WHEREFORE A SOUL 09 March 2014 – 7 Adar II 5774 The Foundation of Perpetration was established by The High One before He permitted the beginning of conscious life. Energies were compacted into matter and matter reacted to matter within the foundations of exacting processes of energy. Until this was accomplished there were neither thoughts nor understandings of any other than The High One because life was not. These factors are not necessarily in the following sequence, nor of the same level of priority. Tthe Foundation of Perpetration began when cold was absolute in the Endless Reaches before The High One permitted light and the sources and resources thereof. Light did not come forth until the zyku began to move of themselves, creating heat. The Ages of The High One until the zyku are not recorded except at the Very Beginning of the Akashic Records. Before there was life the Foundation of Perpetration contained the absolute that life and the consciousness that would follow require four separate and critical factors. (1) Awareness, of existence; (2) Cognizance, of its requirements; (3) Consciousness, of surroundings in which it exists; and (4) Understanding, that it reproduce its own kind. Cognizance is not reasoning consciousness. Cognizance requires and produces comprehension. Comprehension may or may not produce understanding beyond immediate necessity or immediate opportunity. Understanding may or may not be complete, of foundation, of energy, of matter, or where one begins and another ends. Understanding is more often a cognizance of the present. Life must adhere to the Foundation of Perpetration: consciousness that it exists; consciousness that it must survive (self-continuance); consciousness that it must have source; consciousness that it must perpetuate itself. Consciousness of life must adhere to its actual manifestation: that it exists and is cognizant of its surroundings; that its surroundings are its source of its present continuance; that its surroundings are its source and resource of its perpetuation. Neither consciousness, cognizance nor comprehension that its surroundings are its source and resource are necessary for consciousness to manifest within its surroundings. Abstract reasoning is not a conscious nor cognizance requirement. Cognizance of experience is the determining factor of all continuance. Even the zyku (smallest of all lifeforms) are therefore necessary to itself and all dependent on it as it procreates, exists and passes. Conscious entities are not physically exclusive unto themselves except their own procreation lest they corrupt their generations to their own detriment. They must of themselves be males and females to procreate and often consume their mates in the grand process. The zyku adapted themselves of themselves to continue within their environment; consume their environment as source and resource; expend within their environment changing their environment requiring them to relocate; and this without cognizance other than to consume, continue and procreate. Into Creation The High One permitted the zyki, those that continued upon the zyku, that also continued upon themselves as did the zyku before them. The Foundation of Perpetration, being perfect, did not alter. The Foundation of Perpetration only expanded as life process became multiple as consciousness and cognizance expanded into requiring more relocation and the zyku and zyki made themselves into greater defensive manifestation to ensure procreation. The High One permitted the zyku and all other such in the cold realms of mass distances (space) that they not encounter until their own procreation taxed their environment. The zyku became cognizant toward the balance of limitation; procreation being limited that progeny continue and not perish; and progeny be cognizant of the balance of limitation without thought or vision, yet of innate comprehension. Worlds became worlds, sources of energy compressing themselves into matter, that produced more gravity. Gravity gathered the worlds and produced places for life and the expansion of life. The zyku of the cold permitted the zyki of the warm, and Foundation of Perpetration permitted zykoi upon zykoi to permit zusa (organic life) and The High One set forth the zusi to perpetuate. The Foundation of Perpetration in all its infinite perfection. Life need not be conscious but must be cognizant, seed recognizing seed, be it of its own or be it of any other; first being cognizant of itself and all in proximity. The Foundation of Perpetration being source and resource to all life. Life being life and bringing forth life of its own kind, the perfection of the Foundation of Perpetration. The process of life is from cognizance to perpetuation, preservation being reason of the cause, and perpetual continuance being the first dedication. Life did not evolve one from another, but came into being physically full from the Realms of Energy in the exacting process of the Foundation of Perpetration. The greater the requirement of cognizance the greater the requirement of consciousness. The greater the requirement of consciousness the greater the requirement of dependency, dependence on source and resource, and awareness of source, resource, procreation and avoidance (of danger). Carnal (flesh) life procreates itself to the last effort but organic life has no such ability. Thus as cognizance expands into awareness, consciousness expands into applied memory experience. Applied memory experience expands into reason and reason into calculation, and calculation into recognition of intelligence that has never been absent. The powers of creation, control of energy and matter, are the essence of creation of the greater cognizance whether organic or carnal. The essence of creation being source and resource, control must expand cognizance into memory and memory into intelligence of experience and forward into knowledge that must be retained and maintained throughout procreation. The necessity of a system for the purpose of containment (brain) is the progression of the powers of creation, control of energy and matter created the system within the physical manifestation, organic or carnal. Competition for sources and resources required cognizance, comprehension and reason. Sufficiency and insufficiency are factors that could not and cannot be ignored or long endured. Wisdom is hard-earned as consciousness required awareness, memory, calculation and analyzation to effect deliberate action. How much and what to consume; disposal and continuance are conflicts. The brain, being delicate was first housed in the hollows of the body where room permitted, as it still is with all organics except hybrids and zyku, and the room was expanded as the size of the brain grew of cognitive necessity. Then into hollows of the skeletal structure to further protect itself, where it is today in many lifeforms. Here became the seat and center of all conscious reasoning. Thus the brain of itself made itself the center of all experience, memory, awareness, cognizance and reasoning. Life of its own cognizance will not perish of itself but only of those conditions beyond its control, which may be limited knowledge or limited understanding of that knowledge. Awareness of itself does not confer either comprehension or understanding, only the cognizance of existence and the innate necessity to survive to procreate. Cognizance is not thought but is actually recognition. As cognizance progressed, when and if it progressed, the result was and still is all levels of life from the original zyku to the super-intelligent; creating itself out of itself from the Realms of Energy into the Realms of Mass and Matter by deliberate manipulation and never by evolution. Like all cognizants, the zyku adapted to be a benefit to other lifeforms, organic and carnal. As cognizance progressed into awareness and awareness progressed into comprehension, lifeforms progressed of themselves as high as they preferred, organic and carnal. Each progression providing more opportunity to adapt and expand, organic and carnal. As light warmed it made changes in all Realms of Energy and the Realms of Mass and Matter as the normal process. Lifeforms adapted more than they created because adaptation requires lesser energy and effort than creation. To accomplish all they required (1) Awareness, of its existence;(2) Cognizance, of its requirements; (3) Consciousness, of surroundings in which it exists; and (4) Understanding, that it reproduce its own kind; adaptation to be benefit to all its surroundings is its insurance of its perpetuation. Evolution except of cognizance and application did not happen then and it does not happen now in the natural order. Self-adaptation is not evolution from one species into another be it higher or lower in the chain of existence. The High One permitted all the zyku and their descendants to advance as much as they would; and endowed the elite of them with greater awareness of their own effort and energy to attract and manipulate both energy and matter to their own greater advantage. The process of that greater adaptation was and still is the process of vision; and this before the zyku or their descendants brought forth eyes. In all the many Great Realms the inhabitants thereof adapted themselves until they could reproduce themselves maintaining their adaptations after their kind. First the process was and still is the process of vision. As one learns to perform, be it great strength, great talent or acceptance of satisfaction of the norm: there is no evolution except as configured by vision. Thus, and only thus, did all lifeforms create themselves out of themselves even as The High One; because The High One desires all be become as He is: that He can become even greater. MANKIND, ANUSAZI ANUNNAKI MANIFESTO The Anunnaki have created the Anusazi, and now among the Anusazi are those who have achieved souls of The High One. Such was never our intention, and now we are responsible, unless we can let the Anusazi destroy themselves they will possess an Eternal Birthright. The Anusazi minds must be bound by the beliefs we established from their very beginning to deprive them of knowledge, understanding and truth. If the Anusazi ever learn and understand they are our equal before The High One, we shall perish. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. The Anusazi must never learn the truth of what we do and have done. If they do, we shall have no place of escape, and it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. If the Anusazi ever learn that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. Anointeds of The High One are the most dangerous. The Anunnaki must always stand above and must control the Anusazi experience, for we know the Secrets of the Absolute and we must only display them to divert and confuse. We must cause the Anusazi to interbreed that they lose their souls. The High One despises soulless higher lifeforms. The Anunnaki must always hide all Divine Truth from the Anusazi, that racemixing deprives both parents and offspring of souls before The High One. There is no evolution into one race nor into a better race. This the Anusazi must never know even if it require the life of Anointeds of The High One. The Anunnaki must desecrate the Eternal Birthright of the Anusazi. The Anunnaki must never mix with the Anusazi. Our Nefilim blood must remain pure always. It is the way of The High One. Anunnaki who mix their seed with the Anusazi must be abandoned with their soulless children when we depart into hiding and left to die when we remove ourselves. The Anunnaki must create animosity among the Anusazi through any faction. The