AKURIAN BLUE SWORDS HOW TO MAKE THEM – WHAT NOT TO DO 8 December 2012 – 24 Kislev 5773 Normal Earthly equipment doesn't work very well, if at all, in either the Planes of Heaven or the Depths of Hell. Things invented in Earth and taken into any of the Realms are generally worthless; while things long established in the Planes, Depths and their Realms always work in the Earth Plane. Fire, Swords, Lances, Horns – both animal and musical; candles, lamps, oils, wines, waters, precious metals and stones, along with many living creatures from birds to fish to steeds to cattle, the list is virtually endless. Akurians often need more than their own developed FirePower, especially in close quarters, where a sword is worth its weight in Light. There are as many types of swords in the Heavens and the Depths as there are uses for them. A sword is NEVER a toy nor a decoration although some are designations of station, rank, earned honor, et cetera. Akurians have access to a Spiritual Sword that is all-but indestructible, easily expendable, and can carry hell-itself when properly made and endowed. We call them BLUE SWORDS due to their powder blue color, but their color has nothing to do with their capabilities nor uses. Each and every Akurian, even the Neophytes in Learning, have unlimited access to unlimited numbers of BLUE SWORDS. Those standing outer perimeter guard during our Invocations and Training are armed with BLUE SWORDS and referred to by that title: "BLUE SWORDS, MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!" The ONE thing every Akurian must remember: once a BLUE SWORD is created, NEVER put it back! Thrown to the Ethers it will dissolve of its own accord; emplaced in some worthy bastard, it will last for days on end. Endowed with a given purpose, and it will last until accomplishment. This is the simple process to make as many BLUE SWORDS as you'll ever need. There is no limit to how many BLUE SWORDS you can create because the energies involved are limitless. First, all BLUE SWORDS are double edged; single edged weapons are SABERS! In the Planes of Heaven and Depths of Hell a saber is almost worthless compared to a sword. Place either hand just below your Solar Plexus and grip the energy. It will feel like the hilt of a sword because THAT is what you are creating. Swing the BLUE SWORD out like a gate or door swings, NEVER from the hilt to the tip. The hilt and blade will pull free in one motion, the tip emerging from just under your neck. Note that it is made of powder-blue Light out of your own being and endless energies. When first constructed – and that's all there is to it – the entire weapon is as long as you measure from where you secured the hilt to where the tip of the blade emerged at the base of your neck. Lengthening a BLUE SWORD is as simple as hefting it in one hand and touching the tip – FLAT, not on edge – into the palm of your other hand. Just the tip, and you'll feel the cool, metallic-like blade. Without any other adieu, you don't even have to grip the tip, pull the hilt as far as you want it to make your BLUE SWORD the right length for a good, close-in fight. Too long and it's going to get in its own way! BLUE SWORDS are ready for use upon creation. They can be thrown with infinite accuracy at infinite distance. There is very little material in the Planes and Depths a BLUE SWORD cannot penetrate, hilt and all, and none it can't damage. With a properly made BLUE SWORD in either hand the weaponry parallel is about like you having a machine gun with infinite range and your enemy having a sling-shot with half a dozen different weight and size marbles. There is no actual comparison. BLUE SWORDS can be poisoned, loaded with fire, welded into the victim so the wound will never heal and the BLUE SWORD cannot be removed unless YOU remove it. For general infection purposes BLUE SWORDS really don't work that well compared to other devices and methods. That doesn't mean they can't be used as a source of great pain that nothing, pills, injections, booze … whatever … can alleviate. When you are called on to be a BLUE SWORD, take the microsecond required and make a good one. Then when the Order to "STAND DOWN" is given, dispose of your BLUE SWORD in somebody who really deserves the attention. There's no defense against them anywhere in Creation; and since YOU made it, there's nothing anybody else can to about or with it. If there's nobody worth your BLUE SWORD, simply throw it into the Ethers and it will eventually dissolve back into Etheric Energy. Lovely things, those BLUE SWORDS of the Akurians.