From: The Akurians Date: 5/19/2013 7:49:17 PM To: The Akurians Subject: 13 05 19 - ANUNNAKI WAR PREPARATIONS.doc ANUNNAKI WAR PREPARATION 19 May 2013 10 Sivan 5773 Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Illuminati; be they all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." Akurians, some updates are in order. In accordance with my previous instructions, Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher will assume Command of this Holy Order 01 June 2013 23 Sivan 5773. Anyone who cannot or will not accept that decision by The Most High is hereby relieved of duty and any and all Ranks, Grades, Stations, Offices and Assignments are hereby rescinded, effective immediately. My own position as Senior has not and will not change until my demise. For those who have obeyed their instructions and read the given articles, you are aware that I am now isolated in a War situation. This entire lesson is a briefing as to some of the elements of that War; but please do NOT be stupid enough to think I am going to present my Battle Plans. When I present said Battle Plans the Anunnaki and Nefilim which we use interchangeably and always may be construed as both are going to be the first to know and much to their detriment. I do not enter any War and lose it. I do not start Wars, I fight them and I win them. As stated before, there are SOME justified reasons for SOME global reductions in physical life. This planet cannot feed its current 12+Billion humans nor can it long survive the pollutions of that 12+Billion. The Anunnaki were thrown out of their Audience, effectively ending their continuance as a species. That such end will take a great deal of Earth Time as they have already mastered long-life into the hundreds of thousands of years please be intelligent enough NOT to expect their off-switch instant disappearance. Thanks to SOME, there may be a total repentance; and fellow Horseman Lord Horus and his Command, followers and family are NOT under the same extermination inevitability. THAT Great News does NOT change the immediate situation. Those who have read the several Akurian Info postings are aware of those indicating an ExtraTerrestrial 'return' within a very few days. Some of them being termed FALSE FLAGS. Unfortunately, unless I that's right, I, as in me and me alone can intercept the Anunnaki's own Battle Plans between now and the scheduled 20 June 2013 12 Tamuz 5773 next; the Anunnaki will trash several thousand years of multi-organizational preparations: That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople and all her Harlot Christian Daughters, KAK JEWS from the lowest Khazar and Ashkenazi to the street-hawker of pure blood of Judah, Levi and half-tribe of Benjamin in their midst, and every other violent-minded 'religion' on the planet; and every political segment of the population starting with the addicted dopers, through the racially mixed and ending with the perpetual non-producers. Every other living creature will simply live or die by happenstance and circumstance, if any at all. The Anunnaki don't give a damn what the Prophetic and other Records contain as nobody will have copies or be able to read them if they did. The Anunnaki current intention is to accomplish a clean sweep and start over IF the planet itself survives in any material form. Now to some evidence to justify the urgency of my position. First, I don't want a damned thing from any of you except to be about the business of this Age of the Generation of Fire as given to you by The Most High, Himself whom YOU sought out and became True and Righteous Proven Knowers of His Great Testimony. Second, I don't want any of you thinking YOU have a better idea than the ages of training The Most High has put me through to bring me to this point in time and this battle for the very existence of all life on Earth. THAT is clear and simple. If I don't order it, DON'T DO IT! When and if I order something: DO EXACTLY THAT no more no less do not add to, do not subtract from and do NOT fail any timing I may require. Third, for those who followed my orders and viewed the Sun Video and paid any attention to the orbiter at the left side of the screen: THAT is not a planet! Note its speed. THAT alone should abolish all the bull about it being ANY other planet, especially Jupiter, as Jupiter takes 11.8 EARTH YEARS to circumnavigate the Sun and is NOT one of the inner planets! Neither Mercury, the closest, nor Venus, the next closest, move that fast. Mercury orbits the Sun in about 88 Earth Days; Venus orbits the Sun about 224.7 Earth Days. So what the hell is that orbiter? A bit of Space Travel training required. A few years ago when the U.S. led the space race and the International Space Station was being constructed, the Russians were given the job of building Space Modules for delivering and returning personnel and supplies. To do that those Space Modules and the Docking Ports of the Space Station had to be compatible in any and all applications from air-locks to electrical. Everything had to fit, and fit perfectly. Now to the ages of InterGalactic capability of the Anunnaki. In order to live long enough, their InterGalactic ships must be HUGE to accord all the personnel and supply logistics regardless of the time frame involved. Now apply a bit of common sense, and EACH of those ships would be required to have compatible Docking Ports just like the International Space Station. In addition, the Anunnaki ships would have to be able to interconnect in such manner as to not only exchange all available information, but to determine personnel and logistics requirement. Regardless of size and some of them are Earth Miles in all directions they would have to fit perfectly; and all the connections would have to work perfectly. Now let's expand on that a bit. Docking any number of IGs would not only be desirable, it would be absolutely imperative. In fact, such ships would have to be able to dock perfectly in any combination on all six sides, which means they could be assembled in a cluster as opposed to just side-by-side, top-and-bottom or end-to-end. For instance, a series end-to-end like a train would be a real problem in space, especially if each car were