REFRESHER FLICK ENERGIES, BELLY BALLS, BODIES OF LIGHT 21 October 2012 – 5 Cheshvan 5773 For all those who haven't a clue, even among our Newbies and perpetual OWG monitors, the Akurians are as religious as we are political as we are scientific. All three categories encompass everything in existence, and those who ignore any one have obliterated their capacity to fully understand whatever remains. To all Akurians, a closed door is either a barrier or a mystery and we will not tolerate either one. If any government closes its doors to its citizens, there can only be ONE legitimate reason: National MILITARY Security. Any other so-called cause or reason is actually TREASON if not HIGH TREASON and must be dealt with accordingly. A lying government calling ANY suppression atrocities 'National Security' as if a government badge or employment makes them some sort of infallible 'god' of some unknown set of laws, must be exterminated as the worst vermin: NO exceptions and NO mercy. When you catch them, SLAY THEM and SLAY THEM ALL! When talking to my attorneys pending my railroading as given in the AED, I was informed that some matters of law are NEVER exposed to the public! My reaction then and now is, "We're subject to LAW we know nothing about, by deliberate design, YET IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE!" My hackles went up … but it wasn't until I began The Exterminations that any part of that atrocity – which still exists – began to change in my favor. Akurians have both a remedy and permanent cure for that kind of atrocity and it works every time: "COUNT THE BODIES AND MAKE UP YOUR GOD DAMNED MIND!" I have a personal habit I wish every Akurian would develop. When accosted by anybody on government payroll – or any other punk element – and they set their terms, conditions, threats, opinions, whatever, I always reply, "HOW MANY BODIES TO YOU THINK THAT'S WORTH SINCE I'M GOING TO START WITH YOURS?" Once I have made that statement, there are no changes permitted, no apologies accepted, no reversals that are satisfactory, no action of appeasement: a sure and certain BODY COUNT is the subsequent order of business. And, that BODY COUNT will include any and all immediate family, studs, whores, punks, daddies, fellow associates, sympathizers and supporters and THEIR immediate families, studs, whores, punks and daddies right along with the rest of the garbage. YES! That BODY COUNT gets HUGE in a hurry, but nothing else works! Absolutely nothing. The only reason a BODY COUNT works is the bastards must be alive to spend the money they extort. Dead bodies are not known to buy Cadillacs or bang the widowed females. YES! I apply that standard to Journalists, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Police, Prosecutors, Judges, Manipulators, Priests, Preachers and other liars on an equal basis. You could say, right accurately, that I'm an equal opportunity destroyer. YES! I fully intend for each and every one of you, and all your students and generations after you until Shiloh, to become and remain of the same Opinion, Mentality, Cognizance and Powers, and of the same Capabilities. And to apply those FirePowers anywhere and everywhere Restoration, Justice or Truth, any or all, require it. You cannot excuse an offending member of your own family or a friend, and then call an offending anybody-else into account: as THAT makes you a hypocrite and there is no such creature as a Holy Hypocrite. (Pete, I know, Holy Hand Grenades, yes – Monty Python. :-) Think about that for a minute. Either you apply Holy Law all the time, without exception, even if that is TEACHING or DISCIPLINING family as well as students, or you have established yourself as a KNOWING HYPOCRITE and then and there a self-inflicted UNWORTHY! You can always apply Holy Law with Justice and Mercy; but you cannot permit two different standards for the same situation. And the Holy Appointment you achieved upon becoming a Proven Knower requires you to be responsible, and act responsibly and Righteously under any and all conditions; being True and Righteous before The Most High without exception. In order to Judge a situation, you have to do more than be aware of the situation. You must also KNOW the facts: The facts as apparent on the surface, the facts that instigated the situation, the facts of all motives involved, and the TRUTH of all the above. In most cases, some apparent so-called 'facts' will be outright damned lies, conspiracies, collusions, manipulations, et cetera. In others, this-fact will be as a result of that-fact, and the list of actions and reactions can be virtually endless. But YOU are Akurians! That means YOU must be able to sort through all appearances, real or imagined, get to the TRUTH of the matter, and deal with it accordingly; requiring you to be able to DISCERN accurately and as expediently as possible. For those of you who have NOT practiced, DISCERN your own inadequacies that you don't mis-read and harm anyone who is either innocent or just in harm's way. YES! We're going to use last week's Training and apply it again … FLICK ENERGIES: Last week we learned … again … how to throw energies from our fingertips. As a general rule we use such abilities to zap some worthy bastard, change traffic lights, clear an area of a given mind set, et cetera. But we can also use the same ability to energize … heal, effect relief, attract or direct someone else's attention, or establish the absolute of a given situation. Using the same ability, a REHEARSED Akurian can, without apparently moving a muscle, influence the thinking of a multitude as to whether something is true, false, deceptive or even physically dangerous. It's a matter of development and practice. Before we blast off incoherently, we need to DISCERN the target AND what is actually going on there. Even in the most violent moments of my life, and there have been several, I didn't just blaze away for the hell of it. I made sure of at least the general location of my intended target, and depending on the rate of fire of my weapon and how much ammunition I actually had – it became a matter of determining EXACTLY where I intended to inflict the damage. Anybody who has ever been in such a violent situation does exactly the same thing, the same way, and for the same reasons – always in accordance with their training and experience. True and Righteous Akurians must be of EXACTLY the same mind-set, discipline, dedication and determination. FirePower is NOT an endowment of immunity – it is an endowment of responsibility. Akurians cannot just kill somebody because we possess the capability. Nor can Akurians refuse to execute those who present a clear and present danger. BOTH are uncompromising matters of Holy Law! Even if we fail, we must present our efforts Before The Most High as the best we could accomplish; and NOT practicing is NOT an excuse. THAT is why we ZAP every street punk and knowing liar we encounter, be it on the streets, radio, television, internet or even while shopping. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? To the practices: And THAT brings us to BODIES OF LIGHT and DISCERNMENT. The easiest way to DISCERN anything, human or otherwise, is with a BODY OF LIGHT. They are easy and quick to make, impervious to damage and discomfort, can be sent anywhere this side of The Great Veil, and expended without penalty when their use has expired. One of the most-useful capabilities in all True Spiritual Endeavors is a well-made BODY OF LIGHT! They can be made almost instantaneously, and as quickly sent to any place in Creation from the far reaches of the Earth Plane, down into the lowest Depths of Hell, up into the Planes of Heaven, and even into Black Holes for a very short experience. BODIES OF LIGHT can be sent either direction across time. Properly made and endowed, they are an excellent set of Spiritual eyes and ears. Properly DISCERNED when on any given mission, they are infallible sources of information; any failures being YOUR ability to read, and NOT the inabilities of your BODY OF LIGHT to detect and report – they can't make up or create situations on their own – they are infinitely obedient and do only as they are instructed. BODIES OF LIGHT can be transformed into all manner of True Spiritual entities from Sun Link anchors to IMMORTAL GOLEMI; can be any size or shape as required; and there's only ONE place they can't go: BEYOND THE VEIL OF THE MOST HIGH! They simply dissolve upon attempt to access. Again: BODIES OF LIGHT are indestructible against any attack; and there isn't any barrier THIS SIDE of The Great Veil they can't penetrate with impunity. There isn't any place they can't go; nor anything in Creation they can't read and report on; and when properly applied have no barriers of time whatsoever. Once you've been through even the initial training of HOW to make a BODY OF LIGHT, if it takes more than five seconds: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! Your first one may take all of ten or twenty seconds as you get the procedure correct, and after that, making a BODY OF LIGHT is virtually instantaneous. Preparing yourself is the hardest part of making a BODY OF LIGHT. If you set a standard, and the HIGHER the better, then each subsequent BODY OF LIGHT will have the same capabilities as those previous. The general shopping list is simple, your actual shopping list can be as extensive and detailed as you can be cognizant of at any given time. First, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be YOUR creation and to obey only YOU without exception. No other 'entities' and no other agenda. And THAT is your first mindset. Second, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to operate in any and all frequencies; from the Highest Heavens to the Deepest Depths – from the unimaginable to absolute zero. LIGHT itself is energy, different frequencies create the different colors. The HIGHER frequencies appear to be WHITE, and compared to the Depths of Hell they are; but normally are really only BRIGHTER when examined close-up. Since everything is RULED FROM THE TOP-DOWN you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be as WHITE and BRIGHT as you can make it. No exceptions. Start with the WHITEST and BRIGHTEST you can imagine and