FACES IN YOUR FUTURE There is a simple, non-invocation, process to get a glimpse of those who will somehow be in your future. You'll need to DISCERN them, and be fast about it as their images aren't going to hang around like pictures on the wall. Some you already know, some you will encounter at a distance – some politician who passes laws against you but is never personally within reach – and others are already or will be deceased by your next encounter. Nevertheless, if you set up properly you will see these faces as they appear in and fade from the viewing area. EQUIPMENT: GLASS LENSE – A clear – as in clear – water glass or small vase. CLEAR means plain glass without any decoration, painted or molded. 'Swirled' or 'mottled' or 'embossed' is WHAT WON'T WORK! Ordinary plain glasses, thickness doesn't matter, like cheap beer or water glass are ideal – because they do NOT distort the projection. Size isn't all that important, any glass that will hold about eight or more ounces of CLEAR water is as good as any other. CANDLES – any candle EXCEPT those in a container – will work once you find a way to put it in position. The flame needs to be just below the half-way point of the glass. Thus you might need something to sit the glass on to raise it to the desired height. WAX-CATCH – anything disposable to catch the candle wax as the candle burns. We don't advocate dropping hot wax on furniture, table cloths, et cetera. We've haven't found any difference in using aluminum or colored paper as opposed to white, or even newspaper as available. PROJECTION AREA. WATER! Ordinary tap water works as well as the finest and most expensive 'holy' or 'sanctified' waters in existence. CLEAR WATER! Oils and other such claptrap won't work with any degree of accuracy. The set up. Select a place with sufficient room for all below. Kitchen tables work more often than anything else, although coffee tables in living rooms are popular. (1) Fill the GLASS with the WATER. It doesn't have to be touch-and-spill it to the top but shouldn't be more than about a quarter of an inch from the top. (2) Light a CANDLE and position it behind the GLASS at any point the LIGHT going through the GLASS of WATER forms as clear and focused area on the PROJECTION AREA as possible. Focal distance and the altitude of the CANDLE flame will show themselves immediately. (3) You need to place the GLASS on any surface where the LIGHT projected THROUGH it by the CANDLE will create a PROJECTED AREA of LIGHT against any PLAIN surface: solid color wall, white cardboard, et cetera, even a refrigerator as long as the projection area is FLAT. It may be necessary to change the focal distance or the altitude – or both – between the GLASS of WATER and the CANDLE to get a tighter PROJECTION of LIGHT. The center of the CANDLE FLAME should be at or just below the CENTER of the GLASS. The distance between them is easily determined via trial and corrected error. There are some who will use a Bible to elevate the GLASS of WATER – covering it to prevent WAX damage. Akurians always recommend a copy of the AED, with the same WAX protection. Actually anything, even a stack of dishware or cut of wood will work for elevation; but the ENERGY a Holy Work brings to the process is well worth the effort. (4) Once a distance between the LIGHTED candle and the GLASS is determined, sit down and WATCH the PROJECTION AREA! The FACES IN YOUR FUTURE will begin to show, sometimes flickering, in the PROJECTION AREA. Be sure nobody is sitting is such position their breath will effect the CANDLE flame, or you're just jackassing. It is NOT abnormal for some person to see FACES others do not even in the same image – for shadows to rush across the AREA – or demons attempt to frighten. This is a Spirit Realm and often the FACES can be quite Halloweenish. As a general rule the FACES will be in black and white, just like the Shadows in Time they are. Color halos are from the WATER and mean nothing. Be prepared to DISCERN as the shadow-like images rush in and out of view. Don't waste any time trying to call up Spirits as this is a VIEWING system and will not work for any other purpose without very special knowledge.