NEW RAIN 30 July 2011 = 28 Tamuz 5771         We need rain in the entire Southwest United States.  Southern California to East Texas at the Gulf of Mexico and North to the California-Oregon border.         RAIN.         So, the process is simple.         We work on the EARTH Plane.         Designated Center Point is Albuquerque.         We want to change the current weather pattern to a Storm Front Wall out of the Pacific moving East  from the Canadian Border to the Mexican Border.         It's a Paws Up as for Neutrinos; invoke, "NEW ENERGY-RAIN"         Then we charge it with AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH  until it gels.          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN"         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH"         Akurians, select a Third (if available) to stabilize the downfall of RAIN!         A Storm Front Wall out of the Pacific moving East  from the Canadian Border to the Mexican Border!  Chant with us if you want, just keep the tip of that funnel on Albuquerque, the downtown Pyramid Hotel is the actually mark.         Everybody else, link up and form the Blast Circle.         Extend your hands;         We're drawing all RAIN energies from every place else it exists.  There are about 300 rain storms at any given time around the world  drain them all.         Akurians, everybody ready!         Break to disburse Energy into the Low Pressure Area.         Akurians, start your Storm Front Wall out of the Pacific moving East  from the Canadian Border to the Mexican Border.         On my command: 1        "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 2       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 3       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 4       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 5       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 6       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 7       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 8       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 9       "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 10      "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 11      "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK" 12      "PAWS UP!          "NEW ENERGY-RAIN         "AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH          "BREAK"         Akurians, cease, leaving your Storm Front Wall out of the Pacific moving East  from the Canadian Border to the Mexican Border. Akurians stand down. The Main Stream Media is COMMUNIST! Proof?   Observe their 'coverage' just don't be stupid enough to believe one word of it.