ELIMINATION OF DELUSIONS 10 November 013 – 7 Kislev 5774 Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND, CLEAN YOUR SOUL AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Most High Lord of All Creation, ALIAH ASUR HIGH: This is my True and Righteous Testimony to you as Ordered by You and Commissioned upon me in accordance with Your Holy Anointing and established Chain of Command: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Christian, without a living Muslim, without a living Illuminati; without a living Socialist; all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; The Most High will protect the Righteous; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." First and foremost: among the Akurians there is the unspoken delusion that because I have The Holy Anointing of The Most High that I am all-infallible with Powers above the norm with respect to any and all situations and conditions. I am not! Ask anyone I've had a beer with. My Authorities are far above my actual Metaphysical and physical abilities as I am not sent to demonstrate with untold and uncounted miracles the Greatness of The Most High as were Moses, Elijah and Immanuel, to name three – but to be a Testimony OF, neither for nor against except as Truth shall require – of this Generation of Fire. That I own the clear Deed to all the earth and Solar System until Shiloh is beside the point. That I personally gave this planet to Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher years ago as her personal property is also beside the point. I can do with what is mine as you can with what is yours, but that does NOT endow capabilities beyond what we individually will develop of ourselves. But what is ours we DO have full voice over what is done with it. I am not a miracle worker as were Moses, Elijah and Immanuel, but I have had my share of true and accurate prophecies. But I am not an ever-producing prophet. I am a Warrior sent to a Generation of War. I am a Teacher of Righteousness and HOW TO DO IT True Spiritual Knowledge: all in Testimony OF this Generation of Fire and to benefit those who will be between now and Shiloh. Of themselves, mouthing the words I teach will do nothing more than move some air: speaking or thinking them in the manner and with the mind-set I teach, they are infallible and inescapable; not because of the words, but because of the mind-set. Not because they are of me, but because the mind-set is of The Most High's established Powers! It's the way He made things to work. Understand: we are a People of Power because we choose The Most High without reservations of any doctrine other than Holy Law! Period. No amount of ranting, raving, hymn-singing or plate-passing has ever done a damned thing except support demonic recipients as clearly verified and documented by their absolute failures. THAT is why Akurians are neither phony psychics or side-walk-arm-grabbers; we are KNOWERS, not 'believers' and when working as a TEAM, rather than off on our own half-cocked preferences, we are a force to be reckoned with and our track record is there for all to verify. Do not suppose that if I approve of your efforts, that I will cause them to manifest. That's pure 'praise-the-nonexistent-Jesus' programming, and we've been subject to it since before we were born. I wouldn't if I could, and that nonexistent Jesus can't because he doesn't exist! That said, the programming we've all been subject to all our lives is STILL THERE and a detriment of the First Magnitude as long as we tolerate it. And, do not suppose that if The Most High approves of your efforts, that He will cause them to manifest. He will not! Making these things manifest in Earth, and our world, is OUR job and He will NOT do our job for us: all statements of delusions to the contrary notwithstanding. Now, I have NOT said you can't use your hard-earned abilities for your own preferences. If there is something in your life you want changed, THEN CHANGE IT! If you've got some idea that YOUR knowledge about the situation of the world-at-large is greater than mine, you might be correct; but to assume The Most High has appointed YOU to take on some national or global agenda that I either don't know about or is not high enough on my agenda to satisfy you: is a demonic deception and you are sucked in to wasting time, effort and energy to accomplish one great big ZERO! And … you're infuriating The Most High in the process. If He wanted YOU to be The Anointed Chief of this Generation of Fire, YOU would have the job and I might be a servant somewhere in the command. Such are the flaws within this Holy Order. Most as result of attempting to mix personal agenda with the main battle invocations! How many times that has to fail before it becomes common knowledge its worthlessness is beyond comprehension? At the risk of repeating myself; I do not want the practices of mixing personal agenda with main battle invocations to be misunderstood. We carefully select those who need killing IF the world is to survive; and our own nonsense keeps them alive as much as the Anunnaki! And THAT has got to STOP and STAY STOPPED! This planet is in its death throes and only the Akurians can revive it. If this planet dies, YOU will die with it: THEN you will give full account for YOUR failures and YOUR contribution to the failures of all the other NON-OFFENDING Akurians. Think about this: The Most High is exacting. He is absolutely perfect. Now, how much sewerage do you want in your drinking water? One drop is unacceptable, but you want The Most High to accept substandard conduct in violation of everything He has established in the same instant you don't want to drink substandard water with somebody else's dung in it! Isn't that BOTH idiotic and hypocritical? You're damned right it is! Holy Law, True Spiritualism or Metaphysics are BOTH exacting sciences. They are NOT a whine this or bellow that and some 'lord' will do it for you if you put enough money in the liar's pot or fall for the 'you-didn't-believe-enough-is-why-you-failed' poppycock. The duties of handling our current political, religious, scientific, economic, social, et cetera, situation is OUR responsibility: NOT The Most High's: who will NOT interfere until one of His, truly deserving, needs Him to intervene. To Wit: I taught some of you in person how to do telekinesis … and it worked every time for every one. No exceptions and no failures. Every one of you that I taught personally succeeded. Then, as I also instructed, when you went by yourself and did the same thing exactly as I instructed, it worked again: exactly as I told you it would. Again, no exceptions and no failures. To Wit: Once you became somewhat proficient – the more you practice the better you get – some of you taught others and there weren't any failures there either as long as the newbie did exactly as instructed. In short, you became a Teacher of Power, just like I did: from the basic to infallible accomplishment. Same rules for them as the rules for you. To Wit: Everything I teach is mysterious: True Spiritual Knowledge of Powers far beyond the comprehension of virtually all educated minds: including our own; most of which will not work for the uninitiated, beginning with hallelujah halfwits from the Pope-down, psychopath degenerates of Ishmael nor any other worshiper/servant of any other 'gods' regardless of how many thousands of years the 'religion' has existed. Yet, once rehearsed by our Initiates, we do them with virtual impunity WHEN WE DO THEM CORRECTLY! To Wit: Simple telekinesis – dissolving a cloud cubic miles in size and several miles away, throwing energies from either hand through any barrier, works for everybody who does it correctly as Irrefutable Evidence of our access to and use of True Spiritual Powers and Abilities. Sensing our own True Spirit Body energies via feeling and making what we term Belly Balls is one of those things we can teach anybody as evidence we are True Spiritualists rather than 'believe-this' 'praise-that' idiots. Beyond that, entering into and safely returning from the Planes of Heaven and Depths of Hell, Discernment, Prophecy, Past-Life recall, making Bodies of Light, Sun Links, Golemi, Moon Goons, binding and loosening, et cetera, takes a bit more self-dedication, self-discipline and practice. If my track record isn't sufficient: take it up with The Most High! If you can't do that: then STOP all – and I mean ALL – this personal agenda nonsense during BLASTS and TRAINING, or prepare yourself for the Full Fury of The Most High! He is NOT going to bail you; He is NOT going to endorse your intrigues nor your deviations from the agenda I have been trained for and ordered to accomplish. Either you are a part of that Mission or you are on your own road to hell just like the Bastards That Be we're at war with. Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND, CLEAN YOUR SOUL AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Most High Lord of All Creation, ALIAH ASUR HIGH: This is my True and Righteous Testimony to you as Ordered by You and Commissioned upon me in accordance with Your Holy Anointing and established Chain of Command: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Christian, without a living Muslim, without a living Illuminati; without a living Socialist; all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; The Most High will protect the Righteous; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?