A CURSE ANYBODY CAN DO! This is a Curse Instruction Script. This book is about POWER! Akurian Invocations are not parlor games! CAUTION! This is a Curse that will work for anybody, anytime and every time it's performed properly. No great trappings, phony 'belief' or other nonsense required. Read it from top to bottom, two or three times if necessary, to get a full understanding of HOW these things actually work and the determining fact or guilt of the intended recipient(s). Blasting anyone who is innocent won't even mess their hair up in a wind and is a sure and certain backfire on the perpetrator. Stupid men: there is no such thing as a Righteous Curse or Blessing to "bring her to your bed" and especially against her will, and even more especially if she views you as the worthless jackass you would be to force your attentions on any female. Were it a purely physical act it is called RAPE, and all moral men exact the utmost penalties for such crimes. Kak Jew Judges don't, but moral Judges do – male or female. Stupid women: there is no such thing as a Righteous Curse or Blessing concocted on a super-stupid soap opera that wouldn't qualify for interruption by a commercial selling headus rectumitis extractors. If 'she' is after your man, perhaps it's YOU and your damnable idiocies that's driving him to her; or more likely, you're too stupid to see the jackass in question is beneath contempt to all women of morals and common sense. Stupid people: there is no such thing as a Righteous Curse upon the innocent nor a Blessing upon the undeserving. Casting either in 'fun' or for any petty poppycock issue is a guaranteed return-to-sender MULTIPLIED with Furious Hell that won't go away until the penalty for such a Damnation is paid in full by all – as in each and every – perpetrator. Beware when you become a part of a 'blessing' at any public gathering, especially political conventions and rallies; the bastards in question are as Demonic as they are obvious and insincere liars. That said, there are no limitations other than Justice with respect to wealth, prosperity, healing, gaining knowledge, lifestyle changes, protection, et cetera; and certainly none against due and justified revenge. The Invocation must be honorable and justified, and when it is, even the sky isn't a limit. Just be sure the ground you're on is solid. You ARE worth what you will honestly attain. Only a justified Curse will work! Frivolous or silly will not work. Properly invoked and duly justified Curses also apply to the generations of the offenders after them and are maintained by those generations who continue to commit the same injustices and keep the Curse upon their own heads. The Black Races and the Curse of Noah Upon Canaan is the most indisputable example of Curse maintenance. Invoking a Curse is the same process as invoking a Blessing, praying if you will, and for an equally justified reason. When the BALANCE of a Blessing overcomes the IMBALANCE of the situation, the Blessing is often instantaneous – a seeming miracle. In fact, it is nothing more than Sacred and Holy (natural) Law in action doing what Sacred and Holy Law does when applied properly. CURSE UPON THE TRAITORS Preliminary Information The first week of October, 2008, the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate surrendered the Economic Sovereignty of the United States to the Federal Reserve System's NATIONAL BLACKMAIL via the reputed 'rescue'/'bailout' legislations as contained in H R 1424. Each and every Representative and Senator who voted in favor of this NATIONAL EXTORTION should be indicted for HIGH TREASON – or at least economic espionage – and brought before a Court of NON-GOVERNMENT Citizens; tried under the few remaining statutes of the Constitution of the United States; and executed immediately upon conviction. Since the above suggestion is as fanciful under our current SOCIALIST-DOMINATED government as TRUTH from the mouths of all the 'rescue'/'bailout' supporters, the only other alternative is to bring as much Hell down on the heads of the sellouts as possible, and all their generations after them, in accordance with Sacred and Holy Law. The U.S. Representatives and the U.S. Senators who voted FOR this economic Damnation KNEW exactly what they were doing – robbing the poor to pay the rich, most of it OUT of the Country – and passing the debt on to YOU and yours for untold generations. Generations? YES! Did you know that in 1990 there were still 150 active Veterans Benefits Accounts from the CIVIL WAR? 135 YEARS after the war 'ended!' Guess how much THAT cost over the years in 'administration' and oversight. Far more than the damned war itself! THE PREPARATION 1. Make up your mind that YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS CRAP from government or anybody else, and that YOU want the conspirators and perpetrators and THEIR generations to suffer as much and as long as YOU and YOUR generations will. 2. Make up your mind that this Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, H R 1424, is ABUSE – Economic High Treason is a far more accurate term – and YOU and YOURS are victims of the KNOWING CONSPIRACY AND PERPETRATION with malice aforethought by the perpetrators. 3. Make up your mind that these KAK SOCIALISTS fully deserve the Justice you are about to deliver, and THEIR deeds and actions have brought YOUR WRATH upon their own heads. THE HOW 1. It takes ENERGY to BALANCE energy, so you need a SOURCE of energy in addition to your own. When mass/matter burns, whether a cigarette, gas cooking flame, charcoal smoldering, incense burning, or a lit candle, IT IS BEING TURNED INTO ENERGY! If you don't smoke, get a supply of ANY of the above or simply use a burner of a stove or furnace, et cetera, as long as it isn't electric. 2. All you need do AFTER the above preparation is DIRECT the ENERGY being produced in the ABSOLUTE WORST CURSE AND DAMNATION YOU CAN CREATE toward those Presidents, Vice Presidents, Cabinet Secretaries, House Representatives, Senators, Bankers and their MANIPULATORS – which will include James Earl Carter, Walter Frederick Mondale, George W. H. Bush, James Danforth Quayle, William Jefferson Clinton, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney and now Barack Hussein Obama II (aka Barry Soetoro), Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., THEIR Puppet Masters – who concocted this fiscal fiasco - and all their collective spouses, whores, girl and boy friends and generations after them until Shiloh. Remember, none of them had thought or consideration for the wars, injuries, poverty, starvations, ill health, et cetera, their collusions already have and are certain to continue to bring upon YOU and YOURS, so stick it to THEM and THEIR generations accordingly. It's a matter of very justified self-defense. 3. Done with a proper FURY and as OFTEN as possible – invoking even when someone lights a cigarette – Sacred and Holy Law will direct your JUSTICE toward THEIR INJUSTICE and when their iniquity gets full: Hell itself will boil over THEM, all their possessions (so they can't enjoy any of the stolen money) and all THEIR GENERATIONS until Judgment. Sacred and Holy Law is an EXACTING SCIENCE, so there will be no exceptions and no escapes! Then Eternal Hell awaits their passing … 4. Simply BURN something and speak (silently in your mind works as well as audible words) your invocation to the MATTER AND THE ENERGY it is changing into. Write out the Invocation if necessary. Use your own words, name the names if you want to as it directs your Curse toward THAT individual. Include their MANIPULATORS and even if unnamed they won't escape either. If you form a group/gathering, write out the invocation to be able to invoke in UNISON, keeping it as simple (few words) as possible, to multiply the power as two LIKE-MINDED people invoking deliver the power of three, always about a fifty percent (50%) increase. Just don't waste your time with jackass, frivolous or silly mentalities. 5. Don't worry about the Bastards or any of their crackpot supporters invoking a Blessing to counter your Curse. Sacred and Holy Law will intervene because they will be knowingly Blessing EVIL, and that is something Sacred and Holy Law will not tolerate. And that is why only a Justified Curse will work. THE EFFECT You have a great deal of support – the many millions of other victims who are just as victimized as you are! Consider the COMBINED ENERGY OF THE WRATH OF THEIR CURSES WITH YOURS and Hell itself clearly sits on the horizon of all the conspirators, manipulators and perpetrators regardless of their Mantles of 'honor'. You just have to do it – and do it correctly. When the ENERGY invoked against the SOCIALIST DEMONIC BASTARDS begins to equal the energy of their abominations, their success rate will begin to falter, their health and the health of their associates and families will begin to deteriorate, and everything they encounter will be an irrevocable road to horror and oblivion until they lie dead and they are rotting and burning in Hell where each and every one of them belong. There will be IMMEDIATE effects as THE WRATH OF YOUR CURSE begins to contaminate their very bodies. Those in close proximity will feel discomfort; those hearing them will note FALSITY in their voice; those SEEING them, even on television, will detect their EVIL. They can rant, rave and mock all they want, but NOTHING is going to save them from YOUR WRATH except UNDOING all their SOCIALIST DAMNATIONS – ALL OF THEM IN FULL REPENTANCE – and making FULL RESTITUTION – out of their personal wealth and NOT more of your tax money – to all those they have harmed in any manner. When their INIQUITY is full, balanced by the wrath of your Curse, they will begin to experience all manner of personal horrors so severe that death would be a welcome relief were it not for the First Judgment HELL awaiting them – all of them. NO!, their "praying to Jesus for forgiveness" won't work because the crimes in question were not committed against Jesus (among other, more serious reasons)! Everything in Creation is a matter of energy, mass (material/matter) AND frequency. Everything exists as no-less-than TWO of these applications, in perfect balance as a general rule. Sacred and Holy Law works on BALANCE, just like we see it every day in nature. Only man screws up the balance of nature, although everybody and everything suffers because of it. When the balance changes, or fulfills, the PENDULUM changes direction instantly! Sacred and Holy Law provides the SAME set of balances: (1) Righteousness vs (2) Evil; (3) Iniquity (injustice) vs (4) Justice (vengeance); and the list goes on. These are the FOUR factors applicable here. Sacred and Holy Law does not require 'belief' in any quantity whatsoever, false religions do. False religions require sufficient 'belief' and blame all failures on the lack of 'belief'/'faith' whenever possible and 'the-will-of-God' when their own 'prey(ing)' doesn't work either. Sacred and Holy Law only requires exacting obedience. Just do it as exacting as possible under the circumstances. Without going into a long and documentable history lesson, to apply the appropriate Curse upon the appropriate traitors the exact WHAT you need to know is almost as simple as the actual HOW – but one won't work without the other. As you will find in subsequent sections of this book, The Most High, Himself, will protect the Righteous – all those who are in compliance with Sacred and Holy Law – so you don't need to waste time, provision or energy in that direction. And, He will not hear one word invoked in the name of any 'saint' or other entity regardless of "what the preacher said." FINAL SUGGESTIONS 1. Consider all the MAJOR MEDIA who spared no effort to help perpetrate this H R 1424 Damnation by NOT telling the whole truth to the people YEARS AGO when the legislative and economic preparations were being implemented – and YES, they knew the whole scam from start to finish. 2. Consider all the MAJOR MEDIA who are still sparing no effort to SELL THE SOCIALIST AGENDA of Barack Obama and the now-totally communist Democrat Party because it's a greater evil than the SLOWER SOCIALIST AGENDA of John McCain. The deliberately FALSE and knowing MISinformation from all networks, cable news services and news publications is obvious to anybody who THINKS FOR THEMSELF and pays even the slightest attention. Don't spare those biased Media Bastards either! The ONLY possible escape – a partial list of IMMEDIATE actions – as shall apply to all U.S. Presidential Administrations, House Representatives and Senators: 1. Restore the Constitution! Restoring the Constitution does not require a return to slavery or any other such SOCIALIST nonsense; but it DOES arm the people – without any restrictions – against a tyrannical government at every level. 2. Return the Judicial Benches to the citizens and NOT one 'educated' class – lawyers! The Judicial Branch is a full THIRD of our government – and currently overloaded with Communists and Socialists. 3. Remove all SOCIALIST AGENDA laws, statutes and regulations – all clearly defined in the Marxist manifestos. NAFTA and GATT are great places to start since their primary design was – and still is – the destruction of the United States and our free enterprise economy. 4. Abolish all Federal BLACKMAIL 'comply with our standards or lose funding' extortions. One of the best places to start is to abolish the U.S. Department of Education which will accomplish TWO critical objectives: (1) saving well over ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS ($100,000,000,000.00) a year; and (2) return both the money and local control of education to the Parents and School Boards returning Johnny and Jeanie to the LITERATE Class. Currently one out of four high school and college graduates CANNOT READ THEIR DIPLOMA! 