Bullet Blasting Upping The Power                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   BULLET BLASTS:    Bullet blasts are short, (goal is 10 words or less) simple invocations stating the demand in past tense, usually, as though the result has already been achieved.  Their power is in the force of the clear mental picture.    To make a bullet, first decide on the blast.  This one, for instance, let's take the heart of this case.  Myriad company being granted patents on genes and genetic work product by the Supreme Court, giving them ownership of women's breast cancer genetic testing rights.  At $4000/test, that's a lotta moolah, and Obamacare has a clause that taxpayers have to pay for this genetic breast test.  So Myriad must be denied those patents, and precedent set that nobody owns anyone else's genes, period!  EVER!!!   Another thing to always keep in mind when writing or coming up with any curse or invocation is seeing the situation as though you were looking through The Most High's Eyes.  How would He see it?  Well, this case is cut and dried.  Even if I didn't know a thing about Holy Law (the measuring stick for The Most High's approval or not), this is a total infringement on every possible human right that even the most dunderheaded dolt could see that much.  So we know this is an abomination in the Sight of The Most High, it is a degenerate blasphemy, it is also vile, especially when you think where they're going with it.  So that makes our efforts to stop it True and Righteous.  That's our go-ahead.   So our first Bullet:      MYRIAD COMPANY PATENTS ALL COMPLETELY DENIED BY SUPREME COURT!  NOW, NOW, NOW!   Okay.  We know what we're going to blast.  Now, standing up so you get the full force, make a belly ball.  Holding it between your hands, invoke the statement with the CLEAR MENTAL PICTURE of it into the belly ball -- and you all know the force that I use . . .  Then repeat it, over and over as many times as it takes to feel it like a solid inside that belly ball.  When we first started out, we repeated our statements 10 times each.  Then we reduced it to 7, then we got it down to 5 times, then we finally were able to achieve that same result with three repeats.  So repeat it as many times as it takes for you to feel it between your hands.    Now, when you have a solid spirit manifestation, or properly loaded belly ball, as we'll call it, to release it, draw your hands back a little and slap it on both sides to set it.  (It's like tensing your body to set the energies you just brought back from a high Planes charge.)  You are tensing that belly ball, setting the energy in it, and then sending it forth to manifest.   Okay.  Some tricks to up the power:  Put a candle on a stool, or the table somewhere at the right height to where when you are invoking into your belly ball, you are holding it over the flame of that lighted candle, filling it with the extra heat energy also at the same time.  We always teach that YOU NEVER NEED ANY TRAPPINGS OF ANY KIND, just you and your naked self, and that's the truth!  But if we have these things at our avail, and they can help add energy, then why not use them?  I'll use it in a heartbeat if it will help me get my way.  Shoo -- t.  Ever' time.  So for bullets in the comfort of my own home, I use a candle. Or four.  A candle flame gives you 6 times what you are putting into it yourself.  So if you're invoking at a 10, with a candle you're at 60.  If you're invoking at a 4, with a candle you're at 24.  So it still depends on you.  It's just a help.  There's nothing more or magical about the candle -- it's all about how you use it for the energy.  And then I leave the candle burning in a safe manner to keep feeding the invocation until it's burned out.   Second trick to up the power:  Stand in the Quarter where you are most comfortable (EAST, AIR; SOUTH, FIRE; WEST, WATER; NORTH, EARTH) and make three Bodies of Light to take the other three positions.  Get to where you can maintain cognizance of all three of them plus your physical body, and then command them to invoke with you, as you are now leading a Circle of Fire.  Since they are of you, you may endow them with all the same powers with which you have been endowed.  Now you are no longer holding your belly ball, you are projecting it into the center of the Circle with the other three, and you have your paws up making the spirit connection with your BOLs, just as you would if we were in presence to invoke together.  So instead of slapping the belly ball, to set the energy of a finished invocation and send it forth, simply do the count, 3,2,1, break!  and quickly pull your hands away from the others, breaking the circuit.  When you've finished invoking, you may just dissolve your BOLs.  Or if you'd like, send them out to follow and manifest the invocation.  Your choice, just make sure they are disconnected from you.   Third trick to up the power:  This one starts to get a little tricky -- don't try this one until you've mastered the last one.  But now that you have 3 BOLs invoking with you, and you are on the Earth Plane, you can clone those BOLs and add one more then send them to the Etheric Plane (Hathor).  Clone those 4, send the next set up to Hasterah. Clone those, send them to Hesterah, 4 more to Ideah, then 4 more to Hakarmah, then 4 more to Hasannah, and then you have a Circle of Fire on every Plane of Heaven, all invoking the same thing at the same time.  This is not easy, by any means.  It takes hours of practice and an epic amount of focus to pull it off.  I just wanted you to know that it can be done.  And the payoff is HUGE if it's done right.  But you'd better be good at it, because if you're spread out in all the Planes and not able to manage them all with impunity, this is where you'll run into demonic, Nefilim or Anunnaki interference in your business, possibly to your detriment.  If that happens, remember that it's just a Body of Light, and you immediately cut it loose and dissolve it -- give them nothing to get you with.  But you better at least be able to know when you're being fucked with, even in a body of light.  So I would suggest if you are going to try this one, do it by adding only one Plane at a time.   And the last trick:  If you feel that somehow your invocation is being blocked, first check to see if you have been bubbled.  If you have, you won't be able to send out a body of light, and you'll know it.  If you haven't been bubbled, then follow your invocation with a body of light and let it tell you where the blockage is happening.  You're not bubbled, so does the target have some high-level protection around it?  Whatever it is, it's not higher than your Holy Seal.  Is your invocation being intercepted and sent to the wild blue yonder?  Scattered into bumfukt, Creation?  Bound somewhere to something else?  Let your BOL tell you.  If you can determine what's the holdup, we can figure an adequate solution.    Then starting fresh, use your Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities to summon Archangel Zerachiel.  And call him by all his full title as a matter of respect.  "I summon Archangel Zerachiel, First Guardian of All Holy Anointed Witnesses in Their Generations, Communicator Between the Ark of the Covenant and The Most High.  I require you to protect me and to protect this righteous invocation unto its complete manifestation in Earth.  I Am (your name and Akurian station), Disciple of El Aku Aliha Asur High, He That is Called by the Name of God.  And you shall deny me not."    Now, know that the Archangels are available to help us -- they run the Great Elements that we use all the time.  But they will not DO IT FOR US!!  If you start expecting them to do it for you, the best case scenario is that you will be completely ignored!  Worst case scenario, they will turn your endeavors against you, and up the ante.  So NEVER be thinking that they will do the work for you -- they absolutely will not!!  But Zerachiel is the protector of the True and Righteous Akurians as Disciples of the Anointed, and he will assist in true need.  Then the next order of business is to find out how to up your own game to outmaneuver if not overpower the enemy that would interfere with your Holy Works.     All right.  That's bullet blasting.  To the nth power!    And in keeping with tradition, we always brainstormed the bullets together, so anyone who's read this article and wants a shot at these fuckers, what do you suggest for a bullet? We'll start with at least five and go up to ten, depending on the suggestions you submit.  I've given the first one:   1.  MYRIAD COMPANY PATENTS ALL COMPLETELY DENIED BY SUPREME COURT!     NOW, NOW, NOW!   2.    3.   4.   5.  (I can't resist this one --)  ANGELINA JOLIE RIDICULED AND DESPISED BY EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE!      NOW, NOW, NOW!   Whew!  Anybody?   ktaf