THE IRREVOCABLE CURSE OF EL AKU UPON THE WHOLE OF THE HOUSE OF LEVI THE IRREVOCABLE CURSE OF EL AKU UPON THE WHOLE OF THE HOUSE OF JUDAH ABSOLUTE CONFIRMATION Aku: Most High Lord God of All Creation, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, bear me witness and withhold not Your Hand from this which I do before You. Righteous Daughters of Akuria, prepare yourselves and inquire now of The Most High Lord God of All Creation whether My Judgment and Curse and Damnation upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them is Righteous. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, confirm, Thus Saith The Most High: ""The Judgment and Curse and Damnation of Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them is Righteous."" Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, prepare yourselves and inquire now of The Most High Lord God of All Creation whether the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of the House of Judah and all the Houses of all their Fellows are guilty or not guilty of each and every one of these charges and accusations against them. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, confirm, Thus Saith The Most High: ""The Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows are guilty of each and every one of these charges and accusations against them."" Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, prepare yourselves and inquire now of The Most High Lord God of All Creation whether My Judgment and Curse and Damnation upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them are His Words spoken by my mouth. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, confirm, Thus Saith The Most High: ""The Judgment and Curse and Damnation of Lord of Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them are the Words of The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, spoken by your mouth."" Aku: By Righteous Power and Holy Authority vested in me as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9232 ""First, seal these presents and greeting until The Day of Revelation for these contents are not but for your own comfort that you may abide the dark days of your Reign that are yet to come. For I have sent you unto a world of blind eyes, closed ears, vile spirits and programmed ignorance, and all upon their own heads. Therefore, be comforted that you are My Lord among Lords though I send you among fools of their own making."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0454 ""Son of Man: Holy Anointed Witness of The Most High of This Generation of Fire, Avenger of The Most High in All the Earth, Beloved Begotten Son of The First I Am, First Lord of The Elect, Holy One of Israel, Holy One of Ishmael, Ordained of The Lord God of Israel, Ordained of The Lord God of Ishmael, General of the Holy Hosts, and Bearer of The Holy Standard into Battle: I anoint you with Infinite Power and Authority, and this thing shall not even the Gates of Hell diminish!"" Aku: By Righteous Power and Holy Authority vested in me as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9233 ""Second, in The Day of Revelation you shall present these contents that I may testify of them, and the truth of them, and all that I have given under your hand. And whosoever will be of and abide by all these things, I will consider as wise and prudent to be worthy of True Righteousness before Me; but whosoever shall be against and refuse all these things, I will see as vile and putrid and worthy only of My Eternal Damnation upon them. Therefore, be comforted that you are My Word among Words though I send you to a speechless and dumb generation of their own making."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0455 ""That which you shall Bless shall be Blessed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Bless shall not be Unblessed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that Blessing is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Aku: By Righteous Power and Holy Authority vested in me as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9234 ""Third, this day have I completed My Promise to send forth My Messengers of Knowledge and Understanding, and have charged them to remain until I call all unto That Great Final Judgment to give full account of themselves, all they have done, all they have done that should have not been done, all they have not done that should have been done, all they have caused to be done that should have been done, all they have caused to be done that should not have been done, all they caused not to be done that should have been done; where I shall judge each and every soul unto and upon themselves. Therefore, be comforted that you are My Judge of all Judges though I send you to a corrupt and justice bereft establishment of their own making."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0456 ""That which you shall Curse shall be Cursed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Curse shall not be uncursed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that Curse is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Aku: By Righteous Power and Holy Authority vested in me as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9235 ""Fourth, this day have I completed creation of The Greater Depths of Everlasting Burning where I shall send Lucifer and all his servants and all his minions and all who do not cast him and all his damnations from themselves and come unto Me in true repentance and true service even as My Beloved Akurians. Therefore, be comforted that you are My Beloved Chief of My Beloved Akurians, and because of you, every living breath of each and every True Akurian shall be as a constant and righteous prayer unto Me."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0457 ""That which you shall Loose shall be Loosed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Loose shall not be Unloosed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that loosening is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Aku: By Righteous Power and Holy Authority vested in me as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9236 ""Fifth, this day have I sanctified My Seven Swords, even My Righteous Swords of Akuria, that the vile and corrupt, all the Servants of Lucifer and Savants of Evil and Savants of Socialism will rightly fear My Terror by Night and My Arrows that Fly by Day. For My Beloved Swords of Akuria harm not the innocent and spare not the guilty! Yea! My Beloved Swords of Akuria know and understand that the seed of evil is evil, and it is for the destruction of all evil that I shall reward them in That Day. Therefore, be comforted that there is no evil found anywhere in all of Akuria."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0458 ""That which you shall Bind shall be Bound in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Bind shall not be Unbound even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that binding is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Aku: I am reminded as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9237 ""Sixth, this day have I determined the end of the Jew-Controlled world and established the time of the ending thereof in accordance with the iniquity thereof. For the socialisms and enslavements of the whole world by the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of the House of Judah are far advanced and will continue deeper into the Depths of Demonic Depravity from the highest offices of the whole world unto the lowest pauper who sleeps without shelter in the dirtiest of the dirt. Therefore, be comforted that you are My Testimony and My Authority in all the Earth, and in The Day of Revelation you shall set forth such a firestorm of fury by the Whole of the House of Levi and by the Whole of the House of Judah that their anger at being exposed alone would make you worthy of your earned Title: Son of Fire!"" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0459 ""For this day The Most High Lord God of All Creation, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, does declare you to be the Firstborn of the Chosen, even of the House of Joseph, to be Witness of This Generation of Fire, and to gather The Elect, and to prepare the path for The Servant of The Most High, Elijah!"" Aku: I am reminded as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9238 ""Seventh, this day have I called unto the whole world and none but you answered Me. This day have I looked unto the Depths and found none there undeserving. This day have I looked unto all the Realms of all the Planes of all the Heavens and found many there Servants and Savants of Lucifer. And as I have set the time of their removal, so shall I remove them! Therefore, be comforted that My Cleansing of All Creation begins with your hand in all the Earth and shall not cease until all the vile and the corrupt – which includes all churches, governments and institutions of manipulation – are condemned by My Beloved Akurians in all the generations after you until That Great Final Judgment."" And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 0460 ""And this day The Most High Lord God of All Creation, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, does name His Name upon you Lord El Aku, and you shall no more be known as El Aku, Son of Vegah, of The Mighty, Most Righteous and Honorable House of Din, but shall be known in All the Heavens Above All the Earths even before the Great Veil, and in All the Earths Beneath the Heavens, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths as Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH: for The Most High Lord God of All Creation has named His Own Name upon you: that whosoever shall take you or your name in vain shall have profaned The Holy Name of The Most High Lord God of All Creation!"" Aku: I am reminded as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9239 ""Eighth. Yea! Be comforted. For that which man shall bring upon himself because he did not restrain the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of the House of Judah shall be accounted upon his own head at his own hand. Therefore, be comforted in the knowledge that the government of the United States does not serve the citizens at large but serves only the socialist agenda of the Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement by the Whole of the House of Levi and by the Whole of the House of Judah unto the New World Order of One World Government, and thus are their designs for the whole world."" Aku: I am reminded as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9240 ""Ninth. Yea! Be comforted. And as often I command you, go out and speak unto the sun that which I shall give unto you that whomsoever the sun shall shine upon shall be informed within their own innate of all you shall speak unto the sun. And be comforted. Yea, be comforted. For in this thing shall the sun be yet another witness of the whole world, be it of righteousness or be it of evil. Therefore, be comforted for as none upon the whole world can escape the sun so shall none upon the whole world escape all testimony of them."" Aku: I am reminded as it was spoken to me in Your Presence and the Company there assembled before The Heavenly Tabernacle; I have Witnessed the Abominations of Levi and Judah of the Children of Jacob, and I have judged them in True Righteousness, and this is my irrevocable Judgment upon them: Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: From His Own Letter of Comfort unto you, First Lord of The Most High: 9241 ""Tenth. Yea! Be comforted. And often as I command you, go and speak unto All the Heavens Above All the Earths and unto All the Earths and unto All the Depths Beneath All the Earth that which I shall give unto you that none who shall be found anywhere in All the Heavens Above All the Earths and in All the Earths and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earth – living or dead – shall be ignorant of your Voice nor your Holy Commission Before Me! Therefore, are you My Holy and Anointed Witness Before Me. Therefore, be comforted for all shall fail save you and My Beloved Akurians."" Have mercy, Holy Son of Fire, for The Most High Lord God of All Creation has named His Own Holy Name upon you. Remember The Most High Lord God of All Creation is a God of Great Mercy. 0455 ""That which you shall Bless shall be Blessed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Bless shall not be Unblessed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that Blessing is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you: 0456 ""That which you shall Curse shall be Cursed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Curse shall not be uncursed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that Curse is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah, and the Whole of all the Houses of all their Fellows: 0457 ""That which you shall Loose shall be Loosed in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Loose shall not be Unloosed even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that loosening is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind and present warning to all fools: 0458 ""That which you shall Bind shall be Bound in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths forever! And that which you shall Bind shall not be Unbound even by The Most High Lord God of All Creation until that binding is fulfilled! Thus saith The Most High!"" Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you: have mercy, Holy Son of Fire, for The Most High Lord God of All Creation has named His Own Holy Name upon you. Remember The Most High Lord God of All Creation is a God of Great Mercy. Aku: I will show mercy where I have seen mercy. Speak now in This Company and show me that I may see mercy and I will have mercy. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, speak as one voice: We have no instance of mercy to present that you might have mercy. Nevertheless, Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, beseech you to find cause for mercy. Aku: Hear, O Earth! Hear, O Israel! Hear, all you Children of Abraham! This is the Word of The Most High: Neither the Whole of the House of Levi, nor the Whole of the House of Judah, nor any of their knowing and unknowing associates, assigns or supporters have shown any mercy whatsoever to any victim whomsoever, nevertheless I will not be lowered to their Depths of Damnation by my example; Therefore, Because my Father Jacob refrained from the Whole of the House of Simeon and the Whole of the House of Levi saying, "Simeon and Levi as brethren are instruments of cruelty and their habitations, Oh My soul, come not into their secrets nor into their assembly; my honor, be not you united: for in their anger they slew Sechem and all his family and fellows and in their self-will they destroyed the city thereof. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce; and their wrath, for it is cruel: I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel." Thus I will honor my Father Jacob and this is my Judgment upon the Whole of the House of Levi: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation, to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Because my Father Jacob cursed the anger of Simeon and Levi, I will have mercy and not be lowered in the Eyes of My Fathers down to the merciless Depths of Damnation of the Whole of the House of Levi. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi; Cursed be their anger, and until Shiloh shall their anger be turned back against them and shall pervade their innermost secret places, and shall expose them in every street, and in every mouth, and in every eye in the whole of the Earth, and My Curse of Damnation shall be Wrath Without Restraint and Punishment Without Ending upon the Whole of the House of Levi, both living and dead, and upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Cursed be the Whole of the Generations of their Fellows and all their generations after them who shall in any manner even attempt to mollify or obfuscate this Curse of Curses upon any of the Whole of the House of Levi; for they and all their generations after them shall then and there be bound in All the Heavens above the Earths and in All the Earths and in All the Depths beneath All the Earths with this same Curse of Curses and all its intended agonies until Shiloh. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: I know The Most High will not suffer any True Righteous to bear this Curse of Curses and will not suffer any vile of the Whole of the House of Levi nor any of the Houses of their Fellows to escape. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Because my Father Jacob delivered unto the Whole of the House of Judah saying, "Judah, you are he whom your brethren shall praise: your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down before you. "Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, you art gone up: stooped down, couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choicest vine; he washes his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk." Thus I will honor my Father Jacob and this is my Judgment upon the Whole of the House of Judah: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation, to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Because my Father Jacob spoke Truth of Truths upon Judah, I will have mercy and not be lowered in the Eyes of My Fathers down to the merciless Depths of Damnation of the House of Judah. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Judah: The gathering of the people shall I not remove from you; but all the people who shall gather unto you shall be the angered Survivors of The Nations – the blood of grapes – who have borne your hand of socialism and all its filth, greed, desecration, legislated enslavement and injustice. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah. That Scepter is mine and I will not have it further profaned. For you have desecrated the Whole of the House of Joseph whom My Father Jacob named Israel by naming his own name upon Ephraim and Manasseh, strangling the Whole of the House of Joseph and all the gentiles: feeding their produce to your own unworthy, and as a thief in the night raping the people and the land of the best to satisfy your own greed; making their earned best as a washing draught – washing your filth in the last of their healing wine – and without mercy, pity or concern for any other, casting even the remaining crumbs into the sewer from which none can eat or drink. Though your eyes be red with the wine of power in the control over all governments, making yourself to be above all, even your own, with your vain and enslaving laws: I shall break your white teeth as cheap glass and turn your contemptuous smile into a toothless whine; and at every word out of my mouth shall you wish you had never been born; for I speak not of myself but of The Most High who ordered me to condemn you in the sight of all you hold glorious. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah. And I turn all the corruption and agonies you inflict upon the rest of the whole world back against you, and it shall pervade your innermost and secret places and shall expose you in the streets and in every mouth and in every eye in the whole of the Earth, and My Curse of Damnation shall be Wrath Without Restraint and Punishment Without Ending upon the Whole of the House of Judah, both living and dead, and upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Cursed be the Whole of the Generations of the Fellows and all their generations after them who shall in any manner even attempt to mollify or obfuscate this Curse of Curses upon the Whole of the House of Judah; for all the Demons and Furies of the Deepest Hell shall then and there be loosed in All the Heavens above the Earths and in All the Earths and in All the Depths beneath All the Earths upon them and all their generations after them and shall not cease to inflict this same Curse of Curses and all its intended agonies until Shiloh. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: I know The Most High will not suffer any True Righteous to bear this Curse of Curses and will not suffer any vile of the Whole of the House of Judah nor any of the Houses of their Fellows to escape. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, remind you, Thus Saith The Most High: And from His Own Confirmation in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!": 8686 ""Son of Abraham, look toward the earth, to all the peoples of all the churches, to all the Levites and all the Judeans of all the synagogues (Temple Israel), and to all the members of all the Lodges. What do you see?"" To which you replied: 8687 "Of all the peoples of all the churches: forced ignorance and forced obedience. Ignorance by design, and ignorance built upon ignorance. Forced obedience, lest The Truth become known. But of the leaders and the Secret Councils, knowing lies, knowing deceptions, knowing abuses, and collusions with all others like them. The Pure Filth of the Most Powerful Spirits of Demonism. 8688 "Of all the Levites and all the Judeans of all the synagogues (Temple Israel): forced obedience. Of the peoples and of the leaders: seclusion to obey the few most-wealthy in their endeavors; knowing deceptions by the whole of the peoples, crying injustice and professing all innocence while practicing all manner of sorceries, injustice and conspiracies against all whom they deem not worthy of their own life, their own health, their own mind, their own determination, their own possessions and even their own soul – all these practices being kept from only the most ignorant of pawns. The High Demon Baal and High Demon Beelzebub directing their Multitudes (hosts, armies) of Demons of Greed, their Multitudes of Demons of Deception, their Multitudes of Demons of Deprivation, their Multitudes of Demons of Murder, their Multitudes of Demons of Injustice, their Multitudes of Demons of Pollution (racemixing) and their Multitudes of Demons of All Desecration to gain the stranglehold over all the tribes and all the peoples and all the governments of all the nations. 8689 "Of the people of Levi and Judea, their colors are like the body of a snake following its head, thinking the body goes where the head encounters what it finds, but only the head knows that it alone has chosen the path and nothing the head does is by chance or happenstance. Everything of the head is by design, even at the destruction of its own body as long as the head should survive. 8690 "I see no end of collusions and conspiracies by the Levites and Judeans; and no end to their damnable immoralities to gain control over everything, starting with all the gold and monetary exchange. Enforcing the perception of their innocence without regard against all who expose them, they spare no effort to coerce with the courts they own, or the agencies and police forces they control. They are appalling. They will stoop to anything. Any lie, any murder, any desecration, any deception, and any abuse. Since they own the courts and control all the government operations, especially educational, and virtually all the media, they are hell bent on destroying anyone and everyone who dares call them into account. 8691 "Of peoples of the Lodges, I see the pretense of a grouping together toward betterment and the sustaining of right based on a standard of honor; but of the Secret Councils of those Lodges I see the colors of the same Multitudes of Demons I saw in the synagogues of Temple Israel, and the same knowing deceptions and the same knowing sorceries against all who the leaders and their minions deem not worthy to sit with them in their schemes and intrigues; but there is no hesitation from those leaders and their minions to require the money and support of those they deem not worthy. The colors of coercion and intimidation, hypocrisy and extortion are no less than I saw in the synagogues of Temple Israel." And The Most High answered in His Confirmation: 8692 ""Son of Abraham, you have seen Truth! For thus they are and thus they shall remain until Satan's Fire consumes them, and all their generations after them, even until The Hail."" Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, I am El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Anointed Witness of This Generation of Fire, Horseman of the Divine Revelation to whom was given a Great Sword and Righteous Power and Holy Authority to take peace from the earth; and by those Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities vested in me by Divine Earned Right this is My Judgment: Hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: This which I pronounce in the Presence of the Righteous Daughters of Akuria shall be shouted from the rooftops, heard in every ear, and spoken of by every tongue; and shall not pass from the Whole of the House of Levi, nor the Whole of the House of Judah, nor the Whole of every House of their Fellows, nor any of their collective generations after them except they all repent before me in sackcloth and ashes, paying the full Holy and Righteous Due as required by The Most High, ALIHA ASUR HIGH; and they shall all suffer the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind them. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, hear and bear witness: the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows are adjudicated guilty in the Sight of The Most High; and your Damnation of this Curse of Curses upon them cannot be removed and shall be upon all their generations after them until Shiloh. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of their Fellows and all your collective generations after you, for you have profaned all Righteousness in the Sight of The Most High. Therefore, each and every word out of my mouth against you, each and every charge and accusation against you, each and every word written hereof against you, each and every provision of this Righteous Judgment and Curse and Damnation upon you and all your generations after you is justified in the Sight of The Most High; and you are hereby adjudicated guilty of all thereof and are here and now cursed and condemned; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah. For you have offended The Most High, you have offended the Great First Lord of Spirits, you have offended The Holy Spirit of Truth, and you have offended the Office of the Teacher of Righteousness, even The Anointed Messiah of The Most High in this Generation of Fire. Therefore, all I have Judged, Pronounced, Decreed and Cursed upon you, all your generations after you, and all your Fellows and all your generations after you, is Righteous and Holy in the Sight of The Most High and are His Words through my mouth; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi; Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah. For you have profaned The Holy Spirit of Truth and all True Righteousness and the whole of the Tribe of Levi has profaned all of it and sold it for a farthing in the streets as it were an aged whore for worth and value. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I loose all the Wrath of All the Heavens above All the Earths and all the Terrors of all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your places shall be a constant horror and a never ending agony of all manner of fury, destruction, fire, flood, famine, plague, disease and disaster; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have instigated wars and rumors of wars throughout the generations for your own self profit and access to impregnable power of the Whole World. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I loose all the Wrath of All the Heavens above All the Earths and all the Terrors of all the Depths beneath All the Earths that all the Deaths and Damnations, Terrors and Horrors, Unending Agonies, Sufferings, Deprivations and Losses of all the accumulated wars you have instigated shall be upon your own heads and all your collective generations after you at your own hands, there shall be neither peace nor escape from war and all its violence anywhere among you nor any place of all your collective generations after you. Neither shall you profit thereby nor enjoy any comfort nor any farthing in your possession nor in any exchange thereof, and you shall not possess any peace anywhere, even in death where I, myself, shall sit in Judgment of you; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have spared nothing in your power, nothing in your influence, nothing under your hand nor anything under your authority to instigate all manner of disputes and all manner of wars anywhere and everywhere upon the Face of the Whole World, that by your manipulation of all the logistics and administration thereof you profit greatly and establish the conditions to instigate the next generation of wars. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I loose all the Wrath of All the Heavens above All the Earths and all the Terrors of all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your places shall be a constant horror and a never ending agony of all manner of war and destruction, untreatable and untreated injuries of great agony and lingering life unto death, all your places shall be overflowing with violence, rape, abuse, neglect, contamination and poverty, and there shall be neither refuge, safety, relief nor comfort found anywhere among you; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, all the Damnations and Satanic Demons of Socialism which: by every abomination of desecration evil is capable of producing, you have financed, published, legislated, enforced, starved, murdered, and railroaded upon all the tribes, the peoples, and the nations; until there is not one breath, not one heartbeat, not one thought, not one word, not one action, not one deed, among the whole of them that is not accounted in abject enslavement by those you have appointed. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I loose all the Wrath of All the Heavens above All the Earths and all the Terrors of all the Depths beneath All the Earths that all the terrors, horrors, famine, plagues, disease, restriction and deprivation you have conspired to enforce upon the Whole World shall neither pass nor depart from the Whole of the House of Levi, nor the Whole of the House of Judah, nor the Whole of every House of your Fellows, nor any of your collective generations after you; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have established foolishness and worthless incomprehensibilities and legislated them into existence as education, you have set forth and established the forcing of pollutions of the Soul, Mind, Consciousness, Spirit and Body with your deprivations of true knowledge, deceits of the process of sound thoughts and prudent reasoning, and desecrated the intelligence of the masses beginning in their youth under the guise of equality and racial balance – the hypocrisy, failure and true intent thereof being self-evident – that with knowing lies and knowing deceptions you have programmed the wanting vile and the youth of these generations into abject stupidity that by the manipulation thereof they should assist you in enslaving themselves under your merciless and vile administration of the Damnations of Socialism. You have deliberately putrefied the Souls, Minds, Consciousnesses, Spirits and Bodies of the youth of the Whole World with immoralities and the vilest of abominations before The Most High with programmed ignorance and glorified nonsense. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I loose all the Wrath of All the Heavens above All the Earths and all the Terrors of all the Depths beneath All the Earths that every gene of your being shall be a pollution and a failure to all your generations after you forever, and all the disfigurements thereof shall you not deliver anywhere into any presence of True Righteousness lest it be profaned and a pollution unto its very foundation; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have established ignorance and instigated the expansions of all the deliberate abominations of racemixing and interracial sexual intercourse in your deliberate intention to destroy the purity of both body and soul as required by The Most High and to breed into existence soulless entities for harvesting in your instigated wars and Socialist Damnations. By knowing lies and knowing deceptions have you glorified and expounded this and many more such immoralities as right and acceptable, knowing all such are an Eternal Abomination before The Most High, being the unforgivable sin of Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit of Truth. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths upon all your seed after you, and all the seed of your fellows after them shall be also afflicted and profaned that every breath thereof be a pollution unto the body and a filth unto your soul, and every beat of your heart be an agony of disease unto your body and a knowing desecration unto every soul thereof unto Eternal Damnation as that Judged upon the racemixers and their polluted seed until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have profaned all The Holy Writ, and you have polluted Holy Zion into a degenerate sewer of cess, and you have desecrated all Purity of the Body, and you have degenerated all Freedom of The Mind, and you have exterminated all Liberty of The Soul, and you have polluted all True Righteousness that the whole earth is a contamination. Therefore, do I bind all the Treasures, Knowledges and Pleasures of All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, from the Whole of the House of Levi and from the Whole of the House of Judah and from each and every House of your Fellows, and from all your collective generations after you both living and dead, that your every breath and all your places shall be a strain beyond your strength and a never ending stink of all manner of filth, sewage, pollution, garbage, cess, contamination, poverty, famine, starvation, deprivation, infection, disease, plague, agony, pain, persecution, rage and vengeance of all your victims upon you and all your generations after you until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have stolen from the poor and miserable, you have robbed the low and ignorant, you have extorted from the weak and helpless, you have inflicted unjust usury upon the aged and the diseased, and you have spared no conspiracy to remand all government and law to secure your damnations. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your efforts shall be a loss, poverty, starvation, depletion and a scattering unto the far reaches from where none shall ever return; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have spared nothing in your power, nothing in your influence, nothing under your hand nor anything under your authority to initiate and instigate the total destruction of that Holy Document, the Constitution of the United States of America, that all its Righteous Statutes are now a laughing stock to all governmental authority when presented by any Citizen or any accused; and thus that Holy Document exists only for the vile and corrupt and Jew-Controlled bureaucracies to hide behind in your perpetual Abomination of Damnations upon the innocent. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths that because you have profaned all Righteousness and destroyed and denied all personal liberty and freedom from all the Souls, Minds, Consciousnesses, Spirits and Bodies upon whom The Most High endowed them, you are hereby adjudicated guilty and you shall Die the Death of All Damnations, and all the innocent shall I, Myself, avenge in My Judgment upon you in First Judgment. And in the doomed Days of TOTAL Global Enslavement you have long advocated, the merciless enslaver and slayer shall come for you too and shall be of your own blood and of your own house that the blood of your dead shall be accounted upon your own head and at your own hands; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have instigated the expansions of all the Police, Courts, Prosecution, Prisons, Pardon, Parole and Probation systems that all who shall speak against you and reveal all your cliques, collusions, corruptions, conspiracies and endowments to glorify and enrich all criminal activity under your control may be railroaded into silence, slaughtered by government agents and puppets, and incarcerated without exception under any of your damnable pretexts. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your endeavors shall be a scourge, deprivation, enslavement, imprisonment, justified extermination and a never ending recognition of all the terrors and horrors your socialisms have created around the whole world upon you and all your generations after you until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have instigated the expansions of all the Police, Courts, Prosecution, Prisons, Pardon, Parole and Probation systems that all who shall speak against you and reveal all your epidemic child kidnappings, rapings, tortures and murders; the capture and slave trading of innocents by law enforcement agencies with the abject protection of all those under your control against which the victim has neither recourse nor resources to resist. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your possessions, all your own families and all your fellows shall be naught but a desecration and violation as those you have created and perpetrated everywhere upon the whole of the land shall be upon you and all your generations after you until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Cursed be the Whole of the House of Levi, Cursed be the Whole of the House of Judah and Cursed be each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you, for you have instigated the expansions of all the deliberate abominations of narcotics trafficking; and profiting from all the injuries, deaths and violence as a result of such deliberately perpetuated Demonisms and Damnations from the manipulation of economies of the growers and their fields, to the manufacture, export, financing and money laundering accomplished by government agents and agencies under your control. Therefore, upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon each and every House of your Fellows, and all your collective generations after you both living and dead, do I issue this Decree of Damnation upon you in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths that your every breath and all your possessions, all your seed after you and all the seed of your fellows after them shall be also addicted, murdered and destroyed as that suffered by all your other deliberately inflicted victims, that all the terrors and horrors your socialisms have created around the whole world shall be upon your own table and upon your own bed and all your generations after you as the Infinite Agonies of All the Demonic Depths beneath All the Earths until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them is spoken in All the Heavens above All the Earths, and of All the Earths, and in all the Depths beneath All the Earths, and as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: I know The Most High will not suffer any True Righteous to bear this Righteous Decree of Curse of Curses and Damnations until Shiloh, and will not suffer any vile of the Whole of the House of Levi, nor the Whole of the House of Judah, nor the Whole of the Houses of all their Fellows to escape. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: Righteous Daughters of Akuria, hear me and bear witness of this, My Judgment and Curse and Damnation to the Whole World upon the Whole of the House of Levi and upon the Whole of the House of Judah and upon all the Houses of all their Fellows and upon all their collective generations after them, for as it is spoken out of My Mouth so will The Most High, Himself, Testify: Inasmuch as the Whole of the House of Levi and the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of the Houses of all their Fellows have shown the pretense of mercy in their massive conspiracies and deceits, I have shown mercy in this My Judgment and Great Decree of the Irrevocable Curse Of El Aku Upon The Whole Of The House Of Levi and the Irrevocable Curse Of El Aku Upon The Whole Of The House Of Judah and the Whole of the Houses of all their Fellows. Righteous Daughters of Akuria, bear me witness: Knowing The Most High will protect the Righteous; Righteous Daughters of Akuria, bear me witness. Daughters of Akuria: Righteous and Holy Son of Fire, we, The Daughters of Akuria, Daughters of This Generation of Fire, being True Knowers of The Great Testimony, do so witness and Declare to this Whole Generation of Fire: thus it is spoken and cannot be unspoken. Nevertheless, The Most High will protect the Righteous. And we do so witness to the Whole of the House of Levi, the Whole of the House of Judah and the Whole of all the Houses of their Fellows: The Most High has adjudicated all of you to be guilty and confirms your guilt to all True Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony; and none of you shall escape the Black Flames of Hell in life until Shiloh and the Gates of Hell Eternal are closed and locked behind you. Aku: The Most High has spoken it, and all the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it. Righteous Daughters of Akuria, bear me witness: Knowing The Most High will protect the Righteous; Righteous Daughters of Akuria, bear me witness. Daughters of Akuria: 0461 ""It is written, and it is done!"" as Ordered and Directed by THE MOST HIGH LORD GOD OF ALL CREATION ALIHA ASUR HIGH and in absolute obedience thereto Pronounced and Invoked by Lord of Lords, King of Kings, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, Holy Anointed Witness of This Generation of Fire. and The Righteous Daughters of Akuria, All Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony.