VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT PROOF OF THE ANOINTING 7785 The Most High Lord God of All Creation spoke: 7786 ""Aku, Mine Own Beloved Anointed, eat, take your fill, for it is prepared for you! Take also My Words into your innermost heart, for there is the fountain of your strength! 7787 ""I have chosen you to be above every living thing in Earth; above the fish; above the fowl; above the animals; and above the man; and above all that is in the Earth, above all that ever was in the Earth, and above all that ever will be in the Earth, I have chosen you to be above it; until The Restoration is completed! 7788 ""Because you have served me in My Statutes and not in the concepts of man, I will give you a proof that the people of The Elect shall know that I am the Lord God of Israel; and that you alone are My Anointed in the Earth; and The First of all that is! 7789 ""If any, even anyone, will know the truth of these things, then in this manner will I, Myself, Testify of your Commission: 7790 ""Let the person take an offering, and seal it up that none but they and me know its value; and in that very instant that it is sealed, I, Myself will visit them in Spirit! 7791 ""Then, if they will have anything of me, let them so declare it, and according to the offering and their substance, I will tell them in their own soul whether the gift is sufficient! 7792 ""This shall be a proof to each, that I am he that has sent you unto this evil generation. 7793 ""Now, if the gift is sufficient, they shall then send it to you, still sealed, wrapped in a manner that does not show its full content or value, nor revealing either the content or value (any object) within, and they shall also likewise write down with pen and parchment their desire of me; and send it sealed in a separate wrapping to you. 7794 ""And you shall offer it to me upon Mine Own Altar, and if the gift be sufficient according to the substance of the soul, as I will have of Mine Own Self informed them, I will deliver their desire! 7795 ""In these two things shall it be proven of you that this thing is not of your doing, but of mine! 7796 ""Let who will know these things are true test it of themselves! 7797 ""I will heed each and every call, and to those who will know that these things are of me but will not have their desire, they need not expend the offering! 7798 ""Is it not still in their hands? 7799 ""Is there a price upon truth? 7800 ""Never! Not so! 7801 ""They may then open again their intended offering and forego their desire, for they will have been bought with a price, and in truth, given knowledge!"" (END OF THE PROOF OF THE ANOINTING)