Introduction This book contains a compilation of the Questions and Answers taken from The Akurians Bulletin Board. “HELLO & Frequently Asked Questions” to give visitors answers to their questions and a way to interact with the internet community. The Query is in its original text form and grammar. The Akurian Response has been contributed by various Akurians that have helped to answers questions. If you happen to find any errors in the text please feel free to send your findings to We greatly appreciated you help and contribution to this compilation. When sending any comments or additions/corrections, please include the Query and page number together with your comment/suggestion to help address the appropriate item. Query What is the meaning of the Muslim Qur'an? i just wanted to know because there's a lot of pretty much "anyone who doesn't believe this should die". But iv spoke with Muslims and they said that's NOT what its about at all. I'm admitting i don't know much about the Muslim religion btw. And there's no way it can be as simple as "Muslims wanna kill everyone who doesn't think like them". I am thinking of reading the Qua'ran so i can understand the meaning myself, so i actually know so please tell me... what is the meaning? is it to serve allah? to kill infidels? or are the terrorist that claim to be muslims a bad stereotype for other muslims? I wanna say I don’t mean to offend anyone and I was a little hesitant to ask this over the net but id rather know instead of being "that guy" that’s a complete idiot pretending to know all Akurian Response Read the Koran so you will KNOW for yourself what it contains and just how Islam is in disobedience with respect to Holy Law. You're also sure to find the necessity of reading the Hadiths which are also an abomination to all The Most High REQUIRES! Query I see this question a lot on Yahoo Answers. Do you believe in god? What do the Akurians have to say? Akurian Response No 'belief' required. The Most High exists and will testify to this Holy and Righteous TRUTH to any sincere seeking person. ALL the instructions to obtain the Great Testimony are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Christians: It is a shame that judgmental Christians ruin everything for people? I have so so so many friends who would love to give church a try, but they are scared of people judging them. Its ashame. I even know many atheist who would love to give it a try, but they know once they open that door the judging begins. I try my best to tell them, look at me. I try my best not to judge and I treat everyone really friendly. I try my best to tell them just to keep their head up and not let those Christians get to them. And it is stupid that they judge because all they are doing is pushing more people away from Christ. They are the ones that are ruining Christianity. Am I right? I know the judging is going on, but I just go into church and think to myself its me and you Lord. Like I try not to let it get to me. Akurian Response People make decisions and that IS judgment! Giving "church" a try? No one in their right mind should want to attend ANY Hallelujah Half-Wit church. There is not ONE Hallelujah Half-Wit church in compliance with Holy Law as The Most High REQUIRES! The whole idea, however, is people are searching for Truth, All The Truth, and ONLY The Truth! Something they will NEVER find in ANY Hallelujah Half-Wit one. Regarding the aspect of Judgment - it's simple. Don't judge what you don't KNOW! You can and MUST what you do! Query Will atheists and theists ever just get along and respect each others beliefs. What do the Akurians have to say about this? Akurian Response The problem with Atheists is the same as the Hallelujah Half-Wits - they BOTH 'believe'! Neither KNOW and have KNOWLEDGE! Query Is the atheistic goal to draw young, unsure Christians away from GOD? I see a lot of fibbing going on in this forum regarding things like the "theory" of evolution, biologics, etc. Is it happening just to pull young, vulnerable Christians away from GOD? Lying for atheistic theory is still lying, people. GOD bless you- Akurian Response It is possible that is the goal of some atheists. However, most of the time it seems like the goal is to reject Hallelujah Half-Wits and their idiocy. The problem with atheism is it still is based on 'belief'. They don't 'believe' in God; they don't KNOW! Not KNOWING is a problem on either end of the spectrum. Query How do we know that the count of days (and hence the Sabbath) is accurate? During the Flood, the skies were dark as night and full of rain for many days. What if Noah's family lost track of the days? Maybe we're celebrating the Sabbath on the wrong day, because the count of days since the creation is wrong. That would explain a lot! Akurian Response Good question! There is a lot of conflict over the years and the implementation of calendars such as the Gregorian from the Julian in George Washington's time. There is also some concern that we may be off some time due to the seconds that should be added eventually over the hundreds of years that it takes to accumulate. The Hebrew Calendar is still accurate according to The Most High. Sabbath is Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown. Those VIOLATE it are out of compliance with Holy Law and their prayers are ignored by The Most Him. Query Can creationists kindly explain ..... How Genesis fits with the law of fossil succession? Explain how each one of the things on the chart here started at a specific layer and doesn't appear in older layers. I'm particularly interested in the flowering plants not showing in any layer older than the Jurassic. Akurian Response Hallelujah Half-Wits cannot begin to fathom anything of viability with respect to the question because of their programming and manipulations and 'belief' and 'faith'. Query What gives meaning to life in heaven ? It seems like if it were all perfect with no sadness or troubles there would be no meaning to it at all. It would maybe be cool for a few years, but after millions of millions of years it would get old, and seems more like torture. Akurian Response If the reader would take the time and READ The Protocols to All Living Souls, one VERY interesting thing is The Most High's explanation of the time BEFORE he created anything. He says that NONE can comprehend the time. Creation as big as we can fathom is bigger - MUCH bigger. There are many parts, realms, dimensions, heavens, and hells to study and learn the mysteries of them. Query Question for my fellow Christians Would you attend a church where sometimes you don't really agree with them, but the people there are very sincere, loving, helpful, and understanding and love the Lord very very much. What if you lived in a very small town or a predominantly Catholic town, where there weren't many churches at all, so you really didn't have much of a choice. Would you just choose to stay out of the church or would you go so you could have fellowship? Ok. Guys. I never said I was thinking about going to a Catholic church. I would never do that. I am saying that there are not many Christian churches in this town and the one that I am currently going to is Charismatic and I have a hard time with the charismatics. But the people in this church are phenomenal. That’s the predicament. Akurian Response Many people do such. The problem is IF the preacher is not in compliance with Holy Law and the congregation does NOTHING about it, the congregation is just as guilty of perpetrating the abomination! Query If God really exists...... Why would he make people who don't believe in him smarter than those that do? Akurian Response The answer to this question is wonderfully explained in Chapter One of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! particularly in the Protocols To All Living Souls. Query What does the Bible say about hypocrites? What do the Akurians have to say about this issue. Akurian Response There's enough in the Bible about the subject. From an Akurian perspective - Hallelujah Half-Wits don't see their own hypocrisy and there aren't good enough words to explain how appalling it actually is. The Most High does an exquisite job of it though in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Why is Sinning so BAD? I feel HORRIBLE for asking this, because I'm christian; and I used to have bad anger, lust, and selfishness problems… and I have a twin brother who is real lustful, gets drunk pretty often… but why are those Sins so bad?? What makes them wrong from an atheists view?? Akurian Response There are many things Hallelujah Half-Wits consider as sin that are not. They're nothing more than things used to manipulate, program, and control people. Suggestion - take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! And find out what The Most High has to say about the subject. Query Do you believe in Miracles? What do the Akurians think about this question? Akurian Response No 'belief' required. Anyone who wants to LEARN can do so! Big Clue - they will not happen on 'belief'. The building blocks for the How-To are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Why cannot Luke and Matthew ever get their stories straight? Luke wrote that Jairus (the ruler of a synagogue) came to Jesus to ask him to heal his daughter, who was sick and about to die. But Matthew wrote that Jairus told Jesus that his daughter was dead and asked him to resurrect her. Luke wrote: Jairus said “my daughter is sick, she will die” “And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus’ feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: For he had one only daughter … and she lay a dying.” (Luke 8:41-42 RSV) Matthew wrote: Jairus said “my daughter just died” “… a synagogue official came and bowed down before Him, and said, ‘ My daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live {shall rise from the dead}.’ ” (Matthew 9:18 NASB) Again, which is lying? Akurian Response The reason they can't get their stories straight: They're ALL contaminated with Lie, Change, and Abomination! Query If you were finally convinced by evidence that your religion is false..... Would you…? a. Resort to Judaism b. Resort to atheism c. Remain Christian d. Turn agnostic e. other (please specify) Akurian response Religion the way it is practiced by Judaism, Catholic/Christianity, Islam is False. The choices are jackassed and idiotic. Query If you believe that one is not saved by works..... I have had so many people tell me that in order to be saved you HAVE to be baptized. For the record I am a Christian and I have been baptized. However, Jesus tells us that in order to be saved you must "confess with your mouth and believe in your heart." I think it is legalistic to say that someone absolutely has to be baptized in order to be saved. Its like the Sadducees and Pharisees saying that someone has to be circumcised. In the NT Jesus was spreading the message that one did not have to be circumcised anymore to be saved, logically why would Jesus say that but then make the assertion that you HAVE to be baptized to be saved? That absolutely does not make sense. Then what do you have to say about this? Akurian Response Christians have no idea what is required to be saved. If they did, things would certainly be different. The Sadducees and Pharisees were in VIOLATION of Holy Law and had been so for many years - even prior to Immanuel, whom the pagans refer to as 'jesus'. Query What is the best way to mock Jesus? What is the best way to mock Jesus? Akurians response The letter 'J' didn't exist until 1349 - the word itself is a mockery. Query Question: The significance of Abraham? The significance of Abraham? Theology Essay Prize 2009 Evaluate the significance of Abraham This essay competition is offered by Heythrop College, the specialist Philosophy and Theology College of the University of London. The competition is open to all those studying for any AS and A2 level examinations (or the equivalent i.e. IB) and who are not aged over 19 on 31st March 2009. Been working on this essay for the last few days and struggling to find good sources of information to make the essay more intellectual and indepth. I would greatly appreciate any ideas or points which would aid me in writing this essay and/or any reading material which may help my essay to be more interesting and/or source supported. Looking forward to support from all you theologians and philosophers out there or indeed anyone and everyone who has a few ideas. Thanks. Akurian Response There is a lot of EXCELLENT information out there. It doesn't look like you've got a lot of time to research it all through. Abraham, had the two sons - Ishmael firstborn, but not of the right wife and Isaac the right wife. The struggles in the mideast have a great deal to do with the lineages of Abraham's two sons. Abraham is disgusted with the abominations that have been perpetrated by his generations. (See The Briefings) Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! for more detailed information when you want to get a better handle on the information for its Holy Righteousness. Query Why do the left fear Rush? He's an entertainer but they all freak out about what he says! Is it the truth that they fear… Akurian Response Rush gives room for the perfect polarity. It's the game of divide and get the money. Query Do you see Barack Hussein Obama as being arrogant? Additional Details: By the way, "Barack Hussein Obama" is the name he was sworn-in with!! Akurian Response Whether or not he is arrogant, he and the people who voted for him have voted for an abomination! Query Question: how to be a clairvoyant? Please give me some instructions and steps on how to be a clairvoyant……. I need this… give some preparation and styles also… tnx.. Akurian Response Read chapter one of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! The Instructions are there for you to start learning clairvoyance with a test that you can do immediately if you follow the instructions Query Hey guys please help me out!? Hey guys, I am supposed to teach a Catechism class of about 30 students! The theme is expressing yourselves! I was wondering if you guys could suggest some activities or things I could make them do to convey this message! Its my first time teaching so please pray for me and do suggest something creative! I am a Roman Catholic! And the teachers guide just says teach students how to better express themselves but I was wondering how I can bring God into the picture! Any ideas? Thanks so much Akurian Response It won't do any good to suggest to read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! will it? If you want to do something that is excellent - have them ALL start to write down the 613 Laws for themselves! Not only is it required by Holy Law, but it is also an amazing and wonderful experience to do. Then after all the laws are written, have them figure out the ways they see the laws working or not working in their lives. There are many laws that are not being kept and is the reason things are getting worse. When they see the laws that aren't being kept for themselves, hopefully they will repent, our world might just become a wonderful place to live. BTW - when you (hopefully you'll do the same) and they finish, you won't be able to put up with so much of the religious bull that is so part of things today. Query What's your opinion about reincarnation and past lives? Akurian Response It takes KNOWLEDGE and SKILL to find out about your past lives! They can be learned and developed. Elijah = John the Baptist! It matters not what any 'believe' about such. It is so. Query please help me, religous advice? How do I convince my scientifically devoted friend that christianity is real and not a joke. He wants physical evidence, but all I have is a testimony and faith… Akurian Response Unless your way of life is a Righteous and Obedient one (in full compliance with respect to Holy Law), you're not going to have much fortune; neither does anyone else. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation ALWAYS required Obedience to His Holy Laws. The problem is 'belief', 'faith', 'hope', 'prayer', and 'jesus' are flawed. The Most High is a God that changes not and doesn't lie. Just because many of these things have been done for 2000+ centuries doesn't make them what He would want. He doesn't and that is why things are getting worse in our world. Physical Evidence! Take the Proof of The Great Testimony! It can be found in Chapter 42 of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! http://www.theanointedtheelectandthedamn... Make no mistake. Once you take the Proof - you no longer believe. You KNOW! Query How do you know that you believe? Do you feel that you know? Proverbs 14:12 There is a road that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death. Do you know in your heart of hearts? Jeremiah 17:9 For the heart is wicked above all things beyond understanding. What does the Scriptures say about this? Read 2 Corinthians 13:5 until your eyes bleed. Akurian Response Take the Proof of The Great Testimony and you will KNOW! Christians are Hallelujah Half-Wits - they will not think and put together Righteous and Holy TRUTHS as The Most High ALWAYS required and as a result the damnations are on their own heads! It is not going to be belief, faith, hope, prayers and jesus that are going to rescue this condemned world we live in. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation is not going to hear them let alone bless any of their ungodly actions! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience and there are NONE hallelujah half-wit churches in compliance with Holy Law. NONE! So…. The TRUTH which you can test in your own soul will probably get this profile deleted! And, in the day, when you all will scream for "What to do?" you'll wish you left the information in tact! The Akurians Query Only "true Christians" go to heaven? We seem to have a lot of extremist Christian nutcases on here today saying that only true-believer Christians who accept Jesus as their saviour will go to heaven and that everyone else will go to hell. So I just want to clear up a few questions: 1 - Around 70% of humanity is non-Christian. Will they all be tortured forever in hell? 2 - Of the 30% who are nominally Christian, a huge proportion aren't actually religious, don't to church, pray etc. Will they all be tortured forever in hell? 3 - Why do you describe your god as "loving, forgiving and merciful" when he has built the most horrendous torture chamber imaginable? 4 - For the more rational Christians, can you see how much damage these people do to your religion? Akurian Response Most Christians, errrrrrr Hallelujah Half-Wits are in for quite the shock! The Most High does not require 'belief' and 'faith'; He requires Knowledge and Obedience! Query Were religions ever meant to be taken literally? What do they Akurians have to say about this? Akurian Response The answer is yes and no. Yes is IF the religion is carried out in accordance with Holy Law. It was meant, intended, and required of us as Humans to be a Holy People unto The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation. The No - NONE as in Catholic/Christian, Islam, or Judaism is in compliance with it as The Most High directs and requires. For those who desire to KNOW, Holy Law is contained in the first five books of the Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers. And, one of the REQUIREMENTS of Holy Law is to write your own copy of it. For those who do write their own copy, it's an INCREDIBLE experience. Query Do you feel you've accomplished something When you pose a critical question to the religious...? ...and they can't answer, so only skeptics reply. I have to admit, after asking my last question, I feel like I'm the sh*t. Akurian Response They can't answer questions because they lack the most important REQUIREMENT - Knowledge! Query If we evolved from slime/primordial soup, what impact does this have on what is right and wrong? Akurian Response This looks like one of those jackassed questions that comes up every once in a while on yahoo answers. Hallelujah Half-Wits would very likely be shocked at some of the answers the idiots would provide. Query Why do Christians point at flaws of others, but not look at their own flaws? Akurian Response Unfortunately Hallelujah Half-Wits aren't the only ones with the problem. But, Hallelujah Half-Wits are deliberately manipulated and programmed into 'believing' and 'faithing' in lots of things that do not make sense. So a short answer is they are stupid. Query Christians do you believe the world is coming to an end? If so, are things getting worst in your own life or are you just looking at news stories? For example are you better off financially than you were last year? Etc Akurian Response It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look around and see end of the world events. Plant, Animals, Supposed Natural Disasters, Disease leading to death, et cetera is all part of the end of the world prophecies. The Akurians aren't limited to looking at the news and people all over the world are still struggling no matter what the news reports are. The tragedy is these things are ALL the results of Violation of Holy Law without exception! Query Why do most people think Christians are brainwashed? I've been raised a Christian my whole life and can honestly say my religion makes sense. It doesn't seem like I'm in a cult or brainwashed. So, why do some people think that Christians are brainwashed? Akurian Response Hallelujah Half-Wits err Christians are brainwashed. The person who wrote this question is a prime example of it. An honest look at Christianity will PROVE the brainwashing. This person hasn't honestly looked at it. For example, Hallelujah Half-Wits think, and are taught, that God is a God that won't Change or Lie. Yet, when they are put to the test of which day is the Sabbath, most I've met say Sunday. Even if they say another day, most Hallelujah Half-Wits still TREAT Sunday as Sabbath. The Sabbath was, is, and going to be Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown. So if God didn't CHANGE the Sabbath, somebody got it changed in DIRECT violation of Holy Law and Hallelujah Half-Wits will not recognize this ABSOLUTE Truth! They're brainwashed about this Holy and Righteous TRUTH! And this isn't the ONLY example. Watcher - if you'll look at the information on the Akurian web sites, you're sure to find many more examples of How Christians are brainwashed and why we call/refer to them as Hallelujah Half-Wits. Query Where are we in the prophecy of Revelation? And what about the corresponding scripture in Daniel and Ezekiel? Akurian Response Most Hallelujah Half-Wits cannot put much together rightfully from the bible. It would help to have a handle on specifics of what the questioner is referring to in Daniel and Ezekiel to answer this question more effectively. Query So I have a roommate who's super spiritual? Who doesn't work and really never has, and habitually uses his churches for free rent money, tons of free food, rides everywhere, and lots of attention. He also uses all my crap without asking like my laptop, and gave my phone number out to like 10 different people even though we're only going to know each other for a week. He's praying and singing praise songs to himself outside my door. When we're all trying to sleep. We're all in our 20's and the rest of us work and go through school. Would this bother anyone else? I'm already agnostic and think people who are religious are generally egomaniacal, deluded, and have trouble gripping/adapting to reality. He's still praying out loud I think in some indirect effort to let me hear (kind of like how they'll turn up their Christian music thinking it'll do something). What would you do? Akurian Response That must be quite the situation for whoever has to put up with an idiot like this! It certainly would bother me to put up with such a fool. Whoever has this situation needs to clamp down on these things and put a stop to the jackassing. Query How do you think the world will end? how do you think it will happen and when Akurian Response Anyone who will LOOK at the world around them can see the ending is close and happening under our noses. There's a lot of death with birds, fish, octopuses, bees, etc. There's a lot of so-called natural disasters. Then there's a lot of illnesses - cancers, heart, respiratory, et cetera killing people. Much of what is happening is due to Violations of Holy Law - just like The Most High said would happen. Take a look at Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. Query Where can I find???? please could you tell me a website with powerful magic and truth(its hard to explain). i thought that maybe if i just ask i will find thank-you Akurian Response There is a lot of excellent information in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! that has powerful "magic" and TRUTH in it! Additionally it has all the building blocks to keep people out of trouble IF they will think. Query Have you ever backslid.... you ever backslid from Christianity and Jesus brought you back? Are you trying to come back? Akurian Response Most Hallelujah Half-Wits would call Akurians who've been Christians, backsliders. However, Akurians have woken up to the TRUTH and can see through the bull in the New Testament - which is mostly a con-game at best and ABJECT ABOMINATION at worst. 1. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349 which means everything in the Bible that has a 'j' in it is a change - something that was added to or subtracted from TRUTH. 2. The prophecy most Hallelujah Half-Wits use is Isaiah 7:14 - the name is Immanuel. 3. Immanuel NEVER knew, heard, responded to Jesus during his lifetime because it wasn't, isn't, or going to become his name. 4. Immanuel NEVER did respond to Immanuel then, doesn't now, or isn't going to respond to 'jesus'. 5. The words 'jesus christ' originally were a TITLE, not a name. Akurians recognize that Immanuel was the Anointed of his Generation and his Generation ONLY. We understand the job that Immanuel paid the price for which is access into and out from the Kingdoms of Heaven this side of dying - yes it is possible now (See II Corinthians 12:1-4)! All instructions are contained in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Chapter 41 – Astral Projection Query Here's another one..... Can a man read and study the Bible on his own and come up with an understanding such as the Trinity? Can a mere man understand the Bible well enough on his own, without the use of publications written by other men with their ideals and concepts or any organizational religion interpreting the Bible for you. When I speak of a Bible, I am meaning a scholarly approved Bible such as the KJV, NIV, NASB and others. Akurian Response Can a man read and study the Bible on his own and come up with an understanding such as the Trinity? The doctrine of the trinity came about as a result of the Council of Nicea. It didn't exist prior. Then through the idiotic and deliberate manipulations and programming’s of the Roman Catholic Church, The Babylonian Harlot at Rome, and ALL her Hallelujah Half-Wit err Christian daughters, the abomination of the teaching has been perpetuated. Even so, anyone who will READ The Bible for themselves, can't put the idea of the Trinity together without that programmed help. Can a mere man understand the Bible well enough on his own, without the use of publications written by other men with their ideals and concepts or any organizational religion interpreting the Bible for you. Were people to read their Bibles without ANYTHING additional by or from any organizational input, they would be better off and would be able to make more sense of the information. When I speak of a Bible, I am meaning a scholarly approved Bible such as the KJV, NIV, NASB and others. To be sure, some versions are better than others. And, it is ALWAYS a good idea to look at more than one version to get a handle on something. There is a tool, available free online, called e-sword. It's available at Download it and all the free Bibles available. There is one particular version of the King James that also has a concordance built in. It's an excellent tool for study and research. Query was it the archangel michael who cast down the flamming sword banning adam and eve from the garden of eden forever or was it god himself? Akurian Response So many things from the bible are DAMNED LIES whether by deliberate misinterpretation of the original words or the programmed bull spewed from Preachers, Priests, Ministers for millennia! If you can get inside the TRUTH that Humans were created by the Nefilim (sometimes spelled Nephilim), then you'd be able to put it together that it was the Nefilim who did the dirty deed. There's some EXCELLENT information on our Akurian Websites about the Order and Order of Angels that you might find interesting reading. See Zecharia Sitchin spent a lifetime getting the information about the Nefilim into English and his books are EXCELLENT and most likely, available in libraries. Take the time and read them - Stairway to Heaven, The 12th Planet, and Genesis Revisited are EXCELLENT books to begin understanding Nefilim. Query My life and aspergers. Wanting to make a change with God? Hi I'm 27 and have aspergers syndrome. It has effected my life heavily, jobs etc; especially with woman. I've failed so many times and I want to make a change. I want God to change me. Before I dated woman and was engaged twice just to say I have someone. All my friends are now off and married and I'm basically by myself with my parents. I hold some resentment towards them for over coddling me because of my 'syndrome' and ever since my brothers death at 22 in 2007 (maybe god gave him a break, the easy way out) their coddling has gotten worse. I want Gods best for my life. I have so much in me thats trapped inside. Its basically a social problem, not knowing social cues and how to make friends etc. I don't know how to start or even what God wants. I know I want a family one day, I know I want a good job, be a normal person. I'm willing to meet God at step 1. But I know I must see doctors specializing in this asperger syndrome as well. I'm just terrified is all. and my disease makes me scared of God too, like he's another obstacle. I don't like that. I love him with all my heart and want him to bring me my life in his timing. I turn 28 January 30th. Somehow I feel i'm too old to start anew, to find that job, marry, have kids, go back to school etc. I know I need to pray more. I can't meet woman at my church because I've known them my whole life and its like a friend thing ya know. There good friends but most of them are married and know me to well. I want to grow in spirituality and have god lead me but for those of you without asperger you don't know how STRONG of a syndrome it actually is. I've even contemplated suicide. 1. All I know now is I need to seek God and have him transform me. For that all I know how to do is pray and ask for gods help. Nothing theatrical. 2. Go and finish school and seek help in finding that job. Gods given me an interest and talent with writing. 3. Seek a doctors help 4. I don't know what else. Plus woman terrify me. I've been through so much that I see them as evil. Last night I prayed and my longings that make me me grew peaceful and mature. But sometimes I ask god to strip me of everything and just make me satisfied and happy with the bare minimum. He isn't doing that. My grandfather has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He’s my last real link, next to my parents, to what I’ve known and its hard on my parents. Where trying to find a nursing home for him and, since my car broke down, they have taken the only car and I'm stuck at the house most days, going out at night. That isn't life. Didn't god say "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you a future and a hope". What I'm going through now isn't living, it isn't a life nor gods plans for me. I've messed up so many times and screwed things up. I just don't want to miss the boat. At 27(almost 28) I feel as though I have. And I just want to tell god I love him but that I'm still human, until I come to his kingdom, and humans need also human things as well as God. But I love god with all my heart. Behind everything I love the lord with all my heart. I just don't know what is keeping him. I feel like 10,000 Johbs. Guess I'm just venting here. Akurian Response One thing this person needs to do is realize that The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation is not a SERVANT. Some of what he want is out of order. He needs to make the room for the changes in himself and stick to them. The Most High does not give people jobs to do so they can sit around and wait for Him to do it for them. Now for all his wants, prayers, desires, et cetera, he's going to have to undo a lot of programming. It never takes very much for any of the Akurians to recognize the Hallelujah Half-Wit degrees of it and this question/dialog is no exception. If he is as sincere as he seems to be in his spiritual search for TRUTH, it will serve him well to read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Assuming the following are sins, which one is the worst? Abortion, premarital sex, homosexuality? Or is there one you consider the worst, excluding other forms of murder. Akurian Response According to The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation it is Blasphemy! However, ALL of them have undesirable consequences in That Day! If you'd like a better understanding of how they are all looked at in judgment, READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! BTW - most people don't have a clue as to the TRUTH of what Blasphemy is all about. If you will take the time and READ The AED, you'll KNOW. Query How religious people read their bibles? I am 100% of those guys that is sure that what is written on the bible is absolutely what the ancient paleolithic tribes of the Levant were meaning, with some exemptions that should be interpreted by historians or archaeologists. But for the religious people that cannot agree if "red" means blue, green or white... what they have on their minds or what they want to hear or just how they read their bibles? I mean is unbelievable irritating how many stupid things they say! Akurian Response There are so many problems with the bible, that to consider it 100% is absolute asininity. So many things can be PROVEN conflicts. Don't know what 'Levant' means or how this person is using it. Query How do I interpret my dreams? Akurian Response Dream Interpretation is something that can be a very worthwhile and interesting thing to do. Very often, Dreams are nothing more than uncontrolled Astral Projections. Astral Projection is explained in Chapter 41 of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Question about reoccurring dreams? I have a constant reocurring dream that either my husband is cheating or my wedding ring is falling apart, like diamonds falling out or pieces breaking off. I know my husband is very faithful and our marriage is great. Is there anyone that knows about dream interpretation that can help me figure out why I have this re-occurring dream and what it may mean? Akurian Response It's hard to interpret this dream by just this information alone. Chances are there is a lot more to the story and we're not resident psychics. We'll teach people how to determine many of these things for themselves by themselves. The best thing for anyone to do is get a SOLID foundation on such matters and the best foundation is to read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! It is free online and contact The Akurians directly if there are any specific questions AFTER reading it. Query Hopelessness + contemplating suicide = being haunted by demons? First of all, I'm 27 yrs. old and I'm socially retarded .I'm socially retarded because I've been an outcast all my life. I'm an outcast because I'm physically unattractive.I don't have any friend, literally none. I dropped out of school around 13 yrs. old and didn't do anything academically ever since. You wanna know what I've been doing all this time, ever since I turned 18? I worked at minimum wage jobs and gamble at SCAMs/online.I worked and quit many jobs because I don't like being around people who gossip.People are judgmental and I’m hypersensitive, the two don't mix. Well I don't have a job anymore beside taking care of my disabled father(had stroke). I'm not religious but I have very religious family members, who keep telling me that I'm going to hell. I've been contemplating suicide for a long time and now I'm being haunted by demons. Seriously, lights turning on and off, strange noises, constant nightmares,,, etc. Last night, I had the worst nightmare including massive heartache and headache. I feel like demons are waiting to drag my soul to hell as soon as I commit suicide. They've been waiting for a long time now and they're tire of waiting. Akurian Response Its amazing the amount of guilt religions will throw at you. My advice would be to avoid religions at all costs. Embrace a righteous life with open arms and know that the "most high" will NEVER project guilt, ever. We have a very sophisticated level of social programming in which we are exposed to from birth, layered with guilt, in which, the "most high" has NOTHING to do with and wants you to fight. We are programmed what we need to look like, what monetary things we must have to be successful and what we are to love, and if we don’t, we deserve to be unhappy. Your mental image of being attacked is something to take serious. Learn how to develop those spiritual energies and attack them head on. There is NO DOUBT, if you’re diligent, you will prevail. The "most high" smiles in victory. You can and will do it if you want. Query This is a question on Yahoo Answers. I'd like to know what the Akurians have to say. Can you prove God is real? Thanks Viking for your answer. However, these questions are all ones that I've seen on various Bulletin Boards by different people. I'd like to know what you Akurians think about them. Akurian Response You can. In a previous post you spoke of being attacked by demons. Do you believe those are real? Can you prove they are real? The answer; between you and the "most high" there is no middle man and it is up to you to "prove" that to yourself. There are detailed instructions in THE ANOINTED, THE ELECT AND THE DAMNED to prove it yourself. Good luck and I believe you can download it online for free. God, The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation does indeed exist! All this can be proven with The Proof of the GREAT Testimony which you can read in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Chapter 42. Here is the link. Query Spiritually speaking: Is it morally wrong for the innocent to suffer? for the mistakes of the guilty all answer are welcome So is it morally wrong for the innocent to suffer -- you're saying yes! As to who's morally responsible, you're saying it's the Levite priesthood first, and then everyone else who doesn't hold them accountable. Well, is it anybody's responsibility to try and alleviate that suffering? What about Karmic debt upon a reincarnated soul? Someone born with an affliction for past life wrongs, for example. And what about the "sins of the fathers" being visited upon their generations? Does that fall upon this generation of the priesthood? And what about Noah's curse upon the Caananites and Cushites? There's a condition in the curses that if anyone try to mollify the curse in any way that they take it upon themselves! Knowing that, why would anybody try to help them at all? And is their suffering -- particularly as small children -- really innocent? So that leads me to ask: At what point, or by what definition is one's "innocence" lost? Especially if we choose our incarnations? Akurian Response It depends on several things... Generally speaking - suffering by an innocent is a testimony AGAINST violators of Holy Law and there are consequences the perpetrators suffer ultimately in judgment in That Day. The priesthood has the responsibility for the well being of the people AND the people have the responsibility to make sure the priesthood does its job. Neither are doing the job effectively. Were it the case they did, there would be no suffering by an innocent. Query Can anyone suggest a good general discussion message board I could join? I am looking for a good general discussion message board? I had thought I found one but was very disappointed with it after joining. Any suggestions would be great. Akurian Response What I can suggest is that you start a good discussion! This is a great discussion board, and there are plenty of folks who visit here willing to discuss anything on your mind, as long as it's not pills and SCAM! So ask a leading question, make an inflammatory statement, select a topic or start one of your own! Go ahead! What would you like to discuss? Politics? You've come to the right place! Religion? Ohhhh . . . TRY ME! You want a discussion? BRING IT! You want to criticize? Pisson ya! You just want to whine? Go somewhere else. Query Christ said it...... at what point do people become "Children of the Light"? What is the particular knowledge or understanding that makes them "Children of the Light?" Akurian Response Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Take the Proof of The Great Testimony! When you're done, you'll know exactly what knowledge and understanding is required. Query Assuming the following are sins, which one is the worst? Abortion, premarital sex, homosexuality? Or is there one you consider the worst, excluding other forms of murder. Akurian Response According to The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation it is Blasphemy! However, ALL of them have undesirable consequences in That Day! If you'd like a better understanding of how they are all looked at in judgment, READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! BTW - most people don't have a clue as to the TRUTH of what Blasphemy is all about. If you will take the time and READ The AED, you'll KNOW. Query My best friend is Athiest....? How do i get her to listen,, to absorb what i'm saying. I want her to believe in christianity. Like me. I want to know that when i die i'll see her again. Please help me figure out how to reach people that are teenagers, and don’t want to hear or listen but desperatly need guidance. Akurian Response Don't try and here's why..... Anything that is based on 'belief' is also something that is not KNOWN or KNOWLEDGE! There is a difference between 'belief' and KNOWLEDGE! You KNOW 2 + 2 = 4 and 'believe' in God. That is THE PROBLEM! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation doesn't want or require 'belief' and 'faith'. He REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience. Take the time and LISTEN to the questions your friend asks of you. She's looking for KNOWLEDGE not 'belief' and that is something you don't have the answers for. If you want to get the KNOWLEDGE, read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you won't 'believe', you'll KNOW! Query Christians, if God is above human comprehension, then how is the bible valid? You frequently say that "God is above our thinking", etc.. and then you precede to define God in a way that you can understand, Doesn't God transcend human logic? Why do put him in a box, that differs depending on denomination? Akurian Response Take the time and read Chapter One of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you will PERSONALLY have a better grasp on what The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation is like. If you take the time and read the whole thing, you'll have a better understanding of the bible and you won't be concerned with denominational views. Query Do we need a universal religion, can it happen? to set aside unnecessary differences that too often result in global conflict and tragedies... We either need a universal religion or no religion at all. Akurian Response We don't need a universal religion, but what is needed is a restoration of Holy Law. Religions are based on 'belief' and 'faith'. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience. Query We don't need a universal religion, but what is needed is a restoration of Holy Law. Religions are based on 'belief' and 'faith'. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience. Akurian Response Because of violations of Holy Law! And, it is going to get MUCH worse. There is a solution, but most won't do it. If you want to KNOW for yourself and have a greater understanding of Why and What to do about it, READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query i prayed... millions of times, but it still hasn't worked....when will it work? i'm becoming delusional Akurian Response Take the time and Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! You'll find out why and what to do about it. Query What is your personal belief of Mary Magdalene? The story told here in Europe is that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and that she was pregnant with the child of Jesus Christ. She fled Israel with Mary to Egypt after the crucifixion of Jesus in fear of of persecution. Her later destination was Les Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer, France, in which she then birthed the only dependent of Jesus. The baby was named "Sarah" - A Hebrew word meaning "Princess." Sarah was described as being very dark complected. This is the story in which I believe in. Reason being is that after I found proof that the church has hidden secrets if Jesus' past I set out on my own to find truth. Although only God know what's truth vs. fiction. Is belief is what sparked the story of the 'Da Vinci Code' To name Mary Magdalene a prostitute was to just degrade her from her true meaning. This story is believed by Catholics and Protestants all over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. But for some reason it is considered a faux story by many American and Asians alike. I'm looking for Christian (Catholic/Protestant) views please. pls. no ignorant/immature answers. Thanks in advance. Additional Details: Hatter: No possible way that she could have been German. She was born in Israel. But many do believe she 'moved to Germany' People belief of her differ between Germany and France. David: No one asked for your opinion on Catholicism. And Catholicism does NOT teach this about Mary Magdalene. The story of Mary Magdalene's secret life came from recovered text in Israel. Get your facts straight. Akurian Response Mary Magdalene was the second wife of Immanuel. They had 3 children Mahari, Sarai, and Terese (The AED Paragraphs 6994-6997) You are absolutely correct regarding many secrets. Take the time and READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! All this and so much more is explained including the exposure of many secrets and spiritual mysteries. You're not God therefore do know nothing about the final destination of ones soul. Query did you know that in an unconditional way i love you? seriously, i dont care what you post, do , have done, come from, are thinking about doing, what you think about me... nothing matters. I love every one of you and i just want you to know that someone out there loves you. Now I expect full rejection on yahoo answers for posting this! just like one historical figure i know. but seriously, unconditionally loved! Akurian Response Has it ever occurred to you The Most High's Love IS Conditional? Query Do you believe in hell? my opinion? I believe in God I am not 100% sure of hell but I think God is a God of love and wouldnt send anyone to eternal suffering, please dont attack me reason my theories for a while, I do believe there is a hell but not a classic version of it, for a few years a God of love would sent you to eternal pain? God IS love (he doesnt holds love) but IS love his escence itself is love and light God is light he is not only a beign that posses light or has maestry over light he IS light itself so he is LOVE and LIGHT, also God condemned the sacrifice of the people on FIRE to the God molech and he said this was OUT OF HIS HEART (or something like that) so God wouldnt do anything out of his heart, ok another thing I consider hell a man made invention (the classic view) is the devil, yes satan, the reason? Ok, here is the thing, satan a beign blessed with one of the highest glories of that time, he having all betrayed God not his father sinned but he himslef he had full responsabilities for his actions, he tried to usurp the throne of God, and what happens? yes he is casted out but he can go out of hell as he wants (to temp Adan and Christ among many ocations) Adam loses his status and then satan becomes prince of the world, keeps his mega reality warping powers and more than a victim is a ruler in hell, on the other hand what about us humans? Adam sinned (not us) yes he got a forbidden fruit but is nothing compared to trying to usurp the throne of God and then we all are send to hell if we dont follow a particular religion and will torture us for eternity as we already struggled in this life while satan is out tempting and holding all that power? I dont think so thats why I dont believe in a particular devil I believe in demons, and I think hell is a place where you see all what you did wrong and it hurts as if you were in FIRE but eventually you return to try again and eventually we will ascend. In any case if traditional hell was real WE would be torturing the demons and satan and no the other way around also, humans become evil much times (not all but much times) for the struggle of the life and difficulties and obstacles and suffering, the devil? THE GUY HAD ALMOS ALL THE OMNIVERSE AT HIS COMMAND AND HE DID WHAT HE DID, thats y I dont believe in a traditional hell and devil, do u really think God would do that? God would never let his children suffer forever (but I think he certainly would allow us to see our mistakes like the hell I described) and if he did (which I dont think so) satan would be the most lowest parasite and slave in hell not the prince of the world and hell and with free acess to heaven to accuse people. God is love and light, and another thing in my view of hell I think is the negativeness of your life that draws your soul to "hell" not God. Akurian Response You make some excellent points. However, Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Descriptions of the Heavens and the Hells are explained along with the instructions on how you can prepare yourself to go look. When you're done, you won't 'believe' in such; you'll KNOW! Query Is blasphemy a victimless crime? Akurian Response Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Throughout blasphemy is explained and the consequences for it. Query What are all the things that Christianity teaches is bad? What are all the things that Christianity teaches is bad, yet the Church has made compromises on? For example, divorce, eating shrimp, etc. Please list all you know. Thanks. Akurian Response Here's a biggie - There is no 'jesus'! 1. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349 2. Immanuel was the Anointed of his generation and his generation ONLY. 3. His name was Immanuel, is, and is going to be. No amount of 'faith' or 'belief' is going to change it. 4. He NEVER heard the name 'jesus' during his lifetime. 5. The prophecy was to be Immanuel Is 7:14 6. The words 'jesus christ' were a title now being treated as a name - meaning at one time it wasn't always the case. How about the violation of the Sabbath 7. The Sabbath is Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown. 8. The word Sunday comes from a word that means star/sun of the morning - another title for Lucifer. Then there's 9. A Cross - an instrument of death. Again no amount of 'belief' or 'faith' will change this fundamental TRUTH. 10. ANY change in Holy Law is unacceptable as all has not passed away. God is a god that will not Lie or Change and there are consequences for violation - like life right now that is getting worse. There are so many more items in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Take the time and read it. Query Question what proof is there that? god exists? Akurian Response What proof can you provide for an itch? However, there is a Proof that you can take. Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Prepare yourself properly, take the Proof of The Great Testimony, and IF you are qualified, The Most High will, HIMSELF, Testify to you personally! When you're done, you'll have your proof! Query Ghost's! do u believe and why? do any of u believe in ghosts- if so y? any incounters? Akurian Response No 'belief' about it. They exist. Read The Ghoost Question and about Nostradamus on the Akurian Bulletin Board. Query Please help me, it's paranormal (kinda long)? I never really believed in paranormal things until I moved into my first rental home. Nothing much happened there, but I often saw shadows, heard voices, and had a few physical occurrences. I ignored most things that happened and forgot many of them. I still didn't believe in that "junk." Then I moved into a brand new house. It is built on an old orchard. It began when I saw a man in the hall. Then a girl. Then my aunt saw the man and I hadn't told anyone about what I saw. Then I saw a little boy. I see them quite often. The activity will pick up a lot and then I won't see anything for weeks. My parents and siblings began to see things, still unaware that I had been seeing things for a year or more. I finally spilled it all. After some bothersome experiences, we called paranormal investigators. Our belief was confirmed. Our house in inhabited by these spirits. The paranormal investigators believe I have psychic abilities and whatnot, so that's why they gravitate to me. Anyway, we have blessed the house, told them to leave, put salt in the rooms, burned that sage or whatever, and an exorcism is for evil things. Even though I feel like there may be a hint of evil, I don't wanna say that because the paranormal investigators said they were nice. I was talking to them when the paranormal investigators came. I asked, "Can you give me a sign that you aren't going to hurt me or my family?" The door that was completely shut opened. Anyway, I want these spirits gone. I feel like they need my help, but I can't figure out what they want. I just want them and my "abilities" gone. I hate it. It feels like they are watching me and I can feel when they are in the room. I can see and hear them. I can feel what they feel and I just want them to leave. Everyone in the house has told them this and told them to leave. It doesn't work. Please give me any ways you got rid of things like this or share how you got through experiences. Additional Details: Paranormal investigators caught things on tape and recordings. They also saw someone in the closet. I am allergic to cats. I want them gone, not to have a famous house. I wish it was in my head, I have asked to go to a mental hospital several times. Akurian Response The best information is to READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Prepare yourself properly and you can get rid of them. I don't count "random noises" as paranormal activity. I only count sightings and talking with a few exceptions. Query was jesus white or black? i think he was black just because according to the bible jesus did not have blond hair blue eyes they compared him to have hair of wool?? so where did this whole perception of him being white come from? Akurian Response There is no 'jesus'. 1. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349. 2. Immanuel was the Anointed of his generation and his generation ONLY. 3. He NEVER knew the name 'jesus' during his lifetime. 4. His name was, is, and is going to be Immanuel. 5. The prophecy was Immanuel Is 7:14 Query do you think there a after life? i always thought there was until now ... i dont know how there can even be 1! Akurian Response Take the time and Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Learn the skills and go look for yourself. All the building blocks are there for you to determine the TRUTH Query How would you convert me to you're religion? I'm a free mind right now, I damn well know that there HAS to be a god because of the universe, us, and everything else. Now I look for that TRUE religion to heed and follow the word's of god. Which religion must I follow to be saved when the universe ends? (I know that everything that has a beginning "HAS" an end) (How will the world end, and where would I be) Additional Details: THERE HAS TO BE A GOD because of us. My quest now is to look for the TRUE religion. Anyone want to share me a verse on their bible, stating that their religion is true? I've recently read in the Holy Bible (Used by Christians and Catholics) that the TRUE teachings of god will be brought to a holy place, with the most islands and dialect in the world. Akurian Response The best that one can do is point you in a direction. You'll have to make up your own mind. You are correct - there is a Most High Lord God of ALL Creation - He exists and there is a method that you can access the information in the privacy of your own soul - the place where it should matter the most. Take the time and READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! It has ALL the building blocks for you to determine the answer(s) to your question(s). If you prepare yourself properly, take The Proof of The Great Testimony, the Most High, Himself, will TESTIFY to you personally. When that happens, there is NOTHING that can compare to that Most Holy and Righteous TRUTH! You will know when you're done! Query How to tell if this is all the truth? My aunt is a christian. She has told me that the only way to lose salvation is if you blashemise the holly sprit. Is this true Akurian Response Most people don't know what blasphemy really means. If you want to KNOW what it means for certainty, read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! There is a process that one can read, prepare themselves properly, and take the Proof of the Great Testimony. When you're done, you'll KNOW. Query Hell is not eternal or is it? As a Christan I have a hard time believing that 70 years of living the wrong way can be exchanged for a eternity of suffering. Only God can know the depths of God. So I ponder how and why do some people believe Hell is eternal. Why can't are soul be destroyed? Akurian Response Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you'll KNOW, not 'believe', the reasons for such. Query Christians what do you think of this?(The rest of you can chime in if you want.)? Deuteronomy 4:2 (New Century Version)2 Don't add to these commands, and don't leave anything out, but obey the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth, nothing will disappear from the law until heaven and earth are gone. Not even the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will be lost until everything has happened.19 Whoever refuses to obey any command and teaches other people not to obey that command will be the least important in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys the commands and teaches other people to obey them will be great in the kingdom of heaven. Evidently Christians under the direction of Paul think Heaven and Earth passed away. Revelation 14:12 (New Century Version)12 This means God's holy people must be patient. They must obey God's commands and keep their faith in Jesus. Obey God's Commands is what I put my emphasis on. As Paul the Sexist put it I'm a Judaizer. You should be one too. It's evident Jesus was. If you're not Christian don't you think these verses say follow the commandments in their entirety if you're a believer? Additional Details: Also, no you don't nobody attempts to eat kosher in Christianity and never think twice about it. So you're saying I should follow Paul over Jesus, God, Moses and, John? You didn't respond with anything. Akurian Response The Most High does not require 'belief' and 'faith'. He ALWAYS required Knowledge and Obedience and still does. He is a God that will not Lie or Change. Regarding 'jesus' - there is none. 1. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349 2. Immanuel was the Anointed of his generation and his generation only. 3. He was called by his name Immanuel; he never knew the name 'jesus' because it isn't his name. 4. His name was, is, and going to be Immanuel. No amount of 'belief' and/or 'faith' is going to change it. 5. The prophecy was Immanuel see Is 7:14 6. The words 'jesus christ' were a Title now being treated as a name; it wasn't always considered as such. There is much more in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply..? Oh, I LOVE how the Christian tells ME to grow up. Beautiful. Of course it's immature to believe that "heaven" is nowhere near as exclusive as the Christian religion claims. [insert sarcasm here] What a joke. Additional Details: Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply the frequency at which spirits dwell between lives? Hence the bluish/white-ish "glow" the lack of clarity, and the rare occasion when one actually hears or sees a spirit that moved on after the passing of his/her body. I do. What do you think? I don't feel like wasting my time with the Bible. It's outdated and full of contradictions. Akurian Response You're on an interesting path. There are heavens as well as hells. Descriptions of them are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! as well as the instructions on how you can access them. Query God is invisible, undetectable, unknowable, unreachable, and existed before the universe? Doesn't this seem like a big riddle for, "he doesn't exist"? Akurian Response Learn the skills, prepare yourself properly, take the Proof of the Great Testimony, and you can solve the "he doesn't exist" riddle. The instructions are all in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Does anyone know why the NWO w/ its many branches try’s to force people to worship Satan? Why do they use drug dealers as there secret police / SS to terrorize Christians and force people to worship the devil? Why have they placed members from there secret society into the Christian church's? Is it to stop the truth from being known about how they are forcing people into this underworld secret society and distributing the spiritual mark of the beast? Has this underworld satanic organization distributed occult paraphernalia into society in the form of games and or practices to enslave society through spiritual bondage to witchcraft? Are you aware that through said spiritual bondage victims are forced / tortured by means of witchcraft to go through a secret ceremony performed through transcendental meditation? They try to force the victim to except the worship of one of the NWO's many "Gods"? They say that in accepting one of there demons you accept them all. One is called the devil, another they even named Jesus, but they have a demon for every occasion. What better way is there to join all religions of the world together under one banner of 666? Have you received your keys to damnation (Horn sign)? Have you acquired your one way ticket (spiritual stamp 666) to the horrors and pains of damnation? The NWO with it's many braches is passing them out for free. In fact, they insist that you receive it. Otherwise, this underworld government will torture & terrorize you. The NWO tries to control and enslave society by means of spiritual bondage to witchcraft Revelation 13, 10. They will work together as a secret organization to get you fired from your job.They will try and use there members in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government secretively to persecute and control you. They are not above the LAW, they are a law all too them selves. They even attempt to control the media and limit freedom of speech. The New World Order is a cancer spreading through out society and a abomination. Akurian Response You are absolutely right with everything you said. The reason "why" is FULLY explained in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! AND provides the solution as to what to do about it. Query Atheists, do you think that this is a negligible fact..? You know that Pontius Pilate is a historical character; Jesus lived on earth during his era and now, is the separator of human history. He lived an amazing life, died and came back to life again. Do you think that it is a negligible fact? Whatever your foolish arguments are, can you be blind towards the size of the Church today and the number of followers of Christ from time to time, who lived only for him and became saints? Today also, if you check out, you can find several thousands of people who live only for Jesus ignoring all worldly affairs; Why don't you contact such people and know about their conviction about Jesus and their firm faith in the life hereafter? I am not here to convert you, but I am truly concerned about you people for leading ignorant life. Akurian Response Here's a few facts to check out. They certainly aren't negligible. Hopefully there won't be any a foolish argument, a blind eye, or any more ignorance. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349. There is no 'jesus'. Immanuel did exist and was the Anointed of his generation and his generation ONLY. He NEVER knew 'jesus' to be his name. His name was Immanuel; it is Immanuel, and going to be Immanuel. No amount of 'belief' or 'faith' is going to change that irrevocable truth. The Prophecy was his name was to be Immanuel - see Is 7:14. 'jesus christ' is a Title now being treated as a name; it wasn't always treated as a name. Query What is the most logical thing you know? Akurian Response There is a difference between Knowledge and 'belief'. Query What is the name of Lucifer's son? You see, I'm writing a novel size story for a website. It's a hobby of mine. And it has to do with Lucifer, his son, and the underworld. I've always known Satan's sons name to be Damian. I had been trying to find out if that's what his real name is. My family is not religious in anyway so I would not know if it is in the bible . And I know in the movie The Omen has the son of Satan with the name Damian. I want to make sure that is his real name before I use it so I'm violating anything copyrighted. Please tell me if it is his real name and name your source so I can check thanks Akurian Response Damian is, in truth, a Commander not a son. Lucifer's sons (yes he had more than one) are all dead. It would take some time to get some of their names. He does have daughters..... Query If you choose evil as a Christian, what hope of your redemption do you have? Akurian Response True Repentance! And even then, many are still in danger of the judgment! Query How does one "find" God? So many ppl tell me that I need God in my life,but how does one "find" God? do you necessarily have to go to church to find God? if so,which religion is right?? Akurian Response Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done you will KNOW why you need The Most High and how to facilitate the access to "find" Him. You certainly won't have to go to church to do it. Which religion is 'right'? The best advice is to determine it based on Holy Law as The Most High REQUIRES. The Most High REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience not 'belief' and 'faith'. Query How do you know which religion is the correct one to follow? I have studied for years and have transgressed through different religious articles and I am stuck. To my studies almost all religions ask for worship and prayer to one or many gods. They say that all other religions are false and blasphemers will be punished. Well WHAT ONE IS CORRECT! I have an intense fear of suffering after I die and I don't wan't to be punished for something I didn't know. A Christian will say their religion is right. So will a Muslum, Catholic, and a Hindu. Will I be punished for not knowing or what. It's driving me insane. Please help. Akurian Response EXCELLENT QUESTION! The most important aspect of your question is the part where you don't want to be punished for what you don't KNOW! If you want to KNOW which religion to be, not 'believe', then the religion you're looking for MUST be based on Knowledge and Obedience not 'belief' and 'faith'. That is the problem you're having with all of them. They don't KNOW - Right? Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you will KNOW! Query does god have a plan for me? i try my best to be good to others, i think i am... life doesnt seem to be on my side though... why is everything always going wrong for me? what am i doing wrong? i pray every night, and i ask god to show me a better way, to help me with better decisions, to give me patience, to understand why i have to go through so much trouble... ive learnt a lot with everything that have happened to me, i still dont know where to go, what to do with my life... eventhough i feel miserable sometimes, i try to keep a smile on my face and believe things will change for better, i put a smile on my face, even though deep inside all i want to do is cry... but i know if i do that, it will just make me sadder, and it will be harder to keep going... until when is my life gunna be like this? pretending that im happy so i wont worry people that care about me... if god has a plan for me, why he doesnt help me see it, maybe cuz im not ready? so when am i going to be ready? Akurian Response The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation does have a plan - but it is on His terms and He will not have it any other way. As for the specifics personal to you, they may be on your own Holy Ground that should be between you and The Most High and IF you are not getting the answers you seek, you'll need to make sure that you are not in violation of Holy Law. The Most High is not going to reward with an answer IF there is violation - to do so would violate Holy Law. The Most High is a God that doesn't Lie or Change. We are living in End Times and the only solution is to get in line with Holy Law as The Most High REQUIRES; it will not work with 'belief' or 'faith'; it works on Knowledge and Obedience. Making better decisions, while sometimes is difficult to do, is easier when done in accordance with Holy Law, but it must be KNOWN not 'believed'. You can be ready when you decide to be ready. Many of your questions are answered in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! If you will take the time and read it, you will KNOW, not 'believe', exactly what to do! Query Has religion made the world a better or worse place? (all beliefs welcome to answer freely)? Has religion made the world a better or worse place? I saw this on a survey and I want your input What do you think? This question is for any religion or belief. Akurian Response Yes it has with religions that are based on 'belief's' and 'faith' not Knowledge and Obedience! IF people were in obedience to Holy Law, it might be different; they are not! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience. Query Can an all powerful being (god) kill himself? Omnipotence. Additional Details: Simple: If god chose to kill himself, could he do it? *kill himself, dead forever. Akurian Response The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation would have to violate His own Holy Laws to do so. He is a God that doesn't Lie or Change. Query how do you suggest I try & get in God's good graces? Akurian Response Stop "trying" for starters. Find out EXACTLY what The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES and then do it! Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you'll KNOW, not 'believe', the requirements. Query Am i going to hell for this? I'm 14 and havent picked a religion, i pray everyday and love god and am very thankful. I just read the bible and I cant help thinking that its a book written by business men and politicians to keep people in order. I want to respect all religions but this thought is keep floating in my mind. I'm not Christian but im really trying to respect all religions. Thank you. Additional Details: Also i have another question. Christians always tell me that loving Jesus is the only way to heaven, but if they grew up in lets say Iran they would say the same thing to Muhammed? I re-read my added details and i mispoke i meant like they would think islam was the only right religion. and btw i think much more ddeply and more into this than just this question, but i didnt want to type a thousand pages of this.. Akurian Response You're very young to be thinking such wise things. ALWAYS remember there is a difference between Knowledge and 'belief'. You KNOW 2+2=4. There is a way to KNOW there is a God not 'believe' in Him. Query Why do people go to hell when they die? I am sure you will have an answer , because the bible always does. Akurian Response If you had a method to determine the truth as an answer to your question, would you take the time and find out for yourself? Query Do you believe that hell is an excessive punishment...? for finite deeds? In fact, why does it even exist, (supposedly) if he's an all-loving God it's a contradiction to his nature. Some say it's the deeds he hates, but why burn the sinner and not the sin? Akurian Response Hell is a just and rightful place for people who've earned the right to go there. Have you ever really contemplated what 'sin' causes to make happen? Query Seriously! What's the TRUE way to be saved? I'm so scared of going to hell & sometimes I feel totally sure that I am. I realized it's because I still haven't learn to trust God/Jesus 100%. I'm scared of just letting go in fear they might try something. Admitting that you believe & asking them to save you (to me) is just too darn easy! I feel THERE HAS TO BE A CATCH SOMEWHERE! A friend said I should fear going to hell because I'm lazy at reading my bible or if you haven't finished your bible. I don't want to believe that, as my parents would say this is not true. Akurian Response Do you want to KNOW the truth or 'believe' it? Query So if the only way to heaven is through the acceptance of jesus, does that mean ghandi is burning in hell? Akurian Response If someone provided you with the information so that you could learn how to go look for yourself, would you? Query Why is it a sin to commit suicide? This world is too damn evil and stressful. Business is going slow! Sometimes, I think about killing myself. I wish it wasn't a sin to commit suicide! Akurian Response You're absolutely right with respect about the world being too damned evil and stressful. There are things people can do to have an effect on what is going on in the world IF they know how to do them. The problem is they cannot be done in terms of 'belief' or 'faith'. If they could have worked by now, they would have. The problems must be solved by Knowledge and Obedience. Many of the answers you seek are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query If god made us in his image and is omnipotent and the only being capable of true creation...? therefore nothing we can do is something which god has not already done. If god has done it, then it is godly. That means if we can do it, it is also godly. Does this or does this not imply that the concept of sin is flawed, as we are incapable of doing anything other than that which god has done and given us the ability to do? Additional Details: Focus people, focus. Akurian Response Your question is answered in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Chapter One Query Spiritually speaking, what is evil? If evil is merely "that which hurts", then giving birth is evil! But birth is the door by which we exist, and, therefore, cannot be evil. Birth may be deemed, actually, as the greatest good! Of course, those who disagree with this statement have birth to thank for their ability to disagree! Anyway, I hear people complaining of this "evil" thing, and have yet heard NO good definition for what they mean! If what you mean by "evil" is, say, "anything that ends human life", then torture is fine, as long as it does not kill? That cannot be what you mean, I hope! I am only asking a most logical question! If we cannot define evil, then are we merely talking about a fairytale that does not exist! If evil is no fairytale, then, please, explain to me what it is. If you say, "How can you not believe in evil--it's everywhere!", that is not proof that it exists. Christians say God is everywhere, and that isn't proof that he exists! You may then say, "Well duh, but we cannot see God, but we can see evil", then I will say, "So you believe that some things are self-evidently true; that is, we need NO proof that they exist!". If you then agree that somethings are so evident that they do not need proof, then why can't we merely define God as so evident that he does not need proof? But all of this is arguing in a circle! You cannot use evil to prove evil, because, logically, you can never use the thing you are trying to prove as evidence for itself. P.S. The whole reason for this question is because people are always saying that either God does not exist because of evil, or He does not exist because of a lack of evidence. But, if you claim to believe in evil, and can neither prove that it is there, or at least define it, then you are as equally inconsistent in your belief in evil as the man who believes in God! Akurian Response Evil is a violation of Holy Law the way The Most High Requires. The problem in figuring it out is the difference between 'belief' and KNOWLEDGE. Consider - you cannot prove an itch. The circle can stop when you separate what you 'believe' from what you KNOW. All your questions are answered in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query IS THERE A HEAVEN AND HELL? Akurian Response They are described in Chapter 41 of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query polite answers only plz: how to guide someone to believe in God? how to persuade them. no forceful behavior of course. Akurian Response To do so is a violation of Holy Law. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES that you KNOW not 'believe'! If you want to KNOW read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Where are some great places to dissect Religious truth? Now that we are in the truth age according the Mayan Calendar consciousness, it seems very important to dissect religions for truth. Where are some great places or communities where you can question what has been told for both sides of the story. Government and Corporation truth is very easy to dissect at this moment, but it seems religion is the hardest. I know I am going to have a lot of people not like this message because they think EVERYTHING they are told is true which makes me laugh (LOL) It does not take a rocket ancientest to figure out that our beliefs are never going to be all right. Some will be correct, some will be way off and some will be very close. The journey is finding this out with an open mind. This question is for those whom have open minds who know great sites that help us question truth. Thank you Akurian Response Have at The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! If you do indeed have an open mind, you're in for quite the adventure. Questions - contact The Akurians directly. Query Why, in the Bible, did Jesus have more to say about the Pharisees than the common sinners? Maybe I am interpreting wrong, but it seems like this. I know that there are many, many, condemnations of sinners...But how can we put those of Pharisees to use in these modern times? Can someone clarify? Akurian Response Then like today the problems really haven't changed much. In fact, the same people who created problems in those days are the same types of people in these. For today - the words are Lawyers, Judges, and all those who support them including most of Government! It also includes Religious Leaders. Query Christians, have you ever considered that you could be following a 2,000 year old lie? If you have considered this, how did it feel? And how did you reassure yourself that what you are following isn't a lie? Akurian Response Most Christians are following, believing, and having faith in lies that are that old. Examples: The Trinity - concoction of the Council of Nicea Treating Sunday as Sabbath Worshiping in 'Jesus' name The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation doe not Lie of Change. Period! Most people are programmed ignorant and will not change to be in-compliance with Holy Law and most will suffer consequences ETERNALLY for the abominations they do - even in their programmed ignorance. There is no amount of prayer, belief, faith, hope, or 'jesus' that is going to change Holy Law! In that day many will wish it would be different or they would have done it different, but it will be too late! The time is NOW! Query Why are Jews considered to be oppressed? When they control the US media and AIPAC's control of American foreign policy is out of control? Obama's top advisers are Zionist Jews and that's no secret. How exactly are they "oppressed" when they are the oppressors? How are they such "victims" when they murder helpless children in the name of Zionism? How are they so oppressed when they contributed to the depression at large? Akurian Response You might also want to research up on the Europa Plan - they also contributed to their own deaths by not spending what would have amounted to 2.00 per person. It is doubtful if it is still available but search for The Jewish Juggernaut. You might find the information very interesting given the population of the ethnicity. Query If there is no proof in your faith, then how can you believe in it? Akurian Response Programming is a pretty powerful tool for the masses. If religious leaders said that you need to believe and have faith that the sky is purple, most people would accept that as God, Law, and Gospel. Tragedy to be sure; nevertheless tragedy especially what is in store for the planet! Most won't be able understand it. Query If you have proof of faith, why then don't you show it? If there is proof of your religion then you can show it to those who want to see. The question is who are those who really want to see? Additional Details: They need proof to show their faith, if they have no proof then their faith is useless. your truth, as you say requires proof. So then let us see this proof if you have not already shown it, then why are they not accepting it? Akurian Response They can't because 'faith' doesn't work. 'Faith' serves to keep people programmed into falsehoods and of things that are an abomination to The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation. Query I'm confused, swing an agnostic to your side today!? I don't know whether to be a muslim, christian or jew. Could someone please provide pro's and con's for each? Thanks! Akurian Response Be the kind of person The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation wants you to be - one who KNOWS and DOES His Holy Laws. Each of the three religions you mention have done things wrong and are considered an abomination to The Most High. None of them are in compliance with Holy Law as He requires. Query Why Catholic Have Several Different Idols of Jesus Christ? In fact, the first 3 in 10 Commandments, it is forbidden to: 1. Worship other God except YHWH 2. Make a graven images (idols) 4. Bow down to graven images (idols) of anything below the heaven and the earth and the ocean. Akurian Response Is it any wonder why prayers aren't answered and the world is in such abominable state? Prayers are not going to be answered by The Most High when there is violation of His Holy Law. Until and Unless people will put away such violation, the world condition is what it is and it is going to get worse. It matters not how long something has been done wrong; The Most High doesn't Lie or Change. Will people wake up to TRUTH? There is no 'Jesus'! The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349. Will people wake up to TRUTH? Sunday is not the Sabbath! Will people wake up to TRUTH? God is a God that will not Lie or Change. He required then as he does now to keep His Holy Laws Holy. Most people won't and the consequences are not going to be ones people like, but they will be the result of disobedience and the consequences are ETERNAL! Query Please pastors.....Have some compassion for a mom who has lost a son to suicide....Scriptures for her pain? My brother committed suicide, Is he in hell? My mom was brought up very religiously. She is having a very difficult time trying to heal, find closure and get on with her life since my brothers death. She is convinced that my brother is burning in hell. She can't enjoy life anymore because she thinks my brother is in eternal, unthinkable pain. I know that Jesus must be more merciful than to send my (obviously mental and distraught) brother to a fiery inferno with Satan. Her belief that he is in hell seems is founded on the assumption that anyone who dies with unforgiven sin is lost. What about the ones who condemned Jesus to his cross and the onlookers that were present at his crucifixion that didn't realize that they were sinning? .......They wouldn't have even had a chance to realized that they had sinned and mocked the son of God until Jesus had given up the ghost. They didn't have to ask forgiveness, Jesus himself asked his father to forgive them " for they know not what they do" I would think that my brother in his distraught and unstable frame of mind wasn't exactly all that accountable either. Who can be certain that at the time he committed suicide that he (like the ones who condemned Jesus to his death or the onlookers who questioned Jesus claim to be the son of God) wasn't in such a state that he wasn't sure either. Surely, there must also be a merciful intercession from the Lord for those that have lost their sanity for whatever reasons, be it chemical imbalances, depression, mental anguish or any other reasons.... to the extent that they take their own lives. My brother must not exactly have had his full mind when he pulled the trigger. I believe the Lord judged him according to his accountability. My brother was 38 and had been born again in his life and Baptised. Somebody please share with me some scripture so that I can help my mom see some hope that her sons soul is not eternally lost and tormenting in hell. He's been dead for two years now and she's just a shell of herself still. Also, although I know she'd never admit it.... I think she privately believes that the Lord didn't keep his promise of saving her household in return for her lifelong commitment of serving him. She may be angry with the Lord?. This is a very sensitive question and I would appreciate only respectful and sensitive answers. Thank you to any and all who will help with scripture -and-or- offer me some advice that may help my mom heal Akurian Response My Condolences for your loss. It seems that you both need something to heal and Truth so that you can move onward and forward! Take the time and READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! as it does contain ANSWERS that you seem to suggest you need. her grief. Query What would happen if told god I was gay during prayer time? Akurian Response The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation ALREADY knows! From the way you're asking the question, read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! and it might bring you some answers and comfort. Query Question is it good for me to study religion? when im in 8th grade and only 14? i mean i study it alot. im an atheist. im just so fascinated, of Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Darwin. Akurian Response Of course it is. However, don't be fooled by the religions with respect to any of the things that require you to have 'belief', 'faith', 'prayers', 'hopes', etc. They don't work! Even as young as you are, your INNATE will guide you to the truth if you will pay attention to it. God REQUIRES that you KNOW that He is God - not 'believe'. Query I need help atheist I am just learning and have questions? I have recently stopped believing in god, but wonder about spirits and such that people see? Any good website about anything to do with god, spirits, history of religion, and all that would be good. Thank-you for your help in advance. Akurian Response From your question, it is suggestive that you are more agnostic. Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! and all the supportive information. See the Nostradamus Question on The Akurian Bulletin Board. Query So if Jesus was a messiah, how come the intended recipients didn't buy it? Go into any synagogue in Jesus' own homeland, and it isn't him they're praying to -- Another odd thing about this case was that after they didn't buy it, a guy name of Saul and Paul came along and took it to the gentiles -- to whom the God had promised nothing. That's right -- the God had not promised any messiah to the gentiles, but now they are claiming the so-called messiah. Here's what I'm thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm thinking this whole scenario does not add up. Akurian Response Immanuel was the Anointed/Messiah of his generation ONLY! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation promised there would be 175 Anointeds/Messiahs - one for EVERY generation that REQUIRED one! Then like now, there is a problem with the same Kak-Jew manipulators who had a case with the Anointed! This is ALL explained in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! and you are free to test the information in your own soul - the place where it should matter the most! Query If with god everything is possible, why can't the Isreal-Palestine war end? ...both parties are staunch believers in god. Akurian Response Doesn't that tell you that all parties (you forgot to mention the Christian supporters) are not in compliance with Holy Law? It should Query Can I skip church for a month? Ok I know I'm taking a big risk here asking questions on here but you're all I got right now. I do not appreciate comments like "homewrecker, slut, whore," because they aren't true. PLEASE keep in mind that I am against adultery and would NEVER EVER get involved with a married man. I also hate feeling emotions that are forbidden and sinful in the bible. Second of all I have made a big huge turn around for my life because I want to be in mission college and be in missions after that. A close friend of mine is helping me reach this goal and she said to befriend her husband(don't worry, it's only when she's around or someone else is and it's always at either her house or church and we keep it brief). So when I get the applications ready I can use them as friend refrences. Ok ever since I stopped being lazy and shutting myself in the room I have been socializing a lot more, sharing a lot more, going to church going to bible studies, reading bible everyday, doing things for my mom(yes I live with my parents but I won't once I move to the big city for that college) even if I don't feel like it and so on. That is a huge change. I was the exact opposite of all that just months ago. Remember that close friend that's helping me reach my goal to get into that college? Well I find myself attracted to her husband just because he's a pastor, an awesome father and has a qualities I look for in a FRIEND. I don't entertain thoughts about him and I ignore those feelings of attraction. I hate it because I'm not supposed to feel that way. Lately almost everyday I've been having nightmares of us having an affair and me checking him out while he's shirtless. Could this be Satan attacking me? because if I hadn't made all these changes and doing what I've been doing I wouldn't have been attracted to him and having nightmares! I want to quit church and quit going to bible studies for a month(and still continue other things around the house, bible, praying, books, helping mom) and then see if those feelings go away. Suggestions? PLEASE be nice! and no I would never ever be inappropriate around a married man and never ever get involved with one. It's amazing how even after 20years of marriage they are still crazy about eachother and in love with each other it's awesome. Again don't suggest adultery because it's wrong and don't call me a homewrecker(some people do that on here to others!) Give me nice constructive help only! Akurian Response NEVER let yourself be in ANYTHING that would be even suggestive of a compromising situation or anything that will be construed as one - whether church related or not! Either you mean it or you don't! There's no middle ground! Satan doesn't have to attack you - people can do that all by themselves given the moral depravity of people in the world. Now when it comes to church and anything else Christian - that's another issue. Sunday worship is a violation of Holy Law. The Most High requires the keeping of the Sabbath - Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown! Query Two sons of Aaron offered strange fire unto the God, so why did he get angry and kill them? Leviticus 10 starting with verse one. And Aaron and the relatives took care not to grieve too much lest God kill them too. What was going on? Bonus question: Where did the God get his morals anyway? Extra bonus question: Why did the same God try to kill Moses several years earlier, one time when he happened to encounter him in the hallway of a lodge? Exodus 4:24 Akurian Response Interesting series of questions! The simple answers: 1. The fire was polluted/contaminated. 2. See Chapter One of The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! 3. Moses had married a Midianite woman and the children weren't circumcised as prescribed by Holy Law. Query The Lord's Prayer- How would I write it? I want to get the opening sentence "Our Father in heaven" of The Lord's Prayer tattooed on my wrist and I want to get it in Hebrew but I'm not sure if this "Avinu she-ba-shamayim yitkadash" or this "Avinu shebashamayim yitkadash", is correct. Or would Greek be better? I want it to LOOK good and be correct. I mean, after all, this is going to be on me for the rest of my life. Akurian Response If you want to stay within Holy Law, the requirement is not to mark your body (see Law 348. Not to tattoo the body like the idolaters Lev. 19:28) Query if all the religious leaders would come to the table? would they sit and come up with some resolution to how we can have a universal code of conduct regarding how to be a decent human being to each other and still have their cultural and religious identity? answer if u wish to. Akurian Response They wouldn't be able to do it because of the money involved. It shouldn't be that hard or difficult to do IF all were in compliance with Holy Law. However, if ALL were in compliance with Holy Law, there would be no need to. Query Do you believe in reincarnation, have you ever came across anything su Akurian Response Reincarnation is something that occurs with people whether they believe or not or know about their past lives or not! It doesn't happen with some; some people are once-borns. Those born without a soul and then get one are not reincarnated - a new soul is a new soul. Query What do you think if a Gay or ex-Gay man wants to repent his sins, accept celibacy and become a priest? Additional Details: Keep in mind that this Gay man is of very high moral values, extreme compassion and extreme desire to be a priest. Akurian Response IF this is TRUE... Then the person is probably in a spiritual search looking for Pure TRUTH the Way the Most High Lord God of ALL Creation desires for all! Unfortunately, TRUTH isn't going to be found where he's hoping to find it. Have the person READ in its ENTIRETY The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query What do you think if a Gay or ex-Gay man wants to repent his sins, accept celibacy and become a priest? Additional Details: Keep in mind that this Gay man is of very high moral values, extreme compassion and extreme desire to be a priest. Akurian Response IF this is TRUE... Then the person is probably in a spiritual search looking for Pure TRUTH the Way the Most High Lord God of ALL Creation desires for all! Unfortunately, TRUTH isn't going to be found where he's hoping to find it. Have the person READ in its ENTIRETY The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Christians: Is the OT relevant or irrelevant to today? This has always confused me. Do you consider the OT relevant (10 commandments, creation story) or irrelevant (keeping slaves is okay, don't eat pork or shellfish)? If it's relevant, how do you choose which parts to follow, and which parts to discard? Akurian Response MOST DEFINITELY -- is it VERY RELEVANT!!!!! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation is a God that does not Lie or Change. The first 5 books of the bible (the Torah) are the 613 ordinances and whether or not they are complied with, the Most High is a God that STILL requires adherence and obedience to them. ALL as in ALL our problems today (there are NO EXCEPTIONS) are due to violations of it - no matter what ANY tell you - including other Christians and/or Pastors/Preachers - it is still REQUIRED! And the consequence for disobedience are severe and profound! As a suggestion (and a way to be in compliance with Holy Law that requires everyone to write their own copy of it) - get a copy of the 613 Laws and write them down for yourself. Query i have a goal to be a decipal of Jesus Christ,if that is so,why am i afraid of what people will think? i read 1 john 2:3-6 john 15:1-17 luke 14:25-33 luke 9:23-25 i want to put Jesus first before everything. but i don't want people to ridicule me. i'm just trying to be a better person than what i was…drugs, alcohol, anger, frustration, etc etc… Akurian Response You seem to be in a TRUE spiritual search. Some of your reason for fear is because of what you do not KNOW! When it comes to Christianity based on prayer, belief, faith, hope, and jesus christ, there are too many unknowns. That which is unknown is VERY uncomfortable. Prayer doesn't work - it can't because it is generally based on things from the foundation that is not in compliance with Holy Law. Belief doesn't work - it can't because it is based on something that isn't KNOWLEDGE. The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES that you KNOW. Faith doesn't work - it can't because its foundation is something that endeavors to turn The Most High into a servant - something that He is not. God does not give you a job to do so that you can sit around and wait for Him to do it for you. Hope doesn't work - it can't because, again, it is built on a foundation that is something that endeavors to turn The Most High into a servant; something that He isn't! Hope is something that is sideways faith. Jesus Christ doesn't work - the letter 'J' didn't exist until 1349. That is how old and how long the lie has been perpetrated. Put The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation FIRST! Restore yourself to Holy Law! Take the Proof of the Great Testimony! Whether people ridicule you or not, you won't FEAR them. Make no mistake; you do these things and you'll be a better person than what you are in the eyes of The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation - and it will bring much comfort to you in your own soul - the place where it matters the most! Query Are there any risks associated with experimenting with out of body experiences? I am interested with experimenting with out of body experiences, but concerned about any risks that may be present when dealing with these techniques. Has anyone had any adverse effects with OBE's or know ways to approach this responsibly. Akurian Response Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Chapter 41 Query "hell"??????????????????????? im not religous im an atheist. but why should anyone go to hell "for ever" if you belive in hell. you cant be punished for an UNLIMITED time for being alive for a LIMITED time on earth plan and simple.any number has a quality of zero compaired to infinity. i dont think people should burn in a lake of fire thats just sick. and if you think theres a heaven WHY should the definition of right and wrong be justified by beliving in somthings existance and not just being a good person even if you dont belive. if there is a heaven and i really dont think so then you should let 99.999999% of people people in. Akurian Response Whether you're religious or atheist, it doesn't change the fact there is a Most High Lord God of ALL Creation who has a set of Laws that must be obeyed. Violations of them are going to send people into an eternal lake of fire for disobedience! That said, just because people claim a Christian, Islam, or Judaism label, doesn't mean they are in compliance with Holy Law. Your question is suggestive that you are in a spiritual search for TRUTH! If you are and you want more detailed ANSWERS to your questions read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Question for Jews & Judaism Believers....PLEASE HELP!? Hello Everyone, I was hoping a Jew/Judaism person could help me. From my understanding, most believe a Messiah will come in the future (and reject Jesus as the messiah). My question is simple: In your scripture, is the Messiah supposed to be "God in the flesh" or God himself? Or is the messiah supposed to be the "Son of God?" Or Just a human, or what?? I know you don't follow the OT, and you follow the Tankah (spelling?). Isaiah says the following: .....and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.... (Isaiah 9:1:2, 6-7) How do you view this scripture in terms of the Messiah (God, God's son, or just a man?). Thanks so much for your help, God bless, and have a great day! Akurian Response The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation promised 175 Anointed/Messiahs in the Generations of Ish (Adam). Many have been murdered. Immanuel wasn't the only one who was. If you want to know more about the TRUTH of such, read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Christians what do you think of this?(The rest of you can chime in if you want.)? Deuteronomy 4:2 (New Century Version)2 Don't add to these commands, and don't leave anything out, but obey the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth, nothing will disappear from the law until heaven and earth are gone. Not even the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will be lost until everything has happened.19 Whoever refuses to obey any command and teaches other people not to obey that command will be the least important in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys the commands and teaches other people to obey them will be great in the kingdom of heaven. Evidently Christians under the direction of Paul think Heaven and Earth passed away. Revelation 14:12 (New Century Version) 12 This means God's holy people must be patient. They must obey God's commands and keep their faith in Jesus. Obey God's Commands is what I put my emphasis on. As Paul the Sexist put it I'm a Judaizer. You should be one too. It's evident Jesus was. If you're not Christian don't you think these verses say follow the commandments in their entirety if you're a believer? Additional Details: Also, no you don't nobody attempts to eat kosher in Christianity and never think twice about it. So you're saying I should follow Paul over Jesus, God, Moses and, John? You didn't respond with anything. Akurian Response The Most High does not require 'belief' and 'faith'. He ALWAYS required Knowledge and Obedience and still does. He is a God that will not Lie or Change. Regarding 'jesus' - there is none. 1. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349 2. Immanuel was the Anointed of his generation and his generation only. 3. He was called by his name Immanuel; he never knew the name 'jesus' because it isn't his name. 4. His name was, is, and going to be Immanuel. No amount of 'belief' and/or 'faith' is going to change it. 5. The prophecy was Immanuel see Is 7:14 6. The words 'jesus christ' were a Title now being treated as a name; it wasn't always considered as such. There is much more in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply..? Oh, I LOVE how the Christian tells ME to grow up. Beautiful. Of course it's immature to believe that "heaven" is nowhere near as exclusive as the Christian religion claims. [insert sarcasm here] What a joke. Additional Details: Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply the frequency at which spirits dwell between lives? Hence the bluish/white-ish "glow" the lack of clarity, and the rare occasion when one actually hears or sees a spirit that moved on after the passing of his/her body. I do. What do you think? I don't feel like wasting my time with the Bible. It's outdated and full of contradictions. Akurian Response You're on an interesting path. There are heavens as well as hells. Descriptions of them are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! as well as the instructions on how you can access them. Query Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply..? Oh, I LOVE how the Christian tells ME to grow up. Beautiful. Of course it's immature to believe that "heaven" is nowhere near as exclusive as the Christian religion claims. [insert sarcasm here] What a joke. Additional Details: Do you think it's possible that "heaven" is simply the frequency at which spirits dwell between lives? Hence the bluish/white-ish "glow" the lack of clarity, and the rare occasion when one actually hears or sees a spirit that moved on after the passing of his/her body. I do. What do you think? I don't feel like wasting my time with the Bible. It's outdated and full of contradictions. Akurian Response You're on an interesting path. There are heavens as well as hells. Descriptions of them are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! as well as the instructions on how you can access them. Query God is invisible, undetectable, unknowable, unreachable, and existed before the universe? Doesn't this seem like a big riddle for, "he doesn't exist"? Akurian Response Learn the skills, prepare yourself properly, take the Proof of the Great Testimony, and you can solve the "he doesn't exist" riddle. The instructions are all in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Query Does anyone know why the NWO w/ its many branches try’s to force people to worship Satan? Why do they use drug dealers as there secret police / SS to terrorize Christians and force people to worship the devil? Why have they placed members from there secret society into the Christian church's? Is it to stop the truth from being known about how they are forcing people into this underworld secret society and distributing the spiritual mark of the beast? Has this underworld satanic organization distributed occult paraphernalia into society in the form of games and or practices to enslave society through spiritual bondage to witchcraft? Are you aware that through said spiritual bondage victims are forced / tortured by means of witchcraft to go through a secret ceremony performed through transcendental meditation? They try to force the victim to except the worship of one of the NWO's many "Gods"? They say that in accepting one of there demons you accept them all. One is called the devil, another they even named Jesus, but they have a demon for every occasion. What better way is there to join all religions of the world together under one banner of 666? Have you received your keys to damnation (Horn sign)? Have you acquired your one way ticket (spiritual stamp 666) to the horrors and pains of damnation? The NWO with it's many braches is passing them out for free. In fact, they insist that you receive it. Otherwise, this underworld government will torture & terrorize you. The NWO tries to control and enslave society by means of spiritual bondage to witchcraft Revelation 13, 10. They will work together as a secret organization to get you fired from your job.They will try and use there members in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government secretively to persecute and control you. They are not above the LAW, they are a law all too them selves. They even attempt to control the media and limit freedom of speech. The New World Order is a cancer spreading through out society and a abomination. Akurian Response You are absolutely right with everything you said. The reason "why" is FULLY explained in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! AND provides the solution as to what to do about it. Query Atheists, do you think that this is a negligible fact..? You know that Pontius Pilate is a historical character; Jesus lived on earth during his era and now, is the separator of human history. He lived an amazing life, died and came back to life again. Do you think that it is a negligible fact? Whatever your foolish arguments are, can you be blind towards the size of the Church today and the number of followers of Christ from time to time, who lived only for him and became saints? Today also, if you check out, you can find several thousands of people who live only for Jesus ignoring all worldly affairs; Why don't you contact such people and know about their conviction about Jesus and their firm faith in the life hereafter? I am not here to convert you, but I am truly concerned about you people for leading ignorant life. Akurian Response Here's a few facts to check out. They certainly aren't negligible. Hopefully there won't be any a foolish argument, a blind eye, or any more ignorance. The letter 'j' didn't exist until 1349. There is no 'jesus'. Immanuel did exist and was the Anointed of his generation and his generation ONLY. He NEVER knew 'jesus' to be his name. His name was Immanuel; it is Immanuel, and going to be Immanuel. No amount of 'belief' or 'faith' is going to change that irrevocable truth. The Prophecy was his name was to be Immanuel - see Is 7:14. 'jesus christ' is a Title now being treated as a name; it wasn't always treated as a name. Query What is the most logical thing you know? Akurian Response There is a difference between Knowledge and 'belief'. Query What is the name of Lucifer's son? You see, I'm writing a novel size story for a website. It's a hobby of mine. And it has to do with Lucifer, his son, and the underworld. I've always known Satan's sons name to be Damian. I had been trying to find out if that's what his real name is. My family is not religious in anyway so I would not know if it is in the bible . And I know in the movie The Omen has the son of Satan with the name Damian. I want to make sure that is his real name before I use it so I'm violating anything copyrighted. Please tell me if it is his real name and name your source so I can check thanks Akurian Response Damian is, in truth, a Commander not a son. Lucifer's sons (yes he had more than one) are all dead. It would take some time to get some of their names. He does have daughters.... Query If you choose evil as a Christian, what hope of your redemption do you have? religion assignment Akurian Response True Repentance! And even then, many are still in danger of the judgment! Query How does one "find" God? So many ppl tell me that I need God in my life,but how does one "find" God? do you necessarily have to go to church to find God? if so,which religion is right?? Akurian Response Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done you will KNOW why you need The Most High and how to facilitate the access to "find" Him. You certainly won't have to go to church to do it. Which religion is 'right'? The best advice is to determine it based on Holy Law as The Most High REQUIRES. The Most High REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience not 'belief' and 'faith'. Query Christians: Is the OT relevant or irrelevant to today? This has always confused me. Do you consider the OT relevant (10 commandments, creation story) or irrelevant (keeping slaves is okay, don't eat pork or shellfish)? If it's relevant, how do you choose which parts to follow, and which parts to discard? Akurian Response MOST DEFINITELY -- is it VERY RELEVANT!!!!! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation is a God that does not Lie or Change. The first 5 books of the bible (the Torah) are the 613 ordinances and whether or not they are complied with, the Most High is a God that STILL requires adherence and obedience to them. ALL as in ALL our problems today (there are NO EXCEPTIONS) are due to violations of it - no matter what ANY tell you - including other Christians and/or Pastors/Preachers - it is still REQUIRED! And the consequence for disobedience are severe and profound! As a suggestion (and a way to be in compliance with Holy Law that requires everyone to write their own copy of it) - get a copy of the 613 Laws and write them down for yourself. Query How do you know which religion is the correct one to follow? I have studied for years and have transgressed through different religious articles and I am stuck. To my studies almost all religions ask for worship and prayer to one or many gods. They say that all other religions are false and blasphemers will be punished. Well WHAT ONE IS CORRECT! I have an intense fear of suffering after I die and I don't wan't to be punished for something I didn't know. A Christian will say their religion is right. So will a Muslum, Catholic, and a Hindu. Will I be punished for not knowing or what. It's driving me insane. Please help. Akurian Response EXCELLENT QUESTION! The most important aspect of your question is the part where you don't want to be punished for what you don't KNOW! If you want to KNOW which religion to be, not 'believe', then the religion you're looking for MUST be based on Knowledge and Obedience not 'belief' and 'faith'. That is the problem you're having with all of them. They don't KNOW - Right? Take the time and read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! When you're done, you will KNOW! Query does god have a plan for me? i try my best to be good to others, i think i am... life doesnt seem to be on my side though... why is everything always going wrong for me? what am i doing wrong? i pray every night, and i ask god to show me a better way, to help me with better decisions, to give me patience, to understand why i have to go through so much trouble... ive learnt a lot with everything that have happened to me, i still dont know where to go, what to do with my life... eventhough i feel miserable sometimes, i try to keep a smile on my face and believe things will change for better, i put a smile on my face, even though deep inside all i want to do is cry... but i know if i do that, it will just make me sadder, and it will be harder to keep going... until when is my life gunna be like this? pretending that im happy so i wont worry people that care about me... if god has a plan for me, why he doesnt help me see it, maybe cuz im not ready? so when am i going to be ready? Akurian Response The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation does have a plan - but it is on His terms and He will not have it any other way. As for the specifics personal to you, they may be on your own Holy Ground that should be between you and The Most High and IF you are not getting the answers you seek, you'll need to make sure that you are not in violation of Holy Law. The Most High is not going to reward with an answer IF there is violation - to do so would violate Holy Law. The Most High is a God that doesn't Lie or Change. We are living in End Times and the only solution is to get in line with Holy Law as The Most High REQUIRES; it will not work with 'belief' or 'faith'; it works on Knowledge and Obedience. Making better decisions, while sometimes is difficult to do, is easier when done in accordance with Holy Law, but it must be KNOWN not 'believed'. You can be ready when you decide to be ready. Many of your questions are answered in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! If you will take the time and read it, you will KNOW, not 'believe', exactly what to do! Query Has religion made the world a better or worse place? (all beliefs welcome to answer freely)? Has religion made the world a better or worse place? I saw this on a survey and I want your input What do you think? This question is for any religion or belief. Akurian Response Yes it has with religions that are based on 'belief's' and 'faith' not Knowledge and Obedience! IF people were in obedience to Holy Law, it might be different; they are not! The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation REQUIRES Knowledge and Obedience. Query If Jesus is God then why was he tempted when James 1:13 said that God cannot be tempted? When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone - James 1:13 Akurian Response That's always a pretty good question isn't it? Do you really want to KNOW the answer? Query Is there any other warning or evidence for the Judgement day apart from Christian and Islamic sources? Akurian Response There is if you pay attention to your innate. Query Do you believe that hell is an excessive punishment...? for finite deeds? In fact, why does it even exist, (supposedly) if he's an all-loving God it's a contradiction to his nature. Some say it's the deeds he hates, but why burn the sinner and not the sin? Akurian Response Hell is a just and rightful place for people who've earned the right to go there. Have you ever really contemplated what 'sin' causes to make happen? Query Seriously! What's the TRUE way to be saved? I'm so scared of going to hell & sometimes I feel totally sure that I am. I realized it's because I still haven't learn to trust God/Jesus 100%. I'm scared of just letting go in fear they might try something. Admitting that you believe & asking them to save you (to me) is just too darn easy! I feel THERE HAS TO BE A CATCH SOMEWHERE! A friend said I should fear going to hell because I'm lazy at reading my bible or if you haven't finished your bible. I don't want to believe that, as my parents would say this is not true. Akurian Response Do you want to KNOW the truth or 'believe' it? Query Why is it a sin to commit suicide? This world is too damn evil and stressful. Business is going slow! Sometimes, I think about killing myself. I wish it wasn't a sin to commit suicide! Akurian Response You're absolutely right with respect about the world being too damned evil and stressful. There are things people can do to have an effect on what is going on in the world IF they know how to do them. The problem is they cannot be done in terms of 'belief' or 'faith'. If they could have worked by now, they would have. The problems must be solved by Knowledge and Obedience. Many of the answers you seek are in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Final Page Addition Query and Answers will be added in the next publication as well as any corrections processed for this First Edition. Metaphysicians Handbook - Frequently Asked Questions