THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #1 0111 ""Fear not the Knowledge of Truth save (except) that which is not of your own knowing. For as Knowledge is power so Truth is Righteous, bringing Freedom concerning all things. For all suffering is of ignorance. Therefore, be not deceived by that which is of long standing and much expounded and is yet false. 0112 ""But be wise and prudent that Knowledge before you shall be recognized, for True Knowledge cannot be hidden from the True Righteous. Yea! It is the Wise and Prudent who know My Holy Ways and obey them."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #2 0262 ""Be not disciplined into the abominations and ignorances of your fathers, who walked after other Gods and reveled in the viles of those profanities and those corruptions. For if they were converted to demons by the sword, they profaned themselves unto Eternal Damnation in exchange for but little continuance. Because My Truth was not in them, they fell to the violence and the evil and lost their souls. 0263 ""All are sent unto trial, and those who will not retain me are not worthy of me nor of My Righteousness. 0264 ""For if they were of My Righteousness, they would not have been weak unto the will of the demons, but armed in the day and armed in the night: for the demons and the sons of demons are at all hours."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #3 0467 ""I am not in need of any to serve me, nor will I mourn the everlasting passing of those who do not. 0468 ""I am of great joy of all who serve me, and their adventure into Great Mysteries shall never cease."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #4 0536 ""Lo! The Terror by Night walks alive upon the whole earth and I will not restrain it. For man walks in all the ways of evil and abomination. Thus have I given the Arrow that flies by Day into the hand of the Terror by Night that the vile and corrupt who even unawares offend My True Servants shall not escape their earned damnation. 0537 ""And when the whole earth is filled with only the Righteous, the Terror by Night shall walk alive upon the whole earth and I will not restrain it. And there shall be no evil for the Terror by Night to punish."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #5 0604 ""For as man is assembled of the material of the stars, unto the stars shall I send him."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #6 0646 ""Behold! The Demons of Destruction of the Soul are gathered together under their own ensign (christian cross), even the Emblem of Death! 0647 ""Therefore, enter not into that place (christian churches) where the Emblem of Death is established, for that death is certain and without escape. 0648 ""Therefore, neither hear nor heed the word that comes forth from that place where the Emblem of Death is established, for that word is deception unto destruction and without escape. Because My Truth is not in them do they spare not to prohibit My Truth from all others! 0649 ""Therefore, tithe not My Holy Due unto that place where the Emblem of Death is established, neither unto any who enter that place, nor unto any venture of that place, for My Holy Due may not be profaned without inciting Me to anger and great wrath. 0650 ""But fear not for the dead who are buried under the Emblem of Death not of their own choosing, but remove the Emblem of Death that the body thereof be again at peace with its soul."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #7 0761 ""Only a fool is offended at knowing the Truth about themselves! Only a fool burns in Hell for perpetuating the sins of their fathers! And only a fool perpetuates any lie as a Righteous Truth!"" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #8 0843 ""In every hand of man and in every hand of woman there is testimony. And that testimony cannot be profaned, for it is a testimony of My Holy Due. 0844 ""For My Holy Due in the hand of any not of Me is a blasphemy before Me, both of the recipient and the giver thereof. 0845 ""If My Own Chosen Priests are true unto all My Holy Law, then My Holy Due in their hand is testimony for both My Own Chosen Priests and the tither thereof, and both are Righteous before Me. 0846 ""If My Own Chosen Priests are not true unto all My Holy Law, then My Holy Due in their hand is testimony against both My Own Chosen Priests and the tither thereof, and both are unrighteous before Me. 0847 ""If My Own Chosen Priests are not true unto all My Holy Law, then My Holy Due in the hand of My Own Holy Anointeds and My True Proven Knowers after them is testimony against My Own Chosen Priests, and testimony for the tither thereof. 0848 ""For My Own Holy Anointeds and My True Proven Knowers are of earned Righteousness before Me, and My Holy Due in their hand has brought the same earned Righteousness upon the tither thereof as the earned Righteousness of My Own Holy Anointeds and My True Proven Knowers."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #9 0893 ""I have opened all the Heavens, and I will not close any of the Depths."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #10 0971 ""That which I have done, I have done. That which I have established, I have established. That which I have given, I have given. 0972 ""That which I have done, shall not be undone. That which I have established shall not be removed. That which I have given, shall not be changed. 0973 ""All that I have brought forth, I have brought forth for good cause and for true reason. 0974 ""And all that I have brought forth that has been polluted is a profanity before Me, and I shall not excuse that soul who shall have profaned anything I have done, or who shall have desecrated anything I have established, or who shall have made a lie of anything I have given."