5. Abolish the Federal Reserve System and all its phony 'national debt' scams including Foreign Aid and Foreign Assistance; abolish the Internal Revenue Service and implement a flat tax, the receipts of which government cannot exceed in spending except in times of Declared War or natural disaster; abolish the Department of Homeland Security and the major part of all the various and overlapping abusive and totally worthless Federal Law Enforcement Agencies; repeal the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Thought Police Act, Internet Control Act and all the rest of that One World Government (Globalism) SOCIALIST LEGISLATED ENSLAVEMENT! All these, or prepare yourselves, your manipulators, your cronies and all respective generations after you thereof for a permanent change of residence in Hell. YES! The Akurians and uncounted other victims have been Invoking this Curse since it was first published on 8 October 2008 - 9 Tishrei 5769. The effects are being reported in virtually every newscast, just no mention of the sources of "why" … Now that you have a small handle on the what, who, why and how of a solid Curse, the following pages and Invocations will be even more enlightening. Read carefully, study diligently, prepare meticulously and invoke with all due emotion. [Signed] El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH INVOCATIONS OF POWER Names, Titles, Powers, Authorities There are many types of power from the minutest quark to raging Black Holes that swallow entire galaxies. The POWERS revealed in these pages are mightier than all the quarks, mass, matter, Forces, Energies, galaxies and Black Holes combined. They are elements of extreme and irrevocable Forces and Energies. In this book anyone can learn to use them. The degree of skill is directly proportionate to the time in correct practice and Spiritual Qualifications required. Everything need not be a Curse or a Destruction. Blessings and Protectives are equally viable accomplishments as are control and enjoyment of one's circumstance. The same processes work, regardless of intent, once you know how to perform them. Akurian Invocations of Testimony are everlasting and without appeal. Righteously Authorized, Spiritually Empowered Akurians use them sparingly, the wise and prudent study them diligently while fools destroy themselves and all those round them in their stupidity. There is nothing humorous or exciting about bringing an encroaching Hell of the First Magnitude down on your own head at your own hand. You have been warned. FACT NUMBER ONE YOU MUST KNOW: There IS a Most High Lord God of All Creation and His Name is NOT "Jesus" nor "Jehovah" (YHVH) nor "Allahu!" His True and Correct Name is given in these Instructionals and we advise using It with great respect and very careful consideration. The purpose of these Akurian Instructionals is to empower all True and Righteous Akurians in the use and application of Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities as vested in them by The Most High, Himself, as Proven Knowers of His Great Testimony. We caution all Seekers of Truth and wannabe Akurians alike to beware of and avoid all abuse, misuse, frivolous and silly conduct. These Invocations of Testimony and all Entities, Forces, Energies and vested powers thereof are Righteous and Direct from the Glorious Mouth of The Most High: they will not obey anything or anyone NOT of The Most High's approval and authority; and to attempt any deviation from The Most High's agenda or any Demonic endeavor whatsoever, including socialism and the attempted expansion thereof, will result in absolute and ultimate destruction. Wannabe Spiritualists, Metaphysicians and Occultists from the earliest days of 'priesthood' following the departure from earth by the main party of Nefilim (Divine Watchers) have sought the Holy Grail of being able to INVOKE and DELIVER instant magic, healing, life, death, destruction, protection, heaven, hell, fire, water, love, hate, survival, children, sustenance, good harvests, justice, et cetera, on demand. Motion Picture special effects make it look easy and Magicians (Illusionists) often show a remarkable skill, both producing the apparent impossible. Such wants and desires are not limited to the realms of fantasy, even to the most impoverished and oppressed. Virtually all religions are built on such 'miracles' by a Divine Somebody, of which the Christians' Jesus leads at least the publicity parade followed hard by 'Mary,' actually Semiramis, the harlot daughter of Canaan in disguise as 'mother of god,' to those of the Demonic Delusions. Generations of Witches have both been accused, and practiced various rituals with very limited results; or so many of them wouldn't have been burned at the stake, executed by hanging and drowning, had their bodies disposed of or mangled with equally useless ritualistic procedures. Nobody practices more rituals than the churches, and nobody has a greater rate of abject failure. But why the endless failures if the 'god' they reputedly serve and the 'saints' they revere did all kinds of miracles, including perfect prophecy, and promised the faithful they could do all the same things? Why the endless string of total failures for thousands of years interrupted only by an occasional Demonic Deception? Somebody didn't 'believe' enough to make it work every time? Are we supposed to assume that of millions of people, over hundreds of generations, there wasn't ONE who 'believed' enough to bring such a common desire as World Peace, or end hunger, eliminate disease or ignorance? Is THAT the problem?; NOBODY 'believed' enough? POPPYCRAP! If you're stupid enough to buy that set of Emperor's New Clothes, The Akurians know where we can still get you one hell of a deal on a matched set of Pyramids! If there were no God, all the above excuses would have some very hard and fast viability. But even a cursory look at the myriad of life forms from micro-microscopic to the huge and unimaginable, and all perfectly adapted to where they live in nature and what they do as beings, preempts the stupidity of life-by-happenstance and the idiotic claim that "everything was made out of nothing." The fact of Creation itself clearly documents Divine Origin – of some kind. For the sake of this Instruction, let's call that Divine Creator – regardless of all relevant or irrelevant considerations with respect thereto – by the Title of "God," herein known as The Most High. According to all the earliest scripts and legends the NAME or TITLE of a Divinity, and eventually even of an Emperor, King or Queen had great authority, the Name of God being an absolute of authority, power, knowledge, wisdom, understanding – and the list goes on – and ultimately with respect to DELIVERY! Invoke something in the Name of a True God, and it was going to happen, often immediately, then and there. Those same scripts and legends also reveal that while the Name of a Divine Entity was powerful and not to be taken lightly, that Name was not revealed to even faithful servants except on rare occasions. More often the best a servant knew was the TITLE and the demands. Moses knew of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but had to ask for the correct Name to be able to identify to the Israelites – who didn't know either – who gave him the Authority of Office to bring down even the Pharaoh of Egypt. What Moses got was the TITLE Name of the representing entity, "YHVH," who knew better than reveal the actual Holy Name of The Most High or to let the given TITLE Name fail while under his representation. Of late we accord the same level of authority – and too often 'reverence' and 'honor' – to government and government agencies, specifically but not limited to various police departments and courts, endowing them with trust simply because they are 'government' of some kind. Can we assume then that invocations that WORK must be the relegated domain of some High Entity? And is it also a necessity that such a High Entity be of a Spirit or some other composition which might also include flesh like, or similar to, humans? Or will any name work equally as well regardless of the composition of the entity? There is certainly something to names, or Jacob – who had been renamed "Israel" – wouldn't have named his own name and the names of his fathers Abraham and Isaac upon Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:16). But note Jacob did NOT name the Name of God nor the Angel in question upon Ephraim and Manasseh, only his own Name, Israel, the names of his fathers and conferred the Promise of Blessings from that God as part and parcel of the Birthright since Abraham, and then upon condition of obedience! Power in a name? Yes, there still is power in a name. Moses called up the East Wind, twice, Exodus 10:13 "And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an East Wind upon the land all that day, and all that night; and when it was morning, the East Wind brought the locusts." Then Exodus 14:21 "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong East Wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided." Moses obviously knew the East Wind's name, Ruling Divinity and what to say to them; but he omitted that information in his account as was the practice for untold generations – and yet today. In this book are the correct Names, Titles and exactly how to invoke them, with all necessary details including proper preparation, if any, to increase power and delivery. As a matter of infinite information, there are five Great Elements of Creation, seven Archangels, nine Angels, eight Sacred Winds and Four Gates that must be invoked properly, and by their proper Names, to get any results at all. There are no 'required' trappings, robes, cups, glasses, calderons, wine, bread, candles, fires, incense, altars, knives, swords, specific times, and least of all, live or dead sacrifices whatsoever. None of the Elements, Entities, Winds or Gates hear, heed, obey or even pay attention to anybody who does not have the Holy Seal of The Most High in their forehead! That Holy Seal ("Mark" in Ezekiel 9:4-6, not to be confused with the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:16) is easy to acquire, but all the "praise Jesus," "hail Mary" and "Allahu Akbar" put together can't deliver it, nor any of the Righteous Powers, Holy Authorities and Divine Responsibilities that having it endows. Didn't Immanuel poo-poo such doings in Matthew 6:27: "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" and Luke 12:25: "And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?" Not really. He didn't say it couldn't be done, just that none of those present could do it. Immanuel's proof of his Title "Messiah" – Anointed of His Generation – was His ability to perform all manner of miracles from running off a batch of wine at Cana, scads of healings, reading minds and memories, casting out Demons, multiplying food to raising the proven dead. That said, the 'name' of "Jesus" is totally worthless, as Immanuel doesn't answer to that 'name' and never did and never will! The letter "J" didn't even exist until 1349 (CGAD), so that 'name' is a con-job by preachers and other liars who have absolutely zero True Righteous Power or Holy Authority whatsoever before The Most High; and is a deception upon all those ignorant or foolish enough to accept it or them. Try the 'name' in any invocation or prayer you want, and watch it fail every time. Doesn't all such practices require association with Satan, or the Devil? Only for politicians, priests, preachers and other liars. Phony 'psychics' can't call up the smell off dung, let alone a Demon of Quality they can handle. Calling up, or associating with anybody, especially 'spirit guides' (familiar spirits) or 'ascended masters' isn't necessary to set Forces and Energies in motion toward a given objective. Just as it isn't necessary to use a 155mm Howitzer to open a can of soup. Every situation doesn’t require the entire Commandry of God to accomplish. Dealing directly with Spirits – Angelic or Demon – is terrifying enough, but the Great Elements of Akasha, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are far more powerful than any Angel, Demon or Demonic endeavor, whether possession or direct attack. FACT NUMBER TWO YOU MUST KNOW: To be a True and Righteous Spiritualist you must first achieve the requirements – and they can't be faked: The Holy Seal of The Most High of a Proven Knower of The Great Testimony in your forehead; you will be taught Holy Law and the Ways of Righteousness so that with sufficient practice you will be endowed with True Spiritual Knowledge that may include: Righteous Power to detect and direct the Entities, Forces and Energies involved; Holy Authority to direct Great Elements and the Entities, Forces and Energies of all the Realms of all the Heavens Above all the Earths; all the Entities, Forces and Energies of all the Realms of all the Earths; and all the Entities, Forces and Energies of all the Realms of all the Depths Beneath all the Earths; and Divine Responsibility to justly handle all the above. And when you are in full compliance with Holy Law: As a True and Righteous Akurian, and with sufficient practice, you will be able to bring down Heaven or deliver up Hell in any quantity or severity and location you deem appropriate with complete immunity in The Sight of The Most High. As a True and Righteous Akurian, and with sufficient practice, you will be able to safely enter into and return from the Planes of Heaven and Depths of Hell fully conscious; see with your Spirit Eye and hear with your Spirit Ear; remote view any place in all Creation; accurately discern Spirits and Demons, living and dead humans and extraterrestrials; and travel forward and backward in time in the Akashic Records also known as the Reflecting Ether; and psychometrize objects as to their age, where they came from, et cetera. And the list is virtually endless. FACT NUMBER THREE YOU MUST KNOW: To want to know anything about True Righteousness, the Seeker of Truth must be devoid of several common circumstances: Practicing the Hebrew Religion under the Talmud rather than the Torah; being of the impure bloodlines (Khazars/Kazzars) whether the pretence is Levite or Judean (Jew); supporting any other than legitimate and pure lineage Sons of Aaron Levite Priests in the entire Jewish Community and that support must include the Anointed of the Generation and whoever sits in that Holy Seat; Catholicism and/or christianity in any form or fashion, including support thereof; Muslim or Hinduism in any form or fashion, including support thereof; Racemixing in any form or fashion, including tolerance or support thereof; Homosexuality in any form or fashion, including support thereof; and Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism or Progressivism in any form or fashion, including any and all tolerance or support – regardless of how minor – thereof. All the immediately above are vile due to their Demonic origins, except the Hebrew Religion when under legitimate and pure lineage Sons of Aaron Levite Priests. And they're not all that favorable in The Sight of The Most High since ages ago they sold the Righteousness "for a farthing in the streets as it were an aged whore for worth and value." The Most High is still infuriated at them! Anybody and everybody else who even attempts to use, or tamper with, the Entities, Great Elements, Forces, Energies, Righteous Powers or Holy Authorities contained in these Holy Instructionals are going to get their unholy asses smashed, along with all their families, friends and fellows who are any part of their criminality. And "any part" means "even in the slightest agreement with" as well as support of the above mentioned religions, life styles and political Demonisms, including being on government payroll as a party to knowing injustices and atrocities. There are repentances, processes and procedures to correct and eliminate the above, and those repentances and corrections must be accomplished and valid before even the slightest of dangers and Damnations will bypass the Seeker of Truth. Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives, bureaucrats, politicians, Catholics, Christians, Kak (Khazar/Kazzar) Jews, hallelujah halfwits, Muslim psychopaths, priests, preachers and other liars: you have been warned! But doesn't applied physics require some source of energy and material? Sure does, and Creation is overflowing with both. Everything that exists is in one or the other of those forms. There's no shortage of either. Isn't telekinesis (mind over matter) impossible? Only to those who can't do it. WHO ARE THE AKURIANS? That's a fair question. We're saying a lot of things and its validity should rightly depend on "who" we really are, our authority in such matters, our track record of accuracy and the sources of our information. The Akurians are everyday people, like you, with THREE major exceptions: (1) Akurians have the Testimony of The Most High, Himself as to our Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities that everyone can examine for themselves; (2) Akurians do NOT 'believe' anything!; either we KNOW or know we don't know, and when the latter is the case we are instantly about the business of finding out the Truth, warts and all; and (3) We have the only Holy Scripts, "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" of which The Most High, Himself, has and will Testify that each and every word, statement and claim therein is absolute, irrevocable and consistently verifiable Truth! Compare that to the Holy Bible of which the same Divine Confirmation applies to only NINE Books: the Torah (first five) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel of the Prophets and the Book of Revelation, the sole inclusion of the New Testament. All the rest have been altered, edited or deleted to the point they are no longer accurate in their entirety, some for hundreds of years. The entire Gospel of John in the New Testament is an outright Roman Government forgery with a very few out-of context statements to deceive the populace into buying the con-job of 'belief.' The absolute height of Demonic stupidity is 'belief' accepted as Knowledge! There is still a FLAT EARTH SOCIETY (2011) for those stupid enough to 'believe' such poppycock in the presence of all evidence to the contrary. Consider, why 'believe' when you can KNOW?! Hallelujah halfwits who 'believe in Jesus' are equally as ignorant as the Flat Earthers because, as mentioned before, the letter "J" did not exist in Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin or Greek of the Biblical Era, and did not exist until 1349 AD in English. Consequently, Immanuel, His correct Name and Title, never heard the word "Jesus" (GEE-sus) in His lifetime and does NOT answer to any version of it today! If researched properly back through the ages, the Name cum Title of "Jesus" becomes "Zeus" of the Greek Pantheon, the most vile, corrupt and morally bereft of them all, and THAT took some doing. Now you know "why" it's impossible to 'believe enough' for anything and everything "asked in Jesus' name" to ever happen. The Akurians have no such Demonic Delusions and do not waste time, effort, energy or resources on such stupidities. The Akurians have The Great Testimony of The Most High, Himself, the greatest of all our Possessions and Knowledge! We also enjoy direct access into and return from the Planes of Heaven and Infernal Depths beneath the Earth – without dying – for which Immanuel paid the full penalty and Demonstrated the correct process. That's "who" we are, the True Spiritual Tribe of the Children of Abraham. And The Akurians with Holy Seals in our foreheads, there is no escape whatsoever from us – whether Blessing or Cursing – anywhere in Creation. In case you've thought about it, one of the Holy Laws: Deuteronomy 8:10 "When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt Bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee;" observed by King David, 1st Chronicles 29:20 "And David said to all the congregation, Now Bless the Lord your God. And all the congregation Blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshiped the Lord, and the king;" and taught in Nehemiah 9:5 "Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up and Bless the Lord your God forever and ever: and Blessed be thy Glorious Name, which is exalted above all Blessing and praise." If The Most High, Himself, doesn't attempt to hide from, or avoid our Blessings, He certainly isn't going to permit the Bastards to escape our Damnations! That's why He gave The Akurians who are Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony the earned Righteous Power and Holy Authority to do it. For all true Seekers of Truth, read on and learn what we do, how we do it and by what Righteous Power and Holy Authority we venture in the Highest and Lowest Realms and present our Judgments directly before The Most High, Himself. Or if you're stupid enough, you can continue to 'believe' in a nonexistent 'Jesus' or 'hail Mary' or even shout "Allahu Akbar" before you blow yourself into the hottest Eternal Depths of Perdition. It doesn't matter to The Akurians, because THAT decision is yours. THE GRAND INVOCATIONS The Great Elements The Invocations though the end of this book are presented verbatim as examples for study by true Seekers of Truth and Knowledge regardless of motivation. The Akurians caution against misuse and abuse, and Judge such in Truth as is our own Divine Directive and Commission. We also support the Constitution of the United States of America in its entirety which does not mention homosexuality or same-sex marriages any where, except in leaving the matter to the States or the People. We neither endorse nor encourage homosexuality nor any conduct relative to the lifestyle, and stand in Judgment against them. But if a State or the People of a given jurisdiction determine such is lawful, they have our support under the Constitution to so determine. And so it is with The Grand Invocations. We support the Constitution as it applies to Earthly legal matters and condemn any and all violations of Sacred and Holy Law, specifically intrigues against and enemies of the Constitution, both foreign and domestic. Within The Grand Invocations you will find many references including people of renown and prominence – at least via socialist dominated media. You will also find severe penalties adjudicated by The Akurians upon those found wanting and condemned for their actions. The greater horror upon those we have adjudicated and sentenced becomes clear when you, the Seeker of Truth, understand The Akurians have removed all capabilities of controlled reincarnation that has kept these perpetrators in power and wealth for centuries. Now they no longer are reborn by design back into the same families – the reason for close intermarriage (usually cousins today) of both the ancient and modern Royal and wealthy – and are condemned to Hell immediately following death where they remain until at least Second Judgment. NO! There isn't one damned thing any church, religion or lodge can do about it. The Akurians have discerned, The Akurians have investigated, The Akurians have Judged, The Akurians have presented the Invocations of Testimony against the accused before the Very Presence of The Most High, Himself, where nothing but absolute Truth is permitted to exist. The Judgment of The Akurians is True and Righteous and shall stand until Shiloh and into all Eternity. The process of repentance and redemption is under the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of The Akurians and we will not budge on iota. Read well and study, Dear Seeker of Truth, for it's only a matter of time until The Most High asks YOU! AKASHA, ROOM TO EXIST The First Great Element AKASHA – room to exist. Regardless of how infinitesimally small something is, it still occupies area – space – room. Even the highest frequencies of Heavenly Light and invisible Forces and Energies that can and do occupy the same space at the same time still require room to exist. That room to exist is provided by the Great Elemental we know as AKASHA. Yes, the same AKASHA that lends its name to the Akashic Records, also known as the Reflecting Ether and "Book of Life" in the Bible. Without AKASHA – room to exist – nothing that exists can exist. In the normal use of numbering the Great Elements, AKASHA is seldom counted at all, thus the FOUR Quarters of Creation, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH. Time requires AKASHA, motion requires AKASHA, gravity requires AKASHA, inertia requires AKASHA, The Planes of Heaven require AKASHA, the Depths of Hell require AKASHA: The Most High, Himself, requires AKASHA because THAT is the way He made things. Anything and everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell or think is an expression of AKASHA; and everything that exists that you don't see, hear, touch, taste, smell or think is still an expression of AKASHA. Creation Rule #1: Everything you want must first have room to exist – AKASHA – wherever you want it to be manifest: FIRST, MAKE ROOM! Whether it be a change in your lifestyle, health, wealth, prosperity, accuracy, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, wisdom, comfort, pleasure, power, whatever; first, make room for it to exist. Without that room – AKASHA – nothing is going to change. Nothing. For the several decades of my Reign, I have taken the precaution of handling the AKASHA requirements for all Akurians, making room for them and their doings, whether good or ill. And my caution with this revelation is well founded, as was my practice on behalf of The Akurians, because without AKASHA NOTHING CAN EXIST! Without AKASHA, the Great Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates cannot perform as designed and designated. That brings a seeming conflict to the fore, as obviously a lot of things we don't want exists all over Creation, and shouldn't, once we've removed all AKASHA from those entities and situations. Creation Rule #2: Once something has existed, there is room for it, and each and every consciousness in Creation has accepted that existence, thus making room for it to continue to exist. To clarify, there is no instant on/off switch with respect to AKASHA, because AKASHA automatically makes TIME for itself to exist regardless of where the manifestation is located. Pay very close attention to that Rule and Clarification. There is a wide open secret staring everybody in the face – long-suppressed by the Bastards – but there for all who will take the time to THINK instead of mentally blunder. The Secret is: Mind/Consciousness, even of the innate, is the source of all ability to control/change AKASHA, and thereby to control/change the manifestations of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, the Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates! But there is a Rule to the Rule! Nobody without a Holy Seal can effect such control/change of AKASHA unless within the Aura of Authority of someone with a Holy Seal of The Most High. And THAT is why even our neophyte students, new Seekers of Truth and invited guests succeed where all intruders, hallelujah halfwits, socialists and other such Demonic Mind/Consciousnesses fail with severe and inescapable penalties. It is NOT a matter of 'belief' or 'faith' of any kind: it is a matter of Righteous Power and Holy Authority that can only be conferred by The Most High. Creating NEW Energy and redirecting OLD Energy are TWO different things! The Entities, Forces and Energies we are dealing with are infinitely susceptible to direction and infinitely volatile. A vital point: The Akurians are putting together a series of Invocations of Testimony to remove all Black Community (Canaanite) support of, and subservience to, socialism: including illegal President Barack Hussein Obama and all his communist cronies. Removing Cush out of Canaan is an equal goal of these Invocations. But, DO NOT – REPEAT – DO NOT attempt to use any information, Entities, Forces, Energies, Winds or Gates of this instructional to remove the Great Curse of Noah Upon Canaan nor the Great Curse of The Most High Upon Cush; use the information of this instructional to bring Cush out of Canaan and into repentance and observance of Holy Law! This is a very fine line but it must not be misused in even the slightest detail. AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH The Great Elements This Instructional is going to be frightening. Dealing directly with Spirits – Angelic or Demon – is terrifying enough, but the Great Elements are far more powerful than any Demonic endeavor, whether possession or direct attack. The Great Elements of which everything in Creation is made and controlled compass all the Entities, Forces and Energies of All the Realms of All the Heavens above All the Earths, all the Entities, Forces and Energies of All the Realms of All the Earths, and All the Entities, Forces and Energies of All the Realms of All the Depths beneath All the Earths. Wherever existence is, it's there because of the Great Elements and is controlled by the Great Elements. The Great Elements do not have minds of their own, even to the normal processes or natural order of things, and are directed and contained by High Entities whom The Most High raised up for Himself and taught to do those very necessary and complex jobs. That's right! The Most High created the Living Souls of Angels BEFORE He created all the Heavens, then the EARTH and the Depths beneath the EARTH! The fact that EARTH is where all things physical are manifest is by His Great Design. Do not EVER attempt to call upon or invoke any Great Element until you are fully versed and practiced in handling such Powers, Forces and Energies. Once set in motion they can be a raging fury of unimaginable strength and proportionate destruction if not properly controlled and directed. NO! Neither the Ruling Archangels nor Attending Angels will lift so much as one piece of lint to protect the damned fools who will ignore this advice. MAKING A BELLY BALL Personal Spirit Manifestation The best way to gain a greater understanding of any Great Element is to personally experience it. And to do that, you're going to need a Belly Ball made out of your own energies! They're easy to make. With your arms straight down and bent forward at the elbows, hold your hands with palms facing each other at your waist (solar plexus). In a few seconds, no more than one minute unless you're injecting 'white light' or some 'praise Jesus' Demonism you've already been warned against, you should feel a slight warmth in both palms. That energy is YOU! Your own life force. With correct practice you can also draw forth your own soul, if you have one (racially-mixed people do not!). When directed, form that energy into a Belly Ball as you would a handful of clay. And right here let's do away with the stupid-grin Idiot Element ideas. NEVER put a Belly Ball into anyone or anything else! It doesn't tie them to you, it ties YOU to them and all their Demons, stupidities, fantasies, whims, illness, ignorance, vile imaginations, et cetera: AND YOU CANNOT UNDO IT! There IS a healing process but this is NOT it. And much to the disappointment of those same crackpot mentalities, NO!: Until you are a Proven Knower of The Great Testimony of The Most High or under authority of someone who is, you can't take anybody else's energies, soul, Spirit, et cetera, and put them into any other entity. Without the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities required, even the attempt irrevocably binds the perpetrator TO the Demons who tempt such evil stupidity and the inescapable Damnations of the Abominations in accordance with Holy Law. Learning the Great Elements: All the Great Elements of AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH have similar Spirit Quarks. Any limitations, even in ignorance, put on any Great Element is first obeyed by these Spirit Quarks. For example, one of the most brilliant minds in the history of mankind is Dr. Stephen Hawking. Until retirement, he occupied the seat once filled by Isaac Newton, in spite of the fact he cannot move and must talk through a computer – and is the longest survivor of ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Dr. Hawking is the world's foremost acclaimed authority on space-time and time-travel. He states unequivocally that time-travel into the past is impossible, due to the fact that what has already happened cannot be changed. His reasoning that what has already happened cannot be changed is true, but that does not preclude time-travel into the past. Quite the opposite. At the unenviable point of having to disagree with one of the few scientists I admire, ordinary neutrinos – the effect of which appears as snow on any open television channel – are particles that (1) are moving faster than the speed of light; and (2) are moving backwards in time! Therefore, the incorrect scientific theory is, that in order to forward-time-travel the speed of light must be achieved. In fact, the natural state of time-matter is: Anything and everything moving beyond the speed of light is moving backward in time in the natural process of its manifestation. Consider; any mass at any speed of motion must come to a complete stop to reverse its course. Thus as mass reaches infinity – the speed of light – time approaches zero. It, time, passes at a slower rate. If forward-time reaches zero at true infinity, time is sitting at dead still: Then any speed in excess of infinity must then and there become REVERSE in manifestation – backwards in time – as evidenced by those untold billions of billions of neutrinos. As my admiration for Dr. Hawking is an absolute, so are the ramifications of these scientific facts. The obvious: When we invoke Great Elements, they obey any and all restrictions we put upon them, including any and all frivolity and silliness. Even in our own ignorance we restrict the greater part of their capabilities. Just as Dr. Hawking, et al, have overlooked the known speed-time factor of neutrinos, mankind has overlooked the tremendous capabilities accorded us via the Great Elements. The sole and exclusive liability and responsibility for the deliberate suppression of this Forbidden Knowledge rests on the Israelite Tribe of Levi and shared near-equally by the Israelite Tribe of Judah! The fact both sold out to That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople – the Roman Catholic Church in disguise of the Roman Empire – and the Roman Empire once it came into existence does not change the facts. The only reason the Nation of Islam isn't charged with this particular suppression of Knowledge is they never had any True Spiritual Knowledge to begin with, and still don't! Dr. Hawking, et al, who have already limited themselves in the development of space-time travel in both directions, didn't know, consider nor understand the ramifications of their trained and disciplined minds with respect to the Great Elements, lest they be ridiculed in their respective academic and scientific communities. But those limitations are there, and will remain upon both the academic and scientific communities – except for the True and Righteous Akurians – until those Great Elements are properly REDIRECTED and given sufficient time to make the necessary changes manifest in EARTH. AIR – the First Quarter of Creation; Ruling Archangel Raphael; Attending Angel Holy Bahaliel of the East Wind Apelotes, and Attending Angel Holy Sarabotes of the servant Wind Eurea. AIR is the quality of MOTION, as with respect to life and the ability to move. Its symbol is a neutral Blue filled circle that turns Yellow in the Planes and Depths. Knowing that AIR is the first Element, (second in the Grand Order) and foremost of the Great Elements and that all Great Elements need the buffering of the other three – including room to exist via AKASHA – the problem is conception of what these Great Elements actually work like when they're doing what they were designed to do. Let's take a cursory look at AIR and get a better idea of what it does. At the risk of sounding digressive, or making the Great Element into something hard physical – which it is not – let's take some known facts, in our case, a hurricane. Hurricane, Atlantic Ocean; Typhoon, Pacific Ocean; or Cyclone, Indian Ocean; they are the same thing: HUGE storms originating over water, powered by available heat and destructive in EARTH. Most people are unaware that such weather patterns not only push a tidal wave ahead of them, even at sea, that actually does as much or more damage as the actual storm winds. In addition to the tidal surge, it's the winds we want to concentrate on for the moment. Hurricane Force winds come ashore and literally tear things all to hell. Between a Force 1 at 74-95 MPH and a Force 5 at 156 MPH-Plus sustained winds, and depending on the actual weight of the wind in accordance with the amount of water and water vapor in it, very few things can stand up against the pressure. And yet we see rather flimsy buildings still standing alongside a destruction path of much stronger structures shattered into so much rubble! How in the hell can THAT be? Seldom mentioned, and NEVER accredited to me since I first brought it to attention back in the late 1950s, in the leading edge of a Hurricane there are always a string of TORNADOES, sometimes packing internal winds of 300-Plus and often crowding 400 MPH! It's that advance string of tornadoes that does the most damage – for obvious reasons – and leave behind buildings they missed. And it's that advance string that brings us to the actual application process of the Great Element of AIR. Now make a personal Belly Ball and charge it with the Great Element of AIR, making it into a Spirit Manifestation, thus: Repeat: "Archangel Raphael, bring me sufficient Essence of AIR for me to study; and when I am finished by dissolving my Spirit Manifestation, disperse as you will all you have brought me for this purpose." Now that you have a small quantity of the Great Element of AIR filling your Belly Ball, hold it in both hands under your personal control. What you are looking for is very subtle and NOT like the impact of a solid; at first the touch is like feeling the breeze as you wave your hand. Note that it is filled with smaller particles of energy of all kinds of shapes imaginable, some stronger than others, some twinkling as they move, and all of them moving at a different speed. They are, for all intents and purposes, Spirit Quarks. With a bit of practice, you can get a greater feel these AIR particles – AIR Quarks – like shaking salt into your hand, with your hand tilted to permit the salt particles to fall free. You can feel them impact and you can feel them leave. It is these Quarks of Spirit Energy – Dark Matter and Dark Energy if you must – that are the incidental impacts of any AIR Invocation. The spaces between them are the holes where we often think we have failed, but we actually haven't. A storm that left the remnants of a flimsy building standing STILL DESTROYED THE BUILDING for all intents and purposes. Voids in a loaf of bread don't change the fact the loaf is still bread nor do voids in cheese make it into anything else. These holes are but Spirit-energy fog, like the invisible forces of two alike pole magnets pushing against each other; and it is these holes that permitted us to 'miss' a target and left something standing or seemingly intact. When you have finished, disperse your Belly Ball by simply letting go of it. It's now a Spirit Manifestation and left alone, will dissolve on its own. Just DO NOT put it back into yourself, it's been charged and you don't need any imbalances, Spiritual or otherwise. Don't worry, you have virtually unlimited energies to make more, and this one is less than a speck of fog in the oceans. FIRE – the Second Quarter of Creation; Ruling Archangel Michael; Attending Angel Holy Nafriel of the South Wind Notae, and Attending Angel Holy Jehuel of the servant Wind Lipae. FIRE is the quality of EXPANSION, as with respect to growth and enlargement such as the multiples of a good harvest, et cetera. Its symbol is a neutral Red filled triangle that turns Light Green in the Planes and the Depths. That the Great Element of AIR is solely responsible for any and all movement everywhere in Creation is the non-scientific inclusion that permits both scientific and True Righteousness error; space-time being the most prominent. Once we have MOTION, we encounter HEAT in some form. Heat is the definable of all work done, measured in calories or watts, whether effecting the light output of a bulb, a voltage drop across a resister, the movement of a piston at the burning of fuel within the closed chamber, or any other application: heat instantly creates some degree of EXPANSION. The Great Element of FIRE has very little to do with temperature, per se, as hot and cold are but different measurements of the same thing; with HEAT causing expansion and COLD causing CONTRACTION. Again, the best way to gain a greater understanding of any Great Element is to personally experience it. Make a personal Belly Ball and charge it with the Element of FIRE, thus: Repeat: "Archangel Michael, bring me sufficient Essence of FIRE for me to study; and when I am finished by dissolving my Spirit Manifestation, disperse as you will all you have brought me for this purpose." Now that you have a small quantity of the Great Element of FIRE, under your personal control, note that it too is filled with smaller particles of energy of all kinds of shapes imaginable, some stronger than others, some twinkling as they move, and all of them moving at a different speed. With practice you can feel the HEAT of these Spirit Quarks, and it is this ACCUMULATED HEAT that makes the palms of your hands warm when you create a Belly Ball. It is these Quarks of Spirit Energy – Dark Matter-Dark Energy – that are the incidental impacts of any FIRE Invocation. It is the Great Element of FIRE and the South Wind Notae that makes these Spirit Quarks come to the surface of all the other Great Elements and causes – rather than permits – them to obey and accomplish their given Qualities. When you are finished, disperse your Belly Ball by simply letting go of it. Expansion is the quality of the Second Quarter of Creation, the Great Element of FIRE. It is a total and distinct – exclusive, if you must – different existence from the First Quarter of AIR and the subsequent Great Elements of WATER and EARTH. They neither look, feel, deliver nor act alike. None of the Great Elements do anything like the other. When you see movement in the expression of FIRE, WATER and EARTH, that movement is the action of AIR; and so it is throughout Creation. As with the First Quadrant, so it is with the remaining three. The Great Element of FIRE is responsible for all expansion – any and all sources of heat – regardless of the nature of the source, be it the slight temperature increase of moonlight or a super nova somewhere in space. Without the Great Element of FIRE, there could be nothing accomplished anywhere in Creation. Remember, as you will constantly be reminded: the Great Elements of AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH all have, and are mostly composed of, Spirit Quarks. Any limitations put on any Great Element is first obeyed by its Spirit Quarks. Now that you have tested the Great Elements of AIR and FIRE, you should have some idea, by way of your experience, as to what the Essence of a Great Element should feel like, and how instantaneously they obey your slightest thought concerning them! These FIRE Spirit Quarks come to the surface of any given energy applied properly, just as do the AIR Spirit Quarks when invoked properly; each Great Element having its influence on the other three Great Elements. The Great Element of FIRE is the best of all elements to incite the growth cum increase of Blessings, healings, wealth, prosperity, anger, fury, disgust, et cetera, and to expand the deprivations, discomforts and agonies of plagues, diseases, and disasters of such Curses. It also works when making the necessary expenditure of money cause some degree of physical cum emotional pain. And THAT is why I always advise NEVER changing the purpose of anything you have dedicated to any given cause. I've lost count of the failures I've seen when there would be some effort, energy or money dedicated toward a given project, and then REDIRECTED on some half-cocked whim. The one thing I haven't lost count of are the successes of such diversions, because there aren't any! NONE! Once dedicated, any Great Element if REDIRECTED improperly, even in minor wants and expressions, always result in equal disasters – as whims do. WATER – the Third Quarter of Creation; Ruling Archangel Gabriel; Attending Angel Holy Aniel of the West Wind Zephyros, and Attending Angel Holy Hamal of the servant Wind Skiron. WATER is the quality of CONTROL as with respect to guidance and limitation. Its symbol is a Crescent Moon, generally white on black that reverses in the Planes and Depths. The Third Quarter of the Great Elements of Creation, WATER is the quality of CONTROL, without which there is only chaos. Each and every one of the Four Great Elements are always affected by the other three, providing its own quality as appropriate, we experience AKASHA, AIR and FIRE in and of WATER, especially when manifest in EARTH. The Great Element of WATER produces the absence of HEAT – by CONTROLLING FIRE – you feel when calling up a Spirit, especially if the entity you're calling up is deceased from human life. It is this CONTROL factor of WATER and the West Wind Zephyrus that prevents any deception of a dead body and living Spirit. Remember that, it's one of the Spiritual Abilities you'll need during the Great Tribulation now on the horizon. Repeating, the best way to gain a greater understanding of any Great Element is to personally experience it. Make a personal Belly Ball and charge it with the Element of WATER, thus: Repeat: "Archangel Gabriel, bring me sufficient Essence of WATER for me to study; and when I am finished by dissolving my Spirit Manifestation, disperse as you will all you have brought me for this purpose." Now that you have a small quantity of the Great Element of WATER, note that it also is filled with smaller particles of energy of all kinds of shapes imaginable, some stronger than others, some twinkling as they move, and all of them moving at a different speed. With practice you can feel the COOLNESS of these Spirit Quarks, and it is this WET that makes the palms of your hands cool when you create a WATER Borne Belly Ball. It is these WATER Quarks of Spirit Energy that are the incidental impacts of any WATER Invocation. Pay attention to the fact your hands should feel WET although you can see they are dry – but can be made to feel damp with just the suggestion of thought. Virtually anything you can do with liquid water, you can do with the Great Element of WATER – except produce enough WET at any time to convince a skeptic, or cause it to take the shape of any container. Making and moving a storm, shaking hell out of the EARTH even where there are no fault lines, spreading or extinguishing plagues and bad weather, et cetera, are all applications of CONTROL via the Great Element of WATER as all CONTROL is vested in WATER. When you are finished, disperse your Belly Ball by simply letting go of it. As a constant reminder: the Great Elements of AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH all have, and are mostly composed of, Spirit Quarks. Any limitations put on any Great Element is first obeyed by those Spirit Quarks. The Quadrant of the Great Element of WATER is associated with the drinking, bathing, swimming-in type only by a very superficial manner. Both in touch seem to be WET, and with that wetness a bit of cooling. Just as liquid water is used to control applications of heat, the Great Element of WATER equally controls the other three Great Elements. That each Quadrant extends beyond itself into the following three Quarters should be obvious. That is one of the reasons for always calling up – invoking – in the same order as given: First, AKASHA, to make room to exist; Second, AIR, to put the objective into motion; Third, FIRE, to expand the objective; Fourth, WATER, to control the process AND the objective in the immediate and when manifest in the Fifth, EARTH, where all things become solid and real, including circumstances. Without the Great Element of WATER applied in proper order and amount, there is little, if any, manifestation of what is being invoked for and extensions of time beyond worth and value. It is with the Great Element of WATER that we can enforce the NOW!, NOW!, NOW!, factor of WHEN we want something to become manifest. It's the speed and brake pedal of the Quadrants. With WATER, we can drag out manifestations of Blessings for as much enjoyment as we desire, or Damnation for as much suffering as we want to inflict. Even so, it is with the Third Quarter of the Great Element of WATER that we can CONTROL and direct both our Blessings and our Damnations upon those found worthy. In our understanding: AKASHA is room to exist, AIR is the source of all motion and movement, FIRE is the source of all expansion and growth, and WATER is all about absolute control, even when the manifestation we want and produce is in EARTH, WATER never ceases control. EARTH – the Fourth Quarter of Creation; Ruling Archangel Uriel; Attending Angel Holy Beli of the North Wind Boreas, and Attending Angel Holy Forlok of the servant Wind Kaikias. EARTH is the quality of SOLIDITY, stability, inertia, and the area of manifestation. Its symbol is a neutral Violet filled square that turns a Chartreuse-Green, sometimes called a Golden Yellow, in the Planes and Depths. EARTH is where things begin to become solid in our perspective as the manifestation comes into being and begins to slow down, if you must. Even light photons by which we have vision are manifest in EARTH as detectable objects. The parallels of AKASHA, AIR, FIRE and WATER are ultimately manifest in EARTH as touchable, examinable, experimental, usable, and often expendable materials. And, in EARTH, we assume – often incorrectly – that we have absolute control over matter. The fallacy being that we really have little, if any, control over Earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, gravity, et cetera (including HAARP); even though we make use of similar sources in our production, manufacturing, agriculture, communications, transportation and medical practices, to name a few. Repeating, the best way to gain a greater understanding of any Great Element is to personally experience it. Make yourself a personal Belly Ball and charge it with the Element of EARTH, thus: Repeat: "Archangel Uriel, bring me sufficient Essence of EARTH for me to study; and when I am finished by dissolving my Spirit Manifestation, disperse as you will all you have brought me for this purpose." Now that you have a small quantity of the Great Element of EARTH, note that it is filled with smaller particles of energy of all kinds of shapes imaginable, some stronger than others, some twinkling as they move, and all of them moving at a different speed. With practice you can feel the SOLIDITY of these Spirit Quarks, and it is this WEIGHT the palms of your hands feel when you create an EARTH Borne Belly Ball. It is these EARTH Quarks of Spirit Energy that are the incidental impacts of any EARTH Invocation. Pay attention to the fact your hands should feel the hardness and the heaviness that is the Essence of the Great Element of EARTH. Virtually anything you can do with dirt, brick and mortar, you can do with the Great Element of EARTH. Everything made manifest will eventually be found in the EARTH Plane. THAT is why Akurians bring up the Essences and Energies of Hell in sufficient quantities to effect the damages we intend without covering the world with burning and boiling brimstone. Changes in all circumstance, from our own health and finances to the destruction of Global Enslavement are all via and manifest in the Great Element of EARTH. Now, disperse your Belly Ball by simply letting go of it. Most people on the planet are as oblivious of the Great Element of EARTH as those who continue under the delusion that because their head works they know how to think! The EARTH Plane reaches into the unknown expanses of space, much farther than so-called 'scientific' calculations claim. Every few years there is a 'new' age for Creation since the fraudulent 'big bang' theory is usually extending the age of the universe by a few billion years. The EARTH Plane is where all expressions of manifestations are the easiest to examine. The matter seems to be still, since we're pretty much traveling at the same speed it is. We have a tremendous amount of control over physical matter by comparison – or at least seem to. The fact is: each and every circumstance anywhere in the EARTH Plane of Creation is the end result of some previous – in most cases, Divine – thought. The Kak-Jew controlled HAARP System is but one of mankind's attempts to control the weather and Earthquakes among other things – but is really directed toward the detriment of all those who will not surrender to the socialist enslavement enforced by the same Kak Jews at every level of government, food, water, media, commerce, medicine, education, entertainment and thought. HAARP is, and it is somewhat successful as a CONTROL process. HAARP is the nearest scientific endeavor to metaphysical reality that exists above board to the known experimentations, and individually are certainly the largest psionic devices ever constructed. When properly networked they are of tremendous power. HAARP was the source of instigation of the recent Earthquake that destroyed most of Haiti last January 12, 2010. The initial strike was under full control of HAARP, but all the hell that's been happening since is OUT OF CONTROL and is going to stay that way! The Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all long the Pacific Eastern Rim of Central and South America are the unexpected results of that Kak Jew OWG "de-nigger Haiti" attempt. Were these Kak Jews and Levite socialists in any manner in compliance with and obedience to Holy Law, they wouldn't need the HAARP devices, for either rain, snow, dry, flood or human control. Yes, you may quote me. Each and everything that is manifest in EARTH, from the tiniest particle of the very Quarks of material existence to the largest gatherings of the largest Galaxies, is the end result of the applications of AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH. That most matter and energy that is known to exist – Dark Matter and Dark Energy – cannot be seen or detected by any scientific means, and can only be predicted and evidenced by mathematics, is proof-positive that WHAT we are told and the real truth are two entirely different things. And in spite of the fact we – the people – are paying through the nose for each and every 'discovery' and jot and tittle of print. And once we get an equal handle on EARTH, we're going to be about the business of changing that situation. THERE IS A TIME FACTOR between the time of invocation and manifestation in EARTH. Most of it consumed in overcoming already-dedicated Entities, Forces and Energies. Now here's how to multiply your skills at handling AKASHA and the Great Elements by about 100 fold. Make yourself a Belly Ball and keep it between your hands. Repeat aloud: "AKASHA, fill my Spirit Manifestation with room to exist!" Now, speak only the word, "AIR!" Instantly you will feel the same Spirit Quarks as you did when testing AIR before. Now, speak only the word, "FIRE!" Instantly, you will feel the HEAT of FIRE in your hands. Now, speak only the word, "WATER!" And as quickly as you turned on the heat of FIRE, you have the instant coolness of WATER. Now, speak only the word, "EARTH!" And your hands feel far heavier than before when you experienced the Essence of EARTH. When you have finished, disperse your Belly Ball by simply letting go of it. Each time you practice this little ritual, you will develop a greater sense of touch for each of these Great Elements. At some point in time, with very little practice, you will be able to select either palm and just THINKING the word, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER or EARTH, you will sense the immediate presence of the Essence of the named element; and you can direct it toward or into anything or anyone you determine to target. You can target without restriction of sight, even if the target is attempting to hide on the far side of Creation. You can use multiples of the Great Elements, or just "zap" as we currently do with a flick of your fingers, only with one hell of a lot more impact. When you see instant reaction to your zapping, it's time to do it MENTALLY and without any physical gesture. NEVER, under any conditions, attempt to "zap" a Proven Knower or fellow Akurian! The Most High will instantly begin to avenge the atrocity, and only He will know your fate. I have many dead Pathfinders and Akurians, including Officers and Generals due to such jackassing! Don't be another of them. I didn't bother to count the destroyed, with their know-so-much stupid grins intact, who were not Akurians; all of whom were just either pathetically stupid or attempted these Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities on their own agenda, against me or an Akurian. A few tried to make me account to them, as if 'they' were powers to be reckoned with – both in and out of government – but the Death of Deaths put a permanent end to their 'superiorities' and nonexistent 'authorities' in no uncertain terms. FOR THE RECORD: I account only to The Most High, and only at His Command, and to nobody else. Period. FOR THE RECORD: The Akurians' endeavors to restore the entire planet to Holy Law must also include Teachings of Righteousness about Righteous Power and Holy Authority. Thus as each and every individual need arises, the facts about all the Great Elements – including the inherent dangers of even attempting to use them improperly – must be made clear to those deserving. The Akurians do not neglect calling so-called 'religious' and political communities into account on equal basis with academic and scientific communities when we find them in error. Those who were there when we REDIRECTED all the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of accumulated Entities, Forces and Energies of AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER, and EARTH from Global Socialism to Free Enterprise, felt the shift and impact of those Great Elements, and even this small passage of time clearly shows initial results. The several REINVOCATIONS since then by other Akurians have enhanced the results and will continue to do so. BEGINNER'S HOW TO An example of this Instructional: We are neck-deep in national communism during a mid-term (2010-5770) election – hopefully where The Akurians can make more than our Voting Block difference. As all strategists, we must know what the opponents are doing and what they intend to do as their endeavors progress. Because the Democrat Party is openly and decidedly Marxist cum Communist, and the Republican Party isn't much, if any, improvement, The Akurians have instigated and effected a Save-the-Nation via Restore-the-Constitution endeavor as clearly evidenced in the Tea Party and Independent Voter grass-roots movements. These things did not just happen! They are the end results of Akurians' Invocations of Testimony and we have the records to document it. But let us concentrate on the Democrat Party for the moment. I have cracked the security of the Democrat High-Level Manipulators; since there is no defense against a Spiritual Fly-By; and The Akurians' Invocations of Testimony have made the Democrat Party's communist plans to be exposed to friend, comrade and foe alike in spite of Kak Jew-Controlled media. That most, other than Akurians, will be too stupid and self-intelligent (know-so-much that isn't true) to recognize or act appropriately upon that information to save their own worthless asses is upon their own heads, and not mine and not The Akurians. The focus on individual elections for Democrats will be "keep it local." "While Republicans hammer away at national themes targeted at right-wing activists, Democrats plan to focus on bread-and-butter regional concerns like jobs they fully intend to do nothing about for the unemployed. Democrats believe the emergence of Tea Party challengers in GOP primaries will help their candidates attract moderate voters. A Tea Party candidate who wins the primary will drive moderates toward the Democrats in the general election, the thinking goes, and a Tea Partier who loses will likely have forced the winning Republican to move further to the right and possibly alienate moderate voters. And, how wrong they are! The Akurians have already set the people against all incumbents, regardless of party, and the few incumbents who have massive party support to win in the Primaries are still vulnerable in the General Election in November. Those Demonic energies were – and still are – long-established and must be dealt with accordingly, and NEVER surrendered to under any conditions. I advised months ago that we would see some incumbents win in the Primaries and NOT to consider that as a failure of our Invocations. That voter fraud would be rampant, especially with respect to Democrat victories, is a matter of Testimony against them, now, in Judgment and future Invocations as our strategy changes to meet the circumstances. When the energies of those circumstances where established – THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO – they were neither done lightly nor without long-term consequence, and all by deliberate design. Now the world finds ourselves in that nonexistent-on/off-switch situation that requires us to REDIRECT those Entities, Forces and Energies, rather than whine, piss, moan and wring our hands about it. And only The Akurians have the firepower to do that. When the original AKASHA was established for Global Enslavement – THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO – all the Great Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates were put in their respective order as there is nothing inherently evil about Enslavement if the victims are willing to accept it. A very subtle side-stepping of Righteous Truth by the Highest Demons of Lucifer's Executive Staff. The idiot elements among us will want to instantly throw these Demonic wolves to the winds, flip our nonexistent-on/off-switches and go complacently about our delusions of victory. True and Righteous Akurians, especially Proven Knowers, will follow my instructions to the letter and learn the exact process to REDIRECT those Entities, Forces and Energies, starting with control of AKASHA and emplacing Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates in proper order to effect the change we know we must have. Since nothing can exist without AKASHA giving it room, the first order of business is to establish the room we want for the purposes we want: and instantly that is already accomplished in everybody's mind; with the problem that none of in this group have the exactly the same purpose in mind that anybody else does! Now that we've made room, we need to standardize our purposes to become one absolute purpose. That is far more simple than most would expect. The most effective way to standardize is to select something we all have the same infinite perception about; either one of our hands. In this practice neither race, gender, education, economic status nor Grade, Rank or Station in this Holy Order make any difference whatsoever. So we envision this new AKASHA room being in our hands, and just as instantly we're all in infinite agreement: and AKASHA is ready for the next application. We take absolute control of the ancient AKASHA of Global Enslavement, Demonics, Entities, Forces, Energies and all! Now it must obey The Akurians. Repeat: "AKASHA – The Akurians want and demand a total change from Global Enslavement to Global Free Enterprise in any and all applications: life, satisfaction, thought, production, health, comfort and freedom to be responsible for ourselves and everything under our dominion – in our hand. AKASHA, cease room for Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates from all essences of Global Enslavement; deliver all the essences of AKASHA, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Eight Sacred Winds and the Four Gates into the Dominion and Domain of True and Righteous Akurians for now and foreverlasting; heeding and obeying none other save The Most High and whom The Most High shall direct." That such Free Enterprise will cause many deaths and horrendous suffering of those who advocate Global Enslavement is of neither concern nor consequence to The Akurians. Now we apply the subsequent Great Elemental Forces and keep them in the same perception as we have the AKASHA – our open hand. AIR – Spirit in original Greek, although that is not where we get the term or title. It's quality – what it does – is motion, the ability to move and to cause movement. Being the First Quarter, it is also the first level of existence now that it has room – AKASHA – to exist. Any Entity, Force or Energy that is stationary isn't accomplishing anything, regardless of its potential. Until something moves, for all intents and purposes it is worthless except for the potential of its existence. Repeat: "Free Enterprise be now set in motion! East Wind Apelotes (a-pel-O-tees), East Servant Wind Eurea (e-UR-a), spare not to move all as I have directed! Spare not and delay not to abandon Global Enslavement and all Demons thereof; spare not and delay not to manifest Free Enterprise as demanded by all True and Righteous Akurians." We've made room for our REDIRECT to exist, we've established our agenda for the Great Element of AIR: to put Free Enterprise into motion. We have just REDIRECTED the MOTION Forces and Energies of Global Enslavement. FIRE – Expansion, growth, as result of its presence. Not only must there be motion, there must be expansion to achieve the desire results. There is nothing solely and exclusively one's own except responsibility for their actions. The Akurians want Free Enterprise to expand itself into each and every Realm where Global Enslavement once existed. The room already exists and there is motion happening this very instant. Repeat: "Free Enterprise be now enlarged unto infinity! South Wind Notae (NO-tay), South Servant Wind Lipae (LI-pay), spare not to expand all as I have directed! Spare not and delay not to abandon Global Enslavement and all Demons thereof; spare not and delay not to manifest Free Enterprise as demanded by all True and Righteous Akurians." We've made room for our REDIRECT to exist, we've REDIRECTED the Great Element of AIR, and REDIRECTED all the Entities, Forces and Energies of EXPANSION of the Great Element of Fire causing Global Enslavement to become EXPANSION of Free Enterprise. WATER – control, both of the motion of AIR and the expansion of FIRE. Without control there is only chaos. The Global Enslavement invocations included as much chaos as possible as a diversion from the impending doom. Everybody is enticed to look at the crisis at hand without even a thought or word about the actual causes or manipulations. The Quarter of WATER is that must-control factor; and we're about to take both WATER and Control from the Global Enslavers and maintain it in the hands of The Akurians. Repeat: "Free Enterprise be now solely and exclusively under the Dominion and Domain of the True and Righteous Akurians unto infinity! West Wind Zephyros (ZEF-or-a-ee), West Servant Wind Skiron (SKY-ron), spare not to control all as I have directed! Spare not and delay not to abandon Global Enslavement and all Demons thereof; spare not and delay not to manifest Free Enterprise as demanded by all True and Righteous Akurians." We've made room for our REDIRECT to exist, we've REDIRECTED the Great Element of AIR, REDIRECTED the Great Element of FIRE and EXPANSION of Global Enslavement to become EXPANSION of Free Enterprise; and we've REDIRECTED the Great Element of WATER from absolute control of Global Enslavement into total Akurian control of Free Enterprise. EARTH – inertia, stability, manifestation in the EARTH Plane of existence. The EARTH Plane consists of everything we experience in physical matter and everything that has an effect on physical matter. From Dark Energy and Dark Matter that make up about an estimated ninety percent of all physical creation – even though we do not posses the technology to see it or detect it in any manner – to the very Frequencies of the Highest Heavens to the lowest Frequencies of the Depths of Hell, the Quarter of EARTH is manifest. Repeat: "Free Enterprise be now manifest throughout all Creation and in all the EARTH, upon the Planets and the far reaches of space. North Wind Boreas (BOR-us), North Servant Wind Kaikias (kay-KI-us), spare not to manifest all as I have directed! Spare not and delay not to abandon Global Enslavement and all Demons thereof; spare not and delay not to manifest Free Enterprise in all the EARTH as demanded by all True and Righteous Akurians." We've made room for our REDIRECT to exist, we've REDIRECTED the Great Element of AIR into MOTION, REDIRECTED the Great Element of FIRE and EXPANSION of Global Enslavement to become EXPANSION of Free Enterprise; we've REDIRECTED total control of Global Enslavement into total Akurian control of Free Enterprise; and we've REDIRECTED the Entities, Forces and Energies to make Free Enterprise manifest everywhere in physical Creation. Repeat, using your name, rank, title and station where mine appears in print: "All the essences of all the Great Elements of AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER And EARTH here and now obey only the True and Righteous Akurians who are Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony, and none others save The Most High and whom The Most High shall direct. "Abandon all Demons and all their minions, abandon all Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists and Progressives and all their supporters, all their fellows and all their respective descendants until Shiloh. Abandon all Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Levites and Judeans, including all the whoring Sons of Aaron – for they have failed all Righteousness – until the Gates of Hell are closed and locked behind them. "I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That is Called By The Name of God. "I have spoken it, in the Presence of The Most High I have spoken it, I demand all be made whole and manifest, immediately, here and now." All the REDIRECTION has been done; now we need only be patient and reinforce these Entities, Forces and Energies until the results are fully established in all the Heavens and all the EARTH's farthest reaches. The REDIRECTION took only a few minutes, but the momentum of THOUSANDS OF YEARS of Global Enslavement is not going to go away like an on/off switch because the Mind/Consciousness of the Marxists cum Communists, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Levites and Jews are still holding their visions of Demonic Domination. We're dealing with them at every Invocation of Testimony, and that is a lot of energy to overcome. THE GREAT INVOCATIONS The examples given next are verbatim as Invoked, only the typos have been corrected from the original Scripts. The Seeker of Truth will find some repetitions in the various Scripts and be now advised: that is the way such Forces and Energies actually work. It's easier to use the factors in such manner as they are already set to perform, than to attempt to re-make Creation into your own version. Even a lousy metaphysician doesn't create problems where none exists, but fools do: and that's why they're overloaded with failure. The following Invocations of Testimony were also used to instruct True and Righteous Akurians in the proper and correct application and process; thus the explanations within the Scripts. The Spirit World is a hard Task Master with virtually zero tolerance, except for some mispronounced words. A misspoken word can be infinitely corrected by stopping where your are in the Invocation and simply repeating the word correctly and continuing with the process. Nothing to it and it doesn't hurt a thing. Attempting to make things work in any manner other than as they are designed and intended is quite another matter; often with Hell on both ends and Worse in the middle. CAUTION! Do not EVER attempt to call upon the Four Great Horsemen at any time for any reason. They are an Elite Strike Command with Direct Orders from The Most High, and will not heed any other. If they are called upon or invoked by anyone else, they are commanded to destroy all forces and energies relevant to that invocation whether Blessing or Curse, and to judge whosoever has invoked them as an abomination in The Sight of The Most High. I am one of them and they are part of my War Command; you are none of them and advised to omit them when constructing your own Invocations. INVOCATION OF THE AIR Invoked: 20 October 2009 – 2 Cheshvan 5770 This Invocation of the Great Element of AIR is verbatim for study by the True Seekers. Again note that I use MY name in Angelic and MY Rank and Station. When constructing your own Invocations use YOUR name in whatever language and YOUR Rank and Station from wherever you hold it. Do not EVER attempt to invoke AIR, Spirit of Life nor attempt to call upon its Essence of Motion until you are fully versed and practiced in handling such Powers, Forces and Energies. Once set in motion, AIR, Spirit of Life is a raging fury that cannot be harnessed and never easily quelled. Its Quality is Motion and the Essence of Motion, and it can move in all directions at the same time, turning as it so desires and determines its own speed. AIR, Spirit of Life is extremely dangerous to all fools and the gentlest of breaths to the wise and prudent. The quote, "Stupidity has its price," is never truer than AIR, Spirit of Life being mishandled by a fool. As I am commanded of The Most High, ""Speak unto the AIR and I will remove all pretense of Spirit from them,"" (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to the AIR, Spirit of Life: AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, I command you to bring forth your Essence of Motion of Light and your Essence of Motion of Darkness. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. AIR, Spirit of Life, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare not your Essence of Motion of Death upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Withhold all protection and rescue from the Fires of Hell upon the Damned! Cast your Essence of Motion upon all the world that none escape your mighty Essence of Spirit of Life. AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, to reach out and contact all upon the EARTH unto the farthest reaches of forever, that each Mind, Consciousness, Life Forces, Spirit and Soul know and obey my voice and heed my command that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, to reach the farthest limits where Spirit and Life have ventured, to cause all to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind be Cursed even as Canaan unto Shiloh and foreverlasting. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that wheresoever your Essence of Motion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that wheresoever your Essence of Motion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the unrighteous of the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that all the Essence of Motion you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, each and every Rothchild, Rockefeller and Bilderberger, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, that none, neither man nor Nefilim, escape you, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them: The Death of Deaths, Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. AIR, Spirit of Life, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Motion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: AIR, Spirit of Life, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, AIR, Spirit of Life, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the AIR, Spirit of Life and The Most High shall remove all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit from the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. INVOCATION OF FIRE Invoked: 20 October 2009 – 2 Cheshvan 5770 Do not EVER attempt to call upon FIRE, Spirit of Expansion nor attempt to invoke its Essence of Expansion until you are fully versed and practiced in handling such Powers, Forces and Energies. Once set in motion, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion is an exothermic explosion. Its Quality is Expansion and the Essence of Expansion, and it can move in all directions at the same time, turning as it so desires and determines its own speed. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion is extremely dangerous to all fools and the gentlest of growth to the wise and prudent. The quote, "Ignorance is self-imposed disaster," is never truer than FIRE, Spirit of Expansion being mishandled by a fool. The Great Element of FIRE is necessary for expansion of any endeavor and growth under controlled conditions. Nothing can be stagnant that either contains or is exposed to FIRE, and for that reason alone it must be CONTROLLED once set in motion. FIRE, like gunpowder in the hands of a fool is a sure and certain disaster waiting to happen. Even so, pay close attention to HOW the Great Element of FIRE is applied in the following Invocation. It's the best example ever put into print. As I am commanded of The Most High, ""Speak unto the FIRE and I will expand My Wrath upon them and all their generations after them,"" (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to FIRE, Spirit of Expansion: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Growth and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and Essence of Growth and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, I command you to bring forth your Essence of Expansion of Light and your Essence of Expansion of Darkness. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare not your Essence of Expansion of Death upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Withhold all protection and rescue from the Fires of Hell upon the Damned! Cast your Essence of Expansion upon all the world that none escape your mighty Essence of Spirit of Expansion. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, to reach out and contact all upon the EARTH unto the farthest reaches of forever, that each Mind, Consciousness, Life Forces, Spirit and Soul know and obey my voice and heed my command that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, to reach the farthest limits where Spirit and Life have ventured, to cause all to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, that the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind be Cursed even as Canaan unto Shiloh and foreverlasting. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, that wheresoever your Essence of Expansion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, that wheresoever your Essence of Expansion of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the unrighteous of the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, that all the Essence of Expansion you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, each and every Rothchild, Rockefeller and Bilderberger, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, that none, neither man nor Nefilim, escape you, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them: The Death of Deaths, Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Growth, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Expansion and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, FIRE, Spirit of Expansion, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the FIRE, Spirit of Expansion and The Most High shall remove all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit from the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. INVOCATION OF WATER 20 October 2009 – 2 Cheshvan 5770 Do not EVER attempt to call upon WATER, Spirit of Control nor attempt to invoke its Essence of Control until you are fully versed and practiced in handling such Powers, Forces and Energies. Once set in motion, WATER, Spirit of Control is a binding fury that cannot be quelled by any neophyte nor easily quenched even by fully authorized experts. Its Quality is Control and the Essence of Control, and it can move in all directions at the same time, turning as it so desires and determines its own speed. WATER, Spirit of Control is extremely dangerous to all fools and the gentlest of control to the wise and prudent. The quote, "Whoever thinks 'total control' has embound themselves to Eternal disaster," is never truer than WATER, Spirit of Control being mishandled by a fool. The Great Element of WATER is the best of all elements to CONTROL and direct anger, fury, disgust, et cetera, and to CONTROL and guide the Forces an Energies of your intended target of your Invocation. Any Great Element if DIRECTED improperly, even in minor wants and expressions, always result in equal disasters and WATER is no exception. Each and every accident was under the CONTROL of somebody while it built up Forces and Energies that overloaded that somebody's CONTROL capability. In short, CONTROL got out of CONTROL and the Great Element of WATER has a long-standing habit of doing just that. As I am commanded of The Most High, ""Speak unto the WATER and I will multiply My Damnations upon all their fellows and all their generations after them,"" (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to WATER, Spirit of Control: WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Command and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Control and Essence of Command and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, I command you to bring forth your Essence of Control of Light and your Essence of Control of Darkness. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. WATER, Spirit of Control, I command you to here and now remove yourself from all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare not your Essence of Control of Death and Limit Life upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Withhold all protection and rescue from the Waters of Hell upon the Damned! Cast your Essence of Control upon all the world that none escape your mighty Essence of Spirit of Control. WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, to reach out and contact all upon the EARTH unto the farthest reaches of forever, that each Mind, Consciousness, Life Forces, Spirit and Soul know and obey my voice and heed my command that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, to reach the farthest limits where Spirit and Life have ventured, to cause all to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, that the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind be Cursed even as Canaan unto Shiloh and foreverlasting. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, that wheresoever your Essence of Control of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, that wheresoever your Essence of Control of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the unrighteous of the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, that all the Essence of Control you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, each and every Rothchild, Rockefeller and Bilderberger, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, that none, neither man nor Nefilim, escape you, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them: The Death of Deaths, Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. WATER, Spirit of Control, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Limitation, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, controller of the Essence of Control and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: WATER, Spirit of Control, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, WATER, Spirit of Control, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the WATER, Spirit of Control and The Most High shall remove all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit from the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. INVOCATION OF THE EARTH 20 October 2009 – 2 Cheshvan 5770 Do not EVER attempt to call upon EARTH, Spirit of Inertia nor attempt to invoke its Essence of Solidity until you are fully versed and practiced in handling such Powers, Forces and Energies. Once set in motion, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia is a solidifying fury. Its Quality is Control and the Essence of Solidity, and it can solidify in all directions at the same time. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia is extremely dangerous to all fools and the greedy, and the gentlest of manifestations to the wise and prudent. The quote, "Whoever thinks 'I have it all' because of their worldly possessions is destined for great loss," is never truer than EARTH, Spirit of Inertia being mishandled by a fool. The Great Element of EARTH is the final Force toward manifestation in the Earth Plane of both possessions and circumstance. EARTH is the Great Element of change as much as it is of manifestation, which includes the effects of aging and healing. Without EARTH there would be no accomplishment of anything and no change whatsoever. As I am commanded, ""Speak unto the EARTH and I will bury them and all their fellows and all their supporters in unmarked graves and leave them to rot upon the whole of the landscape they have made unholy,"" of The Most High (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to EARTH, Spirit of Inertia: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Command and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and Essence of Command and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, I command you to bring forth your Essence of Solidity of Light and your Essence of Solidity of Darkness. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, I command you to here and now open your bowels to receive all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, I command you to here and now open your bowels to receive all the Vile and Corrupt and here and forever to spare not your Essence of Solidity of Death and Limit Life upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Withhold all protection and rescue from the EARTHS of Hell upon the Damned! Cast your Essence of Solidity upon all the world that none escape your mighty Essence of Spirit of Inertia. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, to reach out and contact all upon the EARTH unto the farthest reaches of forever, that each Mind, Consciousness, Life Forces, Spirit and Soul know and obey my voice and heed my command that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, to reach the farthest limits where Spirit and Life have ventured, to cause all to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, that the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind be Cursed even as Canaan unto Shiloh and foreverlasting. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, that wheresoever your Essence of Solidity of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, that wheresoever your Essence of Solidity of Spirit and of Life shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the unrighteous of the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, that all the Essence of Solidity you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist and Socialist, each and every Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, that none, neither man nor Nefilim, escape you, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them: The Death of Deaths, Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Solidity, you are both Spirit and Life and Everlasting. Revered of Ages, the Essence of Solidity and of Life, your presence is Life, your absence is Death to both Divine and Demon; therefore, spare not any evil. Therefore, I speak to you: EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, EARTH, Spirit of Inertia, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit be removed from the Vile and Corrupt, that the Vile and Corrupt suffer their Public Damnation and Hell Eternal in full measure. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the EARTH, Spirit of Inertia and The Most High shall remove all Pretense of Truth, of Righteousness, of Honor and of Spirit from the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. INVOCATION OF THE SUN Invoked: 22 September 2009 - 4 Tishrei 5770 This is the verbatim transcript of my Invocation of Testimony of the Sun. It is presented here in its entirety as an example of study for the True Seeker. If you haven't already discovered the Four Great Horsemen of Apocalypse as given in the Book of Revelation, Chapter Six, are actually True and Faithful Servants of The Most High – showing how little hallelujah halfwit preachers and other liars really know about their own professed subject – be so now informed. You will note my use of my name in Angelic and my Rank and Stations in this Invocation of the Sun, and on Direct Orders from The Most High, Himself, to do so. The True Seeker isn't going to find a more credible source. As I am commanded, ""Speak unto the Sun and I shall reserve greater burning for them because you have testified against them,"" of The Most High (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen; by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to the Sun: Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Shine upon this EARTH as always, warm the air, the water and the fields. Light the day and light the sky, cast your light and your shadows upon all the world. Send your essence from off the Moon and into and beyond the far side of EARTH that none escape your many and mighty Forces and Energies. Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, to reach out and contact all you have sent into the forever, that each know and obey my voice and heed my command both upon all and wheresoever. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, with cognizance to reach the farthest limits where your own matter has gone and your own essence has ventured, to energize anew every piece and expression, causing them to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions; for there shall be none escape in all your vastness unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, that wheresoever your Forces and Energies shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, that wheresoever your Forces and Energies shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, that wheresoever your Forces and Energies shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, that all the Forces and Energies you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, each and every Rothchild, Rockefeller and Bilderberger, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, as none can escape you in these Reaches, neither man nor Nefilim, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them. Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment. Sun, Oh, Sun, you are not and never were a god. You are and will always be a source of energy, and that energy is a source of life. Therefore, I speak to you: Of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Sun, as even the stones of the field to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, Sun, in absolute obedience to my direct orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, Sun, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the Sun and The Most High shall reserve greater burning for the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. INVOCATION OF THE MOON Invoked: 15 October 2009 – 27 Tishrei 5770 This particular Invocation of Testimony of the Moon is presented verbatim for the True Seeker as an example. There will be many occasions for the Invocation of Testimony and Truth between now and Shiloh, so learn well while there is time to prepare. Note that I use MY name, Rank and Stations, and you must use yours, whatever they are. Even the attempt to use mine – or anybody else's – is a sure and certain recipe for self-destruction! Do not EVER attempt to call upon the Moon nor attempt to invoke its Waters until you are fully versed and practiced in handling the Forces and Energies of the Waters of the Moon. It was with the Forces and Energies of the Waters of the Moon that Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher and myself released the spirits of uncounted millions of dead the afternoon on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 – 22 Nisan 5767, fulfilling the Nostradamus Prophecy, Century 10, Quadrant 74: "The year the Great Seventh Number is accomplished, "Appearing at the time of the Games of Slaughter; "Not far from the Age of the Great Millennium, "When the dead will come out of their graves." A full account is given at: http://the-aed.com/YaBBSE/index.php?topic=479.0 As I am commanded of The Most High, ""Speak unto the Moon and I shall cause Eternity to lengthen that they may suffer their punishment in full measure,"" (Audience of the New Moon, 20 August 2009 – 1 Elul 5769): I, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen, by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command my own Akurians: To the front, clear the area, and spare nothing or anyone. I summon Lord Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, the First Horseman, and I command: To the rear, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ra Amon Horus El Kayops, the Third Horseman, and I command: To my right, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. I summon Lord Ammeliet Hammerlin, the Fourth Horseman, and I command: To my left, clear the area, spare nothing or anyone to protect that flank. Take charge of your areas and declare it a battle zone. There will be neither insurgents nor spectators and there are no excuses. Hear me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths: for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, Oh, Creation, all Heavens and all Earths and all Depths; for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. Hear me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High, and you have need of all I say. Heed me, all Spirits and Living Creatures of Creation, all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Heavens, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Earths, and all Spirits and Living Creatures of all the Depths, for I am the Living Son of The Most High: Ignore, interfere, delay or deny me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all Spirits, Forces and Energies of Creation to hear and obey me in this time and for everlasting: Ignore, interfere or fail me at your own peril. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I command all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation of all frequencies to obey me in this time and for everlasting: As I direct, so shall all mass, matter, Forces and Energies of Creation accomplish in immediate order. I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Lord of Lords and Second of the Great Four Horsemen. By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy Office of Anointed Messiah of this Generation of Ish, I obey my orders and hereby speak to the Moon: Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Moon, Oh, Moon, I command you, Oh, Moon, to bring forth your Waters of Light and your Waters of Darkness. Moon, Oh, Moon, I command you, Oh, Moon, to here and now and here and forever to spare neither the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. Moon, Oh, Moon, I command you, Oh, Moon, to here and now and here and forever to spare not your Waters of Death upon all the Temples, the Lodges nor the Churches that all thereof Die the Death of Deaths for their Abominations of Righteous Truth and their advocations of all things Evil. For their High Seats are filled with the Damned who feast upon the innocent, and their Graveyards and Sepulchers are filled with the bodies of the Burning Dead who honored those High Seats. Moon, Oh, Moon, I command you, Oh, Moon, that whosoever of the Temples, the Lodges or the Churches shall receive your light upon them shall then and there be Damned unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Withhold all WATER from the Fires of Hell upon the Damned! Light the night as you go and leap the sky as you brighten; light the night as you go and leap the sky as you darken. Cast your Waters upon all the world that none escape your many and mighty Waters of the Moon. Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, to reach out and contact all upon the Earth unto the forever, that each know and obey my voice and heed my command lest I destroy them and that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, with cognizance to reach the farthest limits where the souls of man have ventured, to cause them to hear my voice and to know and obey my intentions lest I destroy them and that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, that my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, for they are the conspirators and the instigators of all evil and all socialism found everywhere upon the EARTH that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, bear me witness! Did not the Greatest of all Damned Communist Idol Mao Tse-Tung personally cause the murder of more of his own people than all those who were killed in World War II combined? And the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind revere Mao Tse-Tung as he were a god? Cursed be them and Cursed be them all. The worst Wrath of The Most High be upon them even in their very essence of their own Mind, of their own Consciousness, of their own Life Forces, of their own Spirit, of their own Soul unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, that wheresoever your Waters shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support her, and all who abide her in anything and all such kind unto Shiloh and unto Everlasting that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, that wheresoever your Waters the Moon shall reach, so shall my Damnation of the Death of Deaths embind to expose and destroy, even the whole of the House of Ishmael, and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, that all the Waters of the Moon you are shall now and forever be an infestation and an infection and an ocean of poxes of every disease, an ocean of afflictions from conception unto death, and an ocean of persecutions and executions upon all the Cursed and upon all the Damned, even every Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, each and every Rothchild, Rockefeller and Bilderberger, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, as none can escape you in these Reaches, neither man nor Nefilim, neither shall any escape the Damnations I pronounce upon them. Damnation Everlasting and Destruction Eternal be upon the whole of the Tribe of Levi, and the whole of the Tribe of Judah, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot christian Daughters, regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind; the whole of the House of Ishmael and the psychopathic murderers of Islam, and all such kind who support them and bring them not to Justice in The Sight of The Most High; each and every Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist and Progressive, Rothchild, Bilderberger, Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Mason and Knight of Columbus regardless of stripe or station, and all who support them, and all who abide them in anything and all such kind, unto for everlasting and Eternal Judgment that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. Moon, Oh, Moon, you are not and never were a god. Revered of Ages, controller of the Waters of Earth, at brightest light spare not any evil; at least of light spare not any Demon. Therefore, I speak to you: Moon, Oh, Moon, of my own Mind, of my own Consciousness, of my own Life Forces, of my own True Spirit, of my own Righteous Soul, I endow you, Oh, Moon, as even the Stones of the Field, to be and bear witness of all these things as testimony against all the Cursed and against all the Damned of my Invocation of Testimony that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. I have spoken all these things to you, Oh, Moon, in absolute obedience to my Direct Orders of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and I bind you, Oh, Moon, in all the Heavens above all the EARTHS and all its worlds, in all the EARTHS and all its worlds, and in all the Depths Beneath all the EARTHS and all its worlds to accomplish all these things upon those of evil in my invocation, in my own name, Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and you shall delay not and you shall deny me not that Eternity be lengthened that they suffer their punishment in full measure. As I was commanded, I have spoken to the Moon, and The Most High shall reserve greater burning for the Cursed and the Damned because I have testified against them. It is spoken in The Presence of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is written in The Name of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH. It is done and shall not be undone. I have finished. All Horsemen and Commands may stand down. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH. The Akurians