OUTER CIRCLE OF THE HIGH REALMS 27 November 2009 - 10 Kislev 5770 TO: All Personnel FM: Commander OPERATIONAL IMMEDIATE SUBJECT: Update in process to increase manifestation power. PREAMBLE: Having heard the counsel of the Grand Council of Gnostics and Command Staff and as result of that sound advice, it has been determined the all Akurians being a party to Circle Blasts be informed, know and understand the immediate changes toward increasing our manifestation of power. This is a very ancient process and procedure being instituted at this time because we have both the personnel, Righteous Power and Holy Authority to effect it. This change in formation(s) does not change any individual Blasts, nor any given group Blasts as may be decided upon at any given time. SCOPE: To assemble ourselves in (a) different formation(s) for any and all Blasts; A: Female formations will remain the same, facing inward to center-ball point, except in instances of specific assignment. B: Male formations will face outward in defense of the Inner Circle against any and all entities, powers, forces and energies deemed detrimental to the Inner Circle, Outer Circle, Project and/or any Akurian under any and all conditions. Securing our Project Area will reduce external interference immeasurably, and thus increase our manifestation to a greater degree of our capability. NOTE: I have taken the liberty to formulate and emplace an endless series of Blue Swords capable of inflicting Spiritual Death and destruction. They are emplaced in such manner as to be instantly accessible by any True and Righteous Akurian Proven Knower by taking hold of the hilt – at the solar plexus, the blade pointing upward as if flat against the chest – and pulling the sword free as if moving a candle. NEVER draw this sword as if from a scabbard unless you want to damage yourself! Blades will always be UP from the hilt, and removal may cause some degree of discomfort initially. DO NOT strike yourself with this Blue Sword under any conditions! You may test its presence by setting the SIDE of the tip into the palm of your opposite hand to ensure its length and the hilt in your drawing hand. Both hilts and blades are a bit cold to the touch, and warm with application, the blade becoming extremely hot upon impact. BLUE SWORDS: Double edged, elongated and flanged hilt. No trim or other decorations. Blade is thicker in the center of the two cutting edges, rolled smooth without hard ridges or grooves. The entire weapon is a fluorescent Blue in color, about the same shade as a properly air-vented natural gas flame. It is made for Spiritual Energy destruction, and can cut through anything of the Lower Seven Planes of Heaven and all the Depths. The blade gets extremely hot in fast motion, and what it doesn't cut it has already burned. When assuming the Guard Stance, the hilt in one hand and the blade tip in the other, CAREFULLY move the blade OUT of your palm as fast as you can, and then gently replace it in your palm and note the temperature change! It may seem subtle at first, but with a bit of cognizance you can burn yourself. You only need to test the blade now and then, learning how much speed produces how much heat. NEVER – REPEAT – NEVER attempt to replace a Blue Sword anywhere within yourself! Dispose of it in any relevant target, but NEVER attempt to return it to its place of origin. PROCESS: 1. Once secured in a BOL, assigned males will face outward from the Inner Circle, extend their own Hell Ball and settle it in place as directed. The Hell Balls will connect with those of the guards on both sides, forming a RING. 2. Once the BOL Hell Ball is emplaced, draw your Blue Sword when commanded to do so by the Firing Officer, "Blue Swords, Present Arms" being the signal to coordinate everybody into a cohesive unit. Upon drawing your Blue Sword, extend it and your arm outward at a shoulder-high elevated level, that the tip of the Sword be at the same elevation as your height. 3. Upon command, "Blue Swords, Ready, Stand!" and with your hands and arms in any comfortable position as you determine at the time, place the tip of your Sword in the palm of your opposite hand. This is your WARNING stance, sufficient to all who may encounter that you are ON GUARD and neither you nor your charge are to be interfered with under any conditions. A: Take command of all surrounding territory, and maintain your ON GUARD status until ordered to stand down. Stay alert and on-station even during Circle Breaks. Outer Circle Guards do not need to "hands up" but they do need to maintain their Hell Balls and invoke in unison as they are able. B: Maintain this Battle-Ready position until commanded, "Blue Swords, Stand Down!" Ignore this command if you sense any irregularities or unwanted presences. C: At any time you sense or discover any entities, powers, forces and energies deemed detrimental to the Inner Circle, Outer Circle, Project and/or any Akurian, strike to its total destruction without further adieu. Losing or breaking your Sword is of no consequence, there is another in endless supply from where you retrieved that one. D: At any instance when one (or more) of the Outer Circle vacates their assigned station in its defense, those on either side shall close the circle behind him and maintain until he returns. DO NOT abandon your own station to assist unless requested or so ordered. At some point in the future we will have sufficient to man Guard Units that can be deployed immediately. 4. Those who experience the Outer Circle will note a change in Hell Ball manifestation. It will seem to flatten and extend out to the right and left. This is normal, as properly made Hell Balls will seek to "center" of their own accord if given a few seconds to do so, and Outer Circle Hell Ball will seek to "center" with the next adjacent Hell Ball on each side. And THAT is exactly what you want it to do, so assist it as necessary. A: It is this maintained Hell Ball centered with the Hell Balls of your fellows on either side that will inform you when someone leaves their station to attack. As advised above, simply close the Circle behind him and maintain the security of the Project. 5. It is the Firing Officer's prerogative to assign Outer Circle defenses, which includes instructing any given males to attend Inner Circle instead. The Firing Officer is also Officer of the Guard and must be kept informed as conditions permit. Each Outer Circle Guard will report their area: "(Last Name) Post Secure!" that the Firing Officer and Inner Circle can THEN proceed in greater security. 6. Calls and interruptions from Outer Circle stations do interfere with Inner Circle Invocations of Testimony and should be kept to an absolute minimum. A: Proper preparation will eliminate the vast majority of Outer Circle interruptions, just as it does Inner Circle time consumptions getting everybody into BOL that should already be there. Outer Circle intrusions should not be permitted to interfere with any Inner Circle, Outer Circle, Project and/or any Akurian under any conditions, and that includes Blue Sword applications insofar as feasible. SCRIPT: FO: (Name of Guard(s)) "Report to station!" – at which time each Guard will attempt to make their preliminary links with their next closest fellow in the same manner as Circle Blast. FO: "Circle Ready!" – at which time the Inner Circle links hands, the Outer Circle makes final checks for Blue Sword command. FO: "Hell Balls!" – at which time all present and extend Hell Balls. FO: "Blue Swords, Present Arms" FO: "Blue Swords, Ready, Stand!" – at which time Outer Circle Guards, in order of assignment, will reply "(Last Name) Post Secure!" FO: THE INVOCATIONS OF TESTIMONY FO: "Ready, BREAK!" (Repeat as per Project) FO: "Blue Swords, Stand Down!" BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER, General Bobby Farrell.