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #11 1147 ""Of all the Promised Children of Abraham, which have become the most vile? The Levites unto whom was delivered perpetual direct communication with me and defiled it for a farthing? The Judeans unto whom was delivered the Septre of the Promised Birthright of the Children of Abraham and made it an abomination in My Sight and in the sight of all men? The Ishmaelites unto whom was delivered great wealth to prosper all the tribes, peoples and nations of the world and squandered it bringing death upon the innocent by violence and blaspheme? 1148 ""In That Day I will separate those vile from the rest and their burning shall be as furious and long lasting as My Eternal Wrath."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #12 1247 ""Hear all who have life: For you are not beyond My Cognizance nor beyond My Holy Law! And for thus I Ordained the Priests of Righteousness (on earth, the Israelite Tribe of Levi) among you to keep and to teach My Holy Law, that in all the Damnations, the Righteous and the Perfect shall not perish. 1248 ""Therefore, be Righteous and Perfect before Me, for I have given unto you to be Righteous and Perfect before me, even as I have given unto My Holy Ones among you. 1249 ""Among you are many of Evil, some of demons, some of lust for power, some of greed, all seeking a vain glory. Be not counted among the Evil, for they are a Testimony against themselves and a profanity unto My Creation. By this sign shall you know your own station: if My Truth be not in you, great anger shall consume you at the presence of any other who shall make My Truth known; Yea, great anger toward My Holy Anointed and Elect Ones and toward all who are become My True Proven Knowers. By this sign shall you know yourself. 1250 ""Among you are many demons, changing My Holy Law and My Holy Word into that which is vile and which is Evil; perpetrating abominations in My Sight: forcing their precepts of Me and My Holy Law by the sword upon others; which thing I have said not to do lest the soul be driven from Me because of the deception. Be not counted among those who bring religion forced at the point of the sword, for all such are a Testimony against themselves and an abomination unto all Pure and True Spirits. 1251 ""Among you are many of Righteousness, some of My Own Appointment, some of lust for Truth, some of earned Knowledge, and all seeking a True Glory. Be counted among the Righteous, for they are a Testimony against all Evil and a pleasure unto My Soul. 1252 ""Unto you I have made many Stations, both High Servient and Low Servient, and unto all I have given to be Righteous and Perfect before Me."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #13 1341 ""Of all the living creatures I have created, My Own Holy Anointeds are dearest unto Me, because My Own Holy Anointeds are My Own Holy Anointeds by their own earned right. 1342 ""Therefore, are they My Kings of Righteousness in all My Creation, and My Lords of Justice in all My Judgments. 1343 ""For My Own Holy Anointeds are worthy of their own selves, and not because I made them any provision above any other living creature. 1344 ""Therefore, are they My True Sons."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #14 1404 ""The ears of the fool are open to every word from the Demons of Socialism and their Doctrines of Death, and closed to every word of Righteous Truth for righteousness is not comfortable to the ignorant, the vile or the corrupt."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #15 1832 ""Lo! I am a Great Lord of Great Hosts (Supreme Commander of many Armies) and I am of hard discipline in all My Holy Ways. My Ways are not the ways of war and death and destruction. But Lucifer and all his minions (including 'christians' from the Pope all the way down) have greatly offended in all the ways they are able in war and death and destruction. 1833 ""Lo! In the last generations I shall send forth My Daughters of Akuria, dressed in their Skirts of War, against Lucifer and all his minions; and against My Daughters of Akuria none can stand."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #16 1908 ""I am the God of Great Knowledge, and I have given that all Knowledge should be known, and all Knowledge be comprehended. 1909 ""Therefore, whosoever shall profess that I have forbidden any Knowledge to be comprehended is a liar before Me. 1910 ""But if a soul will not know, the ignorance and destruction of that soul by that ignorance is upon that soul alone. 1911 ""Therefore, because the Truth is not in them they permit not the Truth from any other!"" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #17 1982 ""Behold! The Daughters of Elisha are without evil, without vanity, and are unimpressed with silly women and crowing men. They are the Dread of Night and the Horror of Day unto all who practice iniquity or abuse, for in the night their souls are constantly in account before My Beloved Elisha, and in the day their souls are constantly in account against all manner of evil and the sources thereof. 1983 ""Therefore, offend any in the sight or learning of any Daughter of Elisha at your own eternal peril, for they are without mercy in the face of evil."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #18 2083 ""Because I am Forever, so shall the punishment be upon all those who profane Me and violate My Holy Law!"" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #19 2291 ""Yea! Though atrocities come by conspiracies and powers and authorities of governments and religions to inflict and defile the tribes, the peoples and the nations, the responsibility for one's own soul is upon their own head! And though atrocities come by conspiracies and powers and authorities of governments and religions, all are of instigations by individuals, and the whole of all the iniquities thereof shall I account upon those same individuals' heads! 2292 ""Nay! None shall escape their own responsibilities, and none who refuse their own responsibilities shall escape My Wrath and My Own Damnation! For they have brought My Wrath and My Own Damnation upon their own head!"" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #20 2576 ""When I created all Creation I created Akasha – room to exist – and there is place in Akasha for all and for everything I have created. In all of Akasha there is no place where My Holy Law is exempt or nonexistent. Therefore, in all that you do, wheresoever you shall do it, know that My Holy Law prevails to determine whether that which is done or left undone is of Righteousness or of Evil."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #21 2695 ""The ears that are closed to My Voice of Righteousness are deaf unto Eternal Death and Damnation of its own self and upon its own head."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #22 2789 ""I have created you to be a Spirit of Great Freedom before Me. That you be a Spirit of Great Freedom before Me, I have given unto you My Holy Law. 2790 ""That My Holy Law be your guide, and your wisdom, and the strength of your generations after you, I have given you exemption to slay as the Demons of Socialism shall require of you to bring upon their heads. 2791 ""For the Demons of Socialism are exceedingly devious, and merciless unto the death upon all who will slay them not. For My Truth is not in them, thus they spare not to prohibit My Truth from all men."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #23 3140 ""I have spoken unto each and every living entity in the very instant I created it unto life. Therefore, none are ignorant of Me or of My Voice! 3141 ""Therefore, My Testimony unto any soul can neither be denied nor counterfeited."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #24 3334 ""There are weapons of war in all My Holy Realms, but none so destructive as the Curse of Curses pronounced by anyone of True Righteousness save (except) an unjustified curse pronounced by anyone not Righteous upon anyone who is of True Righteousness. Therefore, the sure and certain destruction of each and every enemy of My Beloved Anointeds and their True Proven Knowers is without question."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #25 3504 ""Hear and know the lies and deceptions of the Demons of Socialism; for they expound much of toleration, until they are empowered of the fools, whom they tolerate not! 3505 ""Hear the lies and deceptions of toleration at your own peril, for there is never any ending of that which exudes of their toleration. Were there no toleration of violation of My Holy Law there would be no need of any other toleration. 3506 ""Slay not the Demons of Socialism at your own peril, for whosoever is possessed of the Demons of Socialism is possessed of their own self, and their destruction is upon their own head."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #26 3565 ""What manner of prayer is this, where you are consumed with want, bereft of knowledge and devoid of vision? Yea! You seek me only in your need and troubles, and not as My Beloved Akurians who pray but once! Yea, My Beloved Akurians whose every breath is a living prayer of True Service unto Me! Therefore, I hear not scheduled and vain repetitions of the vile and the vain, for I hear only the continuous single prayer of My Beloved Akurians: their every thought and their every deed of every breath as they live!"" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #27 3594 ""I am not willing that any should perish. 3595 ""But I have prepared Myself for My loss of many sons and many daughters. 3596 ""Therefore, have I required the Head of the House to put to death by their own hand each and every offending soul thereof; spouse, son, daughter, sister, brother, mother or father that shall make themselves a profanity unto Me; that every soul should know My loss at their own destruction."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #28 3652 ""There are none so damned as those who will not hear the Voice of Righteousness. 3653 ""Therefore, I have given Testimony Irrefutable unto every soul that they know My Voice of Righteousness among them, and avoid all Evil. 3654 ""Therefore, have I required every soul to know My Voice of Righteousness, even those whom I have taught out of My Own Mouth."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #29 3815 ""The fool and the follower of fools always wear the countenance of a clown, hoping to impress other fools with their self-important knowledge, programmed ignorance and nonexistent wisdom, while in their solitude they dread and condemn their very existence and hate the truly wise with a vengeance."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #30 3912 ""Hear the socialist at your own peril, for they are the Voice of Death and all subjugation. 3913 ""Follow the socialist at your own peril, for they walk the Paths of Damnation unto themselves and all who will abide them. 3914 ""Slay not the socialist at your own peril, for howsoever long the socialist shall live, you and your charges after you are in danger of your very existence."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #31 3993 ""I did not create the Eternal Burning Depths because of want to torture, but as a place of justice for those who love and practice evil."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #32 4074 ""I am a God whose patience is long unto all who seek to know Me and seek to obey My Holy Law. And I am a God without patience unto all who seek to make My Holy Law to none effect and who seek to destroy My Holy Ones. 4075 ""Though I permit them until their iniquity is full, it is because I so provisioned such in My Holy Law which they seek to profane."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #33 4106 ""I am a God of Law, and a God of Good Order. 4107 ""Therefore, arm yourselves with good slaying weapons, and self-discipline, that none deprive you of any good Freedom I have established. 4108 ""Permit none to dictate anything, lest the socialist deprive you of everything."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #34 4244 ""I am a God of Great Strength and a God of Great Knowledge. I am not a God of Great Weakness nor a God of Great Ignorance. Therefore, arm yourself, that you not be denied any Truth nor any Freedom. 4245 ""For whosoever has disarmed you has made you weak and deprived you of all Truth and all Freedom."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #35 4308 ""Because the Nefilim (Watchers) betrayed man whom they made, and cause man to betray man even unto this day, will I deliver unending grief and eternal damnation upon the Nefilim and all who follow their ways of evil and abomination."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #36 4378 ""The demons who infest the soul are likened unto the poor: Lo, you have them always among you. And the demon-possessed are demon-possessed even as the poor are poor, because they turn not from the abominations and ignorances of their fathers."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #37 4441 ""Though My Sons come to present themselves before Me, none ventures into My Presence without fear and trembling. 4442 ""For I am not a God of weakness, nor a God of any toleration of any violation of My Own Holy Law."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #38 5068 ""I have given eyes that all should see all things. 5069 ""Therefore, with the eyes I have given, see all things. Look not, and you shall see not. See not, and you shall be deceived, for the Demons of Socialism are Masters of Deceit and Masters of Wholesale Murder."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #39 5622 ""In your patience, possess your souls. 5623 ""For the demons dwell in the Temples of Death and in all the Offices of Government. Therefore, is your own soul in your own hands to be accounted upon your own head. 5624 ""It is not given unto any other to deliver any soul unto Me save their own; thus, My Salvation is not of any other, but of the soul itself. 5625 ""I, The Most High Lord of Spirits, am all salvation."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #40 7027 ""Woe to the Harlots of Babylon, for they have defiled themselves with semen not as the seed of their fathers, and taken unto themselves men of lesser origin, and brought forth soulless children to pollute all righteous lineage. Woe to the Whoremongers of Babylon, for they have defiled themselves with women not of the lineage of their fathers, and taken unto themselves women without morals, and brought forth soulless children in a vain attempt to expel My Wrath for their desecrations. 7028 ""Woe to the fools who shall reason among themselves against Me and My Holy Law with grand sounding idiocies and all manner of vile pollutions, for My Holy Law includes My Unalterable Word and My Unending Wrath and I will not change any of it."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #41 7339 ""Shout among yourselves as much as you wish; whine and moan your agonies until the lack of breath consumes you; pray and invoke every name under heaven until all your strength is exhausted; clang your instruments until the whole of you are in frenzy; light every candle, burn every incense, ring every bell, dress in every costume, and all of it shall avail you nothing of True Spirit. In your hypocrisies attend every gathering; agree with every word from the self-appointeds; gossip until your wagging tongues are stiff with use; mock and denigrate the poor and the weak until they flee from your presence in preference to endure their hunger than your self-righteousness; deliver My Holy Due into unrighteous hands until they cannot carry it, and none of it shall avail you one twit of True Spirit. 7340 ""For all these things are of the religions of man and are nothing of True Spirit. 7341 ""Yea! True Spirit is of Me and My Holy Law and of the many Realms of My Creation, the Heavens above the Earth, the far reaches of Earth, and all the Depths beneath all the Earth where suffering is ordained and escape is impossible. Therefore, bring even your little ones into understanding of Me and My Holy Law and My Righteous Ones among you."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #42 7539 ""Respecting all the Lodges – whether of the Wilds (nature) or of the Guilds (crafts) or of the Harlot – I saw all their secrets and the nature of them in their very beginning and I spoke My Curse upon all of them, "Because you gather not save (except) against My Akurians, I shall make your graves a dung hill and you shall remain thereunder as a diseased dog without eyes in your burning forever!" Therefore, wheresoever you shall find the grave of any of the Lodges, neither deface nor in any manner destroy anything thereof, but urinate and defecate thereupon and around about as you will; that I be fulfilled. And in That Day I shall account it unto you as Righteousness."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #43 7831 ""The Fool has said in his own heart, "There is no god." The Prudent has said in his own heart, "Whence came all these marvels save from a Perfect Mind." The Wise has said in their own heart, "All is Majesty that comes with The Testimony of The Most High upon him." 7832 ""Condemned are the Fools, taught are the Prudent, and foreverlasting are the Wise."" THUS SAITH THE MOST HIGH! #44 8224 ""Unto every soul there is a recognition. Even a recognition that creation exists, light and shadow, time and distance, male is male and female is female, life and death, seen and unseen Awesome Powers and Great Mysteries. And all of it a Divine Purpose with Teachers of Truth and Righteousness to reveal the glories thereof and the accesses thereto.""