NOT WORSHIP UNTO ANY GRAVEN IMAGE. Worshiping the Bible is a graven image, as is the picture of the bearded "Jesus." So whenever I encounter someone who wants to "save" me with their version of Jesus, rather than state facts that they will only quote more verses against, I simply start to ask them questions and let their own hypocrisy hit them right between the eyes when they can't answer and it becomes obvious, even to them -- and that would be momentary, because they will revert to "praying for you." First thing, ask them if they've ever heard of the Council of Nicea. No? What is that? The Council of Nicea was the meeting held by the "Church" (Roman government) officials to "translate" the scripts of the teachings of and about Immanuel into Latin from the original Greek and Aramaic. Ordered by the Emperor Constantine and under the direction of the Priest Flavius Josephus in 325 AD, it took over 500 years to finish, by which time the language of Latin was dead (on purpose.) So the next question is: Why are we not allowed to see those original scripts, if nothing was changed? We know they are locked up in the Vatican vaults, so why not let the people examine them for authenticity? Oh, they're too fragile and delicate? Don't want to ruin them? BULL! We have the tech to be able to examine them today without damage. So where are they? Second thing, if nothing was left out, which is a change, then where are the instructions for how to multiply food? Heal the sick and infirm? Raise the proven dead? Walk on water? And all the other miracles that Immanuel performed? He himself said, '...and greater things than these shall ye do.' Well, if that's the case, I want to do all those greater things -- we have starving people, so the skill of multiplying food would be very useful about now. WHERE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS? They must have been left out by the Council of Nicea! Sure would be nice to be able to prove or disprove that by looking at the original scripts, still locked up in the Vatican. Third thing: If the Sabbath is Saturday, and it is the seventh day, which is also in the Ten Commandments (NOT the Ten Suggestions!), then why do the Christian Churches worship on Sunday, which is the Luciferian Sabbath? Lucifer is an Angelic name that translates into Son of the Sun, and Sunday is his day. Where in the Bible does it say that the Sabbath was changed? Immanuel himself said that it would be easier for all of Heaven and Earth to fall away than to change one jot or tittle of the Law. So who changed the day of rest from Saturday to Sunday? Fourth thing: Where are the instructions to get the Holy Seal of God in the forehead? Those must have been left out too. How do I go about getting that Holy Seal? If Immanuel told us to give up all our worldly possessions and follow him, then why does the never-did-exist Saul/Paul, in direct contradiction to that, say that it's all right to keep everything? Which one is correct? What's the name of the third heaven? II Cor.12. Must have left that out too. Who is it that Immanuel warns about "fear him" who can kill the body and burn the soul? Who's that about? So where are we in the Revelation? What is the NAME OF GOD? What's the Name that is Hallowed? Yahweh? Do you know that or do you just believe it? Why doesn't prayer work every time, the same way for everybody every time? Because they didn't believe enough? How much is enough belief? Show me where in the Bible that it tells us how much belief is enough. You can't, because there is no such formula. There is no prescription or description for how much belief is enough. So does that mean that God picks favorites? That's not fair! How can we measure belief anyway? Is your belief bigger than my belief, even if I gave it every ounce of belief that I had, that I was capable of, and you only gave yours a half? How much is enough? So, ld, these are the kind of questions that will get you the sputter, the yeah, but, the final, "I'll pray for you." To that one I say, "Pray for yourself! You'll need it more than I will when Grace is over and you still haven't pulled your head out." One quick story: I was in Whole Foods with another Akurian a few years back, and someone told us, "Jesus loves you!" My friend, without a moment's hesitation, looked right at him and said, "Who?" He looked at my friend with bewilderment and confusion -- it stopped him in mid-sermon, so she said again, "Jesus who?" And we just walked away laughing. We are required to witness and judge those abominations that we know and encounter, and it is a judgment in itself to deem that someone is not even worthy to stop and tell the Truth to them. We won't be able to rescue everyone, and sometimes it's just not worth the time to try and educate a deluded fool. That's my judgment, and I'm sticking to it! --AA level 5 ldbobay 2 points·1 month ago·edited 1 month ago "That's what they worship and work for, to continuously prove the Bible. That's idolatry." I have to remember this one!! Great response! Thank you very much, AA level 3 kathleenkmg 3 points·1 month ago You are a Wonderful teacher AnAkurian. Thank you. level 1 kathleenkmg 3 points·1 month ago Hi AnAkurian. Your posts are so important. Not only do they consistently confirm what is in the AED, but they have extremely valuable additional information. The more I re-read the AED, the more I feel I have to re-read your posts, and visa versa. Thank you. Kathleen Question - Who is Alasha? level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·1 month ago Haay, Kathleen! Alasha is the Title for the Eldest of the Daughters of Elisha. She is incarnate, an Akurian, and she will inherit the Deed to Freedom's Holy Star (Our Planet Earth, named by The Most High) once that El Aku is called back topside permanently. Topside, she was the very first of the DOE, and she is a very Beloved, sought-after Judge, teacher, and leader among the Disciplines. Her commission as a Volunteer now in these times of the Generation of Fire is still as of yet undefined. The DOE are going to be responsible for the Restoration. Alasha is protected body, mind and soul by The Most High, Himself, and no one knows, not even she, exactly what her job is or looks like. It is given to her as the implementation comes due. She is also the embodiment of the fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham -- her generations before are exactly split between Israel and Ishmael, and as such, she is the first Not an Anointed that will inherit the Deed to the Planet. That's a very big deal, although not too many people will ever know that, at least until History can be known by all in Truth. Her given name is also a very blatant clue that she has a very important role when it comes to Shiloh . . . That's all I can say about that right now -- K? --AA level 3 kathleenkmg 1 point·24 days ago Hi AnAkurian. If these questions are within your bounds to answer, does Alasha know that she is currently incarnate, protected, and a volunteer after El Aku? Also, you mentioned that Donald Trump is a volunteer. Ivanka tweeted that her family was protected " the Force." Are DJT and his family protected (body, mind and soul), as Alasha is protected, by The Most High? Thank you. Kathleen AnAkurian 3 points·24 days ago·edited 24 days ago Hi, Kathleen! Yes, Alasha is aware of herself and her station. She has been in training at the feet of El Aku for just over 30 years now, so she'll be ready. DJT is protected by the Akurians, he is frequently (every night except the Sabbath, which is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) we endow him with the energies of All Creation to be able to use it however he sees fit -- he can use it for whatever he wants with it, and I'd be pretty sure that a large measure of that goes to protecting his family, yes. He also has two Seraphim looking after him -- Metatron and Jehoel -- they have rules they have to follow, and he has to maintain the level of righteousness to keep them, but for now, he's protected by the Host. So yes and no, it's not God Himself, but it is the best that the Heavenly Host has to offer, and DJT's actions and deeds determine the level thereof. Remember, El Aku commands the entire Host, and as long as he's a supporter of DJT and family, they have Heavenly protection. They have to maintain their own souls and keep a right mind, but they are bodily and spiritually protected, yes. Now, understand that that in no way means that they can ever let their guard down -- they can't get stupid, or overconfident, or too arrogant, or it'll bite 'em. But I think they know that . . . level 5 Planktin 3 points·23 days ago This is one of my favorite comments you have done. The context is amazing and makes complete sense! It gives so much confidence! Metatron!!! Thanks AA. level 6 AnAkurian 2 points·23 days ago Thank you, Planktin. Coming from you, that makes me smile . . . level 5 kathleenkmg 2 points·24 days ago You are a gift to us. Thank you AnAkurian! RosePedal3 3 points·1 month ago I voluntarily come with a joyful heart & willingness to serve the most high according