INTRODUCTION 0001      This work will awaken a few, scare hell out of some, and offend the rest. 0002      Just as The Most High said, ""And by this sign shall you know the Truth within your own soul:  if My Truth be not in you, then you shall be sore offended at all others within whom is My Truth!"" And THAT is one hell of a clear sign! 0003      Thus does this book contain absolute, consistently verifiable, unquestionable truth.  Truth so pure and uncontaminated, The Most High Lord God of All Creation, ALIHA ASUR HIGH (AH-LI-HAH ASH-ER HIGH – from the Hebrew-Aramaic spelling) Himself will testify to you personally, IF you are qualified to be one of the True Elect, as to its credibility, and thus fully document each and every word, statement and claim, including all the inserts and commentaries, in this entire book!  Chapter 42 has all the details.  Such Testimony by The Most High, Himself, to each and every sincere seeking soul, that each and every word, statement and claim herein – whether vile, violent, beautiful or boring – is perfect truth in all its ramifications, should make even the boring parts endurable.  We certainly hope so. 0004      In this book, and for the first time in all recorded history, we present – in essence edits – The Protocols to All Living Souls, in Chapter 1; The Protocols to Mankind, The Protocols to The Four Horsemen, The Protocols to The Anointeds, The Protocols to The Seven Swords, and The Protocols to The Proven Knowers (True Disciples), in Chapter 43; and The Protocols to This Anointed specifically, in Chapter 44; all translated directly from The Most High.  Because the Protocols are so vast and detailed in their content, we have had to limit them to those points most relevant, following The Most High's direction in all instances. 0005      The Anointed:  that there is an Anointed (Messiah in Hebrew) alive in each and every Generation of Man to be The Witness of each and every Generation of Man in First, Second and Final Judgment has not only been fully documented for ages on end, but is probably the one Spiritual Truth that all the manipulators, supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, the vain, the vile, the corrupt, the wicked, the evil, the cowards, all the fools, all the 'priests', all the 'teachers', all the 'ministers', all the false 'prophets', all the 'preachers' and all the other liars despise the most!  Especially all those who are hallelujah halfwits, as it exposes all their hypocritical silliness while it strips them of all 'their' righteousness, 'their' godliness, 'their' authority to talk down their noses, and 'their' power over the lives, minds, souls and fortunes of mankind.  The prime word therein being fortunes as in cold, hard, spending, living-earning, power-buying cash! 0006      Take comfort in the fact that regardless of who or 'how great' the names of history are (or were), with the sole exception of the True Righteous, the rest are all burning in hell for their atrocities – if they committed any – which includes the vast majority of them.  Kings, Queens, Soldiers, Priests, Politicians, socialists and journalists are all represented.  The bastards (original meaning, "illegitimate before The Most High") running (or should that be ruining?) things today are neither an improvement nor an exception, as The Most High, Himself will clearly verify. 0007      Whether it be The Anointed himself or the True Disciples (Proven Knowers; who in this Generation will have many of the same Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities) of That Holy Appointment calling this age's bastards into account will matter little to those who are absolutely sure of their unprovable delusions.  To make the revelation that such a Holy One actually exists in This Generation of Fire clear to all mankind, even with its awesome potential to save civilization, preserve the planet, and restore peace throughout our universal hemisphere, will unfortunately awaken only a very limited few! 0008      The Elect:  that The Most High Lord God of All Creation has chosen a people from among mankind to have the responsibility of showing his concern, mercy, and unlimited power to handle, resolve and/or correct any and all situations by their living example scares the living hell out of everybody who wasn't chosen to begin with and absolutely terrifies those who were chosen but desecrated their appointment.  And it damned well should!  The Most High Lord of Spirits (one of His many Titles!) is going to burn the lot of them, chosen and unchosen alike, and hold those he chose and who desecrated their appointment fully liable for the losses they caused!  You can see those Days of Holocaust and Years of Tribulation filled with all their unimaginable horrors in The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths [Akashic Records, also known as the Reflecting Ether].  Complete details of how to do just exactly that are given in Chapter 41 – Especially to those intelligent enough to open their media-and-government-blinded eyes and go look for themselves!  That such horrendous conditions accompanied with Legislated Enslavement are now totally unavoidable will absolutely scare the hell out of some! 0009      And The DAMNED!:  Which in direct and unquestionable Testimony of The Most High, Himself, includes all the House of Levi, House of Judah, House of Ishmael, and all 'christians'; specifically, but not limited to:  That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox (Eastern Religion), Pontiff and all; but also all her fallout Harlot and Whore 'christian' Daughters, regardless of their reputed 'denomination', and most all the rest of mankind.  