DISCERNMENT AND POWERS OF THE DEPTHS OF HELL 18 July 2010 – 7 Av 5770 REPEAT: 28 April 2013 – 18 Iyyar 5773 Part, The Second Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Illuminati; be they all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." FIRST THING UP – NEVER VENTURE DOWN INTO HELL IN YOUR OWN SPIRIT BODY – ALWAYS USE A BODY OF LIGHT MADE FOR THAT ONE PURPOSE AND FOR THAT ONE TRIP! Now to the background information everybody must know: It is necessary that all of you be fully aware of the Powers and Forces at your disposal. The Winds of Biblical Mystery for instance. These are the Four Great Winds, that each have a Servant Wind, and a Ruling ArchAngel; in order as the perfection of Creation requires. They work the same in the Planes of Heaven, all Earth Creation and the Depths of Hell. When you attempt to use them are the only TWO considerations necessary: (1) WHAT you are attempting to do; (2) and WHERE you want the finished delivery to be manifest. At the outset, understand that any Great Wind may be called directly or by The Servant Wind. The difference is a matter of tremendous power or error. It is always best for MINOR situations to call the Great Wind alone; and for MAJOR situations to call both. The established process is to call the Great Wind and note The Servant Wind, but that is NOT welded in infinity and with DISCERNMENT and practice you will understand the differences, and WHEN to call the Great Wind via its Servant Wind. And know here for a FACT: If you are NOT a Proven Knower of The Great Testimony of The Most High, Himself, and True and Righteous as required by your Holy Seal in your forehead, the Winds are reluctant to obey you. The ArchAngels in Charge are only required to tolerate you, and only then for your allotted time. In such cases, your MIND SET must be absolute. Be about the EXACTING business and you won't have much of a problem; be of any other MIND SET and you are going to fail. Period. For the newbies and all those needing the rehearsal: East Wind Apelotes, whose Servant is the Wind Eurea blowing westward; ArchAngel Raphael in charge; and is the Wind of AIR. Understand that the East Wind Apelotes may be called by The Servant Wind Eurea, and just speaking the name has power but is not infinite unless you also have the correct MIND SET as given above. South Wind Notae, whose Servant is the Wind Lipae, blowing northward; ArchAngel Michael in charge; and is the Wind of FIRE. Understand that the South Wind Notae may be called by The Servant Wind Lipae; you cannot call a Great Wind by another Great Wind's Servant Wind. West Wind Zephyros, whose Servant is the Wind Skiron, blowing eastward; ArchAngel Gabriel in charge; and is the Wind of WATER. Understand that the West Wind Zephyros may be called by The Servant Wind Skiron. North Wind Boreas, whose Servant is the Wind Kaikias, blowing southward; ArchAngel Uriel in charge; and is the Wind of EARTH. Understand that the North Wind Boreas may be called by The Servant Wind Kaikias. These are Spiritual Forces normally known as AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH, WIND, MIND and MOTION whose essences can be made manifest anywhere in Creation. Properly invoked, they are absolute and infallible. Invoked improperly and they are either dangerous or worthless. And a great point to always remember: there are SEVEN ArchAngels: ArchAngel Raphael (RAF-A-EL); ArchAngel Michael (MI-KAL); ArchAngel Gabriel (GAB-RA-EL); ArchAngel Uriel (UR-E-EL); ArchAngel Remiel (RE-MI-EL), Ruler of All the Binding in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths; ArchAngel Raguel (RA-U-EL), Ruler of the Loosening in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths; ArchAngel Zerachiel (ZER-AK-E-EL), First Guardian of All the Holy Anointed Witnesses in Their Generations, Communicator Between The Holy Altar and the Ark of the Covenant of The Most High. They are equally powerful and have equal authority. Deliberately neglect any one and the other six will ignore you in full justification to do so. Again, for all our newbies: The names of the Four Horsemen, in order, are: Immanuel, The Priest, with a bow (slaying weapon) and a crown (Righteous Power and Holy Authority) to conquer; and who is given authority over the First Quarter of AIR which is also the Great Element of Spirit, Life and Motion. He's the one hallelujah halfwits and That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople call "Jesus" … El Aku, The Warrior, with the Great Sword (another slaying weapon) and all ability to take peace from the Earth (anywhere at any time from anyone or anything). My particular authority is over the Second Quarter of FIRE as war falls under the jurisdiction to destroy. And I've been called every name known to language, most of which would not be spoken in polite company. Horus, The Judge, with the balances (scales) who weighs all things in context and judges accordingly, and authority over the Third Quarter of WATER, authority to control. He is depicted all over the Temple and Tomb artworks in Egypt. Yes, he has an overwhelming case of the damnations for every Black Robed Bastard on the planet. Hammerlin, The Teacher, who knows how to kill with anything and everything (disease, famine and even otherwise good food) and who is given authority over the Fourth Quarter of EARTH to bring final burning hell down upon the souls who are found wanting by the other Three Horsemen. YES, this is the same entity called "Merlin" in the mythologies. Why all the layering of the Powers of the