to his rules and requirements. I look forward to your next posting! level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·1 month ago Thank you, Rose! I'm working on the report of what happened at Elijah Cummings' judgment first -- I think there are becoming enough of those type of reports to have a separate section called "Death Chronicles" or something like that. Coming soon! level 3 RosePedal3 3 points·1 month ago AA ~ I am so blessed to of found you! My mind and heart are in accordance to help in any way that I can. I’m reading, “The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned,” and I hope to write my own copy of Holy Law. My goal is also gaining the Holy Seal of God. Father God, continue giving me the strength to carry on into becoming a mighty asset in your army! Looking forward in your reading your Elijah report! ?? level 1 cowboy3023 2 points·1 month ago A priceless masterpiece, Archangel Anon! ALIHA ASUR HIGH! SALUMNIAH! Everything you post and comment has been confirmed to me as true in the Astral Planes. I did not ask for this confirmation. It was freely shown to me and I don't need to be told twice. Writing my own Book of Law takes time. To juggle the many and ever expanding responsibilities, attacks, etc. while reading, learning and then teaching the AED is a journey in and of itself. I'm here--ready, willing and able to do battle, AA! To say thank you isn't enough. Mrs. H. 3 Nov level 2 AnAkurian 2 points·1 month ago Well, haay, Mrs. H! And what a journey it is! As promised in the Protocols to All Living Souls, that journey will be a never-ending wonder of all life and learning! The Battle is ON! btw -- the ending is already determined. GOD WINS! It's amazing to be born in these most exciting times in the history of Humanity! And THANK YOU, Mrs. H. . . For everything. From all of us. level 1 cowboy3023 2 points·22 days ago·edited 21 days ago AA, Your writings are superb and dove tail with the AED--going back and forth one to the other to bring the formula together, connect the dots so to speak. Getting organized is important for me to be able to really get to work. I use the analogy of when you want to clean out or straighten out say a closet. The project looks like one big overwhelming mess until we get started--putting away things where they may fit best, downsizing, finding that something we misplaced, etc. As long as we don’t get bogged down looking at every piece of memorabilia. Throw it away, donate it or place it in a box we'll probably never look at again. Learning can be overwhelming like organizing a closet—for me. If we convince ourselves that it is too overwhelming, it will be. Or, we can break it down and follow the steps. You didn’t have the AED at 1st, therefore, we have an advantage of sorts in the learning process. 1. Read the AED’s “Thus Saith the Most High” 2. Read the AED in the speed read style at first 3. Write our own Book of Holy Law 4. Listen to the Most High speak and write—it’s part of our Book of Holy Law 5. Read the AED in more depth 6. Absorb and crisscross your Posts and Comments again and again which are road signs; indicators that explain and expand the AED and so much more 7. Then, there’s the so much more that is seemingly incomprehensible to many but is do-able; again, in steps 8. Like my Mom used to say, “Just Do It”. Yeah, Nike’ stole that saying from my Mom. Mrs. H. 19 Nov And so, that is how my mind operates as well; reading hearing, listening and then going about figuring out. Takes me a while but I can also hear what isn't being said which may be just as or more important than what is being said. Discern and discern and discern some more. Where do the thoughts originate? If our thoughts change even slightly, why did they change? What happened? When? Keep a journal and continue thinking things through. We'll get there and eventually succeed in more goals than imagined. 0604 THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH ‘“For as man is assembled of the material of the stars, unto the stars shall I send him.”’ SALUMNIAH! DEATH CHRONICLES -- ELIJAH'S COMEUPPANCE IS BALTIMORE'S GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH! EEEEEE-Llliiiiii's BUUurrrrn-nnniiINNN' !!!! Yas, friends, Elijah E. Cummings was already screaming the same hopeless and sad refrain that they all scream by the time the hypocrite parade of liars were recalling the long list of his nonexistent virtues at the undeserved display of respect and national honors given to the traitor at his late funeral. He died unceremoniously from a raging infection around the heart area after his surgery, and that very aggressive infection was a result of a progressing case of syphilis, which is treatable these days, but he was hell-bent with all knowing intent of spreading it. So anybody who “knew” him in the biblical sense, better go get you some treatment, or you'll be next – nasty bastard infected you on purpose! (That includes his widow, a very much younger gold digger who fully intends to pick up the mantle and resume all of his graft and treason on the backs of his constituents, the good people of Baltimore. I hope they all see this and do not fall for her play on their sentiment and sympathy – she's just as vile, self-serving and greedy as he was! Maybe WORSE!!) So upon his death, Elijah was immediately collected by Righteous Abel's troops and escorted up to be prepared for his Immediate Judgment. Once he came to consciousness, he demanded to be moved to the front of the line. LOL! He found out right quick that HIS BIG-DEAL-ME was not so big topside. When he discovered that he had to wait his turn, he then demanded that Baphomet himself come and be his defense. Well, Baphomet doesn't appear for anyone just because they summon him, but he did at least send one of his representatives – the lowest-ranking minion that was available among his troops that he could find – a know-nothing, no power, no rank shithead, who was there for nothing more than to deliver the slap in the face to wake up! The demons don't, won't and can't defend someone once that someone is dead! You die, you failed. Good luck with that one – you are no longer in service, and failure is never rewarded! To top that, once his turn in front of Abel did arrive, that low level demon vanished, and poor ol' Elijah was all alone. NO ONE appeared for him in his defense! There were, however, about 1500 victims out of the City of Baltimore that were summoned and gladly showed up to testify AGAINST him! These were the victims of gun violence that died as a result of all the gun control legislation that left the innocent, righteous and law-abiding citizens of Baltimore defenseless against the gun-bearing criminals that were rampant and emboldened by all the policies of Elijah Cummings, their Reptilian overlord. And they. Were. Angry. With good reason. Next, and not summoned but there to watch, were all the souls of the aborted babies whose chances at that incarnation were stolen by the practices of the pedophiles, pedovores and abusers that see Baltimore as fertile ground for their trafficking and abusive practices, mostly because of the protections of the local politicians and religious leaders who were all on the bribery and graft payroll of “King Elijah.” Now, when Elijah began to see where his judgment was heading, he proffered that he was only serving his constituency. That's when Abel started the Akashic Records that showed Cummings giving bundles of money to a white man who was then instructed to take it to Baltimore and hand it out to all the poor people, making sure that they all knew it was from Elijah, “with love and concern” and a promise to help them improve their lot. Another white man was in charge of taking care of greasing the palms of all (as in every single one) of the ministers, priests, preachers and other “spiritual leaders” of the community to the tune of usually no more than a thousand dollars, and then they would go to work getting about his re-election, spreading the good word about Elijah among the congregations. A very few of them would throw a church supper, spending maybe $250 of that $1000 on the congregation, and the rest would go straight into their own pockets. That's what Elijah was calling “serving his community.” Notice that I said the money was always entrusted to a white man to do the distribution. Never even once was that job of distribution trusted to a black man – not once! Elijah did not trust his own race, not one member, not one time, with any money in that distribution chain. That alone should raise some eyebrows among the citizens of Baltimore. When it came out that he did not trust any other black people to handle his bribery money, it also came out that he was a mongrelizer of the first magnitude. He went looking for females of other races, particularly white, to have mixed-race babies, knowing full well that that practice is an abomination before God Almighty. The Most High does not put one race above another, but He does insist that all races stay pure unto themselves. Elijah Cummings did everything he could to perpetrate