From: The General Date: 9/6/2011 8:55:00 AM To: Antonio Toles Subject: Re: When to use invocations  Antonio, PRACTICE THEM AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE!   We need the rain - we need media exposed and disbelieved - we need politicians and manipulators exposed and removed - the list is endless ... The POWERS are to be rehearsed and practiced constantly!  Reading and DISCERNING Great Elements, Planes and Depths, entities of all natures, firepower and its applications, et cetera, aren't something you can 'just' do because you 'know' about it:  IT TAKES PRACTICE and IT TAKES CORRECT PRACTICE! You can't wait until the snake has bitten you to learn how to catch, remove, kill or preemptively avoid it! The BIG problem is, many will attempt 'their' agenda without having accomplished a damned thing of the LESSONS!  That kind of idiocy ALWAYS comes with penalties, and the Akurians are not obligated to bail out the jackassing!  Sometimes, it seems the AED lesson of the late David H. Lewis isn't worth the ink:  yet it killed a Proven Knower, Jim Little, and ultimately himself! I want everybody to LEARN how to use these Righteous Powers, Holy Authorities and Sacred Abilities ... but that is NOT a license to become brain-dead about the RESPONSIBILITIES!  I wish everybody were as cognizant about these things as you are.  It's imperative that each Akurian LEARN the basics, beginning with Holy Law, then the energies, the Elements, the Entities, the Planes, the Depths, and HOW TO DISCERN.  It's very easy to blast-off half-cocked with insufficient information and first-hand experience - and every 'their' agenda jackass does EXACTLY that, every time - and NEVER learns a damned thing from the sure and certain disaster. We have Akurians that some deem 'behind the curve' because they don't fall all over themselves to instantly on-off switch to deliver as the idiot elements (Yes, we have those in Corps too) prefer; but those Akurians are not only growing in Spirit themselves, they are NOT prone to blaze-away incoherently ... all are STILL learning and ALWAYS WILL BE ... and they have RANK because they can handle the RESPONSIBILITIES of those Command Offices!  When they apply The Powers to their own situations, they are fully aware of WHO/WHAT the target is and WHY, and do NOT create massive/global disasters thinking the rest of us will bail them out simply because their stupidity got out of control.  Idiot Elements to that, RESPONSIBLE Akurians do not! Once Supreme Staff Command (SSC) has set an agenda, selected (a/the) target(s) and presented an Invocation of Testimony, each and every TRUE Akurian can perform that Invocation as often as they wish, AS LONG AS IT REMAINS UNCHANGED without any personal 'agenda' additions or deletions!  Akurians can also RE-WRITE any Invocation of Testimony ... following the examples presented ... AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT A CONFLICT WITH THE SSC DETERMINATIONS!  In short, the jackasses will attempt to modify the PRIME Invocation of Testimony to apply its firepower to 'their' crackpot schemes - and then wonder why their's fail en'toto and the PRIME under-performs!  When THAT happens, you can damned well bet the other PKs and myself unload hell itself on the perpetrator(s). I hope this makes things a little more clear.  As you grow into BEING a Proven Knower and adapting to having a soul, you will see the WISDOM of my answer and be able to apply it when it's YOUR turn to teach those who enter this Holy Order under your charge. RINOs, DINOs, IINOs ... THROW ALL THE BASTARDS OUT! That Damned Akurian, General Bobby Farrell Where's the Birth Certificate? Where's the Constitution? Where are our Elected Officials? At 08:22 PM 9/5/2011 Monday, you wrote: Hey General can you please explain when it would and wouldn't be ok to use the invocations that were learning. Don't want to make same mistake again by not understanding. Answer to: When should I use invocations