NEUTRINOS AND TIME WARP MANIFESTATIONS CHANGING A BOL INTO ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL 5 June 2011 – 3 Sivan 5771 A bit of a refresher: Then there are also the Spirits of Time. Very little is known and even less published about them as they are an Order structured by and reporting only to The Most High. They exist primarily in the future but can travel backwards and forwards from any given NOW (current time) POINT. They exist to assist the passage of time from the future through the NOW and into the past. Don't waste your time trying to invoke or call upon them for anything. They can't be moved or intimidated. They can, and often do, assist the True and Righteous in handling time-related energies, but they have no requirement to do so. They are a True and Righteous Order of Angels, separate and exclusive to the point there is no given title for their Order! The leadership are all LORDS, an earned Title of Rank. Their muster is HUGE, and from what can be observed of their organization, built and structured as necessary for the job at hand. They can be VIOLENT when disturbed, so it's good advice to leave them alone. If they want to help you, THEY will initiate the contact; and that is one more reason WHY you need to know how to Discern Spirits if you're ever to amount to anything before The Most High. The process to secure assistance from any Spirit of Time is first to be absolutely Righteous. That does NOT mean you have to be a butter-soft, weak-kneed, namby-pamby when you SHOULD be a raging fury. It just means your fury/anger MUST BE JUSTIFIED! They will not fight your battles for you, but they will often – not always – expedite the forces and energies involved in your Invocations of Testimony to your advantage. They are NOT your servants, they are valued colleagues, possessing vast knowledge, residing in very advantageous positions, who can do you some great favors you will never be able to repay. IF you are a True and Righteous Proven Knower of the Great Testimony Akurian, you need only invoke, "True and Righteous Spirits of Time, attend me," and if they are going to hear you, they will reflect a cognizance of their presence. To be able to detect this energy, practice on yourself: place one hand near the other, at the palm, the wrist or your arm, close enough to detect the presence but far enough away as to NOT feel your own body heat. Once you have that bit of expertise down, you will be able to detect the acceptance of a Spirit of Time – generally always on your face! It's almost like feeling a very subtle breeze, very light, very gentle and without temperature. If you can't get this experience to work to your satisfaction, contact me direct and I'll get a Spirit of Time to demonstrate. Spirits of Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy, and they won't play games, silly or otherwise. They are DEAD SERIOUS every time, all the time, and without exception. They ensure the smooth passage of matter and energy through the NOW (Present) expression; a very difficult expertise, so they don't have time for humor, soap operas or even personal vendettas without justification. Spirits of Time need not be banished once they approach. They leave no trails of intent, and are more elusive than gusting wind as to where they came from and where they went and where they will manifest next. Spirits of Time do not hang around – so be ready to accommodate them when and if they send cognizance. They don't visit for the hell of it, they won't dicker or bargain, and they won't wait until you make up your mind. Their show is on the road, and yours had damned well better be if you want their assistance. The time-factor is always some degree of consideration, because it cannot be escaped or avoided. That the Akurians are not content with the time-factor required between Invocation and Manifestation is primarily due to the fact some Akurians are still not on the same page with the Prime Agenda. Personal or local issues injected into the Prime Agenda not only effects the time-factor, it also can, and often does, defeat the purpose of the Invocation. And THAT is just plain jackass! Invoking the limited involvement of Spirits of Time is not going to cure that stupidity, even if they decide to assist. I guarantee you, it won't be so damned 'fun-nee' or self-satisfying when the coming Gestapo – that already exists – knocks on your door, with full authority of law to do so: unannounced and totally unrestricted. Either we stop it now or prepare to Die the Death of our own damned foolishness. When – and its not a matter of "IF" – that Gestapo enters your property, or any place you happen to be, and then and there executes anyone and everyone they choose, I guarantee your god damned 'fun-nee' and current personal agenda, regardless of how important you think it is, will prove to be as worthless as such mentality has always been and always proven to be. I also guarantee you, the Prime Agenda of the Akurians, will preempt both the Gestapo and those bottom-priority scenarios a few of you insist on remaining in. Either you want to STOP the Socialist Global Enslavement Endeavor or you want to pussy tangent with some nonsense that doesn't amount to a damn now and won't amount to a damn when the Gestapo begins blowing your head off. Time is the critical element. We don't have any to waste, and neither do the people we're up against. However, the Akurians have a decided advantage – unless we determine to jackass it away with the wind – and that is the Spirits of Time which the bastards can't even approach. The Grand Manipulators KNOW and are very aware of the Great Elements, Divine and Demonic Entities, Planes of Heaven, Depths of Hell and time – the puppet and programmed level idiots don't, first because they're too damned stupid to think for themselves; and second, because they're programmed atheists. The Grand Manipulators have only the Nefilim and Demons as allies, and the Akurians have all the rest! And THAT is a decided advantage – unless pussied away. The way and process by which we are going to use time, and the time-factor – which are two different things – is something every Master Metaphysician must acquire at some point in their practice. Most spend years just finding out Spirits of Time and the time-factor even exist, and even more years trying to get any manifestation – and with either, trial and error can take a very long time. We need a bit of background information, but we're going to get instant manifestation – IF nobody jackasses the process. I'm going to ask for questions. I damned well WANT QUESTIONS if there is anything unclear, and I want them BEFORE we begin the process. With both Spirits of Time and the time-factor are NOT to be jackassed with, and you cannot 'experiment' until you have your head out of your ass! You must have your mind made up – exactly what you intend – and the when and where of it. Unless you intend to fail at the very outset, which makes the whole endeavor a waste of time. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who don't ask questions and then jackass the process; usually beyond repair. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Alright, let's get a bit of information about TIME! We went through the backwards-and-forwards in time Lesson months ago; I sent everyone my notes, so most of you should have some degree of study under your belt. Even so, we're going to touch it again, briefly. A neutrino is a cosmic particle moving faster than the speed of light – infinity – and thus backwards in time. Those are the visibles we call "snow' on open television channels where there isn't any raster. If you still have access to such channels or an analog television set, you can make the neutrinos dance, stand still, make images, whatever you can THINK you can make neutrino perform. Within a few moments, you'll note that slightly BEFORE you determine the next pattern, the neutrinos are already making that formation. Now let's do a bit of THINKING … as to how that is happening. It takes the speed of light – infinity – for the signals produced by the neutrinos hitting the antenna or cable; so there shouldn't be any advance, slight or otherwise, in the pattern change. It ought to change AFTER your determination, not with and not before. But it does. Now, let's factor in the DELAY time between when the neutrino strikes the antenna and either creates current or disrupts the standing current and the effect appears on the screen. There are scads of coils – inductors – in a television, all of which should SLOW down the signal processing even further. And it does, leaving us with the only other conclusion that some how we are transversing the time-factor. In short, our Metaphysical processes are setting the desired result so far in the future that by the time that time progresses to the NOW, the neutrinos hit the antenna, and the signal gets processed to the screen – it's STILL ahead of us! How far into the future we are projecting, would take all the resources of MIT and available Cray Computers to get just an estimate. But that is NOT the point! The point is: WE'RE DOING THIS NOW with only the one alternative: our Metaphysical capabilities transverse time and the time-factor when applied properly. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now, since we are Metaphysicians, True and Righteous Spiritualists if you must, we venture up and down the Planes of Heaven and Depths of Hell as we please, we are going to do a bit of adventuring into the Realms of Time! This practice will help all of you achieve full-conscious projection, as will all the previous practices IF you do them. Let's start with those neutrinos. They are coming at us from out of the future. How far in the future, we don't know, but we are going to define that point to some degree. First we have to formulate some process by which we can detect neutrinos without a television set. And that takes a bit of doing. It's not hard, just tedious and requires we have some sensory abilities developed. Just like the amazement we all felt when we tested how far across a room we could feel the heat of an ordinary light bulb; once we did it, we became complacent. Time and time-factors are a bit more exclusive, and we're going nowhere with either until we can detect neutrinos, the only available objects we know are moving backwards in time. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? This is going to be very subtle. Take either hand and hold it palm-vertical, as if you were going to Karate Chop something. Parallel with a standing body. Now with your other hand, flat and about a foot away, do a wave bye-bye toward your vertical palm, and take note of how little breeze you can feel. It's not much, a whole lot less than breathing onto your palm. We can all feel the force when we flick the fingers of one hand into the palm of the other, but this slight movement of ambient air is a lot lesser in impact. Now that you are cognizant of the feeling of light air in the palm of one hand, we're still going to feel, but a whole lot less in the detection of neutrinos passing though everything, including you, and backwards in time as they fly! They are NOT going to set around in your hand like a fist full of marbles, they are moving faster than light – 186,410.98484 miles per second – and your hand is only about one inch thick, so the amount of time they're even inside your hand is microscopic. You've been hit and passed through by untold billions of neutrinos every day of your existence, so there's no known or recorded side effects. Now the next move is to adapt yourself to being able to detect them; and in a constant stream of them as they go about their merry way. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now, take either hand, palm-up, flat and horizontal – level with the floor, if you must – and note the feel of it, room temperature, et cetera, but concentrate on the upwards-turned palm. It's the palm we're interested in or you are going to take the next fifty years to complete this simple test of yourself. Once you KNOW the palm of your hand – now you know where THAT saying came from – turn your other hand palm-down, and slowly pass it over the palm-up hand, about three or four inches away, close enough to cover and far enough away to avoid feeling the temperature in your hand. You should feel a change – almost like walking into a shadow out of a hot sun, only a hell of a lot less – and the change isn't hot or cold, it's a FEEL, like something TOUCHING. The process is the result of one hand shielding and redirecting the neutrinos passing through it and into the palm of your up-turned hand. Putting your upturned palm under a desk, table, arm of a chair, pillow, or virtually anything else will produce somewhat the same result. Different materials will produce a slightly different impact of neutrinos, and thus a different feeling in the palm of your hand. This is a very subtle difference and you are going to have to concentrate to feel it. Until you can detect some sensation – or lack of it when you do any kind of shielding – you're not going to do very well with time-factor. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? The time-factor is virtually a trial and error process until you get some degree of neutrino detection. When you make a Body of Light and charge it, regardless of the Plane, you should be able to detect the neutrinos in the palms of your hands in addition to any other Entities, Forces, Energies and Frequencies present at the time. It can take a bit of sorting, but refinement of your conscious awareness of the goal and process of all Metaphysics, Spiritual Development and Manifestation. The object of using neutrinos is obvious. They are coming from the future – which is malleable – backward through time to the present, where they slow up into the past. If we can determine WHEN they come into the instantaneous present, we can have them formulating some degree of what we WANT at some future point in time. Now let me explain that. Let's say we want a great many people to see and event and then have the same opinion about it. The event we can create with simple Bodies of Light and Invocations – the opinion of anybody, be it one or five-billion, is quite another matter. We have to set an Event, then tie neutrinos – endowed with the opinion or perception we want – to the Event in the correct future time-frame and to have them both arrive in the present – the NOW – at the same time. We've all been there and seen how even a minor injection of jackass can delay or even nullify an Event. Unless we're all on the same page, with the same view, and the same intent, our Event can show up at any time, for only a few minutes or spread out all over the place, rather than when needed, or not happen at all. Causing a few bazillion neutrinos to show up at the exact time as an Event we want on come common sense schedule is an exacting science: either you're exact or you're jackass! No exceptions to the rule. When we took apart a Cat-5 Hurricane – Earl – in late August and early September 2010, we knew the what, when and where, because it already existed. We also know the dates of scheduled Primary and General Elections – giving us a general idea of the WHEN, although some of those can change in the electoral process. We also have some idea of the WHERE, as the States hold their respective elections. By comparison, State elections are rather easy to locate … but we need to set Events and Opinions for times, dates and places we have no control over, some of which aren't even determined yet, and the rest being as government sees the necessity of the timing for their own ulterior ends. In other words, mostly unseen future. Within some limits, we know the general schedule of the Federal Reserve System, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US Supreme Court, et cetera. What we don't know is their actual agenda – other than all of them are hell bent on destroying the United States – especially which bills will be offered on the respective floors. Media Events are pretty much tied to the times, dates and places – some already scheduled, and most not. Major-Unexpected-Events are always without advance notice, especially earthquakes, first; volcanic eruptions, second,; and great storms, third; as they do get some coverage. Major accidents are always without prior notice. We generally have very little advance notice of political rallies, presidential speeches, required appearances of just about everybody in the limelight, and it is these very short-order Events we need to hammer the hardest and with the most effectiveness we can muster. And just because some Event is without notice doesn't mean we can't be somewhat prepared with our preferred public opinion, we're just not going to get as much results as we can with those Events we have a time, date and place for. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? And it damned well may be for anybody other than True and Righteous Akurians. And we should remember, CURRENT thinking and actions determine the FUTURE! Both are recorded in the Akashic Records – and properly prepared for, the planned event can be an excellent and infallible trigger to cause neutrinos to effect any given determination we place on them! Understand that, as its part of the WHAT we do to get WHAT we want without having to spend decades on end in trial and error timing tests. When we put the WHAT we want onto the WHO we want it for, we only need to tie their THINKING to our process – something we're going to do a bit later in this Session. Our process is rather simple considering the vast complexity of the conditions. But look at it this way, operating a television is rather simple compared to the complexities of the unit itself, the transmission systems from local antenna and cable to the satellites – both up and down links. We push a button and have almost instant access to what is happening anywhere and everywhere in our Solar System. We don't need all the parts specifications, how they work, how they are made, nor where they are in the combined systems to make a television deliver. We do THIS, and everything else in the system does THAT and everybody gets the same thing within a few seconds of each other. We're going to do pretty much the same thing with time and time-factor; and we're going to use neutrinos to do it. Before we go any farther, make sure you understand this process can be done with ANY Force, Energy or Matter IF YOU GIVE IT TIME to manifest. Set up some jackass thing that is going to take 10,000 years to manifest that you need immediately, and you are in for a 10,000-year wait and a total loss, if not total destruction, of your agenda. By the time your jackass manifests it will probably be a bigger disaster than the one you were trying to avoid or change! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Now, how do we do it? Here's the process in slow motion. We need to instruct neutrinos that are in the future to pass the NOW-Present at a specified time with the overwhelming of Forces and Energies of the opinion we have established. To repeat: The event we can create with simple Bodies of Light and Invocations – the opinion of anybody, be it one or five-billion, is quite another matter. We have to set an Event, then tie neutrinos – endowed with the opinion or perception we want – to the Event in the correct future time-frame and to have them both arrive in the present at the same time. Let me repeat that: We need to set our neutrinos in some future point to pass the NOW in the same time-frame as the Event we want to occur. It takes a lot of clear-minded preparation, and when done properly, is virtually infallible; the only chinks and mis-ques are the limitations we place on ourselves that in turn contaminates the process. And HOW FAR into the future must we begin to select neutrinos, as they are forever moving backwards in time? Glad you asked the question, because neutrinos are being created all the time, even in the NOW-present, and are instantly into the past never to return. Those, even though they exist by the untold bazillions, aren't much use to us except for sapping the Forces and Energies involved by simply damming up the flood. Like any dam, there is a limit to what it can hold without bursting; and the NOW-Present energies of a flying neutrino should be treated the same way. In short, get just ahead of it in time, that WHEN it's created, we sap all the energies it has and apply it immediately to whatever agenda or purpose we have it mind. In this case, some slightly farther distant future neutrinos. Because everything in creation has its own frequency – for want of a better term – that defines it and its properties, NOW-Present neutrino energies are perfect for binding, loosening and determining what FUTURE neutrinos are going to be like and what they do when they pass through the NOW-Present time-factor! Before we make those in-future determinations, we have some information to gather and some planning to do. To make things simple, we have to set priorities – specific priorities – as to what we're going to need, not necessarily what we want. To do that, set appropriate priorities, we have to gather as much information about where we are headed as a Planet as is available. Then we set the priorities as to which situation is the most critical – and start the information process all over again – to define the WHAT and WHEN and the general opinion we want at that time – the time of manifestation. WARNING! For those who don't have a real handle on how a Thermo-Nuclear detonation takes place, it's not by electronics, except for the firing mechanisms, nor is it a chemical reaction like in a common battery and growing as the process continues. It's a matter of sufficient IMPACT – kinetic energy – of one material hitting another with enough force to cause them to combine into a material that is virtually exothermic to the exclusion of everything else. Because the two materials are already emitting electrons (Radio Active) the process just goes ballistic. Were neutrinos not in a different time-dimension, the impact of just one would cause the entire planet to do the same thing, even though everything in the Earth Plane isn't Radio-Active; they have that much force-energy, mostly due to their speed. They are that dangerous to jackass around with, so to the fools who are going to do that anyway, "good riddance!" ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? If someone will take quick notes, let's set up of list of potential targets. We'll set the time-factor as appropriate when we determine the actual target priorities. We're going to limit ourselves – for this session – to individuals. Mass Media, for instance, is a multiplex of enormous numbers and we're not there yet. By the time we get a FULL MANIFESTATION from this Invocation and digest it to the point we can do it without further consideration, we'll be ready for multiplexes and damn their numbers. OK, single bodies only. Don't worry or consider their staff, employees, support or anything else: just the body in question. OBAMA For those who haven't verified the difference in the impact of neutrinos – and it's very slight and a very subtle sensory measurement – try it again until you can detect that extremely small change. You're never going to handle a neutrino until you can detect their impact. Now, make a new Body of Light from a Belly Ball, and discern it so you know exactly what it will feel like. Examine that Body of Light in extreme detail. Sense everything about it. Specifically anything and everything you normally put into YOUR OWN Bodies of Light. You are going to need that extra familiarity of Knowing – and Knowing as exacting as possible. Now, send it ONE MINUTE into the future; and we'll wait for everybody's to re-manifest once that minute has taken us through the NOW into the time of that one minute. Attach that Body of Light so it doesn't disappear into the past, we're going to need it. With that refresher, you are far more familiar with your Body of Light than ever required before, send it forward again into the future by exactly ONE MINUTE. We don't have time for 10,000-year excursions, so send it there and be ready to study it again for very subtle differences as it will have existed in the Realm of forward-time and neutrinos. Everybody got their BOL back? Note any differences, mostly a slighter cooling in temperature as the easiest expression to detect. Now the fun begins. Take this BOL and infuse it with neutrinos passing though the NOW, by directing them to and into your BOL just like you did when you made them dance. No more complicated than that. Note the very slight BRIGHTENING of your BOL. It's as if you had it on a dimmer-brightener control and very slightly turned up the light. Don't get off on any panic or soap-opera, it's a simple matter that YOU are in control of your BOL and a series of neutrinos passing through it. For all intents and purposes, you can select a point in the future and set the neutrinos to establish – or effect – a given thought, a mental recognition, upon their passing through the NOW. The problem is when acting as a Fire Team like we are now, everybody will have chosen a different point in forward time! So, while that will work as a solo Metaphysical Manifestation once you get the time-factor down to polished details – how far in the future do you set the neutrinos to manifest at what time in the NOW – as an uncoordinated Fire Team, it won't work because it's scattered all over the place. Getting the time-factor can be easy or an impossible nightmare. There are TWO ways of doing it; and both have advantages and disadvantages. The first DISadvantage is they will NOT work together; it's a one or the other choice and any contamination will then and there jackass the process because both are a Metaphysical and a Physical application. This is as good a time as any to put all Spiritual Processes into one bucket: Jackass will get you one of two things; an absolute zero of what you intended, or a total disaster upon your own head. In dealing with time-factor and neutrinos it just gets a whole lot more definite. Lets get the TWO time-factor processes understood. The first, is to set a future date in which you will charge the neutrinos and let them happen when-the-hell ever as they come into and pass through the NOW. The second, and the hardest, is to set a NOW date, and charge the appropriate time-factor neutrinos in the future – which requires an exacting time frame. That future exacting time frame can be a real nightmare to make manifest in a pre-set NOW time and date. It can be done, but it's the biggest trial-and-error process of your existence. By using the first process, we might not KNOW the exact hour and date, but manifest is sure and certain IF (1) the BOLs and neutrinos have been properly charged and (2) there isn't any jackass! Make no mistake, neutrinos will pack as much stupidity into your ass as they will hard manifestation. They neither know, understand nor care, they simply obey – when properly charged by those who possess the Firepower. A bit more rehearsal. We're going to send our BOLs into the future, linked with each other, first, to test the maintenance of the links we made before sending them into the future; and second to attempt to discern the very subtle difference the time-factor neutrinos have made in them. Akurians, link up your BOLs, just like a "paws up" but with the BOLs. Now, everybody, on my command, send your OWN BOL one minute into the future. No jackassing! When the one minute is expired, discern your BOL upon its re-emergence – to detect if it's still linked as it was when you sent it. If not, WHO did you lose? It's critical that we do this WITHOUT losing anybody. On my command: Akurians, send your BOL one minute into the future; on my mark: Three, two, one – Fire! We'll count down the minute. Pay close attention when your BOL emerges. Can you detect any BRIGHTNESS in your re-emerged BOL? If not, you're doing something wrong. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? Another dry-run rehearsal: Until we can get a sustained link AND a brighter BOL, we're going nowhere – time-factor is damned near infinitely exacting and will NOT adjust to suit our incompetence. Again set your BOL, on my command send it into the future for exactly one minute: same drill. When the minute has expired, the BOL will reappear – discern it for BRIGHTNESS and the maintained link. Ready. On my command: Akurians, three, two, one – Fire! We'll count down the minute, and your BOL should emerge, still linked as when you sent it. One more time, and we should be ready to establish a neutrino time-factor. Re-establish the link as you had it before, and send it forward one minute on my command. Ready, Akurians, three, two, one – Fire! Counting the minute down. Everybody got a better unison? We'd better hope so, or this attempt is going to fall flat on our ass. What we are going to do is link our BOLs, send them into the future for an undetermined time-frame manifestation – and leave them there, still linked to guide the charged neutrinos. Now let's take THE previously determined victim. What thought-option do we want for this socialist bastard? Now, what do we KNOW the bastard is going to do – so we can trigger off it? EXCELLENT: Let's get it determined, so I can write the Invocation process. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? On my command: We are going to make OUR BOLs merge into ONE BOL and take on the personality and consciousness of OBAMA! We're going link our BOLs, change them to become OBAMA, charge them with our established conditions; and send them into the time-factor to exactly 0100HRS ZULU, Monday, June 13th, 2011 – corresponding to 9:PM EDT, Sunday, June 12th, 2011. Now note, we are NOT welding this in steel to happen at that date and time, we are setting our BOL to follow OBAMA and gather all neutrinos that come into existence from that date and time to be manifest in any given NOW whenever OBAMA makes any nationally-directed comment. And how will that be determined? Simple. OBAMA has got to plan and prepare, we are not going to interfere with that. When OBAMA does the THINKING, it will establish the exacting manifestation in the future and the Akashic Records – when that is established, the Spirits of Time will escort the event into and through the NOW. So we don't have to know exactly when OBAMA will shoot that lying mouth off, as whenever that time is – will become the trigger for all the thought-opinion forces we've charged all the neutrinos in existence when passing through the NOW. We're going to tie the bastard in the future – and let it manifest on OBAMA's own schedule. Done right, there is no escape. Done jackass and there is no result! Except the possibility of your own disaster. When OBAMA makes any nationally-directed comment; all neutrinos passing through the NOW shall establish this irrevocable thought into every consciousness – whether exposed to the comment or not: "I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE DECEPTION! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE MANIPULATION! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE HIGH TREASON! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS TO YOUR DETRIMENT!" ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? On my command: Akurians, call up the Being of OBAMA; Charge your BOL in unison, On my command: Body of Light, Body of Light: you are now OBAMA and shall remain so until OBAMA is destroyed! Repeat with me to charge your converted BOL: "I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE DECEPTION! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE MANIPULATION! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS DELIBERATE HIGH TREASON! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS A LIE! I AM OBAMA, MY EVERY WORD IS TO YOUR DETRIMENT!" Release OBAMA … Akurians, send your charged and linked BOLs to exactly this hour, 0100HRS ZULU, Monday, June 13th, 2011. Akurians, leave your BOLs – still linked – to retain the thought-option. Akurians, stand down. Now the Main Gates of Hell are about to burst on OBAMA's ass – and it couldn't happen to a more-deserving bastard! What we can expect, and we need to watch the news to catch it, is OBAMA opening mouth and nothing but perceived damned lies coming out – even if OBAMA is actually speaking the truth! From this point until late next Sunday evening, we need not concern ourselves with anything OBAMA has to say about anything – because nobody is going to believe one damned word – and they are going to be very angry and very vocal about it, because they have to be. Everybody will see OBAMA as a knowing damned liar about everything – especially those things that are set to deliberately hurt them for no other reason than to rule over them with an iron hand to inflict as much pain, suffering and misery as possible. If we don't see any hard and fast result, we know somebody jackassed. Period. No exceptions. This same process can be used unlimited times as long as the procedure is not varied. When done individually on personal targets, the process is exactly the same and won't vary regardless of how much we would like to set a specific NOW date and time. We can eventually do that, but it takes scads of trial and error practice, so don't set up any endeavors than take more than about a week, unless you intend to wait until you've forgotten what the hell you did at the outset. Leave the invocation alone – don't tamper with it at all – even in conversation as some did NOT totally disconnect as instructed and it will take a few hours for the physical-body link to the BOL to dissolve. Just ask procedural questions and leave any and all details about OBAMA and the invocation alone. Period. The time-factor we're going to work on next is just about everything we want to happen within the next 100 years or so; and maintained from there until Shiloh. No, we're not going to jump into that tonight. ARE THERE ANY PROCEDURAL QUESTIONS?