NUCLEAR-CREATED HELL ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON! As given in the email: The Akurians = 10:00 PM 12/22/2011 Thursday = HEADS UP! - Benajamin Fulford 12-21-11 War with Rothschild-Rock at (if you didn't watch it, DO IT NOW!) there is reference to another Nuclear disaster in Japan – what Mr. Fulford either didn't know or glean from his investigations is: US Navy ships are emplacing Nuclear Bombs with remote-controlled Warhead Triggers in the earthquake faults off (1) Japan, where the Pacific Plate moves UNDER the Oknotsk Plate making the Japan Trench, site of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki 9.0 quake that destroyed the Fukushima and much of the Northern Japan coastline; (2) the San Andreas off southern California to rid the United States of a totally out-of-control area and population via localized 'martial law' on behalf of the OWG; and (3) the Canary Islands to send 300+ foot high tidal wave Tsunamis to decimate the entire east coast of the US! YES! This is being done as you read this letter and BY OUR OWN virtually-all-communist GOVERNMENT! Which coast they'll destroy first is a matter of political necessity! Nothing more. Japan will be little more than a diversion to distract attention … when it becomes necessary … To be sure, these fault-line sites will eventually erupt of themselves. But TIMED AND TRIGGERED with Nuclear Detonations will permit the TIMING of destructions as desired and planned for the best advantage of the Rothchild-dominated OWG! Make no mistake: these demonic bastards will stoop to anything and everything of which wholesale murder of billions is one of their more tolerable damnations! What they can't do with HAARP they'll do with Nuclear-Triggered 'earthquakes' and the sure and certain LIABLE-TO-NOBODY-BUT-THEMSELVES 'government-control' that will follow. NOW YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! What we don't know is the exact sequence or when! For all those who will receive this letter: This is a WAKE UP Call to Arms! Either join this fight while you still can, or get the hell out of the way! IT'S TIME TO STAND AND FIGHT! If you are not interested in protecting and preserving what you have and all you have, especially children, other family and friends, and this Nation; you are then and there unworthy to Stand in the Holy Presence of The Most High and His Clearly-Documented Servants. The clock has started and there will be no more time-outs. Simple as that. The True and Righteous Akurians HAVE THE DIRECT AND PERSONAL TESTIMONY OF THE MOST HIGH, HIMSELF; and nobody else, spirit, person, religion or 'belief' can make that statement and have THE MOST HIGH, HIMSELF confirm it! His Hand is held out still, but this letter is His Warning that His Open Hand is about to close into a Merciless Hammering Fist! The time for all phony 'belief' or other such demonic jackassing and personal-agendi is nearly over. Once His Hand becomes His Fist, He will reject all who have rejected Him into the deepest Depths of Perdition. This is NOT a pitch to 'accept' Him on any terms such as all hallelujah halfwits attempt to sell the non-existent 'Jesus' or equally idiotic and demonic Moslems seek to enforce 'Allahu Akbar' in their murderous psychopathic insanities – THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE AND ON HIS TERMS ONLY! The poppycock of 'accepting' The Most High whether by bawling soap-opera or bomb/sword is an Eternal Death Warrant, and all who suppose they can do either and be alright in Judgments or 'the after life' really don't have anything wrong with them that a brand new set of brains wouldn't cure. THE MOST HIGH DOES NOT OPERATE ON 'belief' OR 'faith' OR OTHER SUCH NONSENSE! HE OPERATES ON KNOWLEDGE TO THE EXCLUSION OF ANY AND ALL OTHER ALTERNATIVES, AND HE, HIMSELF, WILL TESTIFY TO ANY AND ALL WHO WILL PROPERLY TEST HIS PROOF OF THE ANOINTING aka THE GREAT TESTIMONY! He has seen fit to Anoint, Train and Establish the LAST of the Messiahs promised to the Adama (mankind) and to PERSONALLY TESTIFY to any and all – regardless of sex, race, genealogy or lifestyle – within their own soul in the absolute privacy of themselves. Complete details for any and all who need them are FREE ON LINE – – just follow the links or – – the book itself. "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" is the last warning to a morally bereft, spiritually worthless and polluted humankind. And once you've been through that, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SHAPE UP to Holy Law and obey it to the exclusion of any and all other 'doctrines' and religious or political poppycock! There are no exceptions and there are no excuses. Nor is there very much time before that clock runs out, and we're NOT talking endless months or years; we're talking a few weeks and maybe days at best. The Most High is NOT going to 'bless' your 'belief' or personal agenda, nor permit them to be successful. The whole world is at WAR! And that includes YOU! The Greatest WAR OF ABSOLUTE VIOLENCE since the Creation of the Adama and as much a War of Spiritual TRUTH and Righteousness as it is control of the conquered territories and surviving populace. Either you will join this fight and fight to win it or you will perish in the onslaught and Die the Eternal Death from it! The choice is yours and yours alone, as will be the outcome and the penalties. In closing, the Akurians have a TESTIMONY AGAINST ourselves! We have more WOMEN standing the line and doing the fight than we do MEN! The last time THAT happened was during the Age of the Judges of Israel under Deborah – Judges 4 and 5! For the past several months we have had only myself, Command Marshal General Peter K. Shams-Avari, sometimes Supreme General David B. Schipul who is on medical convalescence, Colonel Gerald Riggs, PKs Ernie Martin and Antonio Toles in as much attendance as they can muster; a total of SIX (6). And among the women: Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher, Staff General Rosalind R. Clark, Brigadier General Diane D. Meinke, Brigadier General Kathryn A. Malone, Brigadier General Patrique M. Siler, Colonel Marilyn L. Davis, Major Jean "Koko" Kilpatrick, Andrea M. Nash, Elaynne Sharon Danielle and Jessie Miller as available, for a total of TEN (10)! WHERE THE HELL ARE THE MEN? El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH.