DISCERNMENT – SPIRITS AND EVERYTHING ELSE! 29 April 2012 - 7 Iyyar 5772 WARNING! Unless you are a Proven Knower of the Great Testimony of The Most High, DO NOT attempt to invoke or use any part of any Invocation of Truth without direct assistance with a Proven Knower. Any and all Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Kak Jew (as opposed to Hebrew) and Infidel attempts or involvements will result in severe consequences due to those religion's Demonic origins. Before we get into the Session proper, permit me to clarify: We use the terms Nefilim and Anunaki interchangeably. They are actually TWO separates, the Anunaki being the inhabitants of Nibiru and subject to King Anu; while the Nefilim are those of mixed linage of Anunaki and Anusazi – Servants of Anu, US! – and/or other ExtraTerrestrial beings. This Session is intended for THREE vital purposes: (1) to get our new members up to a more viable level of capability; and (2) to give our Senior Members a much-needed and long-overdue refresher course in Spiritual Discernment and (3) both newbie and Senior a bit more General Akurian Knowledge. In these Invocations of Truth you will learn how to discern a living and a deceased Nefilim and know the difference between them and a living or dead human. And the process to discern Demons and send them all on as many wild goose chases as we deem necessary. It is critical that YOU have this information, that YOU learn it accurately, practice it to expertise and use it properly. While we are still targeting the Socialists, primarily Democrats and Republican RINOs, with respect to this November's General Election, we must prepare ourselves for the Global Hell that is still on the horizon. We are going to need all the firepower we can muster when we begin to tangle with the Nefilim directly. Practice and rehearse the abilities you will perform here today; tomorrow is coming and YOU will either be prepared or perish with the damned. First, Nefilim aka Anunaki. Anunaki are not amateurs at anything, including incest and immorality. They have very extended lives, where ours is a rule-of-the-thumb 70 years, their's is about 1,500,000 – a million and a half Nibiru years – each about 3600 earth years – as a norm with twice that not being uncommon. That is a lot of time to spend in learning, regardless of where you live in creation. That said, there are chinks in their armor, and that's about the only place we can hit them with any effective result. That chink in their armor is NOT a flaw in combat strategy, materials, workmanship nor technology. It's spiritual, pure and simple. You will need to practice as much as possible. Not only this discernment, but everything we've taught you … how to read minds, how to dissolve a cloud or create a storm, making Sun Links and handling Black Fire, reading the energies wherever they are, reading a City or area in its truth and entirety, binding and loosening in the Planes of Heave and the Depths of Hell, sending those deserving directly into Hell, learning to depend on your own Consciousness and your own Spirit – nobody else can do these things for you. Now to the background information everybody must know: The first consideration, without exception, is the right thing to do! Should we find the situation is unclear and we can't determine what the right thing to do is, then we act on the practice that the right thing to do is to find out what is the right thing to do. That vulnerability can be a damnation if you accept any hint as God, Law and Gospel instead of DISCERNING it and its source! Demons and Nefilim are very good at such deceptions and our only defense is ABSOLUTE DISCERNMENT and instant retaliation upon any such perpetrator. And THAT leaves the ultimate responsibility upon you, the Practitioner. With respect to righteousness: The same process and procedure is followed. Either something is righteous or it is unrighteous. There are no other viables. As a half-truth is a whole lie, so it is with righteousness. Any part regardless of how infinitely small that is unrighteous infests, infects and contaminates the whole into unrighteousness; just make sure you're not being sucked-in! That which is unrighteous must never be brought before The Most High under any circumstances, except to serve the purposes of verifying Truth and the True Righteousness of some other presentation such as those responsible for the abomination. That which is unrighteous must never be brought before The Most High as anything else; and never as a solitary presentation! That which is righteous will prove itself to be righteous, but not necessarily immediately. That which is unrighteous will prove itself to be unrighteous as expedient as its damnations will permit. Therefore, Akurians are not anxious with either situation, for they are about the business of True Righteousness and have all Righteous Power and Holy Authority to discern, to judge, to act, to involve, to refuse, to start, to cease, to reduce, to expand, to expose, to shield, to recuse, to Bless and to Curse as they shall know to be appropriate. The Akurians will do the right thing without exception or deviation from True Righteousness; and whether that shall be a relief or a detriment upon the situation or individuals will depend solely and exclusively upon the righteousness of that situation and/or of the individuals. The Akurians will not make any exceptions regardless of the situation or the individuals. Wealth cannot purchase anything righteous from any Akurian – as Righteous Powers and Holy authorities are EARNED in any and all instances – Akurians are immune to threats; and even in their quietest moments never reduce their challenge to Lucifer and all his minions to do their worst. Akurians do not deviate from the True Righteousness that permits them to stand blameless before The Most High, and Lucifer with all his own powers and all his minions combined cannot dissuade or denigrate that fact. And thus it is of the Akurians with both the discernment of the right thing to do and with all things righteous and unrighteous. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Each and every practice in this Instructional should be by Virtue. Virtue is not only your own awareness of yourself, but of the energies you are currently experiencing and especially with the use of your Super Sense, learned a week ago. The more you are aware of your own present state, the more powerful you are and the more beneficial you are to yourself and whatever other endeavor you have to be about. Remember, when using your Super Sense you NEVER leave your body, you just read all the energies emitting from whatever source, wherever its location. In these instructions you WILL leave your physical body as Akurians often do during Invocations and other elements of research and investigation. This experience will give you the immediate necessary knowledge for the next steps in our practices. Without it YOU are going to fall flat on your face. First, we're going to choose a target to study. We need a dead person and then a live one before we discern Nefilim and Demons. We're going to DISCERN – as in READ – them to know their innermost secrets, especially the lies and deceptions they don't want us to know even exists. We're not only going to DISCERN with each of us being a bit differently inclined as result of our individual life experiences, as a result we're each going to DISCERN different points. That doesn't mean we're not DISCERNING accurately, it only means our DISCERNING is somewhat limited by our own life experience. Akurians, make yourself a True Body of Light, send it up the Planes of Heaven: HATHOR … HASTERAH … HESTERAH … IDEAH … HAKARMAH … HASANNAH. Now charge your Body of Light in Hasannah with all the Great Elements: AKASHA! AIR! FIRE! WATER! EARTH! INTELLIGENCE! COMPREHENSION! DISCERNMENT! STRENGTH! COURAGE! POWER! TELEPATHY! CLAIRVOYANCE! TELEKINESIS! Akurians, descend the Planes of Heaven in your Charged Body of Light and connect it to your Physical Body. Akurians, now fly this Charged Body of Light into the Sun, and make yourself a Sun Link attaching this Body of Light to the Sun itself and stringing a connection – a Sun Link – with you as you return to your physical body. You do not need Black Fire or a Body of Fire; simply Charge your Body of Light. Attach your linked Body of Light by inserting it into your physical body and tensing. Simple as that. Now YOU are attached directly to the Sun and all its Powers and Energies. Extend your hands out from you – farther than making a Belly Ball – and call up any DEAD person, someone you know about or even a relative. Whether you like them or not is of no consequence. Now that you have them, usually in-hand at about the waist, study them for any information you want to ensure (1) they are present at your command; and (2) the entity you called. Their personality does not change with death – only their attitude – you'll note all the 'praise Jesus' poppycock is an abomination to them. Mention the term to them and they'll do the damnedest squealing and squirming you can imagine. Even so, if they were a worthless, lying, corrupt bastard in life, they are still a worthless, lying, corrupt bastard in death, and they cannot hide it. If you're not getting any reaction, you've just created an Etheric Image – and you need to dissolve it and try again. Let the dead entity go. As instructed before, extend your hands out from you – farther than making a Belly Ball – and call up any LIVING person, again, someone you know about or even a relative just DO NOT call up one of us – that jackasses YOUR development. Now that you have a LIVING spirit, and as with the previous DEAD spirit usually in-hand at about the waist, study them for any information you want to ensure (1) they are present at your command; and (2) the entity you called. Their innate cannot hide their true nature, attitude, personality nor intentions. Their fears are wide open and impossible to hide. It they are a worthless, lying, corrupt, hypocritical bastard – and everybody isn't – you're going to KNOW beyond any question or doubt. You can READ the exact extent of their 'belief in Jesus' – if any at all – and whether that 'belief' is genuine of their own free will and determination in spite of their innate telling them different, an over-whelmed programming, or a self-proclaimed trait for them to be able to talk-down to everybody else who doesn’t 'have christ in their life' … As Akurians, we MUST know the truth and be able to READ those differences with absolute accuracy. If you're not getting any reaction, you've called up an Etheric Image, again – and you need to dissolve it and try again. Let the living entity go. As instructed before, extend your hands out from you – farther than making a Belly Ball – and call up any LIVING Nefilim you can discern anywhere in your presence, even if several miles away. They are everywhere, so it won't take but a minute or two to discern and make contact with one. Nefilim do not feel exactly like living humans, they are alive but colder in sense. They are very uncomfortable when being discerned, especially by anyone who actually KNOWS True Spirit or TRUTH of any nature. And, they can detect being discerned although they can't do a damned thing about it when being discerned by any Akurian. You'll note, the instant they detect YOU – an Akurian – they get as angry as their systems can tolerate. Absolutely furious! It's their clue that they are being called into account and Testified Against for their damnations against the True and Righteous Anusazi … US! Let the living Nefilim go. Finally, extend your hands out from you – farther than making a Belly Ball – and call up only Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian God who was a Nefilim. He's the one who was killed by his brother Seth, cut in pieces and scattered. His wife, Isis put him back together long enough to secure whatever she needed to impregnate herself and bore Horus! His tomb was found under the Great Sphinx in a water-filled chamber, giving some credibility to the legend he was buried at sea – under water. Osiris feels different than a LIVING Nefilim. Much colder and very stiff. He is a classic of a dead Nefilim, so read him very well and remember the sensation. Let the dead Nefilim go. Akurians, recharge the Body of Light within you. You already have a Sun Link, so draw as much energy from the Sun as it takes to refresh. The process will also clean your Body of Light and removed any contaminations you might have contacted. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now we're going to provide the Nefilim and Demons with some much needed documentation – that we, the Akurians, are a True and Righteous People – by leaving them an energy they can check for themselves without being able to do a damned thing with it but understand it! In times past, before photography, Witches and Spell-Casters needed a picture or something the intended victim had touched, in order to effect an accurate target for whatever they intended to do with said intended victim. That was NOT the case in even more ancient times, when priests of all callings could still call up a TIME-IMAGE FRAME, a single essence if you must, of whatever or whoever they had to deal with. As yet today, in an example of massive stupidity, these were the first people to be destroyed after they had served their purpose, as these were the same people who could – and often did – remove the bastards they had helped into power. The greater asininity was NOT calling up a TIME-IMAGE FRAME for the future that would have blown the whistle on the true nature of those bastardly elements on day one. That even TIME-IMAGE FRAME cannot infinitely predict an ever-changing future, it CAN reveal the intentions of anyone, and when properly discerned, will verify the energies read by the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities possessed by the Akurians. We are going to pull up the same Spirit Image – as a TIME-IMAGE FRAME – that St. John the Divine saw and described in the Book of Revelation. We're going to pull up an historical Image, not a living or dead entity. Akurians, extend your hands out from you – farther than making a Belly Ball – and this time put the palms of your hands up and facing outward like you were trying to block something or shield your eyes. Make a mental measure, any short distance you want, and formulate a motion picture screen at that measured distance. You will need to keep your hands up for a few seconds, and make sure you retain that screen at its distance. Those who are strong enough may use their Spiritual hands, just make sure that screen stays at its distance. Silently repeat in your mind after me: "Divine Horsemen, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Horseman of Air, Lord Immanuel, The Priest, upon Mighty Haminadab; first to my left; "Horseman of Fire, Lord El Aku, The Warrior, upon Mighty Pegasue; second to my left; "Horseman of Water, Lord Horus, The Judge, upon Mighty Columbia; third to my left; "Horseman of Earth, Lord Hammerlin, The Teacher, upon Mighty Hadesium; to my right. "Horseman of Life, Lord Immanuel, reveal yourself in my vision; first to my left; "Horseman of War, Lord El Aku, reveal yourself in my vision; second to my left; "Horseman of Justice, Lord Horus, reveal yourself in my vision; third to my left; "Horseman of Death, Lord Hammerlin, reveal yourself in my vision; to my right." And you should see the Four Mounted Images on their respective steeds as a SINGLE TIME-IMAGE FRAME picture. These are young men and horses, in their prime of their skill and strength. This vision is directly out of the Akashic Records and nearly 2,000 years old. This is a TIME-IMAGE FRAME, do not approach it or attempt to enter into it. It's a single frame in time … the danger here is the TIME-FRAME and you don't need any kind of mix with it. Study it, look carefully. About the only change is the white streak in the center of my helmet plume is now solid scarlet like the rest of my uniform, except the black trim. Now release the image: simply fold your hands into fists as you let go of the huge screen. Put your hands down to your sides, and the screen and the image will disappear into nothing. That the Nefilim and Demons can find it and read it is exactly what we want out of them. Even so, as some of you have already figured out, you're going to use this Spirit Screen on many occasions. YES! With a bit of practice – primarily of the Great Elements – and Akasha as a time-factor, you will be able to see both past and future. Time, dates and places in SINGLE TIME-IMAGE FRAME are available in a slow series that will give the overall event, and from any angle you want. For those who want to know, this is the same process used by the Late Joseph Dunninger, who taught me to read minds 'way back in the Forties! He always cautioned that for all intents and purposes, learning to read minds was an infinite waste of time because most minds were totally blank! And they are! The fact you can run a read through time and space makes it worth while. And THAT makes YOU dangerous to all Nefilim, One World Government, Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives, journalists, liars, thieves, murderers, and the vile and corrupt on all government payrolls. It makes YOU a Prime Target of any and all religions, for obvious reasons. Just remember, the future is MUTABLE and the past is welded in steel. TIME-IMAGE FRAME viewing for the future is as malleable as water taking the shape of whatever its poured into just like it did the shape of whatever it was poured from. Akurians, recharge the Body of Light within you. You already have a Sun Link, so draw as much energy from the Sun as it takes to refresh. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? This time we're going to do a bit of Demon discerning. NO, you are not going to call up a devil; but you are going to learn what they look and feel like to some small degree. You are going to learn how to detect a High Level Demon – and when done correctly even the lowest level minion will not be able to deceive you. With proper practice, you will be able to read, detect and discern any entity with absolute accuracy. Now to the discerning of Spirits proper. The more experience you gain from studying the Great Elements, the Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell, the better you will be at discerning Spirits and everything else. The true and accurate Discerning of Spirits is the SECOND-most important individual capability – Astral Projection (UP IN THE SPIRIT), living access to the Planes of Heaven as bought and paid for by Immanuel, being first. The most important factor in Discerning of Spirits is the fact there is no such thing as a PERMANENT discernment! Each and every communications, without exception, must be reverified regardless of 'how familiar' you think you are with any Spirit. The Divines won't imitate anybody else, but the Infernals will attempt to imitate everybody, especially the Spirit(s) you have found to be True and Righteous! The Divines not only do not have a problem with being Discerned and verified, they also know that proper verification takes some Earth time. The information Divines provide is delivered in such manner as to permit verification BEFORE the information must be acted upon; while the Infernals are always in a rush-rush-rush mode – ' this is going to happen instantly, do this now!' – line of poppycock. They will CREATE a circumstance for just this purpose, hoping to confuse your Discerning in their deception, IF YOU ARE IGNORANT ENOUGH TO ACCEPT IT! Infernals do such damnations, Divines do not. Be advised and be warned: fall into that trap and the Akurians will NOT even attempt to rescue you from your own stupidity, and nobody else can! Make a new Spirit Screen, standing it out from you as you did before, and the same distance is fine. You need to keep your hands up, palms facing outward from you, and retain the screen at its distance. If you feel anything going out of your absolute control, simply let go of the screen, fold your hands into fists, and drop them to your sides. The screen and IMAGE will instantly disappear. You can view each Depth of Hell and each of the Elements, Winds, Flames, Death and Agony – one at a time – without feeling them at all. You need only PERMIT the essence of what they feel like to EXIST in the TIME-IMAGE FRAME to sense what all Hell and its Demons feel like. No need to go overboard – they can't harm you, it's an IMAGE with no powers of its own whatsoever. Silently repeat in your mind after me: "Deros … Danaka … Hadesse … Gehenna … Heleeah … Hapurdom … Perditon, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Winds of Hell, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Black Flames of Hell, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Death of Hell, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Agony of Hell, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view. "Minions of Lucifer, attend me, come forth into my vision. Stand you still that I may view." Each one of these Infernal Elements is there in the TIME IMAGE FRAME, so the vision may be a hodge podge – all very normal. Now you can view each Depth of Hell and each of the Elements, Winds, Flames, Death and Agony – one at a time. You can also view each of the Fallen Seraphim and any other Demon by simply repeating their names. Just BEWARE of their deceptions, as they will attempt to appear extremely beautiful: and they are not! You should NOT feel these essences until YOU PERMIT them to EXIST, and then at the specified distance and within the TIME IMAGE FRAME only. You can discern all you want, just hold out your hands as if warming them at a campfire. When you are finished, move on to the next by calling it by its name. When you are finished, let go of the screen, fold your hands into fists, and drop them to your sides. The screen and IMAGE will instantly disappear. That it still exists in the Akashic Records makes it both necessary and available to the Nefilim and Demons to find and read it in order to find out how much you really know and can determine from it. They don't like you knowing anything, and absolutely despise the fact you can learn anything you really want. Akurians, recharge the Body of Light within you. You already have a Sun Link, so draw as much energy from the Sun as it takes to refresh. Since the Discerning of Spirits is a bit tedious to learn, this Instructional will proceed in such manner as to have a bit of satisfaction, if not enjoyment, as we go! But know this, first and foremost: IF you attempt to pull up a spirit from a racially-mixed person who has not secured a soul – it will feel different than anything else you will encounter with this practice! The feel is like a polluted, or rotten, substance, a bit slimy without being sticky. When you want to find out if somebody is pure in their generations or not, with a bit of practice this process is infallible. The process of Discerning of Spirits is the same as reading any given Force or Energy. First, you must have a spirit, force or energy to discern. Spirits, unlike forces and energies that are everywhere, must be either located or called, as they can be about their own business just like any other conscious entity. Having been versed in the recognition and discerning of Akasha, Air, Fire, Water and Earth in previous Instructionals, we will concentrate on living conscious entities BEFORE we begin to intrude on pure Spirits. I caution everybody to take careful thought before calling up any spirit – living or dead – as our next procedure, DISCERNING cum READING them, will be fraught with inaccuracies, your own misconceptions and delusions mixed in with every crackpot idea the Luciferians can inject. Only True and Righteous Akurian Proven Knowers can venture here with any degree of accuracy, as THIS is the Realm of Truth and Righteousness. A short rehearsal: Put your hands out before you, farther than you would in making a Belly Ball, and call the name of someone you know – still alive. You can feel them between your hands, usually holding them at about the waist. Instantly, you read them like a book, they can't hide anything; just be cautious about entering into their Sacred Ground, even if it is easy to do. Note the essence of HOW a spirit in a live body feels. Now, just let them go. One more time, only this time pull up somebody you know is dead. They have no choice in the matter – except shielded PKs – note the difference between how a Spirit in a living body feels and how this Spirit of a dead body feels. It's colder, more rigid, and more aware of what you are doing. It can't do a damned thing about it, but it knows. Now let it go. If you feel contamination on your hands, just pull it off and throw it – but not into any other living creature … yet. Akurians, recharge the Body of Light within you. You already have a Sun Link, so draw as much energy from the Sun as it takes to refresh. Make yourself a Body of Light, energize it in the Highest Heaven you can reach, return to your physical body and connect. Reminder, connecting is as simple as putting your BOL back into your physical body and TENSING. Tensing the physical body will connect ANY energy you charge yourself with. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?