that harm and blasphemy upon as many people as he could. Black women should be appalled and disgusted at the slight against them – he considered them to be beneath him, beneath the dignity of his station. He married the much younger black woman who is now his “grieving” widow for appearance' sake alone. Plus, as he began to degenerate from the syphilis, she was of like mind to assist him in his graft and corruption, knowing that as he aged, she would eventually get it all . . . Speaking of his graft, it also came out in the Akashic Records that Elijah Cummings was a launderer. Over his career as a Representative in the House, he laundered over $400 Million dollars! It cost him about $300 Million of it in payoffs and hush money, but still, that's pretty good that he was able to keep the Hundred Million remaining for himself as his cut. Who wouldn't love to have a hundred million dollars? The real question is: Who would sacrifice their own soul and their eternal place in the realms of comfort for a mere hundred million? Elijah E. Cummings did. Turns out that all Eternity is a very, very long time where he's spending it. Guess who's sorry now ? . ? . ? . . . Well, as he soon began to realize where his lies and excuses were heading him, his countenance began to shrink and even shrivel a little, he tried another tactic. When “serving his constituents” got him only more time in the lake of fire, he then tried the 'blame someone else line.' His argument became, “I was only following the leadership of my party!” That's when Righteous Abel started the Akashic Records playing of Cryin' Chuck Schumer taking a $10 Million bribe from George Soros, and then giving Elijah his pitiful cut of that bribe. Oh, yes, Shuck 'n George, it's all there how the payola works. All the money is diverted right out the back door of the Federal Reserve – that's US taxpayer money, by the way – into an obscure account somewhere else in the world, and all George does is give the recipient a number, very surreptitiously, and that recipient can present that number then that money is credited to the holder of that number to be moved anytime, anywhere, on demand. Tidy little scheme, all worked out to its infinite details. The only problem is that the receiver has to be alive to spend all that graft . . . It sure as hell doesn't go with him/her, and even if it did, it doesn't or wouldn't buy squat in front of Righteous Abel. Tick tock, Shuck and George, tick tock, you vile, degenerate traitors of demonspawn … Shall I point out exactly where those illicit accounts are held? Hmm? Then what happened? By this time, Elijah was running out of excuses, poor thang, and he was becoming visibly scared and shaking. That's when he started the same sad refrain that all the damned in Hell are screaming: LET ME GO BACK AND TELL THE OTHERS! THEY'LL LISTEN TO ME! LET ME GO BACK! Lol. Nobody gets to go back – he had his chance, and he chose Demonics. He'll be screaming that same thing for eons. Right along with Julius Caesar, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, FDR, Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, George and Barbara Bush, all the Popes, every Mason, Knight of Columbus and Temple Israel Lodge member, and the rest of the tyrannical traitors who have marched mankind into the enslaved stranglehold of the ETs and ultimately the Demons. Abel's troops picked him up, marched him to the edge of the Abyss, then tossed him over. Elijah E. Cummings, tortured crispy critter, because there is no rest for the wicked. ************************************************ BONUS REPORT: ABU BAKR AL-BAGHDADI Died like a whimpering coward, burns like the hog on a spit that he was . . . We're all pretty much familiar with the murdering jihad that he claimed responsibility for, and as to be expected, that was the biggest part of his sins. What wasn't such common knowledge was all the bestiality and homosexuality that he regularly partook in. He was responsible for the brutal rape of an average of two or three little boys a week since he turned about age 14 or 15, and that's not even to mention all the women he had stoned to death, or murdered in some sick manner just because he could. Besides all the souls of those wrongful murders, Mohammed was the only other one who showed up for his judgment. When Mohammed identified himself, there to be a Witness, Baghdadi started proclaiming how much of a good and faithful Muslim he was. Mohammed's answer to him was, “I'm glad to see that you have a firm grasp of the problem.” That was all he had for him. Then Baghdadi started demanding all his 72 virgins. LOL! It was at that point that Righteous Abel just nodded toward the edge of the Abyss, and his troops responded by pushing Baghdadi over that edge, and he went screaming, AALLLLAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! ! all the way to the bottom. Smh. They never learn. Vipers of Perditon. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Hellions back to Hell. Good riddance. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH !!! Q&A (SUGGESTED) level 1 YogiWalls 2 points·10 days ago·edited 10 days ago AnAkurian, I can't thank you enough. I saw one of your comments on SerialBrain, and it caught my attention. I have now read all your posts. I must admit I don't understand half of it, but still it's so facinating. I have started reading the AED, and I have never been so hooked by a book as this one before. So far Im not the least offended, only glad to see that Im not alone in my hatred against all the corruption and evil that is just everywhere. The exercise in chapter 1 was so mind staggering. I saw this beautiful brilliant blue light shining around a red pen in the very first session. How can I have been living my whole life without seeing this before? Im not that good yet, but this experience has definetily made me take a huge step in my spiritual journey, and Im so eager to see what more the book has to offer. Also, I so much wish I could help in some way to take all this evil down. Thank you so much. level 2 AnAkurian 3 points·10 days ago YogiWalls, thank you for such a lovely comment! That you are in pursuit of Holy Righteous Truth is already such a big help in defeating all this evil that is everywhere. The more people that wake up and get a Holy Seal the harder for the demons and devils to win. And busting through the generational programming is probably the hardest part, but it sounds like you've got a very strong Innate voice that you've learned to listen to, and that puts you miles ahead of most! If you can make a question out of whatever it is that you don't understand, I can try to help clear it up, and if I can't satisfactorily do that, then I'll find someone who can. We are programmed from the womb not to see into the spiritual planes and realms although they exist all around us. Waking up to that is the real "Great Awakening." If you stay with it, keep practicing, keep insisting on all things TRUTH, even if they hurt, even if it's not pretty, then you're in for the greatest path of all wonders of discovery toward making things make sense that you've ever known. Sounds like your journey has just begun in earnest -- WELCOME TO YOUR GREAT AWAKENING! -- AA YogiWalls 2 points·9 days ago I don't have any specific questions about your posts, yet. It's just that I can't grasp fully what you are saying. My mind says this can't be, but my gut feeling tells me to keep digging to find out for myself. In time I will probably have many questions for you, but first I will finish the AED and keep up the practice. Im a slow reader though, so it will take a while :) level 1 cowboy3023 3 points·1 month ago El Aku HA-KAN-NAH! Feel the virtue of the blessing, Archangel Anon! You speak the truth. And although the truth may be ugly, the truth is the truth is the truth! Unwavering, powerful. everlasting. Ah, my tears have turned into cheers! Your Post was EXPLOSIVE.!!! ty!!! Introduction to Spiritual Warfare -- BOOT CAMP -- The Law of Immunity High-powered and Master Metaphysicians LIVE AND DIE by the Law of Immunity! So knowing what that is and living within that Law can mean all the difference between life and death, success and failure, including DESTINATION: Heaven or Hell! Living on the good side, we don't violate it! We use it to our advantage by staying within the bounds of its tenets. And those on the demonic side who violate it all the time count on us not knowing of it and not knowing what to do about it when they violate that Law as they are abusing us! And right there is where we've got them! It's inescapable, and like the rest of the laws and statutes of all Creation, it applies equally to everyone everywhere. THE LAW OF IMMUNITY IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS THAT HUMANKIND, A VERY YOUNG AND INEXPERIENCED SPECIES IN THE WHOLE SCHEME OF THINGS, HAS IN OUR FAVOR TOWARD ENSURING OUR SURVIVAL AS A SPECIES AND TAKING OUR RIGHTFUL PLACE AMONG THE TRAVELERS TO THE STARS! The Law of Immunity, also known as the Law of Degrees of Knowledge, has three parts. In the following explanation of all three of those parts, I will use the terms “greater” and “lesser” both as nouns and as comparative adjectives. They refer ONLY to the Degrees of Knowledge of an entity or a person – It in no way refers to a person's age, race, gender, species, bloodlines, or any other kak means of separating identities to try and “outrank” someone else. Higher education as far as spiritual development is concerned can be just as much a detriment as an asset, because our current communist indoctrination stations, otherwise known as colleges and universities, are deliberately designed and required to program students out of any spiritual knowledge and/or skills, and therefore personal power and independent thought. I mean, Hell Forbid to think of any “spiritual experience” as anything but a clinical anomaly to be classified, characterized, ridiculed, dismissed, and if that doesn't work to get rid of it, then institutionalized in the mental ward where it can be experimented away, ensuring that no one else even consider such a “demonic” happening! So based on the previous statements, a five-year-old can have just as much spiritual power and ability, if not more, than the most highly pedigreed, thoroughly indoctrinated, “educated” fool. At least the five-year-old doesn't have all that baggage to have to deprogram just to get up to nothing. And with that putting just about everyone on the planet on equal footing, the three parts to the Law of Immunity are: 1. A being of Greater Spiritual Knowledge is immune to all invocations and abuses by those of Lesser Spiritual Knowledge and is not required to take any actions of revenge because the Law will do it for them. They may take action of revenge, however, because the Law of Immunity does not forbid them. 2. If one of Greater Spiritual Knowledge commits or attempts against one of Lesser Spiritual Knowledge by invocation or abuse, and the Lesser becomes aware of it, the Greater is then stripped of all Immunity and becomes totally susceptible to anything that the Lesser has the knowledge and/or capability to inflict. 3. If a Greater is witness to a violation of the Law of Immunity, the Laws of Creation, or Holy Law above all, by a Lesser, then that Greater may issue a warning to cease the violation immediately, and if that Lesser does not heed the required single warning, then the Greater may take action against the Lesser to stop/prevent further violation of that Law and is within full rights to do so without recompense. Got all that? This is important, 11 on the Richter Scale. So if a neophyte attempts a binding, let's say, against someone of greater knowledge who didn't hit them first without a warning, then that binding attempt will backfire against the neophyte (s/he will find her/himself bound up in her/his own stupidity), and the greater doesn't have to do a thing. This is regardless of demonic or angelic intent, aka good or evil. The Law of Immunity applies to all entities equally. Where we have the demons over a barrel is in part 2. They, all of them, from the lowest ranking shithead up to the oldest, meanest, most vicious and depraved among them, Lucifer himself, will violate the Law of Immunity if it serves them to do so. That's where knowing them and recognizing their signatures is necessary for our own survival as Spiritual Warriors. Even though they are out of the First Creation and have mad skills beyond most people's wildest imaginations, they are still vulnerable to something so simple as a mirror to put their own filth back on them, even if that's all we know how to do. Same thing goes for the Anunnaki, Nephilim, Reptilians, Krakoani, Elominites, and all the rest of the Extraterrestrials who constantly use metaphysical skills against mankind to effect their evil, predatory and manipulative ways. And I'm going to teach way more than just throwing up a mirror. Those bastards, demons and ETs, including the humans they have turned against their own, who have irrevocably sold their own Souls for the temporary indulgences, carnal rewards for sybaritic abominations that only thrive to worsen, to rot, to condemn and increasingly corrupt everything and everyone around them for all Eternity in generational perpetuation, have had it coming for a long time. The Anunnaki's Immunity is FORFEIT, because they have abused Humanity since they created us and Ish and Isha (Adam and Eve) got a Soul. That doesn't mean that anyone should strike out against them half-cocked! They are still not without power. That their Immunity is forfeit simply means that they are susceptible to whatever we can do to them, which until we get trained up, wouldn't fill a thimble! Patience! We learn first, build up our own immunity. Know how to protect ourselves first! Even though they've got it coming for all their previous abuses, if we strike at them, they will eventually if not immediately retaliate! And they don't mind one bit ganging up, a million to one, or more – however many of them it takes to rub your nose in their big deal. Remember that – their arrogance will be their downfall. Part 3 of the Law of Immunity simply states that if I or any other Akurian tells you, “don't do that” phrased in any manner as to give a warning that the next violation in similar offense will be dealt with as to permanently end that violation from that offender, then trust that warning, however it is phrased, to be carried out. So IMMEDIATELY CEASE with that offense! There is a chain of command, and as Akurians, we don't take orders from demons, dungheads, degenerates or mongrels of any rank or type, and in our chain of command, we must maintain righteous responsibility. We don't put up with ffuuunnneeee (I love a good laugh more than anyone, but some things are NO Joke! EVER !!!), NEVER speak blasphemy against us, or bear false witness such as malign or mock the Akurians. Violate Holy Law intentionally in front of us, and expect to be educated in some fashion, as a gentle warning. (There is a proper formula and place to apply the necessary {forced} violations, so when the righteous are forced to break Holy Law, we'll learn how to stack your forced violations where they should rightfully go.) At whatever level of Spiritual Knowledge that any of us choose to achieve, the Akurians are to be respected. With the times as they are, metaphysical skills are what will save humanity. The Akurians have them, and we're here to teach them freely. So don't be stupid and try and turn them against us. We will adjust that attitude and behavior so as not to ever be bothered with it again from that offender. You'll only get one warning. We can also be very patient, loving and protective of those who are sincerely wanting to learn, and a good question is always welcome! Sincere Neophytes are cherished, protected, taught and nurtured, as they must pass it on. ******************************************* Now, there is one more Gift from The Most High to the Akurians that must have appropriate mention here, and that is the Promise by The Most High to intervene on our behalf if the situation meets three conditions, given by The Most High Himself. One requirement to even consider this one is having a Holy Seal in the Forehead, as all Akurians do, and it should go without saying. Condition 1: If we are living righteously (defined as ever-mindful and as obedient as possible to all Holy Law); Condition 2: If we can identify our attacker – not necessarily by name, but in some way, such as “ANUNNAKI PRIESTHOOD” or “Levite Priesthood in New York, Chicago and Dallas, linked” or “Arcturian Reptilians in the DUMBS” – something that shows that we have some correct cognizance of who is attacking us, even if we don't know a name; and Condition 3: If their iniquity is full, Then The Most High will kill that attacker(s) right then. Permanently. ******************************************* That last one is never to be used lightly, flippantly, and only as a final resort, as in they've got you in a death grip, and you're going to die. If you meet all the conditions, then The Most High Himself will save you. I can say in all my time, I've only used it once. Eight hundred out of twelve hundred Anunnaki priests died over that one, and the other four hundred were so wounded as to never be able to try any Akurian neophyte again. So I know it works. And yes, unlike Yahweh, or Jesus, The Most High keeps his Word. Now, outside of all this Law and Rules of Engagement, whenever an Akurian catches someone abusing a child, an animal, or anyone else who is defenseless against an attack, be it physical, mental or spiritual, we are free to take immediate measures to rescue, defend and/or avenge that defenseless victim. We can, and we will, without exception, to the last Akurian. That pretty much wraps up the Law of Immunity. Any questions? YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! ** Next post in the Boot Camp series: SEX ENERGIES, good, bad, and why 3 u/AnAkurian •Posted by u/AnAkurian 17 hours ago Introduction to Spiritual Warfare -- BOOT CAMP -- SEX ENERGIES, Good, Bad and Why FUCKHEADS! Warning: This post is rated TripleX! There will be profanity, graphic descriptions of all the general perversions, what happens to that energy and the people rolling in it, visuals that you will not be able to un-see in this lifetime. I'm sure I'll include something for everybody. If this offends your tender sensibilities, then you either have a righteous sex life and don't need to read this post, or you are a vile degenerate who's in love with all the demonshit you're spreading around, swimming in neck deep, and you won't heed these words anyway. You can opt out right now – it's the little X in the red box at the top righthand corner of your screen. So for the rest of us, where was I? Oh, yeah – FUCKHEADS! Fuck this, fuck that, fuck it, fuck you, fuck me, fucked over, fucked up, fucky-sucky, fuck, fuck, fuck it all! Fuck off. Yeah, back that ass up. Gimme some sugar, daddy. Pussy, pussy, pussy, Nasty Girl! Givin' up pussy out of both drawerlegs! Catchme, fuckme! She's a hot fuck, definitely not the marrying type. Tell me everything, darling, and you can have your way with all this ... OOOooooohhH, muh cunt hurts! “Why do you think they call it DICK!” – Dick Cheney said after brutally raping and savagely beating Cathy O'Brien one time. Of many. Dick, dick, dick, cock, cocksucker, cocksman, cockpile, I'm a bottom, I'm a bear, I'm a cub, no, I'm Barbra! Well, I'm a dyke, I'm a lipstick, I'm a soft butch, I'm a hard bitch! I am not a Sir! Call me Madame! You want Dat Ho, dis ho, dey-all hoes, say de downlow sodomite thu de glory hole last booph at de peep show, pickin up a disease, take it home he say Mama Please! Suck my dick, make it slick, cause you know Ima be off innat ass, now, I like shit. Spreadin it Taste a bit Thoe a fit if I ain't gitting hit wid it, lit wid it knit wid it sit wid it don't evah quit wid it cause I like yoe shit too an I'm jus passin it on … Unh hunh, passin it on. Till we all be gone, still passin it on. Sacrificed as a pawn, won't be there fuh the dawn, I'm jus here fuh the spawn so fuck it, I like shit. And so it is writ-en. Repeat 93 times. Every 6 hours, 6 minutes and 60 seconds. Fuckwits. Fucked your life away, and for what? A sackful of nuttin'! Sadly, you hoed your own road. To Hell. MOTHERFUCKERS! Oh, yeah, that's a real thang. This word got started among the Canaanites when they were enslaved and very often there was only one bed so all the kids would sleep with Mama. INCEST IS A BAD, BAD WRONG!!! Especially perpetrating it on a child! It crosses all ethnic, gender, religious and socio-economic lines. It is happening with such frequency, gaining momentum from generation to generation, victims become victimizers, spreading sometimes outside the family too. Uncles and nieces, uncles and nephews, older brother, big sister, grandpa, mother sending child in to service father, force other siblings to watch … Perpetrators of this vile abuse – HOW GODDAMN DARE YOU TAKE THAT CHILD'S LIFE! That abused child is ruined, and you knew you were doing it at the time! Your own baby! You are damned! You can never give that child its life back! That child is an abomination, and you are an even bigger one! LOOK AT THE HARM YOU'VE DONE!!! LOOK AT THE MESS OF INIQUITY ALL OVER YOU!!! LOOK WHAT IT DOES TO YOUR LINEAGE!!! LOOK WHAT YOUR SOUL HAS BECOME!! THAT'S WHAT YOU PASSED ON TO YOUR CHILD, YOUR GENERATIONS! FILTH, SHAME, DEPRAVITY, FEAR, GENETIC WEAKNESS, DETERIORATION, AND ENDLESS, HORRIBLE PAIN, SUFFERING, FROM THE SINS OF THE FATHERS (AND THE MOTHERS!)!!! Then take a long look at your reward. Still think it'll be all right, nobody will know? Everybody will get over it, life goes on? WRONG!!! DEAD WRONG!!! AND WRONG SOME MORE!!! I HATE YOU LIKE THE MOST HIGH HATES A LIAR, WHICH YOU ALL ARE!!! To every Pedophile, Pedovore, Perpetrator of Incest Abuse, Demonic, Human, Anunnaki, Reptilian, and all Extraterrestrials: RROOAAAARRRRR! RRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!! IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF ALIHA ASUR HIGH: BY ORDER OF EL AKU ALIHA ASUR HIGH, HE THAT IS CALLED BY THE NAME OF GOD! GREAT SERAPHIM! CHERUBIM! ARCHANGELS, GREAT ELEMENTS, WINDS AND ANGELS! SWORD OF FIERY DEATH, THE ANGEL STANDING IN THE SUN! ONE AND ALL, BEAR ME WITNESS: I AM ANGEL ANON! BY THE RIGHTEOUS POWER AND HOLY AUTHORITY OF MY OWN I AM CONSCIOUS: I Call Forth All Energies, Frequencies, Powers, Forces and Momentums of the SUN to come now in GREAT QUANTITY, and be you now bound to immediately expose, identify and punish all practitioners, their supporters and associates, fellows and enablers of all pedophilia, and any sexual predators preying upon children, by name and by virtue! Your name and your deeds shall be brought forth into the light of day, into the Eye of Public Scrutiny, unto your immediate eviction from any and all realms of comfort! DAMNED YOU ARE, AND DAMNED YOU SHALL REMAIN!!! SALUMNIAH! DIAPERHEAD GOAT HUMPERS! Yeah, you, Ishmael. Abraham is mortified at how you turned out! Mohammed is in repentance and mourning before The Most High every single moment of his existence to try and earn you some mercy. And still you defile everything of value! Even your flocks, your beasts! You deposit your festering semen and your twisted, demented, diseased creative energy into your now desecrated food! You think that energy is gone, that it doesn't matter by the time you eat that one? YOU ARE EATING YOUR OWN! That is as vile as vile can get! BESTIALITY IS VILE! IT IS WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL!!! And it's not just Ishmael – Emergency Rooms across the nation of the USA report removing mice and snakes and other small rodents and reptiles from out of patients' colorectal regions. YOU SICK, SICK, DEPRAVED DERELICTS! Forcing another living creature up your shithole for a kinky thrill? WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? WHAT EVEN EVER MADE YOU THINK THAT THAT WAS ALL RIGHT? DO YOU NOT SEE HOW SICK THAT IS? And you sick bitches! I've seen videos of women with dogs, women with horses – I even saw an ad one time that for 20 bucks you could stand and watch through a window! That was in Amsterdam. So very progressive of them. How much heroin a day does it take to maintain that lifestyle? THUNDERMUG COLLECTION OF SHITHEAD PERVERSIONS, lest some demonfarts get crosswise for leaving out their particular depravity. Pansexual? WTF? Seriously! So what, you fuck anything? Male, Female, all ages, all genders, all species, corpses, life-size rubber dolls, robots, vegetables (never put a cucumber in the cornhole!), a favorite bathrobe, the neighbor's stiletto after he peed in it, Sado-Masochistic slave/owner abused abuser, collared puppy on a chain variety, Bondage and Discipline for enlightenment? Mile high club, frottage on the crowded subway, jackinoff in public places, exposed. Other couples, throuples, orgies, quick tricks, foot fetish, fat-fine only, ass man, once you go black you never go back, waterworks, selfies flinging snot (failure) from floor to ceiling, wall to wall – did I leave anybody out? I certainly wouldn't want to overlook anybody's primary identity these days. Hell For-bed! So if EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, what do you think all the all-consuming filth of the vile degeneracies listed above (and those I might have missed because they're just too far out there) looks like in energy Planes and Depths? Is there anyone that thinks that any of that would or should be allowed to contaminate any of the Planes of Heaven? Ever? Is there anyone still reading that thinks that Jesus would want any of this depravity washed with his blood? Immanuel's Holy, Royal, Pure Blood? Talk about a desecration! That is Absolutely NOT HOW IT WORKS! One more time: Holy Law, aka the Pentateuch, aka the Torah is the Standard by which everything and everybody in all Creation is Judged. ACCORDING TO HOLY LAW: Men (I'm talking to all humans born with a penis, scrotum, gonads and the XY chromosome), pay attention here! Collecting one-night stands like a sackful of discarded aluminum cans, racking up the conquered cunt count, and SHE da ho? Just sowing your wild oats, popping off in anybody's field? Try before you buy? Well, GUESS WHAT!!! If you had sex with her, in the Eye of The Most High, you married her! Now you are responsible for her support, care and well-being. She is entitled as a wife that you establish a standard of care for her. GUESS WHAT ELSE!!! A man is allowed to have as many wives as he can afford to adequately take care of! Here's the catch: You may never take anything away, diminish or lessen the maintenance and amenities of wife number one in order to better accommodate wife number two. And so on, nothing less for wife number one or two if you decide to take a wife number three. Ad infinitum. Do you even remember all the names of all your wives? You will be required to account for the absence of their care and upkeep and your abandonment, as well as any children she may have, because you're still married! And another thing – wife number one has all the say over the other wives. These days, that could get potentially very sticky … And one last thing: By Holy Law, you are REQUIRED TO LOVE HER. She is not required to love you back. And Women (all those born with a biological vagina, ovaries, a uterus and the XX chromosome), open your eyes! KNOW WHAT? If you had sex with him, voluntarily or consensually, you married him! That entitles you to care and maintenance at his expense! That's Holy Law. KNOW WHAT ELSE? That only goes all the way back to the first husband – all the rest of the men you have had after that first one make you guilty of adultery. And by Holy Law, that's a death penalty offense! Death by public stoning! Ooooohhh, muhcunt hurts! That's just archaic, cruel, barbaric and outdated! That law can't possibly still apply! Stone the woman to death because she cheated on her husband? Found someone who understands her, who considers her feelings, takes the time to talk for hours about all those emotions and how we feel, how could that be so wrong? Preposterous! It's bad enough that HE's the Head of the Household, and his decisions are final for the entire family! He is to lovingly take your counsel and consideration for all decisions regarding the Household and Family, but the ultimate responsibility is his, therefore so is the final decision. That's the part in the traditional wedding vows about “obey.” It does NOT mean that he gets to treat you like a slave, beat you into submission – it means, again, that the final responsibilities are HIS, along with mandatory support, therefore so are the final decisions. It is the wife who must move, by Holy Law, to come to the final agreement in a disputed decision. You are not required to love him. You are required to abide him. BUT WHY? Why in the Heavens would The Most High have it this way? How backwards and how ancient and oppressive! WHY? God must hate women. This is a deal-breaker, I'm sorry. The WHY is simple, really, and it's all a MATTER OF ENERGY, that's why. You know, the full part of us that we've been programmed to dismiss and ignore as nonexistent, or as though it is separate from us, or it's somewhere else in the time line? THAT energy. Our Souls are made by The Most High Himself. Since He is a Male and bears the bulk of the Responsibility, He put that same burden on the Males to bear the bulk of the responsibility. Women must also be silent in the Temple – that's a Holy Law – if they weren't, there would never be anything decided, or anything done! It is the responsibility of the husband to bring home the teachings and decisions from the Temple and teach his own family – his wife AND children. The women, although required to remain silent, can sit in the gallery and HEAR EVERYTHING. They are to take their questions and suggestions to their husbands, and he will answer and explain, or he may bring her questions to the priesthood. Now, back to the sex energies (this diversion has bearing down the line, I promise). To understand how the sex energies work, it helps to have a basic understanding of the Laws of Creation that govern electricity and magnetism. Human spirit energies are compliant with these laws. The male energy is electric, female energies are magnetic. What an orgasm is is the root chakra opening up and releasing, or expelling a burst of our own energies, including a life force component, out and into a receptacle. A female is a receptacle. The male energies are released into the receptacle, very much like a capacitor stores up and releases a charge when it is full. It must have a receptacle or all that energy of creation, including the life force energy, is wasted, dissipated into the aethers. Now, if done consciously and deliberately, this energy burst from male to female provides the female with all the energy she needs to fix problems and finish her projects. If in her ovulation cycle there is an egg present to be fertilized, that life force/creative energy goes entirely to creating that new life. But if the couple has determined that children are not currently in the program, then they (she, mostly) may redirect that burst of energy into a different creation. Say the wife wants to increase the family income, and the husband is aligned with that vision too. More money in the household would be good, so if they decide that sex energies are the first and most effective means they have to make that happen, they would agree on a common vision, like dollar signs. One thing that the Cabal sex parties include to create money is they will cut dollar signs out of the lampshade and turn on the light, casting lighted up dollar signs all over the room. Theirs, because it is borne out of filth and depravity, the money will come from filth and depravity, if it comes at all. And it takes a whole lot more energy from the depths than it does from the higher planes to make manifest anything. Within a righteous marriage, that money generated would come from a true and righteous source. Or if a couple's need is to get rid of something (or someone), then the wife holds the vision of being rid of it at the time of her husband's orgasm, and she will have to do little else. That energy will obey her thought, as clearly as she can visualize it. What about healing someone with it? It could work that way. For example, a sister could heal a brother from afar because he had no one else. So with the help of her husband, they could heal brother by just visualizing him in perfect health (this is from deathbed sick, now) and sending him their sexual creative energy with the image of his healthy recovery to normal vitality. Now HEED THESE WORDS!!!: This would apply to a close family member! I'd definitely recommend using it on selves and own children, say. I would emphatically recommend NOT! Repeat: NOT trying to make a business out of this!! Then it becomes a vile process going in the door! Doomed to FAIL!! WHAT HAPPENS IN THE MARRIAGE BED IS SACRED GROUND, PERIOD! Nobody else needs to know about it – it's none of their business, and anybody else even wanting to ask into someone else's Holy Ground needs an immediate lesson in manners. In other words, the brother, mother, niece, nobody need know about it – they can just think it was a miracle, God smiling down, he was lucky, the usual list. Many, many other uses for this creative sex energy abound. But to get these kinds of results, righteous results, the energy needs to be clean, spiritually clean. The way this system is designed to optimally function, for perpetuation of the species or for birthing other righteous projects, shows us why Holy Law is the way that it is – Man allowed as many wives as he can afford, Woman takes only one husband. Now take all the emotion out of it, look at yourself and your partner as “equipment and logistics loaded.” The man supplies the necessary energy, the woman completes the task. No other combination will work. If he's been sleeping with every other ho, then he brought that nastiness into the creation when he picked up the ho's and every one of ho's contact energies, and gave his wife contamination to work with. She gets a less result because of it. Then he goes to the park one night, gets an anonymous blow job and his ass reamed with a deposit, what does his energy look like now to give to his wife? That's the stuff that a shower won't wash off. First, the energy of anonymous other male mouth on his member leaves energy that another man has eaten from his reserves. What happens to anything eaten? Especially if it's incompatible, kind of like a low-dose or slow drip poison? That loss of energy given to the other man is now deprived from the wife, which begins to manifest as corruption, corrosion (in both males). It sprung a leak, and he's draining his vitality either dreaming of a repeat or consumed with guilt, or both. The deposit that was left to him by the backdoor man is the energy of destruction. It's another man's creative energy wasted, injected into his waste, which is what he gives the wife who has excessive waste now and no nourishment. No wonder nothing is working for her, which means soon for him either. So since it's no longer working for her, she could feel driven to find someone who does work, but then every other male penetration of her leaves his energy permanently with her, just as he picks up and absorbs her slime into him. Pretty soon, they are both just too contaminated to make anything spiritually work. Like a clogged pipe, sort of. It backs up, the sewage comes back up with it. Now it's everywhere. BLECCCHHHHHH!!!!! PeeYEEEWWWW!!!!! AACCCKKKKKK-K-K!!!!! Part 2, continued in next post Introduction to Spiritual Warfare -- BOOT CAMP -- SEX ENERGIES, Good, Bad and Why -- part 2 Continued from part1: So here's a trick to enhance those energies if both partners are clean enough to pull it off and cognizant enough to get the how-to right. Pardon the graphic description – I don't know how else to get the point across so that the instructions are foolproof, since people are programmed out of the ability to think for themselves, much less know right from wrong. During intercourse, before orgasm, the man can consciously think about pulling all his energy from every chakra, starting with the crown (very top of the head), bring that charge into the third eye, then take both of those charges into the throat, then move them all to the heart, then down to the solar plexus, then to the pancreatic chakra, then into the root chakra, then when he is ready to reach orgasm, make sure that he holds nothing back – let it all go! He will release the full charge similar to a Roman candle – up to seven discharges, and wife receives all the energies to handle anything and everything. It's amazing, and more “tantric” than anything taught in the book of a thousand uncomfortable positions, the Kama Sutra. Pffft. Last I looked at it 40 years ago, it took all the focus out of the spirit and put it right back on pussy, pussy, pussy, muhdick, muhcock, muhshit. So don't waste your money if you don't have it to waste. Okay. If you're not getting these kinds of results in a normal, healthy, Holy union between a husband and a wife, then you've got some cleaning to do. The wife's orgasm is to be used as a cleaning process, getting rid of the old, unused waste energies. But with a buildup, it's a lot more complicated than that to clean. We'll get to that below ... A few final words about stoning adulterers, the prescription in Holy Law for adultery – It is not just the woman who is stoned. It is also the man. He also becomes an adulterer if he knows that she is married. He too, is stoned. Why stoning? So cruel! It is an equal means to a physical death compared to what promiscuous, illicit and forbidden sex do to the spirit. Every act of vile is another hit, or stone to the spirit, a wound that takes more life, diminishes growth of the Holy family unit spirit, and contaminates the whole community with interior corruption, corrosion, degradation and failure. Sin. It's broken, and the whole community, the whole congregation suffers the iniquity. That's why stoned. That's also why the whole congregation must participate in the stoning. Otherwise, that iniquity remains upon the tolerant. And you can say what you want, when Holy Law is obeyed, this punishment is enough of a deterrent that there is no adultery. Now, the story in the New Testament where Immanuel came upon a woman about to be stoned for adultery, and he said the famous line, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” and nobody threw a stone, probably did the worst disservice to women since that event took place, because what isn't told about that story is that the man, the adulterer, had already been stoned dead. Yep, he was already dead. But by detracting that part of the story, it has become twisted into the harm that only women are punished for adultery. That way, men could go on sinning without retribution, and the shame, disdain and punishment all befalls the woman. That's the delusion. Men are punished just as much by Holy Law as women. And lastly, ever hear of Telegony? Bad, bad, bad. Professional breeders of livestock, work and show animals, like horses, dogs, etc., guard against this phenomenon with life and death ferocity, because it can be the ruination of an entire bloodline. Same with humans. And if it manifests, you KNOW it is happening in the spirit energies first. Telegony is what happens when two different races or species or strains breed, then all future breeding, even though it is back to same race or species or strain, the offspring still bears characteristics of the previous hybrid. The Most High requires us to be pure, in body, mind and spirit. “”Pure I made you in the Beginning, and pure I will require you in the End!””--search “The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!” for full text and content. . .Protocols to All Living Souls, chapter 1. TELEGONY: There was a young red bull and an old red bull grazing at the top of a hill. The young bull was restless, snorting and stomping around. He looked up and saw a big herd of beautiful black cows, blue-ribbon stock, serenely grazing in the valley below. So he bucked and snorted a bit, kicked up a dust getting over next to the old bull and said, Look! Look at that, Ol' Man! Cows! Why don't we run down there and fuck us one o' them cows? The old bull slowly looked up, looked around, then swallowed his mouthful to say, Hmmm. I say, why don't we walk down there and fuck 'em all! Funny, till you think about it. Putting red bulls with black cows gets little milk and tough, inferior grade meat, let's say. Doesn't age well. And whether or not the cow was in heat, or whatever they call it with cows, she still absorbed that red bull, and there will be traces of it down the line for at least until the fourth generation. It would take ten generations to get back to qualify for the blue ribbon, but it'll never come . . . Qualify is about as close as that line will ever get, which is certainly better than missing out altogether. Now, knowing that everyone else in the community, the congregation, is affected by the doings of others' iniquities, and the blessings of The Most High are conditional upon obedience of the entire congregation as a whole, as a Tribe, a set of bloodlines, which backs up to humanity as a whole, and you can possibly begin to see this planet as the sewer, as in diseased shit and cess waste dump that it is, and that it appears from the higher Planes and Realms. A wretched, ignorant, programmed-stupid, Hellbound disaster. All right. So how do we fix such a long-running, convoluted, degenerate, snowballing, putrid mess? THE REMEDIES: First, let's be crystal clear – we can't fix everybody else, nor do we want to waste the energy on any effort to fail! So we start with ourselves. It starts with the cognizance of our every deed. Write your scroll – even to this day, Holy Law contains the answers to every behavior, and seen from an energy standpoint, it all makes perfect sense. With that, we now have the gauge, the standard, the guidelines for how things should/could be. Now, take honest stock of yourself and your own situation. Whose fault is it that you're in this mess? Ask yourself honestly, if you had known that all your sexual explorations and indiscretions were setting you up to strangle yourself with your own misdeeds, would you have done it differently? Most of us would have … If you had been taught Holy Law and taught the righteous way to do things, would you still be in the same mess of failure and danger of the Judgment against you? What about your parents? Would they have taught you better if they had known? Why didn't they know? Grandparents? They didn't know either. So whose fault is that? Why didn't the preacher teach them? They showed up in church every Sunday! We should know by now that that's just another compounding wrong – the Sabbath is Saturday! So the preacher didn't know, but s/he gets a big share of the blame for your iniquity, because s/he assumes responsibility for your spiritual guidance! It still doesn't lessen yours, it just makes it worse because you didn't double check the preacher's teachings for Truth. Why didn't the preacher know better? Well, it's the Levite Priesthood that was established by The Most High Himself to teach the Law to all citizens, to all the other Tribes, so where were they when you were learning to make your own way? Were they there for your father? Your father's father? His father's father? Anybody? So if the Levites had done their job, would you have been in your same mess? No? Well, then, in your times of sincere repentance, when you are on your knees naked before The Most High (NOBODY ELSE! There is NO INTERMEDIARY Priest, Confessor, Ever-Virgin, Saint, Jesus, or any other!), accounting for yourself, becoming painfully aware of all the ways you've violated and contaminated your own purity and the purity of others, all your own disobedience, knowing and ignorant; for all that was done in ignorance, you may bind all that sin to the Levites, whose failure it was that ultimately caused your sin. Since there is no possible way to atone, there is no way that any man can support and care for 20 wives, 50 wives, a hundred wives, a thousand … with interest, to make up for the deprivation and abandonment. To be able to get clean again, to start over in righteous obedience, that atonement must be referred over to the source who initiated the sinful behavior, or acceptance of it. For this entire planet, that is the Levite Priesthood. Then you can begin to practice correctly and teach your children correctly without the energy of hypocrisy attached to it, which will allow yet another corrosion. Women, just make the shoe fit your foot, the rules are the same. TIP: Look up in Holy Law exactly what are the procedures for a Holy Divorce recognized as such by The Most High – it's different for men and women, discern why, again, then get about some self-cleaning. NEXT RELIEF: Every single body, every person on this planet is A HARMED ONE. Everybody. We are all harmed to some degree or another, and that harm has now been extended unto our generations, even into the innocent unborn. Our children are now harmed before they ever even enter the womb! That