THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4106 ""I am a God of Law, and a God of Good Order. 4107 ""Therefore, arm yourselves with good slaying weapons, and self-discipline, that none deprive you of any good Freedom I have established. 4108 ""Permit none to dictate anything, lest the socialist deprive you of everything."" CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE THE TENTACLES OF ENSLAVEMENT SPREAD CRACKS IN THE ARMOR 4109 Now you have some idea of what European history is really all about, and just a clue or two of who was behind all of it! In fact, the terms, Kaiser in German and Czar in Russian are both derivatives of the Roman CAESAR! And even after Europe emerged from the Dark Ages with Ruling Monarchs enthroned at the business end of a broadsword, Rome held the final powers for approval or disapproval over every major decision, especially who was to rule! 4110 Royal marriages were no exception, and more often than not, cousins married royal cousins, usually in an attempt to keep peace, since Rome knew all too well the expense of a nonproductive war! Not that Rome was against any war she could profit from, or anything else that either increased her power or treasury! 4111 How in the hell did the Roman Government become the Catholic Church?! 4112 By trying to cover up the damages done to their paganisms by The Anointeds of several Generations! They really didn't have a whole lot of choice. Hannibal took Rome down a peg, sufficient at least to delay other global domination plans, as did Gingus Khan and Attila the Hun; all three were The Anointed in their respective Generations! However, these gallant warriors were nothing compared to what a Jew named Immanuel was to accomplish! 4113 Immanuel played dirty! He didn't send an army against Rome, nor did he stand around and shout about their paganisms; he taught everyone who would listen how to enter heaven without dying! 4114 And neither Babylonian priests at Rome nor the Levite Priests at Jerusalem could stand that much truth! 4115 Those few Gnostics (we call them Proven Knowers!) who observed Immanuel's powers and knew for a fact they were truly Divine, not only learned his method of breaking bread, but the Righteousness of Truth, including how to enter into, and return from, the Planes of Heaven without dying! 4116 Up in the Planes of Heaven, which we will cover more completely in other pages, one cannot only observe and speak with spirits but also travel backwards and forwards in time! That's right, backwards and forwards in time along The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths, also known as the Reflecting Ether! Learning to go up and down the Planes of Heaven above this earth plane and down into the Depths Beneath it, one can find out virtually anything one wants to know! 4117 That access to True Spiritual Knowledge is something all socialists, all churches and all governments suppress at all costs! And much to Rome's and the Sanhedrin's disgust, this upstart Immanuel was telling everybody and his grandmother how to do it! 4118 [INSERT: Here we invent a couple of characters, Petronius and Justinian, that unfortunately are all too real in our lives, in our churches, in our media, and especially in our jackass and traitorous governments!] 4119 PETRONIUS: "Oh, whine. We 'priests' can't control and live high on the hog off the masses if they know the truth about us! 4120 "Oh, whine. We've got to shut this loud mouth Akurian up before he tears our grand playhouse down! 4121 "Oh, whine, the truth won't make 'us' free"; it'll put us to the stake! 4122 "We know he's The Anointed, and we've got to silence him before everyone else finds it out too! 4123 "Carefully though. These Anointed Witnesses are dangerous as all hell! And it must be legal. 4124 "You: perpetrate some atrocity we can blame on him and his sympathizers; kill as many as necessary, even our own if that will make our atrocity look good to the programmed-stupid masses; 4125 "You: make damned sure his sympathizers know they're next if they speak so much as one word in his defense; 4126 "You: see to it the public knows only what we want them to know; defame the living hell out of him to ensure his conviction if we decide to let him live long enough to get to our predetermined trial; be sure to destroy any media that publishes his side of the story; 4127 "You: make sure our propaganda blames everybody but us; and scream loud and long about any point that will enflame the stupids against him; 4128 "You: manufacture the evidence; and make damned sure 'he was acting alone' or in a very limited company; too many bodies cost too much of our money to murder and dispose of, and the costs of cover-ups and maintaining them for generations are expensive as all hell; 4129 "You: call the court to closed session; we don't want anybody hearing any evidence he may present against us, such as alibis and witnesses who can prove we're liars from the outset; 4130 "You: see that no one we don't control enters, either by their cowardice, ignorance, stupidity, or our broadswords; 4131 "You: counterfeit a Warrant on equally counterfeit charges, so when we arrest him immediately after the atrocity, we'll look like good 'crime controllers'; 4132 "You: prepare an execution squad and have them ready immediately after the trial; and made damned sure they're ready to murder this jerk at any time prior to trial should we feel the necessity; 4133 "You: prepare another execution squad to slaughter the lot of the first execution squad under any guise you can concoct, especially 'resisting arrest' for suspicion of treasons or ungovernment activity; 4134 "You: publish our version of the facts as soon as we know what we want them to be; and make sure the truth is never mentioned; and if something incriminating should get past us, make damned sure it gets poo-pooed, suppressed and ignored from then on! 4135 "Let's see, what else? 4136 "Oh, yes! Find some patsy among our own to leave holding the bag for all the atrocities in case we get caught!" 4137 JUSTINIAN: "Sire, (whine) might we (snivel) suggest a (hee-hee-hee) confession of some (snort) kind, (grovel) just for the (sniff) 'convenience of the court'?" 4138 PETRONIUS: "Excellent suggestion! 4139 "A confession! 4140 "Shouldn't take too long in the back room. Give us time to get our story straight over a keg! 4141 "Excellent idea! 4142 "I'm glad I thought of it! 4143 "You: get a confession, just don't kill him until you have it. The injuries are always from resisting arrest and attempted escape. That ought to do it. 4144 "The Anointed is Ordained by God, but we, 'the big deals' with as much of the public's money as we can extort to use against them, actually rule! God neither sees us, nor cares what we do as long as we fatten our perch in his name and keep the enslaved and deluded from finding out!" 4145 Short, but a hell of a lot more truth than you are used to being told! 4146 The big problem for Rome and Levite Priests was the fact Lord Immanuel had already taught hundreds of people how to get UP IN THE SPIRIT and taught his Disciples great powers over devils and physical elements! There were letters all over the place, with information and instructions people from distant lands took back with them; and no records of those transactions to establish traces in any event! Eventually all transactions, monetarily or otherwise, would have to be established and enacted into law to ensure 'government' control over every aspect of the people's lives, including access to this very book. The fact you have either a copy or access is due to somebody's courage, and not any government 'protected' freedom! 4147 The good news of the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand – meaning immediately accessible to everyone – was bad news for Rome! Rome was in real trouble. And like all other know-it-all 'official' mentalities, by the time they found out the gravity of the situation, it had damned near eaten them alive! 4148 People were converting to this "I Am Consciousness" and were refusing the pagan established Government of Rome! Something had to be done. And something was done! In fact, that plan hasn't been completed yet! 4149 Those early true Christians adhered to the Hebrew Mosaic Law and observed only those true Sabbaths. And Rome didn't like that one damned bit! Nor did Roman 'priests' like being asked spiritual questions they couldn't answer, any more than today's politicians like being asked questions they dare not answer! Rome had a lot to show for the blood they'd spilled, magnificent buildings, mile after mile of roads and water aqueducts, statuary all over the landscape, slaves by the millions, and an ever-expanding empire. 4150 And they had rituals and services en masse' galore! 4151 But they didn't have any spiritual answers they could afford to permit into the ears of the congregations! 4152 Neither did their 'politicians' who were often as not 'priests' of some level, or Generals with enough money and men to force their views. If they couldn't, or wouldn't, answer the questions, they disposed of the problem by disposing of the questioner! In today's society 'priests' aren't allowed to instantly slaughter those who ask the loaded questions under the charge of 'heresy' or 'blasphemy', but not questioning the 'minister' (under disguise of 'questioning the authority of God') is still a hard-core standard practice in all the 'christian' churches. However, then, any pretense was sufficient since disposal was also the alternative for anyone who disapproved of the atrocities. 4153 Every high Roman worth a toga knew damned well what was being discovered and learned by those who practiced the "I Am Conscious" Doctrines, and that Holy Truth was a sure and certain Death Warrant for their high living, murders, grand plans, treasons, atrocities in-the-name-of 'justice', forced racemixings and false religious doctrines! The sorceries and demonisms they practiced so openly were death penalty violations in Holy Law, as were many of their other doings, in and out of their 'religion'. 4154 Like all 'quick-thinking politicians' the first thought was: kill before they multiply! Backed by 'religious' law and 'instructions' from any and all available 'gods', many innocent people were systematically murdered, Christians or not! Anyone who made the slightest offense against those with the power to do so were charged with 'being Christian' and executed! 4155 The Nazis did the same thing more than once to rid themselves of anyone who either resisted or exposed their political ambitions. The execution of Horst Wisel, who was then made an instant martyr of Nazism, and the burning of the Reichstag, which was blamed on the communists, permitted the German government to pass laws on the wave of emotional stupidity to legally disarm, arrest, imprison and murder anyone and everyone who resisted or even questioned the Nazi atrocities. Our government isn't any improvement given free reign; as we're all destined to see more and more in the next few years. (Written in 1963! The government murders at Ruby Ridge, Idaho; Mt. Carmel, Waco, Texas; and the American Reichstag at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma are the latest series of prime examples!) 4156 With such oppression, the true Christians had to protect themselves. New converts who as yet couldn't spiritually identify another Gnostic had to use more physical security methods. One of the most popular was the sign of the fish indicating their recognition of The Anointing upon Saint Peter (Petra, meaning rock) and not Simon Magnus who masqueraded as Simon Peter, the former fisherman! It was the failure of oppression that forced the changes instituted at Nicea in 325 A.D.; which have not been completed. 4157 As the "I Am Conscious" doctrines and practices began to enlighten more and more Romans, Accursed Canaanites among them, others too began to research their ancestry by traveling back in the Reflecting Ether; and upon learning the truth about the Curse and Roman 'origins', took it upon themselves to contain both the Curse and the paganisms that not only brought it about, but perpetuated and made it more severe in each succeeding generation! The more the truth became known to working class masses, the more atrocious Roman law became in dealing with the converts, until the whole damned shebang was on the verge of civil war! 4158 A civil war the Babylonian priesthood cum Roman Government could neither afford nor survive! 4159 Therefore, it was proposed that a high council should 'investigate' these problems, and until their 'findings' were available, there should be a general restraint on the slaughtering, limited only to those who were not involved in open sedition against the established Roman Government, which was anybody and everybody the Roman Leadership didn't like! The same kind of general 'restraint' the United States Government shows all its citizens who dare disagree with any 'policy' or calls any corrupt bastard on government payroll into account. 4160 Like all 'liberal' proposals it lured the true Christians into making their first, and damned near their last, mistake. They tolerated the traitor's reputed 'wish for peace' to their own eventual extermination! 4161 That paganistic and traitorous Council of Nicea had authorizations out the yin-yang and power which they had no qualms about using instantly! 4162 The 'high council' were reputedly assembled to, "gather all the information, determine what was truth, and make that truth available to each and every citizen in the language of the land": Latin! 4163 You will have to admit: that sounded damned good! And that's exactly what is wrong with it! Unless you have the brains to look and see what it is they have actually proposed! Not the delusions of what it is supposed to accomplish, but exactly what was actually proposed! There's one hell of a big difference! 4164 Once military and legal forces of the Roman Government confiscated as many copies of religious writings as they could lay their hands on, regardless of the language they were written in, or the country where they were located, the grand scam was on without mercy! As these documents were read to the council, a very clear picture emerged that was totally unacceptable if their paganisms and official powers were to remain intact, or for that matter even survive! 4165 Each and every Roman citizen, including those 'Romanized' in conquered countries would be given information of such nature as to exterminate even the historical vestiges of Rome: paganisms, 'priests', 'politicians', powers and all! Such is the nature of the Teachings of Righteousness by Immanuel and all other Anointed Witnesses! Needless to say, Rome couldn't knowingly do itself in! They were in enough trouble with those who were being taught by word of mouth, and they had no intention of printing and distributing thousands of copies their 'promise' would require! 4166 That put them in one hell of a quandary. They couldn't release the very information that would justify their own extermination; and yet they had 'promised' in the name of the Emperor to do just exactly that! And, in the official language of the land to boot! They could make a liar out of anybody else but not the 'divine' and 'infallible' office of Emperor, the Pontifex Maximus! 4167 PETRONIUS: "Oh, whine. What has the truth gotten us into? 4168 JUSTINIAN: "Sire, (whine) might it be (snivel) suggested that (hee-hee-hee) we dispose of (snort) the (grovel) Latin language from (sniff) the common people?" 4169 PETRONIUS: "Dispose of the Latin language from the common vict . . . uh, people?! Impossible! It would take centuries. Why, even I, being immortal, might not live long enough to see it accomplished! 