a mile or more long; and many Anunnaki ships are many times that in any direction. And now enter the WEIGHT consideration. Regardless of the fact things float in free space, it still takes ENERGY to move and control any size or combination of connected IGs. Which is more intelligent, untold thousands of tons of wire or ounces of communications computers? Look at any cell-phone and you'll get the picture. Now that we KNOW the only intelligent process to communicate all over a given vehicle and thus a series of CONNECTED vehicles is by electronic transmission. All such transmissions, regardless of how weak or strong, have emissions that go out in all directions. Note the flare of an ordinary flash light, the beam may well be centered or targeted but the flare lights up a lot, in fact most, of the covered area. That means a IG cluster's external transmissions would be far bigger than the cluster itself; and since the photo/video was captured by one of several Electronic Array Telescopes, that really can't reduce everything to miniscule, the size of that orbiter becomes a bit more understandable. Now for some more expansion. Command Marshal General Budagher and I needed to talk off the phones and computers, and make monitoring us as much a problem for the Bastards That Be as possible. We took the highway south, got a meal in Socorro, and took Route 60 to Magdalena and the additional 20 miles to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory known as the Very Large Array in the plain of San Augustine. This electronic telescope now more-famous than ever as ONE of the great scopes used in the Movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. The VLA is 27 HUGE as in 230 ton, 82-feet in diameter dish antennae in a "Y" pattern that combined can stretch for 22 miles at its largest and about ONE kilometer when closed in. Imagine a video receiving dish TWENTY TWO MILES in diameter, and you have an image of the VLA in full spread. It is 6,970 feet in geologic altitude, so tidal waves aren't a big concern. However, on Route 60 at 34 04 55N 107 29 27.76W and elevation 7,050 feet, there is a series of TWENTY four-foot drainage culverts under the highway in a string about 500 feet long. We made it a point to check them out directly, and found the mite coffer dam on their north side cannot hold sufficient water, even in a flood, to justify that must drainage! Then what the hell is going on there? Checking the terrain, there is a mountain with a sheer cliff just to the north, but without the capacity to drain that much water since the days of Noah. If not water, then what? POISON GAS! All underground tunneling has gas, not always methane, but gas of all descriptions. This little construction is to drain poison gas in huge quantities UNDER the highway to keep it open for the Bastards That Be. While there, we noticed white patches of concrete scattered all over the desert, as if that which would normally fall or be wind-blown from a truck or carrier. Concrete out in the middle of a desert at 7,000 feet altitude? Again, what the hell is going on? About 13 miles almost due north of the array center 34 14 57.86N 107 36 49.34W there is a HUGE pile of concrete; over 150 feet high, about 1,000 long and 700 feet wide. That much concrete can only be for building underground installations. Why an underground RADIO installation? For long-range communications … "Nibiru, Earth Calling" … in a bunker deep enough to survive NUCLEAR fallout … and VENTED to remove all POISON GASES that will result from even a blast several miles away. But we're not finished with this report. At Magdalena, a town that looks mostly abandoned with much of the main street, Highway 60, boarded up, there is a brand new airport with a 6,000 foot runway. No great highway entrance … what looked like a dirt road! What the hell would a dying town that doesn't have enough commerce to keep the doors open need with an airport? Or is there something more to the story. Add up the dots. And there isn't much else to explain the whole charade until you add the Sun orbiter dot with what we know about it. And the game is afoot! The Anunnaki, being experienced space travelers, know better than to land on the Sun to draw energy or usable fuel. They simply scan the surface, identify the impending eruptions, and park in the spray to catch all the material they want. It's about like filling a glass of water standing in a lawn sprinkler. But the evidence is clear from the videos: that orbiter is right in the spray of that Solar eruption. There is no other logical reason for it to be there. And the game. Since the Anunnaki are not exactly The Most High's favorite species at the moment and they are out of time their plan is to complete the destructions, starting with mankind, as soon as possible. Whether or not they drop all pretense and exterminate directly or attempt to continue as planned over several thousand years, is the main question. I cannot wait for an answer and I cannot wait to find out which decision or combination thereof they are going to implement. I have to move or be caught in the disaster without recourse. This much I can tell you: I have no intention of permitting these Bastards That Be nor any of their cohorts to succeed. Period. Each and every one of you can have a piece of this War. I will contact you directly with whatever the need is. But please get this straight: do NOT make any references whatsoever as to your assignment including the fact you have one! THAT idiocy is just as much an information source to the enemy as presenting them with all you know about it. In short, once you get an assignment, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, as everybody isn't going to get an immediate duty! It's a matter of all things in their required order, and a running mouth is injected energy and an involved mind that is NOT part of the Battle Plan or I would have established both at the outset. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without an living Anunnaki, without a living Nefilim, without a living Grey, without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Illuminati; be they all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision."