STRIKE EIGHT – MOON BASE ANU STRIKE ONE – EARTH BASES 10 June 2012 - 20 Sivan 5772 All Akurians are under direct and coordinated attack by all Anunnaki and Nefilim Earth Commands and Forces. Those shadows in your peripheral vision are Anunnaki using cloaking technology. Don't waste your time trying to catch one, they move at about half the speed of light in normal travel, and have the next best thing to teleportation known as temp-location: moving only a few yards to a point of safety. They glide rather than walk, and can change dimension with very little effort. What we are going to do: all their abilities and technologies won't help them one damned bit. The Enemy Anunnaki have moved a number of personnel from Moon Base Anu (our name, not their's) to several of the clandestine fortifications on earth. One of which is Dulce, here in New Mexico. There are other installations, dozens of them, and all the entire continents are tunneled. That will not protect them entirely. We are going to strike both – and without mercy. Over the past several weeks this home station has been under attack in addition to surveillance by ExtraTerrestrial forces and their government-employed puppets. We intend to exterminate both. Most of you are aware of the fire that gutted our Pond'N'Koi shelter a few weeks ago. And, Diane's puppies, Andante' and Bouree', have both been harmed. Andante' bleeding with an "unknown" internal infection and Bouree' dying outright from what has proven to be another "unknown" cause until Chylon and Dianne brought her back. This is clear and simple: there is NOTHING in the yard to cause these separate and distinct "illnesses" and equally nothing from the medical test results. Only a very high technology can deliver such a strike, and only the Anunnaki have cause and reason. Any bastard that will stoop to harming a defenseless animal isn't above harming a defenseless child – or anybody else they take a mind to. Put that together and we have a situation of OPEN WAR between humanity and the Anunnaki – of which only the Akurians are doing anything or we wouldn't be targeted. Remember, the Anunnaki declared this war on us! Therefore, the Akurians have every right and honor of defense – and this is ALL OUT WAR – not a parlor game. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, access your photograph of Moon Base Anu. Do not do anything until I command you: This is a coordinated TEAM operation. And, YES! This time too the Anunnaki know we're coming. They have stationed personnel at all systems controls to report and effect quicker repairs; and some just scattered around as diversions. We're Akurians, should you discern any entity whatsoever, bind it to die and send it into Eternal Perdition. Do not be diverted by whatever it is they may – or may not – be observing. Newbies, don't worry about not being able to hammer the bastards – there are those in this Company that will not let them escape. Mark them if you can and we'll make sure they pay the price. Now, I want each of you to note the rectangle inside the RED CIRCLE. That is the median top of the structure. Though it looks rather flat, it's actually FOUR identical blocks with avenues between them. The avenues have been covered as have the sides. When we first attempted to measure the whole structure, we found that each block was 22-23 MILES on an edge with the avenues between them being about 5 MILES wide. Therefore, we estimated the whole installation to be about 50 MILES on each edge. Huge, to be sure, well ensconced in the Moon surface, and absolutely critical to the Nefilim and all other Extraterrestrials invading and exploiting our Planet. And that brings us to the application next on our agenda. Rehearsal to make a Super Sense. Akurians, prepare! Akurians, on my command: Close your eyes, open eyes will distract from your endeavors. Form a Body of Light the exact size and shape of your physical body. Keep your eyes closed. Now, endow your Body of Light with your physical senses on my order: 1st, endow your Body of Light with your own consciousness. Keep your eyes closed. 2nd, endow your Body of Light with perfect, unlimited vision, even if you wear glasses. Keep your eyes closed. 3rd, endow your Body of Light with perfect sense of touch. Keep your eyes closed. 4th, endow your Body of Light with perfect sense of taste. Keep your eyes closed. 5th, endow your Body of Light with perfect sense of smell. Keep your eyes closed. 6th, endow your Body of Light with perfect sense of hearing. Keep your eyes closed. 7th, bind your Body of Light to retain all these senses. Keep your eyes closed. Now with your eyes closed, attempt to see your surroundings as you would with your eyes open. Don't strain, let your charged Body of Light tell you – and if you're relaxed enough and not out somewhere in the wild blue yonder, you'll get a SENSE … that's right … SENSE of your surroundings that is beyond the understanding, comprehension, familiarity … whatever you want to call it … of the same area when seen with your physical eyes. All your physical senses: consciousness, sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing are merged into one Super Sense! Expanding the capabilities of this Super Sense is all you're going to do. Your Body of Light is going to remain right where it is, inside you, for the time being. You should be feeling all manner of energies and forces, some varying in temperature – some slightly warm and some slightly cool – and at the same time. If you feel as though you are floating … you're doing things right! And for a moment, just float, and let those energies and forces tell you where they are from – and instantly you will know WHERE you are in all this vast territory. There's no words to explain it, just an understanding of it. And an immeasurable amount of energies you can use as FirePower! Enjoy that for a few minutes, and KNOW you can get back to this State of Spirit any time you want to. Now, each of you need to come back from wherever you are … and pay attention to what we are going to do next now that you are charged with more FirePower than you ever imagined. You need to be within the local Earth Energies. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, on my command: Read the Sun with your Super Sense. Akurians, now you will operate in TWO Spiritual Bodies at the same time! Read the Sun with your Super Sense. Do not project using your Super Sense. Now make a separate Body of Light and project it into the Sun! NEVER PROJECT WITH YOUR SUPER SENSE! Expand your Body of Light to 800,000 miles in diameter in all directions. Attach all Powers, Energies and Forces of the Sun to your Body of Light and turn it into a Living Body of Fire. Fill your Living Body of Fire with all the Black Fire you can manage, giving yourself all its infinite power to Create and Destroy. Akurians, prepare to create havoc and to destroy! Akurians, establish an anchor between your Living Body of Fire and the Sun to become an Eternal Link of Infinite Power. Now, with your Living Body of Fire attached to the Sun, pull that attached link and fly to the Moon Base as presented in the photo, inside the Red Circle. Discern the nearest Akurian on both sides and link with whoever that happens to be. You are now a huge and very dangerous Command of Living Bodies of Fire. Reduce your size to fit the 50 by 50 by 50 mile cube of Moon Base Aku and prepare to descend the 50 miles to the bottom of the installation. Do not waste energy on the physical structure itself, destroy everything else. All the systems, gates, equipment, dampers and personnel. No exceptions. Should you discern any entity whatsoever, bind it to die and send it into Eternal Perdition. No exceptions there either. In proper form, each of you are a 50 mile wide, 50 mile long and 50 mile deep Living Body of Fire; burning everything from the neutrinos to the heaviest installation, and anyone and everyone within the Strike Zone. It will take some of you a few minutes, so be about it, and do not spare anything other than the structure itself. Don't waste energy on the walls, ceilings, floors or columns. Just destroy everything attached to, standing on, or alive anywhere in them. All entities, systems, systems control devices, valves, pumps, motors, switches, computers – programs and all. Now attach the Sun Link to the Moon Base to keep feeding death and destruction until you, alone, remove it; and THAT will be well after the documented and lived-up-to surrender of the Nefilim. Return to your physical body with your Living Body of Fire and attach it by tensing your physical body. When you have finished, discerning the destructives having jelled, let me know. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Akurians, on my command: Read the Sun with your Super Sense. Akurians, now you will operate in TWO Spiritual Bodies at the same time! Read the Sun with your Super Sense. Do not project using your Super Sense. Now make a separate Body of Light and project it into the Sun! Expand your Body of Light to 800,000 miles in diameter in all directions. Attach all Powers, Energies and Forces of the Sun to your Body of Light and turn it into a Living Body of Fire. Fill your Living Body of Fire with all the Black Fire you can manage, giving yourself all its infinite power to Create and Destroy. Akurians, prepare to create havoc and to destroy! Akurians, now you will operate in TWO Spiritual Bodies at the same time! You will use your Super Sense to discern and your Body of Fire to attack! Read the Earth around you out to about 500 miles with your Super Sense. Do not project using your Super Sense. Discern the energies of each and every unnatural thing, be it a piece of equipment, building, cavern, tracks, tanks, control facilities, quarters, dining areas, disposal areas, everything you didn't help build and were never told about when taxed for it. Akurians, establish an anchor between your Living Body of Fire and the Sun to become an Eternal Link of Infinite Power. Now, with your Living Body of Fire attached to the Sun, pull that attached link and fly to the Earth Installations nearest you. Discern the nearest Akurian on both sides and link with whoever that happens to be. You are now a huge and very dangerous Command of Living Bodies of Fire. Do not waste energy on the physical structure itself, destroy everything else. Fill everything, void, equipment, open areas, everything with destructive fire that only the Sun can produce. All the systems, gates, equipment, dampers and personnel. No exceptions. Should you discern any entity whatsoever, bind it to die and send it into Eternal Perdition. No exceptions there either. In proper form, each of you are a Living Body of Fire; burning everything from the neutrinos to the heaviest installation, and anyone and everyone within the Strike Zone. It will take some of you a few minutes, so be about it, and do not spare anything, not even the structure itself. Don't waste a lot of energy on the walls, ceilings, floors or columns. Just destroy everything attached to, standing on, or alive anywhere in them. All entities, systems, systems control devices, valves, pumps, motors, switches, computers – programs and all. Now attach the Sun Link to these Earth Bases to keep feeding death and destruction until you, alone, remove it. When you have finished, discerning the destructives having jelled, let me know. And get prepared for hell to pay on the earthquake and HAARP weather control front. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Moon Base Strike ONE – 26 February 2012 Moon Base Strike TWO – 01 April 2012 Moon Base Strike THREE – 01 April 2012 Moon Base Strike FOUR – 02 April 2012 Moon Base Strike FIVE – 04 April 2012 Moon Base Strike SIX – 22 April 2012 Moon Base Strike SEVEN – 04 May 2012 Moon Base Strike EIGHT – 10 June 2012 Earth Bases Strike ONE – 10 June 2012