CHARGE TO REMOVE SPIRIT GUIDES 02/12/10 16:38:47               To be recited prior to all Invocations of Testimony immediately after connecting the Body of Light and securing an appropriate Sun Link.             To be recited upon awakening and upon retiring.               Hail, all Spirit Guides, hear the charges against you:             You have advanced evil in the Sight of The Most High.  You have advanced evil against the Anointed of The Most High.  Therefore, abandon the Damned, even each and every sitting Incumbent in each and every elected and appointed office in the United States, Protectorates and Territories, under penalty of this Testimony against you before The Most High:  immediate Death and Eternal Destruction upon you because you have advanced evil in the Sight of The Most High and you have advanced evil against the Anointed of The Most High.  Abandon the Damned lest you Die the Death with them, from which you shall neither escape nor shall The Most High hear your repentance.               This is a Permanent Invocation, to be used in any and all BLASTs from now until Shiloh.  The only changes will be those appropriate to Target as we effect situations.  The words "even each and every sitting Incumbent in each and every elected and appointed office in the United States, Protectorates and Territories," may be changed to reflect those persons, offices, et cetera, as the situation shall require.  Once we have put somebody in a given office, we can just as immediately remove them should they prove to be Traitors or incapable before the Grand Council of Gnostics.             If recited each and every morning and evening as directed, any immediate situation of the day or night can be Invoked as necessary without another full repetition, as TIME may be of the essence.             This Invocation will not work without a Holy Seal, but those in-Company with (a) PK may add their energies in Obedience to Holy Law.             At each and every BLAST, whether Hell or Circle, everyone should have already prepared themselves with whatever Temple they choose, if any, established and connected their Body of Light and secured a Sun Link.  This should NOT be a necessary repeat once the BLAST commences toward the Invocation of Testimony.  The sole exception is when new Akurians are joining us and are either uninformed of the processes or as yet unskilled enough on their own.               Swords of El Aku should already have their next, on either side, established and read to Mount Guard upon command of the Firing Officer.             Blue Swords are optional at all times.  I established a more-than-generous supply, so use them without restraint as to resupply.   IMMEDIATE TARGETS:               The current illegal and communist Administration, which actually includes some 2,000+ offices.             The entire US House of Representatives and US Senate.             The entire US Supreme Court and the entire Judicial Branch of Government including all Clerks and employees.             The entire US Law Enforcement establishment from the illegal President's Staff to new recruits and reserves on the local streets.             The entire Rockefeller Families and Establishments, the High Manipulators, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, and the list given before The Most High.             The entire Rothschild Families and Establishments.             ACORN.             And all such wherever a Marxist, Communist, Fascist or Socialist may find support or refuge.   The Chief.