BINDING AND LOOSENING 23 May 2011 - 19 Iyyar 5771 Firing Officer: Guests, please remain in attendance and join us where you can. Intruders and One World Government monitors BEWARE, your Eternal Soul is hereby condemned and without appeal except to the Supreme Lord of all High Lords, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That is Called by The Name of God. Note of Supreme Importance: the Holy Seraphim and Holy Cherubim are Invoked for the sole and exclusive purpose of INFORMING THEM of our Invocation of Testimony – they will not otherwise respond. Blue Swords, man your Battle Stations. YESHAMA DELIAH! (yeh-SHA-ma de-LIE-ah On my/our Authority) ASUM DE AL HMONGA! (as-UM de al who-Mon-Ga All energies hear me/us) Akurians, on my Command: Make FOUR separate appropriate color Belly Balls, placing them in their respective Quadrant; East - Blue, South - Red, West - White, and North - Purple. Ascend in your own Spirit with all FOUR Belly Balls into the Planes of Heaven: HATHOR … HASTERAH … HESTERAH … IDEAH … HAKARMAH … HASANNAH. Akurians, charge your Belly Balls: AKASHA – AIR – FIRE – WATER – EARTH Akurians, you do not need either a Sun Link nor Black Fire. Repeat with me: My Own I Am Consciousness, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH; My Own I Am Consciousness, be now cognizant of each and every Nefilim; My Own I Am Consciousness, be now cognizant of each and every Demon; wherever they are, whatever they are doing; My Own I Am Consciousness, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and bind now each and every Nefilim and each and every Demon with each and every Force, each and every Energy and each and every Power that they continue not nor succeed in any endeavor against the True and Righteous Akurians; My Own I Am Consciousness, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and loosen now upon each and every Nefilim and each and every Demon each and every Force of Pure Righteousness, each and every Energy of Pure Righteousness and each and every Power of True Righteousness that they continue not nor succeed in any endeavor against the True and Righteous Akurians. And spare them not! Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind Obama, US House and US Senate Supporters and all their fellows to be here and now imprisoned for all their crimes against the House of Joseph and all the Akurians in Israel; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi and all their fellows to be here and now imprisoned forever for all their crimes against the House of Joseph and all the Akurians in Israel; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind the US House, US Senate, and the entire Judicial Branch of Government to here and now imprison Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi and all their fellows for all their crimes against the House of Joseph and all the Akurians in Israel; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind Democrats, Socialists and all their fellows to be stripped of all monies for all their crimes against the House of Joseph and all the Akurians in Israel; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every moon, and all the distant stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind each and every United States citizen and all their fellows to reject, repel and repeal all socialism; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now bind each and every United States citizen and all their fellows to demand the Constitution be obeyed as the Supreme Law in the House of Joseph and all the Akurians in Israel.; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies, Powers and Demons of Death and Destitution to consume all socialists and all their fellows; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies, Powers and Demons of Death and Deprivation to be upon Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi and all their fellows; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies, Powers and Demons of Destruction to consume all who support socialism and all their fellows; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies and Powers that Absolute Truth be hidden from none and accepted by all; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies and Powers that Absolute Truth be known and made public of every element of government; Akurians, be now cognizant of each and every Sun, each and every Moon, and all the distant Stars, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and here and now loosen all the Forces, Energies and Powers that Absolute Recognition of the Akurians as all Righteous Power and Holy Authority. Akurians, detach your Belly Balls and leave them, they will merge of their own volition. Akurians, prepare to descend the Planes of Heaven: Akurians, on my command: … HATHOR … HASTERAH … HESTERAH … IDEAH … HAKARMAH … HASANNAH … VOAN KESLATA, PZNIONA BHSAT! (vone (I have spoken before the Lord, and He has heard.) kes-la-tah (That which the Lord hears must also be truth and righteous.) piz-now-ona (All is of the Lord as is inscribed.) beh-shat (Completed in the Forever. / As it is spoken, so it is done!) Blue Swords, Stand Down.