THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4074 ""I am a God whose patience is long unto all who seek to know Me and seek to obey My Holy Law. And I am a God without patience unto all who seek to make My Holy Law to none effect and who seek to destroy My Holy Ones. 4075 ""Though I permit them until their iniquity is full, it is because I so provisioned such in My Holy Law which they seek to profane."" CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO THE STRANGLEHOLD BEGINS PROGRAMMED IGNORANCE ENFORCED 4076 Since it's common knowledge 'the gods' can't be over-served, instituting rituals and practices sufficient to control every minute of every waking hour and enforcing them with severe penalties was the next step. Using 'greed of the gods' as justification, Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush made up rituals by the bucketful to deprive people of time to think! Anyone who is constantly programmed, especially by rote ritual, is totally unable to divorce themselves mentally from the effects of that 'programming'! 4077 It amounts to hypnotism by degrees! With suggestive 'titles' such as 'celebrating' mass or any other paganism, the ritual appears to take on 'happiness' or 'gladness' regardless of how energy-sapping or spiritually devastating in reality! Sprinkle in a fair amount of 'high days' of unrestrained partying where anything, immoral or otherwise, is 'acceptable worship', and you have virtually all the trappings of 'blessings', especially if you schedule those 'high days' to coincide with harvests, fermentation time requirements, or seasonal weather changes! 4078 Nimrod was born January 9th, but by the time his birthday "mass" became one of those 'high days', solar procession had moved it backwards through the year to January 6th! Some pagans celebrate on January 6th and others on the 9th, but most observe it on December 25th! That same 'high day' had moved backwards to December 25th by time of the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., when Emperor Constantine made it permanent. The 'christ' was added over the years of the Dark Ages! Nimrod became the 'glorified'; he who was, "god-the-father (of himself!), god-the-son (himself again!) and god-the-spirit" (now Blasphemously called, "Holy Ghost")! 4079 For God to be his own father, he would have to have incestuous sexual relations with his own mother! Whoever she is supposed to be. And having a mother to have incestuous sex with before being born to set the process of that mother giving birth in motion is a puzzle that only the most idiotic of lawyers, most demonic of preachers and other liars would attempt to portray as valid and only the most mentally incapable of fools would accept any part of. The Most High Lord God Of All Creation will not hold guiltless any and all who practice or perpetuate such 'doctrinal' abominations! 4080 If you ever wondered just how degenerate and demonic That Great Harlot of Babylon at Rome really is, or why she's called great harlot, now you have the answer! Her harlotry doesn't end with incest, it extends to the highest heights of programmed demonism and to the deepest depths of moral and mental and spiritual depravity. 4081 Thus did Nimrod institute many of the 'Catholic' and 'christian' rituals we're still stuck with to this day, duly 'observed' by the business end of broadswords and spears! Semiramis became "the 'mother' of god'' and 'appeared' as often as the priests could stage the show or some self-hypnotized or doped up idiot would hallucinate her image! 4082 At the Council of Nicea the worship of Semiramis simply changed names to: "hail Mary . . . " instead of former salutations to "Hail Semiramis!" Pagan 'high days' were renamed for 'christ'. Christmas, for example. Easter – when the Nefilim returned from the Southern Hemisphere – and taken over by Semiramis (being a 'god' and all) was named for the direction of the rising sun and the Nefilim Ninharsag, as are the gates of Ishtar now in the British Museum. But to make it 'holy' to Babylonian pagans and 'christians' it was reinstituted as the resurrection! 4083 It fell about the same time as Passover, which made it easier to distort. However, there's no way in hell you can get "three days and three nights" between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning! The reason for all these distortions is rather simple, and here is as good a place as any to clarify (expose?) it. 4084 The Roman Government, headed up by an Emperor who also held the title, Pontifex Maximus, brought to the office by Julius Caesar – who was murdered in 44 BC! – was and still is the relocated Babylonian priesthood! They left under the rule of King Darius, King Cyrus' local Commander at the siege of Babylon! Under authority of The Anointed King Cyrus their degeneracies would not be tolerated! So they had to move out, and damned fast, taking everything they could scrounge! The beginning of Rome exactly coincides with the Fall of Babylon under General Cambyses, King Cyrus's son! Check the records and you will see. 4085 Even so, a few things happened to set the stage for today's situation, and Accursed Cush was in it up to his racemixing ears! 4086 Even though the distance is rather rough terrain, there were still some exchanges of information between Noah's camp near Mount Ararat and the cities of Accursed Canaan, some of which was the inclusion of Accursed Cush and all his descendants under the Curse of Curses (with a few additions!) brought down by Noah! 4087 Upon hearing the inescapable news, Accursed Cush returned to Ararat and attempted to follow his daughter off one of its high bluffs! News of Accursed Cush's death hit Nimrod's cities like an earthquake! Everybody wanted to fight everybody else over that damned birthright! But the birthright of Ham belonged to Canaan! That didn't deter those who always want something for nothing in exchange, regardless of how asinine the claim. Nevertheless, those who could document direct birthright to Accursed Canaan or Accursed Cush excluded themselves from everybody else and especially from those of mixed blood! 4088 Suddenly, being pure black was one hell of an improvement over reputedly 'good' features of Accursed Canaan (did you ever hear the term "black is beautiful"?)! But the fat was already in the fire, and the descendants of Shem and Japeth had to take action to prevent racial skirmishes from becoming all out civil war, which would surely have meant extermination for all hybrids of whatsoever degree, and for the badly outnumbered Accursed Cushites, separation was the only effective solution! 4089 Many of those Accursed Cushites who remained with Noah when the 'mixers' left had relocated themselves in what is now East Central Africa, separating themselves and becoming family tribes. Survivors of the Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush fiasco pulled up stakes and joined their cousins in Ethiopia and Sudan, eventually spreading southward where Adam was first created, and westward as their numbers grew. Unfortunately, moving to another area apart from the degeneracies of Babylon did not remove that Curse of Curses from them! Only Noah, himself, can directly do that! 4090 Without a constant influx of black racial strains, the Canaanites at Babylon began to assume lighter skins, as what few interbreeds survived and were allowed to breed, further and further diluted their darkness. Again, unfortunately, not enough to keep from being instantly identified as Accursed Canaanites! 4091 In time, after the 'purification' of the Accursed Canaanites, others of Noah's company came to live in that fertile land between the rivers. And it was there Shem (the name means rocket or missile!) had established his family, and lived in the city of Ur until his death fifty years after the death of Abraham! 4092 Having been on the ark with Noah, he was kept company by what few Nefilim remained in Babylon, and on their advice did not interfere with Nimrod's incest and racemixing affairs, but insisted on his people remaining pure in their generations! It was because both Enoch and Noah "were pure in their generations" that they were chosen to become The Anointed during their respective lifetimes! 4093 That lesson was not lost on Abraham, for even though he moved to the land of Accursed Canaan which had been settled by Accursed Canaan's other sons, Sidon and Heth of his first (1st and number one) wife and other sons of his concubines. When it came time for his son Isaac to marry, Abraham sent for a wife of the children of his own fathers! And Abraham made his servant swear an oath that if none of those women would marry Isaac, that he would not permit Isaac to return to Accursed Canaan ever again! You can read the whole episode in Genesis 24:1 through 9! 4094 Following the Fall of Babylon and the end of the seventy-year exile, thus came Roma: transplanted Babylon; in all her filth and reputed glory. 4095 Not only did the descendants of Accursed Canaan constantly pollute others with the Curse, Accursed Cush's descendants were just as bad. Except Accursed Canaan's people were builders and researchers while Accursed Cush's descendants built little, if anything, unless absolutely necessary, choosing to live off the land in nomadic tribes. Which of the two was the most morally degenerate and more deserving of the Curse is still a matter of question! 4096 Having a total disregard for human (or any other) life, Babylonian Priests at Rome began to rebuild her 'religion', but this time with heavy emphasis on military might under total control of the 'priesthood'! The priests were a bit tired of doing all the work of keeping the citizenry in line and then being put to the sword everytime some jackass monarch lost a war over which they had little, if any, control! A huge, military machine controlled from the top by priests would solve that problem once and for all! 4097 There was some infighting but eventually those with the most treachery won out, and Babylon-come-Roma began to make some very serious changes. Taking on organizing the Latin language into usable form rather than various dialects was among the first. With a few scholars and lots of swords, that didn't take as long as one would expect! Everything, including exactly who were allowed to read and write was formulated into this 'reorganization'. 4098 Priests were the most privileged, soldiers next, and whoever was deemed 'necessary for the moment' came in descending order, depending on the priority of that 'necessity', with the common, everyday, working class, farmers being dead last in everything but taxes! However, the priests knew the value of personal glorification, so as they conquered a territory, they first murdered the intelligencia as 'traitors' or 'infidels'; burned or destroyed all traces of culture and civilization they couldn't use; forbade all previous cultural practices whatsoever; and made everyone else an instant Roman citizen and 'baptized' them into the Babylonian 'religion', which suddenly had incorporated into itself the conquered's local 'gods', holy days, et cetera. 4099 An exact parallel was the 'christianization' of the Native Americans when all those Catholic bastards who followed Columbus murdered 'the mother church' into existence using every atrocity they could think of! The expansion of Islam, the Muslim religion, wasn't any improvement, morally, spiritually, or otherwise. And they're still at it on a global scale! Read on: 4100 Since only Roman citizens were permitted to buy or sell, travel freely, own property or participate in the only recreation there was, pagan feasts and 'holy days'; 'converting' survivors usually didn't require much time or effort. With their elders dead or in slave gangs, children could be 'educated' into Romanism without interference. Those intelligent and courageous enough to question were punished severely, often with instant slaughter for 'Blasphemy'! Those who openly challenged the Romans, even verbally, were slaughtered on the spot for 'treason' or 'heresy', whichever seemed most appropriate. Today the 'excuse' will be 'child abuse', 'white supremacy', 'illegal firearms', 'anarchy' or other such manufactured 'crimes'. 4101 This generation is to learn the Roman Catholic practice of instant death for all who resist has not changed nor been abandoned! Every statement in the above paragraph is, and will continue to be, instituted both by law and force of arms as the Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement progresses. The means for a great deal of it are already a matter of routine! 4102 In a whoever wins chase for domination, both the Houses of Levi and Judah and That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, will cooperate with each other as long as it serves the purpose of either for the time being. Neither is an improvement over the other in any size, shape, form or fashion. They both have recourse to a great deal of money, and to a great many serving bodies under the influence of their respective 'religions'. And neither has any qualms about expending those bodies in their respective TOTAL Global Enslavement endeavors, starting with cooperation towards gun control. 4103 And once gun control is legislated, every citizen will be further legislated into slavery! Anyone who thinks different is a god-damned fool, and anyone who says different is a god-damned liar! 4104 [INSERT: You can also go forward in The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths and see what current thinking will produce! It's not welded in steel, like the past, but Legislated Enslavement following hard on the heels of gun control is a matter of fact that if not stopped dead in its tracks will instigate another civil war to overthrow the current crop of socialist traitors who literally own and control our government and re-establish and restore the Constitution of the United States of America!] 4105 You have been warned! THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! 4106 ""I am a God of Law, and a God of Good Order. 4107 ""Therefore, arm yourselves with good slaying weapons, and self-discipline, that none deprive you of any good Freedom I have established. 4108 ""Permit none to dictate anything, lest the socialist deprive you of everything.""