get WHITER and BRIGHTER as you gain experience. Third, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be able to see, hear, taste, touch and smell just like your physical body, only with far more capability. When you DISCERN your BODY OF LIGHT to tell you whatever some distant situation may be, it MUST be capable of experiencing whatever that situation is! And to an infinite, fully detailed degree. This is where VIRTUE comes into being beyond price for those who develop it. Just as you KNOW how miserable you are from head to toe when suffering a cold or flu, your VIRTUE should be capable of informing you of the REAL situation and your physical condition at any given time. Making your VIRTUE a part of your BODY OF LIGHT will prove to be a God-Send as you progress. Your BODY OF LIGHT will NOT have anything you don't create within it. Fourth, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be a consistent shape. Not because one shape is better – more powerful – than any other, but because YOU need a consistent mental process, or you're going to have garbage bits all over the place. NONE of which can do a damned thing. If you can't keep the SHAPE consistent, you damned sure can't keep the ENDOWMENTS consistent either. There is a very simple process Akurians use to accomplish this: we make our BODIES OF LIGHT within our physical body; and then move it to wherever we want it to go. Your physical body isn't going to change that much from day-to-day of its own accord, so your BODY OF LIGHT will be about as consistent as you can make it. Akurians, prepare: to make a proper BODY OF LIGHT: For those who want to know, the BODIES OF LIGHT made in this Instructional are always created in the Heavenly Plane of Hathor UNLESS you deliberately create it somewhere else. We'll learn how to do that in future Instructionals. Jump into such jackass until you're properly trained and you are going to create problems for yourself that nobody else can get you out of but me, and I won't! You've been warned NOT to create a problem where none exists, so pay attention. On my command and NOT before, you will simply visualize a BODY OF WHITE LIGHT that will form out of the Energies of Creation. It's that quick and that simple. IF – REPEAT: IF you do your initial preparation prior to actually making a BODY OF LIGHT you will succeed every time. Let's go through the MIND-SET preparations one more time: First, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be YOUR creation, free and clear of all other contaminations whatsoever. Second, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to operate in any and all frequencies; from the Highest Heavens to the Deepest Depths. Third, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be able to see, hear, taste, touch and smell just like your physical body, only with far more capability because it is filled with your own VIRTUE. Fourth, you want your BODY OF LIGHT to be a consistent shape. In this case your own physical body. Your physical body will be your Spiritual Creation workshop from now on. It's the absolute best place in Creation to make a viable BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, on my command: Visualize your physical body as if you were attempting to remember it like the script of a play or words and music of a song you are going to perform. Now, fill your physical body with the WHITEST and BRIGHTEST LIGHT you can manage. Make it the same size and shape of your physical body. You will find your BODY OF LIGHT will instantly gel and remain of its own accord. It's as simple as that. Confirming for the Newbies, it takes longer to PREPARE than to make an actual BODY OF LIGHT. And that is true of everything we do in True Spiritual practices and/or MetaPhysics. BOTH are the same thing and are EXACTING SCIENCES that cannot and will NOT deviate to suit your – or anybody else's – preferences. Let's have a bit of fun with your new BODY OF LIGHT. By just thinking, move this BODY OF LIGHT a few feet from you. Now, without any other agenda, CLOSE YOUR EYES and make this BODY OF LIGHT see whatever is there – sight only – from wherever it is standing. LET THE BODY OF LIGHT SEE FOR YOU as if you were looking through its eyes! If you're straining, you'd doing it wrong. Don't command it to do anything other than to LOOK … then of yourself use that BODY OF LIGHT to SEE what is there, and READ its vision, from WHERE it is while YOU remain where you are. That BODY OF LIGHT was made inside of you, with energies directed by you; therefore it has a Spiritual connection to you that transcends both time, space and distance. Now that you've established SIGHT … we need to establish FULL BODY CONTACT … that means we're going to put this BODY OF LIGHT into some other object, no other humans or living pets for the time being, and by doing the same process we used with SIGHT, use this BODY OF LIGHT to DISCERN the target. Take any nearby object – cabinet, lamp, chair, door, plant, vine, flower, shrub, tree, or even the space inside a closet – whatever. Move your BODY OF LIGHT into that target. Immerse your entire BODY OF LIGHT - AND LET THE ENERGIES TELL YOU – what the actual make-up of the target is, everything of its energies, everything about it including age, workmanship if any, everything. Done properly with your BODY OF LIGHT immersed and saturated IN your chosen target, you should be able to read the target as well as you can detect any part of your physical body and KNOW it at least as well. You'll have to practice this additional process, and you'll find out some very interesting things. I once did this to a honey bee hive and found they have very few individual episodes, unlike humans that always clash given enough time. Withdraw your BODY OF LIGHT as we have more things to do and train with it before this Instructional is over. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Refresh your BODY OF LIGHT simply by recharging it with WHITE SPIRITUAL ENERGY. Clean it and throw out any energies you detect that came from the target. Things are going to get interesting and we don't want any contaminations. You need to deliberately DISCERN your BODY OF LIGHT just like you would any other object or situation and READ it just like you would read yourself. This is a critical step for our next procedure; you just need to KNOW all there is about your BODY OF LIGHT. Now you're going to need a BELLY BALL. Making a proper BELLY BALL is extremely simple, both arms bent forward at the elbows, extending hands, palms facing toward each other, a few inches apart, no more than one foot, in front of the Solar Plexus; both hands open with palms facing toward each other. When you feel a slight warmth in both palms, form that life energy into a BELLY BALL, the general rule is about the size of a basketball, be careful NOT to disconnect it from yourself until instructed to do so. When you move your hands away to pick up the phone, leave your BELLY BALL attached to your Solar Plexus. You're going to use it in a few minutes. Put down your phones if necessary. Akurians, On my command: MAKE YOUR BELLY BALLS! Be back at your phone in two minutes or less. This time we're going to do something none of you have ever tried before, and it will make a major change in your Spiritual Applications in all future activities. Let's walk through the process. DO NOT make any changes or do anything until I instruct you to do so. You need to know and understand WHAT we are going to do and then do it AS A TEAM to get the most FirePower. Take full cognizance of your BODY OF LIGHT … now take your BELLY BALL and disconnect it from your Solar Plexus. It should still be warm to your touch, and once disconnected should take on a very slight electrical-like feeling, almost as if it were moving air. Some of you are still a bit behind the curve with all these things, but that is to be expected. You can still do this next process regardless of how much sensitivity you have at the moment. For those reading my intentions – caught you! – you're absolutely right; send this BELLY BALL into your BODY OF LIGHT … Now fuse them into ONE Spiritual Entity! DISCERN your BODY OF LIGHT and you will find you can read it about a thousand times better than you did a few minutes ago. It's a lot stronger, and to some, it senses to be a lot heavier; not quite as heavy as a GOLEMI but something that will work for the immediate process. Until you're really proficient across the board, including when we get back to and complete the GOLEMI processes, I do NOT advise using ANY Sun Energies in a BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination. There are forces, energies and powers there of which all of you are in total ignorance. Jumping into that mess with your ignorance intact is creating problems where none exists – that I will NOT rescue you from – and the capabilities and understanding required will come in due time WITH SUFFICIENT AND DEDICATED PRACTICE! That you should know: these BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT will only last about three weeks at most before they begin to deteriorate in the natural order. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now that you have a real, hopped up BODY OF LIGHT we're going to perform a bit of a repeat in its use … and I want everybody to pay attention to the additional detail and information you can gain from this charged- BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination. Since your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination is already prepared, take cognizance of its ability to SEE – as in LOOK any direction you aim it – and letting the energies tell you, observe the room or area your BODY OF LIGHT is in. See through its eyes, and you will note a pastel halo … some of you will see a white, some a green, some a blue, some a pink, et cetera, as if looking through a very thin fog. The specific SHADE is an indication of WHERE you are Spiritually – and this process is a great way to know WHAT energies are involved when you're having a normal, up or down day! Studying yourself is the best way to determine what these colors are to you – as NONE are either 'bad' or 'good' of themselves – they are just radiations of your own energies. A given shade can be a great energy for one person and a heads-up of impending ill-health for another. There is no absolute in the halos except to the individual making use of them. Read yourselves for a minute or two. You're really a very fascinating creature: enjoy it! I don't advise using this BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination in ANY test, recharge or application with your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE as they tend to contaminate rather than enhance. In time and sufficient development you'll be able to use either, or both, as you deem necessary; but that is THEN and not now! Since these BODIES OF LIGHT are easy to make and are equally EXPENDABLE, we're going to use this particular unit to do a bit of continuing weather control. The Nation is still in a HAARP-controlled drought – and in concert with Monsanto's genetically-modified seed – food production is far below requirements. Some of us are already too-wet, some aren't but food prices are off the scale, and others are in drought. An excellent set of situations for Akurians to hammer the hell out of! On my command and NOT before, AS A TEAM: we're going to do a bit of BODY OF LIGHT weather-changing that HAARP can't do a damned thing about in the short term. First, take full cognizance of all endowed factors in your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination. Everything, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell; and get ready to DISCERN the actual weather and ground conditions in your assigned area. When I give the directive to "SPIN" those of you in too-wet areas spin clockwise, the rest spin counter-clockwise, and don't worry about overlap. Those who have taken a minute and watched weather patterns on virtually every newscast have seen the clockwise and counter-clockwise atmospherics – and they are the norm – even if moving West-to-East across the territory. We are simply going to reverse or slow the standing patterns in some cases and increase them in others. What we are going to do is expand our BODIES OF LIGHT from right where they are at this minute, outwards as far as you can effectively imagine, and set them to spinning as your area requires. This is NOT a whirly-gig dance, fast spins are far less effective than normal, about the same speed if you were going to slow-dance. But be advised, at the outer edges of your slow spin your BODIES OF LIGHT will be moving at tremendous speed, so in that respect, the slower the better. You shouldn't have to make your BODIES OF LIGHT break the sound-barrier at its outer edge. Simple as that: BUT AS A TEAM! We need to put a bit of additional preparation into our BODIES OF LIGHT and endow them to make or move moisture, whether immediate rain or winter snow, to where we need it. That is a mind-set to endow your BODIES OF LIGHT with. Since you already know which way you're going to rotate, those of you who will rotate clockwise: endow your BODIES OF LIGHT to move the available moisture to the other BODIES OF LIGHT needing it; and those of you who will rotate counter-clockwise to produce moisture: endow your BODIES OF LIGHT to take that moisture and spread it across your area when we make our move AS A TEAM! When you are instructed to EXPAND your BODIES OF LIGHT you will need to DISCERN the weather and ground conditions and BIND all the atmosphere within your EXPANDED RANGE! The atmosphere MUST obey your BODIES OF LIGHT in order to produce the weather changes we're about to create AS A TEAM! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? DO I NEED TO RUN THIS AGAIN? It's not a problem, we just have to do it right the first time. Akurians, on my command: Endow your BODIES OF LIGHT! Akurians, expand your BODIES OF LIGHT! Akurians, DISCERN your assigned areas: weather and ground conditions. Akurians, BIND all the weather and atmospherics to your BODIES OF LIGHT! Akurians, rotate/SPIN your BODIES OF LIGHT! Rotate them at your own speed, slowly and competently is best. Let me know when you are finished. Disconnect from your BODIES OF LIGHT! Recharge yourself as you think necessary. This is a great time to make yourself a new Sun Link. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? THE BASTARDS APPLICATION Akurians, on my command: Akurians, make a new BELLY BALL. Akurians, make a new BODY OF LIGHT and stand it at a distance. Akurians, merge your BELLY BALL and BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, preserve this BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, on my command: Akurians, make a new BELLY BALL. Akurians, make a new BODY OF LIGHT and stand it at a distance. Akurians, merge your BELLY BALL and BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, preserve this BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT. Akurians, you should have TWO BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT ready and waiting. Akurians, DISCERN both BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and WILLARD MITT ROMNEY! Any READ will suffice, you only need to KNOW you have them targeted. Akurians, endow both your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT with absolute TRUTH, absolute HONESTY and a total disregard for any lie, deception, falsehood or motive thereof. Akurians, choose either one of your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT and send it into the body, mind, soul and innate of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and BIND any and all powers, energies and forces thereof to him, and him to them, with as much Sun Energy as it takes to weld them as one being, permanently until the BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT dissolve in their natural order. Akurians, disconnect from this BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT. Let me know when you are finished. Akurians, choose the remaining BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT and send it into the body, mind, soul and innate of WILLARD MITT ROMNEY and BIND any and all powers, energies and forces thereof to him, and him to them, with as much Sun Energy as it takes to weld them as one being, permanently until the BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT dissolve in their natural order. Akurians, disconnect from this BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT. Let me know when you are finished. And THIS is what we have endeavored against the two communist bastards. Their conduct will effect all viewers, their respective political parties, staff, management and supporters. The fact is their respective Demons of Possession are extremely uncomfortable, and damned near as incompetent, when forced to be the IN THE ENERGIES OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH, especially when they can't do a damned thing about it, remove or reduce them on iota! During next Monday night's debacle, both will be caught in the TRUTH and HONESTY energies, that when violated, clearly show the perpetrator to be a liar! Neither countenance nor body language (that some think is a big deal even though both can be faked) can escape, hide or divert the massive TRUTH energies we have BOUND into them; nor can they overcome the massive Sun Energies we welded them with. And they are BOTH going to do this in the sight of about 70-Million people before the trailers and repeats are no longer news. For those who can, I suggest recording the debacle in its entirety just to review the hard-hammer effects on both. We can all use a confirmation and that global episode will be one of the best. Now for one of the reasons behind my decision to bombard the debacle: Over last Friday night and well into Saturday morning, I was in a top-side fight with the High Demon Shemhazai (Semihazah), The Secret Keeper, (who proves secrets cannot be kept and complicates everything), who was in near-full possession of Candy Crowley during the last Presidential debacle; and who obviously made every attempt to favor Obama. He had the audacity to ride into the Horsemen's territory and began talking down his nose as if I should be a goody-goody little Anointed … and the fight was on. I'll give him and his escort credit, they gave a damned good account of themselves; and suffered losses well into four hundred thousand TOTALED and we don't know how many injured nor the severities. We had some beaten up, but no totals, none killed, in spite of the fact we were outnumbered about sixty to one. Horsemen consider that a fair exchange. They managed to extricate themselves, dragging Shemhazai's well-beaten ass to some degree of safety. When he wakes up – which won't be for several days at least – they can begin repairs on the nose he attempted to talk down. I spent most of yesterday and today in recovery, hurting in places I had long forgotten, getting to some degree of operational status late today, and I still feel well battered. For those with the intelligence to watch tomorrow night's TWO-COMMUNISTS escapade, and KNOW what they are actually seeing, you will find Shemhazai conspicuous by his absence. Lucifer will be there in full possession of Obama; Beelzebub in full possession of Romney – just as before, but in all probability with some attempt at character changes. Astarothae, aka Iblis, The Diabolical, the first of all hypocrites, will be in possession of Bob Lloyd Schieffer, late of CBS, the projected moderator. Since we're not going to hit Schieffer until the show starts, the debacle will be an excellent training opportunity for all Akurians. Those who watched Lucifer, himself, in full possession of Joseph Biden at the Vice Presidential debacle and saw him again in Obama at the last Presidential fiasco, got a real, first hand, close up, view of Lord Lucifer in action. An experience that will serve them well in the trials and troubles to come. Expect a complete reassessment by Old Luke next Monday, as his previous two outings really didn't succeed as he had anticipated. For those astute enough to DISCERN, Lucifer and Beelzebub are both fully aware of the Akurians and our Deeds Toward Their Damnation and they will not be able to avoid our efforts entirely. Our efforts will be stuck in their craw and will show as clear and unmistakable handprints and direct hits. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?