THE U LT I M AT E HAPPINESS PRESCRIPTION 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment D E E PA K C H O P R A H A R M O N Y N E W B O O K S Y O R K Copyright © 2009 by Deepak Chopra All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Harmony Books, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Harmony Books is a registered trademark and the Harmony Books colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chopra, Deepak. The ultimate happiness prescription : 7 keys to joy and enlightenment / Deepak Chopra. 1. Happiness. 2. Self-actualization (Psychology). 3. Buddhism— Psychology. I. Title. BF575.H27C55 2009 158— dc22 2009028945 ISBN 978-0-307-58971-2 Printed in the United States of America Design by Maria Elias 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition The Ultimate   Happiness Prescription      To purchase a copy of  visit one of these online retailers:                                                                                 Also available as an Audiobook                                                               Read by Deepak Chopra Contents The Ultimate Happiness 11 First Key: BE AWARE OF YOUR BODY 27 Second Key: FIND TRUE SELF- ESTEEM 45 Third Key: DETOXIFY YOUR LIFE 59 Fourth Key: GIVE UP BEING RIGHT 73 Fifth Key: FOCUS ON THE PRESENT 89 Sixth Key: SEE THE WORLD IN YOURSELF 105 Seventh Key: LIVE FOR ENLIGHTENMENT 119 131 Happiness Will Heal the World Acknowledgments 141 The Ultimate Happiness The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Happiness is the goal of every other goal. Most people are under the impression that happiness comes from becoming successful, accumulating wealth, being healthy, and having good relationships. There is certainly enormous social pressure to believe that these accomplishments are the same as achieving happiness. However, this is a mistake. Success, wealth, good health, and nurturing relationships are byproducts of happiness, not the cause. When you are happy, you are more likely to make choices that lead to all these things. The reverse isn’t true. Everyone has observed people who are deeply unhappy even after they have attained incredible wealth and success. Good health can be taken for granted and abused. And even the happiest family can find its happiness ruined by a sudden crisis. Unhappy people are not successful, and no amount of money and achievement will change the equation. So let’s shift our gaze beyond external indications to inner happiness, which we all want to attain and yet which 11 D E E PA K C H O P R A remains elusive. In the last few years psychologists and brain researchers have undertaken the first serious research on happiness. Previously, the field of psychology was almost entirely focused on treating unhappiness, much the way internal medicine is based on treating disease. But just as interest in wellness and prevention has dramatically risen in recent years, so has interest in happiness. Surprisingly, one of the most controversial topics in this new field of positive psychology is whether human beings are actually meant to be happy. Perhaps we are all pursuing an illusion, a fantasy fueled by occasional moments of happiness that can never turn into a permanent state. Or perhaps some people are genetically predisposed to be happy, and they will be the lucky few who escape what the rest of us experience, which is a kind of low-level contentment at best. Some experts contend that happiness occurs by chance, an emotional surprise that quickly comes and goes, like a surprise birthday party, leaving no permanent change once the event is over. Leading researchers in the new field of positive psychology, in particular professors Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ed Diener, and Martin Seligman, came up with what they call the happiness formula. These researchers found three specific factors that could be quantified in a simple equation: 12 T H E U LT I M A T E H A P P I N E S S P R E S C R I P T I O N H=S+C+V OR HAPPINESS = SET POINT + CONDITIONS OF LIVING + VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES Since this is one of the leading theories of happiness, we’ll explore it before showing that there is a better way to reach the goal. Although it helps point the way, the happiness formula doesn’t go deep enough to uncover the real secret of happiness. The first factor, S, is the brain’s set point, which determines how naturally happy you are. Unhappy people have a brain mechanism that interprets situations as problems. Happy people, on the other hand, have a brain mechanism that interprets the very same situations as opportunities. So the “glass half full, glass half empty” phenomenon is rooted in the brain, and is “set” in a way that doesn’t vary much over time. According to the researchers, a person’s set point is responsible for something like 40 percent of the experience of happiness. Apparently, this set point is partly genetic. If your parents were unhappy, you have a higher likelihood of being unhappy as well. But there are also childhood influences to take into account. Children’s brains have neurons that mirror the brains of 13 D E E PA K C H O P R A adults in their surroundings. These so-called mirror neurons are responsible for the way children learn new behaviors, so the theory goes. As they develop, young children don’t have to imitate their parents in order to learn something new; they only have to observe them, and certain brain cells will fire in a way that mirrors the activity. For example, a baby being weaned from breast-feeding watches how her parents eat. As they reach for food and put it into their mouths, certain areas of their brains light up. Simply watching this activity leads the same areas to light up in the infant’s brain. In this way the newly forming infant brain learns a new behavior without ever having to go through trial and error alone. This model has already been tested in monkeys and theoretically extended to humans. It provides a physical explanation for something as mysterious as empathy, the ability to feel what someone else is feeling. Some people have this ability; others don’t. A few saintly individuals have so much empathy that they can hardly bear it when someone else is suffering. Research with MRIs and CAT scans suggests that brain function plays a major role in empathy. A child’s neurons mirror the emotions of adults around him, leading the child to actually feel what his parents feel. So if a youngster is surrounded by unhappy adults, his 14 T H E U LT I M A T E H A P P I N E S S P R E S C R I P T I O N nervous system will be programmed for unhappiness, even before he has any cause for unhappiness himself. Why doesn’t every child learn empathy? Because brain development is wildly complex and never the same for two babies. When we were infants, all kinds of brain functions were being programmed at the same time, and for some of us, empathy was only assigned a minor role. This is a troubling inequality, and it extends to happiness. When you see the brain has a set point for happiness, traceable either to genetics or childhood influences, it’s all too easy to conclude that nothing can be done about it. However, this would be a mistake, because neither the brain nor your genes are fixed structures; instead, they are in process every minute of your life, constantly changing and evolving. You are still being influenced at the genetic level by new experiences. Every choice you make sends chemical signals coursing through your brain, including the choice to be happy, and each signal helps to shape the brain from year to year. In the overall picture, research has shown that the brain’s set point can be changed by the following: Drugs that act as mood elevators, which work only in the short term and have side effects. 15 About the Author DEEPAK CHOPRA is the author of more than fifty books translated into more than thirty-five languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Visit him at “How to Create More Happiness” is an exclusive online course now available on for anyone who is interested in experiencing more joy and fulfillment. Based on the books The Ultimate Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment by renowned spiritual author Deepak Chopra and The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want by happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., this course bridges the spiritual foundations and the scientifically proven principles of everlasting happiness. Featuring exclusive video interviews, interactive quizzes, guided meditations, recommended action steps, and other dynamic content, this two-month online course will transform your life outlook in more ways than you can imagine. Use the exclusive promo code “happyintent” to receive a discount on the course. The Ultimate   Happiness Prescription      To purchase a copy of  visit one of these online retailers:                                                                                 Also available as an Audiobook                                                               Read by Deepak Chopra