When one understands that all 'christian' churches are nothing more than fallout Harlot and Whore Daughters of That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome – the true and original Babylonian Empire living in disguise as a 'religion' known as the Roman Catholic Church – thus everything they teach is polluted and profaned at best, their closed-minded victims will be absolutely livid as their own ages-long stupidity comes to light.  Anyone who will take the time to research for themselves can clearly document the fact 'the Roman Catholic Church' at Rome is nothing more than the transplanted Babylonian government-cum-religion brought down by King Cyrus, King Darius and General Prince Cambyses II (King Cyrus' son) at the first Fall of Babylon.  The House of Levi, House of Judah and House of Ishmael connections will become clear in later and non anti-semitic references, in spite of racist anti-goyim (anti-gentile) practices by the House of Levi and the House of Judah. 0010      And that, will certainly offend the rest! 0011      Even so, anyone being offended will not change the Truth one iota!  For the Truth is – these are the Days of Revelation – that it be fulfilled as was promised by The Most High through His Anointed Servants Isaiah and Micah; reference Isaiah 2:1-3, "The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.  And it shall come to pass in the last days the Mountain (Plane) of the Lord's House (dwelling place of His Presence!) shall be established in the top (highest) of the Mountains (Planes), and shall be exalted (known, honored) above the hills (earth) and all nations shall flow unto it.  And many people shall go and say, 'Come you, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His paths:  for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.'" 0012      Micah 4:1-3 repeats this promise of access to The Most High by all tribes, peoples, nations, et cetera, that shall actually be followed by Isaiah's promise of the beating of swords into plowshares and spears into pruninghooks and studying war no more forever. 0013      [INSERT:  Since there shall be no strangers pass through Jerusalem in those days; because all will be known of The Infallible Spirit by the Kings, Priests and Prophets then living at Jerusalem, people from the many nations will be traveling to Jerusalem because all Judgments and directive communications shall come from there!  Jerusalem shall be a much more sacred city than it is today and more sacred than it has ever been in the past, but it is not the Holy Mountain of the Presence of The Most High!  It is, however, an earthly mountain from where The Most High will rule through his Kings and Priests!  Which, for the record:  does not include any 'christians' whatsoever, as this book will clearly permit you to document for yourself.] 0014      And we will teach you how to personally achieve access to those Planes of Heavens and experience these and many other wonderful things. 0015      Thus, the truth is:  this book is the first evidence of fulfillment of that ancient promise, that all mankind shall have personal, direct and full access to The Most High without any intermediaries whatsoever, and as such, is full evidence that The Anointed of This Generation is the last promised Anointed.  When you have completed reading this book you will have the exact instructions and knowledge to experience that personal, direct and full access to The Most High Lord God of All Creation!  And to accept that truth, you must first gain a better understanding of what truth really is and rid yourself of the nonsense of 'belief' regardless of 'who' or 'what' is the source of that 'belief'. 0016      Truth is something everybody 'prefers' above all other factors until it shows up in all its potential horrors.  The fact flowers are usually beautiful is truth, but so are dead and rotting bodies littering the landscape in the aftermath of natural disasters, war, plague, terrorist attack, automobile and airplane crashes, and even street-punk gang fights!  They are not a pretty, or easy, or preferable truth, but cold, hard, truth(s) nevertheless. 0017      The same standard applies to 'belief' vs Knowledge! 'Belief' is always preferable when clothed in 'the-world-is-dripping-with-honey' nonsense, but Knowledge is often as ugly and disgusting as it is sure and certain.  Humans can 'believe' anything, regardless of how asinine.  But to confuse 'belief' as being Knowledge is absolute stupidity of the first magnitude!  We're programmed by supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, politicians and bureaucrats to accept that "government is always 'honest' and 'right'" and by hallelujah halfwits, preachers and other liars to accept that " . . . belief in Jesus is knowledge of god . . .  Both are pure beneath-contempt stupidity at best, and the latter, abject Blasphemy at worst! 0018      Anyone who believes government is either 'honest' or 'right' doesn't have anything wrong with them that a brand new set of brains wouldn't cure.  But for those limp-brained elements who believe government is 'honest', and especially in keeping its word, ask any Native American about their Treaties! 0019      There's never been such a thing as an honest politician, and we'll be happy to document.  One of the most classic examples is 'honest' Abraham Lincoln!  In order to get him elected, his political cronies promised – ironclad – twenty-seven sure and certain god, law and gospel cabinet appointments – and there were only six to be had!  Those around our late President made a liar out of him before he was elected!  However, the current crop of supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, and other slime-brained bastards on government payroll, really do not need any help when it comes to lying, grafting, treason and other such 'official' malfeasances. 0020      While it is true that all Akurians who are citizens of the United States must protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, which includes the public service offices provided in and by that greatest of all Constitutions, we are honor bound to call each and every bastardly incumbent in those offices, elected or appointed, the corrupt, morally degenerate, treasonous bastards they prove themselves to be!  We are not advocates of the overthrow of this, or any other, honest citizens-serving government.  We are faithful advocates of the immediate overthrow of all corrupt or god-playing treasonous politicians and bureaucrats; specifically, court 'judges' upon whose Black-Robe foundation the vile and morally-bereft police 'blue wall' exists!  This current Government of the United States – top to bottom – is vile, corrupt, morally degenerate, politically polluted, out of touch with the citizens, out of control in its conduct and abuse of power, rife with treason and hell bent on Total Global Enslavement by its manipulators applying wholesale murder as they deem appropriate!  Therefore, this current Government of the United States must be approached, dealt with and administered accordingly.  Those in power have no intention of restoring the Constitution – not one twit of its guarantees – back to the citizens.  None.  Therefore, these bastards must be removed and the Constitution restored by whatever means prove necessary.  It is an unfortunate TRUTH that our Rights will only be restored the SAME WAY they were established! 0021      That all the many strangulation tentacles of our current socialist government are nothing but different, yet equally effective, paragraphs in the Grand Statute of Legislated Enslavement is a matter of fact.  The complexities of these decades-long conspiracies and High Treasons may be hard to put in any one context, as they are deliberately designed to self-disguise like a chameleon upon examination. 0022      Nevertheless, make sure you understand:  schools that can't educate; rampant immorality; criminal-controlled streets; city-wide crime-ridden war zones; totally worthless government agencies; blood sucking bureaucracies; government firepower-enforced encroachment into families' lives and decisions; perpetual blatant damned lies by all major media; manipulated economics right down to the freelance lawn-rakers and trash haulers; wholesale murder (President John F. Kennedy's execution and dozens of witnesses to it; Ruby Ridge; Waco; Oklahoma City, better known as the American REICHSTAG; and genocide:  AIDS for example!) by tax-funded government agents and agencies who have no accountability unless they fail; manufactured, suppressed and destroyed evidences by police, courts, prisons, pardon and parole commissions; international economic ruin of the producing countries, United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, such as NAFTA, perpetual GATT and long-standing Tri-Lateral One World Government socialist economic fiasco (except for its economic and legislated enslavement elements); and unjustified military involvements of which foreign aid is the first element of eventual entrapment are all by deliberate design to sap the energies, intellect, physical strength, spiritual awareness, moral fiber and economic capability of this once-great nation and our true economic allies!  Virtually all of it expounded, legislated, court-precedented and otherwise railroaded into law and irrevocable 'policy' by the most-treasonous, most-educated, stupidest and most-worthless collection of One World Government socialist bastards ever to exist:  Rhodes Scholars! 0023      Of all Damnations, 'religious' programming is the easiest to expose.  Carpenters don't have to 'believe' a hammer works; they know damned well it does!  The same is true for all other such scenarios and instances whereby we live and interact day by day.  It's what we know that we take for granted, and what we don't know we relegate to someone else who probably doesn't know either!  Or to the realms of 'mysteries' which mankind is reputedly restricted by 'god' from understanding. 0024      Both of which are pure poppycock!  Bull hockey!  Either you KNOW, or you don't. 0025      There are viable places for 'belief', but governments and 'religions' are not among them!  Under hard and open scrutiny, few religious faiths have any validity at all, selling Spiritual Death in disguise of a 'faith' or 'belief'.  Spiritually, most are demonic con games at best.  All governments, being pawns of one 'religion' or another, aren't any improvement.  Religious 'leaders', with the exception of Islam, Hindu and Buddha, bellow loud and long about 'power upon power' beyond the imagination and can't deliver one damned twit of it at any time, for any reason, under any circumstances!  Then their masses of congregational fools will excuse those obvious failures because someone didn't 'believe' enough! 0026      If you are one of those hell-bent on maintaining some 'belief' for any reason, this book is going to offend you more than anything else you've ever encountered.  But if you are in a search for cold, hard, truth regardless of where the warts appear, this book is going to become one of your most prized possessions!  To infinitely detail each and every statement, claim or incident in any publication is both economically and chronologically impossible.  But this book isn't like any other work ever before presented to mankind for review.  It contains any and all – absolute – consistently verifiable – documentation that every thing even implied herein is cold, hard, truth with the chips falling wherever they hit! 0027      If the very Testimony of The Most-High Lord God of All Creation, Himself isn't sufficient, that all may KNOW rather than blunder along in 'belief', then mankind deserves to Die the Death of Damned Foolishness!  The only documentation anyone can depend on is The Great Testimony of The Most High, and those things you are free to examine in the privacy of your own soul.  This book contains the exact instructions as to how to do both:  experience direct personal Testimony of The Most High, and access to all the Planes of Creation where you may check these things in person.  If we were liars, we certainly wouldn't give everyone the EXACT instructions as to how to prove it!  The facts are here.  You will not like most of them, but that doesn't change them from being true, cold, hard, facts. 0028      Separate what you 'believe' from what you know, and this book will open up all the realms of high adventure, great mysteries, and world shattering revelations.  Separate what you 'believe' from what you know, and the cold, hard, test of an absolute, consistently verifiable, delivery system and the world around you will open up to all your most intimate desires.  Separate what you 'believe' from what you know, and you will find instant relief from all programmed guilts and all the other psychological mind-traps you've been subjected to all your life by supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, politicians, 'preachers' and other liars.  And this book will be your first step on a journey to the most distant and fascinating Realms of Creation:  out, beyond, and above the very stars of creation!  Yes!, even into the vast array of uncountable other Dimensions! 0029      Separating 'belief' from knowledge is a simple process:  either the information works every time, everywhere, for everybody that applies it the same way, or it doesn't.  The skills required to perform a job are knowledge!  Information that can't be applied to obtain a known and repeatable end result is 'belief'. 0030      An electrician applying test methods to determine repair requirements is applying knowledge!  Every other competent repairman will do the same thing, in virtually the same sequence, and find the same end result.  And then do the same thing to correct the problem!  That's applied knowledge! 0031      A scientist attempting an experiment is applied belief!  Based on previous proven results, which is knowledge, it is 'believed' a given application should produce a given result.  If it does every time the same process is applied, knowledge has been discovered.  If it doesn't, then there was something in the scientist's 'belief' that was faulty – either something as yet unknown, an error in the application process, or whatever.  In any instance, if the experiment continues to produce a result other than that expected, new knowledge has been discovered, and the 'belief' has been proven faulty!  Therefore, let us repeat:  either the information works every time, everywhere, for everybody that applies it the same way, or it doesn't.  If it works, the process is knowledge!  If it doesn't work, the process is still in the realm of belief! 0032      And it doesn't matter how many times anyone attempts the same wrong process, or how much they 'believe', it still will not work!  And that's the cold, hard, situation with 'christian' religious 'belief':  it doesn't work!  The 'excuses' as to why not? are equally invalid. 0033      The Most High Lord God of All Creation is not some weak-kneed pusswilly with a limp wrist and an oh, whine personality.  One of his many Titles is Lord of Hosts! A "host" is an army – a disciplined military organization – and "Lord" is the title of leader, boss, foreman, commander, one-in-charge, et cetera, so The Most High Lord God of All Creation is a General of Armies regardless of what the pacifist pusswillies claim and teach!  He is an overwhelming, all-powerful force of strength with an unshakable proven position of hard, irrevocable truth!  And no jackass religious 'belief' can stand up to that! 0034      And, he is accessible to all the Righteous, and to all those who wish to become Righteous in His Sight.  You just need to know the whole truth, and you can only do that by separating any and all 'beliefs' from any and all knowledge and putting each in their proper places. 0035      This book contains the sources of access to truth – as truth was before man got his damnable hands on it with all his delusions, self-righteousness, superiorities, degeneracies, demonisms, and his insatiable desire to subjugate everyone else under his own exclusive powers and command, whether by 'religion', 'government', or either one in disguise as the other.  Total Global Enslavement is the age-old goal of evil men and women, and their spirit guides, that is more alive and dangerous today than ever! 0036      Therefore, this book contains the absolute, consistently verifiable, proof that there is a living God, who wants you, and everybody else who will, to know him!  Not to 'believe' he exists, but to KNOW he exists!  And to know that he is very personally concerned with each and every person as an individual, and to know what they will endure through the horrendous days in our near and immediate future. 0037      This is the last age of the Messiahs!  The Most High does not want anyone to stand between Himself and any soul he has created.  That such was necessary – due only to mankind's self-imposed limitations and spiritual point of view as result of the Nefilim's jackassing – until we have finally reached a point of spiritual development where the individual has both the righteousness and courage to talk directly with The Most High, caused The Most High to provide living Anointeds in each and every generation to be that generation's intermediary.  The necessity for such intermediaries will evaporate into nothingness in the same instant Lucifer and all his minions get their well-deserved deep-forever in the Firepits of Hell.  And The First Judgment of that final process is about to dawn upon mankind. 0038      The time allotted for Lucifer to accomplish his boast, "That he could turn all men (and women) to him!"  (2,520 years following the date of dedication of the Second Temple in the Sixth Year of the reign of King Darius, 515 B.C.E. and ending in 2005 GCAD), and for The Most High Lord of Spirits to bring all these atrocities to a screeching halt is about to break over the entire world in a wave of pure hell itself!  Whether Lucifer accomplishes his boast by Legislated Enslavement, wholesale murder, or programmed stupidity into mankind does not alter the terms of the boast that – only those living at the end of the allotted time – be his, even if in their ignorance.  And make no mistake, neither Lucifer nor any of his minions, specifically but not limited to:  the United States' Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and those who endorse their High Treasons:  the government-paid murderers at Dallas, Memphis, Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City; such as Janet Baby Burner Reno and all others who are exactly like all these everywhere else on the planet, have no qualms about slaughtering as many millions as they deem necessary – including a global Thermonuclear Holocaust – to accomplish their ends of Total Global Enslavement!  However, The Most High is decidedly opposed to the lot of them and all their damnable grand-sounding socialist schemes and High Treasons. 0039      That same Most High Lord God of All Creation is mindful of you and everybody else, including all the potential suffering that is about to consume mankind and all his damnable monuments to stupidity that those alive at the time are certainly going to endure.  This book contains the process of access to The Most High and to all his Great Realms above and below the earth plane, and the irrevocable process and administration for rescue of his Promised Elect Remnant. 0040      This work also contains the who, what, when, where, and why with respect to the sole and exclusive representation of The Most High Lord of Spirits in This Generation of Fire – and exactly who that Anointed is – to which The Most High, Himself, will testify and verify!  You are in for the spiritual shock of your life, even if you are an atheist.  And you are in for many other very upsetting surprises.  That a truly caring God would not forsake his children is a fact, despite the present horrors in our world.  However, when you come to recognize the unalterable terms every parent has the right to establish and enforce and the rules of discipline combined with sure and certain reward, you will understand The Most High's evidence to lay the clear blame for all atrocities squarely at the feet of the actual perpetrators. 0041      For the Damnations herein delivered, the authors make no apologies!  Nor will we retract so much as one word to mollify those who will be offended by these contents, whether they be a socialist, communist, fascist, marxist, judge, lawyer, supremacist, liberal, conservative, politician, bureaucrat, false prophet, phony psychic, priest, teacher, minister, preacher or other liar, or all those who support such, and especially those of the Masonic and Knights of Columbus Lodges and Temple Israel – including their Illuminati elements – whether they be sitting on the benches of the courts or somewhere else in their graft machines of police, prosecutions, prisons, corrections, probations, crime commissions or pardon and parole boards. 0042      Why such damnation against law enforcement?  Because the courts are the foundation of the rule of the land, a blanket indictment of all law 'enforcement' is and will remain fully justified as long as the blue wall exists, even between two officers, and for howsoever long the 'courts' perpetuate such 'legal' atrocities by condoning both the destruction, suppression, and manufacture of evidence, forced confessions and other railroadings without penalty upon the perpetrators!  Thus, the "blue wall" exists on a Black-Robe foundation!  However, corrupt 'law' is but one of the world's great problems exposed within these pages. 0043      Another is the real reason why the Black Races are so hated, even by themselves in many instances.  Whether we like it or not, the Black Peoples have always been left with the short end of the stick, socially, economically, educationally, and virtually all other ways; and in many places for many centuries as a matter of legal law!  These pages contain the whole story of why from day one, and the explanation of its many ramifications, a complete exposé of the programmed and enforced ignorance and socialism that perpetuates the problems generation after generation, exactly who and why of that perpetuation, and the one and only God-given cure! 0044      To clarify these things in no uncertain terms, that there be no misunderstanding whatsoever, the authors have used the reprehensible terms:  "Redneck" to identify those who never think or reason and yet suppose themselves to know more than God regardless of how idiotic they really are in the sight of any common sense; "Kak-Jew" to identify those who act as though God told them personally to commit any abuse or deception they choose on any whim because 'they know better for you than you do' as if by some nonexistent 'divine right' they can dictate, scavenge and live off any other's blood and bones, even their own people if there's money involved; and "Nigger cum yea-nigger" to identify those who will lower or insist on lowering any standard, intellectual, educational, moral or otherwise, usually to attempt an unearned reward or to entice fools with grand-sounding socialist nonsense; all of whom are supremacists of the worst kind; to indicate those slime elements of the White, Hebrew, and Black Races that are not only a disgrace to their respective peoples, but are equal disgraces to human existence!  Usually such usage is a quote of some person. 0045      That said, shaken together none of them have any qualities worth the powder and shot to blow them to hell, and only one consistency:  no responsibility for their own actions because somebody else is always to blame.  However, let it be noted here once and for all, The Anointed Witness of This Generation and The Most High Lord God of All Creation who created and Commissioned him (absolute, consistently verifiable proof of that statement is contained in Chapter 42!) consider all bigots in the exact same category as they do the aforesaid rednecks, kak-jews and niggers!  To suppose that all Caucasians are rednecks, all Jews are kaks, and all Blacks are niggers, and everyone who supports Black Righteousness is a yea-nigger in disguise, is both the ultimate height of stupidity and ignorance and the ultimate depth of immorality and degeneracy. 0046      One of this Holy Order's most-prime examples is:  The Anointed is often heard stating, "I know far more niggers than I do Black People!  And so do most other people!  In fact, of all the 'niggers' I know, none are Black!  And for the record, I have never met nor talked in person to Minister Louis Farrakhan.  But if I were elected President of these United States, I would insist that Minister Louis Farrakhan administer the Oath of Office!"  He uses all three terms (redneck, kak-jew, nigger) interchangeably, as he sees fit at the time.  And it is the absolutely irrevocable opinion of the authors that if an equal collection of all three were shaken together and sorted for worthlessness, the outcome would be identical!  Therefore, when you encounter such terms herein, simply recognize such usage as descriptives to identify only the sewer-elements of these three great peoples, and that such usage is never a blanket reference to the entire respective race.  However, such usage is also never meant to be taken in jest, nor to be considered an expression of racial hatred or other such bigotry, regardless of what the jackass elements in government, 'leadership' and major media will undoubtedly attempt to distort it to be. 0047      Whether your life's great interest be religious, political, social, academic, economic, or other areas, there are both revelations and bubble-bursting truths worthy of your effort in these pages.  You may not like the truth that sets you free, but that doesn't mean it isn't truth or that it can't set you free, just that you don't like it.  And there is a lot in these pages you are not going to like!  But there's not one word in these pages that isn't cold, hard, irrevocable, consistently verifiable truth as testified to by The Most High Lord God of All Creation, Himself!  And NONE of it is delivered in any manner as to be 'politically correct'!  We will NOT be muzzled by such socialist nonsense. 0048      Everyone is entitled to 'believe' what they damn well please.  But with the existence of this book, ignorance is no longer an excuse, either for 'what the preacher said' or any of the other demonisms, sorceries, paganisms, socialisms, racemixings, narcotics, promiscuousness, abortions, and usuries, or lesbianisms and homosexualities (especially the viles, see The Protocols to This Anointed, Chapter 44, for more about this vital subject) or just to name a very few.  Ignorance-of-the-law is no excuse whatsoever in any court of the land, and even less excuse in That Great Judgment when even those same god-damned Justices of the Courts have to give account for their rulings against justice, against the knowing innocent, against humanity, and against right! 0049      Regardless, everyone with more brains than a brick knows for a fact, and all experts on the subject agree, it's only a matter of time before either a 'malfunction' in those overly-complex and under-maintained Fail-Safe Systems, or some god-damned 'politician' with a terminal case of bats-in-the-belfry brings down civilization as we know it in a Thermonuclear ball of radioactive fire!  Whether that Holocaust comes by accident or design will matter little to the victims, whether they be 'christians' "waiting for 'Jesus'" at one of the Ground Zeroes, or those who will suffer the horrendous aftereffects of this supreme stupidity on the part of the New World Order of One World Government in its Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement!  The Rockefellers, British Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, and all their damnable knowing and unknowing puppets, are sparing neither expense nor effort to establish this most-damnable of any and all of mankind's creations, and are doing so with the full blessing and support of That Great Harlot of Babylon at Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, all her harlot daughters, and the usually-secret financial manipulations of the money-grubbing House of Judah. 0050      You have been warned! 0051      That all these things were predicted and recorded ages ago (though most have been suppressed by all governments and the Vatican) should come as no surprise to anyone who can either listen or read!  True Prophets of God, including His Anointed Witnesses and their respective Proven Disciples in each and every Generation of Man, have been reconfirming all these things in-spite-of and in-direct-contradiction-to 'preachers' and other liars as to the actual when, where, and at who's hand, these things will occur.  There have been countless lesser Prophets who dared defy 'the church' and all other pagans, 'the governments' and all elected and bureaucratic traitors, to declare these things openly, and paid with their very lives.  Or worse yet, deprived of their freedom of voice and movement by being locked away in prisons and institutions by those very 'authorities' who should have spared no expense to support them, had those said 'authorities' possessed even a quarkfart of God's approval! 0052      Therefore comes this series in its many volumes, with its many revelations, and its uncounted exposés and Damnations!  These publications will neither be outlawed nor totally suppressed until initiation of the Great Enslavement, resistance to which will cause that One World Government to bring down the Holocaust at the hands of our very own leaders! 0053      [INSERT:  Under virtually any government-concocted disguise, Legislated Enslavement can be instantly enacted, primarily by Executive Order via the President of these United States!  Look them up, and how they were clandestinely enacted one by one – and you are sure to get the treason shock of your political awakening!  You are going to find that High Treason is alive and well in all branches and at all levels of government!] 0054      In closing this introduction, the publishers of this book, The Anointed of God Assembly, its subordinate mission rescue order the famed PATHFINDERS, formerly the Brotherhood of Service, and we, The Akurians, want you to know a few facts to help you through the initial stages of this volume. 0055      A:  The Anointed of God Assembly is Chartered in several states as "The Anointed of God PATHFINDERS of Elijah, Incorporated", primarily to establish a legal entity. 0056      B:  The Anointed of God Assembly neither has, nor will we establish, a 'church building', preferring to meet for worship and other services at private residences, open spaces or temporarily rented facilities. 0057      C:  The PATHFINDERS are militarily structured as a matter of organization, and that causes no end of paranoia and intrusion by 'government' in spite of the fact we reputedly have the Constitutional Right to our religious freedom!  And you'll note the socialist bastards have no complaints against the militarily structured Salvation Army! 0058      D:  We neither endorse nor practice those rites as adhered to by the late Jim Jones and his deadly People's (Communism of Christ) Temple, or the late Branch Dividians so brutally and illegally murdered by government agents at Waco; To Wit:  Janet Baby Burner Reno with permission and endorsement of (then) President William Jefferson Clinton as directed by their One World Government controllers.  If grown men and women want to surrender themselves to the likes of moral degenerates like Jim Jones or David Koresch, sexually or otherwise, they have the Constitutional Right to do so!  But they do not have the right to subject minor children, even their own, to such knowingly immoral activity!  Nor does such activity confer the right upon any government or government agency to murder the participants in wholesale gangland slaughter – and especially under the knowing false accusation of 'child abuse'.  And for being a party to such unspeakably despicable behavior, each and every damned one of them who isn't already burning in hell – will be – instantly following First Judgment!  The burning of Jim Jones and David Koresch, along with their spiritually idiotic followers, DOES NOT exclude the burning of all those murdering bastards on government payroll:  former United States President William Jefferson Clinton, Janet Baby Burner Reno, Sarah Gun Control Brady, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and that entire Clan, the manipulators, the planners, the administrators, the trigger-pullers and all their supporters regardless of the who, what, where, when, why or how.  They all get the same Hell, but some get hotter sections. 0059      E:  To name a few:  the government financed, planned and executed wholesale murders at Ruby Ridge, Waco, The American Reichstag at Oklahoma City and now the September 11th, 2001 (911) self-inflicted strike on the World Trade Center, New York, New York, on behalf of the New World Order of One World Government; all involved government agencies, specifically the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Justice, Secret Service, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement Agency, all the Child Protective and Health and Human Services agencies, all Local, State and Federal Courts:  up to and including the United States Supreme Court; and that all have lied through their jack-booted teeth from day one and continue to do so to this very day is a matter of irrefutable record.  That the Masonic-and-Knights-of-Columbus-and-Temple-Israel controlled courts still endorse, support, protect and defend those murdering, lying, One World Government puppet bastards at all costs – especially with respect to any and all necessary cover ups – is an equally irrefutable fact.  The ultimate domestic goal being the 'legalized' destruction of the Constitution of the United States from back to front, side to side and top to bottom – starting with that jackass 'Patriot Act'! 0060      F:  That this sovereign nation of the United States of America is being legislated into enslavement by the same clique of traitorous One World Government bastards is clearly evident to anyone who will open their eyes, even a little, and look!  That we, The Akurians, will see the lot of them in the deepest Firepits of the Lowest Depths of the Hottest Hell before we surrender one jot or tittle of the Constitution of the United States, one child, or even one soul to those filthy bastards, or to their damnable programmed ignorance and demonisms is one of the hardest facts of truth in the entire history of creation. 0061      G:  It's not a matter of wait-to-be-offended-and-then-act situation!  The Holy Anointed Witness of THIS Generation of Fire has already tried the souls of those aforementioned socialist, demonic bastards in The Holy Court of First Judgment, before Righteous Abel and the Four Horsemen as provided by Holy Law.  In accordance with the evidence presented, and STILL contained in The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths (Akashic Records), that Court found the lot of them GUILTY to all the Specifications and on all the Charges!  They have already been sentenced to Everlasting Burning and Damnation.  So the situation really is:  what-do-the-slimy-bastards-have-to-do in the Sight of The Holy Witness to rescue their own socialist, demonic asses FROM that Eternal Burning!  And there is no escape whatsoever.  None.  No reincarnations of any kind, no last-minute 'repentances', nothing.  Only a DO, and DO IT DAMNED QUICK as in NOW – with a make-damned-sure-you-do-it-right-the-first-time-or-else codicil – or their filthy asses are going to BURN as long as all Creation exists!  And only The Anointed can save them, and he has determined NOT to do that. 0062      F:  And most importantly, this book is ABOUT a man who is the Holy and Anointed Witness of This Generation of Fire, and is NOT a book BY that man, despite his Commentaries contained herein!  He receives neither earnings nor salaries from this book nor from any of the Holy Orders mentioned herein.  He supports himself entirely on his own resources.  The fact all socialists, psychopaths, governmental agents, media, preachers and other liars will do their damnedest to claim, and defame, differently; all True Proven Knowers and sincere seekers will know better.  Even so, we expect the worst those slimy bastards can deliver, even in the face of all True Proven Knowers and sincere seekers.  Perhaps The Seven Swords will have fair game in their duties after all. 0063      THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! Throughout this Volume we have inserted segments of Direct Quotes from The Most High to offer as much clarification to the True Searching Soul as possible.  These Holy Statements are taken from Holy Communications between The Most High and His Anointeds upon this earth, and thus apply to every living creature, including you. 0064      The Most High does not repeat every letter, comma and detail each and every time when broaching any subject, Commandment, Order or Directive and expects us to Know and Obey all His Will within the contexts He has already established – regardless of when or where He gives seeming exception or guidelines!  His Holy Law DOES NOT CHANGE! 0065      It is imperative that NOTHING be taken out of context just because The Most High – or His Translators – did not spell out each and every jot and tittle, letter, word, comma, period, chapter, and verse again, and again, and again.  Once The Most High has said something, IT STAYS SAID!  It does not need repeating each and every time He says anything else.  And you can rest assured, the demon-possessed nay-sayers, supremacists, socialists, preachers and other liars will spare no effort to distort and discredit any point that does not contain page after page of repetition of endless details.  Be aware of all such and their doomed-to-Eternal-Damnation and Burning stupidities. 0066      The Most High NEVER contradicts himself!  If you find something that seems a contradiction, look for the context. Anything can be made to contradict when taken out of context.  If the context isn't apparent, then your understanding is lacking.  You can also be assured the crackpot elements who are called into account in these pages, or were passed over by The Most High due to their abject stupidities, won't spare any effort either to defame every word, statement and claim in this entire work.  Nor will their displays of self-righteous ignorance save them from the Hell they certainly deserve. 0067      The Most High requires you to KNOW for yourself, firsthand, no second-hand or third-party nonsense.  The Most High also requires you to divest yourself and your charges of all ignorance and stupidities, especially those ignorances and stupidities spewed loud and long by politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, priests, teachers, ministers, supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, false prophets, phony psychics, preachers and other liars. 0068      The Most High offers you His Own Direct Testimony! And THAT eliminates any and all questions, suppositions, mistakes and errors.  You only have to put your own Spiritual House in order to receive His Full Testimony that each and every word, statement and claim herein is His Own Truth, and NOT the concoction of any other being or entity. 0069      We, The Akurians, assure you:  NOTHING makes a demon-possessed angrier than to be exposed!  Therefore, when you or anyone else is offended by the Truths in this book, be sure you are offended at the abominations, High Treasons, manipulations and those who perpetrate and enforce them against you and not at The Most High or His Anointeds and True Proven Knowers who are charged with informing you! 0070      And one final point to this introduction:  the first thirteen numbered chapters of this book are an account of the ordeal of his Divine Majesty, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, General of Generals, High Priest of High Priests, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That is Called by The Name of God (who named His Own Name upon The Anointed!).  Because of the nature of that atrocity, the words that were spoken during the great ordeal are the words recorded to the best of these authors' abilities to define them.  Words that are often disgusting and distasteful.  Words that cannot be mollified, lest we offend The Holy Spirit of TRUTH!  But words that are explicitly appropriate to those upon whom they were applied.  That there should be no misunderstanding:  nobody in these pages is or was called "a dirty, rotten, lying, two-faced, cowardly, son of a bitch" unless they qualified in all those categories.  Therefore, when you read the expletives you have the exact appropriate description of the person or persons thus nominated. The Akurians.