THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4308 ""Because the Nefilim (Watchers) betrayed man whom they made, and cause man to betray man even unto this day, will I deliver unending grief and eternal damnation upon the Nefilim and all who follow their ways of evil and abomination."" CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE TODAY'S PROGRAMMED-STUPID FOOL THE TRAP SLAMS SHUT 4309 The morning breaks bright and clear, at least according to satellites and telecomm weather reports; and since it's then a high utilities demand time, you do a wet-and-wipe in cold water, dress and head out the door for work. 4310 New 360º computer surveillance traffic lights move cars rapidly, but dead smack in the freeway is a fender-bender. Police are on the scene in minutes and have the traffic backup cleared in nothing flat. Damn, but those traffic counters are efficient! If the same amount of cars don't break the tracer beams the police know exactly where and when to look for a wreck or breakdown: 'saved countless lives'; 'prevented countless roadside crimes'; 'caught countless fleeing criminals'; 'works every time'. 4311 Arriving at work early enough to grab a bite of breakfast, you head down the cafeteria line taking whatever you want and pass your employee card through the register. Instant deduction: 'great device'; 'pay anything with it'; 'to be without it, unthinkable'! 4312 Hear they're doing away with them, 'another crime preventative' measure, 'cards being stolen'. 4313 After a quick breakfast, you head for your work station, pass the same card through the time clock and begin. The boss comes over, "Report to security." 4314 Security takes one look at your card, places it in a computer, and: 4315 "Put your hands over these plates and your head against that tip." 4316 "That where you want it?" 4317 And without waiting for an answer, "Hold still." Blink! 4318 And it's over. No pain. Nothing. 4319 "You can throw that card away in ten days. Use your hand or head at any sensor! Next!" 4320 Now your card will not be worth a damn to anyone who steals it, they will not have the same identi-marks you do, and they're invisible to the naked eye and can only be read by a computer. 4321 (It's obvious you weren't listening!) 4322 (Don't worry, we'll tell you when the time comes!) 4323 After work, you stop at the Beer Bust and have a cold one. One of your few neighborhood friends is there, and you have two or three with him. He's madder than all hell about something, "Not only did they give my job to that kiss-ass, they docked me for the time to train him! The bastards. By God, I have a notion to tell them where to put their god-damned job!" 4324 "Got another job lined up?" you ask. 4325 "Not yet, but I'm not some know-nothing, incompetent jackass! By God, I'm a good worker. I'll find another job before you know it." 4326 Another beer and you head for home. Gas is low, better fill up. Got one of them new recognition computers, good time to try out my hand. You pass your hand over the pump sensor and a pleasant voice says, "Good evening, slave, how much gas do you want?" Calling you by name is only the beginning. It measures your purchase, blinks your car, and says "Thank you, good night, call again." 4327 (You missed it again, but we'll tell you when the time comes.) 4328 Home with the family, at last. Catch up on the day's events. Do a tad of yardwork. News before chow. Good idea. Switch the video on. 4329 " . . . Late breaking . . . 'criminals' will be in for a harder time from now on: replacement of all-service-identity-cards known for years as ASICs, is nearly complete, and according to the District Secretary's Office, ASICs should be a thing of the past within the next two weeks. 4330 "What changes will the Personal Identity Signature, with which the ASICs are being replaced, have on us? Ms. Redneck Yeanigger has a report. 4331 "ASICs, the most popular exchange medium in recorded history since their introduction, are soon to be a thing of the past, being replaced with a painless tattoo in the palm of the hand and forehead, Personal Identity Signature (PISs). Supreme District Secretary in cooperation with all the Attorneys General and law enforcement agencies have teamed with the Securities Exchange Commission, Department of the Treasury and Federal Reserve System in this nationwide 'crime prevention' effort to make the change from ASIC transactions to computer video recognition (CVR) as smooth as possible. 4332 "Supreme District Secretary, I. M. N. Overpriced-Dumbass is in Washington, with Education Secretary, Ms. Humor Thenigger: Mr. Overpriced-Dumbass, just what does all this mean to the Great Resource Citizen who has used ASICs since their introduction?" 4333 "(Stupid grin) Welllll, as you know our Great Resource Citizens (slime) have been victimized by (sleaze) 'criminal' elements and had their ASICs stolen and used 'unofficially' (slither) and with the new painless Personal Identity Signature (grease) there will be no ASIC to . . . to be . . . 'stolen' by these . . . (snivel) 'criminal' elements (slobber) (stupid grin)." 4334 "Thank you, Mr. Secretary. A question for you Madam Education Secretary . . . Ms. Humor Thenigger, just what role does the Department of Education play in this national program?" 4335 "(Whine) There's been a great deal of misinformation about Personal Identity Signatures . . . (wiggle) the most common is that religious (whimper) fundamentalists have cut off their hands when we first began (twist) 'issuing' PISs . . . but we've found no evidence (squirm) (the fact such cases should be police matters obviously isn't considered!) of such things . . . we've got to (slither) re-educate Great Resource Citizens that the entire Book of Revelation, (stupid grin) from where these fundamentalists are basing the foundation of their belief, and (sleaze) Four Gospels indicating one should mutilate themselves rather than enter into hell a whole person (slime) has been completely redefined and retranslated by the Holy See in (slobber) Rome . . . and canonization has been revoked for the entire contents of Revelation . . . (whine – stupid grin)." 4336 "Thank you, Madam Secretary. And there you have it: a smooth change to a less 'criminally' viable system and a full refutation that PISs were not added to foreheads because Great Resource Citizens were cutting off their hands in some sort of religious protest." 4337 "Ms. Redneck Yeanigger, One World Government news!" 4338 (Just about as accurate and honest as current newscasts, don't you think?) THE TRAP SLAMS SHUT 4339 Now's the time! You assumed your body marking would prevent unauthorized use of your ASIC when, in fact, it eliminated it entirely! And receiving that Personal Identity Signature (PIS) was just about the last vestige of individuality you will experience from now on! 4340 Let us say your disgruntled neighbor doesn't turn instant kiss-ass: a 'simple' but never-to-be-corrected computer entry and he'll never work again! Nor will he have any bank credits, even if he earned them, to live on while he looks for a nonexistent job! Same computer 'error'! His, and everybody else's every move is monitored! And monitored in more ways than you can imagine! 4341 Oh, I see, 'you are going to help'! 4342 Really?! 4343 And just how in the hell do you propose to do that? 4344 Oh, I see, 'you will loan him money'. 4345 What god-damned money?! 4346 Money doesn't exist! Everything is exchanged and accounted for by digital data banks! 4347 You will pay his bills and buy him supplies, 'you can dial it in'. 4348 Like hell you will! 4349 A simple cross-reference in ram (random access memory that has nothing to do with the speed of computer operations) mode and that god-damned computer will identify you as the source of his illegal (that's right, Illegal!) support! The penalty for that is equally simple: The same computer 'error' is punched in against you! Improvements in computer technology will only make the search faster, the records more permanent, and the problem worse! 4350 Do you remember those few beers you had at the Beer Bust? How did you pay for them? It sure as hell wasn't in Confederate script! 4351 The next time you get a receipt from those computer-eye digital cash registers: take the time to read it! You will find one hell of a lot more data and information than your purchases and prices! Store number! Mode of payment: cash, credit card, check! Cashier! Actual cash register! Total purchases! Total taxables and non-taxables! Change, if any, out of total payment (size of the bill you paid with!) and while you are at it, the date and time of day! 4352 In the age of super-computers, even now being crammed down our throats and swindled out of our pocketbooks, a merchant's digital cash register will keep an accurate record of all sales (it does that today!); keep an accurate inventory (it does that today!); make instant cash transactions (it does that today!). Instantly the computer identifies the customer by PIS number, totals up the purchases, deducts the total from the customer's account, deposits that total in the merchant's account, and the retains records for future reference in case of 'error'! 4353 In short: that god-damned computer keeps a continuous record of what was bought; who bought it; when they bought it; who they bought it from; how much they paid for it; and where the transaction took place! 4354 A print-out of your neighbor's purchases will reveal those beers at the Beer Bust, how many and when! That also means the Enslaver even knows how fast you drink beer! A cross-reference of other purchases around and within that time frame with a more extensive past-purchases check (PPC) tells every drink, who bought it, and again: when! 4355 That when factor tells exactly who associates with whom! And it's not limited to beer drinkers either! Your neighbor can only associate with so many people, and a PPC entry of those few PISs will reveal any changes in their purchase habits! 4356 In case that point hasn't sunk in: you are now a known associate of your 'criminal' neighbor. If your average grocery purchases include six cans of beans per month, and this month you buy any other number, the computer will flag that change! 4357 Any purchases out of the norm are flagged! 4358 All right, then, 'you will take him into your home and scrimp a little'. 4359 That's what you think! Water is a vital necessity. Remember that 'cost-reducing' computerized utilities meter that tells the times of most and least 'demand' installed as one more of those 'modern' 'conveniences'? 4360 You do remember it, don't you? 4361 How in the hell are you going to hide even an extra flush of a commode, let alone cooking and baths?! You really didn't believe all that 'convenience' and 'cost-reduction' propaganda, did you?! 4362 Since anyone who has even the slightest tie to any 'resistance' person, regardless of how justified, can be instantly determined by a PPC, those with purchase and/or consumption deviations (PCD) are instantly flagged for further 'review' and 'investigation'! Meaning everyone is going to be monitored! 4363 Nobody is going to help anybody! 4364 You will resist? 4365 With what, you blivit-headed jackass?! You and everyone else have been disarmed by gun controls! 4366 Oh, then you are 'going to hide'! Brilliant. That's just about as stupid as one can get! 4367 In case you weren't paying attention: earlier there was mentioned a 360º computer surveillance traffic light! If you missed it, go back and read it again. What that 'crime prevention' device amounts to is a compact color video camera similar to those sold virtually everywhere with VCRs, but equipped with a special lens that sees all 360 degrees! They aren't all that expensive, and in combination with electronic focus and pixel processing these traffic control units will be able to detect and identify any personal identification signature instantly and alert 'appropriate' operators and/or authorities! That they were originally palmed off as 'cost-effective' catchers of red light runners and speeder catchers does not change the fact all the propaganda and following hoopla about their success – to get more of them – were and will forever remain socialist damned lies. 4368 So: not only does that god-damned computer have sales purchase records to trace you with, or to tie you to any other associate, that god-damned thing even watches and records your everyday movements – and connected to your water meter, including bowel movements in your own home! And you are going to 'help somebody else' or 'hide' from it?! 4369 Bull hockey! 4370 Isn't it about time you woke up to the fact this whole scenario which is coming down on your very head even as you read these words (and a lot of it already in place as foretold decades ago in these pages) will be one hell of a lot easier to avoid than it will be to undo?! 4371 And that brings us damned near back to the Big Boom! The One World Government isn't going to stop now; nor have the Babylonian Bastards at Rome nor the House of Judah changed their plans one iota! And the alternative to United States, Canadian, United Kingdom and Australian 'leaders' will set Doom's Day! 4372 JUSTINIAN: "Oooooh, (whine) Petronius, Petronius. The Anointed has no mercy in him." 4373 PETRONIUS: "Silence, you whining ninny! Spare me your idiot observations. Had you not lured me into being a Babylonian Bastard . . . I mean 'priest' . . . er . . . Papal . . . Vicar . . . oh, never mind! You just remember: It's all your fault!" 4374 JUSTINIAN: "But, (slobber) Petronius . . . it was you who converted me!" 4375 PETRONIUS: "Silence! You slobbering idiot! Don't blame me for your ignorance! You should have checked all these things for yourself! 4376 "Besides, hypocrisy doesn't become one such as myself!" 4377 Obviously: neither does the truth! THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4378 ""The demons who infest the soul are likened unto the poor: Lo, you have them always among you. And the demon-possessed are demon-possessed even as the poor are poor, because they turn not from the abominations and ignorances of their fathers.""