was as a result of the treatment of Brett Cavanaugh at his confirmation hearing, where the Demons of Socialism that reside within the Democrat Party made it unsafe for any young male to even experience growing up. And the women they exploited to pull this maneuver ensured that no little girl can ever be safe from manipulation and worse! This event was a turning point for our planet, a last straw or last drop in the bucket, so to speak. When the generations are harmed before they are even conceived, you know we're in trouble. Look at the harm it did to the entire Cavanaugh family, and every single one of us who watched. SMH. It is known as that INIQUITY IS FULL. Lucky for us, we have the Protocols to All the Harmed, given us by The Most High in “The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!” under SIGNS OF THE TIMES in The Protocols to El Aku. Start with Paragraph 8423 and read till it changes the subject, at P8433. Brief summary: For all those who have been profoundly harmed, so harmed within your own soul that it is as though you were born that way, your acts of homosexuality are seeking comfort wherever it may be found, and for those who sought wisdom through degeneracy, with true repentance and service unto The Most High as He requires it, that unto which you are capable, there is a path back to righteousness and you will be received. So naturally the next step is another self-examination, and WHAT DO I WANT, REALLY? How harmed am I, really? What would I do different? Take the time it takes to reconcile this one. And give yourself permission to look at it. You don't have to relive the harm itself if you can avoid that – what you are looking at most heavily is the influence and effect it has had on you up to the Now. In other words, your vision of reliving takes another course. Instead of the horror all over again, that might include such questions as, what could I have been if only …? What might I have done if not for ...? This isn't spilled milk. This is assessing the damage. Some of us are tough, so yeah, that happened. I'm fine. I got over it. Well, you probably really didn't. Admitting even to yourself that you were such a victim and still are is unthinkable. Even if we're functioning normally, we're impacted – our thinking was forever changed in some ways. That pain is still under there. It surfaces, quietly, every now and then. When we truly repent and turn to serve The Most High as He requires, He takes that pain away. I don't know yet if He'll ever completely remove the stains, but I can tell you first-hand, He does take away the pain. NEXT STEP: Here's another thing to do that seems physical but is actually very, very, spiritual, and you can notice the difference immediately. Taking a SALT SHOWER. Salt is a very effective spiritual cleanser. So get a cheapo, regular box of no-name brand, plain old salt. The house brand of Morton's knockoff is just fine. Get in the shower and wet down, hair included. Now take the box of salt, pour it generously into your hand and apply it all over, including your entire head, hair and all. Careful around your eyes, but you're out from under the water so the salt will stick to you nicely and thickly. Take your time and rub it in. Head, neck, shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet, thinking the whole time as you go of how clean you're getting, how all the spirit yuck is being drawn out, dissolving in the salt. Leave it on until it begins to sting a little – you don't have to wait till you're burnt! Just a little stinging is enough to let you know that it's working. When you've got the little sting all over, go ahead and rinse it off, all of it. When you're all rinsed off, you may proceed with your normal shower routine. You'll notice that your skin is surprisingly softer, you'll feel lighter, and you'll notice a difference in your feeling and cognizance – a different level of self-awareness! Something like, wow, how could I have been carrying around all that sludge? It's gone, and I can feel it! I do actually feel lighter! This is amazing! And it is. It should also help you be able to begin to notice the difference between your body and your spirit. You'll see! Once or twice a month is good, once a week is better if you've got the time for a salt shower, or if you've been in an especially filthy place and need more than light to clean it, a salt shower is a wonderful luxury, so enjoy it, then use your judgment to know when you need or would like another one. DAILY CLEANSING BY FIRE AND RECHARGING: Make yourself a sunlink every morning. At first it might take as long as 5 minutes. Once you have it down, it can be done in seconds to last all day. Set your mind with the following four facts: Mindframe: 1. YOU ARE A SPIRIT WITH A BODY, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! 2. There are 6 (six) Planes of Heaven, containing an infinite number of realms. The Plane above controls the one below. They are separated by frequency, not by altitude. There are 7 Depths (Hells) – lower frequencies – avoid them until you know how to handle it. Earth Plane manifest is in between, and overlapped in both directions. 3. Everything is Energy. EVERYTHING. 4. The Sun is a readily available source of Energy. There is nothing new under the Sun. If it exists on Earth, it also exists in the Sun. Ready? From a relaxed position, visualize yourself filling with a bright white light, from feet to scalp, like the color of lightning. Pull that Body of Light out and stand it in front of you, establishing a mind link (make it turn and look at your body sitting, and you can see it, sense through it, feel what it feels -- note the cord from solar plexus to solar plexus too). Now, you know where the Sun is, day or night, doesn't matter. Jump up in there with that BOL. Stay out of the very center of the Sun! That's where the radiation and poisons are -- you have been warned. So step into the outer edges and let that BOL look around. Feel the warmth in both bodies, physical and light. Now, stand still and begin to absorb the fire of the Sun up through the feet of your BOL, take it all the way up and through, burning off all the yuck, the doubts, fear, pain, health issues, all of it. Burn it off. Cleansed by fire. Feels good. Purify that BOL, and at the same time, experience it in the physical body. Once purified, you can now absorb all other energies that you'd like to be charged with for the day -- healing, power, strength, understanding, wit, vitality, rejuvenation -- limited only by you. Once you've charged with all the energies you want, pull another cord out from the BOL and hook it into the Sun itself to continue to feed those energies to your physical body all day, then jump back down into your physical body, tensing very quickly to set the BOL back in. As you need the energies, pull them down the silver cord like golden honey, absorb them through the solar plexus chakra to disseminate throughout your body. Breathe. Now you're ready to go out there and Win! Win! Win! QUICK CLEAN, FOR ANYTIME AS OFTEN AS NEEDED: This is a means for cleaning the spirit bodies, and physical body at any time, using white light. First clean your hands. With the thumb opposed to the fingers, form a C with one hand, then using vision, create a disk of white light within the cupped hand. Now, insert the disk into the wrist of the other hand, careful not to touch physically, just with the white light disk. Feel that disk with its higher frequencies capture and push out all crud and yuck out through the fingers as you move the disk from wrist to fingertips. Repeat with the other hand. Then put a square of white light on the bottom of each big toe, and reaching your spirit hands out, form the disk in both hands and insert at the ankles, pushing all the dirt and stagnation out the squares on the big toes, pushing it down into the center of the Earth to burn it up. Follow immediately by visualizing a large disk floating just above your head. Slowly lower the disk and run it through your body, head to toe, catching and removing all the spiritual filth that has found its way onto you. Repeat as often as necessary to feel the changes of cleanliness in your spirit energies. Finish it out by putting a pinpoint of white light in the center of your solar plexus and expanding it out very rapidly, like an explosion. Follow that explosion all the way off the edges of Creation, and you've cleaned yourself and the air around you. Do it in the Name of ALIHA ASUR HIGH, The Most High Lord God of All Creation, with a mind toward Him, and a thought that you are cleaning yourself to be worthy of being in His Presence. Then go live your day like He's watching your every move. The more we obey Holy Law, the closer we are able to get there. I'll take questions privately on this one if necessary, as in too personal for the comment section. Luck to everyone, and Blessings of The Most High upon all who are sincere in their seeking. YESHAMA DELIAH! ASUM DE AL HMONGA! VOAN! KESLATA! PZNIONA! BHSAT! SALUMNIAH! Next post: Emotions – Control, help, hindrance, weapons, defense