RAIN 20 June 2011 - 18 Sivan 5771 We need rain in the entire Southwest United States. Southern California to East Texas at the Gulf of Mexico and North to the California-Oregon border. RAIN. HAARP is doing its damnedest to hammer all Akurians … and going overboard to get at me and the General Staff stationed here. Excellent, now we know WHO the enemy is! They had to shut down the Alaska HAARP until repairs and modifications are completed. The Australian HAARP near Carnarvon, Australia is down for the count … a major blow to the OWG's plans for the Mid-West, New Madrid Fault. We were being hammered with the British HAARP at Tidwell, near Stonehenge in Southwest England, as we're about halfway between the two- at least electrically – and they aren't working as precision as they used to – since I set all the damned things into feedback mode. So, the process is simple. We work on the EARTH Plane. Designated Center Point is Albuquerque. It stretches 800 miles in all directions, westward into the Pacific, eastward into the Gulf of Mexico, North to the Canadian border and hell only knows how much of Mexico on the South. We make a HUGE low-pressure system – spinning counter-clockwise. It's a Paws Up and "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" Then we charge it with AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH – until it gels. "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Fire Girls, select a Third (if available) to stabilize the downfall of RAIN! Chylon, Kitty set the Center Point and begin the counter-clockwise spin! Chant with us if you want, just keep the tip of that funnel on Albuquerque, the downtown Pyramid Hotel is the actually mark. Everybody else, link up and form the Blast Circle. Extend your hands; We're drawing all RAIN energies from every place else it exists. There are about 300 rain storms at any given time around the world – drain them all. Akurians, everybody ready! Fire Girls, start your rotation of the Low Pressure System. On my command: PAWS UP! 1 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 2 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 3 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 4 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 5 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 6 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 7 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 8 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 9 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 10 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 11 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area. 12 "NEW ENERGY-RAIN" "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH" Fire Girls, cease your rotation, leaving the Low Pressure System to continue. Akurians stand down.