4170 "But it would keep the scum-classes ignorant since they'd have to take our word for whatever we said was written, as well as what it meant! 4171 "And, I, wouldn't be made a liar because you damned fools promised these things in our mother tongue! 4172 "And, while the scum-classes wait for us to 'translate' these scripts we can concoct better plans for our intended and eventual global rule! If we disguise ourselves sufficiently in the process, we can emerge as supreme righteous authority, even over our personally selected monarchs, whom we will permit to handle these scum-classes for us rather than contaminate ourselves with them! 4173 "Very un-godly, handling scum-classes, beneath our righteous image. 4174 "Dispose of the Latin language from those too stupid to know they won't miss it?! 4175 "Excellent idea. 4176 "I'm glad I thought of it! 4177 "However, every twit of cost will be taken out of your pockets, and your Organizations will reimburse this office, if it takes forever! 4178 "You: see to it that nobody in government finds anything prosecutable or evidence of conspiracies. Arrest anyone who interferes with your 'officialism'! 4179 "You: inform the Jew bankers we need a lot of money, the appearance of a lot more money, and their absolute support disseminating all information to the public. 4180 "You: tell the Jews there's no limit to how much money they can 'lend' us – or the interest on it – as long as they maintain our power in the ears of everybody. We'll dispose of all those hooked-nosed bastards later when the debt and demand for payment is sufficient. 4181 "You: make sure all Jews are protected beyond the scope of any law applying to anybody else, until we decide to dispose of them to void this massive debt. 4182 "You: distort all information regardless of how authentic; and institute forced acceptance of every degeneracy imaginable under the guise of its being 'modern' or the 'in' thing to do! 4183 "You: stir up all the riots and civil unrest you can, and be sure to publicize the most degenerate version under any 'righteous-sounding' scheme you can manufacture! Poo-poo the truth until even we can't recognize it. Discredit everyone who sees through what we're doing! 4184 "You: dispose of the educational system! Under the guise of equality, force everyone to accept the lowest standards attainable until there are no standards while you divert their attention with all the degeneracies you can deliver! Then to correct the problems, once we have them properly perfected with programmed ignorance . . . uh, make that stupidity . . . install all the police and government authority we need to ensure 'safety', solve every 'crisis', and handle all terrorism, et cetera! 4185 "You: destroy the safety and commerce of the cities and marketplaces! Infest them with all the absolute lowest of lowlifes to guarantee city-wide crime zones . . . those stupid niggers we keep at the bottom of the pile should do the trick! Set them and those idiotic rednecks we treat the same way at odds with each other. They're both too stupid to do anything but rampage their superiority over each other. 4186 "You: create any pretext of social 'necessity' to destroy the family structure; put the power to destroy in the unrestrained hands of the children, then ensure they resist and mock everything their parents do; once the children are sufficiently uncontrollable, make the parents responsible whether they have any say in the matter or not! The family that hates together (fights among themselves) can be enslaved together! 4187 "You: find out what practices will occupy the masses the quickest to keep their minds off any degree of intelligence; advocate those practices in every art and public forum; be sure to discredit anyone who sees through it, accusing them of any negative term you can devise or discover. 4188 "You: formulate halfcocked legislation to 'correct' all these 'social problems'; be sure they cost as much as possible and that they are diametrically opposed to ensure division among the people. Division is an excellent diversion! Just make sure there is as much injustice as our graft machines can profit from. You can always create enough legislated criminals by just passing enough jackass laws! 4189 "You: keep your ear to the ground so we can straddle the fence! We need to be as grand-sounding and as inefficient and wishy-washy as possible, lest the people get a clear picture and replace us with competents! 4190 "You: establish controls over everything! We want absolute authority over everything and everyone under the guise of 'crime prevention'; and especially authority to delay action or decisions as long as we damned well want. 4191 "You: confiscate every scrap of information you can't distort, or destroy it; 'officially' or 'accidentally' is of no importance. This truth absolutely cannot fall into, or remain with, scum-class hands . . . except our own, of course! 4192 "You: establish a library to keep all these records and documents; and make damned sure no one gains entrance without high council level approval! 4193 "You: prepare long-range plans to construct 'monasteries' where we can 'translate' these 'truths' and maintain our Latin mother tongue for exclusive use of the 'upper-class'! What the scum-classes don't know they can always ask one of our well-indoctrinated 'priests'! 4194 "You: select the better educated of the homosexual community, and provide them with a soft living and no interference in their 'private' affairs to populate these monasteries. As long as their 'artistic' endeavors are produced as per quota, we really don't give a damn what they do in the privacy of our . . . their chambers. The money they make from selling their excess produce will reduce our cost to 'maintain' them. 4195 "You: gather a similar amount of women to operate convents, promise them the same things, only make sure they run the cloisters like good business operations. We can't afford to finance even our own private whorehouses if we can get the whores to do it for us. After all, visiting Priests and Monks shouldn't want for anything. 4196 "You: manufacture excuses for war! We have to keep the people occupied with something besides pleasure. After all, pleasure should be reserved for us! And never forget that wars are profit opportunities reserved for only the few of us who actually have the powers to start and stop them. 4197 "Now, let's see what problems we have immediately!" 4198 JUSTINIAN: "Sire, (whine) the question (grovel) of 'virgin birth' (sleaze)? 4199 "Sire, (slobber) shall we (whimper) recognize a (hee-hee) 'dead' Messiah? 4200 "Sire, (yeee-hee-heee) what about (snort) reincarnation? (eek!) 4201 "Sire, (sniff) we have two (moan) days of (slurp) Sabbaths each week!" 4202 PETRONIUS: "We'll take them in the exact order you presented them! We'll recognize an already executed Messiah, and kill all the others including their Disciples! 4203 "He'll have to be 'holy trinity' and a few other misarrangements: birthday the same as Nimrod, and resurrection on Easter with eggs and all! 4204 "Now, maintaining that exact order: kill those who want any consideration of reincarnation. It permits scum-classes to live-it-up-now and pay-later; and we must have their undivided attention and energies! Nothing is worse than a complacent slave. 4205 "Continuing with the exact order: super-slu . . . 'mother of god' Semiramis can have her name shortened to accommodate this dead Messiah's old lady, twist it as much as necessary; but Semiramis remains the supreme entity of this church! 4206 "As for those Sabbaths, we'd better observe both, at least to some degree, but all 'services' will be held on our days! And for the question you asked last: 4207 "Put all those to death that insist those ten children born of Immanuel's mother, our now 'ever virgin' were hers, or for that matter even born, except 'spiritually' to 'christ', at all! The more idiotic we make it, the better. We can always say it's a mystery that man isn't supposed to understand. And, after all, we have the records to show clearly that none of the children born to Semiramis came by any other than 'divine seed'; namely Accursed Cush . . . Nimrod . . . himself . . . and . . . Of course, his sons . . . 4208 "And their sons . . . 4209 "And their sons . . . 4210 "At any rate, one birth to an 'ever virgin' is sufficient! Now, get started, Lord Lucifer is on a tight time schedule!" 4211 JUSTINIAN: "Hail Lucife . . . er . . . ah . . . Caesar!" 4212 PETRONIUS: "Now let's get the hell out of here before someone finds out about our Grand Plan!" 4213 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, I say, Petronius, what shall become of Rome and our religion?" 4214 PETRONIUS: "At the risk of being sacrilegious, Justinian, we'll make a fortune!" 4215 JUSTINIAN: "Oh?" 4216 PETRONIUS: "Certainly. Our 'gods', if you can call them that, are sculptures, made in a plasterer's shop! I doubt they can do anything about it, even if they are displeased. And since this Jewish religion is damned near as old as ours, at least in its rudiments, all we have to do is substitute Jew names for surnames of our 'gods', only in Latin." 4217 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, Petronius, I can't ever imagine why?" 4218 PETRONIUS: "The 'names' will satisfy both Jews and Christians, and the dates satisfy us pagans! It's classic in its simplicity." 4219 (It's stupid is what it is!) 4220 JUSTINIAN: "But, (oh, whine) Petronius, what of our glorious Rome?" 4221 PETRONIUS: "Thou fool! Justinian, wouldn't you like to see Rome rule the world?" 4222 JUSTINIAN: "Aw, man, yeah!" 4223 PETRONIUS: "Thou sniveler. Justinian, wouldn't you like to see Rome rule the world without having to fight for it, fight to retain it, or fight to keep the people in line?" 4224 JUSTINIAN: "We-uns kin do 'at 'ere?" 4225 PETRONIUS: "Oh, mangy one, after we engineer the 'fall' of Rome as a government and repaint ourselves with religious attire, with sufficient application of sword and ignorance, we will rule the world and the world will pay us to do it!" 4226 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, (slobber) Petronius, how can these things be?" 4227 PETRONIUS: "By retaining the first and last right of approval over every political decision under the guise of its 'religious significance'! That will keep the governments in line because we will have the only pulpits where we stir up, or control, the people with threats of Eternal Damnation if they don't obey our 'god' on our unquestionable terms!" 4228 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, (grovel-grovel) Petronius, how can we make all the people obey? 4229 PETRONIUS: "Thou ninny! First we create generation upon generation of programmed ignorance where years and years of 'school' produce graduates that can neither read, write, nor count! Such programmed idiots will believe what they are taught to believe; including the all-supreme knowledge and infallibility of 'the mother church' not to mention our contradictory 'doctrines'! And they'll be nonthinking enough to accept any governmental enslavements and abuses we want to inflict – 'you can't fight city hall' – and other such damned lies and stupidities." 4230 Does that sound familiar? Just because city hall will always retaliate – as violently and in secret as necessary to maintain their power over the people they're supposed to serve – doesn’t mean it can't be fought or that it can't be defeated. But programmed pusswillies damned sure can't win against them! 4231 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, (slither) Petronius, 'contradictions' in 'the mother church'?" 4232 PETRONIUS: "Thou jackass, of course! All under control of our everunquestionable 'sanctity' and absolute authority of our equally everunquestionable priests, enforced by our own everunquestionable broadswords! Questioning anything, church or government will deserve the death penalty by whatsoever means we can get away with. Which is considerable if we entertain the populace as we exterminate those with enough intelligence to see through us! And we can always use the government we control to enforce all our paganistic damnations." 4233 Blue Laws, anybody? Knowingly false accusations of child abuse by the Branch Dividians at Waco, Texas as an excuse for the slaughter? 4234 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, (wiggle-squirm) Petronius, we can no longer 'entertain', the arenas are forbidden to feed Christians to the lions! 4235 PETRONIUS: "Thou blivit-head! Hast thee no imagination? Dost thee think we've been demon servers for centuries and not know how to skirt our own law when advantageous to us to do so? Hast thee no imagination? In the arenas the victims were down in the middle and the spectators were up in the stands, but arenas are expensive both to build and maintain. That money would be better spent on Kingly living! 4236 "However, our age-old practice of Crucifixion is rather cheap, requires no great structure, generally takes longer than most 'games' and can be done anywhere with an excellent view for everyone since the victim is up high! Railroading victims isn't any problem; we in government have been doing it for centuries. Heresy, blasphemy, treason, sedition, murder, guilty or not is never the question. 4237 "Think thee then if we should add a bit of 'color', say in the form of a brush fire around the base thereof, said victim would produce a great deal more action than hanging there suffocating slowly? And the fire would clean up the mess as it goes. Nothing worse than trying to drink expensive taxpayer funded wine over the smell of rotting corpses of those same taxpayers. Ruins the bouquet." 4238 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, Petronius, you have such a vile . . . excellent . . . excellent wisdom." 4239 PETRONIUS: And don't you forget it. We in religion and government can and will dispose of our own if they get out of line. Whether they've served their purpose or not!" 4240 JUSTINIAN: "Oh, Petronius, where shall we gain the wherewithal to do all these things? Even the fools under our charge must eat!" 4241 PETRONIUS: "Oh, ye of great ignorance and no intelligence! Like us, the Jews also seek to control the whole world, and will advance us great resources, money, government and law, for howsoever long we make it appear that they shall ultimately have the greater portion as result of their investments and collusions! And when the debt becomes sufficient generation to generation, we shall simply exterminate the Jews and eliminate the debt! In the final days before we achieve absolute enslavement of the whole world, we shall do the opposite: eliminate the debt and then exterminate the Jews! It will appear far more just to those the Jews have helped us program into abject ignorance. Even the likes of you!" 4242 JUSTINIAN: "Fear not me, Oh Lord of the High Office. I shall be the perfect example of one who dares not offend even your doorknob! I shall expend the very breath of my life to serve all the church's and government's damnations, lies, murders, treasons, crimes and abominations as though they were divinely ordained and sanctified by The Most High, Himself." 4243 PETRONIUS: "Idiot! Don't mention that title around here! It upsets the demons." THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4244 ""I am a God of Great Strength and a God of Great Knowledge. I am not a God of Great Weakness nor a God of Great Ignorance. Therefore, arm yourself, that you not be denied any Truth nor any Freedom. 4245 ""For whosoever has disarmed you has made you weak and deprived you of all Truth and all Freedom.""