ELECTRICITY 4 November 2012 – 19 Cheshvan 5773 First, welcome guests and newbies in training. We have some 'guests' on government payroll that are not so welcome and who will be a hell of a lot less snide by the time this Instructional is over. For our guests and newbies, continuous government monitoring and communications intrusions are nothing new around here; but I was trained in Intelligence before most of these KAK JEW FUNDED bastard's mothers were out of three cornered pants; so we don't tell them a damned thing we don't want them to know. If they really had any 'intelligence' they'd send me their email and I'd include them in every send … but THAT would buy the ad that we're absolutely right about them, wouldn't it? Neither Obastard, Rumnuts nor their OWG handlers and manipulators can have that, now can they? Here's a point of absolute KNOWLEDGE for their damnable ears that is NOT going to go away and it is NOT going to be long-ignored by the Akurians: The ENTIRE Polar Ice Cap melt is a HAARP mission! There's nothing in the natural-order record that even comes close to what is happening – leaving only HAARP as the culprit. Akurians, DISCERN it and see for yourselves as time permits. Akurians, now a caution. Some of our people have been sucked in to the OWG divide and conquer via tangent-this, tangent-that and right in the middle of a MAJOR AKURIAN ENGAGEMENT! We have an election to influence and we DO NOT need – nor will I tolerate – any diversions as 'end-of-creation' episodes. We need to recruit just like every other organization, and to do that we have no other alternative than internet chat'n'chafe sites, or direct mass email that really doesn't do very much. Therefore, in either instance, EITHER SUPPORT your fellow Akurians or keep your 'opinions' to yourself. If some Akurian is out of line, report to me … since some of you have far more training than others, the scene may NOT be as you suppose. In any case where something seems amiss, I want to know, and I want to know NOW! And I want to know BEFORE any jackass: talk to me BEFORE you post! Period. Until we're finished with the SOCIALIST BASTARDS of this election and its immediate aftermath, this Holy Order is going to stay focused on this Prime Objective. Akurians, those of us who took on Hurricane Sandy also took on HAARP at its best. The OWG attempted an early diversion of another EarthQuake devastation on the San Andreas Fault, along the Canadian Pacific Coast between northern Washington and southern Alaska. We didn't bite. The OWG bastards have no qualms about wholesale mass murder – as if ordinary mass murder weren't a more-than-sufficient atrocity – and the nuclear devices already implanted in the San Andreas Fault and the Cascadia Subduction Zone can be detonated at any time those said OWG bastards determine. That's how they blew Fukushima, knowing a Tidal Wave would do most of the dirty work. They set the charge on the Japan side of the Aleutian Trench, primarily to protect their own asses at the Gakona, Alaska HAARP Station. Now that the Fukushima data has been processed, southern and inland Alaska, western Canada, Washington, Oregon, California; New Madrid Epicenter in Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee; indeed the entire North American, Mexican, Central American and South American Pacific AND Atlantic coasts can be devastated on demand. I reported the loosening up series of quakes – 12 10 28 REFRESHER – and once we hammered HAARP the series let up a little. We really caught them looking. Hurricane Sandy wasn't originated by HAARP, but they damned sure spared neither effort nor energy in sending it into New England. The bastards intended a Cat-5. We managed to keep it well under that, and finally got the rain and high-elevation snow we'd been hammering for. We damned near made up for the Isaac fiasco, but with a lot more damage than was necessary. The bastards also intended to turn Sandy about 180 degrees and let it blow out over Maine rather than dump all the rain and snow in the drought areas. Their intent was to prevent the Election Day voters from having access to the polls via bad weather. It didn't work, and Tuesday there will be a HUGE turnout accompanied with an equal amount of voter fraud the bastards won't be able to hide. Note the 'projected' path to blow out over Maine … Sandy and the Alberta Clipper actually blew out west of the Appalachians and a lot of it west of the Mississippi. Those Akurians, you know … But exactly WHAT was wrong that we didn't turn Sandy into a rough weather episode rather than its continuance? The fault, and total responsibility is mine, and mine alone. In all my Instructionals I have never explained nor clarified the ELECTRICAL – as in electricity – factor in Creation which includes all things, and specifically all things Spiritual. That you can make most of these things work, and to a far greater degree than anyone else on the planet, does not exempt us from having to KNOW and understand in more scientific terms. That a very simple and uncontaminated TEAM EFFORT would have accomplished our objectives, whether any of you understand anything about electricity or not, does not excuse the failure of Sandy any more than it excuses the failure of Isaac. Jackass is jackass regardless of WHO jumps-tracks of the TEAM effort. Let's get to the very basics. Electricity for all intents and purposes is a matter of energy measured in polarity. In fact, it's in the same category as HEAT. The measurement of HEAT and COLD are not different, they are measurements of the same thing, TEMPERATURE. Electricity – deemed POSITIVE and NEGATIVE – as given by poles of common batteries, is actually a measurement of the same thing, POTENTIAL! Anything that is LESSER NEGATIVE is deemed to be POSITIVE. The simplest way to understand electricity is: UN-ALIKE poles attract and ALIKE poles repel. Negative repels negative and positive repels positive IF they are the same value. Either attracts the other "IF" there is any difference in value, regardless of how minute that difference. The presence of electricity also manifests itself with the presence of MAGNETISM or localized GRAVITY. GRAVITY is determined by the amount of ELECTRICITY in compressed energy we call MASS or PHYSICAL MATTER. The heavier something is, the more ELECTRICITY contained in it! It's physical size is as often determined by its TEMPERATURE – in the case of Suns – as it is the amount of PHYSICAL MATTER bunched together. And the reason for that? When anything HEATS it takes up more room. But let's get back to another basic and that HEAT situation will become a bit more clear. Electricity is measured in TWO main forms: Voltage and Amperage. Voltage is the potential strength and Amperage is the HEAT factor buffered or determined by the available Voltage moving through a RESISTANCE. The higher the Voltage and the LOWER the Resistance the HIGHER the Amperage – and HEAT as HEAT is the factor of Voltage TIMES Amperes. Now there's a pile of opaque mud for you. Resistance? Yep. Everything has SOME degree of ELECTRICAL resistance. The amount of resistance will determine the amount of HEAT that any given amount of Voltage will produce. Unless the CURRENT is in motion, there isn't any Amperes; only POTENTIAL for HEAT. Once any TWO factors are known, Voltage, Amperage or Resistance, it's rather simple math to determine the other. High Voltage, even in the extreme, is just that, Voltage. Unless it's set in motion, it's actually rather harmless. That's how Nikola Tesla made all those HUGE lightning bolts. However, the moment the slightest bit of RESISTANCE is encountered, there is Amperage to contend with: and Amps times Volts equals HEAT! Whether measured in WATTS or the metric JOULES or the European CALORIES, it's the POWER factor that actually does all the work of applied electricity. An electric kitchen stove burner is a prime example. And here's one for the books: a natural gas burner producing the same HEAT as an electric burner is diverting the SAME amount of ELECTRICITY as it changes the GAS-MATTER to HEAT-ENERGY! Well now. Since all HEAT is a matter of ENERGY; and virtually all forms of ENERGY can be expressed in elements of HEAT – including gravity fall – we should suddenly see all Spirit Energies as a bit more controllable. YES! That includes the Sun, Sun Links, BODIES OF LIGHT, FULL BODY SUPER SENSE, GOLEMI … the whole of Creation. And it SHOULD assist in our DISCERNMENT efforts. The more we understand about any ENERGY, the better we can handle it. The Sun, Sun Links, BODIES OF LIGHT, FULL BODY SUPER SENSE, GOLEMI, even Creation are not exceptions to that rule. I don't know how many of you have ever seen the phenomenon of tearing a small piece of paper, running a PLASTIC comb through your hair, and then using the comb to pick up the piece of paper. As children it was a fascinating game the girls always won because they had longer hair. It makes the point of STATIC electricity and its MAGNETIC powers. The three storm systems, Sandy, the Atlantic Tempest and the Alberta Clipper we just endured are EXACT expressions of the same thing. Each had its own internal ELECTRIC CONTENT or CHARGE as every weather disturbance and calm does; each moved in accordance with the MAGNETISM of their respective electrical makeup as they moved toward one another; and each unloaded as those ELECTRICAL CHARGES made the temperature and atmospheric changes – just like every other storm or lack thereof. In accordance with as much electrical law as anything else, water vaporizes or condenses in accordance with temperature and pressure – measured in millibars – at what is called the DEW POINT: the temperature below which the water vapor in a volume of humid air at a constant barometric pressure will condense into liquid water. As one goes up, the other can come down and where the DEW POINT is: water will either vaporize or condense. Generally speaking, HOT air and HIGH pressure and water vaporizes – COLD air and LOW pressure and water condenses, whether rain or snow. Ordinary FOG is thick water vapor, a cloud at ground level. Nothing more. DEW is the result of generally a TEMPERATURE change in a given atmospheric pressure, creating a layer of ice. Regardless of the amount of liquid water made, the ELECTRIC requirement is the same. FOR EXAMPLE: If it takes 5,000 Watts of electricity to make a cup of water; any combination of Voltage and Amperage that equals 5,000 Watts will suffice. Likewise, the DEW POINT can be anywhere along the temperature vs atmospheric pressure gradient. Now we enter the realm of FREQUENCY! The rise and fall of ELECTRICITY – whether Voltage or Amperage – doesn't matter, higher FREQUENCIES make more HEAT than lower FREQUENCIES in their natural state. Remembering that POSITIVE is simply LESSER NEGATIVE just like COLD is LESSER HEAT, how often, the rate at which, they effect one another is the FREQUENCY, whether dead still – STATIC – or into the highest LIGHT realms. Any level of Voltage and Amperage can be made to VIBRATE at any given FREQUENCY. Any and all LIGHT manifestations are ELECTRICAL with the FREQUENCY determining the color and ELECTRO-MAGNETIC capabilities. As a rule, but not welded in absolute steel, the HIGHER the FREQUENCY the brighter, thus whiter, the color of LIGHT and the more capable it is to penetrate or pass through LESSER FREQUENCIES which includes MASS/MATTER – often creating additional HEAT as it goes – especially if there is any close HARMONIC. HARMONICS are multiples or equal divisions of any given FREQUENCY. Those of us who are musicians know this via Octaves; a full scale above or below any given note. When those LIGHT energies move faster than the SPEED OF LIGHT, also known as INFINITY, they cross the TIME barrier and move BACKWARDS in TIME … NEUTRINOS for those of you who missed those Instructionals. Do not confuse the FREQUENCY cum COLOR of LIGHT with its speed traveling through SPACE! They are not the same manifestation. ENERGY moving at a FREQUENCY that requires a speed greater than the SPEED OF LIGHT is far above the Visible Spectrum of human eyesight; and everything above human eyesight is measured in Electron Volts. All particles with frequencies greater than about 10 to the 19th power Hertz (or about 50,000 Electron Volts (5 x 104 eV) are called gamma-rays. Theoretically, there is no hard limit to the energy that a gamma-ray can have; where a typical optical PHOTON is about 2-3 eV. Electricity nevertheless. Detections of very high energy gamma-rays from individual astrophysical sources, specifically from a couple of active galaxies and the Crab Nebula, have extended up to about 5060 eV. And THAT is a lot of HEAT and a lot of electricity – so we ought to be glad it's so far away. The Planes of Heaven are all above the highest Gamma Ray spectrum, so there is ENERGY TO SPARE when those LIGHT FREQUENCIES are properly managed. Sandy simply obeyed the natural laws of electricity, as did the Alberta Clipper that came down from Canada; and devastated the High Pressure area General Shams-Avari and TEAM moved in between both of them exactly as planned. Then came Brigadier Siler and General Schipul who unloaded the LOW PRESSURE, counter-clockwise ELECTRICITY from the East Atlantic on Omaha, Nebraska. And THAT set the whole shebang into a HUGE rainout we had been working on for weeks! Nothing new or unexpected when looked at with all factors in view. But note, we did that with minor discomfort to all our Akurians in the path: General Clark in Virginia, Major Koko and Weldon Brinson in New York, and Doreen McCaul in Massachusetts. Rain, wind, noise of thunder, but little else upon our own. Now, with all that above in mind, and I'm sure … infinitely digested … we're going to knock hell out of some old and familiar enemies: ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? We're going to hammer the bastards and HEAT the weather! Here's the immediate plan for the bastards: We're going to take full cognizance of the entire Nation – all the people – and make them angry at ALL, as in every, politician they know. Federal, State and Local. Don't try to separate the Parties or Candidates. We've already set those energies, and the voters will play that hand at the polls. The GOLEMI we've established will do their jobs unless we, their Creators, change the rules with any – as in any – jackassing whatsoever. All we need to do is infuriate the people. Nothing more. But we want to infuriate them beyond even their capacity to understand anger. Anger so hot it will overwhelm their ignorance and programmed stupidity. Make them mad enough and they'll vote even if the polls were placed in the far side of hell. As far as our energy injections are concerned, we want the people hell-bent on THROWING ALL THE BASTARDS OUT! Race, religion, promises be damned: THROW ALL THE BASTARDS OUT! Then we're going to CLEAR North America of all the current weather patterns of all disturbances and literally HEAT the entire Nation into beautiful days of warm fall weather. There is a Nor'Easter brewing in the Atlantic AND I WANT IT LEFT ALONE as it's the LOW PRESSURE MAGNET we're going to need for the National Weather Change! Akurians, think about this. A totally infuriated populace and a warm, clear Election Day. We need to START this process with this Instructional in order to have the weather cleared by not later than Monday evening. We want CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL for Tuesday – no exceptions and no excuses. Akurians, prepare: to make TWO proper BODIES OF LIGHT: BODIES OF LIGHT made as per this Instructional are always created in the Heavenly Plane of Hathor UNLESS deliberately created somewhere else. On my command and NOT before, simply visualize a BODY OF WHITE LIGHT formed out of the Energies of Creation. It's that quick and that simple. IF – REPEAT: IF you do your initial preparation prior to actually making a BODY OF LIGHT you will succeed every time. Let's go through the MIND-SET preparations one more time: First, make your BODY OF LIGHT to be YOUR creation, free and clear of all other contaminations whatsoever. Second, make your BODY OF LIGHT to operate in any and all frequencies; from the Highest Heavens to the Deepest Depths. Third, make your BODY OF LIGHT to be able to see, hear, taste, touch and smell just like your physical body, only with far more capability because it is filled with your own VIRTUE. Fourth, make your BODY OF LIGHT to be a consistent shape. In this case your own physical body. Your physical body will be your Spiritual Creation workshop from now on. It's the absolute best place in Creation to make a viable BODY OF LIGHT. Taking longer to PREPARE than to create is true of everything else we do in True Spiritual practice. We're going to make TWO BODIES OF LIGHT. Akurians, on my command: Visualize your physical body exactly as it is right now, the same size and shape of your physical body. Fill your physical body with the WHITEST and BRIGHTEST LIGHT you can imagine. Your BODY OF LIGHT will instantly gel and remain of its own accord. Move this first BODY OF LIGHT a few feet from you. REPEAT THE PROCESS AND MAKE A SECOND BODY OF LIGHT! Akurians, on my command: Visualize your physical body exactly as it is right now, the same size and shape of your physical body. Fill your physical body with the WHITEST and BRIGHTEST LIGHT you can imagine. Your BODY OF LIGHT will instantly gel and remain of its own accord. Move this second BODY OF LIGHT a few feet from you NEAR but not in the same place as the first BODY OF LIGHT. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now you're going to need TWO BELLY BALLS made one at a time. Let's walk through the process. DO NOT make any changes or do anything until I instruct you to do so. You need to know and understand WHAT we are going to do and then do it AS A TEAM to get the most FirePower. Make a BELLY BALL both arms bent forward at the elbows, extending hands, palms facing toward each other, a few inches apart, no more than one foot, in front of the Solar Plexus; both hands open with palms facing toward each other. When you feel a slight warmth in both palms, form that life energy into a BELLY BALL, the general rule is about the size of a basketball, be careful NOT to disconnect it from yourself until instructed to do so. Leave your BELLY BALL attached to your Solar Plexus. You're going to use it in a few minutes. Put down your phones if necessary. Akurians, On my command: MAKE YOUR FIRST BELLY BALL! Take full cognizance of your first BODY OF LIGHT … now take your BELLY BALL and disconnect it from your Solar Plexus. Send this BELLY BALL into your first BODY OF LIGHT; add this True Spiritual Element: ABSOLUTE ANGER AND DISGUST AT ALL SOCIALIST POLITICIANS, OBAMA, BIDEN and ROMNEY and fuse them into ONE Spiritual Entity! Akurians, On my command: MAKE YOUR SECOND BELLY BALL! Take full cognizance of your second BODY OF LIGHT … now take your BELLY BALL and disconnect it from your Solar Plexus. Send this BELLY BALL into your second BODY OF LIGHT; add this True Spiritual Element: EXTREME CLOCKWISE ROTATING HEAT and fuse them into ONE Spiritual Entity! These BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT will only last about three weeks at most before they begin to deteriorate in the natural order. About three weeks of good weather will make every hallelujah halfwit suppose Kroust (Christ) actually heard them and answered their prayers. So be it. We have far bigger and far more-dangerous problems to handle. Since these BODIES OF LIGHT are easy to make and are equally EXPENDABLE, we're going to use these particular units to do a bit of continuing politics control. The Nation is still programmed jackass, and we're going to set a few bricks in place. We're not only going to hammer hell itself into the Election from top to bottom; the bricks we're going to emplace will be needed as we continue until Shiloh. On my command and NOT before, AS A TEAM: we're going to do a bit of BODY OF LIGHT politics-changing. First, take full cognizance of all endowed factors in your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination. Everything, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell; and get ready to DISCERN the actual political mentality and conditions of the entire United States and Alaska. Hawaii and the Territories will be left to their own devices as their votes will not change the outcome in any instance. You just need the immediate information. Then, on my command and NOT before, AS A TEAM: we're going to do a bit of BODY OF LIGHT weather-changing. We'll take full cognizance of all endowed factors in your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT combination. Everything, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell; and get ready to DISCERN the actual weather and atmospheric conditions in all of North America which will include Canada and spillover into Mexico. You just need the immediate information. If you've been keeping up on the news – nothing from the Lying Stream Media – the Obamites transported Blacks and Hispanics, registered Democrats and Illegals alike, from every ghetto in the northern swing states with free food and entertainment AFTER they voted early! Their BATTLE PLAN was to drag the storm out as LONG as possible; as far IN LAND as possible then do a 180 to cover to burn out of Maine with rain, fallen trees, sleet and snow disrupting highways and town traffic; as most people who can will not venture out in bad weather even to vote! The bastards know this, and THAT was and still is their game with ONE HUGE addition: they plan on NOT having polls open Tuesday and blame it on Sandy. ENTER THE AKURIANS! Our solution? Anger the people to make them so mad they'd vote in a dung bucket; clear the weather so they'll want to celebrate after voting but still be mad enough to challenge and fight even a hint of voter fraud. It's not a problem, we just have to do it right the first time. Akurians, on my command: Akurians select the first of your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT combination. This is the one to infuriate the entire populace. Akurians, send this BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT in the Sun, expand it to 800,000 miles in diameter, BIND all the HEAT energies of the Sun into your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT, make a Sun Link strong enough to last through the next Moon Phase, about 28 days. Akurians, return your FULLY ENERGIZED BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT trailing its Sun Link to earth at Omaha, Nebraska. Akurians, expand your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT to fill and DISCERN the general mentality of the entire Nation. Whatever angers them the most is what they are going to detect as the nature of every SOCIALIST POLITICIAN, OBAMA, BIDEN and ROMNEY! Akurians, BIND the general mentality of the entire Nation to your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT and merge them into one energy: ABSOLUTE ANGER AND DISGUST AT ALL SOCIALIST POLITICIANS, OBAMA, BIDEN and ROMNEY! BIND until the all the energies gel. If you DISCERN a pocket where the energies have not gelled or set properly, hit it again until it does. If you need help, speak up and we'll get you assistance. We need this National Anger to THROW ALL THE BASTARDS OUT! We are NOT in a mad-hog rush: take the time and apply the energies to do it right the first time. When you feel the energies gel properly without any holes, disconnect from your BODIES OF LIGHT and let me know when you are finished. Make yourself a new Sun Link and recharge yourself if you think necessary. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, on my command: Akurians select the second of your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT combination. This is the one to change the entire Nation's weather. Akurians, send this BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT in the Sun, expand it to 800,000 miles in diameter, BIND all the HEAT energies of the Sun into your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT, make a Sun Link strong enough to last through the next Moon Phase, about 28 days. Akurians, return your BELLY BALL/BODIES OF LIGHT trailing its Sun Link to earth at Omaha, Nebraska, expand them to fill and DISCERN the atmospherics of the entire Nation. Every weather pattern and all its atmospherics, vapor, wind, temperature, pressure, if it's weather take notice of it. Whatever the weather is, we're going to change it into ONE HUGE WEATHER PATTERN regardless of how unnatural that may be. Akurians, BIND all the weather and atmospherics to your BELLY BALL/BODY OF LIGHT and merge them into one energy, centered on Omaha, Nebraska, and extending from northernmost Alaska to the southernmost of Florida, covering the Gulf of Mexico, across Texas to include California. Anything that spills into Canada and Mexico is to their benefit. BIND and rotate until the all the energies gel. Require those merged energies into a clockwise rotation over the entire Nation with the center at Omaha, Nebraska! Nothing more. If you DISCERN a pocket where the energies have not gelled or set properly, hit it again until it does. The speed of rotation will be different with each of you, so don't consider speed at all. If it's moving clockwise, it's moving the right direction. If you need help, speak up and we'll get you assistance. We need that GREAT WEATHER for the voters! Disconnect from your BODIES OF LIGHT when you feel the all the weather energies of the Nation in full clockwise rotation, and let me know when you are finished. Make yourself a new Sun Link and recharge yourself as you think necessary. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?