Great Winds? Because the ArchAngels serve in the Planes of Heaven and the Great Horsemen often serve on Earth. Sometimes we must apply ourselves in each other's Realms. When hell unloads on this planet – at our direction – it will be Hammerlin in Charge, and he does not distinguish between Anunnaki, Nefilim (regardless of their race) and those that just need killing. Next we must become familiar with the Planes of Heaven, and they all have two common names; one in Angelic and one of mystical lore. First, be sure you understand that above all the Planes of Heaven are Realms called the Abstracts, and there are so many and so varied and different you just have to experience them as there really aren't any words in any language – other than Angelic as spoken in the Heavens – that can describe them. The differences between the Planes of Heaven are primarily their specific vibration rates or frequency range! In layman's terms they are somewhat like the channels of television and broadcast frequencies of radio – even to the fact that all the available signals are present in the antenna at the same time. The Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell all occupy the same space at the same time. Generally speaking, they are separated only by their different frequencies, but the Physical Earth Plane is the gulf between Heaven and Hell! The Highest Heaven you can reach without special knowledge and proven spiritual capabilities is the Lower Abstract Plane called Hasannah (HA-SAN-NAH which means in the Highest). It is about as far down as most Heavenly beings come of their own accord, and about as far up as the demons venture that have the power to get even this high. Even so, in this Plane you can communicate with High Beings. This is the Plane where Daniel saw the visions and talked with the Archangels. It is also the Plane where St. John, The Divine, experienced what is written in the Book of Revelation. Daniel and St. John were on this Plane of themselves, and were taken higher for some parts of their visions. The next Plane of Heaven downward is the Causal, HA-KAR-MAH in Angelic, and from which we get the word karma. This is the Plane of Cause and Effect that is responsible for every situation on Earth. Immanuel explained its effect as: 'whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap'; even though it might take three and four generations. As for 'karma,' that is the cop-out of all metaphysicians who can't deliver! Just like when the 'christians' "powers of gee-sus" fail, they claim in chorus, "you didn't believe enough!" Phony Metaphysicians excuse their world-dripping-with-honey inabilities with, "it's your karma"! Beneath the Causal Plane is the Mental Plane of Heaven, ID-EE-AH in Angelic, and from which we get the words "id" meaning mind, and idea, meaning a revelation from the mind. Here you can see the mental processes at work as flowing colors of light energy. This is one of the most spectacularly beautiful Heavens. Here you can learn the various colors that are absolute representations of the true situation and condition! Every thought, action, thing or object, life form, and motive has a specific color that tells exactly what it's all about in infinite detail. When psychics read the human aura it is these colors that give them their information, just as it does for you when doing an accurate – let the energies tell you - DISCERNMENT. Whether read accurately or not is a problem with the scientist rather than the science! Below the Mental Plane are two Planes that most confuse as being one! The upper of the two is the Higher Astral, HES-STER-AH in Angelic, and can best be identified by the white light that is the normal background of the Plane's undisturbed colors and material. The lower of the two is the Lower Astral, and the main difference in appearance is that its background color is solid black! The Angelic name is HAS-STER-AH, and it is this Plane that holds those mysterious scenes portrayed in the Major Arcana of tarot cards. The Plane below the Astrals is also the First Heaven, the Etheric Plane, HATH-THOR in Angelic. From this Plane you can see everything that exists on the Earth, and those spiritual entities that are the souls of every living thing from microscopic to the giant sequoia. It is these spiritual entities that founded the basis for the reputedly legendary elves, elemental satyrs and setyrs, and of course leprechauns! This Plane is about as high as most psychics can 'see,' and accounts for most of their blivit-headed, asinine and generally inaccurate predictions. Again, the problem is with the scientist and not the science. The next Plane is this Earth Level, and we hope you are familiar with it. Some people aren't! THE DEPTHS OF HELL The first Depth of Hell below the Earth is the Deros (DEE-ROS) and is where the consciousness descends at death when influenced by drugs, narcotics, or a soap-opera suicide. Those who give their lives in the attempt to save others' lives, or in defense of God's Holy Laws, go up to Hasannah! From this Level of Hell come most of the Oui-Ja board communications, but certainly not all of them! The material of both the Etheric Plane and the Deros Depth can be seen easily from the Earth or Physical Plane and are usually the manifestations experienced by those people who return from 'clinical' deaths poo-pooed as near death experiences by the medical community. The next Depth is Danaka (DA-NAK-KA), and it is from here that the bearded Jesus, Mary, and ectoplasm 'spirits' are formed to be 'seen' and 'communicated with' during seances or Christian 'religious' experiences. This is an ideal Depth for Lucifer to perform such manifestations from, as here his authority isn't questioned, and the material can be taken or sent up to the Earth Level without leaving a trace of its origin and intent in the Higher Heavens, except in the Akashic Records! The third Depth is Hadesse (HA-DESS-EE), and is where the actual earned karma is clarified in the minds of those souls that shall suffer only for a short season. It's this Depth where a consciousness is held when embound in a dead body, even if the body has been cremated. The horrors of that situation are nothing when compared to the next Depth, but countless entities and souls are needlessly embound here by being prayed for "in the name of gee-sus" at their funerals; having the body, coffin or grave sprinkled with 'holy water' or 'holy oil' made by any other process than Mosaic Law; or being buried (which includes disposition of cremated remains!) "in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection" that really won't be so pleasant for those who are only resurrected to stand Final Judgment! This is where all those who 'died in christ' or were duly 'crossed' by That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome's minions get to spend a very long and agonizing tour; even if they did the 'crossing' themselves! Let us hope that is all they have against them. Make no mistake about these vile and demonic processes! They are demonic in origin and therefore cannot produce any other than a demonic result! If you don't think so, then learn to project and go see for yourself. If you do, you will not ever again tolerate 'christians' or any other pagans! The sufferings of being trapped in a rotting corpse that your consciousness level is down too far to do anything about is bad enough; but to have your trapped soul burning in the process when you don't deserve to be is unspeakable! The next Depth down, Gehenna (GEH-HEN-NAH), is where those who permit such sufferings to be inflicted upon those undeserving pay their penalty for it! Gehenna was also the name of the huge garbage dump outside the city walls of Jerusalem that burned night and day for over 600 years, and was often used as a visual example of Hell. The only problem is Gehenna at Jerusalem also burned dead bodies of the poor and abandoned – until another potter's (pauper's) graveyard was established, reportedly with the returned thirty pieces of silver paid to Judas for identifying Immanuel – and smelled a whole lot sweeter than this Depth Beneath the Earth! Since the destruction of the Temple of the Sages by The Anointed on the Day of The Anointing, all those who formerly were punished there: nuns and priests, members of the Masonic and Knights of Columbus Lodges and Temple Israel (except judges and attorneys), Rosicrucians, Satan or Demonic Orders of Witches and Sorcerers – including Wicca – now burn here, along with all those 'christians' who have deluded themselves with self-hypnosis into thinking they have 'been saved' and/or baptized by the Holy Spirit of Truth; which if they had, they wouldn't be participants in Babylonian paganistic practices in direct violation of Holy Law, of which "praising gee-sus" is one! Heleeah (HE-LEE-AH), is the next lower Depth, and is mainly the first torture level where victims are induced to appear on the Earth Plane to seduce relatives, friends, and anyone else that can be fooled into thinking that they have entered 'Heaven with the Lord': suggesting the kind of life they lived was Righteous enough to be a good example to follow; or that the religion they practiced while alive is the 'only religion the Lord accepts' or any other dupe that will work to entrap those ignorant enough to buy it. One thing is for sure and certain: the tortures used here will induce anybody to do anything! Even a promise to be permitted to 'go up a level for just a moment' is more of a bargain than the penalty would seem for obtaining a soul for Lucifer! And when the agony level is severe enough, long enough, and without a letup, you will sell your only child or your saintly grandmother for just one moment of relief! And you will put on a performance of such perfection that Academy Award winners would look like a Kindergarten P.T.A. production by comparison. Below this Depth is Hapurdom (HAH-PUR-DOM), where all 'good christians,' hypocrites, adulterers, rapists, thieves, murderers (with the exception of 'official' murderers: evidence-manufacturing police, knowing prosecutors, knowing attorneys, court judges, et cetera), abusers of children, lesbians and homosexuals who perform the acts, and all those that do not call injustice into account, are sent in Eternal Condemnation. This is where we get our word purgatory, and the place is also where we get the legend of sulfuric and burning brimstone. However, just one smell or look at this place and you will realize that it's not a legend, it's a fact; and the horrific temperature is the most pleasant situation there! You will not want but one look at this place! And finally, the very bottom, Perditon. Here you can look and see down into this Depth where supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, progressives, liberals, racemixers, politicians and other traitors, court judges, attorneys, corrupt accountants, bureaucrats, manipulators, enslavers, child rapists, child murderers, priests, ministers, preachers and other liars, and all the false Prophets and false Theologians burn in horrible and indescribable sufferings! You will note that we said, "look and see down into this Depth" and that's just exactly what we mean! For this is the sanctuary of Lucifer, and without special knowledge, from here no victim ever returns! It takes special knowledge and considerable power to even be escorted past this place, so take warning, "Walk carefully, Oh, fool, for even the Angels of The Presence do not venture brazenly!" (From the Egypt scroll.) As the Anointed Witness of This Generation of Fire I have special knowledge and special appointment, both by earned right; as do Angels of The Presence, and even though they may enter here and kick the pants off some devil or other, they do not venture here just for the Hell of it (no pun intended)! Now, since both the Etheric Plane and the Deros Depth overlap the Earth Plane as well as having area of their own, nothing escapes sight of Heaven or Hell! Danaka and Hadesse will both be combined with the Lower Depths following Final Judgment, and All the Depths of Hell will be as Perditon, explained below. Nothing is going to escape That Final Judgment, and nobody deserving to be in the Lowest Depths of Hell: manipulators, supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, politicians, court judges, corrupt police, bureaucrats, journalists, the vain, the vile, the corrupt, the wicked, the evil, the cowards, all the fools, all the 'priests,' all the 'teachers,' all the 'ministers,' all the false 'prophets,' all the 'preachers' and all the other liars, are going to escape one instant of Eternal Burning Hell or any of Hell's many other horrors! Before we begin, there are a few lagging behind from my previous Instructional. We're going to refine it a bit to get a better preparation for the DISCERNING of Spirits, handling and use of the Great Elements, and entering into and safely returning from the Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell. When you project out, that Image is manifest in the Etheric Plane. With practice, from here you can see everything that exists on the Earth, and those spiritual entities that are the souls of every living thing from microscopic to the giant sequoia. This Plane is about as high as most psychics can 'see,' and usually the Plane of most clairvoyance, especially for beginners like Akurian neophytes. The problem is with the scientist and not the science. Here we go: Now, envision an image of your physical body, as it is right now, and put image of yourself – not a BODY OF LIGHT, but your own energy – out, a few feet from wherever you are, and THINK the word "Etheric." Strange, you can actually feel that Spirit Image body just like you can your physical body you just sent it out from! The sense of the Etheric is a gentle coolness, there isn't any motion of the Plane itself, only a place to be when not inside your physical body with all its distractions. As a general rule, there isn't anything there except you and the Etheric Images of whatever is in proximity, furniture, et cetera. That gentle coolness is a bit habit forming, and were it not for the programmed terror of the newly dead, a place of peace and relief. Look around as if you were seeing from the point of that Etheric Body. You will note that if you can see anything at all, it will be your immediate area as it would be with the lights off. That dim-gray is normal and the signature color of the Etheric Plane. Everything has that lights-out shadow appearance. The shadows we see from time to time, usually at the peripheral of our vision, are either Spirits manifest on this lowest of all the Planes of Heaven or Anunnaki/Nefilim with a cloaking device. The level of existence is the same. Bring your image back into yourself and connect it as you would a BODY OF LIGHT. It's that simple to experience and study a Plane. Just be sure to ALWAYS go up or down them in the order they exist from Earth. Eventually you will automatically be able to project directly into any given Plane or Depth – except Perditon – which your proper training will ensure you avoid. Next, again put out another Spirit Image of yourself, and charge it with the word "Etheric" exactly as you did before. Once you sense the Etheric energies, coolness and stillness, then raise yourself into the next higher Plane by THINKING the word "HASTERAH." The main difference in appearance between it and the Etheric is that its background color is solid black, and you no longer see the area around you as from the Etheric! You haven't gone anywhere, you're still in the same time, just UP a level in existence where there is no temperature at all. If you can see/sense anything at all, it will be something similar to those mysterious scenes portrayed in the Major Arcana of tarot cards. And note, the background is always solid black even though you have no problem seeing as if it were daylight. Now command your spirit body with the word "Etheric" and you should sense the coolness. It's very subtle and not like a blast of cold air, just a quiet coolness. Bring your Spirit Image back into yourself and connect it just as you did before. No big deal, and anybody, Proven Knower or not, can do this as often as they like. You should now be aware that when making your BODY OF LIGHT you're passing through these Planes or getting your Light Energy from them, wherever and how ever high you can reach. Proven Knowers always have an edge, both as to how high they can go and the amount of Energies they can secure. This process is the same – except for the Planes you pass through or stop in – and remains this simple until you achieve sufficient experience to project directly to the Plane of your choosing. UNTIL THEN FOLLOW THIS SIMPLE PROCEDURE TO THE LETTER! Now we're going to practice a bit of to hell and back. You will need a BODY OF LIGHT as you should NEVER enter any part of hell with a Spirit Image of yourself. Akurians, make a BODY OF LIGHT. Do not – REPEAT – do not make a Sun Link; do not secure any BLACK FIRE. Akurians, stretch forth your hands, beyond the reach of a Belly Ball as if you were calling up a Spirit, and charge yourself … AKASHA … AIR … FIRE … WATER … EARTH … and pull the energies you have called into yourself and charge both your physical body and BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, stand your BODY OF LIGHT out before you, fully charged and under your absolute command and control. This precaution is not necessary to enter the Planes of Heaven but should NEVER be neglected when entering the Depths of Hell. If you get out of sync with the rest of us, STOP, invoke the word "Etheric" and put your BODY OF LIGHT back into your physical body. What I tell you to instruct, do it silently within your own self! As you call the names of the Depths I present, you will feel a slight sinking sensation or like you are going to fall forward. THAT IS NORMAL and nothing to be afraid of; it's your indication that what you are attempting is proceeding as required. Akurians, instruct your BODY OF LIGHT by thinking the word: "Etheric." Once you feel the coolness, instruct your BODY OF LIGHT by thinking the word: "Deros." The slight sinking feeling is normal and some of you might even sense you are falling forward. Nothing to worry about in either instance. Deros is darker, more tense, a bit tiring, and about like standing in a goo rather than the lightness of the Etheric Plane above. The discomfort is almost like a nervous stomach from too much coffee. This is where the consciousness descends at death when influenced by drugs, narcotics, suicide or 'praise Jesus' nonsense. The Etheric Plane and Deros Depth overlap each other about eighty percent, with the actual Earth Plane in the middle. Here's how to come back from any Plane of Heaven or Depth of Hell: Akurians, instruct your BODY OF LIGHT by thinking the word: "Etheric." Once you feel the peaceful coolness of the Etheric Plane, dissolve that BODY OF LIGHT. Now you're safe and back in your own physical body. If you need to recharge yourself, make a new BODY OF LIGHT from the highest Plane you can get, return it to your physical body and connect it in the normal manner. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? DISCERNING ANY SPIRIT Now to the DISCERNING of Spirits proper. The more experience you gain from studying the Great Elements. the Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell, the better you will be at DISCERNING Spirits and everything else. I begin with an excerpt from the Audience at Ulahmon, 7 May 2010 – 23 Iyyar 5770. Readers of this script will note The Words of The Most High are in double quotes ("") even if the letter colors have long been lost. This portion directs our attention to the DISCERNING of Spirits, Angelic, Demonic, and Assigned as we encounter them hour by hour. That I have long warned about enticing any Spirit to action without knowing EXACTLY who you are doing it with, EXACTLY what you are doing, and EXACTLY why you're doing it. The conversation between The Most High and me sets the standard: [EXCERPT] ""Beloved Son of War, what is this you have done concerning the Demons, their Staff and Minions?"" "Sir! I have delivered them into the Hands of My Akurians. Not without due caution, but to bind and afflict them and all who follow them, even in ignorance. I have set my Great Sword against Lucifer, all his Staff and all their Minions, that if they interfere in any manner with so much as one word from any of My Akurians, his time will be full in my decision and I will slay him – and as many of his – as I can reach. "Sir! I have cautioned all My Akurians not to tweak the nose of any Demon on their own accord. I have cautioned that such a stupidity will result in a fully justified retaliation which the offender will probably not survive. It is the Law of Immunity in force. "Sir! Though it endangers My Akurians, and sends them in harm's way, I will not recall my Order nor fail to avenge any interference by any Demon; and I will not rescue any who violate my Order not to tweak the nose of any Demon." ""Beloved Son of War, Warrior of My Great Violence, it is well said of you that the Gates of Hell tremble at mention of your Name, and the shutters of Hell are no defense against you. ""Have you also cautioned My Beloved Akurians with respect to DISCERNMENT of Spirits that they know the Divine from the Demonic?"" "Sir! I have, and on more than one occasion. I refuse to cite the whole of Life Scripts with every Order; and if any are so idiotic as to attempt Satan without proper DISCERNMENT, his destruction upon them is upon their own head." [END OF EXCERPT] I advise all who encounter these presents to pay EXACTING attention to the above excerpt as The Words of The Most High and my comments are without appeal until Shiloh. Any deviation will be accounted upon the head of the offender to the sole exclusion of everybody else, including previous generational Deceivers and Programmers. The true and accurate DISCERNING of Spirits is the SECOND-most important individual capability – Astral Projection (UP IN THE SPIRIT), living access to the Planes of Heaven as bought and paid for by Immanuel, being first. The most important factor in DISCERNING of Spirits is the fact there is no such thing as a PERMANENT DISCERNMENT! Each and every communications, without exception, must be reverified regardless of 'how familiar' you think you are with any Spirit. The Divines won't imitate anybody else, but the Infernals will attempt to imitate everybody, especially the Spirit(s) you have found to be True and Righteous! The Divines not only do not have a problem with being DISCERNED and verified, they also know that proper verification takes some Earth time. The information Divines provide is delivered in such manner as to permit verification BEFORE the information must be acted upon; while the Infernals are always in a rush-rush-rush mode – 'this is going to happen instantly, do this now!' – line of poppycock. They will CREATE a circumstance for just this purpose, hoping to confuse your DISCERNING in their deception, IF YOU ARE IGNORANT ENOUGH TO ACCEPT IT! Infernals do such damnations, Divines do not. Be advised and be warned: fall into that trap and the Akurians will NOT even attempt to rescue you from your own stupidity, AND NOBODY ELSE CAN! The Akurians are infinitely concerned with being right and Righteous in all things without exception. Such is required to Stand Before The Most High even in repentance. Therefore, the Akurians must consider all things as to their Righteousness or unRighteousness; and especially in those situations where the Akurians, even as individuals, are required to involve ourselves. The first consideration, without exception, is THE RIGHT THING TO DO! Should we find the situation is unclear and we can't determine what the right thing to do is, then we act on the practice that the right thing to do is to FIND OUT what IS the right thing to do. We gather more information about the situation, the people, property, effects of the outcome, and all such details. After, AND ONLY AFTER, we have sufficient information that is proven to be true and accurate, will any Akurian make any decision with respect thereto – including whether or not to be further involved. All True and Righteous Akurians conduct all their decisions and involvements in this manner. To be clear: If an Akurian isn't sure of what is the right thing to do – then the first order of business is to find out what IS the right thing to do, AND TO DO NOTHING UNTIL THOSE FACTS ARE DETERMINED. With respect to Righteousness: The same process and procedure is followed. Either something is Righteous or it is unRighteous. There are no other viables. As a half-truth is a whole lie, so it is with Righteousness. Any part regardless of how infinitely small that is unRighteous infests, infects and contaminates the whole into unRighteousness. That which is unRighteous must never be brought before The Most High under any circumstances, except to serve the purposes of verifying Truth and the True Righteousness of some other presentation such as those responsible for the abomination. That which is unRighteous must never be brought before The Most High as anything else; and never as a solitary presentation as anything other than what it really is! That which is Righteous will prove itself to be Righteous, but not necessarily immediately. That which is unRighteous will prove itself to be unRighteous as expedient as its damnations will permit. Therefore, Akurians are not anxious with either situation, for they are about the business of True Righteousness and have all Righteous Power and Holy Authority to DISCERN, to judge, to act, to involve, to refuse, to start, to cease, to reduce, to expand, to expose, to shield, to recuse, to Bless and to Curse as they shall know to be appropriate. The Akurians will do the right thing without exception or deviation from True Righteousness; and whether that shall be a relief or a detriment upon the situation or individuals will depend solely and exclusively upon the Righteousness of that situation and/or of the individuals. The Akurians will not make any exceptions regardless of the situation or the individuals. Wealth cannot purchase anything Righteous from any Akurian – as Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities are EARNED in any and all instances – Akurians are immune to threats; and even in their quietest moments never reduce their challenge to Lucifer and all his minions to do their worst. Akurians do not deviate from the True Righteousness that permits them to stand blameless before The Most High, and Lucifer with all his own powers and all his minions combined cannot dissuade or denigrate that fact. And thus it is of the Akurians with both the DISCERNMENT of the right thing to do and with all things Righteous and unRighteous. Since the DISCERNING of Spirits is a bit tedious to learn, this Instructional will proceed in such manner as to have a bit of satisfaction, if not enjoyment, as we go! But know this, first and foremost: IF you attempt to pull up a spirit from a racially-mixed person who has not secured a soul – it will feel different than anything else you will encounter with this practice! The feel is like a polluted, or rotten, substance, a bit slimy without being sticky. When you want to find out if somebody is pure in their generations or not, with a bit of practice this process is just about infallible. Put your hands out before you, farther than you would in making a Belly Ball, and call the name of someone you know – still alive. You can feel them between your hands, usually holding them at about the waist. Instantly, you read them like a book, they can't hide anything; just be cautious about entering into their Sacred Ground, even if it is easy to do. Note the essence of HOW a spirit in a live body feels. Now, just let them go. One more time, only this time pull up somebody you know is dead. They have no choice in the matter – except shielded PKs – note the difference between how a Spirit in a living body feels and how this Spirit of a dead body feels. It's colder, more rigid, and more aware of what you are doing. It can't do a damned thing about it, but it knows. Now let it go. If you feel contamination on your hands, just pull it off and throw it – but not into any other living creature … yet. The process of DISCERNING of Spirits is the same as reading any given Force or Energy. First, you must have a spirit, force or energy to DISCERN. Spirits, unlike forces and energies that are everywhere, must be either located or called, as they can be about their own business just like any other conscious entity. Having been versed in the recognition and DISCERNING of AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH in previous Instructionals, we will concentrate on living conscious entities BEFORE we begin to intrude on pure Spirits. First, we're going to choose a target to study. We need a living person and someone we don't like. We're going to DISCERN – as in READ – them to know their innermost secrets, especially the secrets they don't want us to know even exist. We're not only going to DISCERN the Bastard, each of us being a bit differently inclined as result of our individual life experiences, we're probably each going to DISCERN different points. That doesn't mean we're not DISCERNING accurately, it only means our DISCERNING is somewhat limited by our own life experience. However, because of our previous experience with the aforesaid AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH, we can verify one another as we take this Bastard through the Court of the Grand Council of Akuria. That puts our accuracy on track and makes good use of our 100+ fold increase of Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities. The target of our DISCERNING is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Here and now, follow my instructions EXACTLY! Make yourself a BODY OF LIGHT, energize it in the Highest Heaven you can reach, return to your physical body and connect. Reminder, connecting is as simple as putting your BODY OF LIGHT back into your physical body and TENSING. TENSING THE PHYSICAL BODY WILL CONNECT ANY ENERGY YOU CHARGE YOURSELF WITH. This is about the same process as making a Belly Ball, just hold your hands OUT FARTHER to avoid getting your own lifeforce mixed in with the manifestation. Neither Barack Hussein Obama, any of his minions, nor anyone else other than a True and Righteous Akurian Proven Knower, can do a damned thing about being called in such manner, and have absolutely no defense whatsoever from anybody who wants to do it. I caution everybody to take careful thought before calling up any spirit – living or dead – as our next procedure, DISCERNING cum READING them, will be fraught with inaccuracies, your own misconceptions and delusions mixed in with every crackpot idea the Luciferians can inject. Only True and Righteous Akurian Proven Knowers can venture here with any degree of accuracy, as THIS is the Realm of Truth and Righteousness. In this case we want the Bastard to know (1) WHO – the Akurians – are taking his ass to task; (2) WHO – me – is running the show; (3) that I am the Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords and Supreme Judge of Supreme Judges from whom there is no appeal; (4) that you are the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria and (5) the sole and exclusive Voice of The Most High in this Generation of Fire. (6) We want him to know he is on trial before Eternal Justice, the High Court where only Truth needs no preparation; and (7) there is not a damned thing he can do about it, no escape or rescue from us and the Forces and Energies from the Great Depths of Hell we're going to inflict will remain with him forever. Regardless of what he is physically involved in at the moment, he will consciously be aware of all this although he cannot DISCERN us of himself – because he doesn’t know how! I am going to pose the first series of questions, and once you have DISCERNED them properly, each of you will be given a chance to present your own question, and all of us will ask it and DISCERN our respective answers. That all of you can get this in your mind in the same manner, repeat what we want this Bastard to know, after me: (1) WHO – the Akurians – are taking his ass to task; (2) WHO – me – is running the show; (3) that I am the Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords and Supreme Judge of Supreme Judges from whom there is no appeal; (4) that you are the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria and (5) the sole and exclusive Voice of The Most High in this Generation of Fire. (6) We want him to know he is on trial before Eternal Justice, the High Court where only Truth needs no preparation; and (7) there is not a damned thing he can do about it, no escape or rescue from us and the Forces and Energies from the Great Depths of Hell we're going to inflict will remain with him forever. Now: Before we do anything else with this Bastard, we need to shield ourselves; With palms facing one another, call AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH in that order, using only those words, and read the Spirit Quarks of each and you call them. The target of our DISCERNING is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Once through the shielding series, call or THINK the name "Barack Hussein Obama" and each of you will instantly sense his vile presence before you with your hands at about his waist. He is not in all that many places, it's the way the True Spirit Realms work for the True and Righteous. All of you are DISCERNING him! Now, Super Jerk is at your mercy and wide open to your knowing anything and everything about him you have a desire to explore. For this particular drill – I will pose the initial questions and you will repeat them to the spirit – and you will INSTANTLY detect the changes in the spirit that irrevocably informs you of both the answer and the Truth of the answer. You will INSTANTLY detect three factors: the spirit's efforts to resist, to attempt to lie, and the fact the spirit is fully aware of the Righteous Power and Holy Authority of your Presence! It will be terrified! Normally we don't inform the spirit, just bring it up and DISCERN it, but in this case we are making an exception, something you will all need to know how to do and to teach your replacements. When the spirit attempts to lie, you will not only detect the lie, but the Truth of what the lie is really all about and trying to hide! I will ask a question for you to repeat to the spirit, and his spirit energy will confirm or deny in Absolute Truth for you to DISCERN by the same process as you DISCERN the Great Elements. Nothing different, just as you feel the cool of Water or the heaviness of Earth, you will feel the Essence of Truth even when the answer is a "NO" because that "NO" is the Truth, the rest of the information will be there just like wet is with water, and you will have to permit yourself time to DISCERN it all. In later practice, this will be a critical part of your DISCERNING. Once you have posed my formulated question, you may reply as soon as you have the quick answer. Next, go as neutral as you can manage to prevent reading your own preferences and suspicions, and let his spirit energy tell you. First question, repeat it aloud or mentally to the spirit; Are you a knowing and willing LIAR? Are you a knowing and willing MURDERER? Are you a knowing and willing on the down low SEXUAL DEVIATE? Are you a knowing and willing TRAITOR to the United States? Are you a knowing and willing TRAITOR to the Constitution of the United States? Are you a knowing and willing PARTICIPANT of the One World Government? Are you a knowing and willing PARTICIPANT of the Rothschilds? Are you a knowing and willing PARTICIPANT of the Bilderbergers? Are you a knowing and willing MARXIST? Are you a knowing and willing COMMUNIST? Are you a knowing and willing SATANIST? Are you a knowing and willing CHILD RAPIST? Are you a knowing and willing WAR PROFITEER? Are you a knowing and willing RACIST even against Black People? Are you a knowing and willing ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of your Office? Being that all these questions and answers are both known or suspected, you now have a hard DISCERNMENT on this Bastard. He cannot lie to you about anything because he has no control over his spirit, and even less control over YOU and your interrogation. Do any of you have a question for Obastard? Have you fucked your own daughters? === Yes. Did not penetrate the younger, yet. Where were you born? === Mombassa, Kenya. Is your mother really dead? === Yes. Do you have your own US Social Security Number? === No. Are you aware that you have no soul? === No. What is the next FALSE FLAG to further your gun-control issues? === High School, bus with real deaths. Are you going to have Hillary Clinton murdered? === Not me. Yes. FALSE FLAG. Are you going to have any of the Supreme Court Justices murdered, or any of their families? === No. Do you possess female genitalia? === No. Is your marriage legal? === Yes. For convenience. Not necessarily Michelle. Would you present your daughters and Michelle as another FALSE FLAG? === No. … to stay in power? YES! Did you purposely set up the deaths at Benghazi? === What he was told. Do you know the date and time of the Civil Unrest? === Time frame. To keep him in power. How much do your fear people waking up? === Yes. But he thinks he's secure behind the military. What did you do with your daughter's aborted fetus? === Disposed of, roasted and eaten. This process of DISCERNMENT will work with any creature, living or dead, humanoid or otherwise. You may want to ask different questions … THEN DO THAT! It's not the questions, it's the process. Be cautious with Proven Knowers, they may not consider their innermost as any of your business – which it isn't – and do a bit of hammering on their own. If you really want a DISCERNMENT workout, try me, and you're going to get a bucket full of "I really didn't want to know that," especially when you get to the Powers, Authorities and Track Record of War and Destruction. Clean and recharge yourself with a Sun Link if necessary. Akurians, on my command: SET YOUR MIND AND REPEAT AFTER ME: "Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision: All Creation without a living Jesuit, without a living Jew, without a living Levite, without a living Illuminati; be they all dead and disposed of that they no more contaminate Creation; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the Great Vision." ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?