From: Kitty Malone Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 6:30 AM Subject: 3D image blast technique spelled out 3D IMAGE BULLET BLASTS TECHNIQUE BACKGROUND INFORMATION: First, we all know the difference between belief and knowledge. Now, what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Wisdom is knowledge with understanding. So here it is: Understanding the construction of our belly balls, or spirit manifestations. We also know that in Angelic, the language of the planes of Heaven, that color, form and motion are just as much an integral part of the communication as the words themselves. When we make a spirit manifestation, we make it in a specific color sequence, the same every time. Why is that? Because we're following the natural sequence of the Elements from creation of something to its manifestation. We all know that too. But what do those colors mean? For our purposes here, Blue, the color representation for the Great Element of Air, means TRUTH. Everybody's heard the phrase "true blue." Well, it came from somewhere. . . When we picture that blue, we command Air "to give life and motion" and thus we've begun our creation. And we know it's TRUTH, or how could we stand before the Most High, the Seraphim and Cherubim as witnesses and get the results we get? (FYI: To all neophytes -- when you develop clairvoyance and actually start seeing the colors of things -- and you will if you trust the process and keep practicing -- you'll see that a lie is nothing even close to a true blue! A blatant verbal lie is closer to the color of a cross between moldy pea green soup and a dirty diaper wipe . . ..) Next, we call Red and command the Great Element of Fire to expand our spirit manifestation, or our creation. So Red in this case is the color of activity. And when we lay that Red color right in on top of and blend it with our Blue, we have Purple. AHA! The color of Earth! And no, we're not jumping the gun, so wait for it . . . Now we all know that Red and Blue make Purple. Then we add White, commanding the Great Element of Water to make direction and control for our spirit manifestation. Now White, as we know, or should know, is the blending of all colors together. And we use White light for a whole lot of different things. It can mean protection, illumination, sometimes healing, any number of things, and more determined by the particular application or companion components than by its own specific presence. So adding White to our Belly Ball, we get both illumination and protection, and now the color of our Belly Ball is a light lavender, or lilac color, gleaming, of course -- really quite beautiful. And last we call up Purple, commanding the Great Element of Earth to make manifest and permanence for our spirit manifestation. Purple is the color of transmutation, transformation, or change, which is what we're making with our spirit manifestation, whatever else we command of it. Purple is also the color of final responsibility, which is the reason it was designated for royalty. So adding another very clear Purple into our gleaming lavender Belly Ball, we have a spirit manifestation that looks like a glowing light-filled amethyst. Ready to load with black fire, sun link, all manner of our righteous intent. So here's the nugget of understanding: Because we have a double shot of Purple, we are guaranteeing a manifestation! How quickly, accurately and profoundly depends upon our ability to visualize the same thing (our intent), all together now. Okay. Our experiment in application with this new information: To see the same thing from a particular vantage point, the cardinal positions (E,S,W,N), as though we were looking at a 3D solid image. We took Eric Holder, who should be in prison for all his crimes, and put him there. The specific image was to see him in an isolation cell (solitary confinement). The cell was facing South, so the Akurian in the South would see a very clear image of his face peering out the little window of a battleship gray solid cell door. The Akurian in the East was to see his left profile in his confinement, the West his right profile and the North was looking at the back of his little pin head, as he looks out that tiny window. All views of the same image. Here the one leading the invocation breaks off to go get a black fire sunlink, everyone else hold tight to the 3D image. With practice, we should all be able to see when that BF sunlink is attached -- the Belly Ball suddenly catches fire, and the flames are a blue-black, like indigo color, not hampering the vision at all, but enhancing it! Then we invoke, in bullet blast style (single sentence, ten words or less) as many times as it takes to feel the image gel and begin to harden, or jumpstart the manifestation. "ERIC HOLDER IN PRISON FOREVER!" Once we have a good, solid feel on it, we take the spirit manifestation to a designated center point (this one was Washington DC) and expand it outward to the size that will cover the entire area that we want to influence (in this case the entire USA, so we got some ocean too, since DC was the centerpoint). Bringing it down from Hasannah, with all the energies, forces, powers and authorities of each plane as it goes, getting more and more solid as we reach the Earth Plane, we slam it into position, then go ahead and stretch it down to attach it to the concentric center of the Earth, to the very middle of the axis, right in the middle of the molten core. And then bind it there forever, of course not neglecting the BF sunlink. . . And that is what we call "grounded." So that rotten, lying, vile, degenerate, soulless communist sumbitch goes nowhere but straight to prison. Forever. Finish with "As it is spoken, so it is done." Now, since we did this one time a week or so ago, there has been absolutely NO news coverage of Eric Holder or the Fast and Furious investigation, other than a Newsmax report that Chuck Grassley (Senator from Iowa heading up the investigation) is calling for Holder's "head to roll," and the number of reps. in line with that has gone from 17 to 28. And that's the last I've been able to find. So let it be known that sometimes one of our handprints can be recognized as much by a complete lack of available information as it can by a full report. Goddamn lying socialist media is to blame for that one . . .. In conclusion, with some practice, we should be able to run this invocation or some version of it in a couple of minutes, which leaves us time to do several a night, or one good one with a longer invocation. From here we take up Pete's suggestion and Bobby's decision to start the attack on multi-fronts. We may want to go back to everyone seeing the same frontal view from all sides; that part has yet to be proven out. Please report any handprints you might run across so we'll know better how to proceed, because success is measured only one way -- RESULTS. Celah, Kitty, The Akurian Fury The Main Stream Media is COMMUNIST! Proof? Observe their 'coverage' just don't be stupid enough to believe one word of it. 1