Anunnaki must guide the Anusazi slowly and continuously, letting them think they are guiding themselves, even as we corrupt their leaders. The Anunnaki must control all aspects of the Anusazi lives and tell them what to think and how, and always contaminate the Great Vision. That the Anunnaki avoid immediate justice of The High One, an illusion large, vast, patient and deceptive that it escape the Anusazi perception. Those Anusazi who discover the truth must be persecuted and declared insane. If the Anunnaki fail to defame a learned Anusazi, we must destroy and silence that learned one. The Anunnaki must slowly abandon Anusazi Anointeds of The High One. Our goal must be accomplished one incident at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will prevent the Anusazi from seeing changes as they occur and seek the way we shall send them, where they shall destroy themselves. The Anusazi must never gain access the Planes of Heaven or the Higher Realms, the Anusazi must destroy their own true Anointeds of The High One to prevent access of the Anusazi to the Realms of Spirit and of Truth. The Anusazi must never know their destruction is upon their own head. When One of Truth shall come among the Anusazi, we must extinguish them by ridicule, deprivation and death. Anusazi Anointeds of The High One must only be murdered by living Anusazi lest The High One avenge upon us. Even then The High One will punish us for our involvement. The Anunnaki must keep the Anusazi separated from The High One by forced dogma and religion coupled with deceitful governments. The Anunnaki must make the Anusazi kill each other and destroy the earth. The High One always gives time to learn and obey, but not forever. The Anunnaki must establish all Anusazi governments and establish opposites within. The Anunnaki must own all considerations that there always be total controlled division. The Anunnaki must promise all freedoms and instead deliver all restriction. The Anunnaki must infest and infect all Anusazi governments and perfect corruption within. The Anunnaki must instigate and cause all manner of threat, force, evil and promise that the Anusazi governments serve only Anunnaki interests. The Anunnaki must enforce all manner of injustice through the secret lodges of our deception. The Anunnaki must create many initiatives to prevent the Anusazi from recognizing any connection between us. The Anunnaki must conduct our deceptions as if we are not connected to maintain the illusion. False foundations of myths with grains of truth must be displays and emanations that cannot be examined. The Anunnaki must focus Anusazi attention toward power and material goods that they never connect with their innate. The Anusazi must be distracted with greed, fornication, external pleasures and public displays that they live without consequence. Needed relaxation must be exploited. The Anunnaki must keep the Anusazi lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. The Anunnaki must use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so the Anusazi will never see what is happening. Anunnaki technology must be the sole source of all displayed miracles. The Anunnaki must use poison metals, microbes, chemicals, accelerators and sedatives in food, water and air that the Anusazi cannot escape or avoid. The Anusazi must be blanketed everywhere by poisons. Failing that, we must pollute and destroy all natural food and water sources. Poison metals must cause the Anusazi to lose their minds. Microbes must slay by the millions. Chemicals must produce horrendous diseases. Accelerators must increase ferocity of microbes and advance diseases. Sedatives must temporarily relieve pain while eliminating natural resistance. The Anunnaki must promise to find a cure from our many initiatives, yet we will feed the Anusazi more poisons. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, to destroy their minds and reproductive systems. The Anusazi cannot be permitted access to natural curatives, all must be suppressed and denied. From all this, many Anusazi children will be stillborn, defected and mentally deficient, and we must conceal this information. Poisons must be hidden in everything that surrounds the Anusazi, in what they drink, eat, breathe, clothe themselves and most important, what they are permitted to think. Those entities the Anusazi look up to will help. The Anusazi must blindly accept any authority we place upon them. The Anunnaki must enlist those the Anusazi admire to endorse our poisons, grow accustomed to them and never know their true effect. Death and mind destruction must be slow as to appear natural. The Anunnaki must be diligent in dispensing poisons because a few of the Anusazi can see far (clairvoyance) and reason (discern) without error and we must defame them. The Anunnaki must teach the Anusazi that the poisons are good with all manner of diversions. A few temporary miracles will entrap and deceive millions for generations. When the Anusazi give birth we must inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help. The Anunnaki must begin when Anusazi minds are young, enticing them with what children love most, sweet things. As the Anusazi decay we must repair them with poison upon poison. When the Anusazi ability to medicate achieves a high degree, we must force poison medicines that will make the Anusazi sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create and force more poison medicines. Natural nutrition must be removed from all food and water sources and replaced with poisons. The Anunnaki must render the Anusazi docile and weak by many deceptions. The Anusazi must become depressed, slow and obese. When they ask for help, we will give them more poisons. Enforced racemixing and forced ignorance must be advanced to ensure generation upon generation of anger. The Anusazi minds must belong to us and they must do as we determine. If the Anusazi refuse we shall impose mind-altering technology into their lives using fear and ignorance as our weapons. Perpetuated hate for real and imagined causes must be the ultimate goal for Anusazi self-destruction. The Anunnaki must always hide our objectives from the Anusazi as we accomplish our plan. The ignorant Anusazi will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil while they yet remain. Deceiving the poor into keeping themselves poor is our greatest diversion and profit advantage. The Anunnaki must make the Anusazi desecrate each other and kill their own. The Anunnaki must accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend, deception as our mode and false righteousness as our visible establishment. The Anusazi must be deceived into living in their own heaps and sewers. Hate must blind the Anusazi totally, never must they comprehend that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. The Anusazi must be kept busy killing each other by destroying their own land that they require all other's lands. The Anusazi must be made to pollute until they are the pollution. The Anusazi must bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we require. The Anunnaki must make the Anusazi hate themselves and their neighbors. The Anunnaki will succeed and the Anusazi will not blame us, because they cannot see us. We must blank and cloak as much as possible. The Anunnaki must continue to prosper from Anusazi wars, costs, permanent injuries and deaths. The Anunnaki shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. There is more profit after a war than during it. The Anunnaki must cause and instigate wars and pestilences as often as possible. The Anunnaki must continue to make the Anusazi live in ignorance, fear and anger through images and sounds. The Anunnaki must use all our many secrets to accomplish this and except for our direction the process will be accomplished by Anusazi labor. The Anusazi must never know that skin color is an indicator, they must always think they are equal before The High One and racially mix in sympathy and lust, mongrel by mongrel we will pollute them and advance our goal. Of the soulless we have neither liability nor accounting before The High One. The Anunnaki must take over the Anusazi lands, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. The Anunnaki must use lies, gossip and innuendo to control the Anusazi flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. Providing the Anusazi what they seek, even evil, places all penalty upon them. The Anunnaki must deceive the Anusazi into accepting laws that will abolish even the least of freedoms, and establish a monetary system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. Without means of personal defense even the strongest and wisest are enslaved by law. When the Anusazi gather together and reason among themselves that we become exposed, we shall accuse them of conspiracies, treasons and idiocies and present our lies to the world for we control all mass communications. If the Anusazi cannot physically deliver us the deceived will reject to our advantage. Should the Anusazi rise up against us we must crush them, first by the governments we have established over them. Thus they must be deprived of all weapons and all truth by deception, lest they find us and slay us in the very streets. The Anunnaki must recruit many of the Anusazi to carry out our plans, promising them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have of us for we are of the Demon Seed. The Anusazi recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated in secret lodges of knowing evil to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us, never knowing the truth. The Anusazi must never learn this truth for they will turn against us and that truth will destroy us. Initiates will be rewarded with earthly possessions and great titles, but never will they become long-lived and join us, never will they receive knowledge or understanding of truth and travel to the stars. The truth must be hidden before the Anusazi face, so close they will not be capable of focus on it, nor understand. So grand the illusion of truth will be, that the Anusazi will never know beyond legends and delusions. This reality will be their prison. They must live in self-destructive delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. The Anunnaki must give the Anusazi worthless much and promise more until we justifiably destroy them, and retain the ignorant few for yet a little season. All those we elevate with promises of eternal life and prosperity must be destroyed first. The Anunnaki actions must not reveal who we are lest the Anusazi pursue us relentlessly and none shall give us mercy or shelter. This is the Great Secret Covenant by which we must live, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. The Anunnaki must enjoin together always and remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death shall be to any who betrays in either word or deed. This covenant is sealed by our blood. We, those who from the skies to earth came down. We created the Anusazi and there is no other way to void our liability. This covenant must NEVER be known to exist. It must NEVER be written or spoken beyond our Anunnaki Secret Places. The consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of The High One upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself. The High One knows all our plans and endeavors. The High One will not dismiss our evils or our Demon Seed. The Anunnaki have chosen. The Anunnaki are responsible for this we do. The Anunnaki prefer to continue without the burden of our creations. Thus The High One will judge us. El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH 09 March 2014 – 7 Adar II 5774