ESSENCE OF THE PROTOCOLS TO ALL PROVEN KNOWERS OF THE HOLY APPOINTMENT UPON EL AKU ALIHA ASUR HIGH 7973 ""Before me stands those who will Know My Truth, who will understand My Holy Law and who will go wheresoever I shall send them! 7974 ""For I, Myself, have Testified within your own soul that all these things are True; that you should not believe anything, but that you should Know All Things for whatsoever they are. 7975 ""For My Testimony unto you was not in the High Realms before you were in your mother's womb, but in this life, in this day, and in this time, and in this place. 7976 ""For you have sought Truth, truth as it was in the instant of its creation and not infected nor infilthed with the deceptions of Satan nor the deliberate contaminations of any mind or spirit. Because you have sought Truth, whether it be harsh or gentle, whether it be heavy or light, whether it be soft as a morning wisp or agonizing as the sharp points of all Burning Hell, I have drawn unto you and delivered into your own soul these miraculous Knowledges of Me, My Holy Anointed Ones, and My Holy Law. 7977 ""For My Holy Anointed One alive among you is in accordance with My Holy Law, and My Holy Anointed One being alive among you is in accordance with My Holy Law, My Own Testimony unto you of My Holy Anointed One alive among you is in accordance with My Holy Law, a part of My Holy Law and one fulfillment of My Unalterable Promises! Therefore, profane not My Holy Anointed One nor My Holy Appointment upon him! And do not profane My Holy Law which he shall teach you! Yea! Be attenant (attentive), and discipline yourselves well that you understand and obey without error, for you are Priests and Prophets in My Sight as a Testimony against the whole of the House of Levi! Therefore, be diligent unto all My Holy Son of Fire and My True Proven Knowers shall teach you, and discipline yourselves well that you know and obey without error, for you are Priests and Witnesses against the whole of the House of Judah. For I have not sent you to be above Mine Own Holy Anointed, but to serve at his feet, to understand all spiritual things, to know My Holy Law, and to judge rightly, as he shall teach you. 7978 ""Lo! My Holy Anointed One alive among you is My Own Supreme Lord of All Supreme Lords, My Own Supreme High Priest of All Supreme High Priests, My Own Supreme Judge of All Supreme Judges, My Own Supreme Commander of All Supreme Commanders, My Supreme Chief of Supreme Chiefs, My Own Supreme King of all Supreme Kings, My Own General of Generals, and My Own Supreme Lord of Fire! Yea! My Living Testimony of all within His Vast and far-reaching Realm! 7979 ""Therefore, obey that which My Holy Son of Fire, even My Own Holy One of Israel, My Own Holy One of Ishmael, My Own Holy Anointed Witness Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH shall require of you. For whatsoever he shall require of you is needs be of Me, and I will not be refused or ignored without great penalty! Go where he sends you; accomplish that which he shall direct you; learn his disciplines, learn his intelligence, learn his wisdom, and you will earn great satisfaction and great peace within your own soul, and all the Great Treasures of All the Heavens Above the Earth. Beware! For if you disobey him, revile him or in any manner seek to defame him before me, I shall destroy you in That Day and you shall never again come forth from That Great Eternal Burning! For in the very instant you rebel against My Holy Son of Fire you have rebelled against all My Holy Law and Blasphemed against The Holy Spirit of Truth (the unforgivable sin!) that I, Myself, have delivered unto your very soul. 7980 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the Desecration of Purity and the forced Pollution of Souls (racemixing) which is the greatest form of Blasphemy Against My Holy Spirit of Truth! Be not deceived. For the soul that pollutes their generations after them is a soul that I will destroy! Yea! And I will also destroy their polluted generations after them, save they repent and restore themselves to purity! 7981 ""Did I not choose Noe because he was pure in his generations? 7982 ""Yea! And I have not changed. 7983 ""For I demand purity in all things, and the polluted generations shall deliver unto me purity in their bodies, unto purity in their generations after them, purity in their souls, purity in their minds, purity in their deeds, and purity in their morals, and all that they do. And they shall rage against My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's condemnation of them, for My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's witness is true! 7984 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the Desecration of Purity and the forced Pollution of Souls as the consequence of the agenda of the House of Levi and the House of Judah! Be not deceived. For yet a little season I will abide the Vile of the House of Levi and the Vile of the House of Judah until the iniquity thereof is full. Then I shall destroy the vile of them from before my face forever! 7985 ""Yea! And My Fury shall wax hot against all who have given the House of Levi or the House of Judah even a mite or measure of succor in all the vile and evil deeds they do; 7986 ""And My Fury shall wax hot against all who have eaten at their table and gorged the feast in the presence of those starving, whose due was taken to provide that feast; 7987 ""And My Fury shall wax hot against all who have witnessed on behalf of the House of Levi and the House of Judah against My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's condemnation of them, for My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's witness is true! 7988 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the Desecration of Learning and the Forced Ignorances of all Common Recognitions! Be not deceived. For the acceptance of all ignorance is a judgment upon the heads of the planners and creators of ignorance, and upon the heads of the enforcers of ignorance, and upon the heads of the teachers of ignorance, and upon the heads of the acceptors of ignorance and upon the heads of all who are in charge of those who must accept. Yea! And I am adamant against such abuses of the children, and I shall burn the perpetrators without mercy in That Day; 7989 ""For all the perpetrators know they do this to prepare the world for enslavement, knowing the ignorant will not think above that which is forced upon them; Yea, they are all of the House of Levi and the House of Judah; 7990 ""For all the publishers who glorify all these forced ignorances know they do this to enforce their own station over the ignorant and the enslaved; Yea, and the perpetrators are all of the House of Levi and the House of Judah; 7991 ""And they all do this knowing they are in the service of evil, thinking they will escape My Wrath in That Day; Yea, they are all of the House of Levi and the House of Judah who despise My Anointeds the most; even against My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's condemnation of them, for My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's witness is true! 7992 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the massive and ignominious lies of the churches: from That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, unto the street-bellowers who have neither authority before me nor any truth anywhere in all their decrees nor in all their much speaking! For they are liars! And they are knowing liars! They rage much against all ado, and commit worse in their secret hours. Yea! They are as much hypocrites as they are liars, and neither My Truth nor My Spirit is anywhere even nigh unto them! Therefore, as you see them come to be exposed for the practitioners of damnation they shall all prove to be: you are a Witness and a Testimony against them even as their own deeds are a Witness and a Testimony against themselves; and whosoever shall continue with them in anything, shall you witness against even as a demon exposed! For they shall have proven: 7993 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Harlotry and Child Murder that still slays in secret and without mercy; 7994 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Homosexuality and Rites of Sodom that still profanes their souls with such desecration; 7995 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Holocaust and Horrors upon all whom they seek to entrap into their vile Rituals and Practices; 7996 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Lies and Murder and all manner of Profanity and Desecration; 7997 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Demonism and all the Servants of Satan presenting themselves as servants of Angels of Light; 7998 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Satan enforcing their false representation of Me with the stake and with the sword and with the fires of damnation; 7999 ""They are the spiritual descendants of that Priesthood of Damnation enforcing their Doctrines of Death wheresoever their contaminations cannot be resisted; 8000 ""They are without repentance and prefer the dregs of damnation rather than My Holy Truth; 8001 ""They are without True Spirit and seek not My Righteousness in anything lest they be required to separate themselves from demonisms, foolishness and empty ritual; 8002 ""And they are followers of the vile because of themselves they choose to be vile, and your example unto them shall pile hot coals upon all their very heads! 8003 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the manipulators and the bureaucrats whose acts of High Treason are expounded as great service unto the governed, knowing the governed have neither voice nor choice against all such damnations regardless of the many proven lies to the contrary. Lo! I give you signs that you cannot be deceived: 8004 ""When you shall see the desecration of morality in the Offices of the Land, know that you are a Witness and a Testimony against them, for the exposed are but the stench of the sewer over which the vile and corrupt congregate; 8005 ""When you shall see the treasure of the land (money, currency) and the people made to none effect that it be neither gold nor silver nor worth anything save its acceptance, know the enslavement of the whole of the nation is already accomplished save recognition of enslavement by the enslaved, and the High Treason thereof shall be touted as great service unto the enslaved, the Days of Wrath and the Days of Terror and the Days of Horror, even the Days of Holocaust and Years of Tribulation are already at the Very Gates; 8006 ""When you shall see the courts of the land limited to lawyers (only attorneys at law may sit as court judges), know that a third of all burdens of a vile and corrupt generation have been irretrievably delivered unto the Socialist Demons and Satan rejoices, for he knows that total global enslavement is nigh unto all who are not My Proven Knowers and who are not honorably numbered among My Holy Akurians; 8007 ""When you see the wholesale slaughter of innocent citizens by government, know that all the publicity sent forth by that government are lies of the first magnitude formulated by the Demons of Power and the Demonics of Socialism and that all the violence and forces of violence against the innocent are tactics of intimidation, Yea, a warning unto all others who shall dare to stand for themselves and the freedom to own their own minds; 8008 ""When you see the public slaughter of publicans and the wholesale murder of the witnesses of those slaughters, the lies and distortions of facts by those in authority, the defamation and coercion of common citizens who say against the government's preferred versions (forcing them to change their reports and testimony), know that whatsoever is published (presented, given) by that government is a lie jot by jot and tittle by tittle; 8009 ""When you see publicans claim protection by force of law to escape exposure of their corruptions and treasons, know that the whole of the land is polluted, for any souring does not begin at the bottom, but at the very top. Yea, even at the very surface do all good things begin to spoil; for My Truth is not in them anywhere, and thus they are profaned and a profanity in My Sight; 8010 ""When you see knowing lies presented as unquestioned (as opposed to unquestionable!) truth to enact statutes to deprive the citizens of any previous freedom or liberty, know that enslavement by the Socialist Demons is at the very gates, Yea, indeed already within the walls, and all mankind is doomed to their damnations and My Truth is not found in them anywhere; 8011 ""And when you see the rich excused for their thieveries, and exonerated for their many murders they have had committed by the governments they control, and all trade is limited to those of the House of Levi and the House of Judah (either being a Jew or Jewish controlled); know that My Wrath is also at the very gates and all Hell and all the Demons thereof shall not prevail against me! 8012 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against all the courts of all the tribes and all the peoples and all the nations, for they shall enforce the creations of false testimonies and evidences against the innocent and refuse and eliminate all truth that shall refute such presentations; and you shall know: 8013 ""That man's courts may exact punishment for violation of man's laws but man's courts cannot exact any punishment whatsoever for violation of My Holy Law, for such is My Domain alone; and whatsoever man shall do in punishment for violation of My Holy Law shall have none effect upon the penalties I shall also require; 8014 ""That man's justice is not justice, but the vile practice of infinitely corrupt and unjust law; where the rich and powerful are excused and the poor and powerless are overwhelmed; even at the very publishing of the "equal justice under the law" lies; 8015 ""That the fools and cowards have surrendered even the thoughts of their own minds and the spirit of their own souls unto the socialists who are the Grand Demons of All Damnation; 8016 ""That the fools and cowards have surrendered even their own children unto damnation of their souls unto the socialists who are the Grand Demons of All Damnation; 8017 ""That the fools and cowards have surrendered even their own houses unto damnation and enslavement unto the socialists who are the Grand Demons of All Damnation; 8018 ""And that the Days of Tribulation are now scattered as dust in the wind upon the whole of the land and the whole world where none can escape save the armed and the furious under the Righteous Wings of My Holy Son of Fire and My True Proven Knowers; 8019 ""And that the gathering of My Promised Elect Remnant has already been accomplished; and because none shall heed and do the disciplines and the commands and the instructions of My Holy Anointed among them, the remainder of My Holy Tribe of Akuria shall endure in companies (with no specified number) gathered under the Righteous Wings of My Holy Anointed Son of Fire. 8020 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the collusions of the manipulators and the corrupters (Bilderbergers, Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, British Institute for International Affairs and all other One World Socialist Government organizations commanded and operated by the Rothchilds and Rockefellers) who shall be much expounded as good and righteous by an equally corrupt public information service (media) unto the whole world! Yea! You shall see it and marvel at their deviousness of their enactment of their atrocities into law and the quickness of their enforcement of all those enslavements they have legislated. For those among them of the House of Levi and the House of Judah who are in all the Offices of Power and are not in the High Offices of Authority and Manipulation shall obey the collusions of the manipulators and the corrupters even unto their own enslavement and their own destruction. Yea! And unto the enslavement and destruction of their own seed of generations after them also. And I shall account the whole of it upon all their own heads! 8021 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the financial houses and institutions, for they shall approve all manner of things vile and degenerate, and they shall spare not to profit upon the harm of those they have helped to make and maintain ignorant! Yea! And in the Days of the Reign of My Holy One of Israel, all the moneychangers shall exploit the goodness of his mind and compensate him not. Yea! They shall refuse him because he is not a Jew among them! Yea, and they know his Testimony is against all their swindles, against all their conspiracies, against all their lies, against all their hypocrisies, against all their damnations, against all their collusions, against all their manipulations, against all their sorceries, and against all their vile and putrid seed after them unto everlasting!"" 8022 [INSERT: 2000 GCAD, the economy of Banking in the United States would totally collapse were it not for the profits from money laundering for the illegal drug and narcotics cartels – all assisted and protected by all local law enforcement, Central Intelligence Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Border Patrol, Export-Import Bank, Customs Office and all such tax-funded government agencies.] 8023 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the House of Levi and the House of Judah expound great praises upon all socialisms even as socialism crashes into the dust of its own damnations in the sight of the whole world! And the House of Levi and the House of Judah will deceive all who shall tolerate their knowing lies in the face of the truth before them! Yea! Fascism shall fall, not because they have misidentified the enemy or falsely accused the House of Levi, the House of Judah, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, Accursed Canaan (the Black races), or the moral degenerates (homosexuals, racemixers, illegal narcotics addicts) among the people whom I, Myself, have condemned in all ages, but because they have not sought Truth and Righteousness under the Righteous Wings of My Own Holy Anointeds alive among them! And thus shall fascist socialism fail in its entirety. Yea! Communism shall fall, not because they expound not the plight of the exploited at the hands of the House of Levi, the House of Judah, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, Accursed Canaan (the Black races), or the moral degenerates among the people whom I, Myself, have condemned in all ages, but because they have not sought Truth and Righteousness under the Righteous Wings of My Own Holy Anointeds alive among them! And thus shall communist socialism fail in its entirety! Yea! Communism and Fascism, both established, created and financed by the House of Levi and the House of Judah to enslave the whole world, shall turn upon the House of Levi and the House of Judah upon achieving the powers and authorities bought for them by the House of Levi and the House of Judah; and shall seek to destroy all the House of Levi and the House of Judah and to retain all the powers and authorities unto themselves! And communism and fascism shall fail not because they seek to void their debts to the House of Levi and the House of Judah by mass murder on a grander scale than all the slaughters before, but because the iniquity of the House of Levi and the House of Judah, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, Accursed Canaan (the Black races), and the moral degenerates among the people whom I, Myself, have condemned in all ages is not yet full! And when the iniquity of the House of Levi and the House of Judah shall be fulfilled, I will deliver them unto the hands of the Great Enslaver who shall show them no mercy, and they shall suffer in full measure for all the deprivations, injustices, slaughters, harms and agonies they have caused upon all other tribes, peoples and nations; and they shall not escape the horrors they have earned as witnessed against them by My Own Holy Son of Fire! And you shall see it, and witness of it, and in the Days when these things are upon the whole of the land and the whole world, shall you receive all these things as irrefutable evidence that your Testimony is of me. 8024 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the absolute destruction of all education, in the Temples and all the Institutions of the Land, by socialists who seek to ensure and maintain the ignorance of the people that the people may be enslaved without resistance. (Too stupid to see their enslavement by their own endorsement!) First, they shall expound their intent to improve upon My Own Creation (nature) and degenerate the learning manuals to a lesser quality, time and again until they contain only historical lies and useless nonsense. Second, they shall begin to expound the greatness of all their accomplishments unto those who shall not understand the eventual detriments thereof. Third, they shall infest and infect all public accesses to promote their degeneration of all standards of truth, of morality and of law. And when you see all these things, know the stranglehold upon the whole of the nation is equal to the accepted ignorance by the nation! And the ignorance thereof shall be darker (greater) than all the darkness of the very Depths of Perditon! And all those ignorances shall be expounded as knowledge and wisdom even in the face of all evidences of the completeness of its stupidities. For in the beginning of the Days of My Great Tribulation upon the whole world at the hands of the House of Levi and the House of Judah shall you see those who can neither read, scribe (write), nor account (count, perform even minor mathematics) possess certification of their great learning (Diplomas) of letters, processes and technologies. And in the beginning of the Days of This Revelation shall I expose all these treasons, collusions and desecrations at the hands of the House of Levi and the House of Judah under the disguise of the progress of socialism; and when you witness against all these things in your own days, know they are irrefutable evidence that your Testimony is of me. 8025 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the greatest and most severe form of Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit of Truth: racemixing and the mongrelization of all the peoples! Yea! Though it be unforgivable in all the Judgments, even beyond the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of My Holy and Beloved Anointeds to forgive, it shall be the great accomplishment in the whole of the land unto the whole world. And I shall burn them all! Both the perpetrators and their soulless generations after them. Yea! And all the socialists who propound all these degenerate things, and all the other proponents thereof, and all the practitioners thereof and all their descendants after them. And none shall escape My Wrath for their deliberate pollutions! For in the Very Beginning I made all peoples, and all minds, and all spirits, and all souls, pure and without blemish; and unto each I established unique qualities unto each that they should perform before me in their own specialty that none other before me can perform; and unto each I established specifics that cannot be polluted lest those specifics be contaminated and degenerated and the whole of their generations after them suffer unto the tenth generation. Woe to whomsoever shall profane anything I have made pure, whether peoples, or kine, or fish, or fowl of the air, or beasts of the wild, or livestock, or seed or root of the field, or fruit of the tree and the vine, whereof I have given for sustenance or for food and whereof I have given as food and shelter for the wild. Woe! Woe! Woe! For My Fury is not a wisp in a violent wind, but more raging than the uttermost Depths of Hell! And though I have made provision for the innocent born to achieve a soul, no mongrel shall stand righteous before me unrepentant nor disobedient, nor enter into My Holy Places, unto the tenth generation of their purification unto pure blood of their fathers as I established them in the Very Beginning."" 8026 [INSERT: For those who will attempt to restore their original bloodlines, it takes ten (10) generations to purify to original bloodlines and ten (10) uncontaminated and pure generations thereafter to qualify to enter into The Presence or the TRUE Temple. The penalty of soulless children of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush can be nullified in four (4) generations of purification. After four (4) generations of purification back to the bloodlines of Accursed Canaan or Accursed Cush, the children will again have souls at conception. That's right! AT CONCEPTION! Thus saith The Most High! 8027 In cases of forced rape, as was rampant in the days of slavery, there was no soulless penalty upon the children, ONLY UPON THE RAPIST! Yes! All of them are still burning and will continue to burn until Final Judgment, where most of them will get to continue burning, only a whole lot hotter for the follow-up damages their actions caused! Just like it will for the willing racemixers, hybridizers, food and water poisoners, ecosystem destroyers, socialists and other advocates and practitioners of moral degeneracy. 8028 The only circumstances under which The Most High does NOT condemn abortion are INTERRACIAL RAPE and INCEST! Because marriage between half-brothers and half-sisters was not all that uncommon, and preferable to racemixing, rape is still rape and should there be such in-family RAPE resulting in pregnancy, abortion would NOT be condemned by The Most High. ANY forced-rape pregnancy, except between husbands and wives (Yes, that does happen!), can be aborted WITHOUT penalty upon the WIFE! Again, rape is still rape, and husbands DO NOT have the right to rape their wives. 8029 Holy Law is clear about who can and who cannot engage in sexual relations and marriage. It does not have to be repeated here.] 8030 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the hidden intrigues and high treasons committed against the people in whose name the vile and corrupt pretend to serve. Yea, and the many wars and manipulation of wars that the poor and ignorant fight and suffer unto none effect unto themselves save the deaths, the injuries and the losses. For the wars and manipulation of wars are the handiwork of the House of Levi and the House of Judah for the sake of total power over and control of all the tribes, and all the peoples and all the nations unto the whole world. And their treacheries, and their conspiracies, and their lies, and their deceptions, and their murders, and their sorceries are all written and recorded as evidence against them in The Holy Scripts of all The Heavens and all The Earths! For they have expended much wealth to establish world socialism, and expended much wealth and many lives to eliminate all those socialists whom they have established and turned against their financiers! Yea: Roosevelt and Wilson and Roosevelt and Truman and Eisenhower and Chamberlain and Churchill and Lenin and Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo and Mao and Chiang and many others. For the wars come not of their own, but of forces manipulated by money and the greed for power over the populace. Therefore are the whole of the House of Levi and the whole of the House of Judah damned in My Sight, for they have caused the slaughter of many millions of innocents! 8031 ""Lo! That you should know and understand that you be not deceived, for in the Days of My Own Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH's Reign, you shall see and witness against the treasons and high treasons committed against the people in whose name the vile and corrupt pretend to serve. Yea, the wealth and the produce of the people shall be squandered and scattered abroad to the detriment of the people that their children be ignorant and the whole nation become a great poverty! Yea, and you shall witness against the treaties of deception, presented as great boons upon the land and the citizens, and the clear truth of them are lies of great destruction."" 8032 [INSERT: Does anybody remember NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) that actually included every other Nation on Earth?! It's a prime example, as is GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Both are nothing but ECONOMIC treason from start to finish, top to bottom and front to back. The Constitution says legally "no", but the facts and results say "YES" without exception and The Most High documents that "YES" with His Own Testimony.] 8033 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed infallibility (the Galileo exoneration is only one), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8034 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws even from the Very Beginning of the Priesthood and the revelation unto you (House of Levi) of all My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth did you profane unto yourselves, limiting not by unrighteousness those who should be taught but by your own selfishness; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world."" 8035 [INSERT: The House of Levi are the Priests of Israel and there are NO LEGAL priests or rabbis from any other Tribe, starting with the House of Judah! Understand that! There are NO "Jewish Rabbis" only LEVITE Rabbis! Therefore, the Jews didn't kill Immanuel (Jesus Christ), the LEVITES did! The Levites just sucked the Jews into supporting them against Immanuel.] 8036 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish that I am dead to deceive the whole world, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the minds filled with ignorances, foolishness and lusts for all vain things. And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8037 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority admitting a full third of their priesthood are PRACTICING homosexuals, and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto and upon themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8038 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws from the Very Beginning of the Days of the Priesthood, presenting at the outermost of the Holy Place all manner of foreign and vile and polluted and corrupted, taking of them all they would offer in their ignorance that your (House of Levi) wealth be not exceeded; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8039 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah conspire the deaths of those they have installed in high office that they rule the nations without consent of the people, to enslave the whole world in the inescapable mire of socialism, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8040 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, apologizing (Pope John Paul II) to the House of Judah for ages of Catholic persecution during which the House of Judah held the gold and the silver, and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death seeking the gold and the silver unto themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8041 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws, even their wave offerings sold and resold that their treasures be great and the poor receive not the remnant of the sacrifice in good order; and I see the sins of the deceived and the hungry deprived of the offering in their turn as empty gestures upon the heads of all the Priests of Levi; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world."" 8042 [INSERT: The Tribe of Levi was designated the Priestly Tribe, attended the Tabernacle and later the Temple, the Ark of the Covenant with its artifacts, and was SUPPOSED to preside over the WELFARE requirements of the whole nation, widows, orphans, education, healing, et cetera. 8043 The SACRIFICES were the portion (livelihood, sustenance) for the Priests and their families, along with the other supplies (offerings) for the Priests to ensure there was no hunger among the poor (those needing welfare); and are condemned for selling and reselling everything from doves used often in wave offerings, to sheep, bullocks and other provisions. 8044 Those who didn't raise livestock, tradesmen, merchants, et cetera, could purchase reputedly pristine products at the Tabernacle Temple or pay the price of the necessary sacrifice. The Priests from the top down proved guilty of selling such livestock and goods over and over again, thus committing all manner of sacrilege. 8045 When an unacceptable offering was presented before the Ark of the Covenant, there was a severe penalty. Aaron's sons were executed by a tongue of fire for presenting UNCLEAN flame. The Most High does not hold such an abomination-by-trick upon the head of the deceived, but upon the head of the Priests; both upon those who do it and those who do not call it into account!] 8046 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah shall enforce the great altering and polluting the natural order of husbandry even unto the very seed of the ground (hybridization, cloning, genetic alteration), then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against heathen of the House of Judah and all the publicans and courts they have corrupted! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8047 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority admitting the rape of many women and children (they didn't admit to murder but they are damned sure guilty!), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves (Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart anyone? How about Bishop Thomas O'Brian, hit and run?), know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8048 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws teaching not the Children of Levi to learn, to know and to practice My Spiritual Ways; even unto entering into and returning from the Very Planes of Heaven and Hell; and neglecting their own requirement thereof that they know the Spirits from Me and the Spirits of Demons and be not deceived in anything; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8049 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah alter and pollute everything of sustenance unto the very cells and very life's blood within you with all manner of hybrids and knowing poisons, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8050 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority and secure for the vile and the profane against My Holy Ones of Israel (special rights for homosexuals, et cetera, abandoning equal justice and all righteousness), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8051 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws teaching not the Children of Israel to learn, to know and to practice My Spiritual Ways; even unto entering into and returning from the Very Planes of Heaven and Hell that in the absence of the Priests they should not be deceived in anything; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8052 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah altering and polluting the very cells of life, even the very life's blood within you and the very seeds of the field and fruit of the vine, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and against all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8053 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, and condemn not the pollution of wombs and the seed thereof (racemixing), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8054 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws for they teach not any other all those Righteous and Holy things I have entrusted into their hands, and they observe (practice) not the ways and processes of all those Righteous and Holy things: forbidding all others lest the power of the Priestly offices be diminished in the Light of Truth; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8055 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah force their wares of poison (unnecessary 'preventatives' and preservatives and medicines, all with dangerous side effects) upon all the people, and though there be many deaths and the people cry unto the nonprotectors for justice they shall not receive, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8056 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, elevating the profaned to deliver sacraments (How profaned is THAT 'sacrament', especially from homosexuals! And Accursed Canaanite 'priests' like Desmond Tutu? Remember the Curse of Noah!), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8057 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws lest the abominations of the sacrileges of the Priests be known by all: denying that even the practices of spirit and knowledge and truth exist, and condemning the inquirer as a practitioner of evil and possessed of devils; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8058 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much that the nation need not great defense because there is insufficient gold to mollify all the other socialist disasters they have created, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8059 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, extort their sacraments upon the publicans that they rule the world from Rome, and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and speak not and act not against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8060 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws. From generation unto generations the failures of the whole of the House of Israel that brought down My Wrath upon them that they return to My Holy Ways were always first a desecration and a neglect in the House of Levi; for if the House of Levi had held unto Me and My Holy Ways there should have been no failure anywhere in the House of Israel; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8061 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much of publicans to vest them with powers they use to ensure even greater socialist disasters, emburdening the people whom they scheme to enslave with taxes they cannot afford (like the 150-Plus taxes on each and every LOAF OF BREAD!), then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8062 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, claiming the divinity of life (Pro-Life, anti-abortion) and murder countless men, women and children in their Demonic Rituals (GUILTY!), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and speak not and act not against the abomination (heard any 'church' demand investigation of the Catholic Priesthood into the whereabouts of uncounted missing children? Only from The Akurians!), know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8063 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws heeding not the Voice of Mine Own Known Anointed Witnesses in all of their generations warning of the failures of the House of Levi and the whole of the House of Israel, and seeking to slay My Holy Prophets sent unto you (House of Levi) lest the whole of the House of Levi be admonished in the sight of the whole of the House of Israel; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8064 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish all manner of lies and flagrant abominations promising safety to the ignorant and cowardly that they be weakened and defenseless to deprive them of all freedom and liberty I have given (such as the Patriot Act and illegal controls of all descriptions forced on citizens under the guise of 'protection against terrorists'), then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8065 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, seeking to deceive the whole world and lie unto all who will hear concerning the abominations of the priests (cover-ups), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8066 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws requiring intercourse of those prostitutes from whom you (House of Levi) denied right sustenance in the very chambers of the Tabernacle and the Temple to present their affliction before me claiming they had no clean money to purchase as all others in Israel: and each of them is Grand Testimony against the whole of the House of Levi who knew of it and spoke not against it; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8067 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much to thwart recognition of their abject failures of socialism (communism and fascism, both abject failures), even unto death and destruction of prudent knowledge (Mao's 'cultural revolution' that was nothing but the slaughter of all intelligencia among the people as result of Jewish financed communism), intelligence and wisdom with knowing lies (which includes the destruction of the United States' educational system), then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8068 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, elevating to sainthood the very vile and the very profane who live well on the sustenance of the poor (Mother Teresa), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and take the same abomination unto themselves (Missionaries, anyone?), know that none of them are of me (no legitimate 'sainthood') and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8069 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws that the gift of the foreigners within the gates who followed other gods and the bastard, even of their (House of Levi) own loins be rich enough, the House of Levi would accept and present before me as pure sacrifice until even the outer places of the Tabernacle and the Temple became a draught (sewer) in my sight! And I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8070 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much lies and flagrant abominations of publicans to the ignorant to maintain those publicans in power (Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) NY, Vice President Dick Cheney [the Halliburton corruptions] and dozens of others of their vile ilk), knowing all such lies and abominations are intended only toward the destruction and elimination of all freedoms and liberties I have given, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael!"" 8071 [INSERT: Gun controls as a 'crime preventative', Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act are all very prime examples, right along with the National Identity Card; Uniform Product Codes; public surveillance, including cameras; DNA files; et cetera, and the list of abuses towards legislated enslavement goes on!] 8072 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, calling upon the nations to cease the murders of other religions (Rome established its own whoredom with the sword), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and speak not and act not against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8073 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws invoking My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth against your own personal earned enemies in the House of Israel, even against My Holy Anointed Prophets and Witnesses and your own brethren, rather than against the enemies of the House of Israel; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8074 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah suppress the revelations from the Ancients with knowing lies and distortions lest My Truth be known and the peoples understand, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael!"" 8075 [INSERT: A prime example is the reputed 'dating' of the Egyptian and other artifacts and monoliths. The Step Pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt, isn't the 'first' pyramid, it's the last! It's made with a lot of mud brick and wooden logs extending into the open air! There is motion picture film of The Anointed clearly showing those mud bricks and logs as he climbed and descended the east wall. 8076 The fact is all 'dates' never take into account repairs over the years, nor intrusions upon holy ground by later Priests, Viziers, Pharaohs, et cetera, to show their 'right of divinity' while building their tombs and being buried in such territories. Pharaoh Cheops didn't build the Great Pyramid; he simply usurped it during his lifetime, as did others like him. Certainly nobody but a 'true divine' would dare to build cut a tomb and be buried in such an ageless relic that was constructed by 'the gods'! Or so the masses were forced to believe. 8077 The many graves, some dating back several centuries, on the Plain of Gizeh have nothing to do with the date of the original structure and even less of its construction even though their proximity to the Pyramids is thought to be some sort of sacred ground. 8078 The list of archeological lies, including suppression of the translation of the majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is long and fiercely maintained, lest the public see through all the nonsense of both religions and governments.] 8079 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, seeking restoration of all her Harlot Daughters (Christian 'churches') back under the authority of Rome (the so-called 'Mother Church'), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and seek to surrender to that abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8080 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws suppressing cognizance of all My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth from even the Pure and the Sanctified among you (honest and righteous Priests of the House of Levi) lest they be empowered by that knowledge to know of your (House of Levi) abominations and reprove you before My Own Very Ark of the Covenant; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8081 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much to enact all manner of man's laws to remove My Holy Law from obedience by the people (special rights for homosexuals, blacks, et cetera); and to remove My Curses from off Accursed Canaan; and to pollute the children to destroy their souls and desecrate their very bodies until they are a soulless profanity in My Sight, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8082 ""And when you see That Great Babylonian Spiritual Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church fail in their self-proclaimed righteous authority, closing the doors (access) to My Many Scriptures (writings of Anointeds and their Disciples kept in the Vatican Library), and the harlots of her womb (the Protestant cum Christian churches) abandon not their Doctrines of Death and speak not and act not against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8083 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws and have defiled even the very spirit and presence of Zion in the eyes of the whole world and in My Sight; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8084 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much concerning equality of the Accursed Canaanite until the whole of the land is infected with filth and moral decay with the stench of Accursed Canaan and criminals rule the streets day and night; for Accursed Cush has not yet come forth out of Accursed Canaan; then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8085 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land claim in my name as if of my authority and perpetrate all manner of vile intrigues and secret conspiracies against my very own people, and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8086 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws enticing the whole of the House of Judah to become the Master of the Whole World by way of gold and by way of silver and by way of vile and corrupt and unjust laws; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8087 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much, repeating and repeating but saying nothing of news or substance (remember the media coverage of September 11th, 2001?), suppressing Truth (Branch Davidian slaughter at Waco, Texas?), denying obvious and open conspiracies in the face of irrefutable evidence (murder of President Kennedy and the Oklahoma City bombing?), and the people are protected not, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8088 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land claim their purity and honesty and integrity with knowing lies (immediately violating their Oath of Office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and NEVER proposing legislation to return any Rights, Freedoms or Liberties to the People!), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8089 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws and have not condemned injustice by the House of Zion and the House of Israel and the House of Ishmael, lest the favors thereof be restrained and all the intrigues of the House of Zion fail; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8090 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah shall enforce corruption until the whole of the nation is become a harlotry (William Jefferson Clinton's impeachment 'trial'!), the degenerate and the profane be honored, and integrity be all but nonexistent in the whole of the land, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8091 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land commit all manner of evils against the citizens and are never brought to justice (police brutality, anyone?), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8092 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws from the Very Beginning of the Priesthood, separating the sons of Aaron from the rest of the House of Levi and elevating them to higher status that the sons of Aaron have greater access to My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth and greater access to the wealth of the peoples: which thing is an abomination in My Sight; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world."" 8093 [INSERT: The Priests of Aaron were all direct descendants of Aaron! But the Priesthood also included the whole of the rest of the House of Levi, specifically but not limited to the children of Miriam, Aaron's and Moses' sister! The tribe was a lot larger than that, and The Most High is livid that the rest of the Tribe were excluded in any manner! 8094 In the Nation of Islam, the Shia (Shi'ite) and the Sunni differ in that the Shia hold that only the descendants of Muhammad should hold the High Office of Caliph and thus the only right to teach the Doctrines of the Faith. It's more complicated than that, as always, and the two Pillars of the Faith, Shia and Sunni, will eventually come to their own conclusions.] 8095 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish much denying the Demons of Wormwood (For which the Russian word is CHERNOBYL!) have spoiled the lands and waters, even unto the very air of breath round about (including Three Mile Island), then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8096 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land enact the limitation of justice into the hands of the vile and corrupt (only lawyers may become judges of the courts!), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8097 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws instituting Lodges where My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth are taught to a few and not expounded unto the whole of the House of Israel and by the whole of the House of Israel unto the whole world; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8098 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah control the highest offices of the land of government, information (media, including entertainment), education, and commerce openly and yet secretly in the name of Zion, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8099 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land steal and squander the sustenance of the people and are absolved of both restitution and punishment (Enron, Global Crossing, Microsoft, et cetera), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8100 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws instituting Lodges where My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth are invoked even against My Own Anointed Witnesses to rule the whole world by the Sword of Zion whereof My Own Anointed Witnesses are Testimony against you (House of Levi) and against all in your company (House of Judah and about half the House of Benjamin); and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8101 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish all manner of lies to enact vain laws promising safety but only to create more socialist control over the ignorant and cowardly (the necessity of Police Officers even in schools!) unto their very enslavement, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8102 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land slay the knowing innocent with false witness and suppressed evidence (Vicki and Sammy Weaver, Branch Davidians, Timothy McVeigh, and the list is much longer!), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8103 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws instituting Lodges where My Holy and Secret Ways of Power and Knowledge of Truth where the unspeakable is forced by law upon even the initiates that they (the initiates) be slain if they betray any secret or any Brother of the Secrets unto any other that the Truth be known; which thing I despise in all generations; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8104 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish many lies and flagrant abominations against the freedoms and liberties (The Constitution of The United States of America), bought with much suffering in blood and fire, swearing oaths to preserve and protect those freedoms and liberties guaranteed by law, while knowingly seeking to destroy them all in their entirety, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8105 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land embind the citizens from the same laws and justice they themselves keep to themselves (try establishing a Trust and watch the Banker!), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8106 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws and I hear not, neither do I deliver, the wailings of the House of Levi and the House of Judah and the House of Benjamin and the whole of the rest of the House of Israel and the whole of the House of Ishmael because of the desecration and disobedience of My Holy Laws; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8107 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah publish many lies declaring their innocence of inciting wars, bringing famines, enforcing poisons until the very air is a filth, food is pollution and water is sewage, the oil and the wine are contaminated, and all of it at the hand of the House of Judah, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8108 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land secure themselves against atrocity and abandon the people unto death by tens and by hundreds and by thousands and by thousands of thousands (Greenbriar Hotel, Site "R", et cetera), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8109 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws and I have heard with My Own Ears and seen with My Own Eyes all the defamations and lies of the whole of the House of Levi and the whole of the House of Judah against My Own Holy Anointed Witnesses alive among them in all their generations, even unto this day; and against all My Holy Proven Knowers of My Holy Appointment in all their generations, even unto this day; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8110 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah control the selection process of the nation (Multi-Party Elections) that there be but the socialist's choice alone in their conventions (How long has it been since you've seen a multi-candidate convention by either the Democrat or the Republican Parties?) that the people have no choice in the matter of their selected leaders save the choice given them by the Zionists, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8111 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land suppress all evidence of their treasons (economic as well as national), and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8112 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws and I have witnessed all the sorceries against My Own Holy Ones of Israel and Ishmael, and all the deprivations of the Holy Due that should have been delivered into the hands of My Own Holy Ones of Israel and Ishmael in all their generations, even unto this day; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8113 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah control all your communications that you speak not, neither shall you inscribe, (Political 'correctness', anybody?) that shall not be monitored and considered by the vile and the corrupt (Pornographers CAN publish, but non-Jews CAN'T!), even the Great Enslaver of Zion, then know that My Own Testimony unto your very soul is testimony against all the heathen of the House of Judah and all who have profited by their corruption! And when you shall see these things come to pass, know that My Own Testimony of My Holy Son of Fire unto you is My Call to gather unto My Holy Son of Fire that all the abandoned of the world know there is a God in Israel and a God in Ishmael! 8114 ""And when you see the heathen who infest and infect all the offices of the land revile and persecute My Holy Son of Fire, Yea! My Holy Witness against them, with all manner of false and altered evidences, and neither the Harlot Daughters (the Protestant cum Christian churches) of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, in the land who know him not abandon their Doctrines of Death and rise not up in open revolt against the abomination, know that none of them are of me and I have called unto the whole Earth for My Own to gather unto me, and only a few hear me. 8115 ""And know that the House of Levi has betrayed all their righteousness and defiled all their spirit before me and polluted all My Holy Laws; and I have sent the Promised Twelve Princes unto Ishmael (who were not his sons born to him) as a Testimony against the whole of the House of Levi and the whole of the House of Judah and all they have done that they should not have done, and all that they have not done that they should have done; and though the whole of the House of Ishmael has also fallen short of My Righteousness, I do not condemn the House of Ishmael for the sins of the House of Levi nor the sins the House of Judah; and I will burn the guilty Priests of Levi beyond the burning of all other souls because they have honored not any of Mine Anointeds but in all their generations have sought to slay them, lest the sewer that is the House of Levi be exposed unto the whole world. 8116 ""And when you see the heathen of the House of Judah rise up against My Holy Son of Fire, even My Own Holy Anointed Witness alive among you, and publish all manner of lies and defamations against him, then gather unto him with all haste that I may shelter you under My Own Wings: for the Days of Total Global Enslavement, Holocaust and Tribulation are at the very gates! Yea! And I shall shake the whole world into obedience unto me. Yea! The Days of The Horror of My Wrath are near to dawn, and there will be no mercy upon any who are not My Own, even the Citizens of the Kingdom of Akuria! 8117 ""Behold! Whosoever shall see all that I have given and shall gather themselves unto My Holy One of Israel, My Holy One of Ishmael, even Mine Own Anointed and Elect One alive among you, and gather under His Righteous Wings to learn the Holiness of My Disciplines and the Powers of My Righteousness: 8118 ""and learn My Holy Ways; 8119 ""and keep My Commandments; 8120 ""and become Proven Knowers of My Own Great Testimony; 8121 ""and arm themselves against all those My Holy Anointed Witness shall condemn in My Sight (primarily hallelujah halfwits, pagans, socialists, bureaucrats and politicians) that they may stand righteous before me. That all those who shall gather themselves unto My Holy Anointed Witness may: 8122 ""put away from among themselves all disobedient; 8123 ""put away from among themselves all paganisms; 8124 ""put away from among themselves all socialisms; 8125 ""put away from among themselves all murderers; 8126 ""put away from among themselves all adulterers; 8127 ""put away from among themselves all thieves; 8128 ""put away from among themselves all false witnesses; 8129 ""put away from among themselves all liars; 8130 ""put away from among themselves all pollution (racemixing); 8131 ""put away from among themselves all pedophiles; 8132 ""put away from among themselves all undisciplined; 8133 ""put away from among themselves all insubordinate; 8134 ""put away from among themselves all disrespect; 8135 ""put away from among themselves all ignorances; 8136 ""put away from among themselves all silliness; 8137 ""put away from among themselves all hatreds; 8138 ""put away from among themselves all vile; 8139 ""put away from among themselves all corrupt; 8140 ""put away from among themselves all unrighteous; 8141 ""put away from among themselves all zealots (fanatics); 8142 ""purify themselves and the blood (lineage) of their children; 8143 ""secure unto themselves all good Spiritual Knowledge; 8144 ""secure themselves skills of Honorable Labor; 8145 ""gather themselves unto order and discipline that they be a Holy Force; 8146 ""gather themselves unto order and discipline that they be a Holy Power; 8147 ""abide by the Holy Disciplines of the Righteous Tribe of Akuria; 8148 ""deliver unto the Hand of Mine Only Anointed as I have Commanded; 8149 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: There shall be Holiness in My House, and Great Wisdom, and great courage, and good order, and good growth, and good accomplishment, and continual victory, and good health, and good strength, that all My People prosper! 8150 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: There shall be peace in My House, and good comfort, and good knowledge, and good study, and good minds, and good bodies, and good health and good strength that all My People prosper! 8151 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: There shall be meat in My House, and good water, and good wine, and good beer, and good milk, and good honey, and good bread, and good health and good strength that all My People prosper! 8152 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: There shall be great joy in My House, and good spirits, and good mysteries, and good dreams, and good visions, and good prophecies, and good health and good strength that all My People prosper! 8153 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: My House shall be a Witness unto the whole world, an envy unto the whole world, and a Testimony against the whole world that all should know that I Am God! 8154 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: I shall set My Own Hand against the whole of the House of Levi and the House of Judah and the House of Ishmael that neither their intrigues nor their socialisms nor their hatred among themselves shall bring either the Great Enslavement or Armageddon or the Tribulations to destroy the whole world! Yea! I, even I Myself, shall be their God and they shall be My People, even as the Righteous Tribe of Akuria! 8155 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: I shall set My Hand against That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and at Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, that she profane no more in My Sight, that she never again rape and murder the innocent children, that the wine of the blood of the Saints she has murdered cry up from the whole Earth in Testimony against all her abominations, and I shall burn her and all her house in the Deepest Depths of Hell! 8156 ""And when they are become righteous Before Me: They shall see that I have made provision for Eternal Continuance of My Holy House of Akuria, even beyond My Great Final Judgment, that they serve before My Face unto everlasting; for I have established the order and the continuance by earned Rank; and My Justice is not profaned nor limited therein! For I have established the Qualifications and the Order of My Priests of Akuria, and I have established the Qualifications and the Order of My Kingdom of Akuria, and they shall serve me in all My Holy Places even in My Holiest High Planes of Heaven (Mountain of the Lord, Mountain of God, Holy Mountain, et cetera). And they shall not profane My Righteousness as the House of Levi and the House of Judah and indeed the whole of the House of Israel. 8157 ""And if none gather themselves unto My Holy Anointed, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, and abide unto him according to My Will which I have made known and available unto all, I will abandon all but My Holy Proven Knowers to the Demons they have preferred over Me; 8158 ""And those I will abandon, I will starve, all of them and all their children after them, and I will starve all who shall attempt to nourish those whom I have abandoned; 8159 ""And those I will abandon, I will enslave, all of them and all their children after them, and I will enslave all who shall attempt to free those whom I have abandoned; 8160 ""And those I will abandon, I will slay, all of them and all their children after them, and I will slay all who shall attempt to rescue those whom I have abandoned; 8161 ""And those I will abandon, I will remove Myself from all of them (socialist do-gooders included!) and from all their children (socialist do-gooders' generations included here too!) after them! For I will not be mocked nor decided for! What I have determined shall be! 8162 ""And they shall have no God! For I shall not hear them! And they shall have no Rescue! For I shall not accept them! And they shall have no Salvation! For they have proven themselves to be unrighteous! And in That Day I will burn them all. 8163 ""Therefore, as I have Testified within your own soul, so shall you be an Eternal Testimony before me! Therefore, profane not My Testimony within you; profane not My Holy Anointed alive among you of whom is My Testimony; neither profane My Holy Law in all that is given unto you. For howsoever long you and your descendants after you shall live: you shall remain a Testimony before me! Therefore, know that in My Testimony unto you I have made you a Righteous People unto me, even the Kingdom of Akuria, against which even Hell itself cannot prevail! 8164 ""Therefore, know within your own soul that My Holy Anointed Son and My Proven Knowers in their generations are Witnesses Before Me; Witnesses of Salvation and Witnesses of Sin; Witnesses of Righteousness and Witnesses of Evil; Witnesses of Heaven unto the whole world; and when My Holy Son of Fire shall be no more in the earth, you, My TRUE and Proven Knowers, shall be My Witnesses generation unto generation until the end of the world. 8165 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any lie, you shall judge them to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. 8166 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one lie, and shall come forth with proof of the lie against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. 8167 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any lie, whosoever shall knowingly support a liar, you shall judge them also to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. Yea! For if they are a liar in one, they are a liar in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a liar within their soul. Therefore, a liar shall you judge them to be; and because they are a liar, in That Day I will burn them as a liar; for there shall be no liar in My Presence. 8168 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any Blaspheme against the soul or against the body, you shall judge them to be a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Blasphemer! 8169 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one Blaspheme against the soul or against the body, and shall come forth with proof of the Blaspheme against the soul or against the body, against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Blasphemer. 8170 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any Blaspheme against the soul or against the body, whosoever shall knowingly support a Blaspheme against the soul or against the body, you shall judge them also to be a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Blasphemer. Yea! For if they are a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body in one, they are a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body within their soul. Therefore, a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body, in That Day I will burn them as a Blasphemer against the soul or against the body; for there shall be no Blasphemer in My Presence. 8171 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any bigotry, socialism, communism or fascism, you shall judge them to be a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist; and in That Day I shall burn them as a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist. 8172 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one bigot, socialist, communist or fascist, and shall come forth with proof of the bigotry, socialism, communism or fascism against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist; and in That Day I shall burn them as a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist. 8173 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any bigotry, socialism, communism or fascism, whosoever shall knowingly support such bigotry, socialism, communism or fascism, you shall judge them also to be a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist; and in That Day I shall burn them as a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist. Yea! For if they are a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist in one, they are a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist within their soul. Therefore, a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist shall you judge them to be; and because they are a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist in That Day I will burn them as a bigot, socialist, communist or fascist; for there shall be no bigots, socialists, nor communists nor fascists in My Presence. 8174 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any lie (false doctrine) by any priest, any teacher, any minister, or any preacher, you shall judge them to be a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher; and in That Day I shall burn them as a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher. 8175 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one lie (false doctrine) by any priest, any teacher, any minister, or any preacher, and shall come forth with proof of the lie (false doctrine) against that priest, teacher, minister, or preacher whether that priest, teacher, minister, or preacher be great or small, you shall judge that priest, teacher, minister, or preacher to be a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher; and in That Day I shall burn them as a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher. 8176 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any one lie (false doctrine) by any priest, any teacher, any minister, or any preacher, whosoever shall knowingly support a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher, you shall judge them also to be a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher; and in That Day I shall burn them as a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher. Yea! For if they are a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher in one, they are a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher within their soul. Therefore, a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher shall you judge them to be; and because they are a false priest, a false teacher, a false minister or a false preacher, in That Day I will burn them as a false priest, as a false teacher, as a false minister or as a false preacher; for there shall be no false priests, nor false teachers, nor false ministers, nor false preachers, in My Presence. 8177 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any lie – even by omission, which includes all media – you shall judge them to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. 8178 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one lie – even by omission, which includes all media – by any entity, and shall come forth with proof of the lie against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. 8179 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any lie – even by omission, which includes all media – by any entity, whosoever shall knowingly support a liar, you shall judge them also to be a liar; and in That Day I shall burn them as a liar. Yea! For if they are a liar in one, they are a liar in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a liar within their soul. Therefore, a liar shall you judge them to be; and because they are a liar, in That Day I will burn them as a liar; for there shall be no liar in My Presence. 8180 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any perversion (harlotry, racemixing, pedophilia – which includes child abuse and child neglect – homosexuality, pornography), you shall judge them to be a pervert; and in That Day I shall burn them as a pervert. 8181 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one perversion (harlotry, racemixing, pedophilia – which includes child abuse and child neglect – homosexuality, pornography), and shall come forth with proof of the perversion against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a pervert; and in That Day I shall burn them as a pervert. 8182 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any perversion (harlotry, racemixing, pedophilia – which includes child abuse and child neglect – homosexuality, pornography), whosoever shall knowingly support a pervert, you shall judge them also to be a pervert; and in That Day I shall burn them as a pervert. Yea! For if they are a pervert in one, they are a pervert in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a pervert within their soul. Therefore, a pervert shall you judge them to be; and because they are a pervert, in That Day I will burn them as a pervert; for there shall be no perverts in My Presence. 8183 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any desecration, you shall judge them to be a Demonic of Desecration; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Desecration."" 8184 [INSERT: As for desecration against the soul, none is a greater desecration than all the hallelujah-halfwit nonsense of the so-called 'christian' religions, followed closely on its heels by socialism. 8185 Desecration against the body includes any and all hybrid or genetically engineered (modified) food: livestock, grain, fruit, produce, seasoning; deliberately poisoned produce and livestock via insecticides, growth hormones, et cetera; addictive narcotics: using, selling, making, exporting, importing, financing and money-laundering; and non-immediate food additives: aspartame, fructose and high fructose syrup which are virtually the same thing whether made from corn or otherwise, and all such artificial sweeteners; food poisons: hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, monosodium glutamate; product poisons: methyl and wood alcohols, ethylenes (which are not ethanols) in all categories, propyls and isopropyls used in mouthwashes, perfumes, cosmetics, et cetera; and water poisoning: fluoridation, excess and non-removed chlorine, worthless water purification scams and systems, et cetera, are included! 8186 Many of these deliberate poisons are used in minute amounts, and accumulate over time. The kaks who are responsible know the damnable they are doing, and they know they are doing it for the momentary money: and for no other cause or reason. Fact: BIRTH CONTROL ingredients DO NOT breakdown as they pass through the body and into the water table, thereby preventing fish, waterborne insects, reptiles, et cetera, from reproducing! 8187 Then the kaks want to squander untold billions of tax dollars employing themselves to throw more such problems in front of the money! Find any problem, anywhere on the planet, scratch the surface of the money trail, and you will find a kak-jew in charge and raking in the graft. 8188 The Anointed and all True Proven Knowers have full authority to judge any and all such desecrations, including instigated wars and manipulated famines, and to condemn them and the perpetrators appropriately.] 8189 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one desecration against the soul or against the body, and shall come forth with proof of the desecration against that entity, whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Demonic of Desecration; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Desecration. 8190 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any desecration against the soul or the body, whosoever shall knowingly support a Demonic of Desecration, you shall judge them also to be a Demonic of Desecration, and in That Day I shall burn them also as a Demon of Desecration. Yea! For if they are a Demonic of Desecration in one, they are a Demonic of Desecration in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Demonic of Desecration within their soul. Therefore, a Demonic of Desecration shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Demonic of Desecration, in That Day I will burn them as a Demon of Desecration; for there shall be no Demons of Desecration in My Presence. 8191 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any polluted (claiming righteous authority or called to service, phony psychics, false spiritualists), you shall judge them to be a Demonic of Pollution; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Pollution. 8192 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one pollution (claiming righteous authority or called to service, phony psychics, false spiritualists), and shall come forth with proof of the pollution against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Demonic of Pollution; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Pollution. 8193 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any polluted, whosoever shall knowingly support a Demonic of Pollution, you shall judge them also to be a Demonic of Pollution; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Pollution. Yea! For if they are a Demonic of Pollution in one, they are a Demonic of Pollution in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Demonic of Pollution within their soul. Therefore, a Demonic of Pollution shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Demonic of Pollution, in That Day I will burn them as a Demon of Pollution; for there shall be no Demons of Pollution in My Presence. 8194 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any theft (which includes identity theft), you shall judge them to be a thief; and in That Day I shall burn them as a thief. 8195 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one part of any theft (which includes identity theft), and shall come forth with proof of the theft (which includes identity theft) against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a thief; and in That Day I shall burn them as a thief. 8196 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any theft (which includes identity theft), whosoever shall knowingly support a thief, you shall judge them also to be a thief; and in That Day I shall burn them as a thief. Yea! For if they are a thief in one, they are a thief in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a thief within their soul. Therefore, a thief shall you judge them to be; and because they are a thief, in That Day I will burn them as a thief; for there shall be no thieves in My Presence. 8197 [INSERT: Which includes all manner of corruption, especially that in public office. And THAT one is going to burn a lot – not a few!] 8198 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any officer, prosecutor or court lie to convict (forced confessions, entrapment, suppressed or manufactured or altered evidence, conspiracy, et cetera), you shall judge them to be a Demonic of Abuse; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Abuse. 8199 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any officer, prosecutor or court lie to convict (forced confessions, entrapment, suppressed or manufactured or altered evidence, conspiracy, et cetera), whosoever shall knowingly support a Demonic of Abuse, you shall judge them also to be a Demonic of Abuse; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Abuse. 8200 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one lie, and shall come forth with proof of the lie against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Demonic of Abuse; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Abuse. Yea! For if they are a Demonic of Abuse in one, they are a Demonic of Abuse in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Demonic of Abuse within their soul. Therefore, a Demonic of Abuse shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Demonic of Abuse, in That Day I will burn them as a Demonic of Abuse; for there shall be no Demons of Abuse in My Presence. 8201 [INSERT: For the record, having been a victim of such god-playing damnations, The Anointed takes great pleasure in burning all the bastards that come before him – even here in Earth – being guilty of such conduct! He only started with the bastards in Indiana, and there have been thousands since.] 8202 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any traitor (bought-and-paid-for politicians, bureaucrats, manipulators), you shall judge them to be a traitor; and in That Day I shall burn them as a traitor. 8203 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one act of treason, and shall come forth with proof of the treason against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a traitor; and in That Day I shall burn them as a traitor. 8204 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any treason (bought-and-paid-for politicians, bureaucrats, manipulators), whosoever shall knowingly support a traitor, you shall judge them also to be a traitor; and in That Day I shall burn them as a traitor. Yea! For if they are a traitor in one, they are a traitor in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a traitor within their soul. Therefore, a traitor shall you judge them to be; and because they are a traitor, in That Day I will burn them as a traitor; for there shall be no traitors in My Presence. 8205 [INSERT: The list of traitors The Anointed has burned is not nearly as long as the list of traitors he will burn, virtually all the internationally known politicians, religious leaders and entertainers among them.] 8206 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any profanity (publican, bureaucrat, appointed or elected official including any commission or authority of jurisdiction), you shall judge them to be profane; and in That Day I shall burn them as profane. 8207 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one profanity, and shall come forth with proof of the profanity against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be profane; and in That Day I shall burn them as profane. 8208 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any profane (publican, bureaucrat, appointed or elected official including any commission or authority of jurisdiction), whosoever shall knowingly support profane, you shall judge them also to be profane; and in That Day I shall burn them as profane. Yea! For if they are profane in one, they are profane in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also profane within their soul. Therefore, profane shall you judge them to be; and because they are profane in That Day I will burn them as profane; for there shall be no profane in My Presence. 8209 [INSERT: The Anointed considers all hallelujah halfwits, liberalism and politically correct requirements as profane as he does gun controls and racemixing. Even so, hell has sufficient room for all who endorse or engage in any of them.] 8210 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any corrupt (elected or appointed officials, bureaucrats, police, prosecutors, courts, merchants, bankers, et cetera), you shall judge them to be a Demonic of Satan; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Satan. 8211 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one corruption, and shall come forth with proof of the corruption against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Demonic of Satan; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Satan. 8212 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any corrupt (elected or appointed officials, bureaucrats, police, prosecutors, courts, merchants, bankers, et cetera), whosoever shall knowingly support a Demonic of Satan, you shall judge them also to be a Demonic of Satan; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Satan. Yea! For if they are a Demonic of Satan in one, they are a Demonic of Satan in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Demonic of Satan within their soul. Therefore, a Demonic of Satan shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Demonic of Satan, in That Day I will burn them as a Demonic of Satan; for there shall be no Demons of Satan in My Presence. 8213 [INSERT: Evidence presented in trials for Demonism are based solely upon the actual conduct of the accused and must be verified by the Colors of the Intent and Colors of Content which cannot lie. Clairvoyance, given in Chapter 1, when developed properly makes the process as exacting as any other science. For the layman, observing the commentaries from start to finish and seeing the actual outcome will document the same thing.] 8214 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any advantage by force (kidnapping, murder, bullying, robbery, rape, creating a problem to be paid to correct it [also known as kak engineering], swindling, extortion, counterfeiting, et cetera), you shall judge them to be a Demonic of Vile; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Vile. 8215 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if anyone know of even one advantage by force, and shall come forth with proof of the advantage by force against that entity whether that entity be great or small, you shall judge that entity to be a Demonic of Vile; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Vile. 8216 ""That you shall know and understand that you shall judge the whole world Before Me accordingly, on this manner shall you judge: if any shall deliver any part of any advantage by force (kidnapping, murder, bullying, robbery, rape, creating a problem to be paid to correct it [also known as kak engineering], swindling, extortion, counterfeiting, et cetera), whosoever shall knowingly support a Demonic of Vile, you shall judge them also to be a Demonic of Vile; and in That Day I shall burn them as a Demon of Vile. Yea! For if they are a Demonic of Vile in one, they are a Demonic of Vile in all; and whosoever shall abide them or support them in any manner is also a Demonic of Vile within their soul. Therefore, a Demonic of Vile shall you judge them to be; and because they are a Demonic of Vile, in That Day I will burn them as a Demonic of Vile; for there shall be no Demons of Vile in My Presence. 8217 [INSERT: The list of offenses covered by this Protocol is enormous! Some if it overlaps into other realms of offense, but does not conflict with any. This Protocol ensures that all those who should be in hell forever are going to be, and no amount of 'praise gee-sus' or other such nonsense is going exclude them.] 8218 ""That you shall know and understand that I will burn a fallen Proven Knower more than I will burn all the Demons; and I will burn a false (pretender) Proven Knower more than I will burn even Lucifer in that Final Day; for there shall be neither fallen nor pretender in My Presence. 8219 ""Therefore, go where I send you. For I send you not to any pleasant place nor unto any honest or righteous people; but I send you unto the very presence of terror and horror and into the company of the vile, the violent, the profane and the damned! 8220 ""Therefore, go where I send you. For I send you in the company of My Own Holy Anointed of whom is My Testimony within you. Whatsoever he shall require of you, that shall you do in good order without hesitation. 8221 ""Therefore, go where I send you. For I send you Great Knowledge, and Power to Know all My Greatest Mysteries, but I send you not to be above My Holy Anointed nor to determine anything against My Holy Law. Yea, for therein are the seeds of your own destruction. 8222 ""Therefore, I have sent My Own Anointed to go where I have sent him. And therefore I have Testified unto you of His Holy Anointing by My Own Very Hand. Therefore, go where he sends you, for he sends you at My Command. 8223 ""Go where I send you.""