GLOBAL CROWNING 2 October 2011 - 4 Tishrei 5772 REHEARSAL 24 November 2013 – 24 Kislev 5774 Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND, CLEAN YOUR SOUL AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Most High Lord of All Creation, ALIAH ASUR HIGH: This is my True and Righteous Testimony to you as Ordered by You and Commissioned upon me in accordance with Your Holy Anointing and established Chain of Command: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Christian, without a living Muslim, without a living Illuminati; without a living Socialist; all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; The Most High will protect the Righteous; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." SPIRITUALLY CLEANING YOURSELF Being able to clean yourself AND the area you are in is priceless knowledge, takes only a second or two, and a non-thinking brick can do it: it's that easy. Start at your own center-point, belly button to all you hillbillies; and make a small ball of the whitest light energy you can imagine. Then expand it. Simple as that. Expand it as big as it needs to be, the size of your body; the size of the room; the size of the car or vehicle, just don't attempt to protect the whole damned neighborhood … YOU and YOURS are enough. When you white-light, all you're doing is removing all other color energies; and when combined with a daily Sun Link, everything about yourself will change for the better. We don't white-light anything before we Invoke, nor do we white-light anything evil as that would be a Testimony AGAINST ourselves! NEVER, under any conditions, clean or bless anything of evil! NEVER! Don't even bless babies that aren’t of Akurian lineage! Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Levites, Hindus, Buddhists, their churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, rectories, parsonages, cemeteries, crypts, tombs, monuments, markers, services, rituals: NOTHING! Either it's suitable to stand before The Most High, or it isn't. No middle ground and no gray areas. We are commanded to Bless Israel, but the Levites and Jews are not Israel, they are Levi and Judah! If they are Blessed because we bless Israel, Ephraim and Manasseh, the House of Joseph, it is of The Most High and not against us. For tonight's Instructional, I want everybody to white-light themselves as you're going to need all the purity you can muster. I'll give you a minute, and then we'll get on with tonight's business. FEELING ENERGY AT A DISTANCE The best practice to date to learn detection of energies is to exercise the process we've used all our lives – HEAT and cold. Human beings are of necessity well versed in the slightest changes in temperature; so let's use that experience to a refinement beyond the common. Whether a light bulb today, or a candle of yesterday, a close proximity is a clear indication of HEAT! (1) You don't have to burn yourself by actually touching, just put your hand close enough to feel the original HEAT emanating from the source. (2) Then pull your hand back slowly, testing your feel of the HEAT as the distance increases. (3) With a bit of practice anyone can sense the HEAT of an ordinary light bulb across a room, and the HEAT of an open flame candle literally across town! Now why is that. Most household light bulbs are 25, 40, 60, 75 and 100 watts; and a candle is but one candlepower. Measuring the light from one candle at one foot give us the term – foot candle – the amount of light a candle produces at a distance of one foot, twelve inches. If we measure the light of one candle that strikes a one-square foot – 12 inches on each side, flat to the candle – we have a lumen. That's nice to know, but it has nothing to do with the amount of HEAT! And THAT is what we're measuring – or detecting – by our senses, HEAT! Do not confuse the two; and THAT is why the Ancients and Masters from Day One succeed where most wannabes fail. As Akurians, we are expected to be wiser and more intelligent than the norm, and this is a perfect instance. The FACT is, being Spiritually Sensitive reveals that a light bulb is a conversion of energy-to-light device in an enclosed environment, and a candle is in an open environment and may be made of all manner of materials that will produce an open flame. The closed environment of a light bulb does not effect the local environment to any great degree and an open flame does! Matter changing into energy has a very definite and immediate effect: and the most prime example is our Sun. Be about detecting the HEAT, and you'll know you're well on your way to being a True Master when you can detect the HEAT of the Sun through the Earth on the coldest winter night. You can also detect the HEAT of a City on the other side of the world; or any other source, even stored HEAT at the center of the Earth. You just have to practice. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? FEELING YOUR OWN ENERGIES Now, we rehearse our own energies – SOME of which are detected by low-level HEAT! The process is about as simple to do as it is to explain. Put both hands out in front of you, palms facing each other about a foot apart, at your waist or solar plexus. Breathe normally, and in no more than one minute you will feel a slight warmth in the palms of both hands! That HEAT is your own Spiritual Light energy, and you have an unlimited supply as long as you are alive in a physical body. You have done nothing more than concentrate energy from your living aura – the LIGHT ENERGY that surrounds all things – into the area between your hands. Alright, dispose of that manifestation by simply letting go of it. Now a point for the Masters: with a very little practice you can detect the HEAT in any body, your own included, by passing your hand over the affected area. Your body, somebody else's body, makes no difference, the increased HEAT will reveal the affected area. Once you learn to DISCERN, as we'll do in this instructional, you can determine WHAT the source is of that affected area: injury, disease, body-chemistry imbalance, et cetera; and the NATURE of that source. Once you properly DISCERN the NATURE of that source, regardless of what it proves to be, you can also DISCERN its strengths and weaknesses. Once you have THAT information, you can determine the best course of action, whether it be simple or complex. Remember: regardless of what that source is, IT'S MADE OF ENERGY, and all energy is subject to the dictates of an Akurian! It may take TIME, but that energy will obey your direction and demand. A side point, with practice you can determine how long a body has been dead! Forensics have used liver temperature for years, but what good would that be in determining how long an Egyptian mummy had been dead. Modern Medical Science can't make that determination, by a well-practiced Akurian can! When we were in Egypt, April, 1978, I told Lois that one of the many mummies already in the Egyptian Museum was Queen Hatshepsut – identified in 2007; and that Ramesses II was much later than Moses and the Exodus. I also told her that the village of the workers who MAINTAINED the Pyramids was off to the southeast – exactly where they found it; and the location of Ramesses II's family tombs at Saqqara, exactly where they were discovered. And take note: I did this with practice of this very series of reading HEAT and DISCERNMENT. If "I" can do it, anybody can do it. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? MAKING A BODY OF LIGHT FROM YOURSELF The great difference between making a BELLY BALL and a BODY OF LIGHT is where you start. A BELLY BALL is made with your hands – and one hand will do with a bit of practice – and a BODY OF LIGHT is made using a whole Image of yourself. You can change a BELLY BALL into a BODY OF LIGHT simply be doing it. A BODY OF LIGHT made directly out of yourself will be a lot more effective as you practice teaching it to see, hear, smell, taste and feel; but for lesser or more-dangerous duties, we always recommend converting a BELLY BALL or calling up Etheric Energies from the Plane or Depth you intend to operate the objective in. Those who have practiced making a BODY OF LIGHT go into the future, even for one minute, as part of your practices, are already well aware that a BELLY BALL changed into a BODY OF LIGHT still works, but not as well as a personal-image BODY OF LIGHT. Using a BELLY BALL converted unit is a lot safer for the beginner and we recommend them until you gain enough experience. The only way to become a team with any Power is to practice as a team. For those who haven't done it: Make a BELLY BALL, stand it out from you at any safe distance, and change it into a BODY OF LIGHT by commanding it to become so. Now stand by: Now make a full BODY OF LIGHT out of yourself, and stand it out from you at any safe distance. Now, hear me: when I give you the signal, "Mark" I want you to send that BODY OF LIGHT one minute into the future. Everybody at the same time: Akurians, ready your BODY OF LIGHT. Destination, same place, one minute into the future. On my Command: Ready, MARK! Akurians, wait my sixty second countdown, and your BODY OF LIGHT will reappear exactly as, and where it was. Countdown …. Neophytes, practice this until you are comfortable with the process. Then switch to a full BODY OF LIGHT and practice it some more. Once you KNOW there is nothing YOU are not in control of, extend the TIME for your Image BODY OF LIGHT. Make it go where you go and appear ON TIME! It will let you know in case you forget. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now for a very short practice, everybody take the BODY OF LIGHT you have before you and send it out into the street. Make it look up, down and across in all directions and tell you what it sees. You will see through its eyes as if YOU were standing where it is. Don't tell it WHAT to see, let it TELL YOU! Now if you can, look out and see as much as you can … there will be exactly what your BODY OF LIGHT saw, even if out of your field of view at the moment. Anybody have any problems with the practice? YES! You can learn everything there is to know about your neighborhood, or any place else in the world, galaxy or Creation. Keep your sights on the near-by and here and now for the time being, but don't neglect those anywhere on the planet spewing their doctrine, enacting their manipulations or other mischief. YOU, the Akurians are the first line of defense for yourself and for the world. You do NOT have to intrude into anybody else's Sacred Ground to read the Energies or Forces there with a well-trained BODY OF LIGHT. With a bit of practice that takes more personal control, you can also DISCERN the past Energies, Forces and Activities of any point or portion of concern to have a complete history of the FACTS and all intentions. BUT, YOU CAN'T DO ANY OF IT WITHOUT PRACTICE! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Bring your BODY OF LIGHT back into your presence. We're going to do a Global Crowning … Everybody, send your BODY OF LIGHT to the Washington Monument. Extend its energies to link up with the BODY OF LIGHT on either side, until you are a Circle of Light around the very tip of the monument. There's an aluminum pyramid cap on the very peak, about a foot square on its bottom, making a perfect cap. That cap is your altitude. We should all be at the same altitude, in a Great Circle of Light. Now, speaking to the monument, repeat with me: "Damnation and Desecration, Curse of Curses, Destruction and Death upon all who offend, harm, defame, desecrate, deprive or destroy any part of this Nation!" Now expand that Crown of Light outward to encase the whole world like a glass bubble – moving outwards in the same direction you are from the Monument. When you arrive on the other side of the world, you should be about halfway between southern Africa and Australia near a South Pacific Ocean volcano name Ile St. Paul. On the planet, it's almost exactly opposite the Washington Monument. Link your Bodies of Light to each other, and leave them. Now you have created a Global Crowning and nobody, Nefilim or otherwise, can do a damned thing about it or against it. You have crowned the entire planet with the Truth and Righteousness of Ephraim, House of Joseph, of Israel. Return to the here and now, and this instructional. Expanding the detection zone of a BODY OF LIGHT is as simple as determining what area you want covered. With practice, and I damned well want you to do as much as you can, you can DETECT and DISCERN everything within your Sphere of Detection. Most is bull and idiocy, and you'll learn to instantly deject all that, and pay attention to those things and activities that concern you. You'll get those in short order too, and they're your Early Warning System that nobody else can detect, jam or inject false information into; and one you'd damned well better have fully operational come Martial Law and the Days of Visitation. In either case, whether I'm alive or not: DON'T SAY I DIDN'T TELL YOU WELL IN ADVANCE, OR THAT I DIDN'T PROPERLY PREPARE YOU! As I informed you, I was going to teach you how to be a Monster! Now you know how to be an absolute Monster of the First Magnitude and without doing one neutrino of evil in the process. You can encapsulate anybody or anything, and you don't have to tie them to the far side of the Earth. But consider, shouldn't the damnations of the Manipulators be known and understood for what they are by every living creature? What you have done, is established a Force of directed energies as to what the United States – not the government – the United States as a Constitutional, Free Enterprise, Republic as a people and a culture are really all about: and every conscious mind cannot misunderstand it or be ignorant of it! They may not have it digested to the point of wisdom, but they damned sure have the TRUTH and the reality. In the Days of Visitation it may save a few and maybe save a many. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND, CLEAN YOUR SOUL AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Most High Lord of All Creation, ALIAH ASUR HIGH: This is my True and Righteous Testimony to you as Ordered by You and Commissioned upon me in accordance with Your Holy Anointing and established Chain of Command: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Christian, without a living Muslim, without a living Illuminati; without a living Socialist; all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; The Most High will